Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

I'm mostly okay with that plan, but next turn we really need to get our heros together and learn a common language. Arabic, English, whatever, just so long as they all know it. Hoping for a bonus there.
I'm mostly okay with that plan, but next turn we really need to get our heros together and learn a common language. Arabic, English, whatever, just so long as they all know it. Hoping for a bonus there.
That was my plan; waiting a turn so that we can throw a hero unit who focuses on teaching langauges (I.E., Indiana Jones) at all of them at once. :D Also there's a chance that one or both of the McCanns will need training too.
[X] Plan: Many Hands Make Light Work
- [X][Martial]Two for the Price Of... Two
The McCann brothers have made their skills very self-evident after they participated in the defense of Xiang-Wu and even contributed by helping coordinate with some of the local forces. Having them on-site as personnel to throw at problems seems like it'd be worth the investment.
DC: 60 (18+11+15=+44)
Cost: 1000 Gold, 250 Gold upkeep per turn after that. Man's gotta eat afterall...
Hero: Helga
- [X][Stewardship] More Hands on the Wheels
Sinbad needs to start delegating soon; the massive amount of land that Ababwa has accumulated so quickly means that there are hundreds of different potential ways to make more money for the kingdom, but he's unable to stop and pursue them thanks to having to focus on other issues.
DC: 100 (11+15+15+15=+56)
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after
Hero: Selous
- [X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
Agrabah is a meeting point for many of the trade routes on the African continent; and as such not only does it receive a panoply of trade goods, it also collects information from the rest of Africa. Having a diplomatic office there means that not only will that information reach Ababwa faster, but your diplomats will be able to jump on opportunities as they arrive.
DC: 25
Cost: 500 Gold
- [X][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
Friends help friends, but sometimes a friend needs more help than you can give them as a friend. But if they joined you as a vassal they'd probably be able to get the help they needed. Attempts to convince the leadership of a friendly satrap to join as a protectorate under Ababwa's banner. Sets up a trade office, a diplomatic outpost, inserts spies and scouts the place for any resources that they may not have realized. Gains variable income, resources and possibly Hero characters.
-- [X] Eastern Satraps
DC: 80 (19+25+11=+55)
Cost: 4000 Gold
Hero: Tai Lung
- [X][Intrigue] Plotting a Course
This talk of pirates is intriguing. Have Haroud send out his men to investigate the rumors of these corsairs and see how much is truth and how much is grog-induced fiction. Chance to make contact with one of the pirate crews.
DC: 65 (18+20=+38)
Cost: 2000 Gold
- [X][Intrigue] Anchors Aweigh!
The Pirate Lords aren't the only forces on the seas. With the EITC now knocking at Ababwa's doors, it's probably time to begin infiltrating their ranks; one way or another, to find out for sure what their goals are, their practices, and if they're someone worth working with.
DC: 55 (18+20=+38)
Cost: 1000 Gold, 250 Upkeep per turn
- [X][Learning] Feathering the Nest
With the identification of the egg's species, a proper home for it needs to be prepared before it hatches. Something emulating the deep forests that can still be held within the confines of the Menagerie. Increase Gold income by 500 due to interest in the new exhibit. Increase Gold income by +2000 when the egg hatches and the dragonet is homed in the enclosure.
DC: 60 (13+30=+43)
Cost: 5000 Gold
- [X][Learning] Big Shoes to Fill
The student Indiana Jones is open to some side-work to help his credits in the university, as well as assist the professors in their own studies. From what all has been heard about him, he'll make an excellent addition to the roster of personnel for Ababwa.
DC: 50 (13+30=+43)
Cost: 0
- [X][Occult] Shaped with Love
Commission Leah to shape a bed out of wood that can be expanded as the baby grows. And to do whatever she can to imbue it with protections both against the physical, and the spiritual. Send this as part of the gift for the Princess' birth, or in lieu of the spices and medicines that had been suggested as a gift.
--[X] Combine with "Fit for a Prince(ss)
DC: 75 (14+30+21+10=+75)
Cost: 1000 Gold
Hero: Leah
- [X][Personal] Catch The Thieves!
These kids that are running amok Haroud has told Aladdin about sound like they're pretty skilled. And like they could get into a whole lot of trouble if they cross the wrong person. You, Ahmed and Haroud can try and pin them down and see about offering them a job or at least an apprenticeship of sorts.
Intrigue: DC 60 (+28)
- [X][Personal] A Personal Visit
Aladdin has decided to present the gift for the birth of the new Princess of Maldonia personally as a way to show respect and apologies for the lateness of the gift. It'll also let him get a personal measure on the rulers of Maldonia, as well as them on him.
Diplomacy DC: 40 (+19)
- [X][Iago Personal] Lowest Common Denominator
Iago's well acquainted with the seamy side of life, but Ababwa seems too bright and shiny. There's gotta be some good old corruption and vice somewhere in this place! Puts Iago in contact with criminal elements, black market. Independent of Haroud.
Intrigue DC: 60 (+23)
- [X][Tai Lung Personal] Matters Great and Small
Tai Lung is grateful for the place that he's been given in Ababwa, and is more than willing to assist in any tasks that Aladdin may need him for.
-- [X] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
- [X][Jose Personal] Hospital stay
Jose Faria is a man who's been subjected to decades of abuse and malnourishment. He needs extensive rest, nutritional supplements, and probably more. Jose spends the next two months in the hospital convalescing. Reduces his "These Old Bones" Penalty by 2.
DC: 20
- [X][Leah Personal] A Little Elbow Grease
With her expanded capabilities, and Zummi's newfound grasp of Arabic, Leah is now free to help out in a larger capacity. She can be assigned to a National task.
-- [X] Shaped with Love
- [X][Selous Personal] Never Too Old
Selous is more than happy to lend a hand in order to feel like he's earning his keep. He can be assigned to a National Task
-- [X] More Hands on the Wheels
- [X][Helga Personal] Earning my keep
Helga is here to make a new start, and she's not going to do it sitting on her laurels. Helga assists with a national action.
-- [X] Two for the Price Of... Two
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[X] Plan: Many Hands Make Light Work But With Extra Monkey

Edit: I'm sorry...the funny monkey got me.
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Of those, the EITC needs to contest with the Brethern Court who we just started bribing with the good moral stuff, China should have two to three layers of buffer between us as long as we stick to purely material and subtle support ( @TempestK how much would 5000 per turn in material support represent?), and the only thing we can really do about Jafar right now is Adventure for Stats and Loot, Recruit Heros, and develop our Occult infrastructure.
Wallis, I sincerely apologize for missing this before. If you guys sent 5000 Gold worth of support, that's be a massive investment of arms, armor, supplies, and gold.
I feel putting in 5000 is not only excessive but very suspect IU. Cause man, that looks like Al will be trying to directly leverage whatever empire forms after and with that kind of investment he'd have the ability.
[X] Plan: Many Hands Make Light Work

I have little interest in getting involved with China right now, not when we have closer and more pressing concerns.
--[] Suggested gift write-in and Price

-[X][Diplomacy] Fit for a Prince(ss)?
--[X] Spices, ingredients, expanding crib

I'd personally recommend adding another 500GP worth of our new Medical Herb thing, because having a reserve of "Make Healing Go Better" is always appreciated. Otherwise I'm very happy with the plan.

[X] Plan: Many Hands Make Light Work

Wallis, I sincerely apologize for missing this before. If you guys sent 5000 Gold worth of support, that's be a massive investment of arms, armor, supplies, and gold.

Thanks! It was kinda snuck in there so I'm not surprised it slipped past!

Glad to know what to push for when we eventually do something with China.

I feel putting in 5000 is not only excessive but very suspect IU. Cause man, that looks like Al will be trying to directly leverage whatever empire forms after and with that kind of investment he'd have the ability.

I mean. I disagree about the excessive bit. We'd basically be funding a Rebellion against one of the largest Empires on the planet. That requires some dosh.

You're absolutely correct about the amount of political influence and leverage I'd expect to have if we give them 5k a turn until success though, and I would see it as a worthwhile investment. Eastern Asia has not had a stabilizing influence in it and I see a finally sorted out friendly China as an excellent thing for all time frames of the quest.

[X] Plan: Many Hands Make Light Work

I have little interest in getting involved with China right now, not when we have closer and more pressing concerns.

That's entirely understandable, and I likely won't be advocating for us to invest within the mext two or three turns, but it's still good information to have.
Sending five thousand gold worth of supplies to a faction we don't already have strong ties with, yeah, kinda sus. They'll wonder if we're trying to buy their loyalty or future compliance.
You guys are missing the real big brain plays here.

[J][Martial] Fanning the Fires of Rebellion
Shan Yu's empire is broken, and the warlords of his hoard now scramble for the pieces. The biggest player in the realm seems to be Lord Shen and his gunpowder weaponry. But he's still another invader. There's also the Resistance. Covertly send some of your men to the Broken Empire to help start stabilizing the place. Of course there are options for how to go about doing that...
-[J] Support the remnants of Shan Yu

The true only option here.
I mean. I disagree about the excessive bit. We'd basically be funding a Rebellion against one of the largest Empires on the planet. That requires some dosh.

You're absolutely correct about the amount of political influence and leverage I'd expect to have if we give them 5k a turn until success though, and I would see it as a worthwhile investment. Eastern Asia has not had a stabilizing influence in it and I see a finally sorted out friendly China as an excellent thing for all time frames of the quest.
Gods this idea harms me. My McDuck heart hurts.

5k. 5k a turn with no foreseeable future until they win. That's more than just absurd, that is Al directly putting a significant portion of his countries wealth and goods into a foreign power. 20% of the countries wealth going into a foreign rebellion in a country nor that close to us. Forget Aladdin having power, he'd basically own China at that point, but they're so far away that he actually wouldn't.

There's absolutely no way I could accept this plan. Maybe more reasonable amount like 750-1250 a turn and event that feels like a lot.
We are already giving 500 gold worth of rare goods and a magical cradle.

I think we're being absolutely excessive. No need to add more.

And 5000 to china... hahaha. No.

Maybe if we were buying the country...
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@bigking321 I appreciate your feedback; in order, I want to talk to Nemo to round out our coastlines against pirates and hopefully gain him as an ally against the Lemurians, while the EITC infiltration deals with another potential enemy on our doorstep. I also focused although hanging fruit so that next turn we can throw Iago and Garth McCann together at the fish problem.
We don't have to send Aladdin, I thought it would be nice to get the measure of one of the few factions that we absolutely can get along with. Also next turn I hoped to do both the Bears and the Cade action.
And...I don't know if Leah has to be assigned to the action? @TempestK , can you clarify?
So. Finally made an account after just lurking around, so hi everyone.

That said, while I'm generally ok with the plan I pretty much completely reject the Nemo-action because I just don't see the point in it.

You're pretty much trying to get the cooperation of someone we have never interacted with about a problem we pretty much know nothing about. We wouldn't even be able to guarantee that he could help us. Not to mention the hoops we would need to jump through just to meet and get his cooperation.

And even then, I repeat, we wouldn't even exactly be able to tell him what the actual problem with Lemuria is, besides "I might have heard something".

I personally think we should first find out where the problem and danger in Lemuria lies and then search for partners and solutions.
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We are already giving 500 gold worth of rare goods and a magical cradle.

I think we're being absolutely excessive. No need to add more.

And 5000 to china... hahaha. No.

Maybe if we were buying the country...
I dunno. Individual trade agreements can be worth 1000-1500 gold per turn, indefinitely. A 5000-gold lump sum investment wouldn't be unreasonable if we really cared about who wins the civil war in China.

5000 gold per turn, for a long time, now... That would be us deciding that the outcome of the civil war was our top priority at a national level. If we had a war we were really serious about prosecuting, it'd be worth that. Something like that.