I hope she gets herself lost in that world. Teen Titans actually features character growth and important lessons learned for its characters so maybe she'd finally get past the point in her life where she thinks mouthing off to someone that scares the guy that's better at her own superpower than her is a good idea. She then into immediate withdrawal to snarf some drugs within a 3 days. She'd be back to her half-assing it in a month at that rate, but nooooo! Better go beat up some druggies and get high off her ass and make every bad decision she can think of in the meantime - with or without the high.

This girl needs to get ditched in a place better for her than YJ.
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Poor Tiff, and now I want to scream at and/or slap the stupid/selfish out of her parents for the way they are continuing to exacerbate the trauma she's been through by refusing to take it at all seriously.

And by repeatedly having Dave's ex-wife and (at best) passive accomplice over as if nothing ever happened is just rubbing Tiff's nose in the fact that her trauma just isn't real or important enough for them endanger the comfort of their normal lives to stop just acting as if it never happened at all.

Any other city than Gotham and I'd say that all of their kids should be taken away from them and to have some loud and unsympathetic explain to them at great length the ocean of failures, pain and disrespect they've inflicted and are continuing to inflict on the poor kid.

Guy would be the perfect choice here, and wow, would he be both ANGRY about it and completely willing to show them exactly how angry he is at them and why.

There was an itch in the back of Tiffany's mind at hearing those things. A quiet, sinister little voice telling her that there was a way to dull those feelings. That she could just... track down someone doing something a little bit naughty and they wouldn't report her if she beat them up and took their stash for herself.

It wouldn't be hard. Not with what she'd learned. She'd been taught how to track and hunt people. She knew that Tom and Jerry both were still stoners. Finding them wouldn't be hard. Hunting down their dealer would be easier. Violence or theft, both would get her what she-

I love the deftness of this momentary insight into Tiffany's current state of mind, and both how deeply she's been traumatised and how strong she's grown despite of it. If she was really as weak or foolish as some readers have accused her of being, this wouldn't be a 'quiet, sinister little voice' trying to tempt her into taking the easy route of temporary oblivion and some cathartic violence, she'd have done so long since, likely well before Dave's ex-accomplice showed up. That there is her own little Grima Wormtongue in the back of her head is completely unsurprising, we all have one of our own. But the fact that it's only a hidden, whispering serpent? That shows how strong and resilient she's become already.

Bravo, Mr F! 👏👏👏

Not sure what makes the Red-X suit so special though compared to the stuff Alchemist can make.

IIRC, it's not the suit itself per se, though that's nothing to be sneezed at, it's the rather unique power source it uses and the unusual benefits that power source conveys. I don't recall exactly what either of those are currently, but I'm pretty sure that's the heart of it.

Actually, now that I think about it, if the time-slip itself doesn't resolve at least most of the issues with Tiffany's System, it'd probably do her good to be able to use the Red X suit for herself until they are fixed. She really needs to feel safe and empowered again right now, though obviously at some point she'll need to find that safety and power within herself. But again, she's still just a kid, and that is a problem for (much) later. First you fix the broken bone, and then you worry about rebuilding muscle tone/strength after it's fully healed.
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Regenerate (Vitality X Level)/16 HP every 6 seconds ~~
Four digits times three digits divided by two digits... that's a five digit number of HP regenerated every six seconds. That's impressive, and will get bigger.
"YHVH, yes," Alchemist agreed.
We have no idea how this name is actually pronounced! It's one of those "remove all the vowels" abbreviations where it is assumed that the audience already knows what the word is. Presumably they did know when it was written 3000-ish years ago. But today?

Ain't nobody getting "government" from "gvmt" without context. "Gavomat" and "givmete" are shorter reaches, and Occam's Razor, you know?
Or I could try my hand at a different one, try and insert my way into a magical school for kids so I could learn the magical secrets they've got, but... those would all take a lot of time."
I would bet on Yuffie over 98+% of the threats in Hogwarts-verse with a few basic defenses.
And I'd give it a month before Alchemist exterminates the dementors.
"...Alright," Alchemist nodded and Jinx could tell he had his own reservations. "We'll eat, get the familiars together, get the dolls; anything else we need to do?" Nobody spoke up so Alchemist nodded again. "Alright. We'll give this a try here in a bit."
Yeah, you need to make sure your written calendars are particularly detailed. Stuff like "list of topics covered in the last two weeks of school", "therapy with Chase Meridan @ [location] at [time]", "daily: buy Lex Luthor lunch. Current menu is:", and "Slade Wilson will not regret dealing with Wakanda; they are paying very well".

This trip could easily last years. You don't want to get tripped up by the little things that can normally be remembered without writing them down upon your return.
parked in front of the television and staring as the news ran a story about some child queen being bedridden.
Oh dear. The obvious next step is to have her "succumb to her illness", no autopsy needed of course, so that Count Vertigo can officially become head of state.

But that is far away, now in at least five dimensions including time instead of the normal three. Here and now, Tiffany has serious depression and jumped at the first non-self-destructive escape she found.

Edit: The existence of the [time] tag tripped me up.
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So this chapter explains how Trigon gets killed and the weapon that got made to do the deed. Wonder how long before Raven's family reunion they drop in?

Edit: also, yay Teen Titans! Great show, needs more fanfics.
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Sooo... i can't remember actually seeing the League in the teen Titans show (I admit, it has been years and years since i watched it), but the thrests in that world shoul be lesser than those in the reality they're coming from, right? (Other that the goddamn Trigon xD)
If that's the case, nice, they'll have quite a time to better their equipment if that's what alchemist is looking for.

PS: Poor Tiff, she's really getting hell i nhe own house, and she's still powerless :/
I wonder what's taking Terra so long to re-power her compared with the 1 night it took her the first time.

Edit: Forgot to say, thanks for the chapter, author! really liked it xD
get the familiars together, get the dolls;

Did Ash and Cinder ever learn the 'Mage Hand' spell? Just imagine Titans Tower having to deal with two sentient toddler-level puppies able to magically open doors, cabinets, and refrigerators.

Raven: o_O "You taught magic spells to your dogs?"

Cinder: (proud) "We are smart!"

BB: :rage: "Hey!!! Who stole my tofu from the refrigerator?!?!"

Ash: *BURP!!!*

Can BB shapeshift into a hellhound if he spent enough time around Ash and Cinder? Is his morphogenic connection to 'the Red' based on his empathetic emotional rapport with animals? I can picture BB chilling with the hellhounds in a "one of the kids" way, the critter-loving superhero thrilled to find animals who can talk and are juvenile enough to appreciate his childish sense of humor.

The whole dang team needs emotional support animals.

Titans Tower gets invaded a lot, so it'd be smart if Alchemist told the cursed dolls to scout the tower's air ducts and ventilation system in case they ever needed to flee (or conduct "Home Alone" style anti-siege warfare).

Cyborg: "Dude, I think the tower has a rodent infestation. I hear skittering in the air vents."

Alchemist: "Don't worry, it's just the cursed dolls."

Cyborg: (disturbed) :o "Cursed dolls?!?! Those words do NOT put me at ease!!!"

Jinx: (rolls eyes)
We have no idea how this name is actually pronounced! It's one of those "remove all the vowels" abbreviations where it is assumed that the audience already knows what the word is. Presumably they did know when it was written 3000-ish years ago. But today?

As I understand it, in the Hebrew as it was written at that time, it was standard to only write down the consonants, because, as you say, everyone* knew what vowels are to be used there.

(*) Every one that mattered. In other words, the Israelite Priests and some Israelite scholars.

Wikipedia has this on the topic (as well as other info):
The god's name was written in paleo-Hebrew as 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (יהוה‎ in block script), transliterated as YHWH; modern scholarship has reached consensus to transcribe this as "Yahweh".

Though now that I re-read it, 'consensus to transcribe this as' I realise that does not mean there is also 'consensus to pronounce this as'.

I mean you could ask an appropriate scholar of the region and time-frame, but most of those are likely Rabbis, and ask any five Rabbis a (seemingly) simple question, get at least a dozen answers back.

I would bet on Yuffie over 98+% of the threats in Hogwarts-verse with a few basic defenses.

Yeah, I'd be in 100% agreement with that. In fact, I'd be all in favour of Al et al. doing the multiverse a solid favour by taking a brisk jog through that universe and radically fixing a whole lot of it's problems and problematic elements except for two, no three things:
1: They don't deserve to have to be the ones that un-#$%^ that universe any more than most of the beings in it deserve to live in such a bigoted hell-hole
2: Joanne and her assorted bigotries don't deserve the attention or any further enabling
3: Our wonderful purveyor of Words most definitely doesn't deserve to have to slog through it all (again?), particularly when they could be using those brain-cycles to come up with more new and vastly less problematic Words for us all!

And I'd give it a month before Alchemist exterminates the dementors.

I'd worry if he didn't at least get started on it within mere hours after arriving, because it would mean that there was something serious enough going on to delay him fixing one of the biggest problems in that universe. Should probably set up a series of Nuremberg-style trials for all of those that set up, actively supported or even just substantially enabled the Dementors and Azkaban as a whole.

The entire Ministry of Magic staff pool would be far more than just decimated, and even more so the higher you went up the ranks, but that's a much desired feature, not any kind of bug at all.

So this chapter explains how Trigon gets killed and the weapon that got made to do the deed. Wonder how long before Raven's family reunion they drop in?

Ever since Imra's outburst at the start of her No Good Very Bad Day, I've wondered why so many readers here immediately think that 'Trigon's Bane' is sword, or at least a (probably melee) weapon. (Remember, she was speaking 30th century Interlac at the time, and we don't know exactly who or what was doing the translating here. It was probably a spell of Al's, but it might have been the Legion Flight Ring(s), or it could have been her using her telepathy to do it herself. Obviously not via Al or even Ganthet, but there was a whole space station of other people to choose from that don't have even a scrap as much psi defences as the two I mentioned above.

Sure, Al's been spending a lot of time crafting things for a while, especially arms and armour, but Trigon's Bane could just as easily be a person, a spell(-effect) or an animal, vegetable or fungus or even one or more of the endless sea of microbes that are everywhere on Earth. It doesn't have to be an actual weapon.

Hell, probably the easiest and most reliable way to sort it would be to take some time to train Raven herself whilst he's in the neighbourhood so that she can be Trigon's Bane herself. It'd certainly have endless ripples of other improvements to the TT world, not least for Raven herself.

So this chapter explains how Trigon gets killed and the weapon that got made to do the deed.

Just because something referred to as 'Trigon's Bane' exists/will exist, it doesn't mean it killed or destroyed him any more that the existence of Wolfsbane or Hensbane mean that Wolves or Hens are extinct. It could also be something that massively saps his power when outside of his own realms, in the rest of the DC 52 or just the TT world in particular.
The real question is who he might bring back from the trip.

  1. Terra (after getting informed how much she truly matters to Slade)
  2. 2nd Jinx (after learning Brother Blood intends to siphon others for their powers, also because 1st Jinx talks to her)
  3. Mammoth (after he finds the wizard throwing H2O2 at him for some reason)
  4. Gizmo (unlimited funding for tech, that is all, after he shoves a bar of soap in his mouth)
  5. Book Demon Dragon Horcrux Emo guy (just to be put on a shelf as a decoration, after properly sealing it)
  6. 2nd Slade (to make him fight first Slade for the lols)
  7. Red X (because Alchemist won't be known for stripping a teenager ..... again. So he will take the suit and wearer as a package deal)
  8. Control Freak (offer a nerd infinite comic books and stories from across the multiverse and I am pretty sure Alchemist will have him worshipping him as his cool dragon god, much to his chagrin)
  9. Plasmus (to be given to Hypnos as a intern since the poor kid can't wake up)
  10. Melvin and her siblings Timmy and Teether ( since Alchemist has a problem adopting every damn orphan or abandoned child/god/dragon/dog/cat/arch fiend he meets)
Control Freak (offer a nerd infinite comic books and stories from across the multiverse and I am pretty sure Alchemist will have him worshipping him as his cool dragon god, much to his chagrin)

In some TT fanfics, Control Freak is a variant Libromancer who can enter stories but his magical powers use TV as a medium rather than books, so the villain's rage might be subconsciously fueled by anger at Dream's imprisonment, hyper-aware that the world has been deprived of creativity and imagination.

The closest comparison I can think of (aside from the Joker's meta-sanity) is Neil Gaiman's retcon where Wesley Dodd's prophetic dreams and sleep-inducing gas gun are explained as an attempt by reality to fill the void left by Dream's absence from The Dreaming for most of the 20th century.

Seriously, imagine being attuned to the TRUTH that some fundamental aspect of reality has gone missing but nobody else can sense it, and the only way to alleviate the itch scratching at your brain is promote public awareness of movies, TV shows, and comic books like an obsessed fanboy.

Control Freak would probably break down into tears of relief if Alchemist told him he wasn't insane and that his obsessions were fueled by a multiversal entities' imprisonment.

Control Freak: (crying tears of relief) :cry:
Control Freak: "…I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy…"

Alchemist: (awkwardly pats Control Freak on the back)
So, The Alchemist Family and Tiffany have just gone to a different timeline/DC "Show"? If it's the Teen Titans original tv show then I can't wait to see the Jinxs meet. Regardless of dimension, if Al gets to meet Raven then I can foresee him looking at Trigon as a giant, red test dummy for his shiny new soul-killer sword. That oughta have enough metaphysical weight that most demons stay very far away form Al.
Being a teenage girls without an adult in an unknown world? That must be a really great world to compensate for that.

Hooof so - that's... that's basically Teen Titans. Like - the whole thing. The closest thing to a responsible adult in that setting that isn't evil (or at least an antagonist) is Cyborg. And yet it works, so it follows that world has to be one where it does work. Moreover, Tiffany's in a situation where she doesn't arguably have a responsible adult anyway considering her parental situation is... that.
So Alchemist may do a 'Oopsie' and wander by mistake?

Are all guests in Alchemist pocket dimensions or on Infinity Island stolen from Ra's?

Which version of Teen Titans? They also had a Reality/ Time crunch. Cartoon and Gritty. Raven & Starfire.
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Hooof so - that's... that's basically Teen Titans. Like - the whole thing. The closest thing to a responsible adult in that setting that isn't evil (or at least an antagonist) is Cyborg. And yet it works, so it follows that world has to be one where it does work. Moreover, Tiffany's in a situation where she doesn't arguably have a responsible adult anyway considering her parental situation is... that.
How will Alchemist and Kary look to these kids? I can only imagine that they'll be highly suspicious, given that Adults Are Useless (or Malicious).

Two adults that are neither? Inconceivable!
Ever since Imra's outburst at the start of her No Good Very Bad Day, I've wondered why so many readers here immediately think that 'Trigon's Bane' is sword, or at least a (probably melee) weapon. (Remember, she was speaking 30th century Interlac at the time, and we don't know exactly who or what was doing the translating here. It was probably a spell of Al's, but it might have been the Legion Flight Ring(s), or it could have been her using her telepathy to do it herself. Obviously not via Al or even Ganthet, but there was a whole space station of other people to choose from that don't have even a scrap as much psi defences as the two I mentioned above.

Sure, Al's been spending a lot of time crafting things for a while, especially arms and armour, but Trigon's Bane could just as easily be a person, a spell(-effect) or an animal, vegetable or fungus or even one or more of the endless sea of microbes that are everywhere on Earth. It doesn't have to be an actual weapon.

Hell, probably the easiest and most reliable way to sort it would be to take some time to train Raven herself whilst he's in the neighbourhood so that she can be Trigon's Bane herself. It'd certainly have endless ripples of other improvements to the TT world, not least for Raven herself.

Just because something referred to as 'Trigon's Bane' exists/will exist, it doesn't mean it killed or destroyed him any more that the existence of Wolfsbane or Hensbane mean that Wolves or Hens are extinct. It could also be something that massively saps his power when outside of his own realms, in the rest of the DC 52 or just the TT world in particular.
Sure, except the context doesn't support that. He literally made the sword of soul murder while contemplating the mess he made of hell and made plans this chapter to make a "suitably splashy example" - I paraphrase. He needs to be the one to do the deed because it's an act designed to discourage the repercussions of his spell from falling on him and his. The metaphorical interpretation behind your idea is fine, but appreciate the foreshadowing here.

The metaphorical implementation would be a subversion, and is the equivalent of the MC doing nothing and taking credit - canon Raven bitchslaps Trigon anyway and imprisons him in her head jewel in a bunch of continuities from what I hear. It also kind of wastes a bunch of really good foreshadowing.
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How will Alchemist and Kary look to these kids? I can only imagine that they'll be highly suspicious, given that Adults Are Useless (or Malicious).

Two adults that are neither? Inconceivable!
I don't think Alchemist is an adult? Though uh, he's a dragon so in terms of lifespan experienced he's actually closer to an infant at the moment?! I dunno. Kary though yeah she's like, a semi-literal fallen born of Chaos. She's sketch as heck and I don't think anyone would deny it.
I don't think Alchemist is an adult? Though uh, he's a dragon so in terms of lifespan experienced he's actually closer to an infant at the moment?! I dunno. Kary though yeah she's like, a semi-literal fallen born of Chaos. She's sketch as heck and I don't think anyone would deny it.
Alchemist was originally a human in his 50s. He's an adult. One that has issues with effective communication and with a place firmly within the autism spectrum, yes, but he's still a grown man, regardless of the body he's currently inhabiting. His mind is what matters here, and he's way more mature than most dragons would be at his chronological age.

And with Kary, if you give her a reason to care, she's very good at being an adult at you. Granted, one with a penchant for violence and destruction, but that's usually just against people she actively dislikes (and for actual reasons, rather than "just because"). She just comes from a background and society where lethal violence was considered a genuine and valid means of conflict resolution.
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I don't know why, but the thought of Al meeting Trigon made my mind jump to a following question: Are there any instant quests leading to the SCP universe? (probably made the leap thanks to Trigon always reminding me of the Scarlet King) And if there are any, what would be enough to motivate Al to go there?
Being a teenage girls without an adult in an unknown world? That must be a really great world to compensate for that.
Quite literally every adult that's supposed to be looking out for her has failed her miserably. If she's dumped in Teen Titans she'd be much better off.

Hell, even the Team treats her like a pariah because she's in therapy. Therapy that was fucked over by Quinzel at that.
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I wonder if al ever would visit dreamworks universe, if he does would he meet death? How would the interaction between the two would go?
As for the reason for him to go there, there is alot of magical things in there, something is bound to be usefull i think.
Quite literally every adult that's supposed to be looking out for her has failed her miserably. If she's dumped in Teen Titans she'd be much better off.

Hell, even the Team treats her like a pariah because she's in therapy. Therapy that was fucked over by Quinzel at that.
Al has tried to help her, but she clearly doesn't have any gratitude, goes out of way to show it, and has even attempted to murder him for bringing her only real friend back to life for her (and for Leslie himself).

Al has gotten to the point where he's helping to his own detriment, and she just keeps asking for more.

I hope things get better for both of them after this.
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I've got to say, I'm happy Tiffany is coming along. From the beginning every time her life improved, not that she considered it improving at the time, it was because of Alchemist. Hopefully spending time away from the people making her life worse in a universe where the good guys are allowed to save the day and have fun will do her some good.

Plus she can meet a Robin that can show her that just cause you're powerless, which she isn't, doesn't mean she can't still be a hero.
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Red X suit is basically a lot of super science. It does a lot for both strength enhancement and shutting down others using a very special element as fuel. A better option would be a Chozo Power Suit, but the Red X suit is much closer to the base reality.

What you need to keep in mind is Alchemist does not want the Suit just for the Suit. He want's it as a base. It is a crafting material and a template. Alchemist is a good Artificer using the system but the Suit is a bit beyond his abilities at the moment. Getting ahold of it will give him A Lot to work with.

Edit: On the note of Tiffany going with? I wonder how she will interact with a Robin who has legitimate issues with Batman. Enough that he went out of his way to form his own team. I get some people dislike the girl, Hell I dislike the girl. But she is growing, she is gaining perspective, and I think having her powers taken away temporarily is a good thing. More to the point, Alchemist has informed a couple of good adults in her life. The Flash for one. Something we forget is just how little time passes between chapters. Some times multiple chapters cover a single 2 day period so while it seems like Tiffany is slow to change but the truth is through a combination of Focusing on Alchemist and his use of instant quests, Him, Jinx, Karry, and even Yuffie are growing at a ridiculously accelerated rate. Days to Months pass for them that the other characters just don't get.
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