there ia salso the assumption that a recession and civil war will be the same thing

say that constantines deals fall short, one demon may end up with no souls, then the demon next to it would eat the them, then they too would be in debt, then they are eaten and so on

this could lead to a lot of old demons dying or being consumed, changeing the entire political structure of hell
And i can legitimately see the Gods of chaos, instead of putting a new one on earth like they tried before, simply bestow that title onto someone that already exist, they after all are the gods of chaos not eveil

and Alchemist could probably do that far easier than any other person since unlike the other times the heroes won't side with Klarion over whomever appears

it would be, in reality, the best move they can make
Alchemist in one act basically proved on a multiversal level that the gods of chaos are utterly inept and worthless. The amount of damage that singular act caused to hell was greater than any other being in that multiverse.
This would be the most sensible option, yes. I'm rather surprised that everyone jumped straight to war instead of thinking 'Well, now's as good a time to renegotiate those terms as any, I suppose...'
That's because of the nature of demons. Bloodshed, violence, and cruelty are their nature and they love it, from what I can remember of every demon ever shown in dc. A lot will leap to attack for joy, others would do it simply so they aren't attacked first, especially with all the deals between demons supporting their power structures and preventing repercussions gone, many of which probably have a demon that got screwed over vowing vengeance on one end of the deal no longer bound.

Edit: definitely a time of upheaval for hell.
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That's because of the nature of demons. Bloodshed, violence, and cruelty are their nature and they love it, from what I can remember of every demon ever shown in dc. A lot will leap to attack for joy, others would do it simply so they aren't attacked first, especially with all the deals between demons supporting their power structures and preventing repercussions gone, many of which probably have a demon that got screwed over vowing vengeance on one end of the deal no longer bound.

Edit: definitely a time of upheaval for hell.
There have been demons in dc comics who've been redeemed before or had virtues. Mind you its rare but its not even unique.
There have been demons in dc comics who've been redeemed before or had virtues. Mind you its rare but its not even unique.
True. That sound like the kind of demons linked to Constantine by deals to you? Plus, outliers are outliers because they are non-representative, and prior to redemption they all are somewhere on the same scale as all the other demons. Otherwise they wouldn't need redemption in the first place.
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Everyone remember that Gaia's system has backing from a large if not uncountable number of eldritch beings with some of them very plausibly on par with Overgods that watch it for enjoyment: correct me if I've read this wrong, @Mister Ficser , but i think the cosmic system and the personal one are different. Tiamat uninstalling it from a gamer isn't the same as the entire thing going down, it has way too much support for that. I think Gaia has set up a system that's stronger than she is. The spell burns it's own trail, so the only way to track it is to go through the guts of the system to find what triggered it, which feels like the sort of thing that would be against the TOS lol. This is big, but not big enough for the Gamer System backers to do anything more than a good impression of what an unmoderated Twitch chat full of 4chan users would do: point and laugh
Had the thought Alchemist is sending Green Lantern on a Quest! Played with a song of Lady Gaga: "I'm on the Edge, Of Glory"

Also, Alchemist is in the House. John is outside. The first thing John does is leave the area to go to Shadowcrest to Sell his Soul?
It is worse than that. Permanent Mind Blank just got handed out like cheap candy
Nah, that was after Majustis, which means that the links no longer exist to follow, except for John's extradimensional counterparts, his evil(er) twins, and whatever family he has left. The links that Majustis followed were negated by Majustis. Which is fine, since Alchemist wants those people protected, if only so Golden Boy can't ever find them again to drain them of their luck/power/whatever.
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Nah, that was after Majustis, which means that the links no longer exist to follow, except for John's extradimensional counterparts, his evil(er) twins, and whatever family he has left. The links that Majustis followed were negated by Majustis.
Not quite:
Alchemist didn't know if that would actually do anything, especially given that Majustis would only travel out to two links given its low level. But if John's slightly more evil twin was utilizing his own sympathetic link to John's soul, Alchemist was willing to try and use that same connection for Majustis.


Compared to the Great Leveller, the second spell Alchemist had cast on John was practically unnoticeable. Mind Blank, twisted with Entanglement and Lock. Aimed for that same connection that Alchemist had targeted Majustis at.
Majustis erased the curses, but it didn't erase the sympathetic link itself. And the 2nd spell still targeted the same connection/sympathetic link.

For added chaos; casting Majustis on most DC demon should probably make them human(ish) again, since it is a cursed transformation.
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Not quite:

Majustis erased the curses, but it didn't erase the sympathetic link itself. And the 2nd spell still targeted the same connection/sympathetic link.

Casting Majustis on a DC demon should probably make them human again, since it is a cursed transformation.
He wanted to dispel the other extradimensional counterparts and twin-counterparts, so he targeted those with Majustis, in addition to all of the links to the demons, devils, fey, angels, etc. But Mind Blank can no longer affect the links forged by the outsiders (demons, etc) because they no longer exist.

So Alchemist erased the contracts while also branching out to all the outsiders that made them, along with erasing anything the other Johns and evil(er) twins had on their persons. The links to the alternate Johns and twins still existed, however, because they're not magic (and thus couldn't be erased). So when Al cast Mind Blank, it affected all the alternate Johns and twins, but it could no longer follow the links to the contracts, because those links were erased by Majustis.
Majustis is an instantaneous curse breaker, it doesn't erase sympathetic links* or provide ongoing protection. Otherwise Alchemist wouldn't have needed to follow up with Mind Blank.

Alchemist obviously realised there would be a blast radius given he immediately moved into a bomb shelter in the Dreaming after being in a completely different persona from his usual self.

*In DC, sympathetic links aren't ever described as magical affect from memory
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Majustis is an instantaneous curse breaker, it doesn't erase sympathetic links or provide ongoing protection. Otherwise Alchemist wouldn't have needed to follow up with Mind Blank.

Alchemist obviously realised there would be a blast radius given he immediately moved into a bomb shelter in the Dreaming after being in a completely different persona from his usual self.
Majustis erases any and all magic on a target, not just curses. Alchemist used it on John and chained it to everyone with sympathetic links to John of any kind. This included the alternate selves and twins, as well as any demon etc that had lain any claim to John's soul/body/mind, or anyone else who had active spells or effects on John. So Majustis affected John, all of John's alternates, John's alternate twins, and any other family John had within 2 degrees of separation. It erased any and all magical effects on any of those, as well as any of John's (alternate) family within a further 1 degree of separation (since 1 degree was used up by following the links to John's alternate family). Majustis also followed those sympathetic magical links (curses, magical contracts, etc) as they were erased and affected the ones who laid those on John. So any demon, devil, angel, fey, or other spellcaster that had any magical effect active on John got hit by Majustis, negating any and all magical effects on them. Then Majustis followed any such links on those beings and erased any such effects affecting those. It stopped there, because those were the beings within 2 degrees of separation.

That was Majustis. It followed all sympathetic links and erased the ones it could as it went. It couldn't erase John's sympathetic links to his alternate selves and family, because they aren't magic, so they were all that existed after Majustis erased everything else, as though they had never been there, because that's what Majustis's effect is. It completely unravels and erases magic, and no form of detection in the multiverse could detect those effects after that, because they were erased completely and utterly.

Then Alchemist cast Mind Blank on all the sympathetic links that were left. Since Majustis completely destroyed all the magical sympathetic links, Mind Blank could not affect any of the beings that weren't related to John via his family ties, both immediate and alternate. The demons, devils, fey, angels, and other spellcasters that had lain effects on John could no longer be affected, because those links no longer existed to be followed, so none of them got Mind Blanked.
That was Majustis. It followed all sympathetic links and erased the ones it could as it went.
As written, Majustis erases magic, and the sympathetic links are not magic.

Calling them "magical sympathetic links" is just adding random keywords that the text never did. The text could have written it as "magical links" in which case Majustis would break them, but instead it had the explicit word-choice of "sympathetic links" with no magical prefix.

Alchemist often makes hilariously assumptions on incomplete information, and it absolutely comes back around to cause consequences for him. Alchemist casting Familicide (healing edition), was explicitly written for him not thinking through the consequences in during that mini-arc and only realising once it hit national news something happened to a greater extend than he planned followed by keeping very quiet while dodging every question about it.
As written, Majustis erases magic, and the sympathetic links are not magic.

Calling them "magical sympathetic links" is just adding random keywords that the text never did. The text could have written it as "magical links" in which case Majustis would break them, but instead it had the explicit word-choice of "sympathetic links" with no magical prefix.

Alchemist often makes hilariously assumptions on incomplete information, and it absolutely comes back around to cause consequences for him. Alchemist casting Familicide (healing edition), was explicitly written for him not thinking through the consequences in during that mini-arc and only realising once it hit national news something happened to a greater extend than he planned followed by keeping very quiet while dodging every question about it.
Sympathetic links as defined in the story itself in regards to the perk that grants the linking effect very explicitly affects blood ties and alternate selves. Remember what happened with the Mass Heal spell? It didn't just affect vampires. It affected all the vampires turned by the vamp he hit (which was a magical effect, not a genetic tie), as well as all the vampires in the line that spawned the vamp he hit. It also hit all the blood relations those vamps had when they were human (so parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc etc etc).

Majustis and Mind Blank would do the same, following any sympathetic links (including familial links and those forged by any magical effects on John himself). "Sympathetic link" is way more than just blood relations or just the casters of magical effects. It's all of it. Anyone with a sympathetic link to John himself or to any casters of any magical effects, since those are all affected by those spells.

So "sympathetic links are not magic" isn't exactly correct. Sympathetic links aren't just magic, but they include those forged by magic, as well as genetic and similar ties. And since Majustis explicitly affects magic on the target, those would count as sympathetic links of the chain that Majustis would follow, especially since most (if not all) of them specifically affect John's soul.
Did anyone else just remember he followed the Entanglement Majustis with a Mind Blank with both Entanglement and Lock?

Cause if the going theory is correct, there are going to be a lot of Demons that suddenly can't find each other or read each other's minds. Instead of sending a spell to communicate to each other, they are likely going to have to physically look for each other, or have their men do it in order to send even something like a letter to ask about the latest gossip...

This might also effect things like people trying to summon said demons for things like Contracts and such, which would really throw a big spanner in things...
Did anyone else just remember he followed the Entanglement Majustis with a Mind Blank with both Entanglement and Lock?

Cause if the going theory is correct, there are going to be a lot of Demons that suddenly can't find each other or read each other's minds. Instead of sending a spell to communicate to each other, they are likely going to have to physically look for each other, or have their men do it in order to send even something like a letter to ask about the latest gossip...

This might also effect things like people trying to summon said demons for things like Contracts and such, which would really throw a big spanner in things...
You...might want to read the last couple of pages. We've been talking about just that.

And no, no demons (or devils, or fey, or angels, or other spellcasters) were affected by Mind Blank. Majustis erased all of the magic-based connections it followed as it followed them, and those connections no longer existed when Mind Blank was cast. Mind Blank affected John, any family he had (within 2 degrees of separation), and his alternate selves and twins.
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I thought for minute you were talking about Australia 😵‍💫 amd got scared out of my mind.
"But then I realized you meant hell. Ha, demons. Much less terrifying than the monsters in the Australian Outback. Phew!"

In a magic setting like this version of DC Earth, would a place like Australia be more terrifying due to the potential secret hidden magic beasties lurking around, or less scary due to the fact it's just normal bugs and shit and we know there's actually scary monsters elsewhere?
"But then I realized you meant hell. Ha, demons. Much less terrifying than the monsters in the Australian Outback. Phew!"

In a magic setting like this version of DC Earth, would a place like Australia be more terrifying due to the potential secret hidden magic beasties lurking around, or less scary due to the fact it's just normal bugs and shit and we know there's actually scary monsters elsewhere?

The magical beasties avoid Australia -because- of its 'normal' bugs and shit.

Even they're too scared to try and take over that place. It's the one spot on Earth that would be... not 'safe' from an alien invasion. I want to say 'equally hostile', there we go. I think that fits decently enough.