Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Haven't watched it, and frankly from what I've heard about it, it wasn't a great movie all told. So no.
Haven't watched it, and frankly from what I've heard about it, it wasn't a great movie all told. So no.
Fair. It was so full of go nowhere references it just got wished away.

I mean, all 3 are pretty selfish.
Amaya was originally supposed to also be a villain with Magnifico, creating the first evil Disney couple apparently.

But yeah, she basically is just the exact same thing Magnifico was, and he was stupid in how he did his job too so...
The guy was basically only as evil as a lotto before she stole from him.
The Walk in Winter (Anastasia Negaverse)
The Walk in Winter (Anastasia Negaverse)

Siberia was Cold, Dangerous, and Cruel.

But it wasn't the worst thing you've endured in your life…you'd carry on.

It was all you could do now.

Travel? Witch Direction?: EAST! TO THE EAST LIES LIFE! Also a Winter Wonderland of DOOM

Travel Roll 1: D100 => 86+10=96
DC: (DC:50/75/100)

Anya looked at Dimitri as they left Ipatiev House and the ensuing madness they had experienced, Vladimir could only shake his head at the shaking hands and looted materials that would help them survive.

"Are you both done shopping?" He said. "The blizzard will be breaking soon."

Dimitri had grabbed the bag of supplies he had been gathering before looking for her.

"Two loaves of bread, three bottles of wine and one of vodka, and about six kilograms of salted fish." Dimitri stopped and looked at Anya. "Is this fish or pork?"

She nodded. "It's best we probably don't think about it, is that a turnip?"

Vladimir sighed. "I can't have a moment's peace while you two are off together can I?"

"Would you rather starve?" Anya said.

Dimitri and Vladimir looked at each other and almost chuckled.

"Lead on my glorious traveler of wonder!" Vladimir said as they looked at the path before them.

"It can't get any better or worse now," Dimitri said. "Anything an improvement over Russia."

And then, begins the Walk to the East, to a nation much kinder to them now.

Intrigue Check: Con's…Con Artists and the Ingredients of Crime
Rolled: D100 => 99 (Dimitri decides to tell her)
Reward: DC for Anya's rage not getting the better of her lowered.

(POV Shift-Dimitri)

"Well, despite everything, I think we can name our price, maybe even double it." He said looking at Vladimir.

"I can see the reasoning behind it, but why keep going after dragging her, and being dragged by her to the east," Vlad said. "But after going through all of this to get out, you are still thinking of using her as part of the old con?"

"It's not just for the con, it's…proper reward for getting her out of what has essentially been a living hell, you've seen all of the terrible things that lurk in Russia, the dead, demons, and worse!? Even if she can't remember anything, the fact of the matter is, well, what choice do we have, we just tell her and bring her in on it." Dimitri said.

"That's a terrible idea, playing her like this, we don't even know how she'll react," Vlad said.

"She doesn't have a choice, she's in our debt, if not for the fact we are taking care of her when she was well, in St Petersburg," Dimitri said.

"More she was taking care of us if you'd remember, we were trying to get money to escape," Vlad said.

"And she generously kept it moving along," Dimitri said. "Come on, after everything she's been through, and after all we've seen? She deserves that much. It'll also help soften the blow of not being able to go to Paris."

"You sound like a lovestruck fool. You know that, misfortune befalls the man who listens to his heart more than his head." Vlad said.

Diplomacy Check: Rage of Toys and Dolls
DC:40-5 =35 (DC Lowered by Dimitri's critical success)
Rolled: D100 => 22+15=37
Reward: Anya holds it together and does not hurt any of her companions.

(Anya POV)

*BANG!* The bullet landed near Dimitri's foot, missing but still the point had been made. "YOU LIED TO ME! You arrogant pig-headed son of a bitch! I was just a mark to get you money!"

"She's taking it rather well," Vladimir said shaking slightly in his boots as Anya looked at Dimitri.

"Among other things…Anya, I never lied to you…I just left out a few details from our plan." He said trying to act calm over the fact she was pointing a gun at his head.

"You wanted to pull the chain of a tired and sad old woman who has already seen enough in her life and had to flee from Paris to god knows where! Even if you did find her, even if she accepted me or your little story; HOW could you have even considered still doing this stupid little con of yours after all we've seen to get this far? Was it all you had left?!" Anya shouted waving her gun as Dimitri sighed.

"I had to keep you motivated to get out of-?" He stammered out.

"Motivated! Do you think I needed the motivation to leave? Watching an entire civilization decay into some monster's fantasy of who lives and who dies? Where even death itself isn't a release." She said.

"Alright… that's me being an ass, but we got this far." He said.

Roll D6 for Attempted Party Split: D6 => 5

"ENOUGH!" Vladimir shouted. "We are in Siberia, surrounded by nature's wrath and whatever else is out here, you can be upset at him like a child or we can move forward and get to safety. That has not changed!"

The three then looked at each other as the realization of the gravity of danger remained.

"When we are safe…I never want to see you again." Anya growled.

Travel Roll 2: D100 => 97+10=107
DC: (DC:50/75/100)

The travels, continued, more muted than Anya had hoped, but in its quiet, she had little else to do but think upon the most important thing to her now that the threat of death and being turned into a zombie had passed.

What next? What was she to do; now that the monster's grasp no longer trapped her? She wouldn't follow Dimitri and Vladimir, she had made that abundantly clear a while ago, they had overstayed any sense of trust and hospitality she may have held for them.

Go to China? Go to Japan? They were well in range of a traveler such as yourself and had no real hassle to get there, it was only a question of money, and dealing with Pirates.

Get money and then roll the dice trying to get to North America?

It was something of a fool's hope, maybe what was left of your family made it to the USA and settled and they could rebuild something of a life from there.

There were choices now, choices that she couldn't possibly imagine now. It would give you indecision for the rest of your life if you let it.

A smile graced Anya's lips. One problem at a time.

"Dimitri, what's Lake Baikal like?" She asked.

"Depends on the season, but it has the best sunsets from the little bit of memories I remember, back in the good old days before it all went to hell." He said.

"They also have wonderful caviar, well at least they had it in stock when I visited." Vladimir mused, remembering happier memories as well.

Irkutsk was glowing slightly, a beacon and waystation, to weary travelers, hunters, and those who escaped, a refuge from the cold, but it was not true safety, true hope lies beyond the coast in lands much kinder to people like you.

It's not like what you remembered. Then again what hasn't changed so many years ago?

"Here Pooka, I don't want you to be someone's dinner," Anya said as the dog moved closer to her.

"We'll get some lodging and get dinner, hopefully, the prices are good," Dimitri said.

"I'll manage, hopefully, we have enough money left over or have any bartering potential," Anya said.

"Giving up your handgun?" Vladimir asked.

"No…I have to have some insurance from the two of you?" She said.

"Let her be, come on I hope this place is somewhat warm in the tavern," Dimitri said.

Stewardship Check: Buy more Supplies: D100 => 39+10=40
DC: (DC:50/75/100)

Anya looked at the shopkeeper and frowned, "This is robbery?"

"It's a fair amount of pricing given the sort of mess we are living in these days, its hard enough as it is." The shopkeeper said.

"Well shit," Anya said.

Reward: No travel Bonuses on the next travel roll.

Travel Roll 3: D100 => 73+10=83
DC: (DC:50/75/100)

"You really used up all of our money to stuff our faces so we could travel with a full stomach?" Dimitri asked.

"Would you rather do it with an empty stomach?" Anya said. "Because we could have done that?"

"Alright…the roads seem safer now than they were earlier," Vladimir said with a grunt. "Hopefully when we arrive we can settle our affairs properly."


Vladivostok was bustling despite all the chaos seen in all of Anya's travels; with the smoke and fog of smog and the smell of fish and burning coal fires.

It had its own smell, as some had often said, cities have their own smells.

This was home…for now, or forever.

I hope I can get used to the smell.

Dimitri and Vladimir nodded as they entered the city, this would be the end of their partnership.

"I can't convince you to leave with us?" Dimitri said. "Food in China's pretty good."

"I'm sorry, I have my own story to write, and unfortunately. I may have to do it without the pleasure of your company. " The bitterness was only slightly apparent in Anya's voice, as she hugged Vladimir, if nothing else than for helping keep them focused on surviving the trials of their journey.

"I will admit that the two of you were not the horrible company I expected in the days we spent," Anya admitted.

Dimitri nodded. "I can only hope, you-."

He stopped and looked at his feet. "Find whatever you are looking for Anya."

She almost smiled at that bit of encouragement. "Thank you for getting me this far, but…I won't be used as a pawn to sate your greed."

Vladimir almost sighed. "You may be searching for your family in vain. They could be dead; either from the war or this madness?"

Anya nodded. "It may be pointless, but I don't imagine a better way to spend the rest of my life, beats being stuck thinking about who to like in a cannery. There must be hope, for at least one of us."

"Then good luck Anya…don't get killed while we're gone, I like you living even if you kicked us out of your presence," Dimitri said.

"The thought is appreciated." She finished. "Dasvidaniya, you silly boys."

And then with a smile filled with regret, hope, and a bit of charm the two men wandered into the city out of your sight, into whatever they planned to do next.

Now all I need to do is find a decent job.

Random Event Roll: D100 => 86

The Cannery didn't discriminate at all; they were more surprised by the fact she had made it all the way from St. Petersburg itself.

"We don't get much from that direction but trouble, and angry animals." The foreman said handing over a glass of water.

"But you'll hire me? Despite what my Resume, my story, and appearance say?" Anya asked, bewildered that ANYONE believed a word of what she said.

"If you were desperate enough to cross Siberia for a simple job in a cannery, despite being fired and under threat of a violent death? You must have been the best-damned canner or the most desperate sort I've ever seen." The Forman said.

"So I'm hired?" She asked.

"If you don't screw up in a month, we won't even need to consider such a conversation." He said.

Well, that was easy now…who do I lodge with?


What little remained of her money was spent on lodgings that were actually warm.

And the housing was surprisingly good, for a run-down tenement apartment in the middle of Vladivostok.

The most surprising thing about it, was the company within it.

The other woman in the bunk next to her was singing a song in a language, familiar but…still somewhat unrecognizable.

"It sounds pretty, you're singing," Anya said as the older woman scoffed stopping the song dead.

"I was only singing to myself, I didn't think I warranted a bunkmate in my tenement?" She said looking at Anya.

"You were the only room available, the landlord said-." Anya started.

"Don't bring up him, I'm sure that he sent you to finally fill up the space or annoy me into leaving to fill the room with someone else; They don't like me for my traveling ways and what I know, and how long I've stayed." She said throwing up her hands.

"You are a a Gypsie?" Anya said.

"Well, I'm Romani if you must be insistent on the matter, saying that is rude young lady didn't your parents teach you manners on what to call people?" She said, half amused, half upset at her insolence.

"My parents are probably dead, and my manners took a hit trying to get here because I traveled with two con artists who wanted to sell me to an old woman, and I crossed Siberia without care of such things." Anya angrily explained as the other woman looked at her utterly bemused by what she said.

The older woman smiled as if the very story wasn't absurd but strangely endearing and hilarious; not the tragedy it probably was."Well, there is a story here isn't there? Ha and here I thought only Perkins or Sunchbench could spin a yarn that absurd and still be true."

"What?" Anya asked as the older woman still seemingly chuckled at her jokes only she knew for a moment.

Zarkov then beamed at Anya and then composed herself. "Where are my manners in this regard; I am Madame Vidalia Onionski Zarkov, of the Advenuter's Club of the United States of America, I'm the-" She stopped as if to think about her role for a moment, as it seemed to have been a long time since she thought about it.

"Head archivist of the Museum of the Weird in New Orleans…I was originally sent to Japan to check in on peculiar stories and look for an old friend, but my ship got struck by a storm and due to factors outside of my control, I'm stuck here until something resembling calm can return to the seas and I can go home, with or without visiting Japan." She said, almost giddy at the prospect of talking to someone about her life.

"Why Japan?" Anya asked.

"Because someone has to look for that absent-minded fool of a friend, and to see if he left to somewhere else." She said as Pooka jumped around barking looking for attention, both happy and content, before finding a corner of the room to ruin.

"I swear the dog's only like that when it's happy," Anya said.

"We could use some joy in this home, keep it close." She said.

Reward: Anya has left Dimitri and Vladimir on somewhat Cordial terms and has begun working in a Canning Factory again outside Vladivostok.

Anya, Dimitri, and Vladimir all gain +1 to Stewardship for their excellent resource management in Siberia.

They also gain the Trait: "Siberian Survivor"-This character is a survivor of traveling the Siberian Steppe of Russia, and through, wit, luck, and skill has successfully managed to live to tell the tale. Thanks to this experience, they have a +5 for all rolls related to foraging for food, hunting medium to small game, and traveling in the cold of winter without a malus.

Anya is now the flatmate of Madam Zarkov.

Anya's Income has been restored, she now gains +30 Currency per shift, with the possibility of a bonus.


Martial: 7 (A Young Active and fit young woman, growing up in an orphanage in the Post Soviet Civil War meant you had to fight for every morsel of food at times.)

Stewardship:10+1=11(Math is Evil! But Anya understands the importance of good management. She would not be here without it)

Diplomacy: 15 (Anya has a witty and charming personality and has a way of getting what she wants, within reason)

Intrigue: 12 (She's gotten herself to Vladivostok and picked up a few tricks from Dimitri along the Trans Siberian Railway)

Learning: 10 (She has a standard education for an Orphan and the Soviet School System)

Occult: 7 (Anya has read up on various Russian and Christian folklore and has used it to keep herself alive.)


"Lost Identity: Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia ": Suffering Amnesia from a variety of Traumas (From a head injury in St Petersberg to an incident while traveling in Yekaterinburg) Anya is in fact the now fully Adult Anastasia Romanov, the Legal Tsarina of the Empire of Russia. For good and Ill it is who she is.

"Siberian Survivor"-This character is a survivor of traveling the Siberian Steppe of Russia, and through, wit, luck, and skill has successfully managed to live to tell the tale. Thanks to this experience, they have a +5 for all rolls related to foraging for food, +10 for hunting medium to small game, and +15 for traveling in the cold of winter without a malus.

Lesser Polyglot: Besides Russian Anya has a passing understanding of English, German, French, and Italian. (No language debuffs while speaking these languages.)

Ancillary Pooka: An Imaal Terrier Dog that lives with Anastasia and is more aware of things than it lets on. (???, A Smart Dog, who knew)


Madam Zarkov​
Martial: 8 (Madam Zarkov is a fit woman who travels a great deal, she's not built for fighting, she's… well, an occultist.)

Stewardship: 16 (She's managed her own finances, her museum's finances, and her travel expenses with little difficulty.)

Diplomacy:12 (While not a linguist per se, her knowledge of written languages and cultures allows her to understand and communicate with little difficulty. Though her errors are common enough)

Intrigue:13 (She's hidden many things from different people for a long time, for good reason)

Learning:21( She's well versed in many different cultures, from religious heritages to how they maintain their spiritual affairs.)

Occult: 23 (Madam Zarkov is THE Occultest when it comes to knowledge and mysticism, having devoted most of her life to the study, and while she can sense magic, she cannot channel and use it.)


"Member of the Adventurers Club"-Madam Zarkov is a member of the Adventurers Club, a successor/offshoot of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers. While much more public than the SEA, they are much more specialized in terms of public outreach but still share the same spirit of adventure and in some cases heroism. This character has a +10 on all diplomacy rolls with fellow adventurers and a +10 on all rolls related to traveling and survival. They also have special actions on adventure, related to gathering knowledge or helping people.

"World Traveler" - Zarkov has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. She suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than most.

"Proprietor of the Museum of the Weird"-Madam Zarkov is the Proprietor of the Museum of the Weird, a Vast collection of occult artifacts and knowledge she has gathered for most of her life. It contains everything from Latin script to African folk songs and Native American artifacts. (When in the museum Madam Zarkov gains a +15 to all occult and learning rolls, and while explaining their origins to others gains a +5 to diplomacy rolls)

"The Magic is Calling"- Madam Zarkov is one of THE Experts on the Occult in the Late 19th and Early 20th, and she has been drawn to the mysticism of the world for most of her life, from the various mystical threats Jason and SEA seemingly found every other expedition to her own years of study. (Madam Zarkov has a very in-depth understanding of Magic and gives a +5 to occult and learning rolls when she SOLEY relies on her own knowledge of the occult, and she also knows many countermeasures to spellcasters, even if she can't channel her own magical potential at all)

AN: Here is the Finished Product of the end of Anya's Travels, and her being in the monotity of her being a Worker again.

At least she's got a really cool roommate to chill with.

Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest) Turn 9: The Art of Espionage
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest)
Turn 9: The Art of Espionage
Robin & Teagler
[X] Create a Navy
DC 65/85/105
Critical Success!

Robin & Brydon
[X] Fortify the Defenses
DC 90/120
Headless Horseman Martial: 1d100+35+5-10=53
Agnes Opposed Martial: 1d100+28+10=122
Horseman Failure! Agnes adds +10 to roll due to knowing what's coming!
Bare Success

Marian & Robin
[X] Rebuild London
DC 75/100/125
Moderate Success Failure

Marian & Robin
[X] Reform Agriculture System
DC 75/100/125
Moderate Success

Marian & Kluck
[X] Grant a Pirate Lord title as Privateer
Davy Jones Diplomacy Failure! "Keep Hope Alive" Activates!
[X] Find a Privateer/Marine Captain
DC 80/90/100
Extreme Success!

[X] Contact the EITC
Diplomacy: Marian & Eilonwy vs Becket & Swann
"Priority: Elizabeth" activates! Swann's busy looking for his daughter and cannot come to negotiations. Greitzer takes his place.
Becket Critical Succes!

Robin & John
[X] Hire a Royal Spy Master
DC 85 75

Learning (Pick 1)
Marian & Browne
[X] Consolidate Knowledge and Teachers
DC 80/120

Occult (Pick 2)
Robin & Browne
[X] Open Liverpool Academy of Magic
DC 70/110
"Come, One, All, Ladies and Gentlemen!" activates!
1d100+4+11+7+15 (Extra Preparation)=54

Robin & Ms. Price
[X] Research Enchanted Weapons
DC 80/150
"Apprentice Witch" activates
"Cosmic Creepers" does not activate

Marian walked down the street towards the London docks. The past few weeks since the celebration of victory over the Horned King had been full of hope and joy. Already, many learned men and women had been found in the ruins of the universities of Oxford, Canterbury, Cambridge, and London itself. They had gladly gone to Manchester to pool together knowledge of the arts and sciences so that it may be preserved. Also, many contractors and surveyors had volunteered to help scout London so that the damage wrought in the Liberation would be swiftly repaired.

What Marian was most proud of, though, were the new agricultural laws on the floor of Parliament. Due to the massive land gains of the UK, they now had more than double the amount of people they needed to feed. As such, the new laws would streamline the local farmlands and provide funding and druidic magic for any damage wrought upon them by the Horned King. This way, the crops would soon be plentiful and prosperous just in time for the harvest and distribution among the people, the system of which the laws also provided.

Currently, she was walking to the port to celebrate with her husband his latest achievement: the creation of a new English fleet, perfect for beating off any attacks by pirates or the Horned King (or that Davy Jones character, ugh). However, her attention suddenly became arrested by a large shape at the port.

It was a ship. A massive ship. And from the design and colors it was flying, it wasn't one of Robin's. Just by looking at it, she could tell it was made for war. The decks were bristling with guns and the hull seemed so thick that cannons would fail to penetrate it at point-blank range. All in all, it made her quite nervous.


Marian turned toward the polite cough. There, standing at the gangplank of the ship, was a short man in a decorated brown coat and an admiral's hat. The various bits and bobs glimmered like stars. Next to him was a man of average height in a yellow shirt, blue coat, and tricone hat. On his other side was a very nervous-looking Eilonwy, who didn't seem to quite know how she had gotten there.

"You must be the… Prime Minister, yes?" said the decorated man. "My name is Lord Culter Beckett. Apologies for my abrupt arrival, but as a fellow Englishman myself, I would very much like to have a word with you."


Robin felt like screaming. Everything was going wrong.

Despite the success of the new agricultural laws, the system that had held up so well over the course of the Mythological English War seemed to finally be giving way under the strain. Communication and supply issues had deteriorated to the point of absolute nonaction. A record and inventory were taken of what was needed to rebuild London, but for some reason, nobody who had the necessary items seemed to understand they needed to give them. Requests for stone and mortar were buried in an avalanche of meaningless paperwork, dispatches to nearby forests for wood never arrived despite their insistence that they had delivered the message, and skilled workers and builders seemed to vanish into thin air!

Even the Liverpool Academy and the Occult Department had suffered. The paperwork for opening Liverpool had somehow been wrapped up in an endless binding of red tape and the requisitions department couldn't find their own pencils, much less the ingredients needed to experiment with enchanted weapons! Professor Browne and Ms. Price were incensed, but nobody could seem to figure out where the blame laid.

The only saving grace was that the border between the Horned King and the UK had been reinforced, if only at a minimum. Really, Robin had Agnes to thank for that. Apparently, a servant of the Horned King, some kind of "Headless Horseman" had ridden out of the mist one night and attacked her. Of course, this was Dark Agnes de Chatillon, who had personally led the Damocles Commandos against the Cauldronborne and Wights of the Horned King in London's Liberation. As such, she managed to defeat the specter and chase him back into the night, beaten. She immediately went to the front to warn the men of what had happened and provide advice on how to counter the Horseman. Despite her personal involvement and the increased morale of the soldiers, they only managed a basic defensive barrier thanks to the supply issues, something that irritated her, Teagler, and Robin to no end.

Robin thanked his lucky stars that whatever bad luck had befallen his country, it had only come after Marian and Kluck had hired the now-Admiral Hector Barbossa. He had been instrumental in the creation of a navy in order to ward off pirate attacks and any attempt the Horned King would make by sea. It was especially helpful given the intelligence the man had on Davy Jones, whom Marian and Kluck had considered giving a title of privateer to, but had decided against it after hearing the port rumors and Barbossa's tales. Now, the UK had a whole armada free of Davy Jones and a defense against any attacks. Still, Barbossa warned that if the supply issues weren't fixed soon, his fleet would begin to suffer.

Intrigue Check: What is going on?!
DC 90/120/150 80/110/140
Critical Success!

Having enough, Robin and John decided to get their hands dirty and find out what the heck was going on. Publically, they announced the creation of a Foreign Intelligence Service for the sake of keeping tabs on possible enemies of the state. Immediately, it began to suffer bureaucratic and supply problems that paralyzed the agency, but the agency was just a cover. Really, Robin and John were putting together a team of elite spies and thieves to get to the bottom of this sudden supply nightmare. Initially, they had planned to lead the team.

Then, they had met Sir Francis Walsingham.

Robin was gobsmacked. "You managed to figure this out how?" he asked.

"Simple, really," Walsingham replied. "I paid a couple of pageboys to keep an eye on the stacks of paperwork as they went through the system. They both report deliberate misfiling, the creation and later destruction of nonsensical bureaucratic procedures, spreading of misinformation, and sometimes deliberate destruction of paperwork. Really, the system is complex in its actions, but it seems to only have one rule: cause chaos."

Robin groaned and dragged his hand down his face. "So much makes sense now," he groaned.

"I don't get it," John said, scratching his head. "What do these guys have to gain from deliberately sabotaging everything we're doing? We have the Horned King on the run and against the wall and trying to rebuild everything he destroyed! Why would they oppose that?"

"Another simple explanation, my good man," Sir Walsingham replied. He dropped a small pouch onto Robin's desk with a soft clink. "Money. Very specific money, I might add."

Robin opened the pouch. Gold coins fell out onto his desk. Upon examination they were ice cold to the touch, making his fur bristle. But what really set him off was the insignia stamped on the coins: three crosses making a spoked wheel, separating the symbols "E", "I", and "Co." Even more damning were the words stamped across the top.

East India Company.

"The EITC," Robin growled. "I knew they were up to no good. If I had been there when Marian and Eilonwy were press-ganged into conducting negotiations, they never would've set foot on English soil. Hell, negotiations would never have taken place!"

Sir Walsingham raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless. "Indeed, sir," he replied. "Upon finding this pouch, I started poking around those docks the EITC have claimed. Their 'sailors' have loose lips, and if you hear any sarcasm in my voice, it's because many of them are forced conscripts, scooped up from poor ports or shipwrecks and forced to work off the 'debt' they now owe the Company for their 'charity'. From what I could glean, it seems this Company is hellbent on annexing this entire nation… and ousting you and your family from power, I'm afraid."

Robin gave off a lupine snarl. "Over my corpse," he vowed. "Sir Walsingham, I am officially making you the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Unofficially, you will be in charge of both keeping an eye on our enemies and rooting out this conspiracy. I want this Company out of my home."

Sir Francis Walsingham smiled. "That's what I thought you'd say, sir," he affirms. "I have a couple of plans on how to get started, but first, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, I thought you might like these." He places a large satchel on the desk. "Dispatches from Dunwyn, milord. Seems the EITC wanted to divide the two kingdoms."

Robin blinked. "Did you know I was going to give you this position?" he asked.

"I figured, but didn't want to assume, milord," he replied. "I simply wanted to give you the most pertinent information first."

"I see," Robin replied. He put the money back in the pouch and handed it to John. "Johnny, get this to Ms. Price and see if she can identify it. Whatever it is, it makes my fur stand on end and I don't want it around if it's harmful. And get me Brydon and Browne. If what Sir Walsingham has told us is any indication, we'll probably need to rebuild our bureaucracy from the ground up after we root out these traitors."

John nodded and left the room. As Sir Walsingham started to list his plans of removing the EITC, Robin opened a dispatch titled "URGENT".

Rulers of the UK,

I write this with haste so you may quickly heed my warnings. The Horned King does not suffer defeat lightly. I now know this personally. Beware; he may send assassins and blights to wreak havoc upon your kingdom.

Well, that would've been nice to know before the Horseman attacked! Robin growled lowly as he crumbled the note. How was he going to explain all this to Marian?

Beckett would pay. And pay dearly.

Navy formed! The UK takes no maluses in case of sea invasion or pirate attack.
Defense formed! All defenses in the West get a +5 bonus!
Agricultural system reformed! Food supply maluses negated!
Davy Jones has been ignored and overlooked. This will have consequences.
EITC contacted! The UK gains a trait:
"Unequal Treaty": Due to nefarious fine print, roundabout legalese, and a touch of intimidation, the UK is locked in an unequal treaty with the EITC. All Martial, Stewardship, and Diplomacy rolls suffer a -10 malus due to EITC sabotage and control. This can only be resolved by an Intrigue Contest followed by a Martial or Diplomacy contest.
Marian is distraught at this news! She gains a temporary -5 malus due to wrecked self-confidence and a personal action.
Robin gains a trait:
Enmity - EITC: The EITC has torn the inner workings of Robin's home to shreds in an attempt to overthrow, and possibly kill, him and his family. What's worse, they used his wife to do it. At this point, Robin is ready to swear a blood oath of vengeance against these "Britannians".
Dunwyn in tatters! Apparently, the EITC has been blocking your correspondence and they're having a bad time with a ghost pirate!
New hero units!

Martial: 22 (Barbossa is an accomplished pirate and swordsman almost without rival.)

Stewardship: 13 (Barbossa ran a ship of cynical, cursed pirates for a decade without having a mutiny. He can handle small-scale projects.)

Diplomacy: 19 (Barbossa's a bit rough around the edges, but he can still be respectable and polite if the situation calls for it.)

Intrigue: 16 (Barbossa perfected his sneak attacks over the tenure of his ownership of the Black Pearl. However, subtlety is not his preferred method.)

Learning: 15 (Despite being a bit more educated than his fellow sea dogs, Barbossa's still "naught but a humble pirate".)

Occult: 12 (Barbossa has seen shadow magic, been cursed by heathen gods, been uncursed by a blood ritual, and been resurrected with Caribbean voodoo. Suffice to say, he knows quite a thing or two about the supernatural.)

"It's a Pirate's Life for Me": Barbossa is a pirate, end of story. He lives by the Code of the Brethren Court, he seeks freedom in all he does, and isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes, regardless of whoever is standing against him (mostly). He gains a +10 to situations involving naval combat of all sorts, +15 to Learning checks about naval information and pirate crews, +15 to Diplomacy when asserting his authority on a ship, and a +10 to any actions that involve traditional piracy, rum, or spiting the EITC. Also, any attempts to make him submit to and follow an authority he doesn't respect must succeed a Diplomacy Roll of DC 100.

"More Like Guidelines": That said, Barbossa likes to play a bit more loose with the rules. He'll use the Code as a guidebook for his actions, but he's not afraid to bend the rules when it suits him.

"Master Sailor" - Barbossa is a tremendously skilled sailor and warrior, a result of his tenure as a pirate, normal, Lord, and cursed. He gains +15 Martial when dueling with swords, and +15 Martial and Stewardship when commanding ships.

"Former Lord": Thanks to Davy Jones, Barbossa has lost his place on the Brethren Court. To say he's not happy is an understatement. However, this also makes him an excellent figurehead for rebels against the new Pirate King. +10 when taking actions against Davy Jones and +10 to Diplomacy rolls when trying to convince members of the old guard to rebel against the King.

Ancillary- Jack the Monkey: Jack is a monkey cursed due to taking the Cursed Treasure of Cortés. A mischievous scamp, he does his best to help Barbossa as much as possible. Any time Barbossa takes an action, roll a d6. If it's above a 3, Jack finds some way to add +5 to the roll. On quests, Jack provides +5 to Intrigue and Diplomacy rolls, due to being a neat distraction and adorable.

Martial: 11 (Walsingham has been educated in all the gentlemanly arts of swordplay and combat and possesses an extremely tactical mind. However, he prefers the pen to the sword.)

Stewardship: 20 (Walsingham ran a huge network of spies and double agents for Queen Elizabeth, and was even her Secretary of State. These days, he's been single-handedly running the rebellion against the Horned King.)

Diplomacy: 15 (Walsingham has the manners and charm of an English gentleman, but he has an extremely Machiavellian outlook on life and huge amounts of paranoia.)

Intrigue: 28(+2=30) (Walsingham grew up as a Protestant during the English Reformation. As such, he was practically raised in the art of secret-keeping and espionage and developed a keen sense of paranoia. He also ran the largest intelligence network in the Elizabethan Era and foiled multiple plots against the queen. Running from the Horned King has only sharpened his skills and paranoia.)

Learning: 17+5=22 (Walsingham is a well-educated Protestant, but he is by no means a scholar or a genius. Why else did he hire so many others for such pursuits?)

Occult: 7 (While a devout Protestant, Walsingham has little to no patience for the arcane. Still, the Horned King's rampage across England has opened his mind to the concept and has made him more adept at detecting magic.)

"Machiavellian Mind": Walsingham is paranoid and ruthless, a byproduct of the purges of his youth. Whenever he meets someone new, he must pass an Intrigue Check of 75. If he fails, he takes a -10 malus to any actions taken with them as he does not trust them and must take a personal to fix it. If it's a success, or he takes the personal and succeeds, he can immediately tell if they can or cannot be trusted and suffers no maluses working with them.
Trusted People: Robin, Little John
Uncertain People: Marian, Eilonwy

"Devout Protestant": Walsingham is completely committed to the Protestant faith and keenly remembers the Catholic purges of the 16th Century. As such, he takes a -15 when working with Catholics, but gains a +15 when working against them.

"The Spider's Web": Walsingham, through large effort, has reconstructed his network in England. Though the country is in shambles, he still knows all. +20 to all Intrigue actions taken in England.

"Loyal to the Crown": Walsingham is extremely loyal to the English Crown and will serve it faithfully. He cannot be bribed, bought, or coerced into betraying it by anyone and has a +15 in resisting magical attempts to get him to do so. He also, due to duty and experience, has a +15 to actions for routing out and crippling conspiracies against the throne.

"Kill Each Other Like Civilized People": Walsingham is well-versed in the art of dueling and honorable combat. He gains a +10 to his Martial in single combat with another person.

"Spymaster": Walsingham is a careful and practiced spy and double agent. He gets a +15 when he must take an action that involves infiltration, forgery, or espionage. However, his meticulous nature raises the DC by 10.

Ancillary-Personal Staff: Walsingham knows how to take a team and form them into a competent organization, especially in terms of espionage. With the Royal Spy Agency at his command, he can cover his bases. Due to the specialization of his team, he gains a +5 to Learning and may either take a +2 to Intrigue actions or take a third Intrigue action with 1/3 of his Intrigue stat added. This bonus does not apply if he cannot work with his staff on the issue.
Locked due to EITC infiltration
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Welp, Becket has just made a Very Big Mistake. He forgot that he wasn't just dealing with Marian, he was dealing with a cunning thief that had run rings around a generally competent sheriff and Sir Hiss.
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King Igthorn - Rival Report Turn 9 (Aladdin Turn 10)
King Igthorn - Rival Report Turn 9
(Aladdin Turn 10)

Northern Britain
The Horned King - ???
You know what the Horned King did to you. You do not know what other malodorous deeds he accomplished. Honestly, you almost *hope*
that its - for after seeing this fell creature, you cannot call it a man anymore - predations were sated by you. You shudder at the thought that he is doing even more elsewhere.
In other news, the Horned King seems to have moved its seat of power to Wessex, and you know firsthand he has gained allies in the form of the ghost pirate. Carina told you a bit about that one, and that when she last saw him, he was searching for the Trident of Poseidon, the divine implement that would give power over the sea itself to its wielder, even if you are *certain* she is still hiding something.
Either way, the cauldron-born are in force to your south, and shouldn't pressure Nottingham for now.
The other way around would have been more to your liking.

Mor'du - 100
Your new spymaster hasn't yet had chance to build up a network of her own, but she has aggressively co-opted both Kelvin and Vex. (You had known that they'd try something like that, but you hadn't known that they had already succeeded. Isn't good personnel wonderful?).
Admittedly, it's nothing special, but they have heard news from Scotland.
After Robin had told you of their glorious deeds against the King of the Wild, they give you an update of the aftermath this month.
The wounded Demon Bear, it is said, wandered into a dark storm, the heaviest for a long time. No one has seen that devil since then, but a man has been wandering the Scottish highlands, built like a mountain, scarred and taciturn.

Nottingham Forest
The United Kingdom = ???
The UK are strong allies for now, but you haven't heard from them in quite some time. At least, not officially. There are talks of a new navy, with quite an impressive number of hulls, but probably in quality not quite up to the Wrath. Other then that, you hear nothing. What could them silence you so? You consider.
They have built up a defense against an attack by an army, but if you were the Horned King, you'd send assassins. Quickly, you write that warning into a mail to the foxes. You hope it reaches them in time, though, clever as the Prime Minister is, she may have thought of this danger beforehand. Then again, she seems to be a fundamentally nice person.

DC 90/120/150 80/110/140
Critical Success!

It takes another two weeks before you receive an official reply, written by the hand of a Sir Francis Walsingham, but sealed with Marian's seal. It explains the perfidy of the East India Trading Company, and how they managed to snare and snag the UK in some hellish kind of contract. Francis claims the foxes are well, and that steps are to be undertaken, but it means that they currently are being slowed down in fulfilling their part of the treaties.

You grunt, in anger.

Roll: 49
You aren't happy about that. But you think you have a task for your new spymistress.

Pope Frollo - ???
What's going on in France? No one knows. The traders can't say something useful - for even in the harshest war, there's always someone looking to turn a coin. The spies? The very best the Mirror Kingdom had? Gone silent. Maybe killed, maybe turned - you cannot know. Clairvoyance is blocked, but there seems to be movement of troops. They are preparing something.
Maybe they will attack the Horned King via the English Channel. A man can dream.

Kriemhild - ???
To be continued in the Turn 10.

Eastern Europe
Czernobag - 72
Apparently, the old devil seems to be more active. He summons storms, he even sends out messengers, truly horrifying creatures. Czernobag is starting to move, and though you cannot say for what reasons, it frightens you. The run-in with the Horned King was bad enough, but that evil god seems to be on an even more dire level.

Maleficient's Realm
Maleficient - 24
The fae are licking their wounds. France, at least for the moment, does not seem to press its advantage, but neither are the servants of Maleficient sallying out to take revenge.

Elsa - ???
You know. You had talked to Lord Kelvin about superweapons and the like, but they are, right now, simply too expensive. And, from what you have gleaned, someone seems to have access to Arendelle, even with that ice wall, though you're damned if you know how.

North America
??? - 85
There are still no official news or envoys, but the harbor has brought in rumors. Some kind of government is on the rise, again, but it's patently absurd - a system where everyone has a say? How inefficient! How utterly intolerable! But for now they are but rumors. Maybe somebody made a mistake.
Really, who could lay the future of a land in the hands of a plebs, instead of a King?

South America
Empress Yzma the First and Last - 57
Now that you have a stronger naval presence and a well-functioning harbor (well, you had one), the Aztec ships have visited you twice already. Yzma seems to be a villain of the old school - she has grabbed power, will not let it go, and rules with a firm look on the horizon, implementing long-term policies. You envy her solitude, and are glad to exchange tea for coffee.

China seems to switch its current ruler with alarming frequency; one of the old rulers, some kind of "Shan", has appeared again, to challenge Lord Shen. Or was it vice versa
Also, you have some useful information why eastern Europe and Asia are so messed up - besides Czernobag, Hades also walks the world and has unleashed the Titans. Quite frankly, after hearing this, you are pleasantly surprised the world is still standing.

You still lack connections there, but what you can learn is that the central city-states seem to be celebrating. It seems some kind of uprising was pushed down. Hopefully some of the rioters have survived to do further mischief.

YES! Great large place south of you. Wait, you really *should* know more about this...
You decide that you will send one of your trade fleet ships down there.
Once it's built. After the harbor is repaired. You hate Salazar.
Well it seems while no one really has eyes down South Yzma continues to have things go her way. I don't think she ever had a roll under 50 this whole time.
Home Is Where The Miracle Is (Canon)
Home Is Where The Miracle Is
A loud crashing echoed through the jungle as a large lumbering figure tore through the ground as it loped along. The brightly colored house was covered all along it's walls and roof in living greenery as four pillars of wood and stone growing from it's base carried it along a path. A path that was created as it approached, the plants moving out of it's way then back again obscuring the mobile home's tracks.

In an upper window in the front of this miraculous sight a young woman garbed in a multi colored dress with flowers and leaves in her hair waved her arms as though she was pushing the foliage back and away. Isabella Madrigal had been at this for a few days straight already. The only thing keeping her going was her mother's magical food, keeping the florakinetic awake and alert enough to continue her task. She couldn't stop now, not with those things after them!

It started when they were 'parked' to let everyone stretch their legs a bit. Sure Casita was bigger on the inside, bigger now than even the Madrigals ever thought it could be, but you still know you are inside. It was also a good time to hunt or forage the immediate area. Isabella's and Antonio's rooms being used for growing their own produce and tending livestock meant they were self sufficient, but every bit helps the Encanto.

They were lucky to have Dolores, without her they would have likely lost more people. Like they lost Alma when the soldiers came. Flooding into their peaceful little home after the very mountains themselves were torn asunder. Abuela, the matriarch of the Madrigal family, stood her ground so they could escape. Then her children had to watch as history repeated itself once more. As the sword flashed in the light of the sun rather than a candle. In the same exact spot Pedro once fell.

History repeats itself. A new Miracle was born.

The villagers in the Encanto had all fled to the only sanctuary they had left, the recently rebuilt Casita. Anguished at the death of Alma the house ripped itself from the earth and struck back against the Invaders. However, vengeance wasn't it's purpose. El Casita forced it's way through all the enemies in it's path seeking refuge in the Colombian jungles. Heading north away from the danger, for when walls fall all you can do is run. Unlike last time they were forced to flee, this time their home would be coming with them. There was already enough loss for one day.

Dolores didn't hear the soldiers then over the sound of the mountains falling. She did hear the jaguars. Massive stone beasts that came late in the day. Their eerie green light has been hunting Casita ever since as they now race through Nicaragua.

Mirabel has been trying to keep up morale. Her task is made easier by her newfound ability (her gift?) to look and see anywhere within Casita with her glowing yellow butterflies. The house had never responded to her Abuela as it does now for the young hopebearer. Mirabel sighs as she caresses her door. There was a time she would have been ecstatic to have her own room in Casita, but now it's bittersweet to know that her room was always waiting for Alma to pass it on to her when she left. Now with no candle to bear the miracle, Mirabel herself carries the flame within her heart. So long as it beats so too does the family magic.

Mirabel closes her eyes as she looks through the greatly expanded magical house, flitting about through all the new doors and dodging people. She never knew Casita could house the entire Encanto before now. She wished she never found out it could. She watches her mom furiously baking the fastest, smallest foods she can. She watches her Tia Pepa help by filling their water and ice stores with rain and hail. She watches Dolores give out positions of their pursuers to Mariano so they don't run into their patrols. She watches Tio Bruno try to divine a safe future. She watches as everyone pitches in where they can to lighten the loads being carried. The townsfolk were close before, but with a few hundred people all living in one building together the bonds that were once iron had become as steel.

Finally Mirabel turned her inner eyes to Antonio's room. Her little cousin had taken it upon himself to help by organizing all his animal friends that could to run or fly and distract any stone jaguars that come too close. Right now he was talking with a llama, more like the irritating bleating creature was trying to hold some sort of court with all the other animals, dressed up in a patterned sweater Mirabel finished knitting just last week. Antonio had said his new friend wanted clothes too. Her cousin found the llama before they left Colombia, nothing notable. Just a new animal in the menagerie to cheer him up after.... The Upheaval. Except then he started claiming that the newly dubbed Kuzco was a cursed emperor, and that his empire to the south was taken over by a dinosaur with purple feathers. Insisting the pet gets a seat at the dinner table and everything. While Mirabel admits it was impressive he taught it how to use cutlery she really had to put her foot down on allowing that.

They'd picked up a few other refugees and travelers on their journey and some of them gave looks that she just knew meant they needed to be handled carefully about their gifts. Always the peacemaker. For now Mirabel was putting it down to stress, kids without the ability to talk to animals created imaginary friends so this is probably something like that. They'd all seen some weird things since that day everything came crashing down, but there had to be a limit to the insanity. This shouldn't be her job, not yet, but it is.

The people they collected along the way were the reason they were going this far north in the first place. Trying to reach the United States of America, or what is left of it, to escape somewhere safe. Somewhere new to settle their home. It'll be a long hard journey, with more perils than a young bright eyed girl could have ever imagined, but she'll do it. As head of the Madrigal family, chosen by Casita and the miracle itself, Mirabel will see her family survive this. Without losing who they are or what happiness they can make. No one messes with her family.

Martial - 5 + 30(Casita) - Mirabel is an active young woman, but she has never fought anyone physically her entire life. Casita will protect her with it's own life.

Stewardship - 15 - Growing up as the normal one in the family meant she was sent on many a grocery run, not to mention her own crafting hobby. She knows how to budget, and organize resources, and lately she's learned how to apply that to people.

Diplomacy - 20 - Being the peacemaker of a rather volatile Colombian family is a full time job she's had ever since she can remember.

Intrigue - 16 - Mirabel knows how to be sneaky and spot a lie. Anyone would growing up with as much family as she did!

Learning - 12 - While a bright girl, Mirabel still grew up in an isolated village with only so much material to learn let alone study.

Occult - 10 - Growing up around, and now being, a miracle has taught her a few things.

Head of the Madrigal Family - Despite being so young with the passing of Abuela and the reestablishment of the Miracle, Mirabel has found herself as the new head of the family. + 10 to Stewardship, + 10 to Intrigue, and + 15 to Diplomacy when it involves her immediate family as well as those from the Encanto.

Giftless - Growing up without a gift and surrounded by magic gives Mirabel a unique insight to those who don't have it themselves. +10 to Diplomacy when dealing with someone who fears and/or doesn't understand magic.

The Miracle Is You - With the candle gone, the Miracle now resides within Mirabel herself. Her life fuels the magic of the Encanto, and in turn she is protected from going out. So long as the Madrigal family bonds are strong Mirabel cannot die. She also commands Casita above anyone else.

Diamond in the Rough - Mirabel's potential is deeper than even she knows. ???

Priority: Casita - Mirabel has a kind and open heart which is what led to her allowing any in need find refuge within her home, but family always comes first. Mirabel will always put her home and those who live in it before anyone and anything else.

Martial - 8 - He had soldiers for fighting his battles! At least now he can give a good kick as a llama.

Stewardship - 10 - Growing up as an emperor Kuzco had many tutors that he never paid much attention to, and even when on the throne he never paid much attention to anything.

Diplomacy - 0 - Kuzco wasn't exactly a people person even before he was a llama, now he can't even speak. Some may say that's an improvement.

Intrigue - 4 - He didn't notice a coup even after it happened.

Learning - 10 - Growing up as an emperor Kuzco had many tutors that he never paid much attention to.

Occult - 8 - Despite being raised by a magical potioneer Kuzco never really learned anything of the occult. Since being turned into a llama and then cursed even more on top of that he's picked up a few things.

A Llama!? - Being poisoned with extract of llama has turned this former human into one. While once he was able to speak, a second dose took even that away. He can understand animals now though! +5 Diplomacy when speaking with 'fellow' animals, or those who can understand animals.

The Emperor's Groove - Kuzco's groove is his way of life! When he has a groove going add + 10 to any roll, but when his groove gets thrown off it becomes a -10 to a roll.

By All Accounts It Doesn't Make Sense - If there is one thing Kuzco has learned since becoming a llama, it's how to run away. From danger, from his problems, he always seems to be able to escape them all, at least for a time. +30 when fleeing.

Descendant of The Sun God - The ruling family of the Incans claimed to be direct descendants of divinity. ???

Nemesis: Yzma - She raised him yes, but now she has taken everything from him. His Empire, his body, even his voice, and Yzma will stop at nothing to see him dead if he ever returns.
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Colombia, not Columbia.
One is a country, the other is part of the USA.

Also, just because I am curious, do the other Madrigal Family Members have their own Hero Stat Sheet too?
Because if so, Mirabel may have a rather large Hero Unit roster. Even if we take out Bruno, Augustin and Felix, we still have 7 Units (Pepa - Julieta - Isabela - Dolores - Luisa - Camilo - Antonio)
On top of that, Casita seems to be quite strong. In theory, doesn't that make Mirabel a "King"? Because she has controll over a large territory (Casita and its Inside), has a good number of Hero Units, has a Goal, and could potentially ascend - if the "magic that now resides inside her to keep Casita alive" is anything to go by.

Maybe ascend.... and become an Angel of Life.

anyway, rant's over. Have a nice day everyone, remember to drink your 3 glasses of water every once in a while.
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Wonder what happened to Pacha?
I imagine he probably made a deal with Yzma like he did with Kuzco, only she honored it. He went home. She may have made him the governor or whatever of his village working for the new crown.
Pacha definitely has a Priority Trait for his family.

Oh look! Confirmation from Tempest!

The Encanto is likely to run into the 5 El Dorado characters on the way to North America. The idea of a full negaquest for a settlement on the move is intriguing, but I don't think I'm up for that.
Were those El Doradan soldiers that attacked the Madrigals or Mexican soldiers? Because if it was the former, then the latter might come as a very nasty shock as they try to pass through Mexico. Santa Anna has got a lot of men to throw at a problem and Casita would be a very valuable prize to capture…
Also, just because I am curious, do the other Madrigal Family Members have their own Hero Stat Sheet too?
Because if so, Mirabel may have a rather large Hero Unit roster. Even if we take out Bruno, Augustin and Felix, we still have 7 Units (Pepa - Julieta - Isabela - Dolores - Luisa - Camilo - Antonio)

I didn't make any, but yes they would. Though some of them would be in advisor positions and not hero unit positions. 3 advisors would probably be Félix, Agustin, and Mariano.

On top of that, Casita seems to be quite strong. In theory, doesn't that make Mirabel a "King"? Because she has controll over a large territory (Casita and its Inside), has a good number of Hero Units, has a Goal, and could potentially ascend - if the "magic that now resides inside her to keep Casita alive" is anything to go by.

Maybe ascend.... and become an Angel of Life.

Saint Mirabel The Undying could become a source of a truly potent holy power to rally around actually... It's magic but it's also rather heavily implied to be a holy miracle in nature. Maybe Hestia will take note of them if she hasn't already?

Casita can expand to shelter anyone it needs to. It currently houses a few hundred people, so not Kingdom size at this time.
Also, while Santa Anna would feel like the Casita would be a valuable prize, I think he'd also accept the explanation that it's not something that can really be controlled as such, not normally anyway.
A quick google search has disabused me of that notion. Santa Anna would most definitely try and weaponize the Madrigals. And it would go very, very badly for him.