Three foot crows are probably related to the Yatagarasu - did anyone clock the descriptions of the other gods/creatures in the void?
I think it's mainly the Greek pantheon with water horse Poseidon, Zeus near him and blacksmith Hephaestus which makes sense if it's a measure of how much attention the oversoul is paying to the world.
Well, Kingdom Hearts is a setting he could reach through his system, and that means there is a reality cluster where Heartless are a thing.
He doesn't even need the system and can get there through mundane travel because kh is so connected. For example Young Justice -> Marvel -> Disney -> kh would work or dc -> tmnt -> power rangers -> other disney -> kh and that's before you consider things like smash.
He doesn't even need the system and can get there through mundane travel because kh is so connected. For example Young Justice -> Marvel -> Disney -> kh would work or dc -> tmnt -> power rangers -> other disney -> kh and that's before you consider things like smash.
While logically true, this has the problematic side effect that any setting connected to Kingdom Hearts has swarms of Heartless between worlds / realities that can invade at any given moment, on top of all the other weird stuff of that setting.
Just to be clear, I don't want Alchemist visiting the KH setting. Too many ways for that to go seriously wrong, given how infectious and invasive that fustercluck is.
Can Beast Boy now turn into a Void Dragon?

As far as I know, he was able to turn into alien creatures upon meeting them once. And also a werewolf, which even if not magical is certainly not mundane? It's never clearly explained afaik. In the comics I'm pretty sure he could do magical creatures.

I think the Red is at least universal, so I would guess even space-faring creatures may be hooked into it?
It's also possible dragons have their own parliament, I wouldn't put it past them.
In the same vein as The Clear, I suppose there could be a spacefaring-specific parliament, but Beast Boy can turn into aquatic creatures just fine...maybe it's a subdivision of the Red?
I can't find any direct evidence as to whether humans (and other sapient aliens) are part of The Red, but it seems reasonable to expect them to at most be their own subdivision if that's the interpretation of The Clear?
Can Beast Boy now turn into a Void Dragon?

As far as I know, he was able to turn into alien creatures upon meeting them once. And also a werewolf, which even if not magical is certainly not mundane? It's never clearly explained afaik. In the comics I'm pretty sure he could do magical creatures.

I think the Red is at least universal, so I would guess even space-faring creatures may be hooked into it?
It's also possible dragons have their own parliament, I wouldn't put it past them.
In the same vein as The Clear, I suppose there could be a spacefaring-specific parliament, but Beast Boy can turn into aquatic creatures just fine...maybe it's a subdivision of the Red?
I can't find any direct evidence as to whether humans (and other sapient aliens) are part of The Red, but it seems reasonable to expect them to at most be their own subdivision if that's the interpretation of The Clear?
beast boy is basically limited to non-magical animals. for instance, he's never turned into a unicorn, griffon, manticore, phoenix, or similar magical creatures.
A dragon is DEFINITELY a magical creature.
Of course, learning enough magic to do so is a viable course of study for him to embark on.
Now, he can and has turned into dinosaurs, but that is not the same thing.
beast boy is basically limited to non-magical animals. for instance, he's never turned into a unicorn, griffon, manticore, phoenix, or similar magical creatures.
A dragon is DEFINITELY a magical creature.
Of course, learning enough magic to do so is a viable course of study for him to embark on.
Now, he can and has turned into dinosaurs, but that is not the same thing.
He never turned into a unicorn, griffon, etc. but do we know if he even tried? That's the big question.
He never turned into a unicorn, griffon, etc. but do we know if he even tried? That's the big question.
well, he was definitely exposed to magical creatures. but his power has a science basis, so probably limited that way. He's not Animal Man, with a connection to the entire morphic field, or Vixen with her Totem.
Also, being able to change into any kind of magical beast is HUGELY powerful, as you might realize. Them huge ancient golden dragons and stuff are way over a normal shapechanger power scale.
well, he was definitely exposed to magical creatures. but his power has a science basis, so probably limited that way. He's not Animal Man, with a connection to the entire morphic field, or Vixen with her Totem.
Also, being able to change into any kind of magical beast is HUGELY powerful, as you might realize. Them huge ancient golden dragons and stuff are way over a normal shapechanger power scale.
My understanding was he'd have to meet and understand something to turn into it, but I might be wrong?
well, he was definitely exposed to magical creatures. but his power has a science basis, so probably limited that way. He's not Animal Man, with a connection to the entire morphic field, or Vixen with her Totem.
Also, being able to change into any kind of magical beast is HUGELY powerful, as you might realize. Them huge ancient golden dragons and stuff are way over a normal shapechanger power scale.
But, again the question is, do we know if he even tried. I mean, before "The Beast Within" episode, Beast Boy had never changed into a chimeric form (or whatever it was that he turned into), so it's hard to tell if it was just something he thought he couldn't do, tried and failed, or if it just never occurred to him to even try. And given his character in the Teen Titan's cartoon, I can fully believe it just never occurred to him to try turning into a dragon.
But, again the question is, do we know if he even tried. I mean, before "The Beast Within" episode, Beast Boy had never changed into a chimeric form (or whatever it was that he turned into), so it's hard to tell if it was just something he thought he couldn't do, tried and failed, or if it just never occurred to him to even try. And given his character in the Teen Titan's cartoon, I can fully believe it just never occurred to him to try turning into a dragon.
Lucky for this Beast Boy, Alchemist can summon all sorts of fun creatures, has access to ALL of the D&D/PF books (1st and 3rd party both) for the purposes of Polymorphing, can pull from literally all of fiction and mythology, and can even create new creatures whole-cloth, if he wants.

He just needs to think to ask Alchemist to help him.
In the first Terra episode Beast Boy turns into a Stegosaurus that's about three times the length (and so 27x the mass) of the largest known fossil in that half of dinosaurs (Ornithischia).
And by square-cube law, that was clearly physiologically magic in order to be able to move.
(Also, I think there's a limit on how much he could have "met and understood" a dinosaur, unless they have some kind of Savage Land thing he took a vacation to.)

(The DC wiki says the pre-2011 comic version turned into dragons?)

Pathfinder/D&D makes some creature type distinctions (like animals vs vermin) that (presumably) don't exist in DC, but DC makes a distinction (sea vs non-sea life) that Beast Boy apparently doesn't respect either, so....
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Beast Boy has done magic creatures before. Maybe not TT Beast Boy, but comic Beast Boy has turned into a Phoenix to bring himself back from the dead after Madam Rouge killed him if I remember correctly. There's also a version of him that uses magic creatures exclusively. He's also become demons when visiting hell in either young justice or one of the recent movies.

Edit: The Red is Universal but has local branches per planet. He'd probably need a greater connection to the Red if he wants to take advantage of its universal status like when Swampthing created and possessed a new body on a whole other planet(that's the Green but the Red is equivalent).
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I don't know why, but the thought of Al meeting Trigon made my mind jump to a following question: Are there any instant quests leading to the SCP universe? (probably made the leap thanks to Trigon always reminding me of the Scarlet King) And if there are any, what would be enough to motivate Al to go there?

There's multiple SCP games that I know of, but they are pretty much all just fan-made FPS 'try not to let the skips eat you/your soul/your quintessential self AFAIK. Given how much Al knows about that multiverse*, I would expect him to be extremely cautious about even considering visiting any of them.

(*) The Foundation as a whole sits in a quantum super-position of being both superhumanly effective/competent and also utterly corrupt/inherently broken and completely powerless/subsumed by the skips they have encountered, depending on which SCP file you are reading. To a much lesser extent, the same holds at least partially true for their counterparts/adversaries as well.

Given the number of Keter or Thaumiel Class Objects that can be encountered in the SCP files, if you don't arrive in a known specific skip's world, you could be looking at anything from 'safer than a Sunday stroll through downtown Smallville during Clark's first excursions as Superboy' to 'Makes the Dark Souls worlds (or even Apokalips) look like a downtown stroll through Smallville'.

Especially given how many of those threats are mimetic hazards or even harder to notice. Let's keep the Foundationverse firmly in a sealed file in a sealed 10x10x10 cube that is sealed in a 20x20x20 cube that is guarded by it's own specially created and assigned specialist MTF, shall we?

Trying to think of the temporal axis in the third dimension was... odd.

Yes, for the most part, humans aren't at all good with thinking in more than 4 dimensions at once. Sure, some very exceptional individuals can and do routinely consider several more dimensions without what's left of their brain dribbling out of their ears after only a few seconds, but seriously, we're talking 'Spiders Georg' outliers here, after all.

For myself, outside one rather specific 6-dimensional case I can usually barely manage 5d briefly before needing to go lie down and let my brain stop trying to cook itself inside the ol' noggin.

The beautiful truth in war.


The true form of Diana.

Wow, yet again I'm awed by the depth and perspicuity of how much you understand certain characters in ways I've never encountered before, even including some of the oldest and most popular.

A thundercloud, dropping words instead of rain trailed after it. Chasing after the cloud was something resembling a woman, if it were made of hollowed ashes and broken promises.

Poor Hera. She has plenty of sins of her own staining her hands, but at no point did she or does she deserve to be chained to that monster.

a pair of dragons that were made of night and day

This is niggling at the back of my brain, quietly insisting that I know who this pair are, but refusing to come out and actually tell me. It's really quite annoying. Not nearly annoying as having itchy teeth, but it's in the right ballpark of it.

The dour girl watched, her amethyst eyes tracking the energetic teens with feigned disinterest before they slid back down to her book.

Days that were calm, pleasant and peaceful were, in her experience, far more rare than they should be. The place she now called home was so... turbulent. Prone to danger and excitement in equal measures. It was as strange as it was wonderful.

Ahh, I love stories where Raven gets to be more than just 'the emo-goth girl', so I'm very much looking forward to reading this arc! 💖

There's a lot of possibilities and I can't wait to see how things go.

100% right with you on that sentiment! :D

Maybe all kinds of random thoughts and ideas have made it out of their home reality and are now acting like viruses, swarming between worlds and trying to share their ideas/self with anything they can get their barbed hooks into....

So in other words, it was Tuesday. ;)
In the first Terra episode Beast Boy turns into a Stegosaurus that's about three times the length (and so 27x the mass) of the largest known fossil in that half of dinosaurs (Ornithischia).
And by square-cube law, that was clearly physiologically magic in order to be able to move.
(Also, I think there's a limit on how much he could have "met and understood" a dinosaur, unless they have some kind of Savage Land thing he took a vacation to.)

(The DC wiki says the pre-2011 comic version turned into dragons?)

Pathfinder/D&D makes some creature type distinctions (like animals vs vermin) that (presumably) don't exist in DC, but DC makes a distinction (sea vs non-sea life) that Beast Boy apparently doesn't respect either, so....
He uses T Rex forms fairly often, and I'm pretty sure he's become a whale before, and does songbirds all the time.
So, size isn't the issue. SHapechangers regularly abuse size constraints.
I don't remember him doing magical creatures in the comics. In the JLA cartoon where Raven goes down, frees Trigon, and then imprisons him again, I've got a vague impression of him imitating a demonic creature there, but I can't recall clearly. Someone else would have to watch the episode and comment.
This is niggling at the back of my brain, quietly insisting that I know who this pair are, but refusing to come out and actually tell me. It's really quite annoying. Not nearly annoying as having itchy teeth, but it's in the right ballpark of it.

I've seen a lot of folks thinking they might be the Brother Gods of RWBY and I can definitely see where they're coming from, but I haven't touched a crossover outside of DC here in a minute.

Honestly, I was half expecting @theaceoffire to comment on them considering they're incredibly well versed on the lore of Krypton and its gods. In this case, that would be Nightwing and Flamebird, two gods who take on the forms of great birds or dragons or... horses(?), children of Rao and also lovers. Because that's what gods do. I guess.
Does this make @Mister Ficser officially a RWBY fanfic writer?

I refuse.

The stance Rooster Teeth has in regards to fanworks is directly and overtly hostile to unofficial content creators. A stance they chose to take after they got caught stealing from DeviantArt.

Any plans or ideas I once had for that fandom simply will not be explored. Which is a shame because it would have been a fantastic stop to test Al's new sword.
I refuse.

The stance Rooster Teeth has in regards to fanworks is directly and overtly hostile to unofficial content creators. A stance they chose to take after they got caught stealing from DeviantArt.

Any plans or ideas I once had for that fandom simply will not be explored. Which is a shame because it would have been a fantastic stop to test Al's new sword.
You could always find a reason to use pseudonyms for all the RWBY characters and change them up enough (because they've aged a decade or two from the series) that they're essentially OCs.

Probably best not to risk it, though.
I refuse.

The stance Rooster Teeth has in regards to fanworks is directly and overtly hostile to unofficial content creators. A stance they chose to take after they got caught stealing from DeviantArt.

Any plans or ideas I once had for that fandom simply will not be explored. Which is a shame because it would have been a fantastic stop to test Al's new sword.
If Rooster Teeth wants to claim that they own all fanworks of their productions, then they can take it up with Star Wars and Pokémon, with Halo and Elder Scrolls, with Naruto and Dragon Ball, with Warhammer 40k and Dungeons and Dragons. Just listing RWBY crossovers I've seen off the top of my head.
I refuse.

The stance Rooster Teeth has in regards to fanworks is directly and overtly hostile to unofficial content creators. A stance they chose to take after they got caught stealing from DeviantArt.

Any plans or ideas I once had for that fandom simply will not be explored. Which is a shame because it would have been a fantastic stop to test Al's new sword.

So somewhat ironically Warner Bros just announced they are shutting down Rooster Teeth doe that change your decision?

announcement snippet said:
There is Rooster Teeth-branded content in the WBD pipeline, which also will stay put, including a movie that will be released soon by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.

WBD also will be exploring options for Rooster Teeth's catalog content and IP such as Red vs Blue, RWBY and Gen:LOCK.

Hopefully this means something salvageable comes of rwby.
I refuse.

The stance Rooster Teeth has in regards to fanworks is directly and overtly hostile to unofficial content creators. A stance they chose to take after they got caught stealing from DeviantArt.

Any plans or ideas I once had for that fandom simply will not be explored. Which is a shame because it would have been a fantastic stop to test Al's new sword.
So uh, about your stance, is it gonna change now? 😅
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