For those who've been paying attention to the Movies, Alec is going to have a problem, Aya appears in the Trailer for Crisis Part Three, this means Universe 16(The Young Justice One) is in the path of the Anti-Matter Wave, so safe to say If a Suspicious Homeless Old Man makes a cameo or Terra gives him a vague quest to prepare then S*it is going to be hitting the fan
I was thinking over the timeline at work today for the show, seeing as Phantoms reveals that the Events of GLtAS happened in one form or another in the Young Justice, I originally thought they took place post Invasion or during Invasion as the Reach and Guardian's Deal would have prevented the corps from having a presence on Earth, and then I remembered, Guy Gardner is brought up as a Potential League-r during Thanksgiving in Season 1 During Thanksgiving, and Guy becomes a Lantern between the Red Lantern and Manhunter Incidents, with him being assigned Hals Territory being what causes Hal to go back to Oa to find out what's going on, this Means GLaTS has to take place Before "Agendas".

So here's the Timeline that we've got(Reminder Young Justice is 10 Years in Universe):

Green Lantern: The Animated Series's Events

Year 1:Events of Season 1 + Comics
Timeskip 1: 4 Years; Comics and Legacy
Year 4: Invasion + Comics
Timeskip 2: 2 Years, Comics
Year 6: Outsiders
Timeskip 3: 2 Years, The Prize(Take place At the end of Feburary shortly before Phantoms)
Year 8: Phantoms
Post Phantoms Year 10: Targets(November 9th Year 10 AKA 2020, to November 12 2020), The Crisis Point

So writing this out I learned that The Anti-Matter Wave hits Earth 16 sometime after November 12th 2020, meaning Alec thankfully has 10 Years to prepare, honestly I was worried that it was 8 Years because I didn't know that Targets takes place 2 years after Phantoms
which of the rings does Al resonate with most or which would accept him into their ranks? or would his Alexithymia prevent the sort of emotions needed for him to wield them them?
I'd guess Willpower, and Hope, Maybe Greed too with his thirst for Knowledge and Dragon Hoard
which of the rings does Al resonate with most or which would accept him into their ranks? or would his Alexithymia prevent the sort of emotions needed for him to wield them them?
He's been protrayed as neurodivergent. i doubt he has the extremes of emotional depth and control of ANY emotion sufficient to ably wield a Lantern Ring. He has trouble recognizing and responding to emotions, and he doesn't have the force of will to impose his will on others.
He may be committed to his own course, and have the power to carry it out and go around any obstructions, but that's a mindset, not emotion or willpower. When you are powerful, you don't have to do what others say just because they say it.
So he just stood around rambling while letting the villain continue with their plan. Bloody dumb. Really unnecessary and contrived. Why? He wasn't that dumb so far? Impulsive, sure, but never this dumb.
Okay, so... silly question.
Can't you... Entangle ReRaise and Entangle Regeneration on the Juggernaut, to hit all the sleeping victims. Then non-Entangled Esuna on just the Juggernaut so that it doesn't regenerate or reraise... and then just Ultima the fuck out of it until it stops pretending to be legendary and dies, leaving everyone else behind resurrected and regrowing their missing bits? And then you can go wake everyone up.

I really appreciate the way Starfire is being written here. The depth of her character is frequently reduced to kiddie pool levels in the shows.
Starfire is a recovering victim. And the way she's chosen to deal with and compartmentalize her trauma is to forcefully assert optimism. Everything is okay, she's out, the torture part is over, it's gone, it's not coming back, everything can be fixed, everyone deserves a chance, everyone gets the benefit of the doubt, no those bad things that happened are just misunderstandings, surely that was an accident, they didn't mean to do all that, it can still be fixed --
But when you cross that line where she can't do that anymore, that she has to admit there is no mistake, no misunderstanding, you are a bad person, that's what's happening is actually wrong and unacceptable, that what happens needs to be stopped, it's happening again? She becomes a murderous berserker like the flip of a switch without any regret or apology. Things will die, and she will be happy they did, and that she got to be the one to make it happen.
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Okay, so... silly question.
Can't you... Entangle ReRaise and Entangle Regeneration on the Juggernaut, to hit all the sleeping victims. Then non-Entangled Esuna on just the Juggernaut so that it doesn't regenerate or reraise... and then just Ultima the fuck out of it until it stops pretending to be legendary and dies, leaving everyone else behind resurrected and regrowing their missing bits? And then you can go wake everyone up.

Starfire is a recovering victim. And the way she's chosen to deal with and compartmentalize her trauma is to forcefully assert optimism. Everything is okay, she's out, the torture part is over, it's gone, it's not coming back, everything can be fixed, everyone deserves a chance, everyone gets the benefit of the doubt, no those bad things that happened are just misunderstandings, surely that was an accident, they didn't mean to do all that, it can still be fixed --
But when you cross that line where she can't do that anymore, that she has to admit there is no mistake, no misunderstanding, you are a bad person, that's what's happening is actually wrong and unacceptable, that what happens needs to be stopped, it's happening again? She becomes a murderous berserker like the flip of a switch without any regret or apology. Things will die, and she will be happy they did, and that she got to be the one to make it happen.

Putting aside the fact Al wants a solution that doesn't overly hurt them or mentally scar him hence why he's not just cutting them out and healing them. I don't think your solution will work because Esuna is the debuff remover and regenerate and reraise are buffs so it'd be dispel if it works on them but also his Ultima is up to reality deleting with huge effects on the area near where it was cast.
Hmm, just a thought since I'm working my way through a reread and don't remember this ever happening, but @Mister Ficser, have the trio ever tried using or consuming their own Summon Materia, or better yet each others? Because I think Alchemist made a few for mana production and the ones for his holmcross and Incorruptus, and Jinx/Kary each made one for their own mecha, but they might have interesting reactions if they're consumed or cast(especially if by someone other than their maker), and unless that happened off screen I don't think that ever happened.
~Summon Materia: @**&@%$#%~
~Element: Variable~
~Level 1~
~AP: 0~
~MP Regen +25%~
"The echo of a wandering soul. Driven by the fear he hid behind his pride, he pursued powers beyond mortal ken to challenge a future of suffering and strife and right the wrongs that brought him here."​
That has been brought up before and it's not a bad idea at all.

I've honestly thought as to whether or not they would all manufacture the same kind of Materia, however.

Alchemist has always struggled with the fact that there just isn't enough time, that he cannot be in multiple places at once, that he cannot accomplish as much as he wants within a limited time frame. Which is an issue he's worked through across various methods with various results, from Extract of Twin Form to Bilocation and now with Wraith King.

Jinx, I don't think, suffers the same issue. Honestly, with her? I thought more of making the Jinx Materia a green spell Materia with a... Jinx spell. That lowers the targets luck.

Kary, I figure, would actually form a yellow Command Materia of some kind. Perhaps some form of Omni-Strike or Octaslash, referring to her original form. Or perhaps some form of Burning Blow that debuffs the targets defense, hearkening back to her true nature as an agent of fire and chaos?
From the point of view of a self-insert, I'd go with an epic spell to create a regenerating blood-simulacrum w/higher level percetage than half level, adding a telepathic link. No limit on creation other than own blood and the expenditure of an epic spell.

Perhaps create a secretary simulacrum to be the focus of permanent telepathic bonds.

Bilocation is a very poor quality solution.
That has been brought up before and it's not a bad idea at all.

I've honestly thought as to whether or not they would all manufacture the same kind of Materia, however.

Alchemist has always struggled with the fact that there just isn't enough time, that he cannot be in multiple places at once, that he cannot accomplish as much as he wants within a limited time frame. Which is an issue he's worked through across various methods with various results, from Extract of Twin Form to Bilocation and now with Wraith King.

Jinx, I don't think, suffers the same issue. Honestly, with her? I thought more of making the Jinx Materia a green spell Materia with a... Jinx spell. That lowers the targets luck.

Kary, I figure, would actually form a yellow Command Materia of some kind. Perhaps some form of Omni-Strike or Octaslash, referring to her original form. Or perhaps some form of Burning Blow that debuffs the targets defense, hearkening back to her true nature as an agent of fire and chaos?
Huh, I would have figured they'd all automatically be Summon Materia, just because like, its made from their magic and selves, and they are rather more integral to themselves than any given spell. Bahamut's Terraflare might be the spell closest to his heart, and indeed its the spell that comes out when you use his Materia, but the materia in question is still summoning Bahamut.

Ergo, I could see the default Jinx materia being "Summon Jinx, who casts a nasty bad luck spell on target" by default, but it'd still be summoning Jinx. Not sure what spell Alchemist would cast on arrival/by default though.
Ergo, I could see the default Jinx materia being "Summon Jinx, who casts a nasty bad luck spell on target" by default, but it'd still be summoning Jinx. Not sure what spell Alchemist would cast on arrival/by default though.
Toad probably, healing or gun as the next most likely especially since there's that ff 4 one that was a boss and has 3 moves they randomly use iirc so he could be like that which fits his personality.
As soon as Al comes back from Worm (after he's banished there without permission), he'll have the ability to consume another creature to take a special trait for his own. There are hiveminded creatures out there that are one consciousness inhabiting and in control of multiple bodies, each of which is just as much theirs as every other one is, and they can experience life individually with each, just like you or I do with our singular bodies, because their multiple brains process input and output and internal thoughts and concentration separately.

Consuming such a creature and then creating multiple bodies would be an ideal solution, since it doesn't have the drawbacks of any of the others he's got, and it scales up perfectly by adding even more bodies.

Just don't go 3.5 dvati, because they're worse than his current options.

MY BAD WRONG THREAD(if you saw my deleted post)
Feel free to read this story and post in this thread, if you like.
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From the point of view of a self-insert, I'd go with an epic spell to create a regenerating blood-simulacrum w/higher level percetage than half level, adding a telepathic link. No limit on creation other than own blood and the expenditure of an epic spell.

Perhaps create a secretary simulacrum to be the focus of permanent telepathic bonds.

Bilocation is a very poor quality solution.
Eidolon Epic Spell allows you to make a copy of yourself at level 21 (epic level), and can have more levels if you give yourself epic levels.
It can also Cast Eidolon and make a version of itself if you bring it to level 21 (or greater). The thing here is, what does Epic level/21 relate to in HIS levels?
Also, you can't make your Eidolon higher level than you, so basically you get a waterfall of x-21,/2, where the levels of the Eidolon, come up to match your own as you take negative levels, than drop as it takes negative levels to cast its own Eidolon.
So, a level 25 Caster would make a level 23 Eidolon, who could make a level 22 Eidolon, who could make a level 21 Eidolon.

As an Alternative, Harem from Grrl Power is a single mind with multiple bodies, as opposed to a duplicator who can make lots of independent but aware bodies.