Thank you! I've got it corrected, now.

I can't begin to tell you how many different directions a lot of these chapters start going before being revised just a few sentences later. Unfortunately, a lot of little things get through because of that. I catch a lot, and Lycanthromancer does a fantastic job catching most of the rest, but sometimes I forget to save after making a correction and problems that I've fixed end up sneaking back in.
Is it just me, or is anyone else getting the feeling that there's going to be some conflict between M'ganns family and Alec? Hell, It might not even be intentional but even M'gann compares his lack of psionic ability to being 'crippled'.

Don't get me wrong I know she's a cinnamonroll, but if some rando called me a cripple I'd be a little offended, and there's a high chance her family does that to his face.
And he's got an inventory full of odd items that can do all kinds of fun things...
does he still have the habit of collecting things he thinks is cool?
Cause i'm imagining a scene where M'gann notices him in the background inventory-ing interesting rocks, plants (including edible ones, gotta expand the garden) and purchasing things from shops (including recipies, one part to try new things, and another part as a surprise for M'gann)
Yes but the duo are native to this universe. He has picked up a bunch of women and gods who are all broken in some way. Aside from the souls peeps he hangs out with and his family, he doesn't really interact with the others he brought back from other worlds.
Well, he's got one of the heckhounds and his dragon hatchling as familiars, the other heckhound is Jinx's familiar, he's in a relationship with Kary, he adopted Yuffie, he dumped the pegasi off on an island so their alternate father can come collect them, Hypnos is nigh-permanently asleep, Artemis (the goddess) is (or was) hanging around the outskirts of their little village, the Dragonborn got ganked by Alchemist and Jinx, and Succubus #3,435 was murdalized by Zeus. There aren't that many others that he's brought back, really. Just the Dark Souls folks, I think, several of which have scarpered.

Unless you're counting the monsters he's collected? But most of those are either still stoned in his inventory, or he's used them up for various things (such as crafting or as weapons against his enemies).
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Don't really know anything about DC martians can someone give an explanation about their racial troubles? Like green martians are the majority and white Martians are seen as evil? Are there other Martian sub-species?

Why is Alchemist being a dragon such a big deal for a race that is naturally incredible shapeshifters?Shouldn't everyone be transformed into their own idealized form?

Perhaps gaining a transformation that's their true representation of self similar to Mahito's Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing. If I had Shapeshifting I would go buck wild and try to find my soul's true form. But this is a whole different can of worms unrelated to whatever is going on in Martian racist society.

Edit: also why don't Martians alter their body to not be highly flammable? Pyrotechnical Biology isn't even that crazy, like there's the Extremis Virus and isn't there something in Resident Evil that gives pyrotechnic powers? If alchemists reasonably doesn't feel like introducing that to DC then there's still spells that can make one immune to fire damage.
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Right. So. On Mars in Young Justice there are four castes.

White Martians are looked down upon. Not really seen as evil, they're more or less just considered 'lesser' beings. Basically the same as being black in the states back in the forties.

Green Martians make up the majority. J'onn, the Martian Manhunter, is one of these. As are M'gann's parents and all but one of her thirty-nine siblings.

Red Martians are the ruling class. In an earlier episode of Young Justice, it was brought up that the Red Priests of Mars are also capable spell casters.

Yellow Martians are an outlier. A sort of side-caste. There are no natural births of Yellow Martians, instead there is a ritual that will convert a Martian of any other color into a Yellow. These are the spiritual leaders for most of Mars. We know that, at the least, they preside over things such as weddings and are noted to be the typical spellcasters.

From what else we know, the Martians can also 'feel' if one of their own is wearing a different shape and may have some level of awareness as to a fellow Martian's true form. This was brought up in the episode in which M'gann is working with her family to prepare for her wedding with Connor.

Whether or not there is any actual difference among the castes, I genuinely do not know. J'onn is considered to be a decently powerful psychic among his people and M'gann is, according to J'onn, far more powerful than he is.
Don't really know anything about DC martians can someone give an explanation about their racial troubles? Like green martians are the majority and white Martians are seen as evil? Are there other Martian sub-species?

Why is Alchemist being a dragon such a big deal for a race that is naturally incredible shapeshifters?Shouldn't everyone be transformed into their own idealized form?

Perhaps gaining a transformation that's their true representation of self similar to Mahito's Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing. If I had Shapeshifting I would go buck wild and try to find my soul's true form. But this is a whole different can of worms unrelated to whatever is going on in Martian racist society.

Edit: also why don't Martians alter their body to not be highly flammable? Pyrotechnical Biology isn't even that crazy, like there's the Extremis Virus and isn't there something in Resident Evil that gives pyrotechnic powers? If alchemists reasonably doesn't feel like introducing that to DC then there's still spells that can make one immune to fire damage.
Basically, they generally don't shapeshift unless they have to on Mars. Plus the whole 1/3 gravity in comparison to Earth. Also green martians are "normal" where as red are royalty of some flavor and white are albino freaks not to be trusted. Yes, this is worse than US racism. No, it's never brought up more than once, then forgotten.
Don't really know anything about DC martians can someone give an explanation about their racial troubles? Like green martians are the majority and white Martians are seen as evil? Are there other Martian sub-species?

Why is Alchemist being a dragon such a big deal for a race that is naturally incredible shapeshifters?Shouldn't everyone be transformed into their own idealized form?

Perhaps gaining a transformation that's their true representation of self similar to Mahito's Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing. If I had Shapeshifting I would go buck wild and try to find my soul's true form. But this is a whole different can of worms unrelated to whatever is going on in Martian racist society.

Edit: also why don't Martians alter their body to not be highly flammable? Pyrotechnical Biology isn't even that crazy, like there's the Extremis Virus and isn't there something in Resident Evil that gives pyrotechnic powers? If alchemists reasonably doesn't feel like introducing that to DC then there's still spells that can make one immune to fire damage.
Martians in there natural state want to be on fire it's fun for them unfortunately the gaurdians of oa don't like that and invaded and mind controlled them so hard it's part of there biology to fear it now somehow
Right. So. On Mars in Young Justice there are four castes.

White Martians are looked down upon. Not really seen as evil, they're more or less just considered 'lesser' beings. Basically the same as being black in the states back in the forties.

Green Martians make up the majority. J'onn, the Martian Manhunter, is one of these. As are M'gann's parents and all but one of her thirty-nine siblings.

Red Martians are the ruling class. In an earlier episode of Young Justice, it was brought up that the Red Priests of Mars are also capable spell casters.

Yellow Martians are an outlier. A sort of side-caste. There are no natural births of Yellow Martians, instead there is a ritual that will convert a Martian of any other color into a Yellow. These are the spiritual leaders for most of Mars. We know that, at the least, they preside over things such as weddings and are noted to be the typical spellcasters.

From what else we know, the Martians can also 'feel' if one of their own is wearing a different shape and may have some level of awareness as to a fellow Martian's true form. This was brought up in the episode in which M'gann is working with her family to prepare for her wedding with Connor.

Whether or not there is any actual difference among the castes, I genuinely do not know. J'onn is considered to be a decently powerful psychic among his people and M'gann is, according to J'onn, far more powerful than he is.

Wasn't there a mention from M'gann about Black Martians as well, as sort of bogey men or something? Psychic nulls? I think it came up back when Alchemist Mind Blanked himself way back when. Or are they just not actually a real thing and just something she heard as a kid?
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Wasn't there a mention from M'gann about Black Martians as well, as sort of bogey men or something? Psychic nulls? I think it came up back when Alchemist Mind Blanked himself way back when.

Marvin the Martian has been used as a gag in YJ Canon but I've treated it as a bogey man character, yes. So far, no Black Martians have actually been present in canon and thus there is no actual information on them that I can provide.

@Mister Ficser can I get a confirmation on this? Because if it's true it totally flew over my head. lol

Yes, this is correct. The corpse that Zeus had left lying at the foot of his throne was Random Succubus J, pulled from the game White Knight Chronicles. Gaia is, so far, chained and sealed away somewhere on Earth.
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Yes, this is correct. The corpse that Zeus had left lying at the foot of his throne was Random Succubus J, pulled from the game White Knight Chronicles. Gaia is, so far, chained and sealed away somewhere on Earth.

Well, completely missed that. Considering the conversation before it, it seemed like it was supposed to be a shard of Gaia that was buried under his throne.
Well, if Al every finds that out, it's just another act to put on the list of "Why the Amazons are absolute mess-ups in context of the world." Girl was literally on their island and they managed to lose her.
Geezus, I wonder if Alec is going to find out? I mean, granted he didn't have much to do with her, but he did send her to stay with the Amazons.

Alec randomly thinks of the succubus: Hey WW, whatever happened to that woman I sent to stay with you?

Amazons instantly look shifty.
So, I totally had to go back to find out exactly how the succubus ended up dead at Zeus' throne:

She is first mentioned at the end of Chapter 80, when Alchemist went to Seru-Kai for Ra-Seru eggs. She spotted him when he appeared, then decided she didn't want to deal with crazies that stripped in public. In chapter 81, she's the only succubus that managed to get a hit on Alchemist when he was doing fly-bys of their island. After being killed by Alchemist and respawning, she was present when Alchemist starting Toading/Petrifying big enemies, which caused her to somehow spontaneously develop voice files. After that, she got pulled out with Alchemist when he left the Instant Quest. In Chapter 82, the succubus meets Diana, and that appears to be last of her until Chapter 131, when Kar'Yashlan is roomed with her, and the Succubus calls `dibs` on Alchemist. It looks like she doesn't appear again until Chapter 152, where she's described as the youngest of the Sisters of Themyscira, and her name is given as Succubus-J, but Diana gives her the name Sophia.

That appears to be it, up until the side mention of a `bloody mess of green hair and twisted flesh` at the end of Chapter 173 which is assumed at the time by the readers to be Gaia. Based on the context, Zeus may have killed Succubus-J/Sophia because she was evidence of Gaia breaking free. Not much to go on otherwise.

So first mentioned in Chapter 80, killed off in Chapter 173. That's a long time for a character that's mentioned in a grand total of 6 chapters.

Edit: And there's a mention by the author that Succubus-J/Sophia was poached by Diana, and Alchemist has no idea what's going on with her.
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