Scuse me one sec need to vent this for the latest snip on the other thread.
Damn it Batman you tremendous control freak, shit heel!!! Fuck man you just can't help but let paranoia poison the well. It's very in character which makes me want to strangle him all the more. Good boy Kaldur. Call that spade a spade.

Kay, I'm good. Thanks for the awesome story.
Scuse me one sec need to vent this for the latest snip on the other thread.
Damn it Batman you tremendous control freak, shit heel!!! Fuck man you just can't help but let paranoia poison the well. It's very in character which makes me want to strangle him all the more. Good boy Kaldur. Call that spade a spade.

Kay, I'm good. Thanks for the awesome story.
Im sorry what other thread amd what did i miss?
Scuse me one sec need to vent this for the latest snip on the other thread.
Damn it Batman you tremendous control freak, shit heel!!! Fuck man you just can't help but let paranoia poison the well. It's very in character which makes me want to strangle him all the more. Good boy Kaldur. Call that spade a spade.

Kay, I'm good. Thanks for the awesome story.

You are very welcome. Some people just have to try and spoil what they've got. I'm sure we all know someone like that.

I have fixed this for you, Robin!

Darn it! I have no idea how I made that mistake. ;)

"All weapons are tools. When people start thinking they're something more, it creates problems."

A very good outlook. No tool is worth anything without the proper hand to wield it.
Hey Fiscer is Yuffie a Shoulder Loli? If so here's a stupid perk I made up:

Shoulder Loli:

The Mount (you) gave 10% more health, stamina and magic, alongside dealing 10% more damage, while taking 10% less damage.

Your Rider gains 10% more health, stamina, and magic, but takes 5% more damage. They also do not suffer from damage taken from inertia that would normally injure or kill someone.

(Can buy this perk one more time for your other shoulder)
Yuffie's a bit big to be a shoulder loli. That said, Alchemist is a bit on the wider side of things.

It'd be awkward but then, hyperactive kids at Yuffie's age always are.

Kenpachi and Yachiru would either have a fantastic time meeting them or declare them enemies for all eternity.
Chapter 190
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 1.9.0

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Bruce Wayne stepped out of the shower, towel around his waist and hands in his hair.

The second wave of the gauntlet had been worse than the first. The first creature they'd had to fight was some kind of living flame in a room full of machinery. The immaterial creature would shift its form from a giant man, a tornado and finally a massive hand made of flames.

Jinx and Kar'Yashlan had been the frontline fighters. Alchemist had forced open a nearby door and disappeared for a minute before the creature became significantly weaker and he returned to the battlefield.

The caped crusader had noticed there were dozens of notifications filling his own window but he hadn't been able to focus on them at the time. Whatever else they wanted to try and think about had to wait until they weren't under brutal assault by a monster that half of the team were literally unable to do anything with.

It hadn't been immune to physical harm, that hadn't been the issue. Player One had been able to stab the creature and it was reduced in some capacity. It just wasn't possible for Aqualad or Aquaman to approach the Living Flame to try and do anything, there hadn't been any water for them to use and Aqualad's ability to manifest some using magic hadn't been enough to overcome the creature's raw heat.

Its death wasn't some great explosion or conflagration. Batman's scorched fists tore through the shrinking creature's head in its humanoid form and it just sputtered out, faded away.

That... Had been an eye opening battle. His usual array of ranged weapons had quickly run dry and his handful of fire-suppressant tools hadn't been enough to help. He needed more. He needed more options, better tools for handling immaterial threats.

Bruce dried his hair and dressed himself, stepping out of the bathroom and into the cabin that he, Robin, Aqualad and Player One were taking residence in. The teens were sleeping downstairs in a pair of bunk rooms whilst Bruce himself had taken the loft.

It was kind of cramped but it also reminded him of the years he'd spent in his late teens and early twenties, mastering whatever martial arts he could find. It was nostalgic and he'd been more than happy to take the opportunity to really focus on some hand to hand lessons for the apprentices.

"Penny." Bruce started when he saw the girl sitting at the breakfast bar and facing away from him, just outside the bathroom door. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, Batman." The girl, absent her normal suit of armor, turned around and froze when she saw him. "...What?"

The second fight had seen the group struggling to maintain their footing as they faced off against the emplaced armaments on some kind of flying colossus. Missiles and flamethrowers that had done their damnedest to obliterate the group as they tried to keep from falling.

Jinx, Kary and Alchemist had dealt with them in short order, summoning walls of lightning down on the malevolent machinery.

That had brought forth the cannon. The giant energy cannon.

Again, Alchemist had disappeared shortly after throwing himself into the way of several attacks the weapon had aimed towards the apprentices. Jinx and Kary had gone on the defensive, intercepting attacks and teleporting people out of danger whilst Alchemist worked to disassemble the machine's power source.

It took several harrowing minutes, Batman recalled seeing a specific notice about some kind of creature called 'Ghidra' being killed by the mage. It stood out to the man, Bruce had experienced an odd connection where he remembered that was the name of some multi-headed movie monster from his childhood. Or, at least it sounded like it.

The team noticed when Alchemist succeeded at whatever he'd attempted when the cannon had cut off in the middle of firing a massive blast of energy. The thing didn't power down or go into some kind of reserve power mode. It just stopped entirely.

Then the city-sized flying machine underneath of them began to slowly descend. Slow quickly turned to fast and it was only thanks to Jinx placing them all on a stable, if invisible platform that they survived what would have been a lethal fall. The group had only just been able to make out a black speck rocketing out of the hole behind the cannon before it impacted the mountains below.

"I was considering expanding my own abilities." Bruce admitted to the girl as he walked around the bar and sat down across from her. "I've always tried to have the appropriate equipment on hand to deal with a problem but it seems things on the more mystical front will need a new approach."

Sometimes, force really was the only answer. Which Bruce honestly found incredibly irksome. While he'd always told the other heroes they needed to act with more control, he also knew he'd be able to rely on them. Now that he was facing threats that were close to their levels of power and with no ability to get help, Bruce was facing the fact that he had to do something more.

"What?" The girl repeated, her eyes locked on his face. "Just... What?"

"While Alchemist's solution of using singular, very potent spells has certainly got potential, I was hoping for methods that were a bit more specific." Bruce had actually enjoyed employing the enhancing magic he'd learned. Moving faster, hitting harder, strikes and blows just sliding right off of him... All of that had made things significantly easier.

Especially when he'd had to tear his son away from the massive turtle that had gotten Dick stuck on its claws.

The next group of monsters had been... Odd. Much less troublesome than the cannon, at least at first. Flying pink sacks that would try and attack the group using their stubby little arms.

They didn't seem to put up too much of a fight at first, one was defeated in quick order.

Then the second one was defeated and, in its death throes, it cast a spell that resurrected its fallen comrade.

Alchemist and his group simply continued on, calling down lightning, casting forth packets of volatile ice magic or summoning beams of plasma from around them to continue harassing and herding the monsters away from the apprentices.

The creatures were barely able to move once the trio had a good rhythm set up... But it left Batman, Aquaman and the children with little to do for several minutes. Though, thankful for the reprieve, they chose to rest instead. It gave everyone a chance to recover, to spread about some healing magic and to remove bits of shrapnel that had gotten lodged into people.

Every time one of the monsters, Purobolos, died it would offer a sum of experience and GP. Bruce could feel his body shifting, feel strength filling him that he hadn't worked for. It made his breathing easier, it refreshed him and made the fatigue in his bones fade just a bit faster.

After a number of cycles in which the trio of mages had shifted to casting a spell that would draw thick, crimson orbs from creatures, Batman noticed that one of them would not resurrect its fellows upon death.

That number slowly grew to two and then the others followed suit. All in all, it took somewhere close to forty minutes for the other team to wear down all six creatures until they had no more magic to expend on returning each other to life.

"It, that, you... You're Bruce Wayne!" The girl broke through her stuttering and shouted.

Bruce just sighed in silent frustration as she did so. His identity was a secret, a tool, a weapon... And while he didn't just hand it out readily to people he didn't trust, that reaction was one of the many reasons he kept it secret. His name and circumstances were things he'd had no control over.

Being Batman, however, involved a measure of freedom and control that Bruce Wayne couldn't have. Not if he wanted to be effective in both lives.

"I am." Bruce nodded to the girl. "I hope that's not a problem?"

"Problem? No! No, uh, no." Penny struggled to find the proper words for what was on her mind. Bruce debated getting up and working on making a cup of coffee until she'd gotten her thoughts in order.

Unfortunately, Alchemist only had the instant, powdered stuff.

"It's just- You're Bruce Wayne! You're on the news all the time for doing crazy stuff like taking a bunch of hookers out on your yacht!" Penny wasn't quite shouting but she was definitely loud. "You're always being quoted about how much money you spend on Arkham and... Uh... Huh. I guess that part makes sense, actually."

"They weren't hookers." Bruce allowed himself a small smile as he spoke. The absurdity his unmasked identity got up to was a fantastic shield for the serious attitude of Batman. "They were models. I needed two weeks to get into and out of Hong Kong for an investigation and that offered me the cover I needed. That those girls spent two weeks on a paid vacation without their managers forcing them to act bulimic was simply a bonus."

After the last of the round, balloon like monsters had finally died without resurrecting the others they'd moved on to what seemed like the top of a tower. There they fought against a giant beast, a Minotaur wielding a greatmace.

It was skilled with that weapon and wore heavy armor. For whatever reason, Alchemist and his group had stopped using magic entirely.

It was also the battle in which Batman and the others had resumed their efforts to help out. Smoke powder packets aimed towards the creature's face had helped to distract it and Bruce had a chance to meet up with Alchemist as Aqualad and Aquaman used their superior strength to disarm and harry the beast.

Bruce remembered him making a significant number of throwing weapons. Kunai and shuriken made up of a material that his scientists still hadn't been able to identify. Alchemist gave him several handfuls of both, enough to refill his pouches with and to share with Robin.

Player One had taken the giant beast's massive morningstar and was swinging it awkwardly in wide, slow arcs. The weapon's weight and blunt nature caused more harm to the beast than her own two-handed katana did.

Kar'yashlan was the one who felled the great beast. The woman literally used her knives to climb the creature and buried them in its eyes.

"So, uh, what were you thinking about?" Penny asked him, refocusing on the actual point of the conversation.

"I already have access to the self-enhancing magic that Alchemist uses." Bruce admitted to the girl. He'd used Protect the most, the others needed significant amounts of re-training to control his strength and speed. Adjusting to the changes in timing under Haste was something he knew would take a significant amount of effort. "I need to look into options for fighting things which are less than physical."

"Well, uh... What kind of options were you thinking about? I mean, I have this spell that ignites my sword with magical fire. Or I think there might be weapons that are made of magic. Or, uh..." The girl trailed off, her fingers tapping away rapidly at the screen in front of her.

Bruce left her to it for a moment as he stood up and moved towards the sink. He grabbed a cup from the dish strainer and filled it with steaming hot water from the tap before moving to the cabinet that held the coffee.

"Well, I think it might be something we can both use." Bruce mused as he measured out several scoops of brown crystals. "Alchemist has shown Robin and I that your fire-weapon spell isn't limited to just being used on a sword. What do you think of it?"

"It's pretty good..." Penny mused, tapping her fingers on the table in front of her. From behind the girl, Bruce could see the actual details of her screen. "I... Think I found something?"

"What did you find?" Bruce asked before taking a sip. The coffee was terribly bitter, lacking any of the undertones that properly brewed coffee would have had.

"It's called the, uh, Spellfencer Asterisk." She explained, scrolling up and down as she read the description. "It specializes in teaching the user how to imbue their weapons, any weapons, with these different spell effects. It costs, uh, thirty-seven thousand, eight-hundred GP. The note says it's slow to master."

"That might be a bit more involved than I was expecting." Bruce admitted as he continued drinking his coffee. There was creamer and sugar, he could temper the flavor into something a bit smoother... "I wouldn't want to drain your funds too heavily."

"It's fine." She brushed off his concern with a wave. "We got, like, two-hundred k off of the balloon things earlier."

The final battle of the gauntlet had been against a trio of spirits. Creatures that had leaned heavily into some elemental aspect. Fire, Ice and Poison of all things.

Every strike, every blow was countered by the creatures using powerful magics of the type they specialized in. Freezing gales, screaming conflagrations and thick, muddy pools of filth quickly surrounded the team as they fought on.

However, the majority of the team also had the ability to much more easily fight the creatures. As vile specters and wicked undead, they found restorative magics to be entirely anathema to their existence.

With all but Aquaman or Kar'yashlan throwing Cure at the creatures, they quickly fell. Never again to spread their malevolence.

Bruce accepted the amber stone handed to him by the young girl. One facet had a carved symbol, though Bruce didn't know what, if any, significance it may have had.

"What of yourself?" The dark knight questioned, turning the object over in his hands and running his fingers over the uneven surface of the bottom.

"What about me?" She asked him, seemingly uncertain as to what he was asking.

"If this object would offer a wide skillset to be learned, is there one like it that you would benefit from?" Bruce clarified for the girl.

"I... Hadn't really thought about it." Penny admitted, shifting awkwardly in her seat. "What should I even learn, though? Most of this stuff is all, like, knights and mages and stuff. That doesn't really, uh, translate to the real world. Does it?"

"For many things, no." Bruce admitted, setting the curious object down on the table alongside his coffee before sitting down across from her again. "I can't imagine these could help you with schoolwork or finding a job once you finish school."

He picked his coffee back up and took a sip as he thought on things. Put into that perspective, trying to train the children like this felt... Unpleasantly exploitative. The odds of them being able to have a normal life, maintain normal relationships became increasingly slim as they became more and more adjusted to the darker truths of the world.

"But if they offer you better discipline, that may help you in many aspects of life." He finally settled on. It was true, even, though it wasn't nearly such a universal change as some martial arts enthusiasts would tell people. "As they say, a healthy body makes for a healthy mind."

"...If you say so." The girl quietly sighed and began to type something new into her system. "...Everything I'm learning to use, all the ways I'm learning to use it they... Mister Wayne, they can all kill things. They can all kill -people-. They don't- I mean, I'm not..."

"That... Could be something of a problem." Bruce admitted quietly. It was a very rough position for the girl to be in, especially given the escalating nature of her power.

Alchemist had dealt with the issue by learning a functionally non-lethal spell. It gave the man something of an odd reputation and it clearly carried other risks, especially combined with the wizard's own overburdened schedule...

"I'm sure we can find some non-lethal options, Penny." Bruce tried to smile, intentionally avoiding the thought of an obese murderer after she'd been returned to human form. "Perhaps some form of skill or ability. There are no shortage of options, after all. Perhaps something that drains stamina or puts someone to sleep instead of causing outright harm?"

Bruce felt for the girl, he really did. It was a struggle he dealt with as well, just from being well-trained and physically powerful. Other people just felt... Fragile. Weak.

He'd never intentionally killed a man. Never aimed a fatal blow for fragile bones or critical organs. Regardless of how much it might change, how... Easy it would be, to do away with the likes of the Joker or the Penguin with a heavy blow to the right spot...

That wasn't who he was. And it warmed his heart to know that it wasn't who Tiffany was, either.


Kaldur breathed in, magic and water filling his gills.

Kaldur breathed out, stress and fatigue leaving his body.

He'd found the water feature in this small realm to be incredibly fascinating. Alchemist had carved a bowl into the earth of this place with one great spire reaching up from the middle of it. The depths around it weren't great or terrible, perhaps three meters deep in the area immediately around the spire, but it was cool, wet...

And magical. The water carried a greater charge than any place Kaldur had ever seen on Earth.

He was not alone under the small pond as he slowly practiced forms with his Water Bearer, though no weapon had been formed by the magical tools. King Orin and Queen Mera were with him. The both of them were practicing in their own way.

Like him, Orin was slowly moving through forms for combat. The monsters they'd fought against and proven less than effective for was... Jarring. It was understandable, the environment and nature of the fight against the living flame or the magical turrets atop the flying dreadnought were simply not locations in which their own gifts and abilities offered them an advantage.

The queen had her eyes closed in deep meditation, likely analyzing the incredible magics that filled the water. It dripped in a steady stream from a sealed box atop the spire, its nature and potency impossible to hide.

Pure elemental water. Some of the greatest scholars in the Conservatory would spend years working on making just a few liters to act as reagents for high-potency spells... And Kaldur was swimming in some that reached a level of purity he'd never heard of.

Kaldur inhaled slowly as his body moved. Orin and the Queen had taken up residence in the basement Alchemist had installed under his house but they'd spent the last evening alongside him watching a television show in the cabin with the other members of the team. It had been called a book, an odd thing for such a program..

Despite the odd naming discrepancies, it had still been fascinating. It detailed a group of young children going on a journey to master mystical martial arts to defeat an empire of fire users. While the plot had been engaging, Kaldur and Orin had focused on the girl who used water based martial arts, the philosophy and the teachings of it.

Incredibly wrong in parts, especially when the girl was able to convert water into ice considering the magical properties were vastly different, but many of the other ideas were solid.

"I've never thought of doing this." Orin admitted as he performed a slow wave, pushing with his magic and then pulling back, drawing the water towards them. "It's usually simpler to just crush someone under a wave of water than to do... This."

"Perhaps it is simply a matter of practice, dear husband." Mera admonished him gently, settling herself into a loose stance. "Many things that seem difficult become quite simple, with enough practice."

Kaldur listened to them as he held his water bearers in hand and performed motions similar to his king. He was still working on discerning the minimum amount of magic needed to perform the work without disrupting everything.

For the king and queen, the growth in magical power was significant, yes, but the both of them were used to handling much greater forces than Kaldur was. For him, his magic had multiplied many-fold and it was slow going for him to regain the finesse he'd once wielded.

He now had the magical power to manipulate water without his bearers but he simply lacked the control. If he could regain that through what felt like elemental attunement practice, Kaldur would hardly complain.

"...I've missed spending time with you, you know that?" Orin started. Kaldur looked over and saw that the man was addressing his wife, thankfully. "We've had so many incidents happening so close together, I feel like I hardly remember what our bed feels like."

"It has been a busy month." Mera agreed. "The castle feels terribly dull without you."

"...You've mentioned that you feel as though there's a driving force behind it." Orin's statement drew Kaldur's full attention, interrupting his makeshift kata. "Have you found any further details?"

"Nothing yet." Mera admitted, her torso waving back and forth as she rotated her arms in slow circles which churned the water before her. "But now that we have exposed the connection between Orm and Ocean Master, we may yet shed greater light on things."

"I suppose my brother is lucky that it was your and your guards that caught him." Orin sighed quietly, the waters growing sluggish with his mood. "Had I been present when he made his attack on you the first time, I would not have stopped at his capture."

"He may soon be wishing for such a fate." Mera countered, her magics fading from the water whilst she continued moving. "Alchemist's request in return for access to his magics was that we summon Poseidon to act as judge to Orm's actions."

"That... That's incredibly dangerous, Mera!" Kaldur was nearly knocked off of his feet at the sudden shift in the waters when Orin turned to face his queen. "Calling upon the gods, especially if they deem the reason too minor for their attention? A curse is the least of our worries!"

"...I know, dear husband." Mera's sigh was distressingly loud in the silence of this foreign water. "But the mage raised some rather valid points at my own disagreement. Orm is of royal blood, making it rather difficult to find a panel to judge him without bias. He was also wielding a divine artifact, one 'stolen' from the royal armory for the sake of committing multiple acts of kin-slaying. Finally... He sought to consume the magic of myself and our unborn child, Orin."

"Mera..." Orin sounded hoarse at the accusations laid against his brother.

"It is not a great stretch to call what he attempted an act of cannibalism." The queen continued, undaunted. "Something our god prohibits directly, perhaps due to his own history of acting as a meal to his own father. The strength found in the royal bloodline is a gift given unto you as a divine blessing. Requesting judgement after it has been so grossly misused... We can only hope Poseidon will feel that we are not wasting his time."

Kaldur had dropped his form, listening intently. So far as he knew, while Poseidon had been venerated he also had not been called upon in living memory. The rituals to do so were time consuming and demanded a level of focus and effort that often left the participants bedridden for days at a time afterwards.

Beyond that, Poseidon was the king of the seas. His temper could shift like the tides, going from calm and nurturing to raging and tempestuous in moments with little warning.

It was simply unsafe to rely upon his good humor.

"At least our reasoning is solid." Orin exhaled heavily, the weight within the water receding. "When will the summoning take place?"

"In two weeks time after we return." Mera responded. "That will mark the full moon rising over Poseidonis. We'll need to have our Stormcallers on hand to summon upon a great storm whilst carving a hole in the clouds so that moonlight can filter through the waters above his temple."

Kaldur jerked slightly at that. He'd briefly considered signing up to join the order of Stormcallers, their teachings could have been a great compliment to his native capabilities with electricity. Unfortunately, they demanded a level of skill far greater than his own and he'd soon found himself under Orin's direct command, regardless.

"...It's too late to simply wring Orm's neck and be done with it, isn't it?" Orin asked, his voice weary.

"Unfortunately so." Mera seemed to be equally worn out by the entire ordeal. "The people have already heard that we intend to see a member of the royal blood judged by our gods for treason. It will have to be a spectacle."

"...Was the spell at least worth this?" Orin asked, waving about himself as though to indicate something.

"It is a great difficulty." Mera agreed. "But it also offers a significant amount of legitimacy to your rule. You know how difficult it's been, dealing with the nobles over your status as a..."

"...It's not about legitimacy, Mera." Orin sighed, his tired blue eyes gazing deep into his wife's. "What if this goes wrong? What if the god validates Orm's actions? We're calling upon a god to place judgement on a man. What will this mean for our courts? For our laws?"

"If we word things correctly?" Mera seemed to have thought on it, at least Kaldur thought so. "Then very little. We may add restrictions upon such a calling, limit it to those we are attempting to condemn of high treason. It is said that Poseidon knows all that occurs beneath the seas, that there are no secrets kept from him in his domain."

"That doesn't make things much better, Mera." Orin admonished her, though he lacked heat in doing so. Instead, Kaldur thought he just seemed tired.

"True." And the queen did agree with him. "But it's something, at least. Otherwise we'd have fools demanding trial by god. You know how quickly that would turn sour."

The god of storms, growing angry at being bothered by fools and idiots thinking they could trick him?

Kaldur almost shuddered. He could all-too-easily see such an event ending badly. Not just for the condemned, either. The gods were well known for venting their wrath upon entire cities.

The apprentice could only hope that the summoning went through quickly. The longer Poseidon lingered in Atlantis, the more likely it became that some fool would irritate him.

And, though the boy would never admit it, the first person that came to his mind was Alchemist.


Yuffie may have been young but she'd fought her share of monsters.

Foulanders, Bizarre Bugs, Garudas and more around Wutai didn't actually care that she was the princess of the land. She'd avoided as much as she could but others, she'd had to fight and kill. Her skill with the shuriken and the Materia she'd 'borrowed' had been enough to eek out a victory and she'd been more than a bit excited that she could fight monsters, just like her dad's ninja!

She'd done it the first time she escaped and started working her way to the east, she'd done it the second time, too. When the war had gone cold and Wutai started to cede to ShinRa, she knew she was going to have to get strong. Strong enough to beat up all the SOLDIERs and restore the glory of her homeland!

Except, well, glory had apparently involved going hungry. And selling off some of her Materia to try and buy food. Then going hungry -again- because the money didn't last that long.

Grouping up with others to try and make her way towards ShinRa without a plan was maybe not her best idea... But it worked out okay! She watched ShinRa fall, all because of one weirdo with some cool skills and on a budget of less than two-hundred gil.

Yuffie wouldn't admit, she'd enjoyed getting to be free of her responsibilities to Wutai. After her mom died and her dad turned into a jerk, it just felt like she didn't have any say in her life. She was forced to learn a lot of useless, boring junk. She had to eat what the cooks made for her, no substitutions or snacks allowed.

Following Alchemist let her have friends. He didn't care too much about what she ate so long as she didn't make herself sick and actually finished her vegetables.

Yuffie had been willing to compromise on that matter, as any good Empress should. It allowed for, uh, 'Mutually assured dissatisfaction'.

Of course, discovering that her home and subjects were under threat (Someone had tried to do... That to Jinx? Yuffie wasn't going to let that go, buster!) had forced her hand. She'd told Alchemist that she would be joining them, that he would be teaching her how to wield such power that even the gods would tremble at her might!

(Please? Please-please-please-please-please-please-please!)

He'd quickly caved under her convincing request.

She hadn't been allowed to join the others while they were fighting epic monsters, instead being stuck in the demi-plane with the red-haired water lady and the familiars. Which wasn't too bad, really, but the woman was a Proper Queen and she acted like it.

Puh-leeze. If Yuffie wanted to deal with that, she wouldn't have joined Alchemist when he went back to his home reality.

The last few days hadn't really been bad, though. Alchemist's new house inside the demi-plane had two bedrooms upstairs and he'd converted half the pantry into a set of stairs leading to a basement. She and Jinx were sharing the second upstairs room and Mera and Arthur had been given a room in the basement that Alchemist had converted into a bedroom for them.

Having a proper bathtub was nice. Like, really nice.

That wasn't to say that Yuffie was being kept all safe and secure, hidden away and not allowed to fight. Alchemist had other avenues that he was pursuing, many other things that needed done before he was ready to fight that- that thing.

He'd purchased -another- gun from that floating window shop. The simplest, most basic form of the rifle he liked to use. That antique, the Hydra.

"Bo-ring!" Yuffie whined, watching Alchemist check the gun he'd bought. He, Yuffie, Jinx and Kary were situated in the living room of his house... Which was incredibly bare. He hadn't even started furnishing everything! Just the kitchen and the bedrooms. "You've got, like, laser guns and that giant ShinRa cannon! Why did you buy another dinky little rifle?!"

"Because it makes a good starting point." He told her, confirming that there were no bullets in the weapon. "Terra requested we not go to any other Quests while already on one. There are other options available, though. They just... Kind of suck."

"You say that, like, all the time!" Yuffie continued, bouncing on the heels of her feet. "Come on! I know how to fight, I'm totally ready for whatever you wanna do!"

"Alchemist." Jinx, wearing her cut-down suit of black crystal armor, spoke up. "Perhaps an explanation?"

"...Alright." The mage huffed quietly and held the gun in front of him. "Inside of every item, there's a metaphysical reality or plane. On it, in it, whichever, all of the items flaws and imperfections are made manifest. We're going to go to that reality and kill off everything wrong with this gun as a trial run before I get around to working on stronger weapons."

"Oooh!" Yuffie gasped, thinking about the implications of such a thing. "Could we go into my mom's shuriken? Will it fix the rust around the tips? What about Materia, how does it work on those? Ooh! Food! What about food?!"

"Once we know what we're dealing with, we can go into your mom's shuriken. I could fix the rust, just let me see it when we get back." Alchemist explained, answering her questions in the order she'd asked. "I don't know what will happen if we try it on Materia, probably not much since what's important is on the inside instead of the orb itself. And food is improved as well, it can become tastier and more nutritious but it usually isn't a worthwhile investment because it takes more time to fix a dish than to cook it properly to begin with. Usually. We're not improving natto or cheese, Yuffie."

"Bacon?" Ash asked, happily sitting near the entrance of the room. "Better bacon?"

"Bacon!" Cinder screeched. "More bacon!"

Reis, calmly watching from a corner of the room, said nothing. She did, however, slowly run her tongue along her chops. A horned black cat on the stairs whose name Yuffie still didn't know simply stared at them, its green eyes glowing malevolently.

"...Maybe later." Alchemist acquiesced with a quiet sigh before grumbling. "Swear to god, it's always about food."

"So, how do we intend on running through this item, Alchemist?" Kary interrupted, pulling the conversation back on track.

"It depends on the inhabitants." He answered, opening his system and poking at things while looking at the gun. "This is the most basic model available, so it shouldn't have anything inside that's absurdly strong. I was thinking that we could take turns clearing floors until we catch up to things that won't just fall apart with a mean look."

Alchemist snapped his fingers and the gun faded away, replaced by a Gate filled with swirling motes of light.

"And our end goal?" The demon asked, her jade eyes gazing intently through the portal.

"Upgrading as much of our equipment as is reasonable. If done right, this will give us access to a lot of tools that would otherwise require an Instant Quest to get. It's just... Time consuming. And tedious." Alchemist explained before he looked across the team and stepped into the Gate.

Jinx and Kary quickly followed him. Yuffie hesitated for a moment, looking back to the familiars and biting her lip before she jumped through.

She smacked into the back of the imp, who smacked into the back of Jinx and she, in turn, knocked Alchemist over.

"Oof!" Yuffie grunted, waving her arms comically to keep her balance.

"Ow..." Alchemist groaned as he got back up.

The place they'd appeared looked like... Like...

Yuffie had no idea. It was a bunch of square spaces, some giant pillars reached high up and there were disconnected islands just floating nearby. Some of them had trees or rocks, some things that looked like treasure chests stood out, calling to the Treasure Hunter in Yuffie.

Oh, and there were shadow people all over the place. Maybe, like, sixteen or seventeen in all? They had weapons and armor that stood out strangely on their immaterial bodies. Some had guns, some swords, a few wore threadbare gloves. The armor looked like ShinRa stuff, the cheapest stuff at that.

"...Looks like gen one, maybe two." Alchemist muttered as Yuffie got close to him. "Wonder if that's because of me, the level of my Gate spell or something else?"

"Alright!" The mage turned around, sounding more energetic than he'd been in days. "Ladies, do you mind if I go first? I got a few things I wanted to test!"

"...Go for it?" Jinx sounded uncertain for a moment, looking to the shades in the distance before focusing her face back on Alchemist. "Is it gonna be cool?"

"If it works? It'll be awesome." Alchemist turned around, a grin on his face. Yuffie watched as he carefully looked at the creatures that had yet to notice them all. He pulled his hand back, a purple Materia in his gauntlets glinting as it was activated. His hand swiped across and all of the shades were naked! All of their weapons and armor had gone missing!

"...Did you just steal everything? From everyone?" Yuffie felt breathless at the idea of doing something like that. She'd never heard of a Materia that could do that!

"Yep." Alchemist grinned, the Materia re-activating as he snapped his fingers and the shadows exploded into red orbs that converged on him.

The experience and GP wasn't particularly impressive but then, neither was the equipment. The shadows had been weak, super weak.

"How?!" Yuffie squealed, grabbing on to Alchemist's arm. "You gotta teach me! How'd you do that!? Show me!"

"The answer, Yuffie, is very simple." The man crouched down until he was even with her eyes. "I did it the ninja way."

He reached forward and gently poked her nose.

"I cheated."
Ah at last Bravely Default appears it has a lot to offer from a ton of status immunity accessories and equipment that offers elemental resistance, immunity, absorption or can be used as an item (takes a turn but doesn't consume it) to do something a big one is a shield that can be used to cast cura since that doesn't use up your mp in the cast. For example the Raikiri katana gives lightning immunity while equipped. It also has a ton of stuff for dealing damage to enemies with obscene defence stats like atks that ignore defences or deal fixed damage. The hourglass which allows stopping time for extra actions also probably would be great but probably needs an instant quest.

For a caster this is probably going to focus on the magic modifications allowed various jobs allow things like black mage's spells ignore opponents magic defence, white mage's spells don't weaken when used on multiple targets for a single cast, the witchcraft metamagics that consume an extra bp and more mp to alter the power and properties such as having 60% the power but hitting 4 times or dealing physical damage and the yokai's echo which after using a spell gives a chance of instantly using the spell again on the same target for no cost. The Bishop's healing spells are also fixed percentages of max hp instead of scaling to the casters stats.

Other jobs of note would be
Freelancer possessing a very strong version of examine and overworld hazard like trap or poison bog immunity.
Ninja allows dual wielding without loss of power even things like axes, teleportation counterattacks for every dodge, a buff that forces the next hit on them to miss and an attack redirection move
Templar has rampart which gives every party member negation of their next hit
Exorcist has time reversal allowing values to return to recent ones including reviving the recently dead
Pirate has a ton of attacks that cause debuffs
The Dragoon stand in Valkyrie can take hits to mp at 10 % the damage since the party has mp cost negation for spells that's just extra hp
Salve Maker doubles items effectiveness, has mix and can do things like override an opponents resistance, immunity or absorption of an element with a weakness to it
190 Status
Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 1.9.0: Character Sheet
Level: 495/800
VP: 20
HP: (49739)
MP: (15874)

-STR: (1493)
-VIT: (1987)
-DEX: (1493)
-AGI: (1493)
-INT: (2975)
-WIS: (2975)
-LUK: (1493)
Perk Points: 200+​
  • Alchemy:
    -Transmutation (115)
    -Conversion (200)
    -Advanced Homonculus Creation (1)
    -Scrying (30)
    Magical Engineering
    -Living Steel Manufacturing and Production (Max)
    -Synthesis (150)
    Item Creation and Improvement
    - Alchemy (125)
    - Compounding (55)
    - Cooking (55)
    - Crafting (130)
    - Engineering (101)
    - Smithing (82)
    - Writing (19)
  • Final Fantasy series!
    -Esuna (32)
    -Life (16)
    -Teleport (21)
    -Cure (32)
    -Blink (32)
    -Protect (32)
    -Toad (32)
    -Flare (32)
    -Osmose (32)
    -Break (32)
    -Haste (19)
    -Berserk (32)
    -Shell (32)
    -Curse (32)
    -Holy (32)
    -Ultima (25)
    -Dispel (100)
    -Stone (1)
    -Water (1)
    -Aero (1)
    -Fire (1)
    -Blizzard (1)
    -Thunder (1)
    -Bravery (105)
    -Faith (105)
    -Reflect (6)
    -Darkja (200)
    -Slow (200)
    -Stop (200)
    -Full-Cure (30)
    -Tornado (200)
    -Freeze (200)
    -Shield (60)
    -Energy (200)
    -Meteor (10)
    -Drain Touch (25)
    -Deep Freeze (10)
    -Meltdown (10)
    -Hellwind (1)
    -Chaos Drive (5)
    Demons/Dark Souls series!
    -Repair (200)
    -Twisted Wall of Light (77)
    -Hidden Weapon (35)
    -Hidden Body (25)
    -Cast Light (2)
    -Dark Blade (200)
    -Carthus Flame Arc (200)
    -Blessed Weapon (200)
    -Lightning Blade (200)
    -Greater Magic Weapon (200)
    -Crystal Magic Weapon (2)
    -Frozen Blade (200)
    -Tears of Denial (2)
    -Lifehunt Scythe (25)
    -Curse Weapon (50)
    -Soul Thirst (40)
    -Soulsucker (2)
    Dungeons and Dragons/Pathfinder
    -Prestidigitation (125)
    -Regenerate (102)
    -Dragonkind -Form of the Dragon (104)
    -Create Food and Water (3)
    -Create or Destroy Water (200)
    -Shades (75)
    -Ghost Sound (12)
    -Comprehend Languages (124)
    -Tongues (124)
    -True Strike (100)
    -True Seeing (115)
    -Arcane Sight (115)
    -Serren's Swift Girding (42)
    -Reloading Hands (3)
    -Abundant Ammunition (104)
    -Bow Spirit (20)
    -Phantom Driver (4)
    -Gravity Bow (200)
    -Lead Blades (200)
    -Twin Form (N/A)
    -Awaken (3)
    -Permanency (3)
    -Create Effect -Bind Demiplane- (N/A)
    -Shrink Item (35)
    -Knock (85)
    -Shadow Evocation (200)
    -Hasten Judgement (2)
    -Possess Person (1)
    -Object Possession (2)
    -Bilocation (103)
    -Life Bubble (100)
    -Effortless Armor (200)
    -Dimensional Anchor (2)
    -Penumbral Disguise (200)
    -Bed of Iron (1)
    -Glide (1)
    -Wall of Force (95)
    -Zone of Truth (1)
    -Heal (100)
    -Heal, Mass (1)
    -Polymorph Any Object (100)
    -Mending (200)
    -Remove Radioactivity (6)
    -Mage's Private Sanctum (1)
    -Nondetection (1)
    -Secure Cavern (1)
    -Platform of Healing (1)
    -Create Spelljamming Helm (200)
    -Fabricate (1)
    -Limited Wish (100)
    -Wish (44)
    -Gate (15)
    -Various create item skills removed to save space.
    Dragon Warrior
    -Ironize -Kaclang- (2)
    The Elder Scrolls
    -Flames (5)
    -Incinerate (5)
    -Frostbite (1)
    -Ice Spear (15)
    -Sparks (200)
    -Thunderbolt (1)
    - Lightning Storm (4)
    - Icarian Flight (1)
    Star Ocean
    -Fire Bolt (20)
    - Ice Needles (20)
    - Earth Glaive (1)
    Summoned Allies
    - Odin (2)
    - Alexander (2)
    - Phoenix (2)
    - Lich (1)
    - Knights of the Round (1)
    - Bahamut (1)
    - Eden (1)
    -False Swipes (1)
    --Dragoon Level 100
    - Jump (16)
    - Super Jump (1)
    - Spirit Jump (1)
    - Dragon Sword (5)
    --Warrior Level 100
    - Provoke (1) (Draw enemy attention)
    - Assault (1) (Attack plus 25%, defense minus 25%)
    - Defender (1) (Defense plus 25%, attack minus 25%)
    - Attack Break (1) (Lower the targets attack power)
    - Defense Break (1) (Lower the targets defenses)
    - Speed Break (1) (Reduce the targets mobility and speed)
    - Equipment Break (1) (Destroy a random piece of the targets equipment through overwhelming force)
    --White Mage Level 100
    - Divine Seal (1) Enhance Potency of next healing spell by (Skill Level)%
    - Afflatus Solace (1) (Duration- 2 Hours) Gain a stacking bonus to healing and holy spells based on how much HP is restored by Cure Spells.
    - Afflatus Misery (1) (Duration- 2 Hours) Gain a bonus to healing and holy spells based on damage from last attack taken. Bonus is lost upon use.
    --Black Mage Level 100
    - Elemental Seal (1) (Duration- 1 Spell) Significantly increases the accuracy of your next elemental spell.
    - Mana Wall (1) Damage taken is diverted to MP instead of HP (Current rate: 1-1)
    - Cascade (1) (Duration- 1 Spell) Consume stamina as well to boost spell damage
    - Mana Well (1) (Duration- 1 Spell) Negate MP cost of the targets next (1) spell.
    - Subtle Spell (1) (Duration- 1 Minute) Reduce visibility of your spells while increasing magical accuracy
    --Red Mage Level 100
    - Convert (1) Swap current HP/MP values
    - Composure (1) The next spell takes longer to cast but has significantly improved accuracy
    - Saboteur (1) The next enfeebling spell cast has greater accuracy and a chance at Penetrating immunity
    - Spontaneity (1) The next spell is cast with no casting time and no recasting penalty
    - Stymie (1) The next enfeebling spell has 100% accuracy but no added penetration
    --Thief Level 100
    - Steal (90) Take an item from your foe
    - Sneak Attack (1) Add a (2.X) multiplier to your next back attack
    - Flee (1) Multiply your running speed by (2.X)
    - Trick Attack (1) Add a (1.5+.X) multiplier to an attack performed from behind an ally and trick the enemy into thinking they did it
    - Mug (1) Steal an item while attacking your foe
    - Hide (1) Become briefly invisible and lose your enemies. Sneak Attack/Trick Attack can be used while hidden without meeting other requirements
    - Accomplice (1) Steal your foes attention from an ally
    - Despoil (1) Steal an item from your foe while leaving them with a random debilitation
    - Conspirator (1) Reduces attention drawn from your foes for all allies in range
    - Bully (1) Allows Sneak Attack to work regardless of which direction the enemy is facing.
    - Larceny (1) Steal a buff from the enemy and transfer it to yourself.
    --Monk Level 100
    - Boost (1) Increase physical attack power
    - Dodge (1) Increase users evasion and ability to guard
    - Focus (1) Enhance users accuracy and critical hit rate
    - Chakra (0) Error- Skill cannot be used
    - Chi-blast (0) Error- Skill cannot be used
    - Counterstance (1) Lower defense to guarantee a counter strike
    - Footwork (1) Add weapon damage to kicks for the duration of the skill (1 Minute)
    - Perfect Counter (1) The next blow against you after activating this skill will be countered
    - Impetus (1) Every physical attack you land during the duration of this skill will increase the strength of your next physical attack cumulatively. (3 Minutes)
    - Inner Strength (1) Doubles current and maximum HP (30 Seconds)
    - Darkness (55)
    - Morph (200)
    - Chain Cast (200)
    - Twin Summon (1)
    - Barrage (200)
    - Mime (20)
    - Devour (1)
    - Mageblade (Sword-beam) (2)
    -Cremate (50)
  • Magic Perks
    -Bright Soul (MP regen +50%)
    -Shining Soul (MP +50%)
    --Combined effect! Magical attunement is now visible!
    -Spellboost: Expand (Double spell area of effect OR double spell duration)
    -Spellboost: Lock (Persistent spell effects are more difficult to dispel based on level. Mastered spell may be cast permanently until dispelled)
    -Spellboost: Pierce (Spells ignore magic resistance. Up to 50% at max level)
    -Spellboost: Minimum Powah! (Spells retain potency when multicast. Up to 50% at max level)
    -Spellboost: Entangle (Spells may be cast on objects or foes sharing history with the target)
    -Magically Apprenticed (Spell values are increased by 10%. Spell costs are reduced by 10%)
    -Magically A-Practiced (Spell Values are increased by 20%. Spell costs are reduced by 20%)
    -Adept Arcanist (Spell Values are increased by 30%. Spell costs are reduced by 30%)
    -Wizened Warlock (Spell Values are increased by 40%. Spell costs are reduced by 40%)

    -Archmage (Spell Values are increased by 50%. Spell costs are reduced by 50%)
    -Polymind (Maintain human levels of consciousness within animal forms)
    -Greatest Wilder (Retain spellcasting capabilities within animal forms)
    -Haphephobic (Touch-limited skill and spell have their range extended to 3 meters)
    --Steady Thoughts - Spells may be cast at less than maximum strength. Spells cast below their current level gain no experience.
    -Summoner's Pact - Summon spell maintenance costs are halved or else summon spell duration is doubled.
    Elemental Perks
    -Hero Of Rime (Ice and Cold based damage and effects +50%, Ice and Cold Damage Resistance +25%)
    -Man of Fire (Fire based damage and effects +50%, Fire Damage Resistance +25%)
    -Warrior of Darkness (Dark and Negative damage and effects +50%, Dark and Negative Damage Resistance +25%)
    -Seeker of Light (Light and Positive based damage and effects +50%, Light and Positive Damage Resistance +25%)
    -Thunderstruck (Electric and Sonic based damage and effects +50%, Electric and Sonic Damage Resistance +25%)
    -Ga Taosenai! (Wind based damage and effects +50%, Wind Damage Resistance +25%)
    -Grave Digger (Earth based damage and effects +50%, Earth Damage Resistance +25%)
    --Metal Dance: Fire + Earth (Spells cast on metal, of the metal element or otherwise related to metal are 100% faster. Instant effects are not affected)
    --Super Conductor: Ice + Lightning (Elemental resistances above 100% become absoption. Absorption cannot exceed 100%)
    --Key of Twilight: Light + Dark (Spells cast using shadows, light or darkness are 25% more effective. Illusion spells are 20% more real.)
    ---Universalist (All spells benefit from +50% damage or potency. All magic resistance is improved by 25%. Does not stack with elemental perks.)
    Dragon Perks
    --Draconic Soul (Allows the purchase perks from the Dragon tree)
    -Draconic Growth (Doubles all attribute points gained at level up. 50% EXP penalty)
    -Irrepressibly Draconian: Many dragons are true shapeshifters. While they may be willing to wear the form of a lesser creature, none would ever accept the weaknesses. A dragon's native senses and abilities remain, regardless of form.
    -Draconicly Precocious: For good or ill you're especially advanced for your age. While you may not have the actual strength or power of an older dragon, you've figured out how to use the abilities and gifts they've developed. Current Stage- Young. Current Value- Adult
    -Miserly Master: You might have a natural gift for magic but you're also a natural skin-flint. The more familiar you are with a spell, the less you're willing to pay for it. Material requirements for spells are reduced by 0.5%x(Spell Level). Costs cannot be reduced below 0 GP.
    Miscellaneous Perks
    -Sharpshooter? Smartshooter. (Gun damage is based on INT instead of AGI)
    -Stealth-Mage (Spells you cast are undetectable. Casting magic does not alert others to your presence.)
    -Trackless Step (No physical evidence is left behind during normal travel)
    -Bound Weapon (Bind One Weapon in a soulbound inventory space. Can be swapped with a 24 hour cooldown. Broken weapons will automatically be placed inside the bound inventory. Bound items can be recalled at will. Bound items cannot be enchanted/modified with permanent effects while bound)
    -Bound Arms (Bind One additional weapon/shield in a soulbound inventory space.)
    -Bound Equipment (Bind an additional weapon/shield in a soulbound inventory space and as many as 3 suits of armor)
    -Bound Gear (Bind an additional weapon/shield and suit of armor as well as 4 sets of pet/familiar armor)
    -Bound Armory (Bind up to 5 weapons/shields. 5 Suits of armor. 5 sets of pet/familiar equipment and 5 vehicles. Any slot can be changed with a 24 hour cooldown.)
    -Force Blade: 30% of total Strength is added to spell formula when wielding a sword.
    -Blade Dance: 30% of total Strength is added to Agility when wielding a sword.
    -Mana Blade: 50% of total Intelligence is added to attack formula when wielding a sword.
    -Chi Shadow: Your fists can strike without striking! Melee range is extended by 32 centimeters.
    -Swift Strike: 30% of total Dexterity is added to Agility when striking with your fist!
    -Oracle Blade: 20% of basic attack damage is returned to you as MP
    -Magic Vampire: 4% of skill and spell attack damage is returned to you as MP
    -Absolute Range: So long as your target is within the normal range of your weapon you do not suffer accuracy penalties for distance.
    -Green Tips - 25% of Gun Damage is now treated as Piercing
    -Push Through - 25% of Spear Damage is now treated as Piercing
    -Animal Affinity - Familiars benefit from their masters Perk effects
    -Gotta Juice! - Maximum sprinting speed is increased +100%
    - Curing over time (Golem) - Every year, you grow a little more durable. A little more resilient. Adds age value to base defense score (+56)
    - Arcane Battery (Golem) - With the passing of the ages, you become more and more attuned to the energies powering you... And better able to store a bit more charge. Age X 1% = MP Overcharge value (Can only be filled by natural MP regen.) Current = 56%
    - Lightning Rod (Golem) - Absorb 5% of the cost of any spell that strikes you. Rounded down to the nearest whole value.
    - Living Current (Human) - MP Regeneration cannot be reduced below 25% of Wisdom due to debuffs, curses or other effects.
    - Curse Affinity (General) - Cursed items are less disastrous for you. They do not bind on equip and their effects must attempt to overcome your full resistance each time they activate.
    -- Curse Mastery (General) - Cursed items do not auto-activate on you. Curses you cast require two consecutive successful attempts to remove.
    --- Accursed Excellence (General) - Curses and cursed artifacts actively work to aid you, reversing their effects from detriments to benefits when worn or used by you. Divinely Cursed Artifacts ignore you and fail to activate when used upon you.
    Crafting Perks
    -Crafter's Luck (25% chance to receive duplicate crafted item)
    -Efficient Crafter: (25% chance to get crafting materials refunded.)
    -Magic Item Adept (All items crafted after the first will be made with greater expertise reducing the time needed by 75% and the cost by 50%)
    -Magic Item Savant (So long as you know the nature and use of a magical item, you can use it effectively regardless of normal restrictions. Be it race, bloodline, class or anything else)
    -Steady Hands - +10 to Crafting and Engineering results when crafting
    -Experimenter - +10 to Alchemy, Cooking and Compounding results when crafting
    -Which is Mightier? - +10 to Smithing and Writing results
    -The One - Rings are crafted as though they required 25% fewer materials and with a 25% reduced level requirement.
    --Wand? Witch Wand? - Wands are 50% more likely to duplicate or refund their original materials when crafted.
    ---The Old Bone Knife - Leather goods require 50% less time to manufacture.
    ----Hammer and Tongs - Metal goods will not warp or crack while cooling or being heat-treated.
    -----It's still safe... I think? - Potions and other compounded medicines will not expire.
    ------Sparky! - Items manufactured through engineering will not suffer from mechanical or electrical faults
    -------One Good Pen - Never run out of ink again!
    --------Perfect Timing - Your cooking results may fail, but they'll never burn unless you want them to
    ---------Duplicatous nature - Alchemy results always guarantee at least two products per success.
    -Harvester - Alchemic ingredients and magical plants offer twice as many ingredients when harvested.
    Special Perks
    -Briar's Dream (+1HP/MP per minute. +1VP per day.)
    -Kar'Yashlan's Compassion - When struck by a fire attack, all stats are boosted by 10% and gain +50% fire resistance for 1 hour. Does not stack
    -Final Deicision: Epic, Mythic and Deific levels do not provide any inherent defense against your blows or spells.
    -The Break of Dawn- Healing and Holy spells cause 2X more damage to the undead and other Evil aligned entities.
    -Handyman (Double durability on crafted or repaired items!)
    -Greenish Thumb (Plant growth guaranteed. Fruit/vegetable quality isn't.)
    -Acquisition (Item Drop rate increased +10%)
    -Adhesion (Improved grip whilst climbing)
    -Athleticism (Reduces exhaustion from physical activities)
    -Conveyance (Increased mobility while burdened)
    -Facility (Improved reloading speed)
    -Flow (Maintain normal mobility in water/marshlands)
    -Fortune (Currency Drop rate increased +10%)
    -Grace (Safe falling distance increased by 50%)
    -Mettle (Reduced risk of VP damage)
    -Opportunism (Striking vulnerable areas can cause greater damage)
    -Predation (Restore 50 HP per kill)
    -Prolongation (Resources like batteries or lamp oil last longer)
    -Recuperation (Healing over time spells or abilities work faster)
    -Tenacity (May survive a fatal blow with 1 VP)
    -Limit Break (Level 1) (Skill and spell maximum levels are doubled. Skill/Spell experience +100%)
    -Materia Consumerism (May eat red, green, yellow and purple materia that have been mastered to permanently add them to your list of skills/spells/perks)
    Forbidden Attunement (Bahamut): All things forbidden and dangerous, you find use in. Weapons, armor, artifacts and magic of every flavor that's been sealed away and forgotten? You're unafraid to hunt for it. And all too willing to use it. - Affinity for sealed or forbidden items/magic +100%. Cost -50%. Experience relating to the use of anything forbidden X2.
    Ability Medicine Refinement (Eden): Some special items may confer unique permanent powers, buffs or abilities to a gamer. You now know the recipes to manufacture these items.
    Passive Effects
    -HP+20% (Level 45)
    -MP+(20%) (Level 33)
    -Strength+(20%) (Level 25)
    -Vitality+(30%) (Level 68)
    -Speed+(30%) (Level 55)
    -Magic+(60%) (Level 128)
    -Spirit+(60%) (Level 127)
    -Luck+(20%) (Level 33)
    -Experience+(150%) (Level 200)
    -Currency+(150%) (Level 200)
    -Item Amplification+(300%) (Level 85)
    -Quadracast (Level 200)
    Vocation Perks
    Critical Hit Defense IV (Critical hits are 40% less damaging)
    Accuracy Bonus III (Accuracy improved by 30%)
    Dragon Killer II (10% chance to intimidate dragon foes)
    Dragon Booster (Draconic familiars have 10% added to all stats)

    Defense Bonus III (Improves physical defense by 30%)
    Resist Virus V (Viral immunity +50%)
    Double Attack V (Two-Hit combos are 50% faster)
    Attack Bonus III (Physical attack power +30%)
    Smite III (Two-Handed weapons are 30% more powerful)
    Fencer V (Critical hit rate X1.5 when for weapon wielded in the main hand)
    Critical Attack Bonus II (Critical hits cause 20% more damage)
    Shield Defense Bonus III (Defensive value of shields +30%)
    Shield Master III (Blocking with a shield restores stamina equal to 30% of damage taken. Spell interruption rate -30%)

    -White Mage-
    Clear Mind V (When resting, MP Regen is improved by +50%)
    Magic Defense Bonus VI (Magic damage taken is reduced by 6%)
    Divine Benison V (Status Restore magic is 50% more likely to work and 50% less noticeable by hostile parties)
    Auto-Regen II (Naturally restore 20 HP/Minute)
    Tranquility (Healing magic does not attract hostile attention when cast on allies)
    Shield Defense Bonus (Blocked attacks inflict 10% less damage)

    -Black Mage-
    Magic Attack Bonus VI (Magic damage inflicted is increased by 6%)
    Conserve MP (25% chance to reduce MP costs by a random amount)
    Magic Burst Bonus V (Magic combo damage is increased by 25%)
    Elemental Celerity II (Elemental magic cast times reduced by 30%)
    Occult Accumen (Restore Stamina based on MP cost of elemental and dark magic)

    -Red Mage-
    Fast Cast (Cast spells 10% faster)

    Gilfinder (Increase currency drops from foes by +50%)
    Evasion Bonus V (Increase evasion +60%)
    Treasure Hunter III (Increase global drop rates +3%)
    Resist Gravity V (Adds a small chance to resist Gravity spells and effect that would cause fractional damage)
    Triple Attack II (Extended combos are significantly easier)
    Assassin (Trick Attack is guaranteed to land a critical hit)
    Dual Wield IIi (Reduces penalty for wielding two weapons at once by 25%)

    Martial Arts VII (Unarmed attacks are significantly easier and combo more readily)
    Subtle Blow V (Drain the stamina of your foes, making it harder for them to unleash greater attacks)
    Counter II (Become better able to interrupt an attack with one of your own)
    HP Boost VI (Increase HP by 60%)
    Tactical Guard III (Blocking restores stamina)
    Bonus Effects
    +500 HP/MP (Saviors Ring)
    +50% Skill/Spell Experience (Ring of Perseverance)
    +200 HP recovered per minute (Life Grail)
    +25 (50) MP recovered per minute (Magic Grail)
    +1 STR/VIT per level. -50% total MP regeneration (Racial Effect: Holmcross)
    +1 INT per level, +1 AGI per level (Racial Effect: Dragonkin: Void)
  • Weapons
    -Nagrarok (Atk: 1, Evade +90%, On-hit: Toad, Silence)
    - Magic Wellness Stick (On-hit: Heal)
    - Enhance Sword (Atk: 43, Int: 16, Materia Growth X3, Weapon Enhancement Spell Effects +50%, +3 strikes at full power. +4 strikes at half power. +4 strikes at 25% power. Heal for 30% of damage caused.)

    - Gigant Hydra R1 (Atk: 6100, Knockdown: Yes, Experience +100%, Defense +33, three sets of paired Materia slots, Experience +100%, Enemies slain with this weapon offer +100% Experience, Weapon Enhancement Spell Effects +50%, +3 strikes at full power. +4 strikes at half power. +4 strikes at 25% power. Heal for 30% of damage caused. Consumes 10% of HP and converts it into piercing damage. Damage inflicted is returned as HP (WARNING: Effect is reversed on Undead targets). This weapon strikes as though it is four size categories larger.)

    - Second Hand (Int+20, Wis+15 Time Materia Lvl-4: Haste (cannot add!), Slow (cannot add!), Stop (cannot add!))

    - Veinslay R1 (Atk: 4900, Dex +35, Attacks inflict Slow and Poison, Experience +100%, Enemies slain with this weapon offer +100% Experience, Weapon Enhancement Spell Effects +50%, +3 strikes at full power. +4 strikes at half power. +4 strikes at 25% power. Heal for 30% of damage caused. This weapon strikes as though it is four size categories larger than its current form would imply. This weapon resizes to always fit in the wielders hands.)

    - Gravity Laser R1 (Atk: 4800, Dex +50, Experience +100%, Enemies slain with this weapon offer +100% Experience, Weapon Enhancement Spell Effects +50%, +3 strikes at full power. +4 strikes at half power. +4 strikes at 25% power. Heal for 30% of damage caused. This weapon strikes as though it is four size categories larger.)

    - Ultima Weapon R1 - Ultima Weapon (Atk: 4525X3, Defense +33, one Materia slot, Experience +100%, Enemies slain with this weapon offer +100% Experience, Weapon Enhancement Spell Effects +50%, +3 strikes at full power. +4 strikes at half power. +4 strikes at 25% power. Heal for 30% of damage caused. This weapon strikes as though it is four size categories larger)
    - Lichbone Pendant (Dark/Negative Damage +100%, Dark/Negative Damage Resistance +50%)

    - Midnight Cowl (Intelligence -10, Wisdom +20, Dark Damage Resistance +75%)

    - Bootyshorts of Evasion (Defence +15, Agility/Dexterity +10, Respect -20)

    - Clean Undies (Defense +310, status ailment immunity)

    - Missing Sock (Defense +310, Evasion +160)

    - MageKnight Helmet R1 (Defense: 366, Magic Defense: 213, Added Effect: Extend Duration of Spells, Reduced Damage from Ranged Attacks, Fire/Ice/Lightning Magic is 25% more effective, Body is enshrouded in a bubble of stable and hospitable environment, Immune to all Status Defects and Instant Death, Immune to Possession and Mind Control, INT/WIS +8000, INT/WIS +300%, Regenerate 60% of MP every 10 seconds in battle, 10% of Healing effects will be shared among your teammates, This item will resize to always fit the wearer.

    - MageKnight Armor R1 (Defense: 1177, Magic Defense: 290, Added Effect: Gradually Restore Health, Allies Nearby Gradually Restore Health, Worn Armor Feels Weightless and Does Not Impede Actions, Health and Stamina Regenerate 50% Faster, ATK/DEF +300%, Survive on Stamina when incapacitated (50% chance), Restore 3 HP/MP per step, This item will resize to always fit the wearer.)

    - MageKnight Gauntlets R1 (Defense: 295, Magic Defense: 205, Added Effect: Restores MP When You Deliver the Killing Blow to an Enemy, Extends the Duration of Attribute Boosts Applied to You, Unarmed Attacks Strike as Though From a Creature Four Sizes Larger, Sneaking is 40% Better, Marksmanship is 40% Better, More easily climb upon monsters, Elemental damage inflicted +500%, This item will resize to always fit the wearer. Materia Growth: Triple, Four Paired Slots 4x2)

    - MageKnight Boots R1 (Defense: 337, Magic Defense: 261, Added Effect: Wind Does Not Affect Mobility, Boost Movement Speed While Casting Spells, Armor is Muffled and Does Not Make Noise, Sneaking is 40% Better, Maximum Movement speed +325%, Gain 1 EXP per step in hostile territory, This item will resize to always fit the wearer.)

    - Ring of the Endless Skies (Auto-Libra effect giving basic knowledge of enemy status, Name and HP. Skills and Spells cost Zero (0!) MP or Stamina, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Holy and Dark Damage Inflicted +50%, All Magic Damage +32%, Spell Duration +105%, Non-Instant spells take 1/3 normal time to cast, MP Costs reduced by 50%, Skill and Spell Experience +250%, Equipment Experience +100%, The ring changes size so that it always fits on the wearers finger.)

    - Raven Ring of Success ( Experience +545%, Currency +560%, Item Drop rate +580%, Rare Item Drop rate +30%, Items looted/stolen from enemies are guaranteed to be rare (if possible), steal attempts have a 100% success rate, looted items are multiplied X4, All Experience earned X2, Dropped Currency X2, Can Steal multiple items at once from enemies, Strength +12, Intelligence +12, Luck +257, HP/MP +100%, You make no noise when moving and enemy detection range is greatly reduced, Falling damage is negated, Item Effects X2, The ring changes size so that it always fits on the wearers finger.)

    - Warlord's Stud (All attacks are critical, Non-melee attack range +65%, Increases equipment weight capacity by 95%, Increases weapon durability by 90%, Restore 2 HP/second, Critical Damage Inflicted +30%, Worn equipment is slowly Mended, Movement speed +55%, All Weapons are mastered twice as fast, this stud will resize to fit the wearer regardless of shape.)

    - Nidhoggr Stud (Absorb all elemental damage as HP, Physical damage taken -55%, non-elemental Magic damage taken -56%, Defense +20% when HP is full, Defense +20% when HP is below 20%, Attacks and Abilities are 27% harder to interrupt, +135 HP per foe defeated, Earth elemental spells and skills are 50% stronger, this stud will resize to fit the wearer regardless of shape. )
    Only notable shards will be included, otherwise I'd have the entire wiki here!

    -Conjuration Shards
    --Tis Raiff, Rank 18, Grade 18, Fire a ray of holy light with minimal tracking. Power improves with grade, number of rays increase with rank.
    --Riga Storaema, Rank 18, Grade 18, Conjure pillars of flame along the ground in front of the caster. Power improves with grade, number of pillars increases with rank.

    -Directional Shards
    --Void Ray, Rank 1, Grade 18, Emit a constant stream of dark energy in the pointed direction. Power improves with grade, size increases with rank. (+400 R1G1 shards from hunting Abyssal Guardians)
    --Tis Rozaiin, Rank 1, Grade 18, Emit a constant stream of holy energy in the pointed direction. Power improves with grade, size increases with rank. (Can be manufactured with Tis Raiff. Cost 1 diamond to do so. Tis Raiff is not expended.)
    --Reflector Ray, Rank 18, Grade 18, Emit a beam of light that reflects off surfaces in the aimed direction. When fired, teleport along the ray to reach the end destination.
    --Dimension Shift, Rank 1, Grade 1, Teleport a short distance in the desired direction. Sight not required but the spell will fail if there isn't enough space to accommodate your body.

    -Active Shards
    --Standstill, Rank 1, Grade 1, Stop time around the user. Cost 60 MP/Second
    --Accelerator, Rank 18, Grade 18, Sprint at +900% normal speed. Cost 5 MP/Second
    --Shadow Tracer, Rank 18, Grade 18, Your shadow rises from the ground an imitates your actions, repeating your physical attacks. 1 shadow per 3 ranks (Six in total) which do 5% damage per grade (Current 90%. Potential max 100%). Cost 10 MP/Second

    -Familiar Shards
    --Nothing useful

    -Passive Shards (Only one may be equipped at a time. At rank 9, passive shards become active shards and may be stacked with itself)
    --Augment Strength, Rank 18, Grade 9, Increases strength with grade and attack power with rank
    --Augment Constitution, Rank 18, Grade 9, Increases constitution with grade and HP with rank
    --Augment Intelligence, Rank 18, Grade 9, Increases intelligence with grade and casting speed with rank
    --Augment Mind, Rank 18, Grade 9, Increases wisdom with grade and MP with rank
    --Augment Luck, Rank 18, Grade 9, Increases luck with grade and item drop rates with rank
    --Augment Gold, Rank 18, Grade 18, Can sell items to shops for higher prices, enemies may drop a random amount of bonus GP on defeat. 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, or 2000 bonus GP.
    --Sword Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power with swords by grade and attack speed with rank
    --Spear Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power with spears by grade and attack speed with rank
    --Dagger Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power with daggers by grade and attack speed with rank
    --Firearm Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power with firearms by grade and attack speed with rank
    --Greatsword Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power with greatswords by grade and attack speed with rank
    --Katana Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power with katanas by grade and attack speed with rank
    --Unarmed Expertise, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack power when attacking without a weapon. Grade increases damage while Rank increases speed.
    --Optimizer, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase attack speed with grade and overall attack power with rank
    --Amphibian Speed, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase underwater movement by grade and underwater health regeneration with rank
    --Words of Wisdom, Rank 18, Grade 18, Reduce MP consumption with grade and has a chance at 0 MP cost with rank
    --Drain, Rank 1, Grade 9, Occasionally restores HP when striking foes. Grade increases the amount of HP restored while rank increases likelihood.
    --Magic Resistance, Rank 18, Grade 18, Resist all magical effects and sometimes are immune to magical attacks. Grade increases resistance, rank increases likelihood of negation.
    --Strike/Pierce/Slash Resistance, Rank 18, Grade 18, Resist the equipped form of physical damage and sometimes ignore an attack from the equipped damage type. Grade increases resistance, Rank increases likelihood of negation.
    --Money Is Power, Rank 18, Grade 18, Increase stats based on wealth. Cap at +40 points at 200k
    --Red Remembrance, Rank 18, Grade 18, Attributes go up as HP goes down.
    --Alchemic Bounty, Rank 18, Grade 18, Occasionally receive multiple copies of your crafting results. Grade increases amount, Rank increases likelihood.

    -Skill Shards (All are active but can be manually turned off)
    --All Passive shards at Rank 18 are included on this list. Such shard can be equipped in the passive slot to double the effect.
    --Double Jump, Rank 18, Grade 1, Jump a second time in midair, may also perform a flying kick.
    --Deep Sinker, Rank 18, Grade 1, Move normally along the bottom of the water. Ignore pressure or buoyancy issues. Rank increases stats when underwater.
    --Invert, Rank 18, Grade 1, Reverse the effects of gravity upon yourself.
    --High Jump, Rank 18, Grade 18, Launch yourself directly up into the air! Can be chained for repeated ascension.
    -Nectar X30
    -Magic Carrot X77 (Tops only)
    -Heal Berry X99
    -Elixir of Youth X83
    -HP Up X729
    -Soma Drop X722
    -Strength Up X729
    -Vitality Up X729
    -Speed Up X729
    -Magic Up X683
    -Spirit Up X729
    -Luck Up X729
    - Transmutation (read)
    - Scrying (read)
    - Advanced Homonculi by C.Grande (read)
    - De Le Metalica (read)
    - Synthesis: Fusion (read)
    - Heward's Handy Handbook of Magical Mysteries (read)
    - The Amazing Art of Item Creation by Welch Vineyard! (Read)
    - The Incredible Incorruptus! Complete blueprints and designs compiled by the fantastic Framboise!
    - Zadd's Guide to Golemancy
    -(Read spell books have been removed to condense space)
    - Necronomicon X3 (Unread)
    - Transmute Mineral Ore
    - Ebony Flesh
    - Esuna (FF12)
    Compilation of FF7 Materia
    --Magic (Green)
    -Time (Provides Time Manipulation Spells. Haste, Slow and Stop) (1) Level 1, (3) Level 4 Master
    -Drain (Absorbs HP from enemies. Drain, Drainga) (4) Level 1, (1) Level 3 Master
    -Fire (Fire based projectile attacks. Also used to power combustion engines. Fire, Fira, Firaga) (71) Level 1, (1) Level 4 Master
    -Thunder (Electrical point/target spell. Can be used to power electrical devices. Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga) (26) Level 1, (2) Level 4 Master
    -Ice (Ice based conjuration spell. Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga) (9) Level 1
    -Destruct (Magic removal spells and instant death magic. Debarrier, Dispel and Death) (1) Level 1, (1) Level 4 Master
    -Gravity (Gravity magic causes fractional damage. Gravity, Gravira, Graviga) (4) Level 1
    -Shield (Magic barrier that prevents all damage for ~15 seconds. Spell unavailable until Materia reaches Level 2) (1) Level 1, (2) Level 3 Master
    -Barrier (Gives access to damage reduction magics. Protect, Shell, Reflect, Wall) (29) Level 1
    -Osmose (Absorb MP from enemies. Reverse effect if used on Undead foes. Osmose, Osmoga) (10) Level 1
    -Earth (Provides access to Earth elemental spells. Quake, Quake2, Quake3) (2) Level 1
    -Dark Fire (Status afflicting fire magic. Levels 1-3 inflict Dark and Silence. Level 4 inflicts Dark, Silence, Stop and Instant Death. Dark Fire, Fira, Firaga, Hell Firaga) (6) Level 1
    -Dark Blizzard (Status afflicting ice magics. Levels 1-3 inflict Dark and Silence. Level 4 inflicts Dark, Silence, Stop and Instant Death. Dark Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Hell Blizzaga) (5) Level 1
    -Dark Thunder (Status afflicting electrical magics. Levels 1-3 inflict Dark and Silence. Level 4 inflicts Dark, Silence, Stop and Instant Death. Dark Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Hell Thundaga) (5) Level 1
    -Contain (Provides access to high-level, single target spells. Freeze which may freeze the target solid. Break which may petrify the target, Tornado which may confuse the target and Flare, non-elemental spell that causes massive damage) (16) Level 1 (1) Level 4
    -Electrocute (Fire three quick bursts of high level thunder magic) (12) Level 1
    -Heal (Provides status restoring magics. Poisona, Esuna, Resist) (4) Level 1
    -Restore (Provides HP restoring magics. Cure, Cura, Regen, Curaga) (17) Level 1
    -Tri-Elemental (Triple-cast of various -ga level spells. Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga) (20) Level 1
    -Energy (Fire a non-elemental ball of homing magic. Pierces.) (21) Level 1
    -Full-Cure (Fully restores targeted units HP. Must be at least level 2 to cast) (7) Level 1 (1) Level 3
    -Ultima (Non-Elemental attack spell targeting all foes. Must be at least level 2 to cast) (9) Level 1 (1) Level 3
    -- Ability (Yellow)
    -Double Summon (Allows user to summon two summoned beasts from materia) (1) Level 1
    -Steal (Attempt to take an item the foe is carrying. Steal, Mug) (18) Level 1, (2) Level 3 Master
    -Double-Cut (Quickly strike a second time. Double Cut, Quadra Cut) (1) Level 1, (1) Level 3 Master
    - Assault Twister (Launch forward to assault foes) (9) Level 1
    - Status Blade (A targeted strike which may inflict statuses on foes based on unlocked skills. Blind/Dark/Poison/Silence/Death) (8) Level 1
    - Element Blade (A targeted strike which causes elemental damage Fire/Blizzard/Thunder. Higher levels unlock higher damaging effects. Ra/Ga) (5) Level 1
    - Jump (Launch into the air before slamming down on the targeted foes. Jump, High Jump) (4) Level 1
    - Throw (Hurl items or equipment at your foes. Or money, that works too. Throw, Coin) (8) Level 1
    - Punch (Sacrifice a little bit of something to hit your foes extra hard! Goblin Punch, Iron Fist, Magical Punch, Hammer Punch, Costly Punch) (26) Level 1
    - Darkness (Sacrifice a portion of HP to cause piercing, non-elemental damage to all foes in range) (6) Level 1 (2) Level 2 Master
    -- Summon (Red)
    -@**&@%$#% (1) Level 1, (7) Level 5 Master
    -Odin (Odin's pretty chill. No renaming needed. May use his Iron-Cleaving sword to instantly kill foes, or his lance to cause physical damage) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -Alexander (A great machine filled with Holy Light) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -Hades (Renamed 'Lich' to avoid tempting Hades and to remain consistent with Final Fantasy Tactics. Black Cauldron inflicts numerous debuffs on foes. Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Small, Slow, and Paralyzed) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -Phoenix (Resurrects all downed allies and causes tremendous fire damage) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -Knights of the Round (Call thirteen giant knights with a mastery of multiple fighting arts to assist you!) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -- Support (Blue)
    -Magic Counter (Casts paired Magic Materia when attacked) (1) Level 1 (3) Level 5 Master
    -Command Counter (Uses paired command materia when attacked) (1) Level 1
    -Final Attack (Uses paired Materia upon defeat) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -Added Effect (Status Debuff of paired Materia is added to weapons on hit or added to armor as immunity to the paired effect) (1) Level 1, (3) Level 2 Master
    -Elemental (Element of paired Materia is added to weapons on hit or added to armor as scaling resistance/immunity/absorption based on Elemental Materia Level.) (2) Level 1, (4) Level 3 [Master]
    -Sneak Attack (Paired Materia is used at the beginning of a fight with no cast time/warmup) (1) Level 1
    -Steal as well (Paired materia may steal items from foes.) (1) Level 1
    -Added Cut (A physical attack follows the paired spell/command) (1) Level 1
    -Quadra Magic (Paired materia will be recast four times in total) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -HP Absorb (Paired materia will absorb a percentage of inflicted damage as HP) (1) Level 1
    -MP Absorb (Paired materia will absorb a small percentage of inflicted damage as MP) (1) Level 1
    -MP Turbo (Paired materia will use +10/20/30/40/50% more MP to inflict and equally greater amount of damage/healing) (1) Level 1
    -- Independant (Purple)
    -Experience Plus (Exp+50/100%) (1) Level 1, (3) Level 3 Master
    -Currency Plus (Currency drops+50/100%) (1) Level 1, (3) Level 3 Master
    -Speed Plus (AGI/DEX+10/20/30/40/50) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -HP Plus (HP+10/20/30/40/50%) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 5 Master
    -Double Cast (All spells are cast twice) (15) Level 1, (3) Level 5 Master
    -Counter Attack (May attack an enemy immediately after a physical attack) (1) Level 1
    -Enemy Away (Enemy monsters try to avoid you) (1) Level 1
    -Enemy Lure (Enemy monsters are drawn to you) (1) Level 1
    -Pre-Emptive (More likely to get a sneak attack on an opponent) (1) Level 1
    -HP<->MP (Swap HP and MP attributes) (1) Level 1
    -Mega-All (Target all foes with all abilities. Charges increase with level) (1) Level 2
    - Magic Up (Intelligence+10/20/30/40/50%) (11) Level 1, (1) Level 5 Master
    - Spirit Up (Wisdom+10/20/30/40/50%) (6) Level 1, (1) Level 5 Master
    - Stamina Up (Stamina+10/20/30/40/50%) (4) Level 1, (1) Level 5 Master
    - Strength Up (Strength+10/20/30/40/50%) (9) Level 1, (1) Level 5 Master
    - Luck Plus (Luck+10/20/30/40/50%) (1) Level 1, (1) Level 5 Master
    - Stamina Magic Boost (Expend Stamina to empower spells) X10 Level 1
    - Stamina Physical Attack Boost (Expend Stamina to empower physical attacks) X1 Level 1
    - Stamina Attack Boost (Expend Stamina to empower all attacks) X7 Level 1
    - Stamina Defense Boost (Expend Stamina to Improve defense) X19 Level 1
    - Stamina Boost Master (Expend Stamina to empower all attributes) X13 Level 1
    - Smart Consumer (Increase the efficacy of consumable items. +50/100/150/200/250%) (1) Level 1, (3) Level 5 Master
    --Special Materia
    - Meteor (Summon a destructive meteor from beyond space and time) (1) Level 1 (1) Level 3 Master
    - Attribute + (All attributes +10/20/30/40/50%) (8) Level 1
    - Metal Sample "Necrodermis" (Nanomachines use quantum mechanics to effect repairs)
    - Metal Sample "Darksteel" (Indestructible to even multi/omni-dimensional beings)
    - Metal Sample "Transparisteel" (Transparent metal often used to make windows on ships)
    - Metal Sample "Astral Driftmetal" (Extraplanar material that can interact with non-physical entities)
    - Magical Nectarine Pit X33
    - Darksteel Magic Condenser ???%
    - Supersized Darksteel Magic Condenser ???%
    - Phozon Crystal (Natural)
    - Phozon Crystal (Artificial)
    - The Journal of Gofard Gaffgarion (Dark Knight)
    - Elder Scroll (Dragon)
    - Staff of Magnus
    - Lord Soul of Darkness
    - Bael's Blood (4 Liters)
    - Zeus' Blood (118 ml)
    - Enriched Lazarus Water (9801 Barrels)
    - Wind Crystal Shards
    - Water Crystal
    - Fire Crystal
    - Earth Crystal
    - Dragon Grass cutting

I shouldn't have put this off as long as I did, so I'm sure I've missed a fair few things. Just been something of a rough month. I thought work was going to clear up and we'd stop doing so much overtime.

I was very, very wrong.

Regardless of that- Thanks once again to the amazing Memzak for setting up this incredible format for me!

Edit 1: Forgot to include the most recently acquired spells and items.
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They do Disagaea item worlds.

If Yuffie does her mom's equipment, is the item boss her mother? As in, can she be a target to revive?

Unless there is something the Doom Train can do if it is item worlded?
Imagine being able to apply a "False Swipe" modifier to a continental explosion, like, I blew up that ENTIRE continent, but everyone, from the strongest to the weakest are still alive, but unconscious. 😂
With Disgaea in play, you can do EXACTLY that, by equipping either a weapon with that effect or a passive skill -- except that some Disgaea attacks are (by the attack animation) planetary or interstellar in scope - There are team and tower attacks in Disgaea 4 that involve rapid-fire punching a target all the way to the moon and then throwing them back down, opening a rift in space that tosses them outside the galaxy or at least a galaxy-like planetary nebula as seen at the end of The Empire Strikes Back, and couple of spells that throw half the planets in the solar system to impact on the target. Disgaea 2 has one that summons an intelligent evil star to swallow the target planet whole... and if you bring character-specific attacks into the mix, Disgaea D2 features the MC creating a pocket universe, throwing the enemy inside, and then collapsing it, purely to show off his power. Level 100 characters can canonically destroy a planet on a whim, and at the beginning of DD2 Etna is unimpressed about Laharl blowing up multiple stars because any half-assed demon could do that.

Granted, the story is generally going with a less ridiculously OP version of things, but your basic idea is specifically and explicitly not just possible but easy to accomplish, and if they get lucky when they kill an ItemWorld boss they could get the relevant weapon innocent any time, though I believe they first apppeared in Didgaea 2, and only became things you could get on any item much later in the series so he'll have to level up the portal skill before that if they really are in a first or second generation style Item World.
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Bravely default takes a very long ass time to complete. To the point people recomends the remake as it removes 20 hours of wasted time. There is no way Alchemist is going there.
"...Everything I'm learning to use, all the ways I'm learning to use it they... Mister Wayne, they can all kill things. They can all kill -people-. They don't- I mean, I'm not..."
Well, I know of the (Pathfinder) Periapt of Peace?
Spheres wiki said:
this item prevents any of the wearer's attacks from bringing a creature to 0 hit points or lower. This includes their weapon attacks, spells, sphere effects, or even triggering environmental traps on foes
(Granted, this is on the wiki for a third-party Pathfinder magic system (Spheres), and it takes Craft Rod and Merciful Spell (metamagic) but the effect is inflated and the cost is massively slashed to 50gp. Because it's treated as more of an RP item than a real game item, so the devs decided it shouldn't take up too much of your WBL power budget and be available at level 1, which makes it kind of BS. In-universe, though, I guess it could be something produced and sold under-cost by certain gods' temples, with that god doing something to make the crafting easier?)

Merciful Spell (+0 metamagic) normally turns spell damage nonlethal, though that's not a perfect guarantee--once you take your HP in nonlethal damage, you fall unconscious and any incoming nonlethal damage becomes lethal. So it would probably work for anything that takes more than a couple hits, but you'd still have issues with AoE. It also wouldn't inherently apply to things that aren't spells. Though Pathfinder allows doing nonlethal damage with any weapon for an atk penalty, and with certain weapons (including unarmed) for free.

Spheres also has Elude Fate, which is roughly a 6th level spell that causes the target to not die of one specified cause one time in the next CL hours. The maximum broadness of the the eluded fate seems like roughly "death by HP loss at the hands of my party."
(It's also kind of BS, and is in the "your GM decides whether this spell exists in their campaign world" category.)
Though this one wouldn't prevent concussions/brain damage or bleeding out after the spell expires or limb loss or other side effects like lifespan shortening or negative levels. Though most of those you could avoid risking by using non-physical methods of damage.

Another nonlethal takedown method is teleporting people into a prison. Teleporting someone into an antimagic field may work, the rules interaction is unclear.

Some kind of execute effect seems like something one universe might have? Like, on a killing blow, instead X? Perhaps not normally nonlethal (e.g. in a fighting game?), but possibly exploitable for that purpose?
Pathfinder has some specific abilities that do that, e.g. Immortal Truths of the Sleeping Goddess, though that's not spammable. A Spheres Paladin archetype has a spammable one.

Judges in FFTA seem to have anti-death abilities (perhaps an unmentioned Law card?), given the difference in how death works between battles with and without Judges.
Bravely default takes a very long ass time to complete. To the point people recomends the remake as it removes 20 hours of wasted time. There is no way Alchemist is going there.

Never said he was Asterisks are in the shop or p1s at least who doesn't mind buying them for Al if reimbursed and that's most of what I talked about as for the rest it isn't worth one such as the Raikiri or Cura shield you get them in chapter 3 of 8 and simply aren't strong enough to justify a quest. The only thing that would is the hourglass which I said would but even that wouldn't be too bad since you get it from the adventurer who is the superboss the quest would likely be fighting them. Though it wouldn't matter anyway most of the time spent in Bravely Default is grinding and doing side quests just look at how much quicker chapters 5-8 are because you already have the things like door keys.
Kaldur had dropped his form, listening intently. So far as he knew, while Poseidon had been venerated he also had not been called upon in living memory. The rituals to do so were time consuming and demanded a level of focus and effort that often left the participants bedridden for days at a time afterwards.

Beyond that, Poseidon was the king of the seas. His temper could shift like the tides, going from calm and nurturing to raging and tempestuous in moments with little warning.
It probably doesn't help that Poseidon feels both hatred at the loss of rulership and oceanic themes forced upon him and schadenfreude at how it has resulted in him being the most worshipped Greek god nowadays. In Mycenaean Greece, Poseidon was the Earthshaker, king of the gods and lord of the underworld, husband to Cold Demeter and father of Dread Persephone.
Then Ancient Greece happened and he had his rulership handed to a minor sky god, while his and Persephone's underworld themes were ripped out of them and fashioned into Hades, with Poseidon being given oceanic themes to replace them. And to add insult to injury, his usurper was the one who gave away his daughters hand in marriage to the thing crafted to replace him.

If they need help defeating Zeus, Poseidon is probably one of the best bets to help them.