Ok, I have a question, so far we are seeing the MC getting more and more powerful which is ok, i kinda expect that from this kind of fics but is there is going to be and 'endgame' to this story, i mean, is he going to eventually face something he can't defeat or escape? I see he is taking his time to deal with powerful enemies using the least power possible, he probably end up killing Zeus(eventually) with a wave of his hand at the retae he is going without any casualty in his group.

But i do wonder what he will do when he face a 'Crisis'?
Ok, I have a question, so far we are seeing the MC getting more and more powerful which is ok, i kinda expect that from this kind of fics but is there is going to be and 'endgame' to this story, i mean, is he going to eventually face something he can't defeat or escape? I see he is taking his time to deal with powerful enemies using the least power possible, he probably end up killing Zeus(eventually) with a wave of his hand at the retae he is going without any casualty in his group.

But i do wonder what he will do when he face a 'Crisis'?

Well, the last time Al got that desperate was against a realized Dragonborn who wasn't suffering under game-ified constraints. He sent Jinx away to try and focus Sindri's efforts on him, and that cost Al an arm and left him comatose for a few days while things grew back.

He doesn't actually remember how that fight ended or what he did to finish it. Concussions don't tend to treat the brain too well.

He's gotten significantly stronger since then, as well as hunting down options that would fix the issues which plagued him in that fight.

But, one thing he's been told by a source he actually trusts?

The truly strong do not measure their strength in numbers. There are forces which do not care about Al's strength or abilities. Foes that would look at Al using Wish to rewrite reality and call it 'Cute' before showing him how it's properly done. Klarion, if he chooses to actually act as a Chaos Lord, would be on the list of entities capable of doing that.

At that point? It's a desperate bid to try and find one option that actually matters while staying alive and intact enough to actually enact it.
Wonderful, beautiful, accursed loot!
The Perils of Luck or Yuffie on the Loose

"So cool..." Yuffie whispered to herself, as she looked at the spoils that she retrieved from a bag she didn't even know she had. Her eyes strayed to her new accessory, the Lucky Badge she bought from this Eiyuden Chronicles, and she wondered if she could get her dad to upgrade it to the better Super Lucky Badge.

If she got this with the Lucky Badge, she couldn't wait to see what she got with the Super Lucky Badge!


Alchemist really didn't see anything wrong with Yuffie's request, that Robin had apparently dismissed a number of her wins as lucky... Well her wanting to show off that she could be really lucky wasn't that hard to figure out.

Why she wanted him to combine a few of them to get a Super Lucky Badge, was kind of confusing. Especially since it seemed to do nothing when he tried rolling dice, and some other luck based attempts. But if it made her happy, well he didn't see a problem with it.

Then came the day he sparred with Kary in a limited spar, while wearing one of the badges he bought on a whim. He won, yet felt like he lost.

Largely because when he found the bag suddenly hanging on him, he naively took out the thing inside. It was a sword with the description of being the First Arm...of Kary, with some of her old powers, and was apparently a part of a set of four swords. Dropped by...Kary apparently.

He also received a gauntlet that he couldn't put on, that acted like a bound mage hand with the power of fire. Which was again one of a set of four, that was soul bound.

Sadly Kary was quite...insistent to discover if they could acquire all four. that and see what she could get from him.

It was nearly a day of grueling combat before he remembered merging a few of the Lucky Badges for Yuffie, it also took awhile for him to convince Kary to let him try merging a couple of them like he had for Yuffie.

Thankfully it only took four more hours to get all of the gear that would drop for either of them, at which point he took a well deserved nap.

After which Kary asked him what made him get the Lucky Badge, and he remembered Yuffie asking for it. and the fact he gave Yuffie all the copies he made of the final merged badges... That he had also merged with some temporary tattoos that he had found, which hopefully would wear off soon.


Brand of the Ultra Lucky!: A special marking that forces the materialization of items from a defeated foe, as well as bound equipment geared to the user whether it be weapons, clothes, or items.

"Hahahaha!" Beast Boy laughed as he kicked his feet up in the air, the target of his laughter glaring angrily.

"Shut it!" Robin growled while trying to concentrate, that he was wearing a Starfire theme leotard that oddly covered everything but his stomach was embarrassing, and the fact he was having trouble with the flight it gave was mortifying. Everytime he got it right, suddenly it would get erratic in power output.

(He would get smug and secretly excited at his success, thereby accidentally increasing the power of the unit, and unbalancing himself. Which then led to other emotions messing with the controls inherent with the suit.)

"This is actually pretty sweet!" Cyborg said as he went over his systems after switching to what he would call RB Mode or Robin Mode. That it added systems to make him more agile, installed a kind of rudimentary detective vision, and included a mode that guided him in the air. For example it showed him how to bleed off momentum, land safely, and various other things an acrobat would know.

"Friend Raven," Starfire said in a low tone, while leaning against the wall in a suit that very much resembled Raven... Just more suited to Starfire. "I believe I am...the naughty. I have stolen...the mustard..."

"..." Looking at Starfire whose hair was,,,darker, teeth were a little sharper, and was faintly glowing with a dark light. Raven was cursing the fact that she allowed herself to be beaten, yet oddly her emotions seemed more... focused and under control.

Looking at Raven wearing a cloak that was the color of Robin's, a dark red leotard, and green gloves and boots. Jinx pondered various things, like wearing a Raven themed suit made Starfire into a Punk/Goth, and that Raven was unconsciously twirling the Raven shaped throwing stars that was stored on the thigh pouches she suddenly had. Without her powers and with increasing skill...

That and she was also projecting a kind of...Batman like vibe instead of Robin's more...arrogant and controlled vibe.

Yuffie on the other hand was a lot more silent than usual in her Robin like Ninja Outfit, lacking a cape in exchange for a long scarf, and a red and green upper face covering. (Think Katana) Yet there was a subdued kind of glee in her movements. Also instead of a grapple gun, she had a black line of coils that she shot from bracers on her arms that reeled her up to wherever they landed.

Her eyes flickered to Cyborg who was now clad in a dark theme, emitting a menacing air, and grinning like a loon. Then slowly they landed on Beast Boy who seemed to be wearing his own version of Raven's uniform that left his upper body bare except for a black leather vest, and fingerless gloves.

He would look like a tough punk if his hair wasn't long and he wasn't mugging for an invisible camera, like the actors in that strange Vampire film where the love rival was a Werewolf...


Notes.... I have no idea how it got to this...

I was kind of inspired by the Booty Shorts of Evasion thing, and the fact that the Lucky Badge in Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes can be duplicated and equipped on the whole party. Which makes sure that every item an enemy has will drop. just two of the Super Lucky Badges have the same effect.

Then subconsciously I was channeling the videos I saw of Devil May Cry 5, namely of beaten enemies becoming weapons. Which made me wonder if the System would reward them with themed gear essentially...
Your contribution has been gleefully added to the Apocrypha, thank you very much!

Really just had me grinning as I read through it. I've got to think about what the TT cast would think about the Booty Shorts of Evasion. After all, the whole Legaia setting is just so... dark. A bit of levity would definitely not hurt.
Thanks @Mister Ficser, I am glad it amused you!

I don't really know where the actual idea for the themed sets came from, it just came to me and I later claimed other inspirations because... Well I was kind of embarrassed that it came off the top of my head.

It just started with me thinking about Yuffie running around in a ninja outfit based on Robin's uniform theme. with Robin Shuriken, and hidden pouches containing ninja gear themed to Robin's gear. That and musings on what the Lucky Badge could do in Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes, and it came to me that wouldn't winning a spar count if both people were serious about it?

So Yuffie getting told over and over that she was just Lucky because Robin is kind of...a bad loser, especially losing to a kid... Well Yuffie got the idea to mess with him by showing how Lucky she could be, which led to her wearing the Lucky Badge openly, and after besting Robin she found in her bag she got an item called Ninja Mask of the Robin...

Which is kind of like an item, kind of like a skin in that it will grow with the user, and evolves with their style. It also in my mind gives benefits that can be mastered into inherent skills, kind of like the Final Fantasy 9 stuff.

Which led to her going to Alchemist/her dad and convincing him to help her with her prank, only for Robin to not want to fight her while she was wearing that Badge, and her going back and asking for a way to conceal it. So Alchemist looked up stick on tattoos so she could just slap one on, and he could make her more when she was running out.

He even gave her the copies because she asked for them. Unknowing that the tattoos were no longer temporary, so Yuffie is now a crowing super lucky ninja who can earn stuff defeating others, and special things from "bosses" aka unique characters.

Said Brand/Tattoo makes it where even something with a low drop rate is almost guaranteed to drop, except for of course the one time drops. Those only drop once, and likely would be the first thing she gets.


My thoughts are that the Raven set makes them look dark and mysterious, yet also give them mystical abilities. Like the full set for Cyborg makes him look dark and menacing, yet it lets him see and scan magical things, and grants him the GRIMOIRE Database that catalogues the various magics he runs across.

With Starfire, well with her great capacity to feel things... It makes her somewhat mischievious, willing to play pranks and so on. Her star bolts can now carry magical effects, and she can easily cast something like Holy Smite with greater effect. Well, while she is shifted into her Raven gear.

Cyborg Gear would give them special tech, Beast Boy would...well.

Robin would for example gain enhanced senses, enhanced physical capabilities, and a bestial temper that he would have to master.

Cyborg on the other hand would gain some mechanical animals that he could control, that could also shift into different animals.

..............Why am I talking all about this...

Sorry for flapping my gums...wait fingers?
Sorry for flapping my gums...wait fingers?

Don't apologize :)

I enjoyed reading it and I'm glad that you've enjoyed this story so much that you felt like sharing some of your own writing with us. Going by the reactions, a lot of other people enjoyed it, too.

Don't be discouraged if you only see likes or hugs instead of comments. A lot of people can enjoy something without having any distinct opinion to share about it, and a lot of other people are just as bashful about sharing their thoughts as you are.
Thanks @Mister Ficser

I sometimes play at being a writer, mostly quit pretending. Largely because I have a terrible affliction of writer dissatisfaction and derailment...

Namely I get upset because between my mind and my fingers, suddenly what I had conjured up veers into this strange...distorted mess. Then I get upset by the warped mess I made, and delete it from existence.

Seriously I had this idea for a Fallout 4 story that had the frozen Captain America found by Nora, and them going into the Wasteland together. Only I stuttered and suddenly a Deadpool like Mr Handy was in the mix, a little game show, and it was going to brainwash the defrosted Cap...

It was nothing close to what I was going for, and depressed me mightily.

Of course I had plans for a very old Tony Stark trapped in a robotic robo-brain like contraption since the 1970's I think show up, basically enslaved by Stane's descendent, and mocked by Jarvis. Who he saved by putting him in a machine to save his life, while he worked on creating something to give him another chance as a human.

Only Stane got to the loyal butler who found himself enjoying the strength it provided, as well as the fact that Tony had added rudimentary things to give him the feel of pseudo sensations. Naturally to Fallout they betrayed him, murdered him after framing him for Communism, and harvested his ideas over the years.

Naturally Robco and Vault Tec managed to get the best of them, but allowed them their little Dominion. Especially since Tony seemed to have become tapped out and depressed, only good to mock him. Though he apparently had a secret work shop they never found, and well to further mock him they have two robots based on Rhodey and Pepper around to torment him for ruining their lives.

Tony with the aid of Nora manages to get free, escape to said secret lab, and manages to use it to free himself from the defective Mr Handy unit they confined him to. Eventually emerging sane because he had the lab running an emulation of his mind before the betrayal, and the two joined into a functioning being with Nora's help.

Naturally Stane sent out Rhodey and Pepper in Stane Built Power Armors, basically War Machine and with what could have been the Rescue Armor, but instead more aggressive called the Avenger Armor.


Long story short Tony gets a new body stored in a large hulk buster/mark 1 fusion that is kind of like a cocoon for said body until it could function outside the suit.

Captain America/Steven Rogers got injured by a cut near his eye, said eye was infected by FEV, and under the eye patch it was getting worse. He was starting to get snappy, and a little erratic. Nora managed to subdue him through trickery and removed the infected flesh, which lashed out before fleeing into a facility under Diamond City.

According to Nora who kept getting migraines and some muscle spasms, it contained a man who had been treated with the Super Soldier Serum, and that when he objected to what was going on. Him and those who sided with him were exposed to FEV, that slowly twisted them into strange Super Mutants...

Apparently the person was one of ten US Agents, more specifically Alpha.

They eventually meet the Brotherhood of Steel, who the embittered One Eyed Steve believes has the power and drive to create a better America. Nora disagrees, largely because she has a view more like Steve once had. Namely they could do better, without sacrificing liberty and freedom.

The fact that Marxson wants to kill off the Synth, Ghouls, and so on rubbing her the wrong way. Steve during their argument ends up knocking her off the Prydwen after pondering the arguments, and then reacting to her perceived aggressiveness. Namely she was offering Marxson her gun with the words that he would have to kill her first, a test of resolve essentially.

Nora survives the fall somehow, gets kidnapped by Handy Tony who Stane assigns to find out how she survived the fall, and maybe to prepare her for the Widow Process. Since he was secretly a Communist due to how he was marginalized by Robco who bought up his company, which was once Tony's company.

Turns out that Nora was Beta of the US Agent program, the shadow of Alpha aka the covert agent while he was the overt one.

Said program had five Agents that represented the letters in Agent, followed by five others that were named by the letters following the letters making up the name. So basically A-G-E-N-T were paired with B-H-F-O-U, with the first ones as the face that fought on the front lines, and the others being the Covert Agents that were sent behind enemies lines to kill, sabotage, and destroy enemy forces and infrastructure.

Nora ironically was immune to the FEV virus, causing her to be experimented on, and well...contained. Namely by her husband who was upgraded into a asset, the Crossbones Unit that were more extensively modified, and made and trained to kill Agents.

So Nathan survived his gunshot wound to the head, which activated him as Crossbones. Who left his wife frozen because she was incapable of fighting back, and it would be unsatisfying...

And there I go again...

Sorry about the flapping of the gums/fingers...
Like I've said, you're fine.

It sounds like you've got about four or five plotlines struggling for precedence at any one point in time and they tend to cross wires.

And I get that. You've got an idea that you want to explore, but about midway through you get another one and it's all bright and shiny and new. So you try to mash them together but the resulting mix is largely incoherent and doesn't match the overall image you had of either idea.

What I'd suggest? Go ahead and write them out... and save them. Don't delete them, just stuff them in a folder somewhere until you're ready to look at them again. Maybe coming back in a few days with fresh eyes will help you sort out what you actually wanted to see?

My own style of writing is pretty much just that I spend about two or three hours of time after work and I put together a chapter segment, usually three segments to a chapter, though sometimes four. Very rarely, more. In each one I try and focus on a different point of view, try and put together a 'larger' picture than just what one person sees and experiences.

So your scattergun of ideas? Not really that strange. You might find a lot of success putting them all together... or you might find that success in making a lot of short but vaguely interconnected stories. Think of it as the difference between Harry Potter and the Discworld series.
What I'd suggest? Go ahead and write them out... and save them. Don't delete them, just stuff them in a folder somewhere until you're ready to look at them again. Maybe coming back in a few days with fresh eyes will help you sort out what you actually wanted to see?

My brother's therapist gave him the same advice, and it sounds like a good idea. Thank you!

Yeah, I shouldn't write chapters or story lines here on the posts area. Because then I can't save it unless I post it, I have got to just save them to word documents and work on them that way...


The five story lines thing though, well the overarching idea was this Lawyer house wife that ends up adventuring into a wasteland looking for her son and her husband's body, and she is accompanied by a living legend whose legacy endured even if it was...used badly.

Only to find herself more capable than she thought she should be, suffering from spasms when she pushes herself too hard, and even migraines as she remembers things piecemeal. Worry for Steve Rogers as she has flashes of a shadowy figure beaten down, but still going. Oddly much like Steve himself.

Sorrow and even some anger over a display in the Museum that depicts the Treacherous Agent causing riots and chaos, that was put down by the efforts of the Crossbone Legion and Falcon Scouts.

(Influence from the Marvel Universe, spoiler at least two of the Agents hid in the Falcon Scouts when not activated. The wings could be shifted into a shield that was somewhat weaker than Cap's shield, with the rest of the suit able to be shifted into an Agent uniform. But only by those who know how and have the access to the tools.)

Anyways the Hero slowly becomes tarnished on the journey as he sees the end results of the Country he once believed in, starts to mutate which causes Nora to remember things... About a facility under Diamond City that contains...a Hero that suffers from what he was.

Leading to Cap losing an eye and its infected flesh, some clashes within the group wondering if it was even right for her to do that to him, and even though Cap recovers his strength. He resents her because of her "betrayal", and his belief that maybe she was someone who worked for this corrupt thing that his America became.

So her reputation amongst friends takes a hit, Cap becomes closer to Danse who preaches the ideals of the Brotherhood. They do some stuff for the Minutemen who Cap feels aren't able to change things, as more missions pass by.

Meanwhile Nora respects them for their desire to try, while also wary of Samantha Wilson who is a Falcon and a member of the Minutemen who survived the debacle. One who doubts Preston Garvey, like a lot of people doubt Garvey who feels he can't lead do to all the people who died under his watch.

Anyways while investigating the Vault out of curiosity, alongside the other companions, and well Danse wanting to investigate where Steve was held. Nora discovers a log that shows when the power outage was, more specifically that it has been sixty years since Shaun was taken.

She still has a desire to get the man who does it, but eventually realizes it is pointless. Only for a Knight from the Brotherhood to kill the man instead, one whose helmet inspires a feeling of betrayal and rage. Only before she could confront them. she convulses and passes out.

Leading to a confrontation with Marxson, after Cap gives a rousing speech about how only together they could save the Commonwealth, and implying heavily that the Brotherhood should take the forefront.

A kind of betrayal of ideals, one that Nora does not react well to, and overcomes her migraines even as she starts bleeding from the nose and eyes. Giving her own speech, one that runs counter to Steve's let the big boys fix things, and that the Brotherhood should handle the dangerous toys people play with.

She stands there for Liberty and Freedom, while he stands there for Security and Safety, and that is where their journey together ends.

His reactions to her threatening Arthur with a visually non-functional gun, telling him she would be the first he would have to kill for this... dream they had to pass. Was to hit her through the windshield of the Prydwen's meeting room, with his shield that was tarnished throughout the journey. He over time didn't even bother cleaning it...


Which leads to her meeting Tony, both gaining their freedom as she has the extensive implants to hinder her removed. Discovering her life as a Secret Agent, the betrayal of the Government, and how they were subdued after being framed for terrorism.

Unlike the other two captured who backed Alpha, she turned out to be immune to the FEV. At first fighting off the mutations, so they tried again only for her to fight it off even quicker, and so they pumped her full of stuff to suppress her abilities... Then dropped her in the FEV, only to find it didn't effect her at all.

Somehow they hadn't noticed that what didn't kill her, made her stronger. Having had multiple live threatening situations that almost killed her, having made her very hardy. So they put in tons of implants, shock devices, and things to impair her memory while her husband secretly watched her for the Government.

Also yes, some of this carried over to Shaun if hampered by his father's own improvements. Namely he is healthier than in canon, and somewhat stronger in a more natural way.

Eventually it was to lead to a scene of the Brotherhood laying siege to Sanctuary to not only acquire the teleporter, but to find any sympathizers to the Underground. That and they found out their were still more secrets hidden in the Vault and even around Sanctuary Hills. Namely robots meant to become Cap's soldiers when he went out to restore America under Enclave guidance...

Only to clash with the Super Mutant Behemoth formerly known as Alpha guided by this...red Super Mutant that grew from the eye and flesh that fell out when Nora lanced Steve's eye. Worse is that it is like a twisted version of Steve himself, a kind of look at what he could have been If he was like the Red Skull.

Nate, Nora's husband starts leading a massacre of Sanctuary that was more built up than in game. Only to be confronted by Nora/Agent Beta, who kills him after retrieving her gear, and her shield.

.... And I just spewed out the plot of a story I never did, and just went completely off topic....


Sorry about that... Um can't wait to see how the story progresses, and man Alchemist was so disappointed about the Juggernaut just basically being. What if we do this, rather than a meticulously planned end game...
Sorry about that... Um can't wait to see how the story progresses, and man Alchemist was so disappointed about the Juggernaut just basically being. What if we do this, rather than a meticulously planned end game...

You clearly have a lot of ideas. And you've certainly put a lot of thought into things.

I've often found that writing things out like you have is actually really helpful in making things a bit more clear. It gives you a chance to put things in order, and lets you see how they're arranged and if you need to make any changes. Most importantly, it helps keep those thoughts from tumbling around inside of my head and lets me move my focus elsewhere.

Taking the time to type out your outline like that, reading it and putting in the effort to check your grammar and spelling (And you've done a very good job on those), I'd imagine that's helped you out a bit. Even if you don't realize it.

I hope you try and write out your story sometime and share it with us. Even if you struggle, even if you don't think it's very good, I'm sure you'll still learn a lot as you try.

-And, yes, finding out that the bad guys were winning by winging it is, well, both very disappointing and frustrating. One of the things mentioned in the game is that Seru are representative of the god, Tieg's, power whilst humans represent his wisdom. Considering what we know of humans, that's not a very flattering comparison.
With that in mind, the fact that the Mist in setting is a literal mind-control power by a Seru that tried to rebel... badly, might mean that the people under its influence will act with that Seru's motivations. Which are all about power and not very much about subtlety.
A gamer that could have been
For a minute, for a second she had seen light again...

For a minute, for a second she was no longer alone in darkness...

For a minute, for a second someone else had joined her in this...dark abyss...

Only someone came to pry her from this darkness, and she took her away from here...for a minute, for a second she was free.

Free from failure, free from abandonment, and free from the loss of her world that became less every minute, every second...

But maybe it was all just a...

"Kamala!" The young voice of that light yelled, just before she found someone had jumped on top of her in the dark. "Where are all the lights?! Where is the grass?! Where is-"

"Y...Yuffie," Kamala stuttered out the minute she caught her breath, blindly reaching into the dark for the young girl that couldn't be here, "your real!?"

"Of course she is real." Stated the voice of Yuffie's dad who was...a dragon? Just as a bright light suddenly appeared lighting up a metal room, that she faintly felt she should recognize. "It seems that her rash action actually saved you..."

"Ninja Desperation Move: Door Slide!" Yuffie's voice shouted as her vision grew dark, her being coming apart in Little lights, and the last thing she saw was something dark approaching fast.

"Just have to get used to the metal hatch on the floor I guess..." Yuffie's dad who didn't look like a dragon anymore muttered aloud as he looked around, before walking to a...machine. "Hmm, maybe if I..."

Suddenly there was a rumble and the...room there were in lit up as light fixtures came on, revealing a room with a reactor. She suddenly knew that it was the reactor of the Chimera, and it was...A-Day!


"Kind of awkward..." Alchemist muttered as he looked at the blackness in the sky, around them was pristine sets up for what looked like a fair. On top of some type of aircraft carrier. "I don't think we should leave her here."

"Well love," Kary spoke from beside him in a somber tone. "we have to remember the warning we received that she isn't a stable existence because her world was...discarded."

"And Terra couldn't retrieve the base code for her world..." He sighed as he watched Yuffie try and cheer her friend up, when suddenly they got a system announcement from Terra.

Howdy all, I would just first like to introduce a new Player, Kamala Khan!

Now as to the notes about a World in Progress, well due to the efforts of loyal beta testers parts of the base code to a lost world has been recovered, and with dedicated work by these Beta Testers eventually the Event Carnival A-Day will be available to all players!

Accessing this event will net you fantastic prizes, the chance to tour the Helicarrier, and even compete in instance dungeons for fabulous prizes!

Private Message: This means you and Kamala-Chan need to get moving in trying out the various games, and updating the facilities. Also probably tell her that eventually we maybe able to restore said world, it's just it will be...well not what it was. I mean I can only work with what I got, and that ain't much.

Oh Yeah, I found this Banner dude, and he was just such a bummer. All he asked for was solitude and a deserted area to like...be alone or something... So he is hanging out in like Florida, which I can't really move or it would just...collapse...so yeah.

Most of the others I managed to find are just kind of...not wanting to be there, like real Debbie downers. Even that Stark guy just wanted to party with some women and forget his troubles, so well we made a deal for his stuff, and I sent him to someplace called Night City... He'll probably be fine...

"The Avengers are alive?" Kamala suddenly spoke up, her voice was low, and her body was tense. Her...anger was almost palpable, that and disappointment. "...Why didn't they ever contact me, or anything... I mean I was one of them!"

For a second, just a second in place of a little girl...was a teen in a costume, and then with a sparkling light show she became a little girl again. One who almost fell to her knees if it wasn't for Jinx and Yuffie supporting her. Jinx dropping the bag of items she had been looting from the abandoned Iron Man display.

Suddenly the place they were in flashed, and then sounds of waves and gulls cawing sounded. The world came to life, even if it was in the middle of an ocean, and the sky was there...but lacking a sun or clouds.

System Announcement: Stabilization of Player Kamala Khan...Complete.

"We should get her out of here," Tiffany said as she came over to check on Kamala. "She can't be left alone like this..."

"Alright..." Alchemist said as they started walking towards the entrance to Kamala's sub-realm.

"Hey, watch me lift this hammer!" Beast Boy shouted to Cyborg who was playing around with the games they found.

"Oh yeah!" Cyborg replied while playing a red and gold arcade game with an armored man on it. "Watch my smooth moves!"

"Idiots..." Raven murmured as she trailed after the others, and the girl who felt like her world had fallen out from under her.


Notes: I have no idea how this came out this way, or why I placed it during the current arc.

I was thinking about the Infernal system mentioned by Terra, and it made me wonder... What would happen if they tried to abduct Yuffie while she was outside, hoping to sabotage Alchemist. Only the back and forth in preventing her kidnapping ended up with Yuffie being displaced to Avengers the Game that failed, and Yuffie managed to help a Kamala Khan that was breaking down.

By reverting slowly until she was the age she was during A-Day.

Alchemist made one of those doors because it could possibly stabilize Kamala who was rezzing and breaking down into pixels, it looked like if failed if not for Yuffie pulling a reckless stunt by jumping on and riding the door into the fading Kamala...

Saving her also allowed Terra to find other places still somewhat stable, and the Avengers living in those areas. Most of them being somewhat aware of their universe failing, having been left alone for a timeless time like Kamala, and just... Not having an interest in rebuilding a world that would be static and just...fake.

So Terra found places to drop them off at...


Tony Stark being burnt out of empathy was sent to Cyberpunk, grew up in that world, and well his dad was a lot like he was in most Marvel universes. A ruthless bastard who would fit in with the other bastards living in the Cyberpunk World, not able to offset Saburo that much, but he made good strides.

Basically Stark Industries is a competitor of Kang Tao, shooting shots across the bow of each other. Their chance to rise up there with Miltech and Arasaka was taken from them with Stane's betrayal leading to Howard's death. Which irritated Tony since he had to take a break from his nihilistic partying and start a new company, helped by Morgan Emilio Stark who was a cousin (actually a child of Howard who came up with a way to change DNA when disguised as someone else, and lazily changed it only minorly. This mistake was later seen as a blessing when Howard took in his bastard half brother's child who had such potential.)

Long story short: Tony Anthony Stark died and left his stuff to Antonio Howard Stark, actually Tony in a new younger body after his old one was dosed with an incurable poison. Morgan recruited his cousin Antonio to help out alongside Harvey Steven Stark, another bastard child of one of Howard's illegitimate brothers.

And yes this child was Howard Stark in a new body as well, with Morgan fully aware Howard was actually his father. They have a kind of twisted relationship that acknowledges and denies said relationship, just like they pretend they don't have ways to annihilate each other in case of betrayal. They are also aware of what Tony was willing to tell them about his last life, with the deal being basically leave him to his debauchery and try not to get him involved.

As an example he had Yorinobu killed by what looked like a new Kang Tao drone robot, which he built out of Kang Tao components, and made it loosely mocking his iron tech. Which led to Stark Industries sending Arasaka/Saburo a condolence gift for his loss, basically being a new body for Saburo that genetically tested out as Yorinobu's son.

Also a one time use tech that would facilitate the transfer, they tried to reverse engineer it, and failed. So they just chose to use the Relic that was rushed to use, and bungled the transfer.

So now Young Master Arasaka is spurring them to make an improved Relic, so that he can leave the obviously sabotaged body he was gifted by the Starks. Doesn't matter that their was nothing wrong with it before the transfer, he had the ones who had inspected the body killed for incompetence...

So that is the state of play in the Cyberpunk 2077 world that Tony Stark lives in.

Captain America being disillusioned and wishing for the past and a clear goal...

Well Terra ended up sending him to the world of Wolfenstein the New Colossus, where he met Blaskowitz, and found himself with a clear enemy to fight and a world that he could actually improve instead of futilely saving people before they eventually faded away.

So yeah, he found happiness there in helping people and fighting Nazis.


He ended up in a version of the Survivalists and plays with monkeys while surviving in his solitude filled paradise...
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spell for alchemist to learn, Clone it could be a spell to help with the situation. cant remember how long it takes for the body to be made though.
spell for alchemist to learn, Clone it could be a spell to help with the situation. cant remember how long it takes for the body to be made though.

Yep, that would neatly get around a lot of the issues. Alchemist just has to get into the right head space to think of alternatives after thinking he's already found a solution.

It's surprisingly hard to do, regardless of age.
I have no idea what's going on.

Being mostly player controlled during the story mode, Kamala Khan wasn't really able to move herself as the world around her degraded, and fell into an abyss of darkness. Unlike the others who could move and somewhat maintain the small areas they had, she was forced to stand there as it failed, and she slowly lost more and more of herself.

Then Yuffie showed up in her area, decided to help her, and then suddenly Alchemist was there to save them. Before she knew it she was in his little sub realm, but was so damaged that outside her world she was unstable and leaking her essence. In other words she was fading over time, so her memories were kind of dream like during that time.

Being back in darkness, she thought it was all a hallucination, and was giving in to despair when out of the dark Yuffie jumped on her happy to see her still alive.
The entire Omake is a nice idea, but really?
Even that Stark guy just wanted to party with some women and forget his troubles, so well we made a deal for his stuff, and I sent him to someplace called Night City... He'll probably be fine...
This is what has me ENRAPTURED.
Holy shit man. Tony Stark in Night City.
He will either die immediately upon arrival, or think that Ultron wasn't wrong and remake the WORLD in his image.
This is what has me ENRAPTURED.
Holy shit man. Tony Stark in Night City.
He will either die immediately upon arrival, or think that Ultron wasn't wrong and remake the WORLD in his image.

Well to be fair the deal didn't just send him to Night City, it is kind of an Isekai in that he is reborn in Night City like the old life was a dream, and he is the spoiled son of a owner of a modest corporation. Meaning he can go around and party to his hearts content, his jaded nature from existing in a bubble where nothing helped makes him less likely to give a fuck about people...

With him being a kind of jaded version of Saburo's son, a Howard Stark being born in Night City and making his way up while Arasaka was evicted, managing to stay alive when Arasaka came back unlike many others. In fact becoming a "Modest" Corporation when compared to Miltech and Arasaka is a hell of an Achievement...

So think of them as a kind of rival of something like Kang Tao who themselves are a large corporation, likely at the time the hedonistic Tony who just has no care for shit likely has a couple of confirmed children through flings, and many others not confirmed.

If you wrote a story, Tony would be the secure asshole who you would appeal to because he was an Avenger, and if you did get his attention... He would mock his previous life, piss on you for being that naive, and have his bodyguard toss you out. If it just happened to be off the floor of the building they were in, meaning a large fall...

Well he would just pay the police to look the other way. So yeah kind of like pre-Iron Man Tony was mixed with Demon in a Bottle Tony, but was granted the ability to stay...more rational and live as an asshole.


The very likely thing would be one of his Spawn would bring down the shit show, and if he was going to die... He would just walk over and have a drink before he died, because he just...lost the ability to care.

To be fair Terra tried to fix them, even repaired what she could of them, but he just...well his heart died. Nothing she could do could repair his lack of empathy, and well he was now a man who would fit in better in Night City.

His request was also easy to grant, which was largely a self sufficient lifestyle, and a company he didn't have to look after or lose to anybody. Which led to a version of Howard Stark being inserted, because he was a business shark very much like Saburo, and he could stop any attempts to take it cold.
Chapter 307, Legaia 5
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 3.0.7

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


??/??/???? (Legend of Legaia)

The door clicked shut behind Alchemist as he and the others returned. Player One and Beast Boy had both been chatting when the wizard and Kary had found them once they'd finally given up on finding any useful information inside of the defunct fortress.

That had been extraordinarily disheartening. Jette, Cort's right hand man, his 'dragon', he and Cort both were supposedly these brilliant scientists. They'd been two of the critical driving forces behind the first Mist Generator, back when the kingdom they'd served had been at war.

And neither of them had actually expressed any curiosity as to how one would go about reversing the effects of their so-called superweapon.

Either they genuinely weren't very good scientists, which Alchemist was ready, willing and able to believe... or the Mist had been twisting their minds from the word go. Which was actually the option Alchemist was going to go with. There had been some vague notions of researching the Mist in the earlier notes that Alchemist had read through but, as time went by, there were fewer and fewer notations about experiments or numbers and more references to the 'Salvation of the Mist' or the 'Harmony of the Mist'.

By the end? It was downright religious. Also creepy, disturbing and, worst of all, useless.

"What are you thinking, love?" Kary asked as they watched the kids walk into the house. He knew they were going straight for the food.

"...Frustrated," Alchemist admitted to the woman. "By a lot of little things. I plan on getting back to work on a wardstone, but that won't be cured and ready to use until tomorrow. How about you?"

"I'm actually quite satisfied," she told him, a smile on her lips as she looked down to meet his eyes. "I'd never thought to actually find someone who knew the arts of the Fell Blade, and you found a means of surprising me. Did you pursue them just for me?"

"Well... no," Alchemist admitted as he reached out to grab his lover's hand. He leaned back against the closed door and simply listened to the sounds of his artificial nature. "I wanted to learn them, too."

Kary laughed, once.

"...You know, I've heard of a man who mastered a number of such potent arts," Kary began to tell him. "The legends I'd heard claimed that this man, arisen to a god of the blade, wielded three swords at once so that he could strike thrice. Though... nobody knew his name."

"...Cidolfus Orlandeau. The Thunder God," Alchemist quietly said, his eyes blank as he sank into a memory. "He wasn't a god, really, it was just a title. He was... he became something that was more than human as he gave up his flesh to use his spirit as a seal upon a god. He... resonated, I think, with the ideal of Scorpio and took on a form that would fit that."

The man looked up to the false sun, now mostly blocked by the mechanical shell that imitated night and day.

"He was a Sword Saint," Alchemist explained. "With one blade, he called forth holy lightning and radiant light. With another, he could manifest weapons that would specifically target equipment, shattering weapons and armor alike. With his third blade, carried by a tail, he commanded the darkness to swallow everything that was left. The method he used to ascend, it doesn't make someone a god. It's... close, yes. Just as powerful, in some ways. But I think he didn't have to sacrifice his humanity to become a Zodiac Brave."

"I'm not familiar with the 'Zodiac Braves'," Kary told him, a curious tone in her voice.

"I don't understand them all that well myself," Alchemist admitted. "I know that they're connected to a special kind of stone called 'Auracite'. A group of entities, fallen gods -I think-, can use them to manifest into hosts on the material plane. But they can also do more, if they're in the hands of people trying to use them for purposes that don't align with the Lucavi. I recall a girl who used one to resurrect her brother. Cid and two others; a woman named Agrias and a man named Mustadio, used the stones to extend their power beyond any mortal limit so they could seal away some goddess..."

The wizard shrugged and shifted his hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"It sounds like there's quite a story, there," Kary said aloud as she thought on what he'd said. "I think I'd like to hear it."

"I've got a copy of the game if you-" The wizard's words were cut off as Kary pulled her hand free of his and pressed one finger against his lips.

"No, Alchemist," Kary said, her words full of playful teasing. "I want to hear it, not play it. Would you tell me the story of these 'Zodiac Braves'?"

Alchemist closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to remember the details. What she was asking for wasn't exactly a short story. At least, not by his standards.

But then, by -her- standards? It would probably be a short, sweet little tale.

"...It all began in a land called 'Ivalice', following the events set in motion by an unwitting bastard child named 'Ramza Beoulve'..."


It took a few days for Alchemist to get together the tools and materials he needed. The ward stones for Secure Cavern were ready to go and Alchemist had spent the prior day working in the kitchen over a smoking stew pot, producing a significant quantity of a potent, dangerous brew.

He'd made batches of Dreamless Sleep in the past, following the directions in a book from the world of Harry Potter, and a more effective potion was listed in the same text.

The Draught of Living Death, an advanced potion, would put the imbiber into an enchanted sleep that they could not naturally wake from. There was a specific antidote to the potion, and Alchemist had a handful of doses of that ready as well, but the mage was fairly certain that Esuna would be enough to break the magic.

Stepping out of the demi-plane in the dead of night, the mage waited by the door for a moment. After several minutes of inactivity, the only sounds being the local wildlife darting about and foraging for food, the man nodded to himself.

Yuffie and Tiffany would both benefit from coming along, from encountering more Seru for their 'Tutorial Equipment' to copy, but...

They would benefit more by not having to see the things Alchemist was about to do.

With a thought and a phantasmal pulse of magic, two Alchemists stood in place. One crouched down into a stable position as he took on the form of the Incorruptus, swiftly shrunk down via Shrink Object, whilst the other disappeared without so much as a pop.

The flesh and blood Alchemist appeared at the workstation underneath of Ratayu. Still locked away and untouched after the horrific undertakings that had already been done, that couldn't be undone. The wizard had looked around the city, a few days prior, and he was fairly certain that it would fade away due to population issues..

Alchemist didn't waste a moment, circling around the massive incubation bay to drop off the four wardstones of Secure Cavern that would mask his activities.

To produce the previous Juggernaut, the mind-controlled king of Ratayu, Van Saryu, had fed countless young women to the machinery that extracted their life-force and fed it to the Sim-Seru. The process had paralyzed the women as they were dissolved but it hadn't left them numb. It was gruesome, it was grotesque and it was, in so many words, evil.

There were a lot of men left in Ratayu of varying ages but women of child-bearing age were outnumbered twelve to one. Van Saryu, despite being innocent of his own crimes, might well be lynched within the next few years. Or else Ratayu would dissolve as the men of working age up and left to try and find a spouse elsewhere. Either way, the kingdom wouldn't exist anymore.

Regardless of the fate of the kingdom overhead, Alchemist actually did have work to do. The man pulled a vial out of his inventory, one filled with thin, red liquid and quaffed it, doing his level best to ensure he didn't actually taste the concoction.

It still felt like it left a trail of grit going down his throat and settled into his stomach like a rock. The man gagged and bent in half, supporting himself with the railing of the platform as he hacked and coughed, his sinuses burning as he struggled to keep from vomiting.

"I think that's the best part of being a clone," a third Alchemist commented as he came into existence, summoned through the Extract of Twin Form. "I don't actually have to taste that."

"Yuk it up, asshole," Alchemist, the original told himself. "You know your role."

"Ooh, look at me!" the extract clone japed, his tone mocking as he cast Bilocation and a fourth Alchemist appeared.

"I've got me a great idea! It'll only kill -another- city if it goes wrong!" the fourth Alchemist said, completing what its creator was saying. In the same tone.

"Just for a chance at making a god damned tick!" the extract clone finished, the mocking giving way to serious criticism. "Gods, if we actually had better options available? None of us would agree to this..."

As one, all three Alchemist's sighed and deflated. Mocking himself was... a self-indulgent habit, honestly, and one that the wizard tended to keep internal.

The clones just gave the wizard an opportunity to voice things and properly hear them. It made them a bit more real, helped him visualize and argue against his own thoughts.

"...Let's just get started," the first Alchemist said aloud as he reached into the inventory to extract a pair of vials.

The extract clones remained silent, but watchful, as they transformed out of the human disguise they'd been created in. Alchemist had expected the platform to groan and complain about the added weight but there wasn't even a single creak.

Both void dragons took a vial in their deathly sharp claws and carefully removed the caps before downing the contents.

"...I jusst ree-lized," one of the two clones hissed as it held the empty vial up to his eyes. "We did not ffaktor in ssize and-"

Alchemist stared as first one dragon, then the other, collapsed to the ground and began to snore.

When he'd made the Draught of Living Death, he'd fully expected it to work without actually thinking about dosage at all. While it was actually a very good question on his own part to ask, Alchemist supposed he now had a functional answer as to whether or not the dose for an adult human would still work on his draconic self.

Whether that was due to the potency of the potion or the near-anorexic form of his draconic form having less mass than most other dragons was an open question, however.

Regardless, Alchemist turned around and began working at the console. Extract of Twin Form didn't level up, didn't benefit from any of Alchemist's perks extending time and the mage had never bothered tracking down the recipe that would double the time limit of any potions he'd made if taken in conjunction. It gave him six seconds of duration per one of his own levels, so the extract clones would only exist for a bit over half an hour. He needed to hurry.

He did have one way around the issue, sort-of, but it would be counter-productive if he used it before the clones were in place.

As the man manipulated the console, a massive tube rose out of the berth. It snaked and twisted through the air as it followed the clunky commands Alchemist gave it until it was situated overtop one of the dragons. The mage spared it a glance to confirm it was actually at the proper angle before nodding and pressing the button that would send it down.

It opened, spreading wide as it latched on to the dragon...

And the dragon got stuck partway in.

"...Oh, for the love of-" Alchemist cursed as the tube made a disgusting sucking noise, part of it flapping up and down as it tried to consume the clone. The man pulled a staff out of his inventory after a quick search and used to poke and prod at himself until the dragon was moving through the human-sized tube like an egg through a snake.

The wizard grumbled quietly as he turned back to the console and watched the screen, ignoring the yellow warning symbols until they faded away as his first clone finally reached one of the dissolution tanks. Pods.


The man quietly, but effusively, admitted how much he hated the entire process as he manipulated the now flaccid pipe into absorbing the second clone.

That one, at least, didn't get caught.

The tube, though?

Once it got done trying to pass the second dragon like it was a kidney stone, it just flopped over and landed half-on the edge of the berth. It wasn't made to 'eat' something larger than a human and Alchemist's draconic form, skinny and malnourished though it may look, was still several times the size of a person.

If the wizard cared to try and reuse the equipment, he might have tried casting Repair on it. Or, given its organic nature, possibly Regeneration.

As it was?

If the wizard left everything broken and useless by the time he was done?

It would be fine by him.

Stepping away from the console, Alchemist turned around and began to walk down the catwalk and back towards the feed tanks. The first twin clone was curled up in the middle of a giant tank, thankfully comatose. Across from that clone was the other, in the same position. Thanks to Libra, Alchemist could actually see their HP slowly ticking down.

The mage didn't want it to be slow, though.

Extracting a pair of diamonds, Alchemist focused on the dragons as he cast a spell through Wish that doubled the size of both creatures. They expanded, almost to the point where they were pressed against the walls of the transparent bubbles they were trapped in.

It caused the drain on their combined HP pool to quadruple.

Alchemist inhaled slowly, focusing on them instead of what his other half was doing inside of the Juggernaut. He raised his right hand to the air and cast the final spell needed to ensure the clones wouldn't break down.


There wasn't a visible change. The dragons were already frozen in place, not even so much as breathing within the strange chambers they were sealed in. But their Hit Points continued to trickle down at a rate that far exceeded what the other, human, Seru Brides had been dissolved at.

Alchemist sighed in quiet discomfort as he pulled a watch out of his inventory and held it up so he could see it and his extract clone at the same time. The drain was... largely insignificant on their absurd pool of life, actually. Not quite one-hundred Hit Points per second.

Still enough to kill an average person in the span of two seconds. And it would kill the clones if he left them alone for...

Seven and a half minutes? Or right close to that, given that the clones didn't have Alchemist's perks, bonuses or equipment modifying their attributes.

The wizard cast Full Cure on one clone, refilling their combined Hit Points, and pulled a chair out of his inventory.

He was going to be there a while.


The other Alchemist carefully navigated around the frozen Seru around the base of the entombed Juggernaut that had consumed Rim Elm.

Compared to his other self, his job was... just as bad, really.

Around the head of the Simulated-Seru was a massive red cone. A barrier, set up by Songi to keep out the Ra-Seru heroes. Alchemist had expected it to fade away considering Songi couldn't exactly maintain it anymore, but...

Well, despite being beaten and no longer in any condition to do anything about it, Songi wasn't exactly -dead-.

The mage had a glut of options for breaking the barrier but one in particular stood out. He raised his right hand into the air as he approached and whirled it about in a circle before thrusting it forward, towards the magical seal.

From the air next to Alchemist, a black rift formed as a Black Blade of Disaster took shape. The ribbon twirled in the air, twisting along imaginary axis before it launched forward towards the barrier.

For a long moment, nothing happened as Alchemist continued his approach.

Then the ribbon of annihilation magic twisted on itself, focusing a point against the shield and spinning. For a moment there wasn't a sound, then it started with a quiet 'grrr' and a bit of crimson light broke off from the mass and evaporated.

From there the grinding got louder and soon enough an actual hole had been cut through the 'impervious' barrier. The watching wizard tilted his head to the side slightly as he considered it before commanding the spell to widen the hole enough to let him through.

Yuffie and Player One would...

Alchemist shook his head in the negative and turned to the frozen, Stopped Seru.

They didn't need to come here. They didn't need to see this.

The mage snapped his fingers and the mass of feral Seru were teleported far to the north, to the empty plains in the heart of the Drake kingdom where one of the Mist Generators had been set up. It was destroyed now, even a cursory glance from the air confirmed that, but it would be an adequate place to store the Seru.

Terra and Mule didn't need to fight or kill an unresisting Seru to copy their forms. Keeping the prisoners within the Juggernaut trapped was just... cruel. Cruel, pointless and wasteful.

Alchemist's Incorruptus form couldn't breathe. It couldn't inhale or sigh in frustration at himself or the situation. All Alchemist could do was shake his head as he passed through the broken barrier and towards the head of the Juggernaut.

For a moment, a brief moment, he was tempted to cross his arms behind his back and stalk towards his objective but...

That would just be foolish. Downright stupid. He was confident, yes, but he wasn't that arrogant!

The mage pondered on the impulse as he came upon the giant head of the Juggernaut, covered over in the same pulsing, crimson flesh as the surrounding environment. If it weren't the peak of the mountain, rather literally, it would actually be somewhat hard to discern.

With just a thought, the Black Blade twisted around him and darted into the gaping maw of the beast. The sticky, tacky flesh didn't so much part beneath the spell as it was dissolved and a loud hiss filled the air as foul, damp air rushed out of the creature's unsealed mouth.

Alchemist gave it a moment to calm down before he looked down into the deep, black hole...

And jumped.

The mage dropped for... what had to be a good fifteen seconds before he reached a platform of sorts. It was squishy, kind of bouncy and coated in a slick, viscous fluid that Alchemist certainly should have slipped upon if he hadn't Fused Flight into one of the Materia empowering his form.

The chamber was pitch black but for a thin column of light that illuminated the mechanical knight frame...

But that did nothing to keep Alchemist from seeing the feral, mad Seru surrounding him. These poor creatures looked like a variety of curious, strange objects. Giant turtles made of steel, absolutely massive gauntlets with a thumb on each side and a trio of fingers between them, and finally was something that appeared to be a rotating, floating pod that silently flew around the mage.

The creatures seemed to be confused. Alchemist was not human, he did not breathe nor did he have a heart that beat. However, he was not Ra-Seru, either. The Seru likely didn't know what to make of him, had no idea what to do about him.

The mage simply snapped his fingers and his opponents disappeared, Teleported to the north to join the others.

Swiping his hand to the side, Alchemist dismissed the notifications he'd gotten about the various Materia in his blade leveling up. Teleport, unlike Stop, did meet the condition to consider a foe 'defeated' even if they were not dead.

He had more important business, deeper within.

During the disgusting trek, Alchemist encountered beasts that looked like giant snakes, flying in the air. Great, man-sized bats with razors for wings. Lions that breathed frigid air and froze the wet, disgusting organs around them. When the man encountered floating bits of metal with numerous eyes suspended among the disconnected junk, he knew he'd found what he was looking for.

"...Hello?" an old, wizened voice called out from the darkness. The voice was filled with desperation and, not at all hidden, pain. "Is someone there? Are you... are you real?"

"I am!" Alchemist called back. "Keep talking! I can barely see down here!"

"Oh, thank Rem!" the voice continued. Alchemist followed it and very nearly froze as the speaker came into view. "Is that Vahn? Have you come to help us!?"

It was an elderly man, well advanced in age. His skin was pale as paper and thick, black veins stood out harshly through his skin. Blank, milky eyes rolled in his gaunt face, searching in the darkness. The man was fused to a pillar of dark red flesh, oozing blood from the point where it met the man like severely infected gum tissue. There was no robe on the man, no clothes like there'd been in the game.

Not that it mattered. From the hips down, the man was covered over by a mound of the Juggernaut's flesh.

Alchemist would bet some very solid money on this, all of this, being the inspiration for the SCP 'The Flesh that Hates'.

"I'm here to help," Alchemist told the man. "I'm not Vahn but I'm here to help."

"What?!" The man leaned forward before gasping sharply at a sudden pain and stiffening straight up. "You- You can't be here! You need to leave! You need to get out before-!"

"It doesn't want me," Alchemist cut in as he pressed one hand against the man's bare shoulder. "But I can help. At least... let me try."

"...Please," the man whispered, begged the wizard. "It... It hurts. Every second in this place is agony. I can feel... I can hear the others. Help them. Just..."

"Just kill me and help them!"

Alchemist would have swallowed heavily if he had a throat. Instead, he had to settle for staring into the man's blind eyes as his free hand clenched and unclenched. He didn't have a jaw to work back and forth, he didn't have lungs to scream out his frustration.

He didn't...

He Refused.

"Just give me one moment," Alchemist whispered as he heard quiet voices in the distance. He opened his inventory with his free hand-


-and froze as he heard a small voice, a child's voice rise above the others.


In the facility under Ratayu, Alchemist pitched forward in his chair, tears burning at the edges of his eyes. The man balled his hands into fists, ripping through the fabric of his pants.

He didn't know if he could free the residents of Rim Elm. Not safely.

Not yet.

But this?

He would do something about this.


"Here," Alchemist told the elder as he pressed a vial against the old man's lips. "Drink this. It should help, at least for now."

The man drank the draught without a word, without a moment of hesitation.

"I can't... taste anything," the man said, his unseeing eyes focused on Alchemist. "What...? What is...?"

Slowly, slowly the man leaned forward as his eyes drifted closed.

For the first time in literal days, the man slept. And, as he sank into the realm of dreams, the pain wracking his body faded in the distance.

"Daddy?" that distant child cried. "Is Vahn here? Did Vahn come to save us!?"

Alchemist wished he didn't have draconic blind sight. He didn't have eyes to close to the horrors that surrounded him.

"Quiet, Nene," a new voice, a woman's voice whispered to the child. "It's just the Seru. They're playing tricks again..."

The man clenched his fists and lifted one foot in front of the other.

He had work to do.

The nightmares would have to wait.


Jinx blinked slowly, her slitted eyes dry and crusty, as she watched the credits play out on the screen alongside little clips of the world after the final battle. Carefully, cautiously, she set down the controller that her claws felt like they were molded around and got up and off the couch.

She had to be careful as she moved to avoid a pyramid of green cans, something she'd once heard Alchemist refer to as 'Gamer Fuel', and there were a few too many dirty dishes lying on the coffee table for her comfort. The dragon felt gross. And greasy.

And like she desperately had to use the bathroom!

After one embarrassing trip that was a little too close for comfort, Jinx looked over the mess she'd left in the living room.

"...How much time did I spend on that game?" the girl asked aloud as she considered the time and effort she'd put in to getting enough Crimson Books for everyone, one percent drops off of endgame enemies, and then leveling everyone up to ninety-nine so she could unlock the door in Ratayu to get the Evil Talisman.

And getting every Seru for all three characters. And leveling all of those Seru up to level nine. And getting the secret hidden Ra-Seru eggs from the minigames.

Jinx thought she used to like fishing.

...Then she destroyed a controller trying to catch enough high-value fish to get the water Ra-Seru egg.

The dragon shrugged and got to work, casting Prestidigitation on basically everything before tossing various bits and pieces into the inventory.

Cans? Cleaned and saved.

Flatware? Cleaned up and put awa-

...Leftover pizza? Cleaned by accident. And Jinx was halfway curious as to what 'clean' pizza tasted like. The slice was almost to her mouth when-

"Hey, have you seen dad?" Yuffie asked.

Jinx scrambled, dropping the clean pizza and making a mess on the hardwood floor.

"...No," Jinx told the girl before bending over to pick up the sorry slice of pie. "Actually? I'm kind of not sure what day of the week it is. Are we back in the other reality?"

"No..." Yuffie drawled out before the girl backed away and pinched her nose shut. "Dad's been hanging out outside the last few days. I thought he finally came in to tell you something."

"What?" Jinx asked as she finally decided against eating the floor pizza and began heading to the kitchen to throw it out. "What'd he need to tell me?"

"That you stink!" Yuffie shouted in a high, nasally pitch. "When did you take a shower? Last week?!"

"Hey!" Jinx shouted in indignation, a rebuttal on her scaly lips before she self-consciously bent her neck down to sniff at an arm pit. "...Just because you're right, that doesn't mean I'm going to agree with you."

"Well you should!" Yuffie yelled, pointing her free hand, index finger exteded, directly at Jinx's face. "You can either agree with Ninja Princess Yuffie! Or you can be- Hey! No-no-hey!"

Jinx, rather than agreeing with Ninja Princess Yuffie, pounced on her instead. And began to rather viciously rub the girl's head in Jinx's sweaty, musty armpits.

"Eww!" Yuffie whined as Jinx stepped off of the girl. "I got Jinx all over me..."

"You think that's bad?" Jinx had to ask, a smirk on her lips. "I got Yuffie all over me!"

"You..." Yuffie growled and crouched, pouncing on Jinx-

Pouncing on the spot Jinx was supposed to be.

"I'm gonna get a shower," Jinx called down the stairs at the younger girl.

"Cheater!" Yuffie cried. "Cheat! Liar! Meanie!"

Yuffie's cries of despair were almost as soothing for Jinx as the hot water she cleansed herself with.

Now clean, the dragon left the house and touched grass for the first time in... days, at least. What Jinx saw brought her up short.

A big, fluffy green werewolf was fighting with Robin while Raven, Starfire and Cyborg were cheering from the sidelines.

Jinx kind of wanted to ask.

Jinx also kind of didn't want to know.

Instead, she just opened the door of the demi-plane and stepped on out. The sun shone overhead, birds were singing, flowers were blooming and Jinx... smelled something cooking? Looking around, she didn't see anything but, following her nose, she quickly came across a small camp situated nearby but just out of sight.


And, sitting on a small folding stool, was Alchemist. The man had a notebook on his lap and looked noticeably tired.

"Alchemist," Jinx greeted as she looked around. He'd set up a tiny shed and had a grill next to it, on which sizzled a slab of beef. "What's going on? Why aren't you in the demi-plane?"

"Been doing some experiments," the man told her, in oddly high spirits. "Things I don't really want to get the others involved in."

Alchemist stood up and waved for the girl to follow him as he walked through a thicket. Curious, Jinx followed him.

What she found just a bit beyond where he'd been set up made her pause, however.

"You... haven't taken up masonry, have you?"

There were about two-dozen statues, in varying stages of 'destroyed', that vaguely resembled people. If they were small, ugly and had mouths full of massive fangs.

"I have to use magic to cheat," Alchemist admitted as he waved to the petrified remains of dozens of goblins. "I think I've got the expressions down, at least."

"Hah," Jinx fake-laughed. "Ha. Could I get an explanation? Please?"

Alchemist exhaled loudly in an almost laugh at her reaction.

"I've been trying to figure out how to remove people from the Juggernaut," Alchemist explained as he pointed at some of the more intact goblin statues. "It's... been a process. Turns out that I can't just teleport them out, even using Wish. The spell tries to target the Juggernaut, too. And, I mean, I could teleport the whole thing but... Where would I even put it?"

"The moon," Jinx fired off without a second of hesitation.

"Eh," Alchemist sounded out, disagreeing with her. "I've been thinking of putting a palace full of monsters and crystals on the moon. And I just don't think the meat aesthetic would fit."

"...So, what's with the petrifying?" Jinx asked as she pointed to... "And why don't any of them have legs?"

"I'm not just going to leave a bunch of corpses to rot," Alchemist said with a shake of his head. "I've got them organized so I can reference the damage that was inflicted when I cut them loose from the Juggernaut, which is also why none of them have a lower half."

Alchemist inhaled deeply through his nose and turned around.

"Come on, food's ready," the man told her as he started to walk back. The trek wasn't silent, there was too much life in the woods for that, but it was companionable.

"...Couldn't you, like, Wish they were better?" Jinx asked once they'd gotten back to Alchemist's small campsite.

"I tried," Alchemist admitted as he pulled a few plates out of his inventory. "Wish didn't work, not for that. The Juggernaut is a Legendary creature, which gives it a lot of protection against reality manipulation. Combine that with the fact that it's filled with the manifested will of an entity that the local god couldn't kill, a creature that the Juggernaut's controller was intimately connected to..."

Alchemist went silent for a moment as he cut the steak in half and pulled a lid off the side of the grill, revealing a handful of roasted vegetables which he began to split across both plates.

"It's not a matter of spell resistance," Alchemist continued to explain. "Or piercing through it with raw magical power. It's... trying to use Wish to fight against a thousand years of momentum that's backed up by the collective belief and fear of the people living in this world."

"...And carving people up is a better choice?" Jinx asked as she accepted her plate.

"With a combination of spells keeping them alive and a potion keeping them comatose?" Alchemist asked, sort of. It sounded rhetorical to the girl. "I'm pretty sure I've got the right order of operations figured out to make it painless and functionally seamless. I just want to run it through a few more goblins before I'm willing to test it on a person."

Jinx jabbed the fork he'd given her into a cube of meat and watched as red fluid was squeezed out.

"...Are you actually ready to do all of that?" she asked. "Cut someone apart to help them?"

"...No," Alchemist quietly admitted. "I'm really not."

Somehow, Jinx didn't have it in herself to blame him.