Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Man, poor China. They're the Middle Kingdom, greatest power of the great powers... then the Huns attack. Then their rule starts breaking down, plunging China into chaos. Shen might reunite China, but he'll do so by blood and iron, not to mention the fact that he was willing to commit genocide based on an inkling of chance of there being a personal threat to him. And finally, there's foreign powers (us, the EITC, and Atlantis, probably) lurking at the edges, ready to inflict a Century of Humiliation. Well, I'd hope we don't go full bore imperialist, but having to accept foreign help to throw off conquerors must be humiliating, especially for a China. Overall, just... oof.
And honestly China is not a ball we want to add to the set we're already juggling anytime soon. We're going to be busy with the Satraps and other closer problems for a good while.
And honestly China is not a ball we want to add to the set we're already juggling anytime soon. We're going to be busy with the Satraps and other closer problems for a good while.
True. My analysis is for mid to long term foreign policy goals; we have a lot on on our plate right now. But still, F in the Chat for China.
If they keep rolling badly we are honestly in a great position to take advantage.

We just need to get the eastern stuff then we are pretty much on their doorstep and if they fall to whatever due to bad rolls we could very easily pick up the pieces.
Do remember that Xinjiang and Tibet are on the Chinese frontier, a fair bit away from the main population centers. (I'm not even if sure if they were a part of the China that Shan Yu conquered; Xinjiang and Tibet weren't really incorporated into China until the Qing.) Xinjiang and Tibet are valuable in their own right, but they're still the frontier.
Okay, I'm back! What have I missed?




...Okay, who performed a pagan ritual to the dice gods and how can I replicate it? Sorry, Pastor Jim....
Insofar as short-term objectives are, I would propose the following priorities:

Martial: Create a well-rounded military force that is able to respond to whatever crisis is brewing. Relevant actions: Cats in the Cradle and Engines of War. (Notice how even on a crit, we couldn't break through the walls until Tai Lung opened the gate.)

Stewardship: Increase our income stream, start producing/selling crossbows (not concerned about people reverse-engineering them, and 3,500/turn is too good to pass up). Revelant actions: Dragon hoard, Agrabah trade agreement, Taking Aim.

Diplomacy: Strengthen ties with Agrabah up to and including marrying Jasmine, get to know our neighbors, absorb the satraps. Relevant actions: Jasmine socials, Diplomatic Embassy in Agrabah, Envoys, turn satraps to protectorates. (I really hope we can get a second action here soon.)

Intrigue: Establish eyes in Agrabah, meet the pirate lords (Sinbad and Nemo), expand our network, figure out what's happening in the South. Relevant actions: Spies in Agrabah, Plotting a Course, Casting Nets, Golden Opportunity.

Learning: Finishing the charts, getting the second action, doubling down on our strengths.

Occult: Potions experimentation, research, maybe expanding the library.

Personals: Find Elizabeth (Will), Healing (Faria), Lowest Common Denominator (Iago).

For Agrabah, I have a feeling that a successful attempt at building the embassy and planting spies will reduce the DC of the trade agreement and might even bring the Sand Witches to light.
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- [][Will Personal] Drop the Hammer
William has only recently set up his smithy but already is producing blades of fine quality. Work on commissions in order to spread his name.
Stewardship DC: 60
I can't believe I just now figured out the benefit to this action. It makes Will famous as a swordsmith - which means that Elizabeth, wherever she is, will hear of him and make her way to Ababwa! headdesk
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I can't believe I just now figured out the benefit to this action. It makes Will famous as a swordsmith - which means that Elizabeth, wherever she is, will hear of him and make her way to Ababwa! headdesk
Okay, I literally laughed out loud when I read this. But yes, this is exactly why that action is there. Of course, it's not just Elizabeth that would know his name...
I thought their roll was sending them to us eventually?
They decided to pair up with Indy, and reconsider their options now that they've had a chance to rest up.
For all the people champing at the bit and howling to the skies about all the new heroes we're going to get; do remember that it is perfectly possible for Agrabah to employ them instead.
For all the people champing at the bit and howling to the skies about all the new heroes we're going to get; do remember that it is perfectly possible for Agrabah to employ them instead.

Well... yeah?

Hence why getting as close to Agrabah as possible is preferred.

If they get them I want them as allies. If we end up merging the kingdoms or something then we would get them directly. If Agrabah doesn't get them, us having stuff active in Agrabah gives us opportunities for Intel on what they're doing or even the ability to influence them in our direction.

All to the good.
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If we end up merging the kingdoms or something then we would get them directly.
I'm fairly certain that even marrying Jasmine won't result in the two kingdoms merging. I'd need to recheck word of QM on the matter but she's the Sultana of Agrabah and that won't change. She'll be an allied hero unit but I don't think Agrabah will be falling under our collective control.
I'm fairly certain that even marrying Jasmine won't result in the two kingdoms merging. I'd need to recheck word of QM on the matter but she's the Sultana of Agrabah and that won't change. She'll be an allied hero unit but I don't think Agrabah will be falling under our collective control.
Agrabah would still be under the Sultan's control, and then Jasmine's. Ababwa would be under Aladdin's control. If they have a child? Well either that kid gets the whole ball of wax, or the firstborn gets Ababwa, and the secondborn gets Agrabah.
gulps I can think of a few people who I'd rather not have know that Will is alive. glances at a certain squid-man...
Luckily it seems out kingdom is well away from Davy Jones himself, at worst we have to deal with his much more manageable minions. And they'll have to beat Will, Tai Lung, assumedly our army, and Probably Aladdin too (and honestly his martial isn't all that bad.)
merging the kingdoms
Check the map, for that to be possible at all some land would have to be conquered. And would probably mean someone, or possibly both of us, would lose our capital and instead gain a very powerful city that was once the center of the nation. Needless to say, that could be very problematic.
My own focus is on building upon our aspect as the gold-hearted thief, rather than a mere shah. We better our kingdom because our kingdom is filled with people, souls here because of our wish, but the game of thrones is not our heart's calling: We are a thief for the joy of the act, the thrill of being one step ahead, and feel no shame for it.

My goal, the thing I want most, is to craft the finest possible long distance expeditionary force we can. Not for war (though something like this would be a nightmare for any power that relies on traditional military force to deal with its problems) but for adventuring, for stealing fire from the gods again and again, bringing home wonders and scattering gold by the fistful upon our streets just to see the eyes of those under our mantle. That is my dream.
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Working With Animals (Canon)
Working With Animals.


There was some talk among the workers of the Menagerie about how the Frosting would take the continued presence of the Hunter's Guild. They seemed so antithetical to the beast master, seeking out animals and monsters in order to simply slay them and take them apart for mere trophies.

However, if one asked James R. Kreemy himself, they would learn that his attitude towards the huntsmen was closer to indifferent bordering on positive. Sure, he enjoyed the challenge of taking his quarry alive, but he wasn't above killing a dangerous beast, even using its parts for crafts or what have you. Of course James wasn't really the type to keep trophies when he was done, keeping souvenirs always seemed like such a waste to him, all he really needed was the memories...

So, when Muntz, Lady Waltham, and little Alice stopped by, his friendly smile wasn't feigned in the slightest, though he did act more boisterous then usual, if only to try and keep them from noticing how tense the workers and stable hands seemed to be.

He greatly enjoyed showing off for them, taking them to see the sirrush (it was good to get it used to seeing strangers) the rhinos, and, of course, the camels and horses. All the while, he wove tales of some of the beasts he faced.

"... Of course, that trick only works if the beast has just two heads. Trying it with one that's got three or more, and you're just asking to get bit by the one in the middle even as the other two struggle."

"Truely?" Alice was completely enraptured, and Muntz himself was interested, if only for the useful information he had.

"Yep. Figured that out the hard way." Frosting patted his left shoulder and showed of a scar that had some slight burns to it, "Though an interesting fact, sometimes the different heads can do different things, but it also means that it can only do one, so I got lucky that the venomous head was distracted."

"Oh my!"

Frosting noticed the looks Muntz and Waltham were giving him, and motioned to one of the stable hands, "Well, Alice, since you'll be here a while, how'd you like to try riding one of the horses. They're well trained, I guarantee it."

"Can I?" Alice looked to the Lady, who gave a cautious nod, and was led away by the stable hand.

Once the innocent ears were out of range, Frosting gave the two adults a side glance, "Something you want to say?"

Muntz adjusted the grip of his cane, "I was just wondering, what was the most dangerous thing you ever hunted was?"

James R. Kreemy smiled, and if they noticed something dark in his being, well, that was surely just a trick of the light, "It's hard to say, I was always after the most dangerous thing I could find."

Muntz and Lady Waltham tensed, before Muntz spoke, "And you preferred to capture rather then kill?"

James nodded, "Made things so much more interesting, but of course, I wasn't nearly as skilled at keeping things alive back then." He let the tension rise a bit before continuing, "But I've dropped certain... bad habits... that I had back home, started over here in Ababwa, land of second chances and all that."

"Is that so?" Lady Waltham asked coldly.

"Indeed, otherwise the prince's man wouldn't have let me in. Besides, I've always preferred working with animals."