not to mention how socially stunted Jinx is.

If she is socially stunted then Dinah has the social abilities and maturity of a teen.

Jinx did the responsibible thing and tried to talk things with her adopted mother.

Said adopted mother blamed the person who saved Jinx from the streets and who has saved Jinx life many times.

At the very minimum Dinah should be aware that the only reason Alchemist is taking a tutor and parenting role is because Dinah is not.

And is not like Dinah lacks the time or money.

She could take a break from anything but getting therapy to Player One and others and still have several hours a day to actually act like a mother.

But nope, she is acting more like an older sister that a parent.

Did- did alchemist not-really-accidently a murder portal sword?

why am I very suddenly afraid for The Godess Thing's mental wellbeing?

Gaia is more insane that Alchemist, thanks to her stupid murderhobo children literally driving her crazy.

st people don't fully understand what being an adult is

Basically being responsible for yourself and or others. That's it, that's the big fucking mystery. That's what "adulting" really is about. If you aren't taking care of yourself as much as you can, and you don't have health problems, then you are not acting like an adult.

Is not owning a house or a car, or getting a driving license or even having a job.

Is responsibility, hence why people prefer the whole car/job/house/ driving license thing.

Dinah is playing at being responsible but even my two parents, who worked all day, paid more attention to me that Dinah does to her adopted daughter. Heck even when my mom died and it was just my father he paid more attention to me that Dinah does to Jynx.

And that's sad.
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If she is socially stunted then Dinah has the social abilities and maturity of a teen.

Not too sure about Dinah, but Jinx is definitely socially stunted for a few reasons such as:

Growing up homeless in Gotham, being shunned as a meta, likely dropping out of school, spending her free time time training or fighting for her life, growing up in DC universe, Ect.
I'm trying to remember whether the story has it that "Dinah proactively offered to adopt Jinx, act as her guardian, and take care of her, because she liked the girl and wanted to help her" or "Dinah got it dropped on her (by other League members) as the thing which someone really ought to do and Dinah was best placed to do". One of these things - like "act as a therapist to Young Justice even though you're not fully trained, because nobody else is competent or trustworthy" is more stressful than the other.

Also, I agree with the earlier comments that a parent's first reaction to "hear child is in danger" -> "remove child from danger then work out what to do next" is understandable. Granted, both sides degenerated into a screaming argument and Dinah should have had more self-control than Jinx, but it is understandable.

Looking at Jinx's life, if Dinah and Alchemist are effectively Jinx's guardians, then Alchemist is the Fun Guardian and Dinah is lumbered with being the Stern (Not Fun) Guardian. Small wonder Jinx prefers hanging out with Alchemist.

(I'm not saying Dinah is guiltless: I just see the situation as being unmaintainable for all involved. Jinx, Dinah, and ultimately Alchemist too.)
Did- did alchemist not-really-accidently a murder portal sword?
Why yes, yes he did. Black Blade of Disaster, the dimensional rift in the shape of a mentally controlled flying sword. As opposed to the Sphere of Annihilation, which is the same thing but as a sphere with a diameter of said sword's length. Both, like Gate, are 9th level DnD spells.
"I'm trying to figure out a spell." Alchemist admitted, snapping his fingers again and getting a... Different result. The Gate that was called looked like a fractal nightmare, reflecting their own skewed image. Billy looked back from it, Captain Marvel looked out of it, a boy in a wheelchair gazed at them in confusion from it... Until the shattered mirror was dispelled. "It's similar to Gate, just... Different."
And in the process of figuring that out he got close to making Kaleidoscope.

Exactly how many wizards have the spell slots to experiment with intentionally, repeatedly, miscasting a 9th level spell?

Terra's "Dude. WTF?" is well justified. The spellcasting bonuses and resistances from those rings and ear studs he's wearing are insane.
I'm trying to remember whether the story has it that "Dinah proactively offered to adopt Jinx, act as her guardian, and take care of her, because she liked the girl and wanted to help her" or "Dinah got it dropped on her (by other League members) as the thing which someone relly ought to do and Dinah was best placed to do". One of these things - like "act as a therapist to Young Justice even though you're not fully trained, because nobody else is competent or trustworthy" is more stressful than the other.
The latter:
"I've recently taken a young girl under my wing. She's not joining the team, but I want to be able to train her alongside all of you and work on getting her powers under control." Taken under her wing, right.

She might be the trained counselor, but Batman was the expert on guilt.
And the stress of being under-qualified for the very high expectations and also overworked, circa chapter 100, shortly after Bitterblack Island and Alchemist's transmigration to his current body:
A week later and Dinah was ready to tear her hair out!

She'd finally, finally gotten the full story out of Player One!

Throttling Batman was being added to her to-do list! Player One's profile had simply read 'Troubled past, aggressive tendencies. Eager to please.' which did not, at any point, say anything about being groomed by a pedophile! Nor did it factor in her history of drug or alcohol abuse!

She hadn't even finished her assigned hours to be a certified counselor! This was so far beyond her, it wasn't funny.

Alchemist had been difficult, sure, but he'd actually gone on to get his own psychiatric care outside of the base. The clones had been painfully confusing, but she'd managed to argue her case well enough to get permission to introduce them to people who handled traumatized children.

The actual apprentices, she couldn't so much as make a suggestion before being shot down.

Batman was so concerned with secrecy and self-reliance, any suggestions for outside help almost literally bounced off of his cowl.

Aqualad was treated as a soldier by Aquaman, and the king insisted that, should he need more help, Atlantis would provide.

She had no idea if the Martian Manhunter even really understood what she'd been suggesting. His 'Understood. Do as you see appropriate' was permission, but she actually needed to understand more about Martians to use it.

The Flash... Actually, he was alright with her suggesting finding help for Wally outside of the team. He'd actually confided in her that he'd been trying to get Kid Flash to come with him to some of the group therapy sessions for his less violent villains.

This wasn't what she'd signed up for! She was supposed to be a friendly adult for the kids to talk to, not a full time counselor on top of her other responsibilities!

She hadn't been able to spend any real time at her floral shop at all. Her stock was literally rotting in the coolers! She'd had to reschedule her supervised hours twice this week and she couldn't afford to miss anymore.

Green Arrow had even tried to ask her out and she wanted to say yes! She really did! But she just didn't have the time!

She buried her hands into her hair and let out a hiccup as hot, frustrated tears leaked from her eyes.
So, can a crate if Medicine be Item World'ed?

If it is improved or gets a alt, will it apply to every version in a crate?
Given what happened to Player 1, I'm starting to think that might be exactly what we just saw.

Ah, so that's the real problem, Dinah was basically forced to do the adoption. No wonder things have gone downhill.

Right then, then might not be confirmation, but it's definitely enough to convince me. Wonder if his recent experiences are going to lead to Alchemist trying to compensate for this sort of thing going forward.
So, can a crate if Medicine be Item World'ed?

If it is improved or gets a alt, will it apply to every version in a crate?
For people with Cure and Esuna (everyone Al has taught magic to), it would be more useful to item world the chemical formula of the medicine. Or detailed instructions on the manufacturing process. Then send the results to universities and hospitals and Doctors Without Borders.
Better than universities, or DwB. Publish it online, make it freely available, buy advertisement to MAKE people talk about it, and ensure traction.

Open-source is ever, and always best. Can't monopolize, or scalp people if everyone and their dog can replicate it. Has the benefit of ensuring that the market will almost certainly provide a quality product, as barriers to competition begin as low as possible.
So, can a crate if Medicine be Item World'ed?

If it is improved or gets a alt, will it apply to every version in a crate?
As a rule, the Item World works on a single item. Multiple iterations of Disgaea include a consumable called Phoenix Pill, for example, which like (almost) anything else, you can go into and improve, but you do it one pill at a time, just like any other single-use consumable or armor/weapon gear (though, as a counterpoint, it also has things like Hamburgers and Ramen that are a collection of ingredients and for the latter includes the bowl, though being magic I suppose it works by the concept of "one thing" rather than a physical parts count. It would have to to be usable on guns and the Mech Suit armor, for that matter.)

Some versions also include spell scrolls, which IIRC cannot be entered - from an in-universe perspective, entering a recipe card would probably improve the card itself, not the recipe written on it. Likewise, Disgaea D2 has Book as a magic-stat-boosting weapon type, but IW them just increases how much of a stat increase they give (ie the quality of the book itself) not how quickly your proficiency with them increases or what spells you learn from it.
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Spell: Codespeak
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build Sidestory: Spell: Codespeak

Alternative title: The Dude Abides

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Shrike liked the whole team thing her mom had helped her get situated on.

She did miss Speedy, yeah, but the guy threw a tantrum and left when Artemis had suggested the idea. He seemed to really hate the idea of taking orders from the Justice League...

Or maybe it was just Green Arrow? She really wasn't sure. There seemed to be a whole host of issues there and she didn't know where to start to get them untangled.

"Yo!" Alchemist, that bastard, shouted into the common room. It distracted her from her schoolwork, the significantly more advanced material her new school demanded she complete for proper placement. "I'm not feeling like cookin' tonight. Who wants some O'Shaughnessy's?"

"Sweet!" Robin shouted back.

"I could totally go for a burger." Player One responded. "Can I get a large number two with a root beer?"

Artemis turned around on the couch and saw Alchemist had a notepad open in hand while he stood in the doorway.

"Absolutely can. M'gann?" Alchemist turned slightly to the green-skinned martian, butchering her name. Like usual.

"Uh... Do they have chicken sandwiches?" The redhead fumbled for a moment before continuing when Alchemist nodded to her. "Then I'll take that and, uh, fries? Oh, and a chocolate shake!"

"...I would like a burger and fries." Karen spoke up, softly. "And can I have a lemonade?"

"I'll take a Caesar salad." Artemis finally decided, electing for a more varied option. "With an extra five-piece chicken finger?"

"Got it, got it. Number two with beer, chicken and chocolate, number one with lemons, one knife-salad and a fistful of chicken. Robin, dude?" Alchemist turned slightly towards the boy.

"Dude! Du-dude, sweet." Robin fired back, his words completely unintelligible. "Sweetness, dude."

"Du~ude." Alchemist responded, writing something down on his notepad before turning towards Speedy.

"Sa-weet, dude." The redhead told him, his face serious. "Dude-dude-dude, dood."

"Sweet." Aqualad chimed in before Alchemist could turn to him. "Su-we~et."

"Da-dude." Alchemist nodded, moving on.

Artemis turned to Megan and Penny, her eyes wide in confusion.

"...What the hell is going on?" She asked, hoping one of them could make sense of the dudes and sweets that Kid Flash was rapid-firing at the man.

"I... I have no idea." Megan told her, the Martian's eyes rapidly swapping between. "It's not just what they're saying- They're thinking like this, too!"

"How does that even work?" Penny asked, just as confused as the other girls.

Except maybe Power Girl. Artemis could barely make out heads or tails of that one.

The gaggle of girls turned around as Superboy told Alchemist a single, solid 'Dude' and the mage turned to leave.

"What the heck was that?" Player One asked, her question directed to the room at large. "You guys weren't- You weren't talking! It was just a whole lot of 'Dude' and 'Sweet', that didn't make any sense!"

"What are you talking about?" Robin asked, a subtle grin on his masked face. "It made perfect sense. Alchemist asked what we wanted, we told him."

"No!" Megan denied, poking the Boy Wonder in the chest with one finger. "You didn't tell anyone anything! It was just-just-just two words! Over and over again!"

"Dude?" Kid Flash asked, placing one hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Dude." Robin responded, a small shake of his head.

"Dude?" Speedy didn't quite shout but he had to raise his voice to be heard from across the room. Kid Flash turned and shook his head at the cryogenically stunted boy. "Sweet."

"That's not a language!" Penny shouted, clearly frustrated. "You're just saying 'Dude' and 'Sweet' over and over again!"

"...Girls." Superboy shook his head.

"I know, right?" Robin turned away from Megan and headed over to sit with Superboy and Speedy. "They just don't get it."

"There's nothing to get!" Shrike shouted, more frustrated at being blown off rather than whatever craziness the boys had come up with...



"Alright, so." It had taken some doing but Alchemist had managed to get all of the boys together without the girls finding out. "I've been thinking-"

"Did it hurt?" Kid Flash fired off in an instant.

"Only a little." Alchemist answered before continuing. "I've got access to a spell that will let us all learn to speak a unique, magical language."

"What would be the point of this?" Aqualad asked, leaning forward in his chair and placing his elbows on his knees, his joined hands under his chin.

"Operational security is the excuse I'll be using if it's brought up." Alchemist told him before he brought out a copy of a video.

'Dude, Where's My Car'

"Honestly, though?" Alchemist grinned, mischief in his eyes. "Sometimes, it's just fun to mess with people."

"...I'm in." Robin's expression matched Alchemist's. A worrying sign on a good day.

"Fine." Superboy just seemed disinterested.

Extracting him from his conjoined twin had been a hassle and a half.

"Whatever." And Speedy was equally disinterested, or at least that was how he chose to act.

Kid Flash and Aqualad simply nodded when Alchemist looked at them.

"Alright..." The wizard held a diamond in his palm as he thought on the spell. Codespeak wasn't a complicated spell, he could probably learn it normally...

But he doubted he could convince the boys that he wasn't trying to mess with them if he actually had to use the material components, a rune-inscribed piece of paper placed under the recipients tongues.

The diamond dissolved into ashes as the spell took hold, burning a new language into the minds of those present.

"...Dude." Alchemist brought a hand up to massage his forehead, failing to reach at an ache deep inside of his skull.

"...Sweet." Aqualad agreed, doing the same.
I now want this to be canon, just for the fact that I wanna see Batman, Superman, Flash and J'onn pull this off in a meeting!

After all, as Alchemist said, sometimes it's just fun to mess with people.
this is the first time i have found anything you have written annoying but the dude and sweet speech annoyed me

I am sorry about that. It -was- meant to be annoying in a kind of stupid way, based off of the scene in 'Dude, Where's My Car' which is... Not a high-brow film.

It could serve a legitimate purpose but it was intentionally executed in the dumbest way possible.

I now want this to be canon, just for the fact that I wanna see Batman, Superman, Flash and J'onn pull this off in a meeting!

After all, as Alchemist said, sometimes it's just fun to mess with people.

Well... This is sidestory, not apocrypha.

Which reminds me, I need to doublecheck where I placed Scholar's Touch...

Basically it's a scene that fits into the story but wasn't important enough to get a proper chapter segment.

I figured I'd try a few things like this to showcase the less combative uses of Al's magic and to also connect more with the DC cast and setting.