Wow. I love where you're going with this. Bruce and Dick being overwhelmed by what Al was able to pull off yet Bruce still has the presence of mind to worry about Alan Wayne.
Never played that.
Do the job crystals there actually teach the spells, not just the potential to use them?

I know the jobs from FFV (And some other FF games with classes like FFXII) gave the capability to use magic, but the spell tiers came empty, and needed to be filled in other ways.

The short answer is- It varied. In the first game, spells had to be purchased. In the second, they were simply unlocked.

Now, what made this unusual is that there were often elemental or debuff attacks that were accessible by the physical classes that simply did not need to purchase access to them, making them a more cost effective choice for players.

I chose to split the difference on the Asterisk (Job Crystal) and give it a price equal to the sum-total of the spells that would have needed to be purchased. So with enough time and practice, Bruce may not need the Asterisk on him to use the abilities but until he learns them well enough, he'll need it to bridge the gap.
Never played that.
Do the job crystals there actually teach the spells, not just the potential to use them?

I know the jobs from FFV (And some other FF games with classes like FFXII) gave the capability to use magic, but the spell tiers came empty, and needed to be filled in other ways.

The Bravely Default series which consists of Bravely Default, Bravely Second and then Bravely Default 2 (yes these are the right names and order) is a series of basically early 4 crystals style ff but not games. While there are things like the crystals, jobs and magic that are the same the series makes a point to avoid standard ff things like Chocobos and instead inserts it's own things with the exception of the 7 Sin Beasts and the Adventurer which are from ff 4 heroes of light.

The deep hidden lore which is spoilers is that originally the jobs were obtained from a ritual involving the 4 crystals but one of the church members seeing their corruption devised the asterisks to hold the jobs. Due to how this was so much easier the asterisks replaced the ritual and then when he was the only one left who knew how to do the ritual the guy left and since he was also the only one who knew how to make asterisks it made them lose power.

Each Asterisk is held by an Asterisk bearer and they lose them when you beat them in battle. By possessing the Asterisk you can turn into it's job though some like the Catamancer/Nekomancer have abilities you get even without being in the job which in this case is the ability to understand cats. Each job has a various weapon and armour proficiency ranks which effects the stats they gain from them.

Of greater importance is the job level. While the max lv and exact earnings vary between games each job lv unlocks one ability. These abilities are either a lv of combat ability such as black magic lv 1 (in the case of magic the scroll for the relevant spell must also be bought for it to be used and summons. Most yokai abilities must be earned and some jobs have blue mage style lists) or skills. Characters have 5 slots for skills in addition to the job class ability which they learn at lv 5 and normally takes up 2 slots which are things like you can equip weapons in each hand without a loss of power for the second or status spells go first. More general skills would be things like stat boosts, counteratk when you dodge an atk and can include 3 or 4 slot skills like your spells ignore the opponents magic defence stat or at the start of combat against non boss enemies any whose lvs are more than 20 below yours die right away. Characters can also pick the commands of a second class to use in battle albeit limited by what they or an assigned friend have unlocked for the second job.

The other big advantage to them is gaining access to the Asterisk Barrier and the Brave system. The Asterisk Barrier is a really strong barrier that encloses a fight and stops opponents fleeing but is the thing that causes the Asterisk to go to the opponent if they win. It is strong enough that the creator who is at the lv where seriously fighting causes maps to need to be redrawn to be fine with fighting in it alongside a peer of the same strength against your party of 4 who he rates as having a chance to beat them. The Brave System is the use of bp while some abilities require it as cost the main use is in taking multiple actions per turn. Each turn 1 bp is gained and by using Brave up to 4 actions may be taken each turn at the cost of 1 bp for each. Bp is capped at -3 and +3 and must be at 0 at the start of a turn in order to take an action. The primary method of gaining bp is Default the guard option which halves damage for the turn because it doesn't cost a bp to use so you gain one.

If it were to be talked about additional classes for Al or others to be considered getting the Asterisks for Bishop is great because it's healing spells are fairly cheap and heal fixed percentages, Freelancer has a general nice toolkit including a broken version of examine, overworld hazard immunity and the ability to use consumables like potions at half power but effecting the whole party (conveys full use for things like status condition removal items), Ninja has an ability that auto dodges physical hits but without the material cost the one Al gave them has, Knight has cover which would be good for Superboy and Monk has a free self status condition removal ability in addition to an atk that can ignore physical defence.
I'm going to speak a heresy, but my favorite Job system of any Final Fantasy game was FFXIII. The skills and abilities weren't fundamentally different than any other equivalent job or class in the franchise (besides the ease of switching them out as needed), but each character had different job unlocks and different skill unlocks in different orders. It really helped sell the characters as L'cie, divinely empowered servants, rather than "normal classes" that learn or get taught things in a set order, or whenever a trainer is available, or when you can afford to buy a spell over the counter.

My second favorite might be FFXII with the license system.

Then XIV. There's nothing special about it as far as I know, I just like how they're presented. Also, XIV is fantastic in general.

Anyway. @Mister Ficser not that Alchemist needs it or is likely to bother, but is a L'cie brand from Gaia a possible empowerment in the item shop? Hopefully without the, ah, "complete this mission or turn to stone" deal.
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Oh boy. This... this is big. A full night of actual closure for a man whose trauma and loss has defined him. I don't expect a drastic attitude shift in Bruce or anything, but he might just be a bit more willing to trust Al on some stuff. And other than the cost of some lifeforce he can probably regenerate, Alchemist gets to hang out and drink coco with Death of the Endless. That's well worth the price of admission.

Batman meeting his parents is massive, something that's not really mentioned much but still a big part of Batman's Character is that his secret identity is Bruce Wayne, not Batman.

As In he literally identifies as Batman over Bruce Wayne even under the lasso of truth.

If Batman was in Fate he'd definitely form a Reality Marble, that's how fucked Up his mind is.

Kinda sad when you realize that every version of Bruce Wayne that existed almost all of them are mentally unstable people to various degrees and fighting monsters like the Joker doesn't help.

About Batman's Rouges has Alchemists helped out Mr Freeze, Baby Doll, Killer Croc, Ect.? Basically the Rouges who aren't really evil by choice but where forced into it for various reasons.
About Batman's Rouges has Alchemists helped out Mr Freeze, Baby Doll, Killer Croc, Ect.? Basically the Rouges who aren't really evil by choice but where forced into it for various reasons.
Alchemist revived Nora Fries, and now Victor (Mr. Freeze) and Nora both have been offered jobs in the cryotech branch of Wayne Enterprises. Waylon Jones (Killer Croc) was hunted down by Alchemist in Gotham's sewers and cured of his condition, shortly thereafter being found at a hospital (IIRC). Mary Dahl (Baby Doll) hasn't been touched on yet, as far as I can recall. R'as Al Ghul got his Lazarus Pit drained, and then threw his own son to his death because R'as wasn't looking where he was throwing him, being too busy hamming it up to look in the bone-dry Lazarus Pit before tossing him in.

Alchemist has been tormenting The Joker semi-regularly, Lex Luthor and Deathstroke have been tormented constantly, and Edward Nygma (The Riddler)... Well, let's just say Alchemist has plans for him. They've been brought up before, but it's never been a focal point up to this moment in the story.
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No, you had to buy magic for the first three games. 4 was the first one where characters learned magic on their own by leveling. Unless you're using the old US release numbers, where 4 is 2 and 6 is 3.

Bravely Default, not Final Fantasy.

Good memory, though! I just recently finished FF3PR, though I'd already finished 1 and 4. I'd touched on 6 but glitched myself back into the World of Balance and that's kind of been killing my motivation to get back into it and I've just left 5 alone since I got to the final dungeon.

Haven't touched 2 at all. It's not a bad game, not at all, it's just that I find the leveling system frustrating. Not because it's difficult to use but it irks me in how slow it goes, especially when you're trying to level Evasion.

I'm going to speak a heresy, but my favorite Job system of any Final Fantasy game was FFXIII. The skills and abilities weren't fundamentally different than any other equivalent job or class in the franchise (besides the ease of switching them out as needed), but each character had different job unlocks and different skill unlocks in different orders. It really helped sell the characters as L'cie, divinely empowered servants, rather than "normal classes" that learn or get taught things in a set order, or whenever a trainer is available, or when you can afford to buy a spell over the counter.

My second favorite might be FFXII with the license system.

Then XIV. There's nothing special about it as far as I know, I just like how they're presented. Also, XIV is fantastic in general.

Anyway. @Mister Ficser not that Alchemist needs it or is likely to bother, but is a L'cie brand from Gaia a possible empowerment in the item shop? Hopefully without the, ah, "complete this mission or turn to stone" deal.

My problem with 13 wasn't so much the systems as it was the method of storytelling. It, 15 and now 16 all had the issue in which they felt less like games and more like movies with quicktime events.

12 I actually liked. Especially with the most recent release which lets you mix and match the jobs. It helps to make the characters feel unique as compared to the original release where everyone could do everything.

I don't know how many folks might agree or disagree but I really think the occasional mini-game or just some kind of break from the story is actually needed, especially with how dark things have been getting. The more recent Dragon Quest games have honestly felt more like -Games- than Final Fantasy lately.
I was alright with Final Fantasy 15 as long as I went and did various side quests, the parts that rail roaded you were annoying to me. I hated a lot of the later DLC's. I mean seriously what the fuck do I care about fucking Ardyn!? He was a failed Jesus expy who took in a plague to become Typhoid Mary, and then wondered why everyone was mean to him when he showed horrifying signs of the plague even if he was "in control"... "But I cured people!" By becoming a living, walking plague carrier who could spread it at will...

That they decided to try and romanticize him, give him a happy ending and such as if all he did was water under the was so stupid.

And as they are getting on in numbers they seem to be trying to make the FF Games into movies, forgoing the aspects of a real game. Obsession growing with real time action, action, action and pissing on its old roots as a turn based RPG. Makes me mad and sad.

But yeah, I can agree that Square Enix are losing track of the Spirit of Final Fantasy, and trying to make them...movies.
"Da~ad!" Zatanna groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Can we go somewhere without you embarrassing me? Please?!"

"...No," Giovanni denied. "No we can't."

Robin hid a grin by looking back down to the pot of soil he'd been failing to influence.

It felt good to know that it wasn't just Bruce that enjoyed embarrassing him.

Apparently? It was just a dad thing.

d'Awwww... It's so rare (and nice!) to see Giovanni not being an utter dick for a change. The guy isn't exactly wrong in his concerns, but still, it's a very pleasant change.

Yeah. That wasn't scary at all.

{s}Not at all, no......{/s}

Star Trek. It's been featured in a handful of games and is a relatively cheap unit as it's not meant for combat.

As mentioned up-thread, it was DS9, and for all that they are surprisingly capable craft, it seems that the very design idea came with a inherent and truly stunning level of unluck, poor things.

It always did weird me out how often the Pancor Jackhammer is featured in media when it was never really an actual gun. There was only one functioning model of it ever made, and it was a proof of concept rather than the production design.

But it should have been, and it's a damn shame that it never got to be a production weapon. John Anderson came up with a truly unique design, and he, any investors and his employees deserved better than they got from the US government.
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Man, I feel like this must have come up before, been argued about and dismissed but it's 3:15 am here so I'm going to post anyway. Bad life decisions on insufficient sleep.
Zatanna casts spells with the individual words backwards but the sentence forwards. So that should be "Noissim emit, noissim raeg!"

Thanks for that! Missed this yesterday between a handful of other things-

Unlike many of the fans of Gravity Falls or people who were terrified of rock music in the 70's, I don't automatically translate things backwards so what I'd done when writing it was to literally type out 'Mission time, mission gear' and then start at the end and work my way backwards.

I'll go fix that!
Stop: Stop
That's the great thing about forums like this! You can get off your ass and make the effort to do a search using handy tools like Reader Mode or Control+F, and then post the relevant part of the story where what you are talking about happened, instead of asking people to take you made up fever dreams on faith!

Rule 3 demands we respect the participation of others. Repeatedly accusing a user of "talking out of their ass" and making up fever dreams is not civil nor conducive to sustaining a healthy discussion. Even if these points are correct, they could be phrased in a way that is much more civil.
Are there other versions of Alchemist in the DC universe? I.E a villainous one with the crime syndicate, and other variations
Are there other versions of Alchemist in the DC universe? I.E a villainous one with the crime syndicate, and other variations

Even if there were, they would be other versions of Alchemist.

As in, prone to poking the bear and not doing an especially good job respecting the authority of the people he's working under. It would only be a matter of time before he caused the Crime Syndicate to implode, explode, freeze and/or catch on fire.

Possibly all at once.
Even if there were, they would be other versions of Alchemist.

As in, prone to poking the bear and not doing an especially good job respecting the authority of the people he's working under. It would only be a matter of time before he caused the Crime Syndicate to implode, explode, freeze and/or catch on fire.

Possibly all at once.
Wonder how he and Marvel Dr Doom would get along with AL was working in Latveria like he does under Batman?
Doom would utterly loathe him probably... (Doom doesn't take well to people challenging his authority... Like, at all)

Doom would love the hell out of him. Absolute best expense on his payroll.

So long as he's kept well the fuck out of Latveria or anywhere near Doom or anything he's working on.

Why is this, you might ask?

Because Victor Von Doom can watch in real time as Reed Richards hair grows increasingly gray the longer Alchemist talks.
Doom would love the hell out of him. Absolute best expense on his payroll.

So long as he's kept well the fuck out of Latveria or anywhere near Doom or anything he's working on.

Why is this, you might ask?

Because Victor Von Doom can watch in real time as Reed Richards hair grows increasingly gray the longer Alchemist talks.

So basically doom knows that if they enter the same room, Alec is gonna do something to piss him off, but keep him at a distance and he can piss other people off instead!
... So Doom would weaponise Alchemist's do not give a fuck and poke everything attitude to drive Reed to drink?

... I kinda want to see that now...
Hmmm. Ending up in New York instead of Gotham. The game portions could be somewhat similar but without the Jinx analogue to mess up that one 'purchase', things would go vastly different.

But it would be fun to read for certain. There's a sequel idea for sure. Version 3, Going Beta-testing!