So not the USA then.
That was the implication, yes. I was trying to avoid naming names but, frankly, the USA is literally the only relevant country this could apply to, so I guess it was a bit on the nose.

Would visiting Yu-Gi-Oh just give Alchemist cards, or could he actually access spells, summoned creatures, etc? The Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Exodia might be fairly useful to have, assuming they don't mind getting toadied and stonified.
Weren't Yu-Gi-Oh duels were played out with Shadow Realm nonsense? The card game was, like, a translation of Shadow Realm duels into the modern era by a crazy seer/visionary? It's been a while since I watched the anime.
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Weren't Yu-Gi-Oh duels were played out with Shadow Realm nonsense? The card game was, like, a translation of Shadow Realm duels into the modern era by a crazy seer/visionary? It's been a while since I watched the anime.
Al would be going to a Yu-Gi-Oh game; I've not played them, but I assume that it doesn't go into the shadow realm magic a whole lot and sticks mostly to cards and stuff.
The normal way, I'd assume. Get a lawyer, file a motion at court, send off a summons. Everyone shows up in front of a judge, they all say they swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Al reinforces that with a circle of truth around the courthouse, folks go to tell their story.

Lies fall apart, lawyers has an aneurysm when he realizes the usual pity card his client wants to use isn't working, the judge gets increasingly upset at the obvious waste of his time. Fines Karen for perjury and hits her with court costs on top of things.

You know, a perfectly normal court proceeding.

Couldn't they then sue again for alchemist using magic on them without their permission?

Or would they think it's a Meta ability for some reason only for Alchemist to laugh as this court case blows up as it sets precedent on magical crimes?
Would visiting Yu-Gi-Oh just give Alchemist cards, or could he actually access spells, summoned creatures, etc? The Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Exodia might be fairly useful to have, assuming they don't mind getting toadied and stonified.

Depends which game they went to the easiest for it would be the duel terminals but that's a death world. Broadly speaking tho they are focused on the card game so you'd just get cards unless you did something like go to the 2010 world championship game which covers the post fortune cup through the earthbound immortals bit of 5ds which of course includes the spirit world stuff so magic could be learned from a spirit.

Al would be going to a Yu-Gi-Oh game; I've not played them, but I assume that it doesn't go into the shadow realm magic a whole lot and sticks mostly to cards and stuff.

Being a veteran of quite a few I can tell you that they have it a fair bit because they tend to base the plot on the anime including using the cast of them.
I suggest NOT using a ring for feather fall, or using a ring at all in industrial settings, maybe a bangle or wrist band instead?
Ever heard of de-gloving? If you haven't don't look at any pictures, you'll thank me.
Back when I was learning to use a lathe in school the teachers showed us a fair number of videos and pictures of that sorta stuff. They got in trouble for that but it certainly motivated everyone to be careful around the machines.
Of course, you'd have to be an absolute toad to think you could pull of that kind of heist and not draw some decidedly unwanted attention.

Speaking of "decidedly unwanted attention," one positive about Social Media is that it'll be easy for Alchemist (or Batman) to publish the identities of those who decide to steal Regeneration Rings.

Alchemist wouldn't have to lift a finger, just sit back and watch :rage:angry veterans go to town on some foolish gangsters.
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Per the Ring of Regeneration:
I also note that it's a self-casting one-use spell that has no prereqs for the user, and would fall under expanded potion creation rules. As a D&D 7th level spell requiring a level 13 caster, so 7 x 13 x 50 gp each, or 4550 gp to make, and would thus take 4.5 days per scroll/ring, subject to his feats and stuff, of course.
I realize the money isn't an issue, but the D&D nominal limit is 1000 gp/day allowed, 10k if Epic Level. Which is not millions of them. Even if he can accelerate the time required to nothing, the gp limit/day is a near absolute.
I write stories involving magical item production, and it's a huge chokepoint in D&D. Artificing other magic items using other rules doesn't mean D&D magic items follow those rules, after all.
Per the Ring of Regeneration:
I also note that it's a self-casting one-use spell that has no prereqs for the user, and would fall under expanded potion creation rules. As a D&D 7th level spell requiring a level 13 caster, so 7 x 13 x 50 gp each, or 4550 gp to make, and would thus take 4.5 days per scroll/ring, subject to his feats and stuff, of course.
I realize the money isn't an issue, but the D&D nominal limit is 1000 gp/day allowed, 10k if Epic Level. Which is not millions of them. Even if he can accelerate the time required to nothing, the gp limit/day is a near absolute.
I write stories involving magical item production, and it's a huge chokepoint in D&D. Artificing other magic items using other rules doesn't mean D&D magic items follow those rules, after all.
Alchemist's Gamer system has its own item creation rules, which don't line up perfectly. He also has perks that massively alter the way those rules work even further.
Per the Ring of Regeneration:
I also note that it's a self-casting one-use spell that has no prereqs for the user, and would fall under expanded potion creation rules. As a D&D 7th level spell requiring a level 13 caster, so 7 x 13 x 50 gp each, or 4550 gp to make, and would thus take 4.5 days per scroll/ring, subject to his feats and stuff, of course.
I realize the money isn't an issue, but the D&D nominal limit is 1000 gp/day allowed, 10k if Epic Level. Which is not millions of them. Even if he can accelerate the time required to nothing, the gp limit/day is a near absolute.
I write stories involving magical item production, and it's a huge chokepoint in D&D. Artificing other magic items using other rules doesn't mean D&D magic items follow those rules, after all.

In this case, Al and Co. are using the Skyrim style of enchanting which was focused on in an earlier chapter, with its benefits and deficits. It utilizes an external tool and has a hard requirement for a power source, rather than drawing in the ambient weave and then tying it to a particular piece of equipment or locked in stasis in a potion.

It's simpler and cheaper but also leaves an item unable to be further enchanted after the initial improvement.

This specific ruleset is something of a homebrew combining TeS III and V as scroll creation was not implemented past TeS III.
If Russia's on the list because of Chernobyl, then that should be Ukraine. But there was also the Kyshtym disaster in 1957, which is currently the 3rd worst nuclear accident on record.
Russia has so many neglected toxic waste dumps, and radioactive areas it isn't funny. The Soviets didn't give a shit about dumping industrial byproducts in rivers and lakes, to the point where some of them glow. Basically all their closed cities have some kind of horrible stuff happening, but they're in the middle of Siberia, so no one really cared. They produced a lot of the Soviets WMDs, and did a lot of their RnD.



This is why bruce is looking for ace, she really did deserve better. Waller may not have directly done this she was 'just following orders' but it's still terrible she let it happen and probably let it happen to lots of kids with powers especially when you consider she has kids of her own. I think waller has a soft spot for batman and doesn't exactly consider him an enemy. In batman beyond she admits batman was the hero the world needed.

Welp Al was willing to let the adult heros come to him eventually for mind control prevention thinking they'd come around eventually and they are adults who can make their own decisions but the future teens derailed that by haveing Al realize that their distrust of magic, or him as well as their blind spots when it comes to their weaknesses can become his problem and maybe make him kill people he somewhat cares about and respects to an extent. So I see a discussion and or a kidnapping in the justice leagues future probly to a calmish ID for the time stop effect to have a discussion about not using the resources at your disposal properly, as well as proper self care(wich Al also struggles with but he'd admit it) and self defense. Al is all for free will and respecting people's choices but if he knows it'll be a problem I can't see him just letting it go.

Loveing the story so far.hope your doing well
This is why bruce is looking for ace, she really did deserve better. Waller may not have directly done this she was 'just following orders' but it's still terrible she let it happen and probably let it happen to lots of kids with powers especially when you consider she has kids of her own. I think waller has a soft spot for batman and doesn't exactly consider him an enemy. In batman beyond she admits batman was the hero the world needed.

Batman is in the middle of tracking her down. Batman called in Guy to help him care for her when they catch up to where she's being held. She could use someone who cares about her and will do anything needed to protect her, and I don't doubt Guy is just the person for the job.
If you have a limited production run and an artificially-depressed below-equilibrium price, the only people you're helping are scalpers.
And on the RoRs, Alchemist and Jinx are giving scalpers tens of thousands of dollars for every single dollar they make themselves, which sounds ridiculously daft.

Major scalpers can do stuff like make software to automate (spamming or just incredibly early) purchasing requests, and provide a convenient right-there address to avoid the delivery issues. And plenty of scalpers are just normal people--if you aren't as messed up as Bandit, would you rather use an RoR you got your hands on, or sell it for millions and wait until there's a more sane way to get them?

And there are going to be huge delivery issues. I bet barely any UPS drivers would deliver an untouched envelope with an Alchemical Solutions return address if the thing inside is worth 100 times their annual salary. And mail goes through lots of sorters and shippers, not just the last-mile delivery drivers; I doubt you'd be able to determine when exactly a paper ring went missing from an envelope.
And if it's "insured" but only for $250, that's kind of farcical.

(Tl;dr market/price manipulation doesn't work, and it doesn't work harder when it's ridiculously severe)
If you have a limited production run and an artificially-depressed below-equilibrium price, the only people you're helping are scalpers.
And on the RoRs, Alchemist and Jinx are giving scalpers tens of thousands of dollars for every single dollar they make themselves, which sounds ridiculously daft.

Major scalpers can do stuff like make software to automate (spamming or just incredibly early) purchasing requests, and provide a convenient right-there address to avoid the delivery issues. And plenty of scalpers are just normal people--if you aren't as messed up as Bandit, would you rather use an RoR you got your hands on, or sell it for millions and wait until there's a more sane way to get them?

And there are going to be huge delivery issues. I bet barely any UPS drivers would deliver an untouched envelope with an Alchemical Solutions return address if the thing inside is worth 100 times their annual salary. And mail goes through lots of sorters and shippers, not just the last-mile delivery drivers; I doubt you'd be able to determine when exactly a paper ring went missing from an envelope.
And if it's "insured" but only for $250, that's kind of farcical.

(Tl;dr market/price manipulation doesn't work, and it doesn't work harder when it's ridiculously severe)
This is exactly true. Alchemist is completely ignoring thousands of years of proof of supply and demand. The DEMAND for these things is through the roof. The supply is low. They WILL be stolen. They ARE worth millions of dollars.
The only way he's going to be able to avoid this is genetic locks on them, i.e. only usable by person X, anyone else its just worthless paper.

Yeah, he's just creating a new crime wave. Heck, the people who buy them would be stupid not to resell them, although if they go to the truly crippled, that price they'd charge is going to be very high, indeed.
In this case, Al and Co. are using the Skyrim style of enchanting which was focused on in an earlier chapter, with its benefits and deficits. It utilizes an external tool and has a hard requirement for a power source, rather than drawing in the ambient weave and then tying it to a particular piece of equipment or locked in stasis in a potion.

It's simpler and cheaper but also leaves an item unable to be further enchanted after the initial improvement.

This specific ruleset is something of a homebrew combining TeS III and V as scroll creation was not implemented past TeS III.
I only brought it up because he's using a D&D spell, which 'should' fall under D&D crafting rules. If you allow it to be made using another system, well, yeah, the rules don't apply.
It's just a monstrously powerful effect to let take effect for next to nothing. Note that 4550 gp is 45.55 lbs of gold, which is currently $32k per pound, which is 1.457 MILLION dollars to make by the D&D rules. So, yeah, a 99.94% price break is pretty substantial.
If you have a limited production run and an artificially-depressed below-equilibrium price, the only people you're helping are scalpers.
And on the RoRs, Alchemist and Jinx are giving scalpers tens of thousands of dollars for every single dollar they make themselves, which sounds ridiculously daft.

Major scalpers can do stuff like make software to automate (spamming or just incredibly early) purchasing requests, and provide a convenient right-there address to avoid the delivery issues. And plenty of scalpers are just normal people--if you aren't as messed up as Bandit, would you rather use an RoR you got your hands on, or sell it for millions and wait until there's a more sane way to get them?

And there are going to be huge delivery issues. I bet barely any UPS drivers would deliver an untouched envelope with an Alchemical Solutions return address if the thing inside is worth 100 times their annual salary. And mail goes through lots of sorters and shippers, not just the last-mile delivery drivers; I doubt you'd be able to determine when exactly a paper ring went missing from an envelope.
And if it's "insured" but only for $250, that's kind of farcical.

(Tl;dr market/price manipulation doesn't work, and it doesn't work harder when it's ridiculously severe)

You are quite correct. And this is an issue that Jinx should be noticing soon. She and Al will have to do some brainstorming to come up with a solution and there's no guarantee that their answer will be the one that works best.

After all, that's still a problem that we on Earth are dealing with to this very day.

I only brought it up because he's using a D&D spell, which 'should' fall under D&D crafting rules. If you allow it to be made using another system, well, yeah, the rules don't apply.
It's just a monstrously powerful effect to let take effect for next to nothing. Note that 4550 gp is 45.55 lbs of gold, which is currently $32k per pound, which is 1.457 MILLION dollars to make by the D&D rules. So, yeah, a 99.94% price break is pretty substantial.

Coinage has, until recently, always been worth less than the precious metals that it's comprised of. There's a whole slew of history on it, from the production to the counterfeiting. I recently came across a fantastic video on old Japanese currency (I'd link it but I'm having a bit of trouble hunting it down on youtube).

So valuing the rings by the weight of the metal in the coinage they should be worth is not quite correct.

As to the actual cost following DnD-like rules, there's a method Al could pull off that would have an up-front cost of about 300 gp and then about 50 gp per craft but would produce permanent, full Rings of Regeneration. He'd just need to get a copy of Melf's Acid Arrow, buy some Rakshasha Eyes and Fenberries off the shop and he could produce as many rings as he wanted via the Neverwinter Nights method.

I can't recall if it was here or on Caer but there was a discussion about the limits of enchanting. The enchanting skill itself represents the ceiling of a potential enchantment's level. As in, Al or someone else using it could not create an enchantment equal to, say, a level 50 (mastery) spell without having the enchanting skill at or above level 50.

The spell itself represents the 'floor' of enchantment strength, provided the base power of the spell does not exceed the level of enchanting. A level 35 spell will always produce an equivalent enchantment, provided an adequate power source is supplied.

Through the use of external spells, potions or equipment it is possible to magnify or multiply the final result of an enchantment but those methods cannot be used to offset the actual cost. I believe the example I used before was the Meteor spell, which has a cost of 10,000 MP. The maximum amount of power in, say, a Grand Soul Gem would only be 600 MP worth at full charge.

With these restrictions, it is entirely impossible for Al to enchant Meteor into anything using a soul gem. And, one of the other limitations of the Nordic method utilized is that the objects do not recharge off of ambient magic. To do that would require using the Dunmeri methods but those are far, far more prone to failure.

Regenerate, however, has an equivalent spell/enchantment in TES and the sorcerers in-setting are able to use the restoration school of magic to extend their lives by centuries. Possibly even millennia, in the case of one particularly gifted individual.
A question? How long did Alfred have to sort thru Batman looting gains of the I.D.? He finished, right?

Otherwise? I am curious as to all the Traits gained, he has a Green Thumb from Ivy. Can he Talk shop with her?
Ivy is currently being buggered by the green, that new Yggdrasil is doing all sorts of nasty stuff to it and she has to bear the brunt of its displeasure.
A question? How long did Alfred have to sort thru Batman looting gains of the I.D.? He finished, right?

Otherwise? I am curious as to all the Traits gained, he has a Green Thumb from Ivy. Can he Talk shop with her?
who knows, maybe alfred is still sorting. :V poor alfred.

as for the ordering problem, maybe whenever someone wants to purchase something, they need to kinda of automate it, set up stores with no product in it but a golem, they order through the golem who delivers the order to a elemental summon which delivers the ring to the golem from a inventory dimension, kinda like that order summon that delivered the vampire dead letter to zatara's house?
There is an easy answer to it really. Make it deliverable by the helmet angel. It is the best of both worlds, easy delivery and Giovanni is even further stressed.
Is it wrong I want to suggest a form of curse where "if I wish to sell this item, I am compelled to sell it for 1% less than I bought it for" and no effect other than that. like, the ability to use the item, and give the item without any effects. but to deliberately sell that item having a conceptual "cannot sell for more than what it was purchased for"
That is about the only way I think you could mess with capitalism unless they get magical backers helping.
You are quite correct. And this is an issue that Jinx should be noticing soon. She and Al will have to do some brainstorming to come up with a solution and there's no guarantee that their answer will be the one that works best.

After all, that's still a problem that we on Earth are dealing with to this very day.
They're magic though? Just enchant the box or envelope to only open under certain conditions. "To this recipient", "with this (provided to buyer) code", and self-destruct if tampered with. Maybe put a tracker on it to note when each parcel was opened or destroyed to help with insurance claims.

You could probably bypass that with a sufficiently skilled magic user but, really, how many of those are out there vs how many scalpers?

As for "legitimate" scalping, limits of X per buyer per time period, except say hospitals. You could get around that with fraudulent names, but then you just bought a self-destructing parcel.
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