It's not so much that she doubts magic as it is that she dislikes what it can mean for 'Science!', which is her... I don't know if I would call it a passion or a heavily-focused upon distraction.
Now be a good dragon of the abyss and fall in line with everything else I understand about the scientific method!

The irony is that Alchemist attempts to apply scientific method to magic whenever possible.

If M'ree was less rude/hostile, she and Alchemist would get along. Unfortunately for M'ree, she will likely mouth off at Alchemist, a powerful dragon sorcerer who LOVES playing pranks and mind-games on the rude, the haughty, and the close-minded.

Bonus points if Dee-Dee and Delirium appreciate Alchemist standing up for their brother "Lord L'zoril." It's rare for a mortal to defend the honor of an Endless.

Alchemist: "Saying bad things about Dream makes Dee-Dee feel sad."
Dee-Dee: ❤️❤️❤️
Dee-Dee: (gives Alchemist a headpat for his thoughtfulness)
Personally, I'm not sure M'ree would be intentionally rude? There's being a bitch to family, and there's insulting a stranger, and THEN there's insulting a powerful stranger that spike the ol' Stranger-Danger sensor.

It wouldn't be realistic unless she's an idiot basically, which she objectively is not.

Now, getting provoked or baited into going off on something? Or even something loosely connected to magic but technically different (like Alchemists extreme and terrible tendency to understate things or the amount of value/pomp he treats all his Uber powerful and highly energetic gear with)...that I could see getting a rise out of a nervous, judgemental, science superiority type.

As for defending Lord L'zoril...look, Dream is kinda an extremely touchy ass right now. Not a bad guy exactly, but not someone you actually want the attention of either. As such, I'd expect Alchemist would prefer to avoid bringing him up as much as possible, or at least leave all Name Invocations to the species that's been actively worshipping him and aren't the guy that interrupted Hypnos' on-boarding interview. Bringing up and talking about Didi is another matter of course, but I'm pretty sure she's the second least likely Endless to actually show up or give a sign behind Destiny? Death is both A) busy, and B) dutiful. Didi does have a soft-spot, but the only times she shows up are both serious and directly related to her job (like when dealing with soul stuff or dying people). Comparatively petty social gatherings don't really qualify.
Bringing up and talking about Didi is another matter of course, but I'm pretty sure she's the second least likely Endless to actually show up or give a sign behind Destiny? Death is both A) busy, and B) dutiful. Didi does have a soft-spot, but the only times she shows up are both serious and directly related to her job (like when dealing with soul stuff or dying people). Comparatively petty social gatherings don't really qualify.
She does show up occasionally just for a visit, like the moments here and there where he brings her a quadruple-sugar cakesspressochino just because he happens to be pulling out the coffee and has some stocked up for her, or when he mentioned her in the Zombie ID and he saw her hand give him a thumbs-up from around a corner down the street.

If he makes her a plate, she'll stop by for a minute or so, grateful that he's remembering her.
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A "scientist" that thinks something they don't understand makes a mockery of science is no true scientist.

The Technosorcery of the Mother Boxes of Apokalips do not make such a meaningless distinction, why should you? Both are reality, and a scientist that ignores inconvenient aspects of reality is a charlatan.

It's thinking that, that makes the Gods New and Old view mortalkind so lowly.
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Its rather sad that all of these 'scientists' forget that science is a method, a process. Its a way of learning about things. Its not Counter to magic, its a way of studying- which has to be applied to magic to have things like Sorcerers and Wizards- or Alchemists
Its rather sad that all of these 'scientists' forget that science is a method, a process. Its a way of learning about things. Its not Counter to magic, its a way of studying- which has to be applied to magic to have things like Sorcerers and Wizards- or Alchemists
Every time people get frustrated with Alchemist I always get reminded of Tasha from D&D. Who gleefully fills in the whole Wizard Meme Bingo Board and then scribbles some things on the side. All those scientists, villains and heroes have no idea how good they have it. Alchemist is downright sedate by wizard standards.
"M'gann claims that the creature met Lord L'zoril, M'ree."

M'ree scoffed, doubt filling the sound.

"Wonderful," the woman muttered as she poked one finger into the rift, much to the amusement of her siblings watching from inside of it. "M'gann's joined up with a cultist. I wish I could be surprised."

She'd always known her younger sister was... simple. But this?

This was just absurd.

This thought will last until she mentions it. J'onn not only going "Oh yeah, that was a few weeks ago," but then mentioning that he met him as well will nicely handle that.
This thought will last until she mentions it. J'onn not only going "Oh yeah, that was a few weeks ago," but then mentioning that he met him as well will nicely handle that.

J'onn: (telepathically shows M'ree his memory of Death)
M'ree: :o :confused: :sour: ?!?!

Also, it could be funny if Alchemist is unbothered by M'ree, but Uncle J'onn is the one who panics when his niece starts talking trash about the Endless. Alchemist knows the Endless don't involve themselves with minor mortal affairs, BUT J'ONN DOESN'T KNOW THAT, thinking M'ree is angering the gods and is seconds away from divine retribution.

Alchemist: "Don't worry, Lady Death won't smite your niece."
J'onn: "What about Lord Dream?"
Alchemist: "Him? Oh, he'd totally smite your niece if she gives him an excuse."
J'onn: (panics) :o :o :o !!!
Hasn't Alchemist taught the team some cantrips by now?

Hmm. Given magic use is mostly knowledge, how do not all martians know magic?

Given what the show has told us, magic is pretty much limited to two specific castes on Mars.

The Reds, which make up the higher ranks of the clergy, royalty and are basically the 'Purebloods' from Harry Potter.

And the Yellows, which make up the rest of the clergy.

Now, there are no natural born yellow Martians. It's a caste that any of the other colors can join by performing a ritual that permanently changes them from their former color.

Considering the systemic racism against white Martians, the question that would be asked is 'Why don't all of the Whites join the Yellows?' and I don't have an answer for that. It's never addressed in canon.

So, the assumption that I would make is that magic is kept behind lock and key. It's ritualized, society keeps it in the hands of the red and yellow Martians while the green and white are expected to stick to their natural gifts, and even those have some significant unspoken rules as to the appropriate times and ways to be used.

At least, this is about what I can come up with considering magic is an accepted phenomenon on Mars but neither J'onn or M'gann know much about it beyond a certainty that it exists.
Gotta use the Drama Ball for Drama. Kinda like the Idiot Ball when someone picks it up. No justification, it's just there.

Head canon it however really. Maybe the White Martians that don't don't because they're not religious, a good portion of Yellows could've been Whites that are.
It could also be that, as the bottom social caste, Whites are not allowed to join the Yellow's unless in rare cases where an extremely powerful White Martian that might upset the social order just by existing is born.
If Whites are stigmatized, maybe they are pushed out of religious roles and so don't get deep enough into the clergy to be offered the change to Yellow. After all, who would want to be comforted or admit sins to a White?
you know there should be a follow-up on the Eldrich kidnapping. Like the next meeting the general is in, a tear in space opens up and spits out the manhunter and a voice say "not enough salt". And J'onn J'onzz only respond to the general question is with a thousand-yard stare.
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I thought the racism was the fault of the Maltusians, who were the ones who did a lot of fucking around with the Martian psychology and physiology after the burning ones went on a rampage. The whites are the closest to the original Martians and are thus shunned by the rest of Martian society to prevent too many from being born and going back to their old ways.

It's not like they haven't made galaxy-sized fuckups before, and shoving a sizable percentage of a powerful but peaceful race into Darkseid's arms is well within their wheelhouse, which is practically made of refined fuckupsium.
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