I have another amusing observation which might or might not be true.
If John and all his alternates are under a Mind Blank they don't control and can't dispel... that means they can't Summon any Demons, because the Demons won't hear them calling out their Names, unless they are already there.
In short, the reason John is having Giovanni help him Summon up something... is because he already tried and nothing happened....
Which is some cruelly brilliant play by Alchemist if that was what was intended.

did this realeased the version of constantine from the movies that was imprisoned in the house of mysteries forever after causing a second flashpoint?

it would make sense for constantine to end up in this current reality, since there is nowehre else for him to go since his own universe was destroyed
...When someone goes to Hell, what stops them from getting out? Do people go to Hell even without any relationship whatsoever with an individual devil? What brings them there?
...That would imply that at least some people have a link to Hell itself, right? And thus it could be a node in the propagation.

And even if Majustis is an instantaneous effect, there are still likely ways to (a) figure out John is the center of the effect, and (b) scry John's location in the past when the even occurred.

I believe Hell is in the Sphere of the Gods, and thus is outside of the multiple timelines making up the various DC earths, so devils are 52+ times as large as nodes for the effect's jump than they would be if there were one per universe.

But yeah, this is definitely economic collapse territory. As the omake pointed out, it's not just a massive drop in the supply of souls, but a huge fraction of loans are likely now underwater because of vanishing collateral. Everyone is going to try to call in all of their outstanding loans before the effects ripple through the system, and the devils were probably already cheating on that. Even if you weren't hit by the effect, all your outstanding loans being called in could drive you bankrupt anyway.

There is a bit of a question as to what exactly constitutes one of these connections or claims on his soul. For example, suppose you had a derived financial instrument like "1/10,000th of the souls of 10,000 mortal magic-users" as a diversified asset. Would owning that instrument qualify you to get jumped to? What about a future related to that instrument? An ETF?
And that would be exposing you to one jump. If there are two, it gets way more viral.
And what if a devil gets hit, and that devil acts as a guarantor for a contract between two other devils? Or does it jump to the guarantors of all of their contracts?
In that case where three devils each owned his soul, if they went to a major hell contract arbitration firm, would the arbitration firm be one jump, hitting all of their clients with two?
(Libertarian theory predicts arbitration firms would arise in an anarchic environment, and dispute arbitration was a major thing for e.g. medieval sovereigns afaik.)
...When someone goes to Hell, what stops them from getting out? Do people go to Hell even without any relationship whatsoever with an individual devil? What brings them there?
...That would imply that at least some people have a link to Hell itself, right? And thus it could be a node in the propagation.

And even if Majustis is an instantaneous effect, there are still likely ways to (a) figure out John is the center of the effect, and (b) scry John's location in the past when the even occurred.

I believe Hell is in the Sphere of the Gods, and thus is outside of the multiple timelines making up the various DC earths, so devils are 52+ times as large as nodes for the effect's jump than they would be if there were one per universe.

But yeah, this is definitely economic collapse territory. As the omake pointed out, it's not just a massive drop in the supply of souls, but a huge fraction of loans are likely now underwater because of vanishing collateral. Everyone is going to try to call in all of their outstanding loans before the effects ripple through the system, and the devils were probably already cheating on that. Even if you weren't hit by the effect, all your outstanding loans being called in could drive you bankrupt anyway.

There is a bit of a question as to what exactly constitutes one of these connections or claims on his soul. For example, suppose you had a derived financial instrument like "1/10,000th of the souls of 10,000 mortal magic-users" as a diversified asset. Would owning that instrument qualify you to get jumped to? What about a future related to that instrument? An ETF?
And that would be exposing you to one jump. If there are two, it gets way more viral.
And what if a devil gets hit, and that devil acts as a guarantor for a contract between two other devils? Or does it jump to the guarantors of all of their contracts?
In that case where three devils each owned his soul, if they went to a major hell contract arbitration firm, would the arbitration firm be one jump, hitting all of their clients with two?
(Libertarian theory predicts arbitration firms would arise in an anarchic environment, and dispute arbitration was a major thing for e.g. medieval sovereigns afaik.)

In DC, it has some strong connections with hope

i believe several souls got freed when Dream used the HOPE in his duel with Lucifer

and that the only reason Hell is suffering is because people still hope to escape, otherwise there would be no suffering in it
There are apparently quite a few innocent children in Hell, sent there because their souls were sold (souled?) to a demon or devil by an adult. I imagine every single one of those kids is finding their way to somewhere better at this point.
You...might want to read the last couple of pages. We've been talking about just that.

And no, no demons (or devils, or fey, or angels, or other spellcasters) were affected by Mind Blank. Majustis erased all of the magic-based connections it followed as it followed them, and those connections no longer existed when Mind Blank was cast. Mind Blank affected John, any family he had (within 2 degrees of separation), and his alternate selves and twins.

Now that is a relief, I mean just imagining that chaos would have been horrifying...

I kind of wonder if Alchemist is looking for certain worlds to plant Yggdrasil Seeds at, cause I know one that definitely would need something to heal the Planet...

Namely the world of Wild Arms, whose planets vitality was depleted by Demons, and forced the Guardians to bolster and nourish what is left to keep the Planet alive. Wild Arms 2 it is pretty bad, but Wild Arms 3 it is in terrible shape.

Thing is I kind of like two characters from 2 and 3. Namely Marivel and Asgard.

I feel really bad for Marivel since everyone she cared about has died, and she is the last of her race.

Asgard on the other hand is cool, I mean it managed to take ridiculous damage, and it had that invulnerable shield.

I mean that shield it has in 3 is no joke, it is ridiculous in power, and I find myself wondering what Alchemist could do with access to its specs...
Determining Constantine is the locus is well-nigh impossible, simply because of overlapping Pacts.
Anyone who has a Pact with someone Constantine does could be the center of the effect, as their mutual strings get snipped. Since Satan is one of those, any of Satan's pacts could have been the source of what just went on! Constantine would just be a consequence, not a cause.
Given how much overlapping is going to be going on, unless John's an idiot and lets it slip, nobody is going to know.
All the Constantines being Mind Blanked at the same time, however, might be a red flag. It could also be a directed and coincidental blow against the Golden Boy during the chaos of the situation.
In other words: Random Satan Pact to Satan, all snipped, jumps to Constantine, all pacts snipped. If there was NOBODY else in creation who had multiple Pacts with the same entities John did, then yeah, they could track it back to john. I find it unlikely.
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That was one of my favorite things to write throughout the last few chapters. It just made me giggle because I can practically hear Constantine saying exactly that.

It shows how thoughtless and in-the-moment he is. He really isn't malicious, even if he is Evil by D&D rules, because Malice is thoughtful. He doesn't think ahead, he rolls with things as they go. Magically speaking, that's how synchronicity wavelength traveling seems to work too, everything just rolling together to kinda work out. He's disgustingly human, above anything else.
The magical beasties avoid Australia -because- of its 'normal' bugs and shit.

Even they're too scared to try and take over that place. It's the one spot on Earth that would be... not 'safe' from an alien invasion. I want to say 'equally hostile', there we go. I think that fits decently enough.
Ahh, so it's a Catachan situation, where when Chaos invaded and deamons where summoned it took the planet like a few months to just naturally kill of all the demons and chaos cultists. So Living on Catachan is officially more hazardous than an active deamonic invasion.
It might have a connection to the Dreaming but I don't know enough about the mythology around Uluru to be more specific.

What about Dreamstone?



"Dreamstone has been used throughout the ages, the Mammon Machine, and that Pendant were made from it, and so was that knife. " — Masa The Dreamstone is a Key Item in Chrono Trigger and appears briefly in Chrono Cross. This red, glossy stone is considered a status symbol in Prehistory and is...

The story in game and the wiki make me think that the 'Frozen Flame' is Dreamstone that's been subsumed and processed somehow by Lavos, but are otherwise 'very identical' or 'nearly identical'. The Frozen Flame's specifically known for cultivating dreams and expanding mines, so theoretically could Dreamstone if it was processed or enchanted correctly - preferably without the planetary parasite nonsense involved, since the raw stuff existed well before the space porcupine landed.
Ahh, but the flaw in your reasoning here is that John is, in fact, an idiot. That aspect is kinda central to his entire character, really. ;)
Well, the key thing is that John does NOT know what has happened to him. Once he DOES know, he's not dumb, he's foolish... and he's also very grimly clever. He'll realize there's an utter shitload of things that just might fall on him if he opens his mouth about what happened and him being at the center of it. He's acting just as confused as everyone else only sells it better.
He's going to want to fob that off on someone else, and that means not letting the truth that he's the center be traced back to him, while trying to take advantage of it and proclaim his complete innocence in the matter.
Whether he'll wise up enough to realize that having those multiple Pacts put back in place is a really bad idea, since the other sides are NOT likely to be that foolish about competing Pacts again...
Okay, so- from my understanding, that dispelling traveled along the Contracts back to the demons that held them, and then dismissed those contracts. So those contracts no longer exist or provide a link for the magic to travel along. Meaning that only Constantine(s) and his famil(ies)(y) got hit with the Mind Blank, not any of the contracted Demons/Fae/Angels/Whatevers. Because a Contract is an artificial magical connection, but John's connection to the Wave is more like an elemental's connection to their elemental plane, a natural thing that wouldn't be broken by the dispelling.
Light Entity enhanced Australian Wildlife as a self defense mechanism/white blood cell reaction by the white light entity? :V
I wonder, would the multiversal chaos cause AL to accidentally become a legitimate Lord of Chaos? Like the others going 'we ain't giving you a choice, you are what you are already, we just putting on the rubber stamp'