Seems oddly detailed for a background character. Any guesses as to which Disney character this could be? Nothing comes to mind at the moment, and I highly doubt this is a depowered Thor using Mjolnir.
I think personally the only action I know I want us to try and work on is to try and get Aladdin saddled on the Sirrush before in becomes fully grown. There's benefits to rearing them early for the kinda work that goes into a mount and it means we don't let one of the coolest things we've grabbed just sit around in the menagerie.
1. He killed Po, took the Dragon Scroll... and realized that the scroll itself was blank and that he killed his surrogate father, Po, countless guards, and possibly members of the Furious Five if they decided to try and help fight him... for nothing. He wasted so many years, ended so many lives, bought about so much destruction, and he didn't even know the true lesson the scroll was trying to impart upon him.
2. Tai Lung... actually gave up when Po told him about the "No secret ingredient" stuff, maybe even having a sort of mental breakdown. After that, Tai Lung may have either willingly went back to prison before breaking out again for whatever reason (invaded by the Huns, it got destroyed when it was transported into this world, etc), or Po may have convinced Shifu to give Tai Lung another chance, or Shifu may have decided to forgive Tai Lung without anyone suggesting anything to him. For the latter option, he could have done something that ended up with, Po, one of the Five, or Shifu dying (like letting them get shot by one of Shen's cannons).
3. Similar to option one, but Tai Lung may have decided to settle down, possibly deciding to train his nephew, Peng (and maybe Peng's girlfriend, Lian, as well) in the ways of Kung Fu. He could have also met the Wu Sisters and married one of them, as he did hire them in one of the video games. Then either Kai or Shen showed up and ended up fighting them all (Shen would want to destroy all martial artists that could threaten his reign, while Kai would want to capture Tai Lung and the Wu sisters as they're all famous martial artists, with the Wu Sisters nearly conquering China and, in this timeline, Tai Lung being able to beat Shifu and Po).
There's a lot more possible ways, but these are just the ones I came up with on short notice.
Yet another analysis post...
Depending on the results of the Rival Report, I'd like to tentatively suggest the following schedule for Learning actions:
Turn 7: When You Wish Upon A Star (Will) - I don't want to waste the 4000 gold, and the benefits should be of great use to us.
Turn 8: So Much Paperwork (Faria) - Two actions, here we come!
Turn 9 (assuming a success on 8): A Green Thumb (Tai Lung) and The Heart-Shaped Herb (Leah) - Tai almost guarantees a crit, and Leah will be helpful with the herb.
Turn 10: Renewal and Rejuvenation (Leah) and Getting A Leg Up (Faria or Will - having a Blacksmith might help with making prosthetics). Leah and magical plants=Win, Getting a Leg Up might help with Chiron and other amputees.
Von Lettow: Study what happened to Germany. Learning check, DC 50/100: 1d100+20: 83! He learns about the Mirror Kingdom and how Imperial Germany has been replaced by a patchwork of kingdoms ruled by petty tyrants. Queen Grimhilde rules. Places of note: Corona, Weselton, the Southern Isles.
Henry Jones: Find out what happened to America. 1d100+20+10+20: 228! Double crit! Tiana and Naveem tell him about Facilier in the South, Ratcliffe and the Virginia Colony in Eastern USA, Santa Anna in Mexico. Jones realizes it's a patchwork of historical territories and kingdoms. Diamond in the Rough activates! Indy gains +2 Learning!
Remy Baudouin: Find out what happened to Belgium. DC 60/120: 1d100+10: 81! Belgium has been conquered by the forces of Pope Immortalus.
Do they want to stick together? Diplomacy DC 50:
Von Lettow: 1d100+25: 69!
Indy: 1d100+12+10: 31!
Remy: 1d100+10: 11!
Von Lettow wants the three to stay together, but Indy and Remy are ready to move on and find their own way.
Von Lettow: 1=Stay in Maldonia (will join the military). 2=Remain captain of the Spirit of Africa. 3=Travel east. 1d3: 2! He will stay the captain of the ship! 1=Maldonian Navy. 2=Sinbad's fleet. 3=Go independent. 1d3: 1! Von Lettow brings his ship into the Maldonian Navy! The Royal Family gladly accepts his offer.
Indy: 1=Stay in Maldonia. 2=Travel with Sinbad. 3=Travel east. 1d3: 3! He will travel east! 1=Egypt. 2=Agrabah. 3=Ababwa. 1d3: 2! He'll go to Agrabah!
Remy: 1=Join the Legion. 2=Find a job in Maldonia. 3=Ask to work with Sinbad. 1d3: 2! Remy decides to get a job in Maldonia. 1=Try and start his own restaurant. 2=Work for the Royal Family. 3=Work for Renard Dumont. 1d3: 3! Remy asks Dumont for a job!
Does Dumont hire him? DC 25, 1d100+18+10: 51!
He parts on bad terms with Indy and Von Lettow, but the other two recognize that it's mostly homesickness and heartbreak talking on Remy's part and don't take it to heart.
Hub McCann: 1=Stay in Maldonia. 2=Travel East. 3=Travel with Sinbad for a time. 1d3: 2! He'll travel east! By land or sea? 1d2: 1! By land! Hub and Garth take their leave of the Legion, and plan to travel East to see Egypt, Agrabah, and Ababwa.
Garth McCann: Will stick with his brother, and let him set the itinerary.
Albert Narracott: 1=Stay with the Legion. 2=Stay with Renard. 3=Ask for a job with the rulers of Maldonia. 1d3: 2! He goes with Renard to start his own business with him.
Staquait, Hugo, Hooft, and Renard all stay. Staquait joins the Maldonian military as the commander of those Legionnaires who opt to stay, while Hooft and Hugo go work for Renard (while staying auxiliary members of the Legion).
Renard Dumont starts a business in Maldonia. His employees: Remy Baudouin, Hugo, Hooft, and Albert Narracott.
Does Indy decide to travel with Garth and Hub? 1=no, 2 and 3=yes. 1d3: 3! Yes! The three decide to travel together.
"Have I ever told you, I'm sorry we ever met?"
Henry Jones, Jr. glanced over from where he was sitting on his bunk. "Only every week."
Remy Baudouin glared. "Well, this time I mean it!"
Henry sniffed the air. "Remy, are you drunk?"
"No!" A pause. "Well, a little. But it doesn't mean I'm wrong!" He pointed an accusing finger at Henry. "If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't have gotten on the wrong train. If we hadn't gotten on the wrong train, we wouldn't have fallen in with your friend Selous. And if we hadn't met Selous, we wouldn't have been dragged into blowing up that train and kidnapping the general! And if we hadn't kidnapped him, I would never have been in that godforsaken balloon when the world went to hell!" He paused to catch his breath.
"Are you done yet?"
Remy whipped around at the sound of Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's voice. "YOU!" He wobbled slightly. "You! This is all your fault! If we hadn't gone after you, I might still be with my dear Suzette!"
Von Lettow sighed, sitting on a chair to pull off his boots. "This again, Baudouin? I thought we settled this back in Mozambique. I seem to recall you bending my ear for a good week with your bellyaching."
That was the wrong thing to say. Remy seemed torn between bursting into tears and throttling the German; he settled for making a pair of fists as his face turned red. "How dare you mock my pain! Because of you two, I've lost everything! My wife, my country, my dignity!"
"Show some dignity, then, and comport yourself like a soldier!" Von Lettow snapped. "Nobody - and I mean nobody - could have anticipated a disaster like the one that happened. A man doesn't choose the hand he's played, Baudouin, only how he plays it."
"Well then, I'm done playing this game! I quit!"
"Wait, what?" Henry sat up from where he had been lying down on his cot aboard The Spirit of Africa. "You can't just quit! We've been together for years, you want to just leave?"
"Can, will, and did." Remy's expression was obstinate, his eyes flashing behind his spectacles. Henry opened his mouth to reply, but Von Lettow raised a hand to quiet him. He studied Remy intently.
"You've been planning this for a while now, haven't you." It was not a question.
"Yes. Ever since we arrived at Maldonia and visited the library." Remy collapsed heavily onto his chair. His eyes shone with unshed tears. "Ever since I learned what happened to my beloved Belgium. Indy, I can't go home! Ever! Even if Suzette made the transition, she's certainly dead by now. I'm tired of traveling, Indy. I need to make a new home, and I won't find that on the road with you two."
Von Lettow shrugged. "For whatever it's worth, I'm staying here too. Maldonia seems as good a place as any to make a stand for civilization and sanity, and better than most."
"Oh." Henry was silent for a moment. "Is now a bad time to tell you that I was talking to the McCann brothers about going to visit the East?"
Silence reigned as the three men took in the revelations. "I suppose it shouldn't surprise me too much," Von Lettow said quietly. "You've the heart of a wanderer, Henry; something tells me you'll never be content to stay in one place for too long."
"I can't go with you, Indy," Remy said sadly. "My heart is sick and tired; I can't run any more. I've spoken with Dumont, the Frenchman, and he's offered me a job with his new business. Narracott and Hope and Crosby too, we're all going into business together. Between our skills, we think we have a lot to offer."
"All I have are my martial skills," Von Lettow said. "That and a ship. I've accepted a position as a senior officer in their navy."
Henry chuckled. "The General becoming an Admiral? The Deutsches Heer would be ashamed of their best general joining the Kaiserliche Marine."
"Well, they aren't here now, are they?" replied the general with uncharacteristic heat. He paused and took a breath. "Apologies, my friend. This time has been difficult for us all."
Remy scoffed. "For what little good that does us." He hefted his bag, which Henry could see had been packed. "Good luck. I'll see you around, I guess." Turning his back on them, Remy left their room; he could hear the heavy man's steps on the deck of the ship as he walked to the quay.
"And then there were two," Von Lettow murmured. "When do you plan to leave Maldonia?"
Henry sighed. "If our preparations go well? Probably a week. I talked with Garth and Hub earlier today; they resigned from the Legion with the Colonel's blessing and were planning on heading East to check out the new lands there. Egypt, of course, and...Agrabah, was it? And Ababy?"
"Ababwa," Von Lettow chuckled. "Your Arabic will get a good workout there." He grew more serious. "Henry, when we met we were enemies. But since being stranded together, I've seen you grow into a fine young man. I'd be proud to call you my son."
Henry could feel his voice tighten. "For whatever it's worth, you've done a better job of it than my actual father. I'm not sure we'd even be alive now if it weren't for you getting us out of the desert and stealing that ship."
"Pah, don't worry yourself with the credit. We all worked together to survive. Even your friend Remy."
"Even still?" Henry muttered to himself.
Von Lettow heard him. "Even now. I suspect most of that was the drink and heartbreak talking. I'll keep an eye on him, worry yourself not. As for you, how will you travel? Presumably not with the pirate?"
"Heh, no, the McCanns and I were thinking about going by foot. Maybe buy a few horses from Albert's herd."
"That would be for the best," Von Lettow said. "Take care of yourself, Indiana Jones."
Henry's brows raised. "I thought you said it was a stupid name and you would never lower yourself to say it."
"Eh. People change. You certainly have." He leaned back onto his cot and shut his eyes. "Best get some sleep, Indiana. You've got a lot of work ahead of yourself."
"Where's the Belgian?" Hub asked as Indy walked up to him and Garth, whip on belt and bag on his back.
"He decided to go into business with Dumont and Narracott," Indy said shortly, not wanting to go into the details of the parting of ways.
"Speak of the devil!" Garth said gaily. "That's where we're heading next! Do you think Al will give us a discount?"
"Knowing you, he'll charge you extra," Hub jested. "I've got eyes on that new gelding of his…"
As he walked towards the stable with his new friends, Indy felt the tension in his shoulders relax. Maybe the General was right, he thought. Maybe he really was born for this. He was glad to have found kindred spirits in the McCann brothers.
I wonder what we'll find in Egypt? He mused. Meh, probably pretty boring there.
So, this is my musings on mid to far future expansion options, once we've got Iran unified- and possibly before then.
Northeast Direction: Central Asia, the Far East, and Siberia
We've already started on this path, a little bit. Our relations with Xiang-Wu, securing the northern satraps, relying heavily on our connection to the Silk Road, etc. China's currently in a warlord period yet again thanks to Shan Yu, and that opens up opportunists for us. Not to mention the possibilities delivered by Tai Lung, whether it's local connections or character development. And beyond that, Siberia has a vast bounty of natural resources, though it's protected by the Aurora. Continue developing our relationship with Xiang Wu, and fund a rebellion in Hunnic lands, stuff like that. The Far East is a very rich land, in culture and actual wealth.
Southeast Direction: India, South East Asia, and Australia
Once, India was a rich and cultured land- a natural target for developing trade relations. Of course, now Shere Khan's running wild. Bad news is, if we want to get anything of value form this direction, we'll have to make our own opportunities. Good news is, we'll probably be seen as liberators by the locals, human or otherwise. At least until we get the Ababwan Raj set up. Baghera's rebellion is near our border, and we have good relations with the EGHC, who have experience dealing with beasts. It'd be a bitch and a half getting those two to cooperate, though, especially given the EGHC's... tendencies. Beyond the India Subcontinent, there's Burma (a similar situation as with India Proper, though without the active rebellion for us to support), a few Hunnic satellite states (likely desperate given the overall state of the Hunnic Empire, and therefore open to influence) and the EITC's holdings in Indonesia and Australia. And the Philippines, which may or may not have dragons. My first though is that EITC's coffers are dwindling and they'll likely try to exploit us. Funding native rebellions might work, though.
Southwest Direction: Arabia, Egypt, and the Horn of Africa
Like with the Northeast direction, we've already started a little on this. Arabia- Agrabah in particular- is practically a necessity in our foreign policy. Continue to cultivate them as an ally. There's also the south Iranian coast between us; gotta figure out what's going on there. Also a necessity, particularly in the path of Iranian unification. Beyond that, we've got Egypt and East Africa. I'm not too familiar with what's going on in Egypt, but once we're teched up and gottem in our sphere of influence, we could try building a Suez Canal. That'd be a minor coup with how much trade we could control that way. Meanwhile, the Horn of Africa is currently host to pirates. Not only would clearing them out (and vassaling the Horn in the processes, maybe) improve trade a fair bit, it might provide development for Will. After that, continue working our way down East Africa, to bring trade along there under our control. With Te Ka rampaging all over the Pacific, the Indian Ocean is going to be a major trade artery, one we practically sit on. EITC ain't got nothing on us. (There's also the matter of the Heart-Shaped Herb. I'm unsure if the herb Chiron's talking about is the same one used in Black Panther, but if it is, well. Wakanda would be right there, a little past Ethiopia. That means Vibranium, and another possible ally.)
(Why I'm not considering) West Direction: Mesopotamia, the Levant, Anatolia, and Greece
Yeah, there's stuff here. We'll likely have to incorporate Mesopotamia anyway, considering it's between us and Agrabah, though I don't fancy reawakening Gilgamesh. Baghdad House of Knowledge is attractive, though. But, I don't see much value in Anatolia or the Holy Land. The latter's just going to make us an enemy of Frollo anyway, and I'd rather put that off for as long as possible. The real problem here, though, is Greece. Lot's of fancy stuff, restive population... and a whole bunch of active and angry Titans. Not to mention Chernabog's core territory is right there. Hades might be persuaded to let us pass through, but I do not want to stay there.
Northwest Direction: The Caucasus, Russia, and the Gateway to Europe
By far the most dangerous direction for foreign policy initiatives. But potentially very rewarding. Grigori Rasputin (that undying love machine) is currently ruling over the rump Russian Empire. Therefore, going by the timelines, there's industry lying there. And a population with revolution, albeit one strangled in it's crib, in recent memory. The communists, despite our ideological differences, would make natural allies against Rasputin and Chernabog. No one likes living under demons and monsters, and Lenin and his ilk have been known to make alliances of convenience. Funding a second Red October would bring us a powerful ally, one potentially willing to share their higher level tech. Chernabog's sphere of influence would also be reduced, which is objectively a good thing. Would invite reprisal from the Big C, though. Indepndent of hat, there's also getting access to Europe. We could secure the southern Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia), which in addition to being a natural barrier against Chernabog, also provide a route- though a treacharous one- to the Black Sea. Hades might be convinced to allow us past the Dardanelles, and then the Mediterranean is open. Another option is, after liberating Russia, doing the same thing with the Dark Kingdom of the Baltics. Taking another crack at Chernabog after Russia isn't necessarily the best idea, and I don't think the locals there would be as willing to rise up. Not to mention the Baltic Sea is frozen over (thanks elsa), limiting maritime trade options. But just past the Dark Kingdom is Corona, which I believe is the most sane of the Mirror Kingdoms. And beyond Corona, the rest of Europe. Pope Frollo's gonna be an enemy of an enemy at best, but the lands he rules over might be amenable to working with us under the table, or even inspired to rise up in rebellion. Meanwhile, Britain might hold more secrets of the Druidic Arts for Leah to uncover.
Beyond: The Americas
This isn't a short or even medium term environment for us to play in. We'll have to work our way either around Africa or through the Mediterranean to get here, what with the Pacific being blocked off by Te Ka. Once we get here, though, Atlantis, Virginia, and Mexico are probably desperate for trading partners, though the first is just as likely to get it's imperialism on. They do style themselves an American successor state, and we do have oil reserves. The EGHC makes their headquarters in South America, we're already kinda friends with them. The Brethren Court is active in the Caribbean, which means opportunities for Will. The Wild West, Incan Empire, El Dorado, and the Shadowlands are all rather isolationist I believe, unlikely to open up unless cracked open. (Though on second thought, the Shadowlands might be willing to conduct some trade.) Overall, though, this is late game stuff., for once we're actually a global power.
My Analysis: Priorities
Priority goes Southwest -> Northeast -> Northwest -> Southeast. India is just too underdeveloped; high risk, low reward. SEA is wealthy, yeah, but so's China, and there isn't an entire India in the way with China. Before that, though, we need need need to secure the South Iranian Coast and Arabia. Access to the ocean and unifying Iran for the former, and an ally/possible personal union partner in the latter. If we're to become a great power, we need all of Iran and Arabia. After that, we can alternate between going further South into Africa, working North and East into China, and internal development (building bureaucracy, deciding whether we want the hassle of being caliph, etc). Only go into Russia once we've got a bit of a powerbase built up. It's pretty damn risky: even if Russia proper isn't a part of Chernabog's core lands, Rasputin still nominally pays loyalty to the archdemon. The chance of liberating even a semi-industrialized Russia is too much pass up though. Not to mention, I want to put Aladdin and the Old Bolsheviks in the same room, just to see what happens.
My Analysis: Rivals
Our big Rivals once we hit Great Power status (IE, gotten Iran unified and Arabia in personal union, and the whole thing stabilized) are likely going to be Chernabog, the Hunnic Empire, Ursula, Atlantis, Frollo, and the EITC. Chernabog is Chernabog. Even if we don't tear away his vassals, he'll still go after us sooner or latter. This whole situation we're in is because the archdemon took a crack at world conquest, and he doesn't seem likely to stop. Part of the endgame is probably going to marshaling our allies, and going on crusade/jihad against the Big C. The Hunnic Empire is a target. Currently in chaos, ruling over very rich lands, we already have interests there; a perfect storm. Outright conquering/liberating China proper is a daunting prospect, but one at the very least we can carve off some allies/vassals and force some trade agreements, all while fermenting rebellion. Ursula is an obstacle. We'll have to break her control of the seas if we want to become a true great power. We'll have lots of people who also want her gone, though. Do some alliance building for this. Atlantis, Frollo, and the EITC, meanwhile, are traditional Great Power Rivals. Of these, Atlantis is the most dangerous. The EITC is a pathwork colonial regime without the metropole to support it. They'll want to control trade around the Indian Ocean, and they have a bit of a tech advantage, but not much. Frollo's regime (and therefore Spain, France, and most of Italy) is basically medieval, a fraught coalition of countries that traditionally hate each other, has it's own problems with Iberia, Hades, and Maleficent, and doesn't have the favor of the God it glorifies (or at least I hope so). However, Frollo himself is a hyper-religious nutjob. We're a Muslim state that seeks the flex it's might. We'll probably have to fend off a crusade or five. Atlantis, though? Atlantis proper may on the opposite side of the planet from us, but Atlantis is an industrialized state. Atlantis has some pretty absurd power projection. Atlantis has a massive tech advantage. Atlantis considers itself a successor of the USA, the early twentieth century, budding superpower, imperialist USA. Atlantis is dangerous. Yeah, they might be an ally at first in taking down Ursula, and a trade partner. But they'll want China, Africa, and the EITC's holdings for themselves, and actually have a shot at holding on to all that. They'll want our oil, if/when we get the infrastructure set up for that. They'll want to be the global hegemon, and should our course on the path of great power-ness hold, will see us as a rival. I half expect Virginia, Maldonia, and others are in Atlantis' sphere of influence already. If Chernabog's the big world ending threat, then Atlantis is human, rival empire threat.
In summary: Arabia and Iran are our main priorities right now, followed by China and East Africa. Russia holds both great danger and great opportunity. And keep an eye on the seas.
It went as well as it could have. Will probably have a very low diplomacy DC to officially take over or maybe because of the crit that's already happened. Got a incredibly surprising and welcome hero unit.
Sets up the guild as regular visitors with trade opportunities. Considering our shared interests, that's very nice even if we don't use them. Just having the option to contact them if a monster shows up is worth it. Probably continuing plot threads with Gaston, Alice, and the guild proper.
Another surprising hero. Didn't expect a old life time political prisoner that died in their own story to show up in a eastern kingdom out of nowhere but I will most assuredly take him! His student mechanic looks very promising and will probably see a lot of use as our hero numbers increase.
Not sure what we can do with Xiang-Wu but a outright alliance or merger might be on the table. Not sure. Probably depends on our relative sizes and locations and such. Regardless, they love us and that can only be good.
Guild rep. Also good.
Lots of loot for stewardship, learning, and occult it looks like. Very very nice.
I love Haroud. He was just a side character in the TV show but now he has a chance to thrive and I adore it.
Utterly professional and pragmatic. Finally with the resources to match his ability. Enjoying being able to play mastermind and strategist but still aware enough to keep on his toes. Fantastic.
That being said, a very interesting outcome. Aladdins dad made contact. That's interesting for personal, plot, and professional reasons. Very good.
And more importantly, some small time thief is now famous enough to have a cool title and renown in the underworld. That's wonderful.
It sucks that we missed it but a bare failure is better than nothing. With as great as everything else went it seems incredibly petty to be even annoyed at this.
Another great hero unit. I think it's kinda funny that her stats are on par with Aladdins. Not sure if that means she's a great hero or if Aladdin is somewhat low as a king. Probably both.
Regardless, excellent hero. And finding the fairy from black cauldron is very interesting. Being a fey friend means she might be a go to for various things in the future. Quite exciting.
Nothing earth shattering which is a shame but oh well.
Still, everything went well. Many loyalty increases of varying degrees and some Intel on pirates. Nothing but good there.
Lost 2000 overall for the turn with more upkeep incoming from the invasion. Nothing major but we need to keep getting more income streams. Upkeep is probably only going to go up.
Overall probably the best turn we've had so far. We've had other big crits like the one that got us Will and the salt lake but we really hit the jackpot this turn.
Wow, that's a hell of an analysis. One thing that you'll want to keep in mind is that all of the other groups nearby have been needing to do their own rolls, and things are changing from canon for them as well. When the Rival Report comes out, you'll see what I mean.
But that aside, that's an incredible breakdown, and I'm honestly rather humbled that you felt my quest was worthy of that kind of effort.
(There's also the matter of the Heart-Shaped Herb. I'm unsure if the herb Chiron's talking about is the same one used in Black Panther, but if it is, well. Wakanda would be right there, a little past Ethiopia. That means Vibranium, and another possible ally.)
Nope, Siliphium, whose leaves supposedly inspired the modern depiction of a heart. Marvel is too big a universe to attach to this, even for Classic. We'd have Inhumans running around everywhere, as well as Asgardians and Kree mucking about. I just chose that as a not-so-subtle reference to Wakanda.
I love Haroud. He was just a side character in the TV show but now he has a chance to thrive and I adore it.
Utterly professional and pragmatic. Finally with the resources to match his ability. Enjoying being able to play mastermind and strategist but still aware enough to keep on his toes. Fantastic.
I loved his character too. The perfect straight man, and without Abis Mal as his albatross, he's really getting to hone his skills and sharpen his wits even further. He's actually being challenged here. And he's thriving thanks to it.
Another great hero unit. I think it's kinda funny that her stats are on par with Aladdins. Not sure if that means she's a great hero or if Aladdin is somewhat low as a king. Probably both.
Pretty much both. Since it's an open secret who she is, she was being trained as her father's heir and was always very interested in actually being involved in the running of the kingdom.
As for Tai Lung, he'll be of less help in China then some people are suggesting. Remember that he has history in the KfP-China, bad history. Meanwhile he is unfamiliar with the Shan Yu's China. Speaking of the two Chinas, it's possible that Lord Shen (the peacock) is in play even if we haven't heard about him. Though I highly doubt that Shen will team up with Shan Yu. After all, China is his to conquer, nobody else's.
I deeply enjoy our spymaster the most here as well it's clear he's being challenged in his job and enjoying over coming said challenges. And with our Dad breaking in to have a word with him will push him to improve his own personal ability and improve the skill and security of his spy's and network. Where as others would be demoralized by it him it will only push him to do better.
And with our Dad breaking in to have a word with him will push him to improve his own personal ability and improve the skill and security of his spy's and network.
Though we have to remember that the 40 thieves aren't Robin Hood figures. Sa'luk is a prime example and I doubt he's the only one.
More importantly it was indicated in the movie that Sa'luk had been looking for a way to overthrow Cassim ever since the man implemented the 'don't hurt the innocent' rule.
End result, the 40 thieves aren't something we want to rely on long term. They can be usefull but will likely only remain so as long as Cassim stays in charge.
As for Tai Lung, he'll be of less help in China then some people are suggesting. Remember that he has history in the KfP-China, bad history. Meanwhile he is unfamiliar with the Shan Yu's China. Speaking of the two Chinas, it's possible that Lord Shen (the peacock) is in play even if we haven't heard about him. Though I highly doubt that Shen will team up with Shan Yu. After all, China is his to conquer, nobody else's.
If things continue to go badly for Shan Yu, Shen may decide to strike and present himself not just as a Conqueror, but as the Great Liberator of China from the Huns grasp.
Though we have to remember that the 40 thieves aren't Robin Hood figures. Sa'luk is a prime example and I doubt he's the only one.
More importantly it was indicated in the movie that Sa'luk had been looking for a way to overthrow Cassim ever since the man implemented the 'don't hurt the innocent' rule.
End result, the 40 thieves aren't something we want to rely on.
Oh trust me I know they can't be trusted as you said there no Robin Hood here, that's why I said early to improve our security and expand our spy network since I don't trust them at all.
If things continue to go badly for Shan Yu, Shen may decide to strike and present himself not just as a Conqueror, but as the Great Liberator of China from the Huns grasp.
Man, poor China. They're the Middle Kingdom, greatest power of the great powers... then the Huns attack. Then their rule starts breaking down, plunging China into chaos. Shen might reunite China, but he'll do so by blood and iron, not to mention the fact that he was willing to commit genocide based on an inkling of chance of there being a personal threat to him. And finally, there's foreign powers (us, the EITC, and Atlantis, probably) lurking at the edges, ready to inflict a Century of Humiliation. Well, I'd hope we don't go full bore imperialist, but having to accept foreign help to throw off conquerors must be humiliating, especially for a China. Overall, just... oof.
Wasn't it made pretty obvious in the movies that Shen was legitimately mentally unstable? I don't exactly think a mentally unstable albino peacock would do much better holding China together than Shan Yu is.
Probably doesn't help that I think that Shen was on the path to just eliminate the mystical things that stood in his way.