Was the pain from the regeneration, or from his now too small and inappropriately shaped pants no longer fitting his regrowing lower half?
That was honestly my thought. Clothes will eventually break with enough pressure but there will be a lot of pain before then. Also, colonoscopy bags and catheters don't count as injuries so flesh round regrow around them without pushing them out.
That was honestly my thought. Clothes will eventually break with enough pressure but there will be a lot of pain before then. Also, colonoscopy bags and catheters don't count as injuries so flesh round regrow around them without pushing them out.
The regen only renews what is a natural part of the body. The colostomy bag and catheters attached to him would be ejected, while new tissue is regrown and his body restored to an uninjured state. After all, the regen effect is already specialized enough to fix the error causing neoplastic growth and cutting off the blood supply

BigPharma and BigMed will be in a tizzy. Chemo drugs are suddenly useless, prosthesis are useless, burn treatment is useless, etc.

Will CVAs (stroke) be affected by RoR? I assume it will fix the neurons that are malfunctioning due to ischemia or aneurysms.

Although, amputation for necrosis and diabetes complications can now be considered truly therapeutic if a patient is under General anesthesia and the the affected limb is surgically removed before being given a RoR to regrow the removed limb.

Also the familiars are getting dangerously mobile. Teleporting hellhounds and mist dragons. Throw in Alchemist's golems turning alive. Al really doesn't do shit halfway. No wonder he will be a future Lord of Chaos. Hahahaha.
Huh, weirdly, i did not see that coming. Good for Alchemist, i guess? he'll have a new form of income that doesn't depend on Batman.
On the other hand, by going public with a -super- item to sell, Propaganda God will probably have something to say about both him and his products.
Huh, weirdly, i did not see that coming. Good for Alchemist, i guess? he'll have a new form of income that doesn't depend on Batman.

On the other hand, by going public with a -super- item to sell, Propaganda God will probably have something to say about both him and his products.
Why do you think Alchemist (in disguise) put a hit out on the bastard?

Heh. Al could disguise himself as someone willing to work with Slade and sell him a single-use weapon specifically designed around killing New Gods, although with enough obfuscation that Slade won't know exactly what kind of weapon he's got, or why he needs it, exactly. Just that Godfrey is a meta with regen powers, and *this* weapon counters it (but only for him), enough to put him down for good.
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"Hello everyone and welcome to Alchemic Solutions, LLC!" a young woman with gray skin and shockingly bright pink hair shouted out from her spot behind a counter. "I'm Jinx, apprentice to Alchemist and I would like to personally thank you for choosing to shop with us today!"

Salesgirl Jinx is adorable! Great job incorporating spells into her sales pitch.

And having subtitles when she talks underwater was a clever visual attention-grabber to reel in the audience. I wonder if Jinx did all the post-production editing herself or had someone help her. The "D20 Modern" skill [Craft: Visual Arts] includes films and video cameras, which Jinx could've purchased from the Gamer Shop to improve the quality of her commercial.

Alchemist: "This is a really well-made commercial."

Jinx: (failing to be modest) "I purchased [Computer Use] and [Craft: Visual Arts] a week ago so post-production editing would look professional."

Alchemist: "Ahhh, you've been wanting to show off for a while now, huh?"

Jinx: (not even trying to restrain herself) "YEEESSSS!!! It's so hard to keep a secret when you want to show off! 'Sempai, look at what I did all by myself!' God it was driving me up the wall!"


Yes, it'd be cute if Cinder was featured in Jinx's commercials as a company mascot or to help demonstrate different magical items for sale.

Jinx: (talking to camera) "And this is my lovely assistant, Cinder!"


Jinx: (rolls eyes) :eyeroll:

I wonder if it's possible to channel ki/chi/qi into spells. If so, how would that match with a saiyan's zenkai boost ability under Al's Gamer system?
This is my personal favorite and a best seller, one of my very own Rings of Regeneration!
Really love this idea, both in and out of story. I remember them discussing this but don't remember what they estimated as rate of production. I can't see them meeting demand for a long, long time. The waves this is going cause, once knowledge of and belief in them hits the mainstream, are going to be earthshaking.

Keep your eyes peeled! Stock may be limited but we're doing our best to fulfill all orders in a quick and timely fashion and our lineup will be expanding as we look into what else we can offer you!
I wonder what Jinx will do to the first person who tries to fake or scalp these?
Also, I think prioritizing orders from first responders over hospitals would be wise in the short run. Using them on cases who wouldn't make it to the hospital at all when supply is very limited seems wise.

Welcome everyone to VetLife, I'm Bandit and I'm happy to be back!" a man exclaimed from his place seated in front of a camera.
Yeah, if supply and trust of the rings hit a high enough level, a lot of jobs will be outdated. And most of the inventors of these disability focused items will be ecstatic no one will ever use their invention.

u now hve mgic canker
The chat log was great, just the right amount of misspellings and irreverence.

This stream has been ended due to potential violations of the Spasm ToS. Please wait while we investigate the situation
Spasm.... Alright, still a better name than X.

Yes, it feels fantastic to take a shit without a colostomy bag. Thank you so much for asking that, user 'Ipoo4u420'. Always love to discuss my bowel movements with complete strangers
The realism level is 100% here. I sadly knew the people who would do this.
She was a dragon! The strongest and smartest creature in the demi-plane!

And she would crush these hapless hellhounds under tooth and claw to prove it!
Rei is cute. Alchemist is lucky he's got a good bit of time before she hits puberty.

Johnny-Five was no exception
I love this reference, but sooo many people under 25 won't get it. Which is a crime, cause that movie is great.
Al should offer entertainment to the golems, starting with some friendly sci-fi involving androids, with an explanation that these are entirely fictional, although they do have a number of lessons to take from them, with an explicit statement that he will answer any questions they have.

Short Circuit is one of the movies he should encourage them to watch, once it's clear that they understand certain paradigms, such as the difference between "fiction" and "non-fiction."
Johnny was unused to 'wanting' anything. Johnny much preferred to simply exist and perform the tasks to which it was assigned.

That was much less confusing.
Al should offer entertainment to the golems, starting with some friendly sci-fi involving androids, with an explanation that these are entirely fictional, although they do have a number of lessons to take from them, with an explicit statement that he will answer any questions they have.

Short Circuit is one of the movies he should encourage them to watch, once it's clear that they understand certain paradigms, such as the difference between "fiction" and "non-fiction."

And now I picture Johnny-Five, Karen, and Conner all silently hanging out in the same room, maybe watching "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood" together.

To Karen, someone who (A) is unable to talk and (B) has little to no emotions like the ideal social companion.

So how quick will the Rings be "Soul'd Out"? Cause it sounds like a "Deal with thr Devil" type. Too good to be true but it is? Does Delivery have True Insurance? As in. Parents buy Regen Ring for Kids and the Bulk Order gets Robbed.
So how quick will the Rings be "Soul'd Out"? Cause it sounds like a "Deal with thr Devil" type. Too good to be true but it is? Does Delivery have True Insurance? As in. Parents buy Regen Ring for Kids and the Bulk Order gets Robbed.

Alright, I'm just running an estimate on production but I would say that, using an enchanting table to simplify the process (Al snagged a handful of 'em during the Solstheim quest by literally looting the barrows bare) it only takes about three minutes to enchant an item with one enchantment. And both Al and Jinx have Alchemic Bounty shard from Bloodstained which adds the results of all crafts by +8 items, with both passive and active forms leveled up to double strength. Al can take that a rank higher to a maximum of +12 if he fully levels up the skill he personally acquired by using Devour on a copy of the shard.

Jinx, not having Devour due to how it was acquired as a reward for gaining the Eden Summon in the FF8 segment, cannot consume Bloodstained shards. Yet. There's a way around the issue but they haven't figured it out yet.

So, Jinx can manufacture 9 rings every three minutes provided she has a... I'm going to say a fully charged Common Soul Gem to power the enchantment. (Petty 0-2, lesser 3-4, common 5-6, greater 7-8 and grand 9)

Mathing it out, 60/3=20 potential crafts. 20x9=180 products per hour. If Jinx worked for a full eight hours, 8x180=1440 rings in one day of work. 1440x250=$360,000 before taxes and expenses. Potentially. Just off the rings of regeneration.

So, someone going to steal those rings would be coming off with one hell of a payday if they got them before being distributed.

Of course, you'd have to be an absolute toad to think you could pull of that kind of heist and not draw some decidedly unwanted attention.

Edit: Forgot about the earlier crafting perks Al and Jinx took, which will give them a bonus item 25% of the time, as well as another which should refund materials about 25% of the time. It's not terribly relevant at the moment but I felt I should make sure to mention it.
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Why do you think Alchemist (in disguise) put a hit out on the bastard?
Good point, our local god of anything fearmongering will go turbo on trying to discredit anything that will give any amount of hope, most likely using the whole artillery of "anything new is bad" and the special blend of christianity North America has. Hell, if he'll do it right, there could a real threat of torches and pitchforks from an especially zealous flock.

Truly a shame that he'll be forced to reveal his status in a very public assassination attempt
Good point, our local god of anything fearmongering will go turbo on trying to discredit anything that will give any amount of hope, most likely using the whole artillery of "anything new is bad" and the special blend of christianity North America has. Hell, if he'll do it right, there could a real threat of torches and pitchforks from an especially zealous flock.

Truly a shame that he'll be forced to reveal his status in a very public assassination attempt
A special Murder Bullet™ made from Essence of Death™ with a few very special Death Spells™ added (which very explicitly pierce divine resistances and that are Entangled to affect every version of him in every other plane of existence across the omniverse) applied directly to the forehead would make that "metahuman" status delightfully moot. Unless, of course, he reverts to a very non-human state after True Death™.
The free market price of those rings is going to be crazy. As a full time job(call it 200 days/40 week, with lots of vacations for easy math), that should be 72 Million a year for 288,000 rings. A quick Google has 2.1 million Americans with limb loss and I'm not even going into global numbers.

If they work, every government will want a stockpile for VIPs, every government will want to buy them for their troops, and at that price, if they could, every infantryman would get several.

There is going to be a scramble, or the few people who first found the website and got orders in could be rich if they are willing to resell.
Omake idea: Deathstroke snuffs Godfrey on national TV using a special bullet Alchemist sold him in a "villainous" persona (fictional, of course), and Godfrey reverts to a monstrous form after he dies, and a number of "anonymous tips" (again, by Alchemist in fictional personas) results in a number of horrific human rights abuses coming to light. Result: Slade is hailed as an international hero for offing one of the alien invaders set to prime Earth to be ripe for the taking. Slade finds himself completely unable to nab any mercenary jobs afterwards due to the amount of attention he's getting. Unfortunately, it results in lots of medals, but absolutely no money.
The free market price of those rings is going to be crazy. As a full time job(call it 200 days/40 week, with lots of vacations for easy math), that should be 72 Million a year for 288,000 rings. A quick Google has 2.1 million Americans with limb loss and I'm not even going into global numbers.

Yeah, they could change the price to 2.5 mill each and still be sold out for a month.

Forget Billionaires and Politicians, Militaries will be kicking down the door to put their top tier soldiers back into action. They already spend trillions on supersoldier programs, what's a few million on a new piece of kit for their commandos? This is assuming the price does turn into millions each. Otherwise it'll be like you said, they'll want dozens per person.

Also, the ring of fire protection is interesting. Is it a ring of plasma protection, or a ring of thermal protection? Because both would be a huge boon in certain industrial processes, but the second might be massive in space exploration. Assuming rings specific to that aren't made.

Oh god, the people reaching out about special orders! Oh no...
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A special Murder Bullet™ made from Essence of Death™ with a few very special Death Spells™ added (which very explicitly pierce divine resistances and that are Entangled to affect every version of him in every other plane of existence across the omniverse) applied directly to the forehead would make that "metahuman" status delightfully moot. Unless, of course, he reverts to a very non-human state after True Death™.

Did Alchemist even give Deathstroke a Bullet or Sword like that?
Let them fight.

A year or two down the line, after Al and co. have made more money than some nations, they can just start offering to sell instructions to cast an arcane version of Regeneration and retire, fat and happy. Or they can just leak the instructions online and fake a token resistance to people being able to take care of themselves instead of being reliant on such a limited resource.

Actual institutions will purchase those rings, probably at a major markup on the secondary market, to try and reverse engineer them. Some might even succeed. That will work to put more and more magic out there and into the world at large.

Scarcity can be a motivator, too. Just look at what happened to toilet paper back in 2019. Sure, it was one of the highest profit years of all time for producers and suppliers but it also had a knock on effect where alternative options also saw a major surge in customers.
Mathing it out, 60/3=20 potential crafts. 20x9=180 products per hour. If Jinx worked for a full eight hours, 8x180=1440 rings in one day of work. 1440x250=$360,000 before taxes and expenses. Potentially. Just off the rings of regeneration.
Yeah, but she's never going to want to spend that much work per day. Even with taking a time out mission to build a back log, she's never ever going to keep up with demand. The only way she's ever going to even attempt it is of she finds some way to automate.
... Of course, you did just bring up Johnny and his brothers.

So, someone going to steal those rings would be coming off with one hell of a payday if they got them before being distributed.

Of course, you'd have to be an absolute toad to think you could pull of that kind of heist and not draw some decidedly unwanted attention.
I see what you did there.
But seriously, beyond villains targeting Jinx of their own initiative, everyone is going to be trying to getting a hold of the two of them, by hook, crook, and possibly nuke. And when the UN tries to call in Alchemist through the JL, they aren't going to like what he tells them.

Edit: second post response
Let them fight.

A year or two down the line, after Al and co. have made more money than some nations, they can just start offering to sell instructions to cast an arcane version of Regeneration and retire, fat and happy. Or they can just leak the instructions online and fake a token resistance to people being able to take care of themselves instead of being reliant on such a limited resource.

Huh, I was figuring the fighting would be more disruptive to Alchemist and Jinx's daily lives, but with a slow but steady supply, I suppose people will be more patient and strategic about it. I wonder how much it'll be viewed like a lottery after a year or two, assuming someone figures out a way to stop bots, AI's, and speedsters from just farming all the orders (also assuming they just dump them on a website so they can keep a degree divorced from people)

Actual institutions will purchase those rings, probably at a major markup on the secondary market, to try and reverse engineer them. Some might even succeed. That will work to put more and more magic out there and into the world at large.
Aww, but Giovanni just got home, let him rest. But honestly, it'll probably be a few weeks before he starts getting offers to make them himself or help others figure out how to make them.
Yeah, but she's never going to want to spend that much work per day. Even with taking a time out mission to build a back log, she's never ever going to keep up with demand. The only way she's ever going to even attempt it is of she finds some way to automate.
... Of course, you did just bring up Johnny and his brothers.

I see what you did there.
But seriously, beyond villains targeting Jinx of their own initiative, everyone is going to be trying to getting a hold of the two of them, by hook, crook, and possibly nuke. And when the UN tries to call in Alchemist through the JL, they aren't going to like what he tells them.

Edit: second post response

Huh, I was figuring the fighting would be more disruptive to Alchemist and Jinx's daily lives, but with a slow but steady supply, I suppose people will be more patient and strategic about it. I wonder how much it'll be viewed like a lottery after a year or two, assuming someone figures out a way to stop bots, AI's, and speedsters from just farming all the orders (also assuming they just dump them on a website so they can keep a degree divorced from people)

Aww, but Giovanni just got home, let him rest. But honestly, it'll probably be a few weeks before he starts getting offers to make them himself or help others figure out how to make them.

Giovanni: Alchemist, I've been getting a number of job offers lately and I feel as though you are somehow to blame.

Al: You know, my ex-wife used to say the same thing.

Giovanni: About the job offers?

Al: About blaming me.

Gio: ...Moving on. I've been offered a rather significant sum if I can help decipher the means by which this little ring imparts a decently potent healing spell.

Al: Ooh, nice. How significant are we talking about, here?

Gio: Significant enough for me to put my daughter through college.

Al: Well, assuming they actually intend on paying you? Go for it.

Gio: And you're not going to be upset that I'll be helping someone reverse-engineer a spell which you are currently profiting from?

Al: Look, I stole it from somewhere else myself. At the moment, Jinx and I just get to benefit from being the sole suppliers. I'm sure that'll change.

Gio: ...You did not say that you would be alright with my participating in taking your monopoly.

Al: Oh, that? No, seriously, go for it. I've got a dozen other things I could market just as easily. Can you imagine how much people would pay for me to sell off the instructions for a spell that erases radioactivity? Russia, Ohio, Japan... Or I could market my repair spells to the various railroads throughout the U.S. and make a mint while fixing up infrastructure. Seriously, I've got options.

Gio: ...I feel as though I've been under utilizing my talents.

Al: Do you enjoy your lifestyle?

Gio: ...Yes?

Al: Then you've been doing exactly what you need to do with your talents.