I do love magic discussions. Closest I've gotten to the whole "Concept manipulation" talk is debating on how "Unknowable horrors" driving you mad in Cthulu mythos make sense.

There's no way something could drive you completely insane from the knowledge or work as a cognito hazard, unless it works via something we haven't accounted for -but the Cthulu mythos is built within a dream, and dreams are fractured and loosely built on information which can be expanded to make several discussions on the hows and the why's, such as your own knowledge requiring certain patterns of thought for better recollection. Like the Alphabet being a word and a song. It's a root folder for multiple other pieces of information in your mind leading to letters and your early education which themselves can be linked to more information, I.e. A and Alpha.

All that is to say, a reality built within a dream using conceptual manipulation would likely work in a similar manner alongside other seemingly random trains of thought being reinforced. Like a big scary predator (Eldritch beings) driving tiny and weak prey (Humans) insane with fear or something you see as normal being harder to remove, like a family that's lasted generations.
Lowkey wishing he just goes into a god of war instance, gets kratos to to jump with him back and then sit back and watch the remaster of god of war DC edition >.>
I'm not familiar with Stardew Valley, but I'm always down for a competent OC coming to the Potterverse to help fix things, since Harry is in desperate need of someone he can trust who can help him actually do what needs done, rather than sacrificing his entire life "for the Greater Good™."

If Al went to Harry Potter he could just deal with it all by himself. The plot as a whole is pretty easy to deal with because of how it all flows from each other. Taking out Riddle at or before the graveyard flat out removes the last 3 books, something which can also be dealt with pretty easily by ensuring Peter is actually contained which is again trivial to do and deals with books 3 and 4 with only a little work, book 1 and 2 can also easily be dealt with from knowing the plots.

For Al specifically this becomes extremely minor because of that perk I think it's called entanglement which let's him hit the whole from a part which means all he has to do it get to 1 horcrux before destroying them all and the diadem and ring are easy to get to.
Depends on how you write it, but I feel like Al would have to solve a lot of plot related problems if he visited HP, and it would just end up like his last couple attempts at taking a vacation (See Gaia, Nazi Vampires, etc.).

It would definitely be amusing though, especially if he enrolls Yuffie at Hogwarts.

Stardew Valley feels like it would be a better choice for a "relaxation" arc, plus I feel like there'd be some interesting stuff to explore there with his recent experiments in growth and plant related magic.

It's worth pointing out that he doesn't actually need to be a farmer if you go with Stardew Valley.
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One question. Chapter 221. In The game world of Hades, Alec talks to Nyx and speaks of gods still in Kronos' corpse. That Zeus didn't free. That Nyx claimed to be dangerous information. What was that all about?
One question. Chapter 221. In The game world of Hades, Alec talks to Nyx and speaks of gods still in Kronos' corpse. That Zeus didn't free. That Nyx claimed to be dangerous information. What was that all about?

One of Wonder Woman's antagonists is Kronus and the numerous gods that still reside within his corpse inside of Tartarus- The Children of Kronus, Arch, Disdain, Harrier, Oblivion, Slaughter, and Titan. With one of Kronus's various plots failing, he decided to create a 'Replica' of Wonder Woman, a child born of clay named Devestation and blessed by the Children, her purpose being a dark mirror of Diana.
Edit: My other thought would have actually been a Harry Potter arc. Dumbledore is always looking for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, after all.
If you do the HP arc, make sure that Alchemist can play with his food. Voldemort is hardly dangerous to him, and so long as the kids are protected, he has a lot of targets he can torment without feeling bad about it.

After all, Nazis, magical or otherwise, are perfect substitutes for stress balls when you need an outlet for the sadistic bastard in your soul.

While this would be amazing, it would also be vaguely off considering the other worlds he has been to being videogames for the most part. I think that Stardew would be a nice interlude, especially with a Pocket Realm expansion tied to it.
There are several HP games, and it would fit right into a d20 game using a psionics-like system instead of Vancian magic.
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Edit: My other thought would have actually been a Harry Potter arc. Dumbledore is always looking for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, after all.
If he's going to spend a few days/hours dealing with Voldie and then spend a year (or more) teaching DADA that could be fun. It sounds like it could be a great vacation, just spending time sharing his expertise and doing a bit of light research. The question is if he really could slow down for that long, or if he'd just fix all the problems he could find, grab a bunch of magic items/books, and then go back to DC.
you've got to be kidding me
Y'know... there actually a crossover comic run between Looney Tunes and DC, with Marvin and Martian Manhunter being one. A fair number were pretty solid too, especially the Wonder Woman & Taz one.

Also they had the one Young Justice reference during the Halloween school party subplot with M'gann shapeshifting into that very recognizable silhouette when the one kid did the old "War of the Worlds reading as a news report" prank.
Would a couple of chapters of Al relaxing in Stardew Valley help out? I've got a couple of ideas on that which I've been spitballing.

Edit: My other thought would have actually been a Harry Potter arc. Dumbledore is always looking for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, after all.
Absolutely would love a couple of chapters of Al in stardew, maybe just with Yuffie and the familiars, would be the chill time he needs, hang out with Krobus, do some DIY, doesn't need to be long but the man deserves a break.
Also I think your idea of Hogwarts as DADA teacher could be really fun, but I do see that as less relaxed, just as his established character means he is going to get Involved.
Loving the story myself though, I love your character POV's as they always feel so different and on point.

Happy new Year!
Okay, is nobody going to ask what was up with the B'luk Martian? Seriously?

I mean, was it a prank by one of M'Gann's extended family? Is there actually a secret group of Thoughtless Martians that were drawn to the space dragon? Inquiring minds want to know!
Al could certainly use some real downtime, wherein he remembers he's got a complete lack of a time limit (given he's literally outside of DC's timestream), and maybe once he figures out a few tricks he can use to bypass a number of problems he's dreading, he can set them aside and relax.

So Stardew Valley would probably be good for him ("probably" insofar as I'm not familiar with it, but based on the responses here, I'm guessing they're on point), but I'm not sure they'd make for particularly interesting chapters. So maybe quite a bit of time spent there, albeit abridged for actual reading?

Ive enjoyed the story so far, but something that always bugged me is just how... Depressing it is.

Idk why but every chapter just feels... Sad? Even the funny ones. Like everytime Alchemist is mentioned suddenly there is this negative aura...

Like even now its supposed to be a nice party but everyone just feels stressed and sad? Its weird.

Idk if its just me or smt but its odd.

Another thing im not really a fan of is player one.

I just... Dont see the point in her existance in the story? Other than the zombie id... But you could have just given that to Alchemist... Like really why is she here.

The last thing i didnt like was the whole party system but thats just something i dont like in any gamer story, atleast not to the level shown in this story where it can just turn anyone into a gamer... If it was something more simple like just messages and status then its fine...

Anyways im still enjoying the story tho
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There are several HP games, and it would fit right into a d20 game using a psionics-like system instead of Vancian magic.

There are a ton of them because the earlier ones are from the era where the ps1, ps2 and gba games weren't just the same but on different consoles but completely different games. The biggest difference is probably in the Prisoner of Azkaban where the gba one is a Final Fantasy style turn based RPG though of course everyone are mages while the others are more in line with the norm of them being overworld exploring using spells to fight and interact with things or in some cases both with things like beating trolls by getting them to hit spring pads you'd used spongify on.
Would a couple of chapters of Al relaxing in Stardew Valley help out? I've got a couple of ideas on that which I've been spitballing.

When is Dee-Dee due to spend a day as a mortal human?

Maybe have Alchemist bring Dee-Dee into a vacation Instant Dungeon, stretching out her single day into a week or two.

Alchemist: "If anyone in the universe is entitled to a vacation, it's you, you poor overworked girl."
Dee-Dee: ❤️❤️❤️

Not sure if it'd be amusing if Lucifer-chan invited HERSELF (as Louisa Ferre) onto Alchemist's vacation, and Al is too polite to deny the Fallen Morningstar.

Louisa: :ogles: "Oh Alec-kun~! Can you put suntan lotion on my back~?"
Dee-Dee: :rage: :rage: :rage:
Alec: Yeah... not touching that.

Louisa: Oh, but Alec... I might just burn ;)

Alec: Do you want me to call your wife? Because I'll call your wife.

Louisa: Oh? Which one?

Alec: I mean, I could call Mazikeen. I could call Lilith. But, just this once, I think I'll call Porcupiney.

Lucifer: Oh-hoh! Dirty pool, that... I like it!

Dee-Dee: ...I think you just made things worse.

Alec: ...I think you're right.

Protip- You cannot out-escalate the devil.
Unless you're Taylor Hebert.

Taylor Hebert used Scion's underlying trauma to goad him into suicide. She was just using what Emma and Sophia had taught her on a scale well beyond what either of those two could comprehend.

Lucy would have tricked the starscourge into shifting the blame unto his own kin and had the creature run off to start hunting its brethren. Whether or not it would find them wouldn't even matter. Whether Scion even survived the journey wouldn't matter, either. Just that it was convinced that the other entities were to blame for his suffering and that it needed to repay that to them.
Reading the comments about his general sadness made me think and I may be mis-remembering, but over all this time but I think the only entity Al has really been just comfortable and happy to be around is Death. From their interactions, they seem to be good for each other. There are others he has come to really care for but they both started off, from what I recall, openly accepting the others differences and just being comfortable around each other. She rarely has much time but may more late night cocoa with comfortable companionship would help.