Oh man I love Thanksgiving. A nice thing Al is doing for M'Gann and her giant clan.

I was so mad today. I visited my brother and discovered that he has a 16-17lb turkey in his fridge unthawed from Thanksgiving still in it's packaging. I'm like what the hell? Why is it still in there and why didn't he give it away if he was going to cook it? I would have cooked it. I love turkey. Even if I didn't get to eat any of it I still would have cooked it for him. Jeeze, I don't understand him sometimes. He's my brother and I love him but gah! :jackiechan::facepalm::mob:
Ah, yes, american turkey day...

It's kind of weird to think about stuffing a bird anywhen not really close to xmas.

Thanks for the chapter Ficser!
Do Martians share memories of food? Experiences in general? M'gann whole family could get a bit of a rep boost, if that's is worth anything in Mars
Oh man I love Thanksgiving. A nice thing Al is doing for M'Gann and her giant clan.

I was so mad today. I visited my brother and discovered that he has a 16-17lb turkey in his fridge unthawed from Thanksgiving still in it's packaging. I'm like what the hell? Why is it still in there and why didn't he give it away if he was going to cook it? I would have cooked it. I love turkey. Even if I didn't get to eat any of it I still would have cooked it for him. Jeeze, I don't understand him sometimes. He's my brother and I love him but gah! :jackiechan::facepalm::mob:
If he gives you the turkey, my favorite way of cooking one is to slather with real butter, wrap it in aluminum foil, and toss it breast-down in the oven. If you wrap it well (no leaks), then the breast meat will deep-fry in the butter, and it ends up stupidly tender (practically falling apart) and extremely moist and buttery.

Damn. I didn't get Thanksgiving this year, and now I want some.
"Aww..." Kary cooed at the plants as they failed to penetrate her defenses. "You are just adorable, yes you are..."
She wanted to fight. Not just spar, but properly face some form of opposition, worthy or not, and cut them down for daring to try and challenge her.

Nice reminder that Kary has non-human mentality/drives/outlook, unlike most DC extraterrestrials that think and feel the same as humans.

So many scenes focus on Kary being Alchemist's girlfriend that a reader may forget that she is an elemental who enjoys chaos and violence, she just happens to have more patience and self-control than your average elemental thanks to her metaphysical reincarnations.

Eris: 😈 "FOR CHAOS!!! MWA-HA-HA!!!"
I wonder if Alchemist will summon Odin and Bahamut. Like I'm pretty sure no one would willingly refuse to take a break and have some good food if offered.

Like maybe if they're really busy but doesn't summoning them like pause time in their reality or send a clone or something along those lines?
If he gives you the turkey, my favorite way of cooking one is to slather with real butter, wrap it in aluminum foil, and toss it breast-down in the oven. If you wrap it well (no leaks), then the breast meat will deep-fry in the butter, and it ends up stupidly tender (practically falling apart) and extremely moist and buttery.

Damn. I didn't get Thanksgiving this year, and now I want some.
My favourite way doesn't look very traditional but makes wonderful turkey in like a quarter the time it normally takes.

Spatchcock the bird by removing the spine and breaking the breastbone. Instead of being a round bowling ball it's all spread out and flat. If it's to big to fit on a sheet tray cut off the thighs and put them on a second tray.

With it spread out you can properly season both sides and make sure every inch of skin is facing up to get crispy. If the thighs are on a second tray you can keep them in after you pull the breasts so they can get the extra 15-20 degrees dark meat needs to be perfect.
I wonder if Alchemist will summon Odin and Bahamut. Like I'm pretty sure no one would willingly refuse to take a break and have some good food if offered.

Like maybe if they're really busy but doesn't summoning them like pause time in their reality or send a clone or something along those lines?

Specifically I believe it creates an avatar for them to inhabit. It's his magic making the shell, so it just requires a mote of power and consciousness for them to do so.
Bruh my mom had like 6 turkeys for Thanksgiving

Six turkeys might sound like a lot, but here on Sufficient Velocity?

That's just Pathetic ;)

Specifically I believe it creates an avatar for them to inhabit. It's his magic making the shell, so it just requires a mote of power and consciousness for them to do so.

Spot on, yes. Al's magic gives it shape and form, the summon gives it direction and purpose. His method makes for a more direct connection, similar to Yuna of FF X or Rydia of FF IV as compared to strictly using Materia, however.

Edit: I suppose I should expand on that a bit.

There are multiple styles of summoning, each with their own pros and cons.

Direct summoning would be in line with the Summon Creature line of spells from DnD, wherein an actual creature is plucked from some other place and time and bound to the summoners will. A more extreme example would be the Familiar spell, most especially the one used in Familiar of Zero.

Conjuration is a bit of a mix of summoning methods but can most easily be summarized as creating a short-term body out of appropriate materials for a spirit of some sort to inhabit. This can be a surprisingly efficient method of summoning and hosting an elemental spirit.

Manifestation is the most complex and expensive method, as well as the one Alchemist stumbled upon. For lower levels of skill and power, the summoner would call upon a snapshot of an entity that would go on to mechanically repeat an action before fading away. At higher levels of skill, or if the summoner is willing to dedicate a significant degree of strength and focus, they can manifest an avatar for extended periods of time that would also offer the summoned creature greater actionability.

As power isn't a concern for Alchemist, he can manifest an avatar capable of hosting enough of a summoned creature that it can speak, think, act and even disagree with him. However, it also means he can communicate with the avatar and broker deals with them or offer some slightly more permanent improvements.

Which reminds me of the armor Al gave to Phoenix. And I can't help but think that she would be even more frightening for the Martians than Odin or Bahamut would be.
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Six turkeys might sound like a lot, but here on Sufficient Velocity?

That's just Pathetic ;)

Spot on, yes. Al's magic gives it shape and form, the summon gives it direction and purpose. His method makes for a more direct connection, similar to Yuna of FF X or Rydia of FF IV as compared to strictly using Materia, however.

Edit: I suppose I should expand on that a bit.

There are multiple styles of summoning, each with their own pros and cons.

Direct summoning would be in line with the Summon Creature line of spells from DnD, wherein an actual creature is plucked from some other place and time and bound to the summoners will. A more extreme example would be the Familiar spell, most especially the one used in Familiar of Zero.

Conjuration is a bit of a mix of summoning methods but can most easily be summarized as creating a short-term body out of appropriate materials for a spirit of some sort to inhabit. This can be a surprisingly efficient method of summoning and hosting an elemental spirit.

Manifestation is the most complex and expensive method, as well as the one Alchemist stumbled upon. For lower levels of skill and power, the summoner would call upon a snapshot of an entity that would go on to mechanically repeat an action before fading away. At higher levels of skill, or if the summoner is willing to dedicate a significant degree of strength and focus, they can manifest an avatar for extended periods of time that would also offer the summoned creature greater actionability.

As power isn't a concern for Alchemist, he can manifest an avatar capable of hosting enough of a summoned creature that it can speak, think, act and even disagree with him. However, it also means he can communicate with the avatar and broker deals with them or offer some slightly more permanent improvements.

Which reminds me of the armor Al gave to Phoenix. And I can't help but think that she would be even more frightening for the Martians than Odin or Bahamut would be.
A bird of fire. On Mars. Do you want to give a species PTSD?
Only the racist ones in charge?

Honestly I kinda find the racism that they have strangely interesting. Everyone agrees that red Martians are the best for Vague Reasons TM (probably because they're the closest to the burning Martians in terms of capabilities), but white Martians being below green Martians is up for debate. The red Martians don't need to maintain dominance because the psychic connection everyone has reinforces ideas at a societal level, in the same way that surrounding yourself with people who hold certain beliefs influences humans to adopt the same beliefs but times many times.
Thanks for the update!

I'm a little surprised EVERYONE on the Team is gone from the Mountain. They all got Thanksgiving plans? Aqua Lad too?
I'm surprised M'gann wasn't invited over to the Kent's alongside the Twins. Well, she'll have one hell of a Thanksgiving Dinner to talk about the next day!
Like 40+ Family members, Alchemist's group, plus the various Gods Alchemist is inviting over!

Wonder if any of the Gods will want to explore Mars, or will spread their Worship to the Martians accidently?

Hmm, does the Justice League have a Potluck Thanksgiving happening on their Watchtower too? I can see them all Chowing down on some Turkey w/ Stuffing or something while in their meeting room.
If he gives you the turkey, my favorite way of cooking one is to slather with real butter, wrap it in aluminum foil, and toss it breast-down in the oven. If you wrap it well (no leaks), then the breast meat will deep-fry in the butter, and it ends up stupidly tender (practically falling apart) and extremely moist and buttery.

Damn. I didn't get Thanksgiving this year, and now I want some.

The turkey was no good any longer. What I usually do is either do two things. 1. Follow the Good Eats Turkey recipe by Alton Brown if I have the extra money and time/patience. Or take two sticks of butter and a liberal amount of kosher salt and black pepper and mash them together and push it into pockets beneath the skin of the breasts, thighs and legs. Then I oil the whole bird and season the outside, and the cavity, with a bit more salt and pepper and throw an extra stick inside the cavity. Healthiest? Nah but it sure is damned tasty and juicy.
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So because I can't sleep, I have a question...

What if Al combined a T-Shirt Cannon with a few special items, including the Santa stuff from some games to create a gift launcher, and then went into its Item world?

Actually what would he get from an Item world he made from the gift giving gear from Star Ocean if they were combined, as well as maybe some things like a Treasure Goblins Loot Bag and the Boon of the Hoarder Gem from Diablo 3? Maybe a bag that creates gifts using mana and materials?

Or maybe a Santa's Bag that teleports gifts to good boys and girls during Christmas Eve, as well as things that would protect those who need it from evil? It would definitely anger Ra's if some of his trainee's went missing, especially if they were transported through a magical gate that basically rehabilitates them by giving them a childhood that they never had...

Actually what would happen if Al gave Yuffie for example Pajama's that were infused with the Santa Stuff, the times two enchantment, and the rare item enchantment. As well as run through until they got a rare variant of each part of the set, that they maxed out... Would she get gifts on days when she was a really good girl, once a week if she is good, or would it guarantee her mystical presents during Christmas as long as she is mostly a good girl?
if Al gave Yuffie for example Pajama's that were infused with the Santa Stuff, the times two enchantment, and the rare item enchantment.

Yuffie proclaims that Santa Claus is Earth's greatest ninja, able to travel to every good child in one night without being seen or heard.

Cue Yuffie wearing silly pajamas when she wants to be extra-sneaky. Possible drama preserving handicap if the stealth/speed-boosting pajamas CANNOT be used for sneak attacks because it's powered by "peace on Earth and good will towards men," limiting its usefulness to benign non-violent infiltration and reconnaissance.

Possible "Naruto" shout-out if Robin is annoyed Yuffie can be so stealthy while wearing a brightly colored onesie with little footies.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAkYOkSF3G0
There is a Green Lantern who is completely blind, and his Oath indicates that the sound of the Lantern's Light is an F-Sharp bell!

Whoohoo! Always a pleasure to hear from someone else that's both read that story and remembers it! (It's been a long time since it's publication all the way back in 1987, after all.) :D

Rot Lop Fan, 'Green Lantern' of Sector 911. His oath goes:
"In loudest din or hush profound,
My ears catch evil's slightest sound.
Let those who toll out evil's knell,

Beware my power: the F-Sharp Bell!"

M'gann was so busy reciting her very extended family tree, she quite missed it when Alchemist sighed and said "I'm going to need a bigger kitchen..."


It's nice to see Al being on the receiving end for a change, even in such a mild way. It's also lovely to see him copping it because he automatically took extra effort on top of an unexpected good deed, purely because he doesn't want people to be down if he can help. Just because someone is a trickster at heart, (and after all these chapters, anyone attempting to argue that he isn't has some truly scary selective reading skills) doesn't mean you can't be a fundamentally good person* as well. Al's an excellent exemplar of this, and a fantastic role model for all of the YJ roster, and one that even the members of the senior team could(should) take some notice of the wisdom displayed.

(*) Yes, he is also a complete chaos gremlin too, but the only member of the League that wouldn't admit this is a good thing in at least some ways is Nabu, and well, he's his own haulpak of issues on top of being a terrifying force of nature only somewhat aligned with the JL. Far better beside you than facing off against you, but never a comfortable being to be near for very long.
Six turkeys might sound like a lot, but here on Sufficient Velocity?

That's just Pathetic ;)

Spot on, yes. Al's magic gives it shape and form, the summon gives it direction and purpose. His method makes for a more direct connection, similar to Yuna of FF X or Rydia of FF IV as compared to strictly using Materia, however.

Edit: I suppose I should expand on that a bit.

There are multiple styles of summoning, each with their own pros and cons.

Direct summoning would be in line with the Summon Creature line of spells from DnD, wherein an actual creature is plucked from some other place and time and bound to the summoners will. A more extreme example would be the Familiar spell, most especially the one used in Familiar of Zero.

Conjuration is a bit of a mix of summoning methods but can most easily be summarized as creating a short-term body out of appropriate materials for a spirit of some sort to inhabit. This can be a surprisingly efficient method of summoning and hosting an elemental spirit.

Manifestation is the most complex and expensive method, as well as the one Alchemist stumbled upon. For lower levels of skill and power, the summoner would call upon a snapshot of an entity that would go on to mechanically repeat an action before fading away. At higher levels of skill, or if the summoner is willing to dedicate a significant degree of strength and focus, they can manifest an avatar for extended periods of time that would also offer the summoned creature greater actionability.

As power isn't a concern for Alchemist, he can manifest an avatar capable of hosting enough of a summoned creature that it can speak, think, act and even disagree with him. However, it also means he can communicate with the avatar and broker deals with them or offer some slightly more permanent improvements.

Which reminds me of the armor Al gave to Phoenix. And I can't help but think that she would be even more frightening for the Martians than Odin or Bahamut would be.
A bit of a correction here.
The Monster Summoning line of spells does NOT bring in another creature from elsewhere. It draws on what are effectively 'astral templates' of the beings that are brought in, completely average and replicable 'snapshots' of what the creatures are, complete with average knowledge and stats and stuff. These creatures literally have no existence before and after the spell.
It is possible to Name the spirits if you Summon them multiple times, and so they might retain memory of you from Summons to Summons, but you are not enslaving any living creature with any kind of Summon spell.

The 'Call' line of spells Summons an actual unique being of variable power, with the highest end of it being Gate/Avatar Summon and the like. This is where you are actually Summoning demons and gods, and better count all your fingers and toes when you are done.

The 'Conjure' line of spells also does some of this, although the body created is temporary, NOT part of the actual creature. Conjure Elemental thus does not actually injure the elemental it brings in, and if you conjure a demon and it dies, it just goes back to its home plane and is bound there for a year and a day or something.

Killing a Called being can either kill it entirely or bind it to its home plane for a century or more, but generally you can only Call something if it is willing to come. Many will simply refuse and you have to Conjure instead.
