Void dragons can fly for centuries through the vast emptiness of the cosmos without sustenance or rest
Maybe when they're grown, but for all that Reis thinks of him as an Elder, for a dragon Al is still a very young juvenile, barely out of his infancy.

This goes back to things that Al doesn't know, but assumes he does without evidence. Al has very little idea about the biology of his new species, but rather than seeking knowledge, he makes assumptions based on what he saw on TV, a movie, or a wiki entry from years ago, and puts that forward as the truth, when he bothers thinking anything at all.
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So, @Mister Ficser, are you just not going to touch other mythologies' creation deities or gods and just stick to Greek to keep things simple?

The story of Hades does keep things fairly simple but it also has a lot of mentions to other mythologies. Lucifer is referenced in a gun, Gilgamesh in a pair of fists, so on and so forth.

I know there was a reference to Sun Wukong in the story and how contacting him would be difficult given the inclinations of the local government that popped up while he was napping. Al mentioned ascendant Japanese Youkai when he was talking to Tiffany and giving her an infodump. He sent Hephaestus off to go and talk shop with the Norse.

Mostly it's just a matter of what comes up in-story.
I love this observation. Al has a lot of knowledge that he shouldn't have access to but, moreso, he has his own thoughts and opinions on it.

Which puts him at odds with folks when he's dealing with things in a way that make sense on a larger scale but aren't accurate to the reality he's actually in.

The sad - well, sad in a way - thing is that if someone actually raised the point, Alchemist would quite _happily_ and honestly say, "But you know, there are other opinions about it - you should go ask people / ask X / read these books."

He just doesn't think to say it, because he assumes that people (especially people he likes) are going to check out the wider scope of information in the same way that he does, and/or would assume that he doesn't necessarily know everything.

(I look forward to Jinx asking casually if Raven exists in this universe and plotting to check her out, if only to help her...)
The hilarious thing is, the Raven in Teen Titans kind of dated a Dragon, he was a jerk that was just using her.

Also Teen Titans Kid Flash is a much nicer guy that Young Justice KF, he is also actually quite powerful, he just doesn't have infinite stamina.
Y'know, I would've thought Alchemist would realize that what sex 'is' really depends on the person, in the end. It's like the sky.
Someone who's seen the clear blue yonder every day of their formative years if not their lives probably has a much, much different experience looking up at the clouds than someone who would, say, coming from a smog-infested city where the skies are different flavors of grey and choked with black on the worst of days.
And they'd have a much different experience than someone born in a bunker or a vault or something seeing it for the first time.

That sky is objectively simple, a fact of existance based on clear, easily-explained principles and can be explained in about three or four minutes of conversation to the extent the average person may want to know. It's the meaning we attach to anything of the sort that makes it matter.
What servant would Alchemist summon if he was in a holy grail war and didn't use a catalyst?
That's mostly my problem with Alchemist, he often assumes a lot of stuff and no one and nothing ever really correct him. Remember when he went to Mars and assumed that no one wanted to talk to him? But in actuality he forgot that they are a telepathic species who probably don't use verbal speech much and he had mind blank up the whole time so the few who were trying to talk to him couldn't or weren't noticed?
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Scholar's Touch
Kid Flash dropped his school books on the table in the mountain with a groan. His homework had been piling up, left to the last minute.

Mostly because he didn't care for the subject. Social studies and history were his weakest classes, by far.

"You okay in there?" Alchemist called from the kitchen, his frilly pink apron stained with something red and questionable.

"...Don't want to read this book. And then write a report on it." Wally admitted, holding up the book in question. 'The Diary of a Young Girl'

"Well, I could maybe help with half of that?" Alchemist stepped out of the kitchen and sat on the seat adjacent to Kid Flash's own. He rooted through his inventory for a moment before coming up with a small, crystalline lens.

Wally sat up and watched, his curiosity at its peak, as Alchemist focused on the crystal for a moment before bringing his other hand up to poke the book with one finger.

"Okay... Now I don't feel bad about not reading this before." Alchemist huffed, putting his crystal thing-a-ma-jig back into his inventory. "Give it a read through, then you can talk with me about it and I can help with your report."

"Did... You just read the book?" Wally asked, his gaze shifting from the wizard, to the book and then back.

"Mmhmm." Alchemist hummed, standing back up to head to the kitchen. "Some parts in there you might like. They didn't censor the parts where she talks about her urges or fantasies."

"Uh... Thanks." Wally picked the book up, a bit less hesitant to read it now. "Can you, like, do that with any book?"

"Well, yeah." Alchemist admitted from the kitchen as he got back to work on something. "Scholar's Touch is about as good as reading a book through once. Good for comprehension but the details get kinda hazy."

"Huh..." Wally could do something a little similar. Superspeed meant he could review a book in seconds... But that he had to actually spend -his- time to read it. "Why don't you use it more often?"

"I like actually reading. It gives me time to think about the content and review stuff." That was a fair response. Wally knew there were parts of books he'd re-read a few times before continuing because he'd enjoyed them. "And Scholar's Touch reads through the entire thing all at once."

"...Is there something wrong with that?" Wally asked, flipping open the book to the first page.

"It is when the author decides to add some creepy corpse smut, yeah." Wally froze, slowly turning around to look at the wizard. "Or you get this creepy rape fantasy that's okay because the neurotic control freak is rich. If Fifty Shades of Gray happened in a trailer park, it'd end up on an episode of Law and Order."

"O...Kay. Y'know what, that's fair." Wally turned back to his own book with a small shudder.

At least his superspeed didn't force him to complete an action. He'd take whatever little mercies he could find.

AN/ Lycanthromancer over on CaerAzkaban brought up this spell. It's a very good one, too.
Kid Flash dropped his school books on the table in the mountain with a groan. His homework had been piling up, left to the last minute.

Mostly because he didn't care for the subject. Social studies and history were his weakest classes, by far.

"You okay in there?" Alchemist called from the kitchen, his frilly pink apron stained with something red and questionable.

"...Don't want to read this book. And then write a report on it." Wally admitted, holding up the book in question. 'The Diary of a Young Girl'

"Well, I could maybe help with half of that?" Alchemist stepped out of the kitchen and sat on the seat adjacent to Kid Flash's own. He rooted through his inventory for a moment before coming up with a small, crystalline lens.

Wally sat up and watched, his curiosity at its peak, as Alchemist focused on the crystal for a moment before bringing his other hand up to poke the book with one finger.

"Okay... Now I don't feel bad about not reading this before." Alchemist huffed, putting his crystal thing-a-ma-jig back into his inventory. "Give it a read through, then you can talk with me about it and I can help with your report."

"Did... You just read the book?" Wally asked, his gaze shifting from the wizard, to the book and then back.

"Mmhmm." Alchemist hummed, standing back up to head to the kitchen. "Some parts in there you might like. They didn't censor the parts where she talks about her urges or fantasies."

"Uh... Thanks." Wally picked the book up, a bit less hesitant to read it now. "Can you, like, do that with any book?"

"Well, yeah." Alchemist admitted from the kitchen as he got back to work on something. "Scholar's Touch is about as good as reading a book through once. Good for comprehension but the details get kinda hazy."

"Huh..." Wally could do something a little similar. Superspeed meant he could review a book in seconds... But that he had to actually spend -his- time to read it. "Why don't you use it more often?"

"I like actually reading. It gives me time to think about the content and review stuff." That was a fair response. Wally knew there were parts of books he'd re-read a few times before continuing because he'd enjoyed them. "And Scholar's Touch reads through the entire thing all at once."

"...Is there something wrong with that?" Wally asked, flipping open the book to the first page.

"It is when the author decides to add some creepy corpse smut, yeah." Wally froze, slowly turning around to look at the wizard. "Or you get this creepy rape fantasy that's okay because the neurotic control freak is rich. If Fifty Shades of Gray happened in a trailer park, it'd end up on an episode of Law and Order."

"O...Kay. Y'know what, that's fair." Wally turned back to his own book with a small shudder.

At least his superspeed didn't force him to complete an action. He'd take whatever little mercies he could find.

AN/ Lycanthromancer over on CaerAzkaban brought up this spell. It's a very good one, too.

If scholar's touch gives you understanding comparable to if you normally just read the book but not a deep study how would that work for super genius's that can fully comprehend something after reading it once? Would they magically have a even deeper understanding if they got their hands on a superior version of scholar's touch that gave you a deep study? Or would the lack of perfect recall be magically enforced so even if they have perfect recall it would suddenly have small gaps in their understanding?

I know I'm over thinking a spell that you didn't even write or come up with, but like… this is the internet.
Bruce seems to be afraid of al just up and leaving one day, after seeing how much power al has. Yeah, he was irritated at his loss of control over that sandwich and at al not wanting to be on the front lines despite his obvious power, but it seems to me he has a deep seated fear of being left behind or abandoned and always seems to expect any connection he makes with others to end badly so he pushes first.

He shows it in the original DC universe mostly in how he interacts with Selina and also when Jason todd died and how he handled that whole thing, he's outright agressive with most of his family members simply because he thinks it's better he chase them away before they leave.man needs therapy, but if he were to sit and think on himself a bit he probably already knows what he's doing

from what I know bruce is an adult but hes kinda stunned in a way and on the younger side since Richard is still his robin. Just saying bruce has come to rely on al and it terrifies him, also that he finds it frustrating that someone with such obvious power doesn't want to be a combatant even if he understands why.

honestly he should have a conversation with Clark, he also could dart all over the world solving people's problems but in the end it would just prevent people from growing.

I really liked seeing others perspectives.
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If scholar's touch gives you understanding comparable to if you normally just read the book but not a deep study how would that work for super genius's that can fully comprehend something after reading it once? Would they magically have a even deeper understanding if they got their hands on a superior version of scholar's touch that gave you a deep study? Or would the lack of perfect recall be magically enforced so even if they have perfect recall it would suddenly have small gaps in their understanding?

I know I'm over thinking a spell that you didn't even write or come up with, but like… this is the internet.
If a single read through is all you need to complete a deeper study, then you've done it. Your recall of the book is only as good or bad as it would be if you actually read it straight through without making special effort to memorize anything.
If a single read through is all you need to complete a deeper study, then you've done it. Your recall of the book is only as good or bad as it would be if you actually read it straight through without making special effort to memorize anything.
There's the 3.5e D&D skill Autohypnosis, which you can use to memorize text, and it doesn't require an action to use (it's part of the action used to read, or in this case, "read," the text), so you should be able to use it to memorize anything you've cast Scholar's Touch on.

Also, there's this: Optimizing Scholar's Touch?
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It's funny how all the kids who actually spend time with Alchemist and get to know him find him incredibly trustworthy and are willing to ask for help with their problems, where before, it was distrust, even borderline hostility.
"...Is there something wrong with that?" Wally asked, flipping open the book to the first page.

"It is when the author decides to add some creepy corpse smut, yeah." Wally froze, slowly turning around to look at the wizard. "Or you get this creepy rape fantasy that's okay because the neurotic control freak is rich. If Fifty Shades of Gray happened in a trailer park, it'd end up on an episode of Law and Order."

"O...Kay. Y'know what, that's fair." Wally turned back to his own book with a small shudder.

At least his superspeed didn't force him to complete an action. He'd take whatever little mercies he could find.
You know I'm reminded of when I was a teenager and the movie "Warm Bodies" came out in theatres and I read the book in curiosity, because I thought the movie was interesting.

So much regret.

And this was before I realized that I could just stop reading something. Although I guess it was a bit like being unable to look away from seeing something truly horrible.

The book, Warm Bodies, unlike the movie involves a much older man as the male zombie lead and it's ultimately about the middle aged fantasy of how being with a young girl is okay because sex with women your own age is dry, nasty and painful for all involved.

Plus, the older man being old and dead prevents the teenaged girl's purity/chastity from being violated and is kept safe by the fact that he as a dead corpse can't get it up.

The justification of why exactly it's a good thing for a middle aged man to get with a teenaged girl? It's that sex with someone your own age, with the male lead's 'zombie wife' is, well, it's described in the most explicitly unpleasant 'like fucking a dead fish' kind of way.

So yeah, I read zombie corpse smut as a teenager, because the movie adaption was targeted towards teens despite the original being the sexual fantasy of an older man and a teenaged girl being 'sweet and innocent actually,' and my high school unknowingly bought it, because the publishing company rebranded the book cover with the teen romance movie poster.

You know despite it having a large age difference and targeted towards older men with fantasies of getting with teenaged girls.

Actually that might have been why or how Hollywood got wind of the book in the first place…
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If scholar's touch gives you understanding comparable to if you normally just read the book but not a deep study how would that work for super genius's that can fully comprehend something after reading it once? Would they magically have a even deeper understanding if they got their hands on a superior version of scholar's touch that gave you a deep study? Or would the lack of perfect recall be magically enforced so even if they have perfect recall it would suddenly have small gaps in their understanding?

I know I'm over thinking a spell that you didn't even write or come up with, but like… this is the internet.
I'd say the spell performs the same for a super genius and a non-genius, the difference is in what they can do with the information the spell provided. It would be like the difference between a blueprint on a desktop computer and the same blueprint on a cnc machine. Its the same information, but the cnc machine can do more with it.
How many spell effects multipliers does Alchemist have?

Like if he applied those to a learning spell, what would happen?

A migraine

Are you telling me that Alchemist picked up an Ultimallet from Dragon Quest Builders 2?

It's not that difficult of a recipe. All of the materials, Al already has access to after all.

If a single read through is all you need to complete a deeper study, then you've done it. Your recall of the book is only as good or bad as it would be if you actually read it straight through without making special effort to memorize anything.

This! Very much this! I can think of a few ways to get a little bit extra out of it but the end result would be the same as though you just read through something straight.

Some people get a lot out of that, some people don't.

The thing is, it's a very simple spell and I don't see any prohibition against reusing it. The only thing it can't be used on would be texts in which the knowledge itself is magical, such as the various tomes that boost stats.

I don't think that limit carries over to books which have pure knowledge which has been magically transcribed, however. Such as a book with only 'Two' pages which can be perpetually flipped back and forth to go forward or back.
This! Very much this! I can think of a few ways to get a little bit extra out of it but the end result would be the same as though you just read through something straight.
There's a very simple solution. Read a book with the spell, and then, since you remember it in an "ok way", go back to it, and read normally the most crucial parts. In many types of books, there's plenty of padding in between important parts, and with this, you can avoid them.
"And Scholar's Touch reads through the entire thing all at once."

Would the Vampire Librarian from Bloodborn want to learn [Scholar's Touch]? Something Alchemist could use as a bribe or reward?

Speaking of books, does Jinx still go to school?

Jinx: "I don't want to go to school anymore."
Al: "Okay."
Jinx: o_O "Okay?"
Al: "There are online and mail correspondence courses for earning a GED."
Jinx: (hugs Al and weeps tears of joy) ❤️❤️❤️
Would the Vampire Librarian from Bloodborn want to learn [Scholar's Touch]? Something Alchemist could use as a bribe or reward?
Librarian: "Ook!"

Alchemist: "There's something different about you today. I can't quite put my finger on it..."

Speaking of books, does Jinx still go to school?

Jinx: "I don't want to go to school anymore."
Al: "Okay."
Jinx: o_O "Okay?"
Al: "There are online and mail correspondence courses for earning a GED."
Jinx: (hugs Al and weeps tears of joy) ❤️❤️❤️
And Dinah blows a gasket. Of course she wouldn't let Jinx just not go to school, even if they're abusing her there. School is important! Y'know, despite there being lots of extremely superior alternatives to the corrupt and broken public school system.

Also, Alchemist isn't Jinx's guardian and has no say in where she gets her schooling. He really should be, though. He is much better for Jinx's well-being and mental health than Dinah is. Could they petition to transfer guardianship? How would they go about doing that, even when Dinah throws a fit about it?
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And Dinah blows a gasket. Of course she wouldn't let Jinx just not go to school, even if they're abusing her there. School is important! Y'know, despite there being lots of extremely superior alternatives to the corrupt and broken public school system.

Also, Alchemist isn't Jinx's guardian and has no say in where she gets her schooling. He really should be, though. He is much better for Jinx's well-being and mental health than Dinah is. Could they petition to transfer guardianship? How would they go about doing that, even when Dinah throws a fit about it?
To be fair, that doesn't mean he couldn't just hand Jinx the fees to go to a better/private school basically anywhere in the world. Dinah might insist on a school, but I doubt she'd insist that strongly on this particular school.