Not sure she'd go for it, but it would be hysterical to bring Death to the HP world, given the death eaters and hallows

Dee-Dee: *Plucks wand from Dumbledore's fingers* And this is mine...

*Snags ring from underneath the floorboards of the Gaunt Shack*

Dee-Dee: This is mine, too.

*Looks at the pitiful orphan clinging to an invisibility cloak*

Harry: But... this is one of the only things I have from my parents?

Dee-Dee: Oh... fine. You can hold on to it- But! I will be getting it back when you're done with it, understand?

*Looks over a group of assembled Death Eaters*

Dee-Dee: Well, I'm flattered. Really. Truly. It's just... I prefer people that are a bit more artistic. No offense intended, really, I mean it! I just don't care much to try and date the angry, genocidal kinds. I've already got Thanos trying that route and the poor boy really just can't take a hint. You know, this is just getting all kinds of awkward. Here, let me just- *Grabs Voldemort and plucks at his Soul for a bit until six different, dim lights appear around it* -there we go. I'll just be on my way, then. Ta!

Lucius Malfoy: ...Did that... Did that really just happen?

Crabbe: ...Uh-huh.

Goyle: Yup.

Lucius: Well then... I'm not feeling up to being sober at the moment. Who wants to help me break in the wine cellar?

Bellatrix: Ooh! Me! I'll go get the muggles!

Lucius: No. No, Bellatrix. Just... no. We're going to pretend we have a measure of decorum, this time. Wine, maybe some music. We're not like those rowdy mutts from Europe, dear sister.
Dee-Dee: *Plucks wand from Dumbledore's fingers* And this is mine...

*Snags ring from underneath the floorboards of the Gaunt Shack*

Dee-Dee: This is mine, too.

*Looks at the pitiful orphan clinging to an invisibility cloak*

Harry: But... this is one of the only things I have from my parents?

Dee-Dee: Oh... fine. You can hold on to it- But! I will be getting it back when you're done with it, understand?

*Looks over a group of assembled Death Eaters*

Dee-Dee: Well, I'm flattered. Really. Truly. It's just... I prefer people that are a bit more artistic. No offense intended, really, I mean it! I just don't care much to try and date the angry, genocidal kinds. I've already got Thanos trying that route and the poor boy really just can't take a hint. You know, this is just getting all kinds of awkward. Here, let me just- *Grabs Voldemort and plucks at his Soul for a bit until six different, dim lights appear around it* -there we go. I'll just be on my way, then. Ta!

Lucius Malfoy: ...Did that... Did that really just happen?

Crabbe: ...Uh-huh.

Goyle: Yup.

Lucius: Well then... I'm not feeling up to being sober at the moment. Who wants to help me break in the wine cellar?

Bellatrix: Ooh! Me! I'll go get the muggles!

Lucius: No. No, Bellatrix. Just... no. We're going to pretend we have a measure of decorum, this time. Wine, maybe some music. We're not like those rowdy mutts from Europe, dear sister.
And thats why she should go to stardew valley. 😉

Btw. I think Alec in HP is a good idea for him to indulge but only if he is alone, else the others are going to drag him all over the place and prevent him from simply lecturing/teaching about magic. It doesn't even have to have a Harry, just the setting a few years early or late and it would be perfect for him. 🤔
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And thats why she should go to stardew valley. 😉
Btw. I think Alec in HP is a good idea for him to indulge but only if he is alone, else the others are going to drag him all over the place and prevent him from simply lecturing about magic. It doesn't even have to have a Harry, just the setting a few years early or late and it would be perfect for him.

I was kind of thinking Fifth Year. Alchemist's dilligaf attitude in dealing with up-jumped government busybodies would be absolutely hilarious for that year. Or his lack of fucks to give in stepping on toes.

"Alright, class. We've looked at the easiest methods of escape, now let us consider what happens afterwards. A clean break, one in which nobody is injured is ideal in any situation but it is also, largely, unlikely to occur. As such, we will be going over a few basic spells and potions to treat minor injuries and get someone back on their feet, even if only briefly. Who here knows how to brew the Wiggenweld potion? Please raise your hands."

*Tsks loudly at only seeing Hermione raise her hand*

"This... will be remedied. I have taken the liberty of having your cauldrons brought to the classroom and we will be going over the proper brewing method. Now, this is not a particularly difficult potion and much of its use is eclipsed by the healing spell 'Episky'. Who here can guess as to why I am teaching it today? Mister Zabini?"

"Some... people may not be able to cast the spell?"

"You are on the right track, Mister Zabini. Five points to Slytherin- While it is certainly true that not all spells are suited for all witches and wizards, that is not the reason we will be learning to keep basic potions on hand. Anyone else?"

*One boy in the middle raises his hand*

"Yes, Mister Longbottom?"

"Um... sometimes? Sometimes spells don't always work. Like, if you're tired, they don't always work right?"

"Very good, Mister Longbottom. Ten points to Gryffindor- This is exactly why it is ideal to have a handful of potions available in case of an emergency. Practice may help to ensure that a spell is cast well and correctly but exhaustion and adrenaline both can impact how effective a spell is, and may even cause a spell to fail outright. A potion, however, is not subject to such variables provided it has been brewed correctly."
I was kind of thinking Fifth Year. Alchemist's dilligaf attitude in dealing with up-jumped government busybodies would be absolutely hilarious for that year. Or his lack of fucks to give in stepping on toes.
Have you considered making him the muggle studies teacher that quietly teaches defense on weekends to students smart enough to ask?
Having him just be the DADA teacher would be neat but having him try to improve the muggle studies class while moonlighting as a defense tutor might be more entertaining.
Have you considered making him the muggle studies teacher that quietly teaches defense on weekends to students smart enough to ask?
Having him just be the DADA teacher would be neat but having him try to improve the muggle studies class while moonlighting as a defense tutor might be more entertaining.

Then I'd have to make up something happening to Charity Burbage. Instead, filling a hole that already exists is easier, both from a writing standpoint and it keeps from pulling at the disbelief suspenders of the readers too hard.

And that particular situation would most likely see Al speedrunning the 'How fast can we permanently turn Umbridge into a toad' challenge.

It goes from Al slowly antagonizing the Ministry and its employees to 'Whelp, I made it two whole days. That's some kind of record, right? Right?!'
Then I'd have to make up something happening to Charity Burbage. Instead, filling a hole that already exists is easier, both from a writing standpoint and it keeps from pulling at the disbelief suspenders of the readers too hard.

And that particular situation would most likely see Al speedrunning the 'How fast can we permanently turn Umbridge into a toad' challenge.

It goes from Al slowly antagonizing the Ministry and its employees to 'Whelp, I made it two whole days. That's some kind of record, right? Right?!'
Fair enough, can we at least have Yuffie go all pranking ninja on the castle?
I kinda want her to form an unholy alliance with the twins.
The Deathly Hallows, as told by Death
A Retelling of the Deathly Hallows, as told by Death to HJ Potter.

Oh, well if it isn't a Potter! Hello!

You know, I've met one of your ancestors before. Charming fellow.

Hey, don't look so surprised! I know I look young, but I'm not that young.

Don't worry I'm not offended. Anyways, where was I? Ah, yes, your ancestor.

I met him and his brothers on a bridge they had made over a raging river. Your ancestor was a wizard too you know. Anyways, I had been sticking around helping all the victims of that river, it was awful! So you can imagine how pleased I was when a trio of wizards built a bridge over it.

In fact, I was so pleased I decided to grant each of them a boon.

The first, eldest brother, well, he wanted a wand. Now, I've got no qualms with people who want better tools. But he was specific: he wanted an unbeatable wand, which made me think he wanted it for fighting, which... I mean really? All that power and you just want to be able to lord it over others? Well, to each their own.

Still, a deal is a deal so I made him a wand, hoping that he wouldn't be dumb about it.

And uh... yeah, he could've been smarter about it. Bragged to everyone about his unbeatable wand which...

A wand is only unbeatable if you're using it, you know?

Oh, I see your friend has figured out who I am. Don't worry, I'm not here for you. It's not your time, and besides, I'm on vacation!

Anways, the second brother, who wasn't your ancestor by the way, well...

He just wanted to see his fiancee again.

And like, I sympathize with that. I do! But I can't just bring people back willy-nilly, that's dangerous! There's a lot of monsters that would take the opportunity to try to escape their prisons if I did that.

So instead, I took a stone a gave it the power to call a reflection of the dead- enough to speak with them, but not enough to wear a hole in the fabric between life and death.

And the second brother well, he needed more. He needed to be with her. And eventually he...

Well, perhaps that's a bit dark for someone your age. Don't worry, he was happy when they were finally reunited. It's the favorite part of my job, letting loved ones see each other again.

Now, the last brother, he was your ancestor, and my favorite. He asked for a way to hide from me.

Oh, don't look so surprised! I don't mind if people seek immortality, I just care if they hurt others in the process.

Anyways, he was so delightful I gave him one of my cloaks. Happy to get rid of it too, cloaks are so boring. I much prefer more fun looks.

And you know what? He went on to live a long, happy life, with a big happy family, to whom he passed on my cloak. And those decendants did their own clever things with my cloak and continued to be utter delights.

And when the last brother passed, he had the most wonderful story to tell me. You see at the end of each person's life, I ask them for their life's story. I just like hearing them.

So, as strange as it may be, hearing it from me... please try to live a long happy life. Because those are my favorite stories.
Honestly, a side quest as a guest lecturer for HP might actually be really relaxing to Alchemist, it's not like… literally anything in HP can threaten him. Like at all.
Voldemort could walk in and start slinging fiend fyre around and Alchemist would just, counterspell and delete the idiot from existence.
Maybe introduce the students to Dee.
Honestly, a side quest as a guest lecturer for HP might actually be really relaxing to Alchemist, it's not like… literally anything in HP can threaten him. Like at all.
Voldemort could walk in and start slinging fiend fyre around and Alchemist would just, counterspell and delete the idiot from existence.
Maybe introduce the students to Dee.
Hell i would love if the olny offensive spell Al really has to use is Toad, especially if he does it behind the scenes.

Image at Deatheater attacks that they all just turn into toads for no apparent reason.

Or during a big showdown with Mort he just randomly turns into a toad and Potter gets the credit even though he has no idea what happened.
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"Dreams aren't real."

Gods, imagine how weird it would be to go your whole life without dreaming, then one day, for seemingly no reason at all, you dreamed.
Alchemist has access to nearly all of the possible dreaming magic out there. He could easily remedy that.

Also, now that that issue has been brought to Al's attention, he should talk to Hypnos to let Dream know about it and leave it up to him as to whether to do something about it or leave it.
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Al need a break. He didn't even get a proper Thanksgiving off. Megan ruined the actual holiday for him. Sighs.

Al needs his family to spend a few weeks or months at Stardew Valley. He can easily run a farm. There are only two mines that double as dungeons. Yuffie could handle them both with a handicap. There aren't any important quests. It's more of a farming, ranching, and farm crafting game. There are a handful of magic totems that help out.

The girls might get bored before Al does with it.

I'm rather meh when I hear about an OP MC hopping over to HP and curb-stomping or speedrunning the setting. Al wouldn't want to teach DADA. He'd be better at teaching potions. So maybe he gets hired instead of Slughorn? Then again it would be fun to see him teaching an optional elective of alchemy.

If Al popped over to HP, I'd like to see him teach the Dursleys magic. Depending on the time frame, just having Petunia learn magic so she'd go to Hogwarts as well, would change everything. He could teach her his all-purpose cleaning spell. It would be funny if that got rid of Harry's scar.

I'd like to see both of the concepts combined. You know one of those summers where Harry gets a vacation or such. He ends up in Stardew Valley on a farm next to Al and his crew. Al and company don't even need to handle any of the HP plot line. Just let them chill and teach Harry various things.

Sighs. I can see that ending like the vampire thing though. Harry was just chilling over at the farm with Al when some DEs show up and try tossing AKs at everyone or that pain curse at Yuffie. He turns them all into toads, then grabs one, uses their tattoo connection, and makes their entire organization go poof. He would then find Tom Riddle and test out some of those plans for Zeus on the guy.
"Excuse me, fellow Martians and filthy off-worlders!" the little creature shouted. It wore a headpiece with a wide, straw colored broom on it. A galea. And what looked like a bronze or brass skirt. "By order of Queen Tyr'ahnee, Lady of Nightmares and Princess of Shadows, the star-creature that has landed upon Mars is to present itself ee-mediately!"
. . . Is this actually DC canon? I mean, I know Looney Toons and DC are both owned by Warner Bros. and that DC has had crossovers with other Warner Bros. franchises, but . . . Looney Toons?
. . . Is this actually DC canon? I mean, I know Looney Toons and DC are both owned by Warner Bros. and that DC has had crossovers with other Warner Bros. franchises, but . . . Looney Toons?
Well, I mean, there have been enough crossovers that at least some timelines overlap. Animaniacs, Tiny Toon Adventures, and Freakazoid have all had plenty of guest appearances on both sides of that fence.
. . . Is this actually DC canon? I mean, I know Looney Toons and DC are both owned by Warner Bros. and that DC has had crossovers with other Warner Bros. franchises, but . . . Looney Toons?

from an Official comic.

there are others as well.

Marvin is even a bit tragic, as Martians were wiped out by humans where he's from.
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Taylor Hebert used Scion's underlying trauma to goad him into suicide. She was just using what Emma and Sophia had taught her on a scale well beyond what either of those two could comprehend.

Lucy would have tricked the starscourge into shifting the blame unto his own kin and had the creature run off to start hunting its brethren. Whether or not it would find them wouldn't even matter. Whether Scion even survived the journey wouldn't matter, either. Just that it was convinced that the other entities were to blame for his suffering and that it needed to repay that to them.

That situation is also pretty complicated because it isn't just Taylor getting her power jailbroken blended her and QA a bit which got worse over time and ended up with QA gaining increasing control of the body until by the end it was QA who thought she was Taylor in full control with Taylor just being able to give small nudges. Bare minimum that means Taylor can't claim it as a solo kill but it also means there's decent odds QA is the one who finished it since the point QA got full control is not explicitly stated and wildbow covered this in text after it and I don't care enough to reread it to work out exactly when it occurs.

Lucy however wouldn't have been able to trick Scion into going off hunting other entities because Scion is incapable of leaving the earth on his own which is part of why he's depressed and given up on the cycle. This is because as part of optimising themselves into the thinker/warrior pairs Scion and Eden have different roles and give out certain important shards that the other keeps.

For Scion this is known to include Dinah's (his best precog shard), Fletchette's (Sting the main entity vs entity weapon tho his avatar is actually set to use ptv to auto avoid it), Aisha's (on top of what's deployed giving her power it had bits broken off and given to every other shard so they could erase restricted info from hosts), QA (the power control and altering one Eden's version is Eidolon's shard), Jack Slash's (Broadcast the one that does entity to entity communication and wildbow has been continually buffing through post story wogs) and Glastig Ulaine's which is the important one as it's the one used at the end of the cycle to reclaim given away powers.

Simply put on his own Scion has no ability to alter the powers given out, reclaim them or to communicate with them plus a few other things which means he's unable to trigger the process that destroys all the versions of the planet and births new entities which is their only way of returning to a whole entity and being able to travel in space. Technically speaking even if he were able to the process would kill him for what little that means when all the new entities would have the genetic memory/inherited data thing.