Is this a reference to something or just a cut off comment?
I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the Trail of Tears. AKA that time the American Military started a campaign of genocide against the Native Americans to make room for white Americans. Because Manifest Destiny.

edit: ...well it seems my comment stirred-up some shit. My bad, thought it was a historical reference, not an in-story lore reference.
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Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful
I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the Trail of Tears. AKA that time the American Military started a campaign of genocide against the Native Americans to make room for white Americans. Because Manifest Destiny.
Wow... you actually don't see the problem with illdefined, blanket term 'Native American' being used to lump hundreds/thousands of different tribes together into one oppressed block of innocent murder hobos. Funny how no one told the Cherokee they were the Apache and the Micmac all along.

Of course them moving into a new area and wiping out those nasty grotesque moon-eyed people of legend is just proof of their superior native American-ness. That Welsh Prince never should have dared build those hillforts in the 11-12 hundreds before the real actual natives could move in there so screw them.

Funny how they of North America never got past the stone age tech they took from those red headed, light skinned European's during the last major ice age. Showing up later makes them the natives... somehow.

Seriously, why is it okay when everyone who isn't white does the exact same things? Its like that weird thing were people keep insisting Austrilia is a myth as white people aren't black enough to have ever been enslaved. That country was founded on debt slaves.
Is this a reference to something or just a cut off comment?

I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the Trail of Tears. AKA that time the American Military started a campaign of genocide against the Native Americans to make room for white Americans. Because Manifest Destiny.
Good God what the fuck? No?!

It's an oblique reference to The Empire Of Tears, a multi-galactic webway of sentient Warpstorms and manifested Great Old One's and primordial Demons and Faerie Rakshasa Lords unrestrained in their obsession and cruelty, an empire of perversion via Unreality of such scale even Dream Of The Endless cried blood during its reign of limitless competing sovereignties over Is and Is Not.

To be clear, we are talking monsters that would forcibly make the dogmatically-evil New Gods of Darkseid's Anti-life-obsessed-version of Apokalips unironically become Jesus-tier Saviors, if they had even been around at that time.

The Maltusians, Controllers and Guardians and the rest of the factions, even Kronos, unified one last time to contain and dismantle and permanently de-create the Empire Of Tears, and sealed away the universal expression of the magic field in the process, leaving only Dream-rich worlds with any magic at all, and many of those were destroyed by the Guardians whenever one showed clear signs that the Tears might be using one as a gateway back into The Real.

Even Hell is contractually bound to deny the return of the Empire of Tears, and all the lords of Hell, even the First Of The Fallen, deny any shared association with The Five (actually Four) Inversions, the last survivors of The Empire Of Tears within the Real.
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The Maltusians, Controllers and Guardians and the rest of the factions, even Kronos, unified one last time to contain and dismantle and permanently de-create the Empire Of Tears, and sealed away the universal expression of the magic field in the process, leaving only Dream-rich worlds with any magic at all, and many of those were destroyed by the Guardians whenever one showed clear signs that the Tears might be using one as a gateway back into The Real.
It should be noted that even though the Guardians/Controllers/etc... were right in purging the Empire of Tears from existence, they were also the ones who caused it to come into existence when their automated police force of Manhunters inevitably went rogue and wiped out all life in sector 666. As per standard Oan policy, the steps are:
  1. Stick your nose in places that would be better off without you "for their own good".
  2. Bodge it up royally and make everything horrible forever.
  3. Cover it up and pretend really hard that it never happened, it wasn't you, they can't prove anything.
Step 3 usually involves a LOT of murder/genocide.
It should be noted that even though the Guardians/Controllers/etc... were right in purging the Empire of Tears from existence, they were also the ones who caused it to come into existence when their automated police force of Manhunters inevitably went rogue and wiped out all life in sector 666. As per standard Oan policy, the steps are:
  1. Stick your nose in places that would be better off without you "for their own good".
  2. Bodge it up royally and make everything horrible forever.
  3. Cover it up and pretend really hard that it never happened, it wasn't you, they can't prove anything.
Step 3 usually involves a LOT of murder/genocide.

Huh, I had forgotten about that entirely.

Which does remind me of why the four inversions are left alive as a seal on the Tears, they are also the living key to a time loop hosting the Tear's unreality steady with existence, they are the knot that holds the hang man's noose into shape, which is why they seduced Atrocitus into their number: once Atrocitus became enough like the Four to kill the Four, the long forestalled prophecies of the Tear's return would finally be released from the shackles of the Guardians.
Stop: Rule 2: Racism isn't acceptable on SV
Wow... you actually don't see the problem with illdefined, blanket term 'Native American' being used to lump hundreds/thousands of different tribes together into one oppressed block of innocent murder hobos. Funny how no one told the Cherokee they were the Apache and the Micmac all along.

Of course them moving into a new area and wiping out those nasty grotesque moon-eyed people of legend is just proof of their superior native American-ness. That Welsh Prince never should have dared build those hillforts in the 11-12 hundreds before the real actual natives could move in there so screw them.

Funny how they of North America never got past the stone age tech they took from those red headed, light skinned European's during the last major ice age. Showing up later makes them the natives... somehow.

Seriously, why is it okay when everyone who isn't white does the exact same things? Its like that weird thing were people keep insisting Austrilia is a myth as white people aren't black enough to have ever been enslaved. That country was founded on debt slaves.
rule 2: racism isn't acceptable on sv
This inexplicable rant about how Native Americans are primitives and....murdered the welsh??? is unacceptable. Insisting that someone pointing out the Trail of Tears is a racist agglomeration of all Native American People rather than a brief description of a historical event is also unacceptable.

I don't think I'd actually trust Diana's judgement about men, she ran away from home to shack up with the first guy she met, whenever Supes goes off the deep end or just otherwise decides to let his inner Stalin out she's right at his side, and it's not uncommon for her to have romantic feelings for Batman who's low-key kinda insane.
I don't think I'd actually trust Diana's judgement about men, she ran away from home to shack up with the first guy she met, whenever Supes goes off the deep end or just otherwise decides to let his inner Stalin out she's right at his side, and it's not uncommon for her to have romantic feelings for Batman who's low-key kinda insane.
OG bondage superheroine written by a male author who turns into a stereotypical pretty arm woman for a 'strong male' character when convenient for plot in most DC comics... this is something they actually seem to be aware of and continue to do anyway, so...? I don't know. I don't really read DC comics much anymore, so they might be doing better about how they portray Wonder Woman in more recent comics. I honestly have no clue.
OG bondage superheroine written by a male author who turns into a stereotypical pretty arm woman for a 'strong male' character when convenient for plot in most DC comics... this is something they actually seem to be aware of and continue to do anyway, so...? I don't know. I don't really read DC comics much anymore, so they might be doing better about how they portray Wonder Woman in more recent comics. I honestly have no clue.

wonder woman never had as immediately noticeable a personality as batman or superman, mostly because writers doent know how to use her

i mean really almost every other character in DC has more personality, or at least a more noticeable ones did i miss? Seriously how did we get from "Blood Knight demon flirting with magitech robot gamer in the post/pre/current apocalypse" to a weird ass racist rant about native americans that seems to imply they jsut secretely stole all their tech from vikings and then never did anything else? did i miss? Seriously how did we get from "Blood Knight demon flirting with magitech robot gamer in the post/pre/current apocalypse" to a weird ass racist rant about native americans that seems to imply they jsut secretely stole all their tech from vikings and then never did anything else?

I don't even know. I'd just suggest ignoring it and moving on.

I don't think I'd actually trust Diana's judgement about men, she ran away from home to shack up with the first guy she met, whenever Supes goes off the deep end or just otherwise decides to let his inner Stalin out she's right at his side, and it's not uncommon for her to have romantic feelings for Batman who's low-key kinda insane.

She's a warrior woman. Getting all hot and bothered for warrior men.

Unfortunately, warriors and statecraft tend to mix like fire and oil.

wonder woman never had as immediately noticeable a personality as batman or superman, mostly because writers doent know how to use her

i mean really almost every other character in DC has more personality, or at least a more noticeable ones

But if someone can write her decently, she has a fantastic potential to be a strong female character that doesn't follow the normal trends. She's a warrior first and foremost, princess second and definitely not a 'modern' one either.
Might be continuing the derailment of the thread and I'm Not a expert on the Native American culture as a whole, but weren't they in basically their own dark ages? And the remaining Aztec civilization was basically razed by the Spanish or something? I know that the various nations and tribes of pre-Columbian American history where advanced af and not stone aged like many might think.

Honestly if they had different animals and all that stuff alongside resources their civilization could harvest before they needed to do a whole tinker loop of "you need the tools to make the tools" ect their civilizations would of more then likely surpassed Rome at their height
But if someone can write her decently, she has a fantastic potential to be a strong female character that doesn't follow the normal trends. She's a warrior first and foremost, princess second and definitely not a 'modern' one either.
Al could most certainly give her the ability to attract and control small, fuzzy woodland creatures by singing to them...
Honestly if they had different animals and all that stuff alongside resources their civilization could harvest before they needed to do a whole tinker loop of "you need the tools to make the tools" ect their civilizations would of more then likely surpassed Rome at their height
Porb better to drop the subject to avoid a derail, if you want a better understanding of what we know of pre-Columbus american cultures i recommend chekcing out Overly Sarcastic Productions and CGPGrey on youtube.
let's go on a more related tangent.

what else do you think alchemist can grab in the Dc setting without needing to buy from game store to become a 40K ctan void dragon? did i miss? Seriously how did we get from "Blood Knight demon flirting with magitech robot gamer in the post/pre/current apocalypse" to a weird ass racist rant about native americans that seems to imply they jsut secretely stole all their tech from vikings and then never did anything else?

the mods' confusion is absolutely hilarious "and...killed the welsh?" like hes legitimately more confused than angered

But if someone can write her decently, she has a fantastic potential to be a strong female character that doesn't follow the normal trends. She's a warrior first and foremost, princess second and definitely not a 'modern' one either.

personally, I think that making her an interesting foil to modern morals and values is a great idea, she is 2000 years old she should have that level of perspective, of "nothing is new under the sun"

the concept of civilian police is only 200 years old, how does that apply to someone that is literally older than that

people back in the day were far less prude than they were after puritanism, yet she is somehow shocked men stare at her

she was flustered when meeting Steve Trevor, but she is an ancient Greek whilst he is an American Christian from the 1940s, there should be nothing he could possibly do that would make her so much as blink

heck most writers either depict her as demisexual or as an ancient matriarch you respect too much to hit on, while she should be the member of the justice league who most sleeps around, even over batman
the mods' confusion is absolutely hilarious "and...killed the welsh?" like hes legitimately more confused than angered

personally, I think that making her an interesting foil to modern morals and values is a great idea, she is 2000 years old she should have that level of perspective, of "nothing is new under the sun"

the concept of civilian police is only 200 years old, how does that apply to someone that is literally older than that

people back in the day were far less prude than they were after puritanism, yet she is somehow shocked men stare at her

she was flustered when meeting Steve Trevor, but she is an ancient Greek whilst he is an American Christian from the 1940s, there should be nothing he could possibly do that would make her so much as blink

heck most writers either depict her as demisexual or as an ancient matriarch you respect too much to hit on, while she should be the member of the justice league who most sleeps around, even over batman

This particular iteration of her is only 85. They keep retconning how old she is.
I lifted her age directly from the YJ Timeline.

I mean, the wiki could be wrong, it wouldn't surprise me, but that's what I used.

Meaning she's basically the last child of a childless culture. She didn't see Themyscira become what it is, she was simply raised in it. Way back in the day, men leering at her would have been completely alien and new...

Honestly there's a lot of potential with her but it's pretty hard to extract without having a strong grounding in sociology or a background in childhood development.
become a 40K ctan void dragon?
I'm guessing my 40k knowledge must be way out of date or something, but isn't "Void Dragon" a title given to one of the C'Tan (who are not dragons, but rather the soul and star devouring entities responsible for the Necron)? I would assume to become one, you would first have to convince the Necron and C'Tan that you were the one that had that title somehow.

And even then, that would require going to 40k, and nobody with any sense ever does that willingly.
OG bondage superheroine written by a male author who turns into a stereotypical pretty arm woman for a 'strong male' character when convenient for plot in most DC comics... this is something they actually seem to be aware of and continue to do anyway, so...? I don't know. I don't really read DC comics much anymore, so they might be doing better about how they portray Wonder Woman in more recent comics. I honestly have no clue.
OG Bondage Superheroine written by a guy who was into female lead power dynamics, with help from his wife and inspired by his (or their, it is not clear) love in girlfriend. She spent more of her time hanging out with sorority girls at the local woman's college than with Steve Trevor.

Then she won the fan vote for the next member of The Justice League, and instead of being made a member, she was made the secretary and staid behind as they went off on adventures.

So a very long history of character whiplash as she is pushed between strong and independent vs. ab arm candy sidekick and token.
And even then, that would require going to 40k, and nobody with any sense ever does that willingly.

Yeah that place is worse than Worm. And that's saying something :p Hell most CYOAs have a perk you get for surviving a jump in Worm that basically makes you immune to mental health issues. Cause you'll definitely need it after.
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