Out in the oilfields North of the city...
Dammit Davey! You're shooting up Silverhand's silver hand!

I'm so glad that someone caught that!

It's just a tiny thing, completely inconsequential to the current cast, but it's also something that Silverhand would throw a fit over later on if he found out about it.

Instead, in-game, he just loses his shit for a bit because he discovers during one quest that his corpse was ditched in the oil fields without so much as a shallow grave.
If he does then the best option would be the Heaven'a Feel or Denial of Nothingness.

Heaven's Feel's primary ability to touch and do stuff with souls isn't it's best aspect when it comes to a gamer but the ability it makes one's soul a perpetual motion machine, meaning that one your soul doesn't degrade and two infinite mana

Denial of Nothingness is really good as it allows you to create literally anything if you have the magical power for it, though the only downside would probably be you need a sufficient understanding of an object, but with a lot of games giving detailed lore on how an object works? Well good enough.

The other three true Magic's are useful to various degrees, Kaleidoscope is the basically multiverse travel, something alchemist can already do just not freely it also has a minor ability to manipulate time.

The Fourth True Magic is unknown but from what I remember it's commonly accepted to be something like the removal of concepts, as it's known that the fourth true magic exists, solely because a fifth does

The Fifth True Magic, Magic Blue is Time Manipulation, mainly time travel something that alchemist can get a machine to do, besides that it has a minor ability to manipulate space like the Kaleidoscope due to the whole thing of Time and Space being two sides of the same coin

Quick edit: but just remembered the Six Sisters from Notes which can each use True Magic so there's likely a unknown Sixth True Magic

Pretty sure he wouldn't be able to use the sorceries if the lore is anywhere near correct, given that sorceries are explicitly beyond the reach of humanity (which in the nasuverse includes Gaia, or more accurately humanity is part of Gaia). That's why the deterrent force hates sorcerers and tries to stop them from happening
Actually if I remember correctly. The sorceries are in the reach of humanity. As in technology can eventually advance enough to accomplish the five magics. Its just it can't do that right now, which is what makes them True Magics.

The Counter Force blocks someone from reaching Akasha. A magician that opens a path to Akasha is blocked by the counter force and if they choose to just turn back and not force the issue they still manage to come away with a True Magic as a consolation prize of sorts.
Actually if I remember correctly. The sorceries are in the reach of humanity. As in technology can eventually advance enough to accomplish the five magics. Its just it can't do that right now, which is what makes them True Magics.

The Counter Force blocks someone from reaching Akasha. A magician that opens a path to Akasha is blocked by the counter force and if they choose to just turn back and not force the issue they still manage to come away with a True Magic as a consolation prize of sorts.
Ehhhh, yes and no? A Sorcery is a True Magic because it is literally impossible to accomplish under the current physics engine/Human Common Sense. Magecraft is defined as something that is theoretically possible to accomplish under physics as we understand or believe it. Its not merely "we haven't figured out how to do it," its "As far as we can tell that's impossible." That's why it takes reaching the Root to get a True Magic, you're reaching beyond Gaia to figure something out off of the Root's principles IIRC.

That said, you are also correct that the True Magics may eventually be figured out/understood, at which point they stop being True Magics and become Magecraft, and then maybe eventually Science/Technology. At the moment, Touko is working on turning the Third True Magic, Heaven's Feel/Materialization of the Soul into Magecraft, but we've no word on that being accomplished any time soon, and she's already got part of it as Magecraft as well as being one of the greatest Magi alive.

As for the Counter Force blocking people, you mixed things up a bit. It doesn't care about the people who plunge into the Root, its specifically trying to stop the people who'd merely touch it and then come back with a new True Magic, as each successive True Magic is making things worse for the World/Akasha. The line on "Had it only ended at the Third" is there for a reason. 4th is suspected to be Denial of Existence, 5th is inflicting massive energy costs on the World/multiverse, and I'm pretty sure the 6th is hinted at as being an apocalypse when it gets found somewhere.

The beginning first changed everything.
The following second acknowledged many.
The resulting third showed the future.
The linking fourth concealed itself.
And the final fifth had already lost its meaning.
Had it only ended at the third, someone had said.
Last edited:
6th is hinted at as being an apocalypse when it gets found somewhere.
That's already been identified.
The apocalypse is The Blue Ether Galaxy, the one MHXX comes from. The Servant Universe; the eternal expansion of the Human Order by way of The Throne Of Heroes, is the result of the 6th magic: a wish-bomb of sorts that can replace reality with your own vision, at any scale.

The very existence of Twinminiad is symbolic proof of the 6th magic's function.

In Nasu's version of mythological terms, it's the referred-to True Chaos.

MHXX is kinda-sorta an avatar/expression of the Sixth Magician, in that her fighting against Foreigners is just the result of the Blue Ether consuming the rest of existence, and Foreigners are just survivors of the apocalyptic wave.

It's kinda like a inverse Vacuum Decay, where the universe past the wavefront of vacuum decay has higher vacuum energy than the universe before it.
Last edited:
Besides this Fiscer could you post a Jinx's and Kary's current Stats and Gear so I can make a Stat page from both of them?

I'm so sorry! I missed catching it when you edited your question in.

I'll need to sit down with a calculator and a notepad here in a bit to get it figured out, as well as hunt down the various numbers I put together for how they grow. At least with Jinx I know I've got an informational post to start off from. You'll have to give me a few days.
I'm so sorry! I missed catching it when you edited your question in.

I'll need to sit down with a calculator and a notepad here in a bit to get it figured out, as well as hunt down the various numbers I put together for how they grow. At least with Jinx I know I've got an informational post to start off from. You'll have to give me a few days.

Thank you! I hope you won't be disappointed with the fate stat sheet
I see a lot of good reviews for this but I can't sit through reading past the first few paragraphs due to me not being able to mentally unassociate this story with pedophilia due to the beginning I'm not sure if I'm reading it wrong but I don't think I am.
I see a lot of good reviews for this but I can't sit through reading past the first few paragraphs due to me not being able to mentally unassociate this story with pedophilia due to the beginning I'm not sure if I'm reading it wrong but I don't think I am.
Not to say that it is Im not trying to imply that it's true I just can't unassociate it due to me having trouble with darker themes I really think that it is a good story a lot of people say so I just can't due to the darker theme in the beginning and my mind refusing me to read
I know it's just my family especially my mother was on the forefront of things like that I just get very angry I know the story isn't like that I read a little bit of the next chapter but my mind keeps being reminded and it makes it very uncomfortable to read
If, it makes you feel better. Warning, this is a minor spoiler for the first arcs of the story.
It is a major reason for character insertion. Not to mention, he (The Uncle) gets his comeuppance right away.
You Later find out that the Reason he is there is to stop a suicide.
Well, I hope you continue reading the story, it is excellent in my opinion.
If, it makes you feel better. Warning, this is a minor spoiler for the first arcs of the story.
It is a major reason for character insertion. Not to mention, he (The Uncle) gets his comeuppance right away.
You Later find out that the Reason he is there is to stop a suicide.
Well, I hope you continue reading the story, it is excellent in my opinion.
I will try and read again maybe in a couple of days let myself cool off it really does seem really good I read ahead in the next chapter and it seems really good thank you for clarifying.
It's fine if the story doesn't click with you.

Some topics, regardless of how they're handled, may not be easy for some people to interact with. Especially if they have some personal history in dealing with them.

If you push on and enjoy it, then I'll be happy I helped you pass the time. If you still feel that you can't read it, that's okay too. If that's the case then I hope you manage to find something that's more to your taste.
It's fine if the story doesn't click with you.

Some topics, regardless of how they're handled, may not be easy for some people to interact with. Especially if they have some personal history in dealing with them.

If you push on and enjoy it, then I'll be happy I helped you pass the time. If you still feel that you can't read it, that's okay too. If that's the case then I hope you manage to find something that's more to your taste.
Thank you for being understanding I can see that you have put a lot of effort into it as it is one of the longest and still ongoing yj fic I do apologize if I don't continue reading but do know, as I'm sure you already do, that many many people love this story.
Jinx Base Stats as of 173
Name: Jennifer "Jinx" -Redacted-
Race: Havoc Dragon
Level: 1/800
VP: 12
HP: 3000
MP: 1390
-STR: 100
-VIT: 150
-DEX: 150
-AGI: 100
-INT: 278
-WIS: 278
-LUK: 150
-Probability Manipulation (Alter targets luck to anywhere within users LUK value to -LUK value.)
--Final Fantasy series!
-( FFII )
-( FFXI )
-( FFVII )
- W-Magic (Twin Cast command)
- Doublecast
- W-Summon (Double Summon command)
- 2Xcut (command)
- Mime
- Meteor
- HP/MP/Str/Vit/Spd/Int/Wis/Luk +
--Dark Souls series!
-Twisted Wall of Light
-Dark Blade
-Carthus Flame Arc
-Blessed Weapon
-Lightning Blade
-Greater Magic Weapon
-Crystal Magic Weapon
-Frozen Blade
--Dungeons and Dragons/Pathfinder
-Alter Self
-Create Food and Water
-Create or Destroy Water
-Shadow Evocation
-Comprehend Languages
-True Strike
-True Seeing
-Arcane Sight
-Serren's Swift Girding
-Reloading Hands
-Abundant Ammunition
-Bow Spirit
-Phantom Driver
-Gravity Bow
-Lead Blades
-Twin Form
-Shrink Item
-Memorize Page
-Illusion of Calm
-Lose the Trail
-Silent Image
-Hidden Presence
-Hideous Laughter
-Touch of Idiocy
-Minor Image
-Shifted Step
-Selective Invisibility
-Adjustable Disguise
-Silent Table
-Lost Passage
-Fool's Teleport
-Shadow Jaunt
-Shadow Step
-Twilight Haze
-Wall of Force
-Limited Wish
--Dragon Warrior
-Ironize -Kaclang-
-Bright Soul (MP regen +50%)
-Shining Soul (MP +50%)
--Combined effect! Error! Attunement already visible!
-Spellboost: Expand (Double spell area of effect OR double spell duration)
-Spellboost: Lock (Persistent spell effects are more difficult to dispel based on level. Mastered spell may be cast permanently until dispelled)
-Spellboost: Pierce (Spells ignore magic resistance. Up to 50% at max level)
-Spellboost: Maximum Powah! (Spell cost is tripled, spell values are multiplied by 100%)
-Spellboost: Entangle (Spells may be cast on objects or foes sharing history with the target)
-Archmage (Spell Values are increased by 50%. Spell costs are reduced by 50%)
-Hero Of Rime (Ice and Cold based damage and effects +50%, Ice and Cold Damage Resistance +25%)
-Man of Fire (Fire based damage and effects +50%, Fire Damage Resistance +25%)
-Warrior of Darkness (Dark and Negative damage and effects +50%, Dark and Negative Damage Resistance +25%)
-Seeker of Light (Light and Positive based damage and effects +50%, Light and Positive Damage Resistance +25%)
-Key of Twilight (Light + Dark. Spells cast using shadows, light or darkness are 25% more effective. Illusion spells are 20% more real.)
-Polymind (Maintain human levels of consciousness within animal forms)
-Greatest Wilder (Retain spellcasting capabilities within animal forms)
-Fae Gift (Spells are more entrancing)
-Convincing (Unresisted illusions and enchantments cannot be pierced by those with lower Int/Will than yourself)
-Lucky! (Good luck effects are 50% more likely to occur for you)
-Scareqrow (Bad Luck effects happen to nearby hostile targets 100% more often)
-Small Packages (+1 VP, limbs are less likely to suffer serious injury)
-Lucky Researcher: Digging through musty tomes and disorganized notes is just as much luck as it is skill. Your Luck bonus will now activate when researching topics and trying to find information!
-Bound Armory (Tier V) Set aside as many as five suits of armor (Accessories included!), five weapons, five shields (Or five more weapons!), five sets of pet armor and five vehicles of any size so long as they've been claimed by you!
--Special Perks
-Acquisition (Item Drop rate increased +10%)
-Adhesion (Improved grip whilst climbing)
-Athleticism (Reduces exhaustion from physical activities)
-Conveyance (Increased mobility while burdened)
-Facility (Improved reloading speed)
-Flow (Maintain normal mobility in water/marshlands)
-Fortune (Currency Drop rate increased +10%)
-Grace (Safe falling distance increased by 50%)
-Mettle (Reduced risk of VP damage)
-Opportunism (Striking vulnerable areas can cause greater damage)
-Predation (Restore 50 HP per kill)
-Prolongation (Resources like batteries or lamp oil last longer)
-Recuperation (Healing over time spells or abilities work faster)
-Tenacity (May survive a fatal blow with 1 VP)

I'm sure I messed something up somewhere that I'd listed her getting. I'll need to get Kary's original stats figured out before I can do her current base values.
I do wish to apologize when I first tried reading this I incorrectly read Leslie being reborn into the older mans body which off put me as well as the darker nature I have now read ahead and realize that he did not inherent the older man this has made it much more tolerable to read and I am finding myself genuinely enjoying the story. Even though it is still uncomfortable to read in some parts I find this to be one of the best YJ stories I have seen so far thank you for making and continuing this story.
I do wish to apologize when I first tried reading this I incorrectly read Leslie being reborn into the older mans body which off put me as well as the darker nature I have now read ahead and realize that he did not inherent the older man this has made it much more tolerable to read and I am finding myself genuinely enjoying the story. Even though it is still uncomfortable to read in some parts I find this to be one of the best YJ stories I have seen so far thank you for making and continuing this story.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! For that alone, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to give this a try. When you get caught up, I'd love to hear your thoughts on where it is and how the story has grown.
True Name: Jennifer "Jinx" -Redacted-

Class: Caster

Alt Classes: Assassin


Strength: E+
Endurance: E++
Agility: C
Magic: B+
Luck: E~A

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: C

Item Construction: E+

Territory Creation (Bad Luck) B

Personal Skills:

Prototype Blessing of Gaia: B+

Dragon-Kind: A+

Gift of the Fae: A

Materia Consumption: A

Illusionary Arts: B++

Noble Phantasm:

Omen of Bad Luck! JINX
Anti-Person ~ Anti-Location Curse, A

Jinx doesn't really have any impressive stats nor feats I can think of in the story, I only made her NP Anti-Location as In the cartoon she did Make a tidal wave.

Unique Skills and stuff:

Territory Creation (Bad Luck) is just a Territory Creation but with a special flavor of bad luck added

Gift of the Fae comes from her perk that makes illusions better

Finally Illusionary Arts is basically a the Skill Magecraft but for illusions.

On a final note I'm working on an omake where Artur meets Ares
I really need to work on making Jinx more unique. As it is, she's mostly just following behind Alchemist.

She has been integral in several fights, her hexing Sindri led to the Dragonborn's death after all, but I really haven't been doing her justice lately.

And I'd love to read that! Artur, a war-god that fought beyond madness meeting up with Ares, a war-god that... Ran away from a fair fight?
I really need to work on making Jinx more unique. As it is, she's mostly just following behind Alchemist.

She has been integral in several fights, her hexing Sindri led to the Dragonborn's death after all, but I really haven't been doing her justice lately.
Give her perks that make her illusions partially real. There's a LOT of cool stuff that can be done with that, and if she's as good with illusions as Alchemist is with...well, everything else, that could get really crazy really fast.
Illusions also branch into mental and non-concrete magic abilities, such as astral projection and the like; Jinx may not have an obvious effect, but that won't curtail the effectiveness if she's clever about it.

Besides, the way I've been understanding it, Jinx is more natural at being a dragon then Alchemist. Put them in a situation where 'being a dragon' is a prerequisite or a given and she'll be flying rings around him.

...Now I'm imagining a purple dragon, that just fits behind the steering wheel, taking her first driving exam. When her very presence likely induces Interesting Times.
I suppose minor illusion will level up to major illusion?
Give her perks that make her illusions partially real. There's a LOT of cool stuff that can be done with that, and if she's as good with illusions as Alchemist is with...well, everything else, that could get really crazy really fast.
That is sort of the mechanic behind the shadow evocation spell. Key of Twilight, in the elemental perks, makes illusions 20% more real.
Mirage Arcane is more of a 'prepare the ground' spell, taking 10 minutes to cast, lasting 10 days, and encompassing any square mile within line of sight, but it seems to come damn close to being reality warping. True sight does not remove the tactile components. For a lesser version that can be cast as a standard action, look to Zoroark's illusions (Pokémon). Those can be dispelled by striking them, but they are sufficiently tactile to interact with and even act as bindings.
Chapter 174
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 1.7.4

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Mount Olympus was massive, far more so on Themyscira than the one in Greece was. Even before they'd approached, Alchemist could see it was divided into layers. The top was shrouded behind heavy clouds but there were paths cut throughout the rocky crags leading up to it.

Diana hadn't taken him up. At all.

After a relatively long trek during which they'd been watched with curious, hostile eyes from countless women Diana had instead shown him to a somewhat hidden alcove that led down to the domain of Hephaestus.

Truthfully? He'd been expecting more open hostility, maybe some veiled threats from Hippolyta. Instead she'd simply ignored him, directed her daughter to be quick about her business.

Well, Alchemist was fine with that. He'd probably just insult someone by stating an impolite fact and then dealing with the consequences.

He was feeling significantly better after the hour and change it took to fly to the Island, at least. He'd bloated himself, testing the attribute enhancement drugs. Jinx and Kary could take things far, far slower than he did.

Each elixir had been around one fluid ounce. He'd found the limits of a few attributes, run the bonuses against his base stats from level one. With his current equipment and perks, it first multiplied the bonus by two, then increased it by six-hundred and fifty percent. So they were actually multiplied by fifteen.

Seven Soma Drops had hit the maximum cap, at least with that variety of boost, of giving him a natural nine-hundred and ninety-nine MP. Apparently he actually started with zero and everything after that was just a boost from Intelligence? He was relatively sure HP worked the same way.

After that, because restraint wasn't one of his better traits? He'd downed Forty-six bottles of Int Up. It took the base value of his intelligence up to... Nine-hundred and ninety-nine. Technically, it should have gone over that but it seemed as though that was the limit for an item from Final Fantasy.

Of course, after drinking nearly two liters of liquid he hadn't been feeling too good. Changing into a dragon was so blindingly obvious of a solution to that, he honestly just felt stupid when Wonder Woman had made the offer as an off-hand joke.

He could mess around with his other attributes later, take it slower going forward. He didn't need to be super roided up. Not right yet. Hopefully not ever. But if he was going to have to deal with the New Gods or Klarion? He was going to lie, cheat and steal for every scrap of advantage he could find.

"We're just about there." Wonder Woman told him, leading just ahead through the wide, dark caverns underneath the mountain. "Just... Try to be respectful? Hephaestus is a kind soul and very dedicated to his work but he can be a little..."

The woman trailed off meaningfully... Which unfortunately failed to convey for Alchemist whatever it was she intended.

"Sure." Unless the god was intentionally disrespectful to him first? And badly enough that Alchemist was willing to fight his way out of Olympus? The mage was familiar with bad ideas, he could have them all day long.

He'd like to think he wasn't -that- stupid, however.

At a branching intersection, they had two choices. One went down, deeper below the mountain into what looked like a bottomless black chasm. The other was a large, heavy metal door with hinges made up of polished metal that would've been gleaming if there had been more than dim torchlight to illuminate them.

"Welcome-" Diana started to say as she pushed the grand doors open. "-to the forge of the gods. The realm of Hephaestus."

The cavern that was revealed was lit with a hellish hue, molten metal in grand crucibles casting out light and heat. A blast of dry air struck Alchemist across the face and he was sure it would've left his lips cracking and his hair frizzing if he wasn't insulated from the temperatures.

Stepping in, the mage could see golems, thinner and more lithe than his own, crawling about like ants. Some were working metal, others stoked the flames that kept everything workable. More were walking to and fro with loads of coal and ore in their arms, working around each other in perfect unison and never once impacting each other, even when their sight was impeded and two of them appeared ready to collide.

"This..." Alchemist looked at the work being performed, the automation present throughout the entire facility but for a single figure that was approaching them. "This is amazing!"

"You finally found someone that can appreciate the work I do..." The figure that had been approaching was a stout man, his limbs and stature suggesting a height he didn't truly reach. "And it's one of Gaia's toys?"

"...Yes, Hephaestus." Wonder Woman sighed at the god's gruff tone. "You asked for the one responsible for that sword? This is him."

"Hmm..." The god, Hephaestus, had dark, dusty skin. His wide mouth hung slightly open, revealing that it was full of sharp, uneven teeth. His hair, though cut short, was incredibly dense and black. Atop his head sat a pair of brass goggles. "Well, I suppose I can't fault you for where you came from."

"I appreciate that." Alchemist said, holding out a hand. Hephaestus reached out with one massive, molten mitt and grabbed his wrist instead. He held it for a long moment, his small red eyes locked on to Alchemist's glowing yellow, before dropping it and affecting a small grin. "I heard you wanted to talk with me?"

"I do." Hephaestus turned around and began to walk back into the heart of his workshop, his heavy steps resounding throughout the busy hall, the braces holding his legs straight clanking and clanging with every footfall. "That sword, it has a name. I want to know it. I want to know how you made it."

"...You'll have to be a little more specific." Alchemist admitted, pausing momentarily to allow one of the worker golems to move in front of him. "I've given Wonder Woman two weapons. Both are good but they're also two very different tools."

Which... He might actually have to ask for the Hollowslayer Greatsword back if she wasn't going to use it. Bane weapons, truly good ones, were a pain to come by.

Well... He could make one. But a genuinely powerful weapon of its kind involved some truly monstrous acts. One instance that he knew the start and finish of involved alchemic magic and binding the soul of a victim of whatever he needed to kill into the weapon, to give it a true hatred for the intended target.

"You look a little lost back there, Human. Trying to remember what all you've given away?" Hephaestus asked, not even bothering to turn around as he continued leading the duo deeper in.

"Ah, no. Got a little sidetracked. One of the weapons I gave to Diana has a special property where it hurts the undead more, then I got to thinking about how I could manually make something like that. And why I shouldn't." The god did turn around to face the man this time, one thinning eyebrow raised high in a silent question. "I was reminded of a whip called the 'Vampire Killer'. Beautiful weapon, bound to a bloodline. Inlaid with Alchemic Silver and infused with the soul of a woman turned by Dracula himself that voluntarily sacrificed her soul to the process for the sake of having a chance of hurting him."

"...Huh." Hephaestus huffed as they stepped through a great door and into a relatively small chamber. The walls were littered with hammers and tongs of every conceivable size, hundreds of clamps were hanging off of racks that were just out of Alchemist's reach. Along one wall was a forge, the small hole in the great furnace was lit white with the incredible flames barely concealed within. Not far from it, a simple anvil rested on the floor. "That would do it, yeah. Pretty sure I would've heard about something like that, though."

"Different reality." Alchemist admitted, admiring the various incomplete projects that littered the god's workbenches. "Think central Europe but imagined through a Japanese lens. It started off alright but got pretty weird near the end."

"...A world walker, too? You must have some pretty bad luck if Gaia dropped you off in here." Hephaestus shook his head, his whole body turning with the act to accommodate his thick, short neck. "Might explain this thing, then."

The god picked up a greatsword in one hand like it weighed nothing and practically shoved the flat of it under Alchemist's nose. The mage stepped back half a step before holding his hands out, letting the god drop the weapon into them.

"...The Twin Princes' Greatsword." Alchemist said aloud as he held the weapon up. "A weapon representing two souls, bound together through a curse of their own choosing. May I?"

"Go for it." Hephaestus grunted, curiosity clear in the molten coals that made up his eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Diana asked from where she'd remained, leaning against the doorway into the forge.

"This weapon was not forged so much as joined." Alchemist explained as he held the sword in two hands, the blade perpendicular with the ground. He stepped forward and thrust, white light shooting forward several meters from the tip of the blade. "One of the swords that went into it, Lothric's Holy Sword, had been given to the crippled boy as a gift by his mother before her disappearance. It was meant to represent his position as a divine child."

He returned to his former position, holding the sword at the ready for a moment before he shifted hard and twisted the blade to the back and then up after nearly embedding the tip in the ground. Flame rose in a wave before him, but carried only a meter or so before they were extinguished.

"The other weapon belonged to his older brother, Lorian. It was cursed when he used it to fell a great demon. A prince of its own kind. The blade smouldered ever after." The mage held the weapon before him, golden motes of light dancing across the subtle warps and cracks that had formed as he'd fed his magic through the fragile form. "The two blades were fed into a cauldron that could manifest memories. As I said, this blade was not forged. No smith ever held it to flame or teased it to form."

Alchemist looked at the strange weapon, at the light that glowed from within, near the cross-guard. One of the many failings of Titanite weapons was their fragility, though the strange material did offer them an especially keen edge. Alchemist's own ability to work the material was limited to etching fresh Titanite into an item to reinforce it. He'd never upgraded the blade as he had his own weapons, however. Never improved the strength of its blade nor the power it could draw from the hand that wielded it.

He honestly doubted Wonder Woman would have been able to tell the difference. Her absurd stats meant that she could have killed everything with one blow, at least in the world this weapon had come from.

"Fascinating..." Hephaestus rumbled, holding his stony hands out to accept the weapon. "A weapon forged of love. From a curse made of regret."

"A beautiful story." The god admitted as he held the weapon up, his expert eyes looking across the strangely mottled steel.

"Terrible weapon, though." Diana finally chimed in, distracting the two men in the room. "The balance is awful."


Leaning on the cavern wall outside the Forge, Diana felt as though she may have made a mistake.

Alchemist and Hephaestus got along surprisingly well. Disturbingly so.

After dealing with the sword, Hephaestus had offered to show the mage a thing or two about actual smithing, something the man knew a little about and the god knew much, much more. Alchemist, in turn, had shown the god a few of his more interesting trinkets.

Like a staff the man had literally made out of his own severed arm, encapsulated in an indestructible black metal.

Diana had thought the unbreaking material would catch the smith's attention. Instead it was the hand holding some kind of green orb. Steel bones filled with the literal essence of life.

The discussion the two had once Alchemist revealed that the material made up all but a few of his bones had quickly turned technical, then it had started to go over her head.

Tolerances, schematics and blueprints were things she understood just fine. Arguing over the choice to use one material over another based on its tensile strength and magical conductivity were things she did not understand just fine.

About the time Alchemist had pulled a chunk of black crystalline metal out of his inventory and Hephaestus had stared dumbly at the 'Metal-bound ichor of a chaos god...', she'd stepped out. Things were getting too technical and they weren't even arguing over the best method to make a new sword!

Diana opened her eyes as she heard a set of heavy footfalls coming from the side. From the route deeper under Olympus.

"Hades." She greeted the coming figure. "I wasn't expecting you to make the journey up today."

"Diana." Hades greeted her in turn. "I felt the presence of something interesting nearby and thought I could use a good constitutional."

Diana silently scoffed, knowing better than to bring attention to the corpulent god.

Hades was a bloated figure, almost as round as he was tall...

'Until he's glutted up like Dead getting ready to birth a new Titan slayer.'

Diana... Appraised the god in a new light. Alchemist's warning were dire, terribly so, and he'd not been afraid to compare the current actions of the gods to the things that they'd done in the past.

"You could always join me for some training, if you want to get back into shape." Diana offered, now curious as to what the rich god may have been hiding beneath his bulk.

The man sneered at her instead.

"I'd imagine Persephone might appreciate it." She continued, cutting off what looked to be a scathing comment.

"Well..." Hades pursed his lips and looked down, pushing a finger into the girth at his side. "All of this is her doing..."

The overweight god sighed and leaned against the wall next to her. "Very well. I suppose I should ask that she learn a few more recipes from Hestia that use less honey and ambrosia. You practice your bladework at dawn, yes? I believe I shall join you tomorrow."

Diana nodded silently at that. Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, a goddess of the Harvest. Even if it were not in Dread Persephone's domain, she'd long since been taught how to cook a great feast, to make use of her mother's bounty. Adding lessons from Hestia on top of that...

Well. Maybe Hades' corpulence was a bit more innocent than her paranoia led her to believe.

"Now, as to what I'm actually here for- What, exactly, has walked into the cripple's domain?" Hades asked her, glowering at the doors set into the opposite wall.

"...I'm still trying to work that out, actually." She admitted after a moment of trying to summarize the man that she'd brought to Hephaestus. "A craftsman and a mage. A warrior, when it's called for. For a short time, he was also a wandering soul trapped in the body of a child. He brokered a deal with Death to fix that, Lord Hades."

That... That part still sent chills down her spine. Whatever Alchemist was, whoever he was... He didn't fear Death, even when she held his soul in her hand.

"Oh!" And the harsh look on Hades face lifted, like clouds parting before the sun. "Oh, I know exactly whom you speak of! My lady has been all but singing his praises for resolving the truth of her sister. Well now... This is a truly rare opportunity."

"...How do you mean?" Diana had rarely seen the god look anything but thunderous. Honestly, anytime he wasn't with his wife? Hades looked as though he'd smelled something foul.

"Hmm... It is... Difficult to explain. At least, to you as you are now." The god brought a hand up to stroke the largest of his many chins. "My brothers and I are more, much more, than simply the physical forms you see before you. It is not inaccurate to call us extensions of our greater selves."

"A sort of... Oversoul, I believe I've heard it called?" Diana eagerly asked, pleasantly surprised to find the recalcitrant god in such a positive mood.

"As good a term for it as any." Hades shrugged, the motion rippling through his body. "We are all independent, however. Each god that you see will live and die, perhaps even have children and we do so because we wish to. Not because we are directed by some greater portion telling us that we must. You can think of the 'Oversoul' as a kind of template. We are made in its image, we draw strength and Authority from it. If we are slain, down to our very soul? It is removed from the 'Oversoul', much like losing a finger. It can be painful, debilitating even, but is not a fatal or crippling injury for our greater self."

"Now, as to the soul in there?" Hades tilted his head towards the Forge. "His is a rather typical story with which I am familiar. A mortal soul close to the Wellspring is spirited away after their death, given to great circumstances or power and then watched closely as the chaos they cause in their wake is greatly amusing."

"...What?" Diana understood the words that he'd said. She really did.

"I believe mortals refer to it as 'Reality T.V.' or some such drivel." Hades laughed, a deep and honest chortle that shook his entire frame. "Zeus never bothers with it of course, considers it terribly banal. Poseidon only keeps up with the ones that happen in this world full of Quirks anymore, though he used to love watching a series about ninjas. Strange places, really. As for myself? Well... I have nothing but time these days... Though getting anything through the Source Wall is difficult at best."

"...There are more like Alchemist out there?" Diana... Diana didn't know what she felt at that moment. Panic, perhaps?

"Ah, Alchemist is his name? Hmm... No, that doesn't feel right. His title, perhaps?" Hades shook his head and looked to her, mirth in his eyes. "And there are countless others like him out there. Madmen and messiahs alike, the greatest saints and the most vile of perverts. They all appear normal at first, of course. The Wellspring is the mundane from which the fantastical was made. But tapping a mortal soul with divine power always comes with the... Strangest of consequences."

"...You're enjoying this." She accused him quietly, her eyes closed as she tried to sort the insanity she'd just been made aware of.

"Immensely." Hades agreed. "Only Persephone is allowed to call me 'Fat', Diana."


"-Maybe visit the dwarves under Odin? Those guys know a few tricks I definitely don't." Alchemist had been having fun. A lot of fun, really.

He had access to a lot of different materials that Hephaestus had never laid eyes on before and at least knew the basics of working with them. Then Hephaestus, being the literal god of smithing, had actually shown him how to use the stuff properly.

Some things? Alchemist picked up on immediately. He had a bit of a knack for material processing. Other things, however, gave him no end of trouble.

Hephaestus had seemed to enjoy the time as well. Together the two had learned some fascinating things- Like Ebony metal made for terrible wires because the material tended to shatter if it was too thin, but could distribute force across a flat surface better than almost any other metal that wasn't unbreakable.

It probably had something to do with being a crystalline material, though Alchemist wouldn't swear by it.

The last thing the two had made whilst they actually had time? Alchemist had shown Hephaestus the trick with Golemancy that he'd used to make a Mage-Hand Gauntlet whilst Hephaestus had shown Alchemist how to actually build a gauntlet properly.

Sizing everything, getting the overlapping plates to join up just right, making sure that the joints moved seamlessly- Alchemist could and did cheat at manufacturing but he really enjoyed being able to make something correctly by knowing what he was doing!

"And what could they show me that I don't already know?" Hephaestus rebuffed as the two headed for the entrance to the Forge.

"How to make a shiny enough trinket that Freya would sleep with you." Alchemist fired off, no filter present between brain and mouth.

"...Seriously?" The god asked, sounding both resigned and curious despite himself. "I'm married."

"And normally I respect that." Two gauntlets zoomed forward, a right one made of ebony and a left made of mythril, to grab on to the great doors and begin to futilely tug at them. "But you're married and your aunt Aphrodite is... Not."

"...Yeah." Hephaestus agreed quietly. "She's really... Yeah."

"...You know, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw your golems-"

"Handmaidens." Hephaestus corrected the mage absentmindedly.

"-your handmaidens. I was half afraid I'd see a lot of men and boys down here working in your forge instead." Moving the conversation in a different direction, Alchemist had decided, seemed like a fantastic idea.

"Aside from us gods and the animals, there are no men on Themyscira." One small, coal red eye turned down to focus on the mage as the two continued on. "Why would I have any here?"

"In a reality not so far away? The Amazon's immortality is much less impressive. Long lived, maybe, but not unaging. They decided to solve the problem in a way that fit their old methods as a cult of War." Did Alchemist need to go into details? No, he did not. "Somewhere around half the time, the result was male. The women up above decided that your mother set a good example."

"And I said no!" Alchemist could hear the air hissing around Hephaestus as his temper, and temperature, spiked. "I said... I couldn't- I can't... I just... Can't. That's why I'm left down here."

Alchemist closed his eyes and sighed. He could do harsh truths just fine. Actually comforting someone? He had his weakness and he knew them.

The mage leaned against the great door and opened his eyes, looking up to the face of the hunched god.

"...That's why you're down here." Alchemist finally agreed, earning a confused glare from the god. "Because you know things the rest of your family can't imagine. Because they see someone that stood against their father's rage for the sake of someone that doesn't even love you... And they feel something they can't name. Because you shame them."

"...Might want to be a little more careful with your words." The glare had faded from the forge-god's face, replaced with a small grin. "If I were a more dutiful son, I might have to do something about that."

"Eh." Alchemist grunted, unconcerned. "You're an adult with an increasingly rare, increasingly marketable skill. If I didn't have an undead master-smith in my employ already, I'd make you an offer."

And Alchemist was tempted to do so anyway. Getting Hephaestus out and sharing his knowledge with the wider world could be what led to the next great age of artisans!

"Seriously." Alchemist continued as he turned around and began to pull the great doors open. "Give... Brock? Brokke? Brokker? That dwarven smith god, with the Norse pantheon. Give him a visit some time. They love competition."

Unlike Diana, Alchemist didn't open the doors all the way. He didn't have Berserk active and, while he'd certainly gotten strong, he wasn't even in the same ballpark as any of them.

"You should come by sometime." The mage turned around and waved to the deformed god. "I'll show you some of my other projects!"

He got a short wave from the god in return before the man put his giant hands on the doors and closed them with ease.

His gauntlets slotted themselves onto his belt and Alchemist turned around to a curious sight. A behemoth of a man stood against the far wall, chuckling in a way that sent things jiggling in ways that were downright unsightly in a toga and Diana had her face in her hands and was shaking her head.

"Did..." Alchemist had been expecting Justice League Hades, not Movie Hades. "Did someone finally explain to her that little girls don't come from statues that randomly come to life?"

There was a long, long moment of silence before the obese god started laughing harder and Diana just raised her head to glare at him.

"I am aware, Alchemist-" Diana was putting some actual venom into her words today! "-that not all little girls happen like I did."

"True, true." Alchemist agreed, undaunted. "Most of them are delivered by the stork."

"Wait..." Diana trailed off in confusion, looking between Alchemist and Hades. "There's a stork, now?"

Hades... Just laughed harder.

"Stop!" The god of the underworld choked out between chuckles. "Stop! I am here, hah! here for a reason!"

"Aren't we all?" Alchemist nodded solemnly, barely keeping a grin off of his face. "I, too, am filled with divine purpose."

"And-" Hades snorted as he tried to straighten up. "-that purpose is?"

"I don't know what it is yet... But I do know what it isn't." He'd finally had a moment to properly de-stress. And dealing with someone that was already laughing just made things feel easier. "I have tried, and I have failed. Never will I dance again."

"...Alchemist." Diana brought one hand up and pinched the sides of her nose. "If you are about finished?"

"...Yeah." Killjoy. "I'm good."

"Actually." Hades interrupted, standing to his full and impressive height. "I have a small request to make of you. I believe I've heard that, as an Agent of Gaia, you have something of a gift for getting around certain walls."

"...Something like that." Alchemist didn't exactly have a better way of describing it, honestly. "Did you want me to get something for you?"

"No..." The laughter lines along the god's face faded, shifting to a soft, fond smile instead. "No. Nothing like that. In another time, in another place... One of my children acts in rebellion and the aspect of myself presiding in that world struggles to balance duty against family and pain."

"...I think I can guess what you want." Alchemist crossed his arms and leaned back against the doors to the Forge.

"Perhaps so." Hades agreed, his grin twisting just a bit into something more mean-spirited. "But I do want to try something."

The god cleared his throat, ignoring Diana as the woman looked between the two men.

"Alchemist, Agent of Gaia. I, Hades, Son of Kronos, wish to offer you a quest: Aid the Zagreus of another world in outwitting my local avatar and in reward you may keep all that you find within the House of Hades." The way the god spoke, he was pushing some measure of divine power into his words. As he continued, Alchemist ignored the system screen that popped up. "You may have one week to accept this quest. Failure, of this task or else simply failing to accept, will earn my ire instead!"

~~ Quest Alert! ~~
~~ Troubles in the House of Hades ~~
~~ Is it possible for the left hand to act without the right hand knowing? Hades has requested that you aid his(?) son is defeating... Hades?
Assist Zagreus in securing his freedom from the evergloom of the underworld and all that you find throughout your journey will be yours to keep.
Be ever watchful as you go, however. While Death may be kind to those already in its realm, there are far greater dangers that await. Many an apple you'll find is golden, almost all have poison within. ~~
~~ Reward(s) ~~
~~ A positive reputation with the Greek pantheon of another world
God-Forged equipment
Knowledge lost to the living world ~~

"Ah, it worked then?" Hades asked, pulling Alchemist's eyes away from the block of text in front of him. "Oh, that is delightful! Great-Grandmother's system is a truly amazing device!"

"It is." Alchemist agreed. "Though, you know, I would've agreed if you just asked."

"Oh, we never can be sure with your kind." Hades waved a hand at him dismissively. "Half of you are off murdering everything you can see, the rest are out there building harems filled with the cheapest brothel trash they can find! The only thing you Gamers have in common is a love for these darling little quests. They make the numbers go up and some of them actually make you useful."

That was... Ouch. A lot of ouch.

"...You mind if I ask you a few things real quick?" Alchemist's good mood was gone, now. Still, he had something he desperately needed to know.

"I suppose I can spare a moment before I have to start the arduous journey back to my own kingdom. Go ahead." Alchemist was tempted to ask if it'd be faster for Hades to roll back but tempered himself.

"I want to get a few people out of the Phantom Zone, Aethyr's mind. I have a method of getting there, but..." Alchemist trailed off, unsure how to express what he actually needed.

"But you need a guide with a true and proper understanding of the realm?" Hades crossed his thick arms and glared imperiously down at the lone human soul. "No. I refuse to act as a tour guide to one of the most hostile of realms."

"Lord Hades!" Diana exclaimed, seemingly shocked at the god's blunt refusal.

"Oh, do calm down, Diana. Give me the names of those you seek freed and, so long as they are not dead? I'll see them returned once you've completed your quest." Hades explained himself, waving one massive hand in Diana's face.

"...Thank you." Alchemist breathed slowly, trying to remember the names of three people in particular. "Tan- Tinya Wazzo. Kara Zor-El and Non."

There were more, Alchemist was sure of it, and he felt somewhat sick because he couldn't remember them. He didn't know the names of any others that were trapped for the convenience of the Science Council of Krypton.

"I see. It will be something of a hassle but I suppose I can manage to extract a trio of souls from that... Place." Hades turned to face the deep chasm further under Olympus. "And the last thing you wished to ask of me?"

"...Can you give Cerberus a belly rub and tell them they're a good boy?"


From high atop Olympus a pair of sky-blue eyes watched as the... Thing, the abomination walked away. Heedless of its affront, unconcerned entirely with the insult its mere presence construed.

"Hermes." Zeus intoned gravely, his attention briefly lingering on the bloody mess of green hair and twisted flesh that clung to the foot of his throne.

"Yo!" The messenger god appeared in an instant, one foot in the mess. "Oh, ick!"

"Tell the cripple that he'll be making more chains." Zeus leaned forward, his glare keeping Hermes in place.

"Gaia has slipped her lock."