I forgot to add the threadmark and noticed about ten seconds after I posted it. I'm pretty sure you got a second notice when the threadmark was added.
Yeah, double alerts are an occasional thing since the forum software updated a few weeks or so ago. That's why I set my watched threads to alert on 'Threadmarks' and 'Replies' but not 'Thread creator's posts'. It does mean I sometimes get alerted slightly late when someone forgets to threadmark their posts.
This does seem to be Al's modi modus operandi, and it seems Ganthet is the latest person to be horrified of exactly how maddening the DC universe is.
Fixed it for you.

Ganthet is one of the more knowledgeable beings in DC, and Alchemist is still hitting him with Knowledge Man (and Oan) is Not Meant To Know™ that horrifies him.

I would love to see Ganthet become a semi-permanent character in the story, regularly having such conversations with Alchemist. Al gets someone he trusts who he can vent all of the horrible stuff he knows to (because sharing is caring!) so he can relieve some stress, as well as a friend and ally who is, in his own way, even more powerful than Alchemist is (due to his political power within the Green Lanterns, if nothing else). Ganthet would also be someone who knows a lot of stuff about reality itself (unlike most of the League) who can do some fact-checking on Al's knowledge, while also being blue-screened occasionally despite this.

Plus, I love how Ganthet is portrayed here, and I think he could bring a lot to the story. He could be both student and teacher, helping Alchemist deal with upcoming issues, and an interesting PoV when watching the "records of the (alternate) future" that Al has in his collection.

I do wonder how he would get along with Al's family, though. He would probably find Yuffie exasperating and amusing in equal measure, the familiars quite endearing, and Jinx and Kary staunch allies in helping Alchemist with his problems, while occasionally bapping him on the back of the head for doing something unwise.
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Centi-. Hectar is is a measurement for an area.
Um, no. You're getting some things mixed up, here. Centi- is 1/100. Hecto- is 100x. A hectare is, indeed, a measurement of area (10,000 square meters), but that's because it is 100 ares, and an are is also a measurement of area, specifically 100 square meters.

So, an are could be a 1 hectometer by 1 hectometer square, a hectare could be 10 hectometers by 10 hectometers. But they're usually used for plotting land area, and not commonly found in neat, even squares. We don't usually use decameters (not to be confused with decimeters, which we also don't use much) or hectometers.

If you think about it, centimeters are pretty weird, we usually use things indicating three orders of magnitude, 1000x or 1/1000, at a time. Maybe it's because of the similarity in scale to inches that we don't use 10 millimeters in common parlance, don't know.
I like the contrast shown. People on Earth who was told a Truth by Alchemist lack key context to make sense of the picture he is painting. While those learned on the underpinnings of Reality can follow along his train of thought with greater ease than even the smartest fellows on Earth.

With the amount of bog-standard Drama Central BS relayed to him by Alchemist, I would not be surprised if Ganthet pushed a member of his progressive faction or himself to personally monitor things on Earth every now and then, for the time being, so they can be more at hand at the amount of Cosmic BS DCEarth loves to find itself in. Even the Reach is not as active with regards to Cosmic and Abstract Entities wandering about their territories.

I wonder if we could also get an update on other magical users on Earth and the House of Secrets? Surely, some of them have been investigating the chaos Alchemist has left behind and the Zatara were not just the only ones digging up anything about it. Personal request would be Constantine. The dude has tried accosting Alchemist and Yuffie before to access the HoS, even if he did not know why at the time and was pushed at that path by his Wave Traveling BS. He was also tagged by the healing spell. Constantine's BS being overruled by Alchemist's own brand of BS to Destiny and His Book would be interesting to see. Show Constantine he's not a slick as he thinks he is.
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I would be more surprised if at the end of this Ganthet did not station a full GL staffed watchtower in orbit alongside the JL watchtower.
I would be more surprised if at the end of this Ganthet did not station a full GL staffed watchtower in orbit alongside the JL watchtower.
The Guardians have now learned the reason as to why Earth seems to keep popping out some of the most powerful Green Lanterns like they're candy: Complete and utter BS others consider abnormal, but considered Tuesday by Earth. That, and being the birthplace of the 5th World and the New Gods that will replace Apokolips and New Genesis.
If Alchemist had even less tact
The Guardians have now learned the reason as to why Earth seems to keep popping out some of the most powerful Green Lanterns like they're candy: Complete and utter BS others consider abnormal, but considered Tuesday by Earth. That, and being the birthplace of the 5th World and the New Gods that will replace Apokolips and New Genesis.

Earth holding the status as the birthplace of the Next Gods might actually be an unexpected side effect of the Guardians stuffing the White Light Entity into the heart of the planet.


Give me one second to hunt down a sort of joke exchange between Al and Ganthet-


G: So it would appear that you have been in contact with individuals from the Silver City.

A: Just the one, and hopefully it stays that way. How did you know?

G: Their actions leave behind very distinctive ripples within the Bleed.

A: Ah. That makes a bit of sense. I'd imagine that's one of the reasons you guys avoid the Earth, given they really like to interfere on that planet.

G: You are aware of their actions?

A: A number of them find humans sexually attractive.

G: ...This is a highly concerning fact. Thankfully, the entities are sterile to our knowledge.

A: There are three specific instances where they successfully crossbred with humans.

G: ...What is wrong with your planet?

A: Well, humans are, collectively, the strongest conduits for the Dreaming. And the White Light Entity being present for the entirety of Human evolution probably made them very... flexible.

G: ...Oh. Oh dear.

A: On a completely different topic; have you ever noticed how oddly accurate a lot of names and places are when they get translated into the Human languages.

G: ...I have not. May I ask for an example?

A: Yeah. Let's take Sinestro for example, he's a good one-

G: The traitor that now leads the Yellow Lantern Corps.?

A: Yep. Well, his name is basically 'Sinister' which originally meant 'Wrong handed' rather than just being a catch-all for 'evil'. And that's oddly fitting given how he got his Green Lantern ring off the crippled body of his predecessor, used it to fight off the aliens that crippled the former Lantern and then just stood there and waited as Prohl Gosgotha died so he wouldn't have to give the ring back.

G: ...Lantern Gardner has had some very good things to say about alcohol on this planet.
Why do you drink alcohol if it's a poison?

Because there are things inside of me that I need to kill.

Two and a Half Men was a source of countless wonderful quotes...
and Al introduces him to peppers and other spicy foods.

Ganthet: You willingly ingest neurotoxins?

AL: And improve upon them too, think the latest iteration is a plant that now produces fruits with so much of the neurotoxin in them it can now remove paint at minimum.
No the one where he came back and told batman that he brought someone back. They were sent to the watch tower and it made the league believe that alchemist and player one had video game powers that sent the to alternate realities/dimensions.

Edit: Chapter 82 to be precise. Not sure if she was succubus or if zeus murdered her.
That was the succubus that Zeus murdered later on.

And apparently nobody knows? Did she vanish and the Amazons just shrugged and went on?
No the one where he came back and told batman that he brought someone back. They were sent to the watch tower and it made the league believe that alchemist and player one had video game powers that sent the to alternate realities/dimensions.

Edit: Chapter 82 to be precise. Not sure if she was succubus or if zeus murdered her.

That was the succubus, and she is very dead, no thanks to due to Zeus.
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soooo.....the amazons just let a innocent get murdered? Well that's one way for Al to get the justice league on his side. Just let them know the person they entrusted to diana's people let her get taken and killed.
soooo.....the amazons just let a innocent get murdered? Well that's one way for Al to get the justice league on his side. Just let them know the person they entrusted to diana's people let her get taken and killed.
Do note that the Amazons are openly beholden to and worship a known torturer, murderer, kidnapper, rapist, and pedophile, and they don't really seem to mind.