Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Also, being excessively helpful in his time of direst need will firm up his opinion of Aladdin quite nicely. We've already got an accord with the man, but if we really help now? Then from now on he'll remember that when he was at his lowest, and in most dire need? Ababwa and its prince were friends indeed.
Also, being excessively helpful in his time of direst need will firm up his opinion of Aladdin quite nicely. We've already got an accord with the man, but if we really help now? Then from now on he'll remember that when he was at his lowest, and in most dire need? Ababwa and its prince were friends indeed.

That is how you take advantage of having your enemy's enemy at your mercy in a Disney-based setting.
Yes, that's what Victory smells like. =D

With Rival Reports released and a new turn up and coming, here's my thoughts for Turn 11.

[]Plan: Strike For Your Honor (We Are War!)

A plan that has Tai Lung teaching Abu kung fu and Viggo getting in business with Ababwa? Hell yeah! Count me in.
The Queen Mother Knows Best

Wonderful work as always Tireless, though I'm not sure Gothel needed to restore her youth on a weekly basis, I thought it was a bit longer.

Though I wonder what Gothel's plan is after Rapunzel grows old.
So who all has Grimhild recruited? I know she has Hans as an advisor and lover, and now Mother Gothel? Do we know about anyone else? And what they might do for her mental stability.
A search on "Banagi" has this as the name of the evil Hyena 'prince' from proto-Lion King; the scheming brains behind dumb muscle Scar. So unlikely to be one of the later heroic hyenas, sadly.

Hiccup and Dagur teaming up to diplo Jafar is interesting, though I'm not sure on Hiccup's chances given how familiar Jafar is with fighting a quick-witted opponent.
almost matching the height of rage that Hades achieved, cycling so far into fury that he had entered something he called a "zen state of rage".
...That terrifies me.

Lemuria continues to thrive, and while Ababwa is keeping them at arms length, trade with them has opened up a bit more. That's it; slowly, gently. A day at a time
Right, that settles it, once and for all.

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Honestly i can see why, things finally started to look up for hades, his reing are becoming more stable his relationship with his son was improving, new kid is born.
Then minos try to fuck him over. Not even big H would insult him that much.
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Honestly i can see why, things finally started to look up for hades, his reing are becoming more stable his relationship with his son was improving, new kid is born.
Then minos try to fuck him over. Not even big H would insult him that much.
Oh, I agree.

But the thought of Disney!Hades, the volatile guy prone to rage fits, achieving Zen-Fury is still both awesome AND terrifying.
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Considering that she has conquered Corona, which includes its neighbors, I think we can safely assume that her hero roster includes most of the major characters from that series.
This would include, but is not limited to: King Frederic and Queen Arianna; the Captain of the Guard; King Trevor; the other nobles from the Seven Kingdoms; Cassandra; the Sheriff; Lance Strongbow; Xavier the Blacksmith; and the Huntsman (from Snow White).
In fairness, it's quite possible that not all those characters are really working directly on her behalf at the "hero unit" level of commitment and effectiveness. Kings and officials can't really fly under the radar but don't have to be super-helpful when tasked with important autonomous missions, and ordinary citizens can go "nay, I am but a humble woodsman" and just quietly fuck off into the background.
A part of me fears that the older heroes, Faria and Selous, might just...age out and pass away.
An excellent argument for Ababwa becoming the name when it comes to medicine. Life expectancy would go way up compared to what Aladdin is used to.

Edit: Actually, we could maybe see about getting a few of those atlantean crystals from our allies in Atlantis for our older units?
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Y'know, I have to wonder if Zhan Tiri and all her associated nonsense are running free too. I can't imagine she'd play second fiddle to Grimhilde, but the conjunction might have freed her somewhat, and in theory Gothel was a student of hers so I could see Gothel doing something involving her to try and get some control back as the Queen of Mirrors powers waxed.
Y'know, I have to wonder if Zhan Tiri and all her associated nonsense are running free too. I can't imagine she'd play second fiddle to Grimhilde, but the conjunction might have freed her somewhat, and in theory Gothel was a student of hers so I could see Gothel doing something involving her to try and get some control back as the Queen of Mirrors powers waxed.
Your wish is my command.
The Warlock's Apprentice
Turn 11
It feels like things are finally starting to properly stabilize... right up until Aladdin had gotten the missive about Egypt suddenly having a pharaoh again... The fact that said message had been inside of a pastry he was eating, a fresh pastry no less, had given Haroud fits.

A message from Sinbad had also arrived by much more normal means, informing the prince that Viggo Grimborne wished to meet to discuss the possibility of supplying his menagerie with more rare and exotic creatures like the Sirrush.

There's also the situation with the EITC and Nemo to consider. Not that he intended to turn the captain over to the poisoning, slaver bastards; but it needed to be handled delicately.


Turn Start City Funds: 22,348
City income: 28,300
  • 8,000 Medicines, plants, rare animals, pelts and dyes
  • 500 Increased trade from housing expansion
  • 500 Increased Tax Revenue
  • 1,500 Trade with Xiang-Wu
  • 500 Taxes from integration of Mongols.
  • 3,000 Salt harvesting
  • 3,500 Crossbow sales
  • 4,000 Trade with Atlantis
  • 2,500 Star Chart Sales
  • 500 Silphium exports
  • 800 Silphium Enhanced Medicines
  • 1500 Eastern taxes
  • 500 Foreverwing Exhibit (Empty)
  • 1000 Copper Mine
  • Current Upkeep costs:
    • 3000 Greenhouse
    • 1,000 Salt Harvesting
    • 500 Night Fighters Facilities
    • 500 Crossbow manufacturing
    • 150 Map Production
    • 500 Diplomatic corps
    • 500 Intelligence Apparatus
    • 500 (Tribute to Davy Jones)
    • 250 McCann Bros. Pay
    • 500 Stewardship corps
    • 250 Infiltrators Pay
      • 7650 Total Expenditures
  • Actual Income: 20,650


- [][Martial] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
The menagerie is impressive. The War Beasts inside of it even more so, but after seeing Genie Aladdin knows that as impressive as an armor-clad rhinoceros is, there are tougher and more dangerous things out there. See if the hunters of Ababwa can find some to add to the War Stable.
DC: 70/80/90/100
Cost: 1000 gold

-[][Martial] Train a prehistoric animal for War.
With Tai Lung opening up the crystals and giving Frosting access to the creatures preserved within, it may be possible to train these ancient beasts as potent weapons of war. Success will result in Frosting successfully figuring out how to utilize one of the creatures at random for combat purposes and create a new special unit to deploy to conflicts.
DC: 95
Cost: 250 Gold

- [][Martial] Fanning the Fires of Rebellion
Shan Yu's empire is broken, and the warlords of his hoard now scramble for the pieces. The biggest player in the realm seems to be Lord Shen and his gunpowder weaponry. But he's still another invader. There's also the Resistance. Covertly send some of your men to the Broken Empire to help start stabilizing the place. Of course there are options for how to go about doing that...
-- [] Support the Resistance
-- [] Support "Lord Shen"
-- [] Create a third faction attuned to Ababwa's interests.
-- [] Hire Pub Thugs as an intermediary to fight on behalf of
--- [] Lord Shen
--- [] The Resistance
DC: 50/65/100
Cost: 8,000/6,500/15,000/10,000 Gold

- [][Martial] Cross Training
Expand on the initial cadres of specialists you have, cross train more soldiers in a specialty. Allows specialists to be spread more evenly throughout the army.
-- [] Swordsmen
-- [] Night Fighters
DC: 75
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Martial] Engines of War
The lack of siege engines is understandable due to the terrain around Ababwa; but it probably wouldn't be amiss to perhaps have a few in your arsenal just in case. Find an engineer to construct some using the iron-hard timber harvested from the Forest.
DC: 70
Cost: 9,000 Gold; Upkeep cost of 500 gold per turn

- [][Martial] Bigger is Better: Ababwa may be looking to expand again, rather soon. It might be well worth it to expand the army to have the surplus troops and infrastructure that would be able to hold down more territory instead of needing to be expanded after the fact.
DC: 90
Cost: 10,000 Gold

- [][Martial] Setting Down Roots
The Commanders that have been assigned to the various cities in the North, along with their garrisons, have had several months to settle in and become familiar with the people. Why not make it a permanent solution and just appoint them as the administrators of the cities? Lowers DC of A Soldier's Life to 45, lowers cost to 2,000. Impacts choices for Northern Satraps going forward. (Incompatible with "Hire Local" and "Fresh Faces!".)
DC: 1
Cost: 0

- [][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
With all of the issues that are springing up that require a martial solution, Ahmed is looking at expanding his staff to better handle all of the moving pieces without letting anything fall between the cracks logistically or martially. Gain a second Martial Action.
DC: 120 (Heroes assigned to this task may substitute their Learning for Martial)
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after

- [][Martial]Dragon Your Feet
Dragons as weapons of war are inevitably something that Ababwa will face at some point. With Drago Bludvist's example, there's absolutely no chance that other nations won't seek to emulate him. Ababwa however, could have a head start by making contact with Viggo Grimborne in order to hire him to find, capture and assist in training dragons for the use as beasts of war in Ababwa. Gains Viggo as a contact to buy dragons and other creatures from. Has a holding place and training area specifically constructed for the creatures.
Cost: 9,000
DC: 110

- [][Stewardship] Prospect for new resources
Genie set up Ababwa to be in an ideal spot, but just because the city is tapping into local resources doesn't mean that it's using all of the local resources available to their fullest potential. Have some people scout for untapped resources in the principality and protectorates.
-- []In the North
-- [] In the West
DC: 65/85
Cost: 1250/2000 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Something's Fishy...
Ababwa now has access to the Caspian Sea thanks to their armies holding the Northern Satraps. This is a prime opportunity to get up there and start building fisheries to take advantage of the plethora of sea life there. Especially the roe of the Beluga Sturgeon which calls those waters home. Gain additional income of 2,500 Gold per turn, increased acceptance in the Northern Satraps for providing jobs and infrastructure. Upkeep cost of 1000 Gold per turn.
DC: 80
Cost: 6,000 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Fresh Faces!
Sinbad will go through an exhaustive list of candidates from around Ababwa to pick out the best potential administrators and leaders to take over from the Commanders, allowing the army units stationed there to slowly stand down and return to Ababwa proper while the new local city guards are trained. Removes upkeep cost from Northern Satraps, makes them Protectorates of Ababwa. (Incompatible with "Hire Local" and "Setting Down Roots".)
DC: 100
Cost: 4,000 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Going Greek!
The access to the Caspian Sea presents an opportunity to potentially make contact with new potential trade partners. There's a large river that acts as a conduit between the Caspian Sea and the upper-most regions of the Black Sea. Sending traders out via that route, they could potentially hug the coastline and make it to the eastern-most areas that fall under Greek control. New options unlocked!
DC: 70
Cost: 3,000 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Expand trade district
The trade district for Ababwa is decently sized, but there's room to expand, and the new room may also draw in new merchants looking to get in on this lucrative market. (Increase in income by 500 gold per turn)
DC: 35
Cost: 1500 gold

- [][Stewardship] Expand housing district
No one in Ababwa goes without a roof over their heads, that's one thing Genie made very sure of. But there are always people coming into the city; and some of them might wish to stay. Expand the housing district to make sure that there's room for all. (Allows for additional population within Ababwa; gain +500 in income per turn from increased trade and taxes)
DC: 35
Cost: 2000 gold

- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 45
Cost: 2500 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with the Kingdom of Lemuria
While the time to initially strike has passed, it's still possible to make use of the interest that Lemuria is showing in Ababwa (and it's prince) to leverage some trade deals. Uxia certainly seems open to the matter. Increases income by 1,000 gold per turn. New options unlocked. May have other effects.
DC: 65
Cost: 1,000 Gold

- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia.
With the sea access that Ababwa now enjoys, as well as the open route to Agrabah with the removal of the Sand Witches, opening trade with the kingdom of Maldonia is now a possibility. Send out some envoys to negotiate an agreement. Improves income by 1500 gold per turn.
DC: 65
Cost: 2500 Gold

- [][Stewardship]Bound for All Points East
With the admission of the Eastern Satraps into the Ababwan protectorates, there are no longer any areas outside of one kingdom or another's influence. Send out people to survey the various imports and exports in order to further streamline transportation costs; as well as make sure that there aren't any monopolies hiding under the surface that could try to cause trouble. Lowers chances of negative impacts on cashflow when major disruptions happen.
DC: 75
Cost: 1,500 Gold

- [][Diplomacy] Establish a Diplomatic Embassy in Xiang-Wu
With the great relationship between Ababwa and Xiang-Wu at this point in time, setting up a diplomatic embassy would go a long way towards allowing Ababwan operations to move through the area faster, as well as allow for a quicker capitalization on any new developments in regards to the kingdom.
DC: 50
Cost: 2,500 Gold

- [][Diplomacy]Looking West
With the new shift in the world, Ababwa needs to gain the measure of the people that now occupy the land of Egypt. Send a diplomatic envoy to establish communications with this new Kingdom.
DC: 70
Cost: 2,500 Gold

-[][Diplomacy] People are what they Love
The EITC is looking to make inroads with the Ababwan markets. Meet them halfway and open up further diplomatic discourse. See what all they want and try to get their true character nailed down.
DC: 65
Cost: 500 Gold

- [][Diplomacy] Hire Local!
The people that know the North best are those that have lived there all their lives. Who better to put in charge of the place? Scherezade will go through the exhaustive list of candidates to pick out the best potential administrators and leaders to take over from the Commanders, allowing the army units stationed there to slowly stand down and return to Ababwa proper while the local city guards are filled and trained. Removes upkeep cost from Northern Satraps, makes them Protectorates of Ababwa. (Incompatible with "Setting Down Roots" and "Fresh Faces!".)
DC: 110
Cost: 2,000 Gold

- [][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
--[] East: According to the maps you have the Hunnic States and the Silk Road lie in that direction. A good chance for profit! And to perhaps head off raids.
--- [] Lord Shen DC 50
--- [] The Resistance DC 80
--- [] Shan Yu DC 130
--[] West: going in the opposite direction puts diplomats on the road to Agrabah, and beyond that, Egypt and Maldonia!
--[] North: Northwards lies the Turks, and across the Mediterranean are the Greeks; and other lands even further beyond!
--[] South: Headed southwards on the other hand takes the diplomats to the sea, and from there it's either engage the services of a ship, or follow the coast to the south-west, plunging into the heart of the African continent.

Sometimes the outstretched hand is the better leadoff than the clenched fist. See if you can make diplomatic connections with any of your neighbors that you don't have already.
DC: 35/50/65/90
Cost: 1000 gold

-[][Diplomacy] Speaking to the Sirens
With Lemuria having made the first move, the ball is now in Ababwa's court as to how to respond. Send diplomatic envoys of your own to Lemuria specifically, and begin opening discourse with them.
DC: 75
Cost: 500

-[][Diplomacy]As Above, So Below
Making political contact with a god is a tricky business, especially ones as mercurial as Hades and his wife are reported to be. And especially with the birth of a new divine child. Do the polite thing and send the Lord and Lady of Olympus and the Underworld an appropriate gift to celebrate the imminent arrival of a new divine spark.
DC: 60
Cost: 2,000 Gold

- [][Intrigue]Like Thieves in the Night
Haroud has been intrigued and impressed by the night-fighting training that Tai Lung gave to the Nightingale's. He's requested the Kung Fu Master give his own agents a run through the course in order to work out any flaws in their technique, or correct any bad habits
DC: 70
Cost: 500 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Now Hiring!
Haroud is adamant that he needs more people, both to help expand out his network, as well as
to see if he can find people that are good enough to be used for special assignments. Potential discovery of new Heros, may also gain extra information on an area. Repeatable.
--[]Have Haroud focus on a specific region
---[] Where?
DC: Variable
Cost: 1,500 Gold

- [][Intrigue] A Golden Opportunity
These rumors of strange golden items are intriguing. Send agents to scout out the southern Satraps to see who has been turning up these strange pieces, and perhaps where they're coming from.
DC: 70
Cost: 2,500

- [][Intrigue] Plotting a Course
This talk of pirates is intriguing. Have Haroud send out his men to investigate the rumors of these corsairs and see how much is truth and how much is grog-induced fiction. Chance to make contact with one of the pirate crews.
--[]James Hook
DC: 65, 95
Cost: 2000 Gold

- [][Intrigue]A Friend in Need
With Nemo's ship in very poor shape; Haroud and Iago can see to diverting a few caravans with materials that the scientifically-minded pirate would likely find of use in his repairs; especially after having familiarized themselves with the materials that Muntz and the Global Elite Hunstman's Club had requested for their repairs and supply drop. Greatly increases the level of trust and respect Nemo has towards Ababwa and Aladdin.
DC: 50
Cost: 5,000 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Digging up Roots
Haroud is fascinated by Tai Lung, and the news regarding the other animal people that have emerged in China. He wants to send some people to see if they can backtrack the big cat's movements and find out where he came from.
DC 80
Cost: 2,500 Gold

- [][Intrigue] Eyes on the East
The situation in China has gone beyond untenable. Ababwa needs some actionable intelligence, not just fifth-hand rumors. Send out a group of agents to investigate the factions there. Gains more information on what's happening in China, also may reduce DCs involving said faction.
-- [] Shan Yu DC: 145
-- [] Lord Shen DC: 50
-- [] The Resistance DC: 120

- [][Intrigue] Needing a Hand
Never one to sit on an opportunity, Haroud will send a message to the King of Thieves, requesting that the Forty Thieves hit a particular target in order to sow confusion, or steal something of particular value to Ababwa (along with anything else the Thieves decide to grab for themselves).
-- [] The Mao Kun Map is currently in the hands of one of Shan Yu's warlords. Have the Forty Thieves relieve him of it, and help themselves to the rest of his treasury in the process.
DC 90
Cost: 20,000 Gold
-- [] The gold reserves of Lemuria are incredibly deep. Have the Thieves go and liberate some of it to line their own pockets. And put Lemuria off balance in negotiating trade terms.
DC: 70
Cost: 8,000 Gold
-- [] Write-In (DC and Cost will be determined by GM and put in the thread)

- [][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
The Kingdom of Lemuria is an enigma, the Southern Satraps shouldn't have been able to consolidate so quickly. Nor do they have a history of having access to much gold. Something's going on there, and as spymaster of Ababwa it's up to Haroud to figure out what...
DC: 70/120
Cost: 1,200 Gold

- [][Intrigue] The Man In Red
Will and Chiron's tidings of this strange man in a red cloak are unsettling to hear about, and Haroud only glanced at the copy of the drawings they'd made before shutting the scroll tightly. Not a cipher he'd ever seen, and if it was; not one he was inclined to try and translate. Perhaps it would be best to have the source of the drawings on-hand? Send men out to find where the Man in Red is, and if possible, detain him for questioning.
DC: 95/120
Cost: 500 Gold

- [][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
-- []Which Hero?

- [][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
Considering this is a magical kingdom literally wished into existence, you wouldn't put it past Genie to put some sort of fantastically intelligent individuals into it. See if anyone has put together any interesting bits and bobs, and made something convenient out of it (Invention roll, random chance)
DC: Variable
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Learning] My Armor is like Tenfold Shields
The dragon skin that has been donated by the Huntsmen is a fascinating substance. Even after being separated from the body for so long, it still remains as pliant and flexible as it had been while alive. What other properties does it hide? Conduct all manner of tests to determine the properties of the skin.
DC: 100
Cost: 1,500 Gold

- [][Learning] Mastering Magic
Leah's sudden reveal of magical abilities has Chiron wondering how many other people may have the spark, even unknowingly using it. Search through Ababwa to see if any more potential magicians/sorcerers/wizards/whatever they want to call themselves, can be found.
DC: 90
Cost: 2,000 Gold

-[][Learning]Awakening the Past
The animals that were brought back from the Valley of Frozen Time are incredible specimens. Have Tai Lung begin breaking them free of their prisons in order to begin studying them. The zoological department of the university is alight with interest as to their behaviors and habits. There's just the matter of making sure that they have properly secured enclosures...
Gain +1500 income per turn from the new additions to the Menagerie.
DC: 40
Cost: 9,000

- [][Learning] A Dragon's Hoard
Viggo Grimborne represents a unique opportunity to further expand the scope of the menagerie and the studies of the university. Not just dragons, but it's possible that he may be able to be commissioned to hunt and capture other rare, magical creatures for display and conservation within the Menagerie. Opens new Stewardship action for Viggo to hunt a random creature for the Menagerie. Each new creature increases the income of the menagerie by an amount determined by its rarity and splendor. May open up new Learning actions.
DC: 60
Cost: 500 Gold

- [][Learning] What's up Docs?
The doctors and scholars of the University are hailed as some of the best and brightest. Maybe see what they're working on as side projects? (Unlocks new Learning actions)
DC: 20/30/70/90
Cost: 0

- [][Learning] A Spoonful of Sugar...
One of the propositions that crossed Aladdin's desk was to create clinics and hospitals throughout Ababwa. Places where the injured could be treated quickly using methods and medicines developed at the University. If successful the action will be locked in for two turns. Aladdin gains even more popularity, general health of the citizens improves, and increases citizen quality of life.
Update: The Greenhouse drastically cuts the costs of upkeep and supplying these places initially.
DC: 85
Cost: 8,000 Gold; Upkeep cost of 500 Gold per turn to keep them supplied and staffed.

- [][Learning] He Ain't Heavy...
While Chiron is currently the only non-human you have as a citizen, there's no guarantee that that will remain the case. It may be a good idea to get ahead of the problem and fund a program to work out the kinks and issues of treating non-human beings for injuries and illnesses. Removes any malus in healing non-humans, gives Ababwa a greater reputation as a place of sanctuary for all.
DC: 100
Cost: 5,000 Gold

- [][Learning] Train Physicians
While the clinics and hospitals would be a great boon, you can also fund a program to train traveling physicians that are able to go to those that cannot come to the clinics. . Raises Ababwa's reputation as a place that cares for its people. +1500 in increased revenue due to fewer people being laid up and unable to work.
DC: 90
Cost: 8,000 Gold; Upkeep Cost of 500 Gold per turn

- [][Learning] Getting a Leg Up
Chiron's prosthetic leg is a marvel, and one that, if developed correctly, could very well assist many who have lost limbs. It will require hiring engineers to work with the doctors in order to figure out the right mechanics and the best compromise between limb functionality and structural integrity. Allows for the construction of advanced prosthetics for those that have lost limbs. (Think Hiccup's leg from How to Train Your Dragon).
DC: 80
Cost: 3,000 Gold

- [][Learning] Renewal and Rejuvenation
Legends speak of a magical tree known as the Tree of Renewal. Not only is the fruit capable of healing wounds and even removing scars and blemishes, but its most potent effect is the ability to break curses placed upon the person eating the fruit. Your doctors are salivating at the thought of such a treasure, and wish to acquire samples to see if another tree can potentially be grown from the seeds.
DC: 90
Cost: 7,500 Gold

- [][Learning] It's Just Gibberish! ... Isn't It?
Chiron believes that there are actual words in some lost tongue hidden in the markings that he and Will copied. He's willing to put the effort into trying to unscramble them. Even if he feels hungover after each attempt to decipher them so far...
DC: 100
Cost: 0

- [][Learning] Secrets of the Heart
Chiron is convinced that they've only scratched the surface of what Silphium is capable of. Finance projects specifically to look into other applications to the herb. Add +1000 Gold to income from expanded applications of Silphium
DC: 90
Cost: 4000 Gold

- [][Learning] In the Eye of the Dragon (Learning)
Zummi has found an odd lens and a fragment of a map. Chiron and the university can attempt to figure out the origins of both, as well as see if they can figure out what the carvings on the lens are supposed to be.
DC: 100
Cost: 500 Gold

- [][Occult] Now you See Me
The example provided by Leah and Cabe of the potion of invisibility had left quite the impression. Even if they were short-lived they could make for a powerful tool in the hands of your army's scouts... or the agents of Haroud's network. Commission as large a batch of the potions to be made as possible. Reduces DCs for scouting and intelligence gathering actions.
DC: 75
Cost: 6,000 Gold, Upkeep cost of 1,000 Gold per turn to keep the potions stocked up.

-[][Occult] Facets in Fate
Zummi seems very interested in opening correspondence with the Guardian of the Destiny Stone. But it may take some effort and gold to find a courier willing to go back and forth to the remote temple and not give up its location.
DC: 60
Cost: 1500 Gold

-[][Occult] One Frozen Moment
The Valley of Frozen Time sounds like an incredible place for investigation, the preservative qualities of these crystals and the way they react to Tai Lung's chi are mind-boggling. Send a proper expedition out to investigate the valley and perhaps figure out what that blue glow was.
DC: 70
Cost: 6,500 Gold

-[][Occult]Red Rum
Though none of you actually visited the Valley of the Crimson Sands, it may be a good idea to look in on the place and see what it's like. If nothing else, making sure that no budding necromancers have set up shop would probably be a good idea.
DC: 90
Cost: 8,500 Gold

- [][Occult] Knowledge is Power
While the university's current library is very impressive, perhaps you should see what texts you can obtain to fill it out a bit more? Increases the references within the library, opens up new potential discoveries or adventures.
DC: 75
Cost: 8,000 Gold

- [][Occult] Seeing Between Spaces
The copies of the notations made by the Man in Red are disturbing to look upon, but perhaps Zummi may be able to translate them with less potential danger of blinding headaches than Chiron and his scholars could?
DC: 100
Cost: 0

- [][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerers in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Occult] Hidden Hollows and Gilded Glens
Find out if there are any local legends about magical creatures or beings. Even if Ababwa was spun up out of whole cloth, Genie wasn't one to just lay out everything in the open. No, he'd seed little surprises into the mix to keep things interesting. Such as integrating magical creatures or beings into the kingdom in some manner. See if there's any hint to them to be found.
DC: 60
Cost: 2000 Gold

- [][Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
With the advent of the Greenhouse, it's now possible for the Mage to begin experimenting with how to produce certain potions. Not all of them are guaranteed to be hits, but it's possible he may be able to tease out some exceptionally useful concoctions. From there it's a matter of developing them for stable and consistent brewing.
DC: Variable
Cost: 500 Gold

- [][Occult] Every Little Piece
Zummi isn't quite sure what all these reagents harvest from the Dreaded One are capable of, or what kind of preparations they need. He's going to need to do a lot of dedicated research on this.
DC: 90
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Occult] Dark Wings in the Night
Zummi captured a spirit of some kind that was inhabiting the corpse of a crow. Where did it come from? Why was it chasing Holly? Who was it threatening to tell about Leah's abilities?
DC: 80/110/150
Cost: 1000 Gold for ritual circle components

- [][Occult] In the Eye of the Dragon (Occult)
Zummi has found an odd lens and a fragment of a map. Leah's powers may be able to help figure out where they came from, and more importantly, what their uses were supposed to be.
DC: 110
Cost: 0

-[][Red&Angry]Assign the girls to one of your advisors to see what they can do given a little understanding supervision. Or take them under your own wing personally as your new assistants.
--[]Who to assign them to? (Any one of the Advisors, or Aladdin)

- [][Personal] Bow Flex
Train with the bow. Aladdin feels at once familiar with a bow and like he's never really handled one in his life. Take some time to work on his archery skills and see how good he really is. Gain +1 Martial. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

- [][Personal] Balancing the Books
Now that Aladdin has gotten past his mental block, he needs to continue improving his understanding of how economics works on the macro and micro scale. Sinbad is willing to help the young Prince in this effort. Gain +1 Stewardship. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

- [][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
Look into knowledge pertaining to People - You've a cheap sort of charm to you, but that's not going to cut it forever, especially now that you're in the big leagues. Try and figure out how to talk in high society, maybe the Sultan or Jasmine can help? Gain +1 Diplomacy. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 15/95

- [][Personal] Old Dogs with New Tricks
Aladdin is pretty slick and cunning, and with Abu watching his back he's even more so. But he's hardly a mastermind of intrigue and deception. Haroud may have some tips and tricks to pass on to the younger generation of ne'er do wells. Gain +1 Intrigue. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 25/95

- [][Personal] Cram Time
Study at the University. Aladdin's not dumb, but he never exactly got the chance for a real education. Time to remedy that! Gain +1 Learning. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

- [][Personal]This Mystical Land of Magic and Sand
Aladdin knows just enough about magical beings and items to know that he doesn't know nearly enough for his own good. Better see if he can rectify that. Gain +1 Occult. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

- [][Personal] Visit Jasmine
While Jasmine wants to take things slow and do courtship by letter and correspondence, a bit of spontaneity is good for a relationship, right? Drop in on Carpet with a couple of Aladdin's personal guards. She may or may not be happy to see him though... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: Variable

- [][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
Better to stick to how Jasmine wished to conduct things. Pen her a letter, tell her about Ababwa and what's been happening. Barring any state secrets of course... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: Variable

- [][Personal] Life's a Zoo
Visit the Menagerie (pick out a mount and/or just stress relief). The Menagerie is a great place to relax and watch the animals just live their lives. The Sirrush has now gained its full growth and can be used as a mount in combat, but that still requires training. And wrangling the pride of a young dragon.
DC: 30
-- [] Train specifically with the Sirrush
Diplomacy DC: 40
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Personal] A Talented Twisted Tongue
Aladdin's sick of not being able to speak to people in their own language. Make a serious effort to learn the native language of one of the Heroes or Advisors that resides in Ababwa.
-- [] English
-- [] Chinese
-- [] Greek
-- [] Konkani (Dialect of West India)
Learning DC: 55
Cost: 0 Gold

-[][Personal]All the Time in the World...
Aladdin's schedule is absolutely hectic. To the point that his advisors have all been pushing him to acquire a personal assistant to give him a chance to better manage his workload. Gives Aladdin a personal assistant that manages his schedule and gives him a third Personal action.
DC: Variable
Incompatible with taking Red & Angry as Aladdin's aides.

- [][Personal] Getting to Know You (Better)
While Aladdin is generally familiar with his advisors now, talking to them a bit more could uncover new sides to them, or new insights into how they see the world.
-- [] Which Advisor?
DC: Variable
Cost: 0 Gold

- [][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
This may give you greater insights into their past, provide clues in how to help them with their personal goals, and increase their personal loyalty to Aladdin.
--[] Write-in which Hero
DC: Variable

- [][Personal] Bigger than you Believe
While Cade has been incredibly supportive and happy for Leah after her development of her powers, not to mention her managing to master them, Aladdin has spotted the young man occasionally looking forlorn. Perhaps he needs a talk with a big brother figure? And Aladdin's the best fit for that role. May unlock options for Cade to become some form of Hero unit.
Diplomacy DC: 65

- [][Personal]Bearing it All
Zummi has asked Aladdin to come down and speak with him, as well as the rest of his acolytes. He can't say that he's not the least bit curious about what they want to talk to him about. ???
Diplomacy DC: 40

-[][Personal]You only Live Once
With the news of the birth of a literal new Goddess, in order to avoid a major incident or give insult; Aladdin will take a gift to Hades and Persephone for their daughter personally. Reduces "As Above, So Below" DC by 20.
Diplomacy DC: 30

- [][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
Iago is well aware that you didn't hire him on for his good looks. He'll pitch in as best he can with projects. Just tell him where to put his effort in.
--[] Write in which task

- [][Iago Personal] What's Under the Hood?
Iago is an inquisitive... okay, he's nosey. He's obnoxiously nosey, and will stick his beak where it doesn't belong just to satisfy his curiosity. Like with what the deal is with the Mage and his acolytes besides the boy and girl. Iago susses out who and/or what the Mage and his other acolytes are and decides how to best utilize this information.
Intrigue DC: 110

- [][Iago Personal] What the Flock?!
Iago has quite a few contemporaries that have made their way to Ababwa now. Best to get the lay of the land with em' now rather than risk one of them deciding they didn't like him at an inopportune moment.
-- [] Which character?

- [][Iago Personal]Eyes of the Raptor
Iago sees to his burgeoning personal network of contacts; in order to expand their influence and gain more information. May acquire information outside of the local sphere of influence Ababwa occupies.
Intrigue DC: 50/80/110

- [][Jose Personal] Hospital stay
Jose Faria is a man who's been subjected to decades of abuse and malnourishment. He needs extensive rest, nutritional supplements, and probably more. Jose spends the next two months in the hospital convalescing. Reduces his "These Old Bones" Penalty by 2.
DC: 20

- [][Jose Personal] Magnum Opus
Jose spent his years in prison not only trying to escape, but using scraps of linen torn from his shirt combined with an ink made of wine and water to write out a work he calls "A Treatise on the Possibility of a General Monarchy in Italy." Naturally he doesn't have the original, but he's certain that he can recreate it.
Learning DC: 60

- [][Jose Personal] Exploring Ababwa
Ababwa is a fantastical city that Jose never even imagined. He wishes to familiarize himself with it's sights and sounds. Or perhaps merely to spend time in the sun with people around just to hear and see them.
Diplomacy DC: 30

- [][Jose Personal] learning Arabic
Jose is able to communicate thanks to his knowledge of languages, but it seems his grasp of Arabic isn't as comprehensive as anyone had thought. He'd been using quotes from books as a way to make his needs known, which Scherezade realized after speaking with him for a bit. Time to add another language to his lexicon!
Learning DC: 60

- [][Jose Personal] New Faces, Strange Places
There are so many intriguing people here that Jose never would have dreamed to meet in all his years. All of them are fascinating in their own ways; he simply must meet them all!
-- [] Which character?

- [][Jose Personal] The World's a Bit Bigger Now
The Upheaval has thrown everything into uncertainty. Jose wishes to find out as much as he can about the changed world in order to judge which pieces of knowledge he possesses will be the most helpful to his new benefactors!
Intrigue DC: 50

- [][Jose Personal] I'm Old, not Dead
Jose is more than willing to help Aladdin and Ababwa with any tasks that he can.
--[] Which task

- [][Tai Lung Personal] Training
Tai Lung is a fitness and training fanatic, and seems to always be on the lookout for new weapons to learn or styles of combat to fold into his own personal arsenal. And he's more than happy to have someone to spar with. Can allow other characters to increase Martial, allows Tai Lung to familiarize himself with new styles of combat and reduce his malus when encountering them.
-- [] hand-to-hand
-- [] weapons
---[] Which character to spar with
--[] Adaptation Training: Removes temperature malus as Tai Lung trains himself to use the Breath of Life technique without needing to concentrate on it.

- [][Tai Lung Personal] Masters of a Different Sort
While making friends and playing nice doesn't seem to be one of Tai Lung's strong points, he's at least going to try and make an effort to meet with the other people that are helping Ababwa grow and prosper.
-- [] Which character?

- [][Tai Lung Personal] Inner peace
Tai Lung seems desperate for some mental and spiritual equilibrium. As such he's working hard on achieving it through a combination of meditation and going slowly through martial art forms. They do seem to help him control his temper... Suppresses Neverchosen trait for the next turn.
DC: 40

- [][Tai Lung Personal] Matters Great and Small
Tai Lung is grateful for the place that he's been given in Ababwa, and is more than willing to assist in any tasks that Aladdin may need him for.
-- [] Which task?

- [][Tai Lung Personal] Walk the Earth
Helping the noncombatant residents of the kingdom or province that they're associated with is apparently a duty of Kung Fu masters, at least as Tai Lung tells it. He'll spend the next couple months moving around the protectorates and the principality itself in order to help the common folk with what issues he can. Tai Lung's name becomes known as someone looking to help.
Diplomacy DC: 60

- [][Leah Personal]Training with her Powers
Even though Leah has decent control over her powers, a little extra practice never hurts. Allows for a reroll on Nature Red in Tooth and Claw if failed. Also may allow Leah to realize abilities she currently doesn't have.
Occult DC: 80

- [][Leah Personal] Learning Alchemy/Chemistry
With her new ability to enhance the growth of plants and fungi, Leah is looking to expand her knowledge on how she could apply it to allow her to create useful concoctions in the field. Increases Leah's learning score and allows her to create simple potions in the field to help heal herself and her allies, or harm her enemies.
Learning DC: 75

- [][Leah Personal] Holding Court
While Leah has been here for a year now, she's not really interacted with many people outside of Zummi, Cade, the Council, and Zummi's other acolytes. Perhaps she should remedy that, with so many new faces in the palace.
-- [] Which character

- [][Leah Personal] Speaking with Holly
Holly is such an interesting person! And so adorable to boot! Perhaps Leah can get a bit more information out of her in regards to where she came from and what brought her so far away?
Diplomacy DC: 75

- [][Leah Personal] Wood and Steel
For all her poise and grace, Leah has a surprisingly martial mindset when roused. Now that she has these powers, she wants to figure out how to use them in combat, and how to integrate what she already knows of fighting with bow, blade and buckler into that.
Martial DC: 70

- [][Leah Personal] A Little Elbow Grease
With her expanded capabilities, and Zummi's newfound grasp of Arabic, Leah is now free to help out in a larger capacity. She can be assigned to a National task.
-- [] Which task?

- [][Selous Personal] All Creatures Great and Small
The menagerie of Ababwa is an astounding place, truly ahead of its time even if it's also being used to house creatures for warfare. Even then they're cared for well and given comfortable enclosures and good food. Selous is curious to find out all of its inhabitants. And perhaps give this "Frosting" some tips on how to prepare enclosures for even more exotic beasts. Increases Selous' favorable opinion of Ababwa.
Learning DC: 50

- [][Selous Personal] Linguistic Exercises
While his Zulu and Swahili are excellent, Selous' Arabic is barely passable. Best to remedy this is he intends to stay here for any length of time, especially if he doesn't want to constantly need to ask for someone to interpret for him.
Diplomacy DC: 70

- [][Selous Personal] Chronicles of Danger
Selous has a unique insight into how things stand in the Indian Jungle as of right now. Committing it to paper before the memories totally fade would probably be a prudent course of action; who knows when that knowledge may come in handy?
Learning DC: 70

- [][Selous Personal] Restocking
Selous is eager to get out on the hunt once again, but before he does that, he'll need to resupply his store of ammunition. Thankfully he policed all of his brass, and he can see about contracting an alchemist to construct the necessary tools to create more bullets. After making damn sure that they won't spread the knowledge unless he either gives his leave, or is verifiably dead.
Martial DC: 90

- [][Selous Personal]Miracle of Life
Selous is eager to see the hatching of the infant Foreverwing, and will suspend his other actions in order to observe the birth of the dragonet. Raises his loyalty by +10
DC: 0

- [][Selous Personal] Never Too Old
Selous is more than happy to lend a hand in order to feel like he's earning his keep. He can be assigned to a National Task
-- [] Which task?

- [][Helga Personal] Earning my keep
Helga is here to make a new start, and she's not going to do it sitting on her laurels. Helga assists with a national action.
-- [] Which Action?

- [][Helga Personal] Lay of the Land
Helga's in a completely new environment. Time to do a threat assessment and security check, if for nothing else than her own peace of mind. Helga familarizes herself with the kingdom and the capital's environs. Helga will not get lost in the city.
Learning DC: 50

- [][Helga Personal]Lingua Franca
Without Thatch here Helga no longer has a translator within easy reach. Best to buckle down and learn the local language to ensure that she's as efficient in her job as possible.
Learning DC: 60

- [][Helga Personal] Watching her back
After her last boss' actions when she had made her farewells, she's not really in a "trusting" mood. Helga will speak to an Advisor or Hero in order to learn more about their personalities and to make sure that she's not going to get another dagger in the back.
-- [] Who does she talk to?
Intrigue DC: 50

- [][Indy Personal] Hit the Books!
Indy is determined to earn his degree. And for that he requires study and memorization. He ensconces himself in the library to advance his knowledge in his current courses. Must be taken at least once every two turns.
Learning DC: 20

- [][Indy Personal] It Belongs in a Museum!
Chiron had no idea what the field of archeology was. This wasn't something that could be left to stand! Who knew how many secrets and treasures belonging to the past were out there to be uncovered, to be seen by the people and to help them learn about their past in order to help shape their future. Indy builds a campaign to create a department of Archeology within the University of Ababwa. Of course, that means navigating all the tenured professors...
Diplomacy DC: 60

- [][Indy Personal] Itchy Feet
Indy is someone who prefers to be on the move more often than not. He'll go out and explore an area near the city, or if Carpet is not in use, request it to fly him a bit further afield in order to explore or perform studies on-site in some cases. May occasionally bring back items of interest.
DC: 40

-[][Indy Personal] His Father's Son (Help a Hero unit study a language)

-[][Indy Personal] Making it up as he goes (helps with a Learning action or an Adventure)

-[][Hub Personal] Taking Their Measure (PA to meet a random hero)

-[][Hub Personal] A Twisted Tongue (PA to study Arabic)(DC 40 (some prior training with Ned Lawrence))

-[][Hub Personal] This Mad American (Complete sword training started in Agrabah (56/150)) (edited)

-[][Hub Personal] Exploring Ababwa

-[][Hub Personal] Helping Hands (assist with a National)

-[][Garth Personal] Distilled Knowledge (Helps the University build a still) (Reduces DC on Hospital Learning action due to on-hand sanitizers and purified water)
--[] Water
--[] Alcohol

-[][Garth Personal] A Friendly Face (PA to meet a random hero)

-[][Garth Personal] A Twisted Tongue (PA to study Arabic), DC 40 (some prior training with Henry Jones)

-[][Garth Personal] Exploring Ababwa

-[][Garth Personal] Second Hands (Assist with a National)

Available Heroes:
Tai Lung
Jose Faria
Hub McCann
Garth McCann

-[][Adventure] On a Wing and a Prayer
Aladdin has found a reference to the legendary birds known as Rocs, and that there was once a nesting site in the mountains of what used to be Persia. Dispatch a team of heroes to investigate and try to retrieve any remaining feathers that may have been left in the nest; or any other treasures to be found there. Maximum of 4 heroes to a team
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero

-[][Adventure] Around the World Map
Cade's research has uncovered clues leading to the potential resting place of the Mao Kun Map, a mystical document that uses Feng Shui and the Harmony of the Leylines to trace routes to various mystical treasures and places of power. Whoever has the Map right now may also have other valuables they can be relieved of as well! Maximum of 4 heroes to a team
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero

-[][Adventure] Armor of the Hair Apparent
Zummi has found reference to an artifact known as Babr-e Bayan. A suit of armor that is supposedly proof against fire, water, or weapon. As artifacts go, that's one that has a lot of potential to save lives during other excursions. Send out a party to uncover it's resting place.Maximum of 4 heroes to a team
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero
--[] Write-in which Hero

-[][Equipment] Elemental Blade
--[] Which Hero?

Two Hour Moratorium!
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[Martial]Forging a Red Sword is kind of necessary, Martial is the only one besides Occult without 2 actions, and it looks like war is on the horizon with Lemuria.
Shouldn't the McCann Brothers also be available as heroes? Garth and Hub each should be in the roster.
And I think Henry should have an option to help with a Learning or Personal action, too?
Any actions to do anything with Viggo Grimborne and getting dragons?

Edit: Also, what would it take to gain Red & Angry as Aladdin's aides?
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