Hey Mcficser what's the limits to Alchemist's Ghost summoning thing he pulled off on Halloween? Because it has a lot of potential to summon the greatest thinkers of humanity along with other such people.

Something that can be used for great good even summoning only a few people to not anger Death of the Endless.

And in a more trolling fashion doing something like making an enchanted Silver Horn summon the Founding Fathers of America and sneak it into the Oval Office.
Hey Mcficser what's the limits to Alchemist's Ghost summoning thing he pulled off on Halloween?
Very few limits. But Alchemist really doesn't want it to get put that he can do it because every villain and hero who had lost a loved one would go gunning for him, not to mention every government official with the same or would like to resurrect a terrorist leader for questioning
I was expecting him to go for green; apparently I forgot how teenagers think. Green would not have gotten M'comm everything he wanted, but it would have seen him treated as an ordinary member of society, and he would have gotten away with it. Blending in to the 95+% demographic is much simpler than suddenly standing out even more in an entirely different way.
"Because Segregation might have been outlawed before I was born but that didn't stop the local sheriff where I lived from dressing up in a bedsheet and burning crosses in people's yards."
That would have been in the 1970s.
We've come so far from the days when the pinkish-beige people committed blasphemy against the religion they claim to adhere to in an effort to intimidate brown people. Not remotely far enough, the system is still deliberately rigged in many ways (mostly by our great-grandparents), but still, progress!
a lot of people in the current generation of children, my friends, they basically think that a person's color is about as important as... I don't know. I don't really know how to explain it."
A person's skin color is about as important as the color of the paint on their walls. Except not voluntary.
They would look at a situation and ask 'Can I do something?' and come up with some brilliant device or scheme... and never once ask themselves 'Should I do something?'
The real trick is to reverse it: look as a situation and ask 'Should I do something?' and never once ask 'Can I do something?'
I don't know about you, but for considering the wisdom, morality, or ethics of a course of action without considering the feasibility is hard.
We've come so far from the days when the pinkish-beige people committed blasphemy against the religion they claim to adhere to in an effort to intimidate brown people. Not remotely far enough, the system is still deliberately rigged in many ways (mostly by our great-grandparents), but still, progress!
Wait, what? Have you actually read the Bible? It's basically the definition of institutionalized bigotry, to the point where slaughtering innocent people because they're different is 100% encouraged. And it's just as bad (or worse) in religions related to Christianity.

Also, selling your daughter to her rapist, and punishing people by making them eat their own children. And God rewarding people for being his favorite by murdering their entire family, burning down their home, and destroying their livelihood.
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Chapter 269
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build 2.6.9

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.



Connor knew, in theory, what Thanksgiving was about.

It was the day during which people celebrated the friendship between the pilgrims that came off the Mayflower and the Native Americans. By... eating a lot of food?

Alright. Connor didn't really understand the significance. But that didn't mean he couldn't go through the motions!

"C'mon, son," Jon called out from the farmhouse, pulling Connor's attention away from the moon, hanging up high in the sky. "Football's on. It's a big game and Ma put together a whole lot of good eatin' to go with it."

"Alright, Pa," Connor responded, though with a lot less enthusiasm.

He'd thought about joining the football team at school but... the game just didn't make a lot of sense to him. It was obviously a sort of 'faux-combat' thing except there were so many stupid rules that it felt like he spent more time lining back up than he did actually running or blocking or... whatever.

The fights Connor had been in, the only real rules were which guys were good, which ones were bad and how hard he needed to hit 'em so they didn't get too broken. They didn't stop to kick a ball or get back in line.

Following Jon Kent back into the farmhouse, Connor seriously debated joining Karen and Ma in the kitchen to help with cleaning up but Pa and Clark both really wanted him in the living room to watch football.

"Yeah!" Clark shouted as Connor stepped into the room and began to look for a seat. "Touchdown! Go Texas!"

Connor grabbed the vegetable tray, covered in sticks of celery and carrots, and sat down in a chair adjacent to the couch where the older Kents sat.

Ah, well. It's not like every other holiday was celebrated the same way... right?


Harvey Dent tried to adjust the collar of his jumpsuit, struggling in the most irritating of ways to try and get it to sit properly.

He would fail. And he knew he would fail. He'd been fighting with the collars for weeks and none of them seemed to fit properly! None of the rest of it fit properly, either.

The sleeves were too long, the legs too short and it kept riding up his backside like an ex after child support.

Still, it was a minor discomfort compared to where he could have been spending the holiday.

The Hartford Mental Health Facility he was stuck in, St.Barnaby's or something, was not nearly so well equipped or funded as Gotham City's Arkham Asylum but the company was a massive improvement.

For one? No Joker. A day away from the laughing madman was worth a month's vacation from anywhere else.

Two? It was Thanksgiving and if Harvey had to spend another holiday around Calendar Man, he'd end up hanging himself.

A joke! That was a joke!

Harvey sighed and gave up on his collar, twisting one hand through his two-tone hair instead.

Those concerns were one of the numerous reasons he was in a mental health facility instead of a standard jail as he waited for his court date. People were worried that, now that he had full control of his faculties again, he would make a... honestly? Fairly reasonable choice.

Two-Face had been a drug pusher, an arms dealer, a purveyor of extremely illicit pornography including snuff films and just about every other crime it was possible to perform.

Except jaywalking. Two-Face or Harvey Dent, he had some standards.

Harvey sighed and dropped his hands back down to the cot he was sitting on in his tiny, tiny little cell.

Third. Alright. A third thing that he was thankful for.

Well, he didn't have to deal with Poison Ivy. The last time the woman had seen an ear of corn, she'd started off on a tirade about how commercial farming was destroying the Earth and deteriorating its limited farmlands and... Seriously, what did she think a bunch of criminals in an insane asylum were going to do about that?

"You look like you're doing better," a voice called out from the doorway to Harvey's cell.

A familiar voice.

"...I didn't expect you to visit, Bruce," Harvey responded, his eyes tracking to the door and meeting a pair of very familiar baby-blues looking at him through the slot in the big metal door. "Still, isn't it past visiting hours?"

"When you 'donate' enough to renovate the warden's office?" Bruce laughed as Harvey stood up to get a proper look at his old friend. "Every hour can be visiting hours."

"If I was still a prosecutor, I'd take offense to the obvious graft." But Harvey wasn't. And he'd done far, far worse things than what Bruce did. "So, what can little ol' me do for big ol' Brucey Wayne?"

"Well, you can start by not calling me 'Brucey'," Bruce requested as they replayed the old song and dance from college. "Other than that... Can't I just come and visit an old friend?"

"If it was just a visit, it'd be during... alright, even I can't lie like that with a straight face." Harvey sighed and placed an arm up high on the door so he could lean against it. "You're the reason I'm here and not back in Arkham, aren't you?"

"...Yeah," Bruce admitted with a quiet sigh as he turned around and leaned his back against the door. "I heard from the wizard that... treated you that Arkham might be... an active part of why a lot of people become what they are."

"Wish I could tell you if that was true or not." Harvey didn't deal with any of that magic hocum. He didn't know where to start and he wasn't interested in learning. Especially not with his current situation in mind. "But I just don't know."

"It's fine. I didn't come here to ask you about that. I figured you ought to be told, though." Bruce's voice had gone soft near the end, a small bit of vulnerability that Harvey knew 'Brucey' didn't show off in public. "...How is this place treating you, though?"

"...It ain't bad," Harvey quietly admitted. "There's no Taco Tuesday, which is a real disappointment, but they gave us all a turkey dinner earlier and it was only a little dry. The library could use a bit of updating. I think I've read 'Gone With the Wind' about five times, now."

"I might have some old books I can get rid of," Bruce offered and Harvey could hear the smirk in his voice. "...How long do you expect you'll be in for?"

"...Given the circumstances?" Harvey wasn't at all sure himself. Insanity was a major mitigating factor but Two-Face had been a kingpin of disorganized crime. "A sympathetic judge might give me twenty years, but I could probably be out in five between good behavior and a clean record."

The future wasn't a certain thing, something both men were keenly aware of as they burned the little time that Bruce had bought for them, but...

For the first time in years, the future actually looked like it might have a place for Harvey Dent.


M'ree didn't really know how long she spent, just sitting on a chair, on the Earth, watching the moon travel across the night sky.

The priests she'd had to deal with from time to time, they'd all insist that L'zoril was real but they wouldn't substantiate any of those claims. They couldn't tell her about who he was supposed to be other than 'Great and terrible, mercurial is his wroth and glorious are his boons!' which really just amounted to a whole lot of nothing.

The Y'ellonn and their magics were equally mysterious and far more frustrating. They would explain nothing, literally nothing about what they did or, more importantly, how they did it.

She'd expected M'gann's friend to be the same. Offering up some empty platitudes and being infuriatingly vague about what he did, how it worked or offering up a whole lot of nothing while praising some god that nobody had ever met.

Instead, the almost-human had been -excited- to discuss the hows and whys of his sorceries. He hadn't tried to hide the fact that it ignored her understanding of cause and effect. No, instead he'd admitted to utilizing his magics in conjunction with science to convert one form of power into another.

The man was literally using multiple forms of magic and enchantment to power and heat his home. It seemed so small, so mundane, but... was that not her own goal? To better understand the world so that she, and others, could benefit from the unveiling of nature's mysteries?

And his knowledge of L'zoril? He feared the god. It was truly that simple; he'd met the god at the end of an unfortunate venture he'd been too uncomfortable to explain about and, while L'zoril had solved the issue at hand, he had not been happy and his threats had been dire.

That... sounded much more reasonable to the scientist. Getting the head of a department involved was always a gamble and never in her favor, so seeing it reflected in one of her people's gods felt... martianizing.

The woman sighed, anything but eager to stand up as the first rays of the sun began to creep over the horizon. Reaching up, she pushed up the visor over her eyes so she could rub at her brow.

She didn't want to go home. She didn't want to smell her husband, wearing the stench of her superior. She didn't want to have to close her eyes and plug her ears while pretending it was fine, that everything was fine. Not after he'd already threatened to leave her after discovering her secret, her ignoble heritage.

She didn't intend on staying on the strange island, with its strange people. Not really...

She just... wanted some time to think.


John Stewart was not having a good night.

Getting a call from Hawkman about some kind of dimensional hole involving tentacles kidnapping J'onn might have had a helluva lot to do with that.

Now, the Green Lantern Ring was a damned fine tool. It could do just about anything he could put his mind to. Cleanin' out pipes, throwin' hands made outta light, picking up free cable... you name it, the ring could do it.

"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."

Except that, apparently.

Up on the Watchtower, standing right where J'onn had been kidnapped, his ring wasn't coming up with anything positive. No Bleed particles. No background radiation from a foreign dimension. Nothing.

If John hadn't seen the footage from NASA's end, hadn't watched J'onn get lifted up by a tentacle covered in eyes and teeth? He'd think someone was pulling a prank on him.

"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."

Because sure as shit, his ring wasn't finding anything. And he'd checked literally every frequency and bandwidth possible. As far as his ring was concerned, the tear had never happened.

And, despite his personal feelings on the matter, J'onn's disappearance didn't warrant lifting the restrictions on time travel.

"I swear to god," John groaned, frustration and irritation bolstering his Will. "I hear that one more time, I'll be sending a ticket to-"

John was interrupted from his tirade by what sounded like a massive zipper coming undone.

The sound came from a spot in the air, right next to the seat J'onn had been sitting in when he'd been kidnapped. A spot in the air that was now occupied by a great black rift, filled with dozens upon dozens of eyes that stared directly into John's soul.

The Lantern froze, confusion warring with fear for a moment before confusion won and J'onn stepped out of the rift.

"Next time!" a voice boomed from within the rift as a dozen tentacles waved at the Martian, tooth-like protrusions glistening in the Watchtower's artificial lights and eye-like tumors undulating and spinning underneath thin, transparent flesh. "Bring salt!"

With a sound not unlike 'Kzorp!' the rift sealed itself shut, the tentacles disappeared and the eyes, countless eyes, were gone.

"...Lantern Stewart?" J'onn called, failing to bring the Green Lantern out of his stupor. "Are you well?"

John held his ring out, aimed at the spot where the rift had been, and sent it another mental command.

"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."

John pursed his lips in frustration, turning his head down to the ring, over to the rift and then finally to look at J'onn's unimpressed and unharmed form.

"...This was supposed to be my day off," the former marine muttered as he turned around and began to walk away, ignoring the amused expression on J'onn's face. "I don't need to deal with this..."
I think this supposed to be threadmarked?

Otherwise pretty nice chapter. I really enjoy looking at all the craziness around Alchemist from the perspective of people who don't have enough context. Or have way too much of it. Really fun.
Good chapter. I empathize with Connor's Thanksgiving Football Confusion, for sure.
"I swear to god," John groaned, frustration and irritation bolstering his Will. "I hear that one more time, I'll be sending a ticket to-"
And this is one of my biggest, longest lasting complaints about John Stewart. The man has no imagination. Yeah, your Ring is telling you it's not finding a Dimensional Incursion. Instead of asking the same question a thousand times and complaining at getting the same answer, try thinking of other things it could be and scanning for those, or see if you've got a prior scan of the area to compare new scans to or something.

Every portrayal I've seen with John Stewart, the guy's been forever the hammer, every problem is a nail, no real critical thinking to speak of. He's so dense, about the only thing he's got going for him is willpower/stubbornness. Great for Green compatibility, I suppose, but that's about all.

Then again, I'm not a big DC follower normally, so most of my exposure to him was the JL/JLU era cartoons and snippets I've seen of other media, but always got the impression he was the Dumb Jock among the GL Corps. Big willpower, no imagination/critical thinking. Most evident in that whole planet destruction trial sham, really, though a lot of idiot balls got handed out for that one.
Intergalactic Tech Support
"Ring, why has the coffee machine stopped working?"
"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."
"Are you stuck on this error message?"
"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."
"Come on, it was only 5 hours of high density multidimensional scan data, your AI should be robust enough to handle that"
"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."
"I think I need some help. Contact OA tech support"
"Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."

After an hour, John finally reached the tech support with the league communicator
"Have you tried turning your ring off and on?"
"Yes, and it still says Error: Dimensional Incursion not found."
"Must be a rarer error, I will look it up in the manual.... It seems that your ring is missing a Dimensional Incursion, the most likely cause is that one of the support storage dimension has collapsed. We can install a new one at your next routine maintenance on OA or you could contact a local dimension technician for help, but then the corps will not reimburse you for the costs"

"Alchemist, can you get it working again?"
"You are lucky that I have a spare Dimensional Incursion, because crafting a new one takes at least a week. It will take around 3 hours to install it in your ring"
"3 more hours without coffee. How should I stay awake?"
"You know that a coffee machine is easier to repair than a power ring?"
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I see messing with Batman is done with, Harvy Dent is in a better place. Will Superman be next? Myx has or has not checked out Ol' Supermans progress report?
"Next time!" a voice boomed from within the rift as a dozen tentacles waved at the Martian, tooth-like protrusions glistening in the Watchtower's artificial lights and eye-like tumors undulating and spinning underneath thin, transparent flesh. "Bring salt!"
John: So what was that all about?
J'onn: Thanksgiving Dinner.
John: You were kidnapped by a Eldritch Horror for Thanksgiving Dinner?
J'onn: *Thinking about everything he knows about Alchemist and what humans consider a Eldritch Abomination* Yes.
John: . . . Alright, I'm clocking out, your on shift now.
I find it interesting M'gann's sisters dilemma/situation, an unhappy marriage that she is trying to hold together even if she has no desire to actually do so. Being threatened by her unfaithful husband while her superior mocks her in a way that she can't confront her over lest her heritage gets revealed, and the house of cards she set up to get somewhere burst into flames as it falls down.

It reminds you of situations that were real in the past and sometimes the present, like a child of a mixed race couple being "lucky" enough to pass as the more excepted race, and building a house of cards so they could get...anywhere. Terrified that someone could find out, and that there lives would be ruined as the veil of acceptance is cruelly ripped away.

It makes sense that she didn't want to visit her relatives like a lot of her siblings, because if they draw attention to their origins in that society... Then whatever acceptance they managed to acquire would drop like a rock, and they would need to put in years of work to try and rebuild back to the level of respect they once had.

I would also think it was shame of their parents and some resentment that their choices have made their lives so hard...

So I can see her point of view, and also the appeal of hanging around someone willing to explain things without all the running around and obfuscating as that the Priest do as part and parcel of their religion. That it is also magic and they subscribe to the same pathos as most magicians in that the art is not for outsiders, though not as bad as the Earth ones who love to sabotage anyone who tries to find guidance that isn't part of their family...

In essence she is going on a vacation she needs to recover from the stresses and problems of her life, that said vacation will likely be long term and far away from the abuse of her people is something that isn't needed to be brought up.

That her people are so long lived is one of their problems, since the boulder of change you are trying to move even with help is shaped more like a square that a circle and enchanted to where if you want it to move you have to roll it. It is a peril of long lived people, resistance to any change would be...massive.
I think it's time to talk directly to the ruler of Mars. Help him with any issues he has, and open the way for communication to their nearest neighbors on Earth. Maybe if they can give a number of people some strategic kicks in the pants, things can improve significantly on both Mars and Earth.
She didn't intend on staying on the strange island, with its strange people. Not really...

She just... wanted some time to think.
In essence she is going on a vacation she needs to recover from the stresses and problems of her life, that said vacation will likely be long term and far away from the abuse of her people is something that isn't needed to be brought up.


=(1) It'd be nice if M'ree's "vacation" let her study magic on Infinity Island, maybe team up with the vampire librarian to organize Alchemist's horde of stolen scrolls, tomes, and Shinra research papers.

=(2) Jinx and Kary would get another adult female for girl-talk and venting about their problems.

=(3) M'gann would have a plot-excuse to visit her sister M'ree and get exposed to Alchemist's brand of wackiness. Ever since Alchemist moved out of Mount Justice after the fight with Player One, the Teen Titans haven't been getting their daily dose of o_O WTF?!?! from our favorite Champion of Gaea.

=(4) M'ree is a scientist/engineer from a space-faring civilization, so she is qualified to give constructive feedback on Alchemist's Ragnarok-class spaceship from "Final Fantasy VII."

And if/when M'ree becomes familiar with spells and enchantments, she can use The Harlock as a proof-of-concept on how to combine magic and technology.
Ah, messing with the green lantern corps, truly an honourable tradition.

Messing with the GLs is fun and all, but I have a fondness for John, and not just because he's firmly stuck between Hal 'Worst GL/Alleged Hero Ever' Jordan and Guy 'All Balls, No Brains' Gardner. Guy, for all his many faults, is at heart, a hero at least. John is also absolutely A Hero, even if he is a straight forward and 'I hit it' kind of hero. John's not at all dumb, and comparing him to Kyle is doing John a massive disservice.

Hal, OTOH, is the worst thing to happen to the DCU since Lobo, or possibly since Darkseid. At least Hal has something like more than one dimension to his character, even if far too often that more is 'horrible excuse for a human being', whereas Darkseid's entire shtick is only and ever 'Most Eeeevuul and Most Powerful Villain, Because Editorial Fiat'.

Though 'Because Editorial Fiat' is a long-term and deeply ingrained flaw across the entire DC comics continuum, really, and has sadly shown it's ugly head again and again over the decades.

That her people are so long lived is one of their problems, since the boulder of change you are trying to move even with help is shaped more like a square that a circle and enchanted to where if you want it to move you have to roll it. It is a peril of long lived people, resistance to any change would be...massive.

Speaking of deep flaws in DC comics, we have the Martians, that are somehow both very long lived and at the same time very fecund. Also, at least sometimes, very powerful. And yet, at the same time almost entirely unknown to the rest of their universe, and seemingly have never left Mars ever, except for J'onn and M'gann. Like so much of DC's comics, it fails The 6 Year Old Test. And as anyone that has read The Evil Overlords Handbook knows, if you explain something to a 6 year old and they respond with 'But that's dumb!', you should scrap it and do it again, trying harder to Not Be Dumb this time. :rolleyes: