Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Would he know the story of The Sword in the Stone? Because if he did interesting things could happen if he's sent Arthur's way.
What, Richard the Lionheart?

Hard to say. Historically, the Matter of Britain (the set of stories that were eventually curated into what we now know as the 'King Arthur' mythos) was still coming together in his day in real life. What he'd say and think about the whole thing would be hard to predict.

Also, again, he is probably a literal talking anthropomorphic lion-man or something; I forget if he actually appears at all in the relevant iteration of Robin Hood.
On the other hand, this iteration of him is probably also a talking animal (because he's from a version of Robin Hood where the characters are), and he's kind of a bloody-minded warrior type who may well be institutionally hostile to both Agrabah and Ababwa because, well, we're Disney Fantasy Muslims and he's Disney Fantasy Crusader.

The image in the character sheet and his descriptions show him as a lion man, so if it ends up canon then so he is.

That being said, let me relive my Stronghold Crusaders hype okay? :V
You know.

It's kind of a pity that we have Disney's Sword in the Stone version of Arthur, not the original T. H. White novel's version.

Because then we'd have two Robin Hoods running around, one a human being and one an anthropomorphic fox. :D
The Disney/RKO Pictures Robin Hood is theoretically valid. There's your two Robin Hood.

Then, you can have roughly three King Arthurs...
The Disney/RKO Pictures Robin Hood is theoretically valid. There's your two Robin Hood.

Then, you can have roughly three King Arthurs...
Settings don't have to be Disney to be added into DVV, just be Disney like enough to fit in, the BBC Merlin TV show was episodic, had lots of magic, a sorta sarcastic wise dragon, and lots of other fantastical creatures, so I think it too could fit into DVV, and so could be fit into this story.

That would give you a fourth Arthur, and a second Merlin, although since Uther was the true villain of the show, it would be Crown Prince Arthur(or former Prince Arthur depending on how Uther was almost victorious) not King Arthur.
Settings don't have to be Disney to be added into DVV, just be Disney like enough to fit in, the BBC Merlin TV show was episodic, had lots of magic, a sorta sarcastic wise dragon, and lots of other fantastical creatures, so I think it too could fit into DVV, and so could be fit into this story.
While we've let a few things slide here and there, they need to be close enough to pass a blurry eye exam. Or just be small jokes that don't factor into the wider scheme of things.

I'd advocate that anything Disney had a direct hand in was fair game, followed by coproductions, licenses, or work-for-hire. Dreamworks tends to get a pass because it was founded by ex-Disney animators doing the stuff they wanted to do at Disney without interference. As does Don Bluth's work with FOX for the same reasons. That, and its not like we'd be making a "Dreamworks and Also Don Bluth I Guess" setting any time soon.

Buyouts are where things get murky, because they weren't Disney until they were. I don't think BBC's Merlin has any connective tissue to Disney, and thus would not be valid for inclusion. Though since the Matter of Britian is public domain anyway, you could certainly give a wink-and-a-nudge reference to it and no one would cry foul.
Ok that's different, I thought the rule was just, if it is sufficiently disney like in style it can be included, at least for a personal homebrew version of the setting, which this quest already is.
Ok that's different, I thought the rule was just, if it is sufficiently disney like in style it can be included, at least for a personal homebrew version of the setting, which this quest already is.
The issue there is that "style" is subjective and can be thoroughly debated, while "was this made by Disney" can usually be resolved with a Google search. The licensing stuff can also get really grey; I wouldn't suggest throwing Naruto into DVV because a few episodes showed up in Disney XD before it got embarassingly pulled for graphic content.

While Prince Aladdin has brought out some surprise additions or tweaks (like Conan the Barbarian), its been pretty consistent in regards to setting functionality. Even so, my job isn't to sit on the QM's shoulder and say "you shouldn't use this!" or other nonsense. Tempest has it in the bag, so I'm perfectly content with spectating and giving commentary to the thread.
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You know all this rulework is kinda pointless isn't it? In the end it will be whatever Tempest thinks will work.
Turn 10: Light & Shadow
The McCann brothers have made their skills very self-evident after they participated in the defense of Xiang-Wu and even contributed by helping coordinate with some of the local forces. Having them on-site as personnel to throw at problems seems like it'd be worth the investment.
DC: 60
Cost: 1000 Gold, 250 Gold upkeep per turn after that. Man's gotta eat after all...

Hero: Helga

28 + 18 (Aladdin) + 11 (Ahmed) + 15 (Helga) + 15 (TirelessTraveler) = 87

Helga kept her expression neutral as she approached the cantina. After their exploits and assistance during the operation in Xiang-Wu, 'General' Ahmed had requested that she approach the McCann brothers about the possibility of signing on as contracted mercenaries. Apparently he'd received some news from the captain of the guard in Agrabah about the two, and had gotten even more after the reports on their actions had come back. Bracing herself as she made out the sound of loud singing coming from inside, she headed in.

The song was being led by one of the brothers in question, holding up a beer and belting out the French song as the other soldiers followed along. Another more serious looking young man with glasses was sitting off to one side, looking amused as he quietly sipped at his own drink. Helga slid in across from him, easily signaling for a drink of her own. The man's brows went up appreciatively, but he gave her a respectful nod.

"Miss. Awful nice of you tah be sittin' down with a fella like me instead of gettin' to know my brother." Helga snorted as she picked up the beer that had been set down in front of her, and took a drink. Looking in the direction of said brother, she shook her head. He was currently surrounded by several women and men that were listening with rapt attention to the tale that the other McCann had begun to spin now that the song had ended.

"I think he's got enough attention for now. Besides, from what I understand you're the brains of the two." Garth McCann chuckled at that, shaking his head.

"Nah, just a different kind of smarts. Hubb's got his own wisdom tah pull on. 'Course that's also what led to us getting shanghaied into the Foreign Legion in the first place..." He took another sip of his beer. Helga smirked.

"Humble. But, this isn't a social call. I'm here on behalf of the General of Ababwa to offer you and your brother contracts as mercenaries under the direct employ of the prince. From what I understand, we need all the trouble-shooters we can get."

Garth drained the rest of his drink in one long pull. "You ain't just whistlin' dixie there miss. OI, HUB!" Helga only barely kept from jumping at the sudden explosive voice. The man's brother looked up from where he'd been entertaining a couple of local girls with stories of his heroism.


Hub mulled that over for a second, before taking another pull from his drink, which was topped up by one of his admirers.

"AH, WHY THE HELL NOT! JUST MAKE SURE WE GET PAID GOOD! MAN'S GOTTA EAT AFTER ALL!" That particular proclamation was met with cheers and hearty laughter from the other patrons of the bar. Helga looked between the two incredulously, before spotting the smirk on Garth's face.

"Like I said, man's got his own kind of wisdom. Now then, let's talk about pay and terms."

Results: Hub and Garth McCann have signed on as contracted mercenaries with Ababwa at a rate of 125 Gold a month for the both of them! Helga is intrigued by Garth McCann.

Sinbad needs to start delegating soon; the massive amount of land that Ababwa has accumulated so quickly means that there are hundreds of different potential ways to make more money for the kingdom, but he's unable to stop and pursue them thanks to having to focus on other issues.
DC: 100
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after

Hero: Selous

37 + 11 (Aladdin) + 15 (Sinbad the Porter) + 15 (Selous) + 15 (Great White Hunter) +15 (TirelessTraveler) = 108

Sinbad looked over the new reports that had just come in, a smile coming to his weathered face, before he looked up at the other old man in the room. "I've got to admit, I was a bit leery of your suggestions, but it seems to have helped streamline the process of shipping and coordinating between towns and ports quite a bit." He unstoppered a bottle, and poured out two glasses of a sweet-smelling beverage. "A new blend of drink that we're experimenting with, using those Gummi Berries. Quite tasty, and as it's not fermented, not considered haram either." The Porter smiled as he took a sip of the drink.

Selous sniffed it, taking note of the almost floral fruity scent, and then took an experimental sip. His eyes widened. "I daresay this might be the next big thing to come out of Ababwa after those star charts. Very refreshing." He took a seat and then another sip of the drink. "As for my suggestions, I consider them hard-won from experience. I've planned more than a few expeditions and caravans along with organizing fighting men, and there are certain trends when it comes to moving men and goods that tend to crop up. I just applied the fixes I'd devised over time. And a good portion of the credit is yours anyway. You were the one to find the men that were able to implement what I was suggesting in the most efficient way possible."

Sinbad smiled. "Then here's to both of us and the credit we're both due." He raised his glass, and Selous raised his in turn, before both men drank deeply.

Result: Second Stewardship Action unlocked!

Agrabah is a meeting point for many of the trade routes on the African continent; and as such not only does it receive a panoply of trade goods, it also collects information from the rest of Africa. Having a diplomatic office there means that not only will that information reach Ababwa faster, but your diplomats will be able to jump on opportunities as they arrive.
DC: 25
Cost: 500 Gold

26 + 19 (Aladdin) + 25 (Scheherazade) = 70

Scheherazade smiled as she looked over the first diplomatic reports from the embassy. They now had a proper accounting for the people that moved around the Sultan and Princess Jasmine. And my, weren't there more than a few surprises to be found in there? It also meant that there were now official lines of communication between the sultanate and princedom, allowing for much easier collaboration and cooperation.

Her smile slipped as she read the next part of the missive though. She began to frown as she continued to read. And when she reached the end she was outright scowling. Taking up the information from Holmes, she strode out to find the Prince. This changed things.

Results: Roster of Agrabah's current Advisors unlocked. Options for collaborative actions with Agrabah unlocked. Diplomatic options unlocked.

Agrabah's Hero Roster

Martial: 27-10 (Pacifism) - The Sultan was a fierce warrior in his time, and while his jolly nature and age have decreased his ability to fight, should he be sufficiently roused, he can still make an enemy regret having to face him.

Stewardship: 21 - The Sultan has ruled Agrabah for a long time, and done fairly well all things considered. He has learned a great deal about how to manage the city and his kingdom.

Diplomacy: 19 - The Sultan is jovial, friendly, and welcoming; he counts few people as his enemies, and almost everyone who meets him ends up liking him.

Intrigue: 14 - Jafar once found it simple to take advantage of the Sultan's unsuspecting nature; should he ever return, he will discover that he has learned from his mistakes.

Learning: 17 - Between his life experiences and living in a city with a university, the Sultan is far from foolish. Even though he will never be a great scholar, he is intelligent enough to grasp complicated concepts, and has a talent for architecture and interest in animals.

Occult: 7 - After dealing with a sorcerous vizier, seeing a genie at work, and experiencing the Upheaval, the Sultan's willingness to both consider the supernatural as an option and to take arms against sorcerous threats has increased drastically.


"Pacifism" - The Sultan has long lost his taste for warfare and combat, preferring to amuse himself with interesting toys as his way to relieve stress. Inflicts a -10 on Martial unless the Sultan is sufficiently roused to fight.

"Eagle Eye" - The Sultan doesn't look like it, but he's a master of not only the bow, but of any hand-held ranged weapon that he can lay his mitts on. He not only gains a +20 to personal martial combat when in possession of a ranged personal weapon, but after demonstrating his prowess he gains a +10 in Diplomacy when dealing with those that are awed (or unnerved) by his consummate skill.

"Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away" - The Sultan spent his time before he was a ruler on adventures, but even before that he was breaking horses in for the Royal Army at the tender age of 10. He retains those skills even to this day, and when presented with an animal that is sufficiently close in nature to a horse (Pegasi, hippocampi, etc.), he gains a +20 to a Diplomacy roll in order to tame them.

"Childlike Wonder" - The Sultan has never lost his sense of wonder and marvel at the world around him. This not only allows him to roll with the punches, but allows him to connect easily with children. Gains a +10 to any morale checks involving surprising changes in a situation, and +5 in Diplomacy when dealing with children younger than 15.

"Secrets: ???"

Martial: 19 - Razoul has served the Sultan faithfully and loyally for years. While a bit hapless in the past, recent events have heavily incentivized him to step up his game.

Stewardship: 13 - Razoul's training as a guard has prepared him to make sure his men are fed and equipped, but his organizational skills do not transcend far beyond that.

Diplomacy: 8 - Rough, gruff, and lacking in charm, Razoul knows the basics of courtly etiquette and table manners, but is far from being an ideal diplomat.

Intrigue: 11 - While Aladdin was able to run rings around the man back in the day, recent events have encouraged him to apply himself more to security and forestalling hostile intrigues.

Learning: 12 - Razoul is literate and capable of calculations sufficient to balance the guard's budget, but has little in the way of curiosity about the ways of the wider world.

Occult: 13 - Razoul not only fought Jafar and saw the Genie's work first-hand, but also took point on investigating the former vizier's hidey-holes. Those experiences have given him valuable information about how best to battle magic users, but he cannot use it himself.


"Semper Fidelis" - The Guards of Agrabah are loyal unto death to their sultan. Even in the face of absolute defeat, they will strive to defend their ruler and his city. Upon passing a Martial DC: of 60 they can re-roll a failed martial check.

"Like the back of my hand" - Razoul has taken it upon himself to learn all of the secret passages and hidden rooms inside the Royal Palace; he gains +10 to Martial and Intrigue rolls when inside the palace, and enemies trying to infiltrate it suffer a -20 malus should they not have a similar degree of knowledge. For those who do, their would-be bonuses are nullified as he can beat them at their own game.

"Ancillary: Fritz Robinson" - The strong and charismatic Fritz gravitated towards the City Guard, and his cool head and martial prowess quickly established him as a man upon whom Razoul could trust to get things done. As one of Razoul's chief lieutenants, he offers him +5 to all National actions to which Razoul is assigned and +5 to Agrabah's security.

Martial: 4 - The Peddler relies on fast talking rather than fast blades to keep himself out of trouble. And if he can't do that, he runs.

Stewardship: 26 - The Peddler has traveled lands near and far, seen unbelievable creatures and met the most fascinating of people. He has acquired goods from all of them - and they can be yours, for a price.

Diplomacy: 19 - When you travel as much as the Peddler has, you learn how to talk with people. There are few better than he is where conversation and making friends are concerned.

Intrigue: 14 - The Peddler can draw attention to himself and slip into a crowd with equal skill, and while his mouth is moving, his eyes are always watching and his ears open for secrets.

Learning: 11 - Literate with numbers and letters alike, and able to speak many languages due to his travels, the Peddler nonetheless has little interest in scholarship.

Occult: 7 - He can't shoot lightning bolts from his fingertips, but boy, does he have a ton of stories about it! And some of them are even true!


"Itinerant Merchant" - The Peddler has traveled to many lands selling his wares, and while recent times have made it so that it's safer to stay in one location, he hasn't forgotten his roots. The Peddler gains +10 to Stewardship when sourcing materials upon request, and DCs for long-range trade deals are reduced if it's with a former customer.

"An Eye For A Deal" - This trait allows him to spot things that may be otherwise overlooked or dismissed while sorting through treasure, and reduce the DC to discover rare or odd goods from Agrabah's trade partners.

"Consummate Storyteller" - The Peddler is a master storyteller, able to entrance audiences and paint canvases with his words alone. He gains a bonus to his Diplomacy when amongst people who appreciate his talents, with the bonus increasing correspondingly with their appreciation, up to a cap of +15. This extends to vocal mimicry, granting him +10 to actions when attempting to trick, confuse, or entertain with his voice.

"Fast Talker" - The Peddlar's gift for gab can serve him well in tight situations. He can substitute his Diplomacy for his Martial in order to talk down tense situations, or even confuse his opponents so much that he's able to slip away, or even get them to decide to turn themselves in and thinking that it's a good idea!

Martial: 16 - After her experiences with Jafar and his attempted coup, Jasmine has determined to take her safety into her own hands. She has spent her time since the Upheaval learning how to fight, refreshing lessons her father tried teaching her before, studying tactics, and improving her physical conditioning - she will never be at anyone's mercy again!

Stewardship: 15 - Much of Jasmine's studies were spent in learning how to rule the kingdom and manage courtiers and palace staff alike. While still young, she has fully imbibed her parent's teachings and is developing into a skilled leader.

Diplomacy: 20 - Beautiful, charming, well-mannered, and highly trained, Jasmine is a consummate diplomat who, since the death of her mother, has taken her place as her father's right hand as the gorgeous face of Agrabah to the wider world.

Intrigue: 14 - Between dealing with Jafar's treacheries and her natural sense of observation and deduction, Jasmine has developed a cunning mind that is guarded against subtle threats.

Learning: 14 - The Sultan spared no expense in his daughter's education, and her mind is as keen as her wits are sharp.

Occult: 8 - While Jasmine has shown no aptitude for magic as of yet, her experiences with Jafar, the Genie, and the many strange developments of the Upheaval have left her aware of both the threat and the potential presented by magic and the supernatural.


"Not So Above It All" - Between her friendships with Sadira and Aladdin and her outreach work amongst the poor in the city, Jasmine has developed an appreciation for these 'diamonds in the rough'. A beloved figure amongst the city, Jasmine gains +5 to all rolls within Agrabah. Would-be assassins and kidnappers suffer a -15 malus should they try assaulting her outside of the palace, and she gains +5 to all rolls if working with either Sadira or Aladdin.

"Silk Over Steel" - Jasmine is a beautiful, kind, and rather wise young woman who is well versed in the ways of courts and politics. But she also has a core of steel, and is an exceedingly capable combatant, deadly with a bow and fleet of foot. Jasmine has learned how to blend those traits, using her athleticism and eye for detail to help navigate life as a Princess. Jasmine can add half of her Diplomacy to her Martial rolls when in direct combat. Jasmine can also add half her Martial to Diplomacy rolls when engaged in a contested roll.

"Ancillary: Roberta" - This castaway, rescued from pirates, proved her mettle in the journey across the island and later in helping the family Robinson with adjusting to an amalgamated world. Once they left the treehouse for Agrabah, she ended up helping Princess Jasmine with her tasks. Her experience with the pirate Kuala has left her with a deep and abiding hatred for pirates and brigands, and she is dedicated to keeping her new home safe. She offers Jasmine +5 to all Nationals and +10 to her personal security, and the two often spar with each other.

"Ancillary: Rajah" - Jasmine's pet tiger, he is still growing after being reverted to a cub by Jafar, but is devoted to the princess and her safety. He offers her +10 to personal Martial rolls if present.

Martial: 22 - The Mukhtar is a skilled swordsman and canny tactician, capable of fighting sorcerers, bandits, and even genies and not be overcome.

Stewardship: 9 - The Mukhtar is wealthy enough to own massively expensive tools that he uses when hunting magical creatures, and always gets top price for his services. This does not, however, translate to capable managerial skills.

Diplomacy: 4 - The Mukhtar can get along with people and successfully negotiate contracts and bounties, but his overall demeanor and manner of speaking is too unsettling for people to be really comfortable working with him.

Intrigue: 26 - The Mukhtar has worked for years as a bounty hunter - specifically, one who specializes in hunting genies. This necessitates that he develop a canny and cunning mind to overcome the wiliest and most powerful of foes.

Learning: 12 - The Mukhtar is fully capable of studying on topics that are of interest to him, but said interests tend to be rather narrow. He also lacks the imagination to be a successful researcher.

Occult: 25 - The Mukhtar successfully hunted genies, of all things, and possesses an arsenal of arcane gadgets and tools that let him fight toe-to-toe with the most powerful of mystical beings.


"Bounty Hunter" - The Mukhtar is a mercenary, through and through. He is willing to settle down for a long-term contract with Agrabah, but if the gold stops flowing, one can expect him to pick up and move on. His loyalty is locked at 25 and cannot be raised; it will take a significant gesture from the Sultan or Princess Jasmine to make him truly loyal beyond a paycheck. His career experience gives the Mukhtar a +15 bonus when tracking down fugitives and investigating crimes.

"Genie Specialist" - The Mukhtar's clan, of whom he is the sole survivor, specialized in battling and catching genies. He gains +20 to all rolls when fighting one, and +10 when fighting magical beings in general.

"Sorcerous Gadgets" - The Mukhtar possesses a wide range of tools that he uses when on missions; said tools are capable of restraining captives and capturing genies and other magical beings. Should he be up against a magic user, they suffer a -10 debuff to all competitive rolls against the Mukhtar as his tools impede their abilities. He also gains +10 to rolls when identifying unknown magical tools.

"Ancillary: Ernest Robinson" - Will Robinson's son, Ernest, is both intelligent and cunning, and has a vested interest in helping protect his new home. As soon as he learned Arabic, he signed up to serve as one of The Mukhtar's agents, and quickly climbed the ranks to assist the man himself. Smart, brave, and capable, he offers the Mukhtar +5 to all National actions and +5 to Agrabah's overall security.

Martial: 13 - While not a dedicated warrior, Will is strong and canny enough to put up one tough fight against any potential opponents.

Stewardship: 16 - Will was able to design and build a small town using nothing more than the leftovers from a shipwreck upon a deserted island and only his family for labor.

Diplomacy: 18 - Charming, cultured, and unfailingly polite, Will Robinson is an excellent host and capable diplomat.

Intrigue: 12 - Will's native intelligence makes it so that he can compensate for a wide range of contingencies, but his natural good character makes him, if not gullible, at least lacking in the ruthlessness that a successful spymaster requires.

Learning: 22 - William Robinson has an encyclopedic knowledge of a wide range of topics, and is quite handy on top of it.

Occult: 6 - Being effectively teleported to another continent has made Will rather open to the supernatural as a potential explanation.


"Renaissance Man" - Will Robinson is a man of many talents. Educated in literature, history, the natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, and simple engineering, there is little that he cannot learn with just a bit of a head start. He suffers no maluses on studying different subjects, and gains +15 Learning on the above-mentioned subjects.

"Unconventional Architect" - From a cave home to a treehouse palace, Will Robinson has displayed a talent for creating great beauty in odd places. He gains +10 to architecture and design rolls.

"Amateur Tactician" - Among other things, Will knows the recipe for gunpowder and invented makeshift grenades out of coconut shells. He knows how to predict an enemy's path of attack, and is skilled at making said path absolute hell for any potential opponent. He gains +10 to rolls involving military planning or pre-Napoleonic military tech.

"Future Tools" - Most of the equipment and specialized tools from the shipwreck survived the transition to the new world, and Will Robinson has taken full advantage of their presence. They give him an additional +5 on most Learning nationals with pre-Napoleonic tech and unlock actions that would otherwise be closed off.

"Ancillary: Elizabeth Robinson" - Will's loving wife, Elizabeth is a mistress of many skills. Intelligent, thrifty and versatile, she is devoted to caring for her children and supporting her husband in his endeavors as the Royal Scientist of Agrabah. Her support gives him +5 to all rolls and a +20 morale bonus. Currently, most of her time is spent raising her son Francis; once he comes of age, he will be unlockable as an ancillary and Elizabeth as a Hero unit.

Martial: 13 - Sadira was, until recently, a street rat with little ability or interest in fighting others. However, her experience with the Coven has incentivized her to develop her skills on the battlefield, and she can be ruthless when pushed.

Stewardship: -1 - Sadira's "finances" often consisted of "Do I have food in my stomach or not?". She hasn't had a chance to develop much in the way of money sense beyond what she's seen in the bazaar.

Diplomacy: 12 - Sadira is a pleasant and charming young woman; her upbringing has left her with poor manners, but she's proving to be a quick study.

Intrigue: 11 - Sadira was a street rat, someone who had to sneak and steal for her daily bread. It's left her with quick wits and light fingers, but her ability to manage others in the same are nil.

Learning: 9 - Sadira is an intelligent woman with a natural talent for magic, but she has had few opportunities to develop her knowledge in her life.

Occult: 18 - Sadira has developed a natural talent for sand magic, kickstarted by her experiences with the Coven.


"Sand Witch" - Sadira has displayed a talent for sand magic, with her participation in the battle against the Coven only proving her mettle. She can utilize sand magic for a variety of purposes, and in Martial contests can add 3/4 of her Occult to her Martial; she can also apply 1/2 of her Occult to Stewardship projects that involve building structures. (This trait only works when Sadira is in a place with a decent amount of sand). Water-based attacks against her apply a -30 debuff.

"Street Rat" - Sadira grew up on the streets of Agrabah and having to fend for herself; she can never get lost in the city, and gains +10 to all rolls within the city itself. However, not everyone has forgotten her origins, nor that she was the one responsible for awakening the Coven in the first place; she suffers a -15 Diplomacy malus against people who hold either against her.

"Friend to Power" - After being freed from the Coven, Sadira was brought into the palace for protection and to recover. She has developed a burgeoning friendship with Princess Jasmine, who in turn appreciates having a woman of similar age whom she can trust. She gains a +10 morale bonus from her friendship, and when working together the two women offer +5 to each other's rolls.
Friends help friends, but sometimes a friend needs more help than you can give them as a friend. But if they joined you as a vassal they'd probably be able to get the help they needed. Attempts to convince the leadership of a friendly satrap to join as a protectorate under Ababwa's banner. Sets up a trade office, a diplomatic outpost, inserts spies and scouts the place for any resources that they may not have realized. Gains variable income, resources and possibly Hero characters.
-- [] Eastern Satraps
DC: 80
Cost: 4000 Gold

92 + 19 (Aladdin) + 25 (Scherezade) + 15 (DaOneInDaCorner) = 151

The news coming in from the Eastern satraps was good - for Ababwa at least. It seemed that while the Kingdom of Lemuria was attempting to ingratiate themselves with the territories, the rumors of dark deeds had made them wary of throwing fully in with the newer kingdom. Now, with Ababwa's forces having backed up Xiang-Wu's flagging defenses masterfully, along with the tumultuous situation in China, that was the grain of sand that tipped the scales.

Ababwa not only had a large fighting force, but they were a proven army over the course of multiple running campaigns and defenses. Even the Bandit Army breaking through was seen as an example of their prowess, that they had made the cornered rats that absolutely desperate.

The Lemurian ambassador had been rather frosty once she'd received the news, even if she'd accepted it as the will of the people on the surface. She seemed to still believe that Ababwa would join with Lemuria eventually, rather than the smaller kingdom either sustaining itself or eventually being absorbed into Ababwa.
Reports came in later of a massive catfish washing up on the shores of the lake outside the city. It appeared to have been mauled to death without anything actually eating it.
Results: Eastern Satraps have joined Ababwa. New Diplomatic and Stewardship options opened. Relationship with Lemuria lowered. Infusion of 1,500 Gold from new merchants and trade routes. 1,500 Gold in taxes going forward.

This talk of pirates is intriguing. Have Haroud send out his men to investigate the rumors of these corsairs and see how much is truth and how much is grog-induced fiction. Chance to make contact with one of the pirate crews.
DC: 65
Cost: 2000 Gold

83 + 18 (Aladdin without Abu) + 20 (Haroud) + 15 (Mangawriter77) = 136 CRIT! + 70 = 206!
The Pirate Lords aren't the only forces on the seas. With the EITC now knocking at Ababwa's doors, it's probably time to begin infiltrating their ranks; one way or another, to find out for sure what their goals are, their practices, and if they're someone worth working with.
DC: 55
Cost: 1000 Gold, 250 Upkeep per turn

59 + 18 (Aladdin without Abu) + 20 (Haroud) + 13 (Mangawriter77) = 110 CRIT! + 46 = 156
"Yer a long way from the center of your web, Black Hand." A rough voice speaking in heavily accented Arabic spoke up. Haroud continued to nurse his drink as more men flooded into the cantina. Most of them were oddly lacking tans but had hands no less scarred and leathery than any other sailor's.

"He would hardly let me come without a babysitter," a young cocky voice spoke up from the table over. The slumped over form that had appeared to be an old man lifted his head, revealing the smirking face of the Prince of Ababwa himself, the fringes of his hair that had been visible from under the hood stained gray with ash. The lean man looked at the Prince, then over to Haroud, who had an expression of long-suffering on his face.

"Well lad, I've got to say, after hearing what you did when Jones asked for his little meeting, I'm not as shocked as I should be. Call me Ishmael," The man grinned and offered his hand to shake. Aladdin clasped his wrist and Ishmael did the same in the age-old tradition of showing that neither had a dagger up their sleeve.

"So, what can Captain Nemo and his crew do for the princeling of Ababwa?" Ishmael settled down, practically lounging into a seat, as he was quickly provided a cup. Ishmael's men relaxed slightly, as did the other 'customers'; local men within Haroud's network that he had brought in as insurance.

"I wanted to make contact directly, instead of through Jones. From what I understand your captain and I may have a common enemy." Aladdin scowled as he doffed the cloak entirely. Ishmael's brows rose.

"Do tell. And what enemy might that be?" Aladdin's eyes hardened and his face became stony.

"The East India Trade Company. I received information from Agrabah that they were behind the attempted poisoning of the Sultan. Between Haroud and Scheherazade, we believe we've figured out what their goal was. Sow confusion, and put Jasmine on the throne; coming in to offer her 'assistance' while she was dealing with her grief and we were at a strained point in our relationship. Then worm their way into turning Agrabah into a puppet state." Ishmael's amused smirk slid off his face as he sat forward.

"Aye, that sounds like the bastards."

Haroud shook his head. "We've uncovered more, though I'm certain you're aware of it. Pressgangs, drugs, slavery," his nails bit into the wood of the table. "All of it going on behind the veneer of a smile and accompanied by the jangle of coin changing hands. I was a bandit in my day but I was never so callous as these bastards." Aladdin scowled as well.

"What we're finding out about them has made working with them in any capacity pretty much a non-starter. Some of Haroud's men that infiltrated their crews have been forced into retirement from the lacerations left by lashings, or having been crippled by beatings and then left at the next port with their 'severance pay', barely enough coin to get drunk off of. But so long as their leaders keep making money they don't seem to see anything wrong with literally working people to death."

Ishmael drained his cup. "So, what do you want with my captain?"

"We're open to negotiating trade deals with him, as well as offering safe harbors for his ship to resupply in if needed or to receive repairs. At the very least give your ship a way to evade the EITC by using our harbors. Your captain's disdain for dry land is infamous and known even to Ababwa. They'd never expect him to pull into any kingdom's harbor."

Ishmael chewed his lower lip as he leaned back. "I'll need to speak with the captain of course. But there may be some accord we can come to."

Result: Aladdin and Ababwa become aware of the depths of the EITC's callousness and cruelty. They seek out a partnership with the Pirate Lord known to have the greatest amount of animosity with the trade company. New Diplomatic, Stewardship, and Martial options opened. EITC is unaware of this new development. For now.

Diamond in the Rough Activates, Aladdin gains +2 Intrigue!

With the identification of the egg's species, a proper home for it needs to be prepared before it hatches. Something emulating the deep forests that can still be held within the confines of the Menagerie. Increase Gold income by 500 due to interest in the new exhibit. Increase Gold income by +2000 when the egg hatches and the dragonet is homed in the enclosure.
DC: 60
Cost: 5000 Gold

31 + 13 (Aladdin) + 30 (Chiron) +10 (Alchemist) = 84

Frosting looked over the schematics that Chiron had put together with the input from Zummi. The trees he could understand, also the pool to drink from being stocked with fish, and the clearing to give it plenty of sunlight. But the nodules of sulfur and platinum were something that he was having a hard time understanding.

But apparently both were vital for the dragonet's healthy development? Something to keep an eye out for. At the very least they'd have the place ready for when the egg hatched. Looking around, he brandished the schematics in the direction of some of the workmen. "No! Guys, you're digging up the wrong area!"

Results: Dragonet enclosure created for the soon-to-hatch Foreverwing.

The student Indiana Jones is open to some side-work to help his credits in the university, as well as assist the professors in their own studies. From what all has been heard about him, he'll make an excellent addition to the roster of personnel for Ababwa.
DC: 50
Cost: 0

54 + 13 (Aladdin) + 30 (Chiron) +8 (Emote Control) = 105 CRIT! + 37 = 142

Aladdin felt like his neck was going to either snap, or at the very least get a serious cramp as he kept on looking between Chiron and his potential new hire. Thankfully they were both speaking Arabic to allow him to follow the conversation. Mostly. But things seemed to boil down to Jones seeming to think that he was going to be superfluous.

"Seriously, you have the likes of Tai Lung or even the Prince. What do you need me for?" The young man threw up his hands, before setting back in his chair with a thump. Chiron chortled, looking more amused than anything else.

"Because they're each only one person. There are more things happening than even the small handful of extra people we have are really going to be capable of taking care of. Every set of hands and eyes we have that can lighten the load makes the work that much easier to bear, and mistakes that much easier to spot before they become tragedies. And you, my boy, have already proven how sharp your eyes are and your mind." He tapped a stack of papers that contained the modified expedition outline that he'd submitted due to the mistake during his exams. Aladdin chuckled even as Jones flushed, looking pleased despite himself.

"Okay, you've got a point there. So... where do I sign?"

Results: Indiana Jones unlocked as an Ancillary Hero.

Diamond in the Rough activates! From sheer exposure to the variety of languages that Chiron and Jones both segued into Aladdin gains +1 Learning!

Commission Leah to shape a bed out of wood that can be expanded as the baby grows. And to do whatever she can to imbue it with protections both against the physical, and the spiritual. Send this as part of the gift for the Princess' birth, or in lieu of the spices and medicines that had been suggested as a gift.
--[] Combine with "Fit for a Prince(ss)
DC: 75
Cost: 1000 Gold

{Diplomacy} Fit for a Prince(ss)?
The Maldonian Crown Prince and his wife are expecting their first child. Sending an appropriate gift to celebrate the occasion will be a good gesture on the part of Ababwa and show that we're looking to be friends. From the information that has leaked out of the kingdom, Princess Tiana is very fond of cooking and quite skilled as well as very practical. A large supply of hard-to-get spices and ingredients sourced through Xiang-Wu and India would likely make an appropriate gift while still being of actual use to the soon-to-expand family. Improves relationship between Maldonia and Ababwa
DC: 40
Cost: 500 Gold

Hero: Leah

88 + 15 (Aladdin) + 30 (Zummi) + 21 Leah + 10 (Blood of the Earth) = 164! CRIT! + 49 = 213

Leah concentrated as the wood moved under her fingers. Holly was hovering over one shoulder, watching and helping guide stray branches and twigs back into the main body of the construct in order to keep the frame smooth. She'd chosen to use a plane tree as the base for the bed, and it was proving surprisingly easy to work with, accepting her magic as easily as it accepted water and sunlight.

"Well, don't that beat all." Looking up, Leah saw one of the two men that the woman from Atlantis, Helga, had recruited. Given the lack of glasses, this was likely Hub McCann. He was looking at the cradle taking shape, and then to Holly with a look of wonder on his face. "I've gotta say miss, this is the first time I've been seeing magic used for more good than harm. It's mighty impressive. If you don't mind me askin' what're you making?" The man seemed to be genuinely curious, and had kept his gaze solely on her face. Holly was also zipping up to inspect him closely, which led to the man solemnly extending his pinky to shake. "Well hello there miss. My name's Hub."

Holly giggled a little as she shook the offered finger. "I'm Holly! And that's Leah! We're makin' a bed for the new baby in Mal-doe-nee-ah!" The fairy took her time sounding out the name of the foreign country. Hub looked impressed, moving over to look at the forming frame and squatting down on his heels to look at it.

"Interesting. Looks like you're tryin' to make sure that it can be expanded as the tyke keeps gettin' bigger?" Leah nodded, even as her focus returned to the job at hand.

"Yes actually. I'm also growing in runes of protection and health for the baby as well. My teacher showed me several runes that should work well for that." Hub scratched at his head for a moment.

"Lands sakes, that's somethin'. I know a bit of woodworkin if you'd want the help?" Leah smiled in his general direction.

"I appreciate the offer, but that won't be needed. I wouldn't mind some more company while I work though, having someone to explain things to as I'm making them will help prepare for explaining them to the Prince and Princess of Maldonia when Prince Aladdin takes the gift there." Hub's brows rose.

"He's going himself? Last I saw he was racing around the rooftops with that monkey of his." Leah chuckled at that, while Holly let out another bell-like giggle.

"Yes, he seems to be just about everywhere at once doesn't he? I suppose that's part of what makes him such an interesting lord to serve. He goes to his limits and beyond for the people, so they wish to reciprocate; and the kingdom is all the stronger for it." Hub nodded, before peering at one of the pieces of the developing cradle.

"Huh, what's that funny 'S' mark?" Leah smiled and began to explain the runes as they appeared.

Results: A gift for the new Princess of Maldonia (and her mother) has been created. It will be delivered during the Interlude "Two Princes". Leah has met Hub McCann.

These kids that are running amok Haroud has told Aladdin about sound like they're pretty skilled. And like they could get into a whole lot of trouble if they cross the wrong person. You, Ahmed and Haroud can try and pin them down and see about offering them a job or at least an apprenticeship of sorts.
Intrigue: DC 60

58 + 28 (Aladdin) + 15 (TirelessTraveler) = 101

Aladdin decided to get personally involved in tracking the two thieves down. Ahmed, seeing a chance to really stretch his legs, also added in his own assistance. Haroud had pinned down the most likely location that they were operating in at the time, giving them a place to start. It hadn't taken too long before the familiar cry of "Stop! Thief!" could be heard.

Ahmed had gone left, while Aladdin and Abu had gone right. They'd caught sight of the twin streaks of red and brown as they slid under carts and between legs, rolling through spaces Aladdin couldn't fit through trying to break the tail he and Ahmed had on them. But for every obstacle that they went under, Aladdin went over, easily keeping pace as he tried to corner the girls. Telling them he just wanted to talk wasn't going to work, so there wasn't any choice but to run them down.

The only bright side was that, aside from Abu and Ahmed, Aladdin was the only other person chasing them. The guards had been given orders not to interfere so as to keep the girls from panicking and doing something stupid. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he poured on the speed. And they began to start throwing obstacles in his way. But when they went left, Ahmed was there. Going right, Abu would be swinging down towards them.

They lead the trio of hunters a merry chase, and Aladdin was only somewhat cognizant of the fact that they'd come up against the wall of the hospital. Ahmed was cutting off one escape route, he had the other, and Abu was waiting at the top of the building.

Naturally, the girls went through the nearest open window. As Aladdin bit off a curse and dove in after them, Ahmed was right on his heels. That's when he heard the yelling. Inside he found Scherezade along with a brown-haired man; who was the one shouting, with the two girls shouting back looking incredulous.

"What the hell? How did you two get here?"

"How did we get here? You had two broken legs. How did you get here?!"

"I had a smart horse."

The brown-haired girl snickered. "Clearly it's the brains of the bunch."

As the two girls relaxed slightly, apparently familiar with the patient, Scherezade rolled her eyes slightly.

"I think you young ladies may need to catch up at some other time."

As the Diplomat spoke, Ahmed got to the door and shut it... followed by Haroud walking from behind a screen for the privy, and gently sliding the window shut. Ahmed and Aladdin both gaped at the smug-looking man.
The red-haired girl seemed to be in shock. "How did you get here?"

The injured man looked more annoyed than anything. "When did you get in my room?"

Aladdin though had a different question. "Why did you come here?!"

Haroud stood there silently smirking. Obviously he was going to keep that little secret close to the vest.

Ahmed bit back a curse and flipped Haroud a dinar. "He bet me that once he found out where we would start, he'd be able to predict where we'd end up based on all the information he had."

The girls, who were receiving a rapid-fire translation from Scherezade looked at Aladdin and Ahmed in surprise. Likely because she had identified them as the prince of Ababwa and the General of its armies. Who had just spent the better part of two hours chasing them all over the city.

The red-haired girl puffed out her chest. "So what now? You gonna put us in jail? 'Cause nothing you can do would top what the Baron was doing." The brown-haired girl's look of trepidation gave that like away handily. Aladdin shook his head and smiled.

"Actually, I wanted to offer you two a job."

Both girls' mouths dropped open even as the patient began howling with laughter at their expressions.

Results: Thieves caught. New actions unlocked to assign Angry and Red as Ancillary heroes under one of the advisors. Abu bribed with dates to herd the girls to the hospital room.

Aladdin has decided to present the gift for the birth of the new Princess of Maldonia personally as a way to show respect and apologies for the lateness of the gift. It'll also let him get a personal measure on the rulers of Maldonia, as well as them on him.
Diplomacy DC: 40

67 + 19 (Aladdin) + 15 (TirelesTraveler) + 15 (Omake Contest bonus) = 116 CRIT! + 65 = 181

Continued in the Interlude: "Two Princes"

Diamond in the Rough activates: Aladdin gains +1 Diplomacy and +1 Occult

Iago's well acquainted with the seamy side of life, but Ababwa seems too bright and shiny. There's gotta be some good old corruption and vice somewhere in this place! Puts Iago in contact with criminal elements, black market. Independent of Haroud.
Intrigue DC: 60

85 + 23 (Iago) + 15 (Swedish) = 123 CRIT! + 83 = 206!

In a cantina far on the edges of Ababwa, a card game was going on. Seven of the players were large, heavily muscled men replete with tattoos and weaponry. One was a whip-cord thin man that looked like he'd blow away on a stiff breeze. And the last was a beautiful woman of indeterminate age who was leaning back with her arms crossed under her bosom looking rather put out. The tenth was a Scarlet Macaw, who had the largest pile of chips out of the entire group.

"Alright Haazim, so far you're in for two bars, a cantina, and a falafel stand. You're sure you wanna throw in your cousin's trade company?" Iago raised his brows as he looked over top of his cards. The addressed man scoffed.

"Course I'm sure!" The man slurred as he wavered slightly in his seat. One of the other players shook their head, folding.

"Too rich for my blood," one of them complained. The remainder of the table agreed as they folded, looking at the relatively tiny stack of chips they each had, vs the mountain that Iago was literally using as a seat. The thin man let out a harsh laugh.

"He's the bird and we're the ones getting plucked! Ha! God does have a sense of humor it seems!" He took a date from a bowl at hand, popping one into his mouth. The final player in the game, Haazim gave a wide, toothy smile... before falling face forward, passing out drunk at the table. Iago shook his head, before looking at the men on either side of him.

"Kareem, Azed; you guys are pretty neutral. His cards face up or down?" Face-up meant that he had folded. Face down meant that he was still in.

The two men looked at each other, before checking their companion's cards. "Face down." Azed reported. Iago nodded, looking pleased.

"Well, let's see who's taking home the pot then." Kareem nodded, going and getting some water, and dumping it down the back of Kazeem's shirt. The man let out a yelp as he jumped, Azed having slapped a hand down on his cards to keep them from scattering.

"What was that for!?" Haazim bellowed. He turned as he heard a throat clearing, and saw Iago looking pointedly at his cards. "Ah. Well then bird, prepare to lose! Full House!" He laid out his cards with a flourish, grinning broadly as he went to rake in the pot. Only for a small dagger to pin his sleeve to the table.

"Gettin' ahead of yourself there Haazim. A Full House is good, but it doesn't beat a family reunion." Haazim scowled before Iago brandished his own cards. "I've got a whole royal sewing circle goin' on." Four queens stared back at the man. Haazim looked at the cards, then at the smug looking parrot. With a careless gesture he removed the dagger, handing it hilt-first back to Iago who concealed it within his feathers once more, somehow. The woman, Iesha, looked at the stack before tilting her head inquisitively in the bird's direction.

"Well Iago, looks like you've got quite the collection of businesses and debt here. What do you plan to do with it?" Iago looked over the stack of chips, IOUs and deeds, rubbing his wings together. He gave a wicked chuckle.

"Oh, I've got a few ideas."

Results: Iago has not only gotten into contact with the local underworld, but over a night of fast-paced betting and higher and higher stakes, has come out the other side with the makings of a criminal network to rival that of a certain Professor in Europe.

Jose Faria is a man who's been subjected to decades of abuse and malnourishment. He needs extensive rest, nutritional supplements, and probably more. Jose spends the next two months in the hospital convalescing. Reduces his "These Old Bones" Penalty by 2.
DC: 20

8 + 5 (Swedish15) = 13

Jose's attempt to further his treatment and health recovery was unfortunately disrupted by the over-eager pharmacists of the hospital making use of many reagents and medicines in order to test their interactions with Silphium. Leading to a shortage that forced the old man to put off his treatments over the course of several weeks. By the time the medicines for his treatments were finally brought in, it had been almost two months and he was thoroughly tired of it.

Results: Lack of supplies due to overuse leads to Jose being unable to continue his therapy this turn. Next time the action is taken will auto-complete due to a store of supplies being marked specifically for his use.

Tai Lung is a fitness and training fanatic, and seems to always be on the lookout for new weapons to learn or styles of combat to fold into his own personal arsenal. And he's more than happy to have someone to spar with. Can allow other characters to increase Martial, allows Tai Lung to familiarize himself with new styles of combat and reduce his malus when encountering them.
-- [] hand-to-hand
---[] Abu?!

2 + 15 (Learning) + 15 (Master of A Thousand Scrolls) + 15 (DaOneInDaCorner) + 10 (???) - 5 (Depression) = 52

Tai Lung looked at his current student and wondered why on earth he had agreed to this. Abu was hardly the equivalent to Master Monkey back home. He had speed and agility in spades, sure. But he lacked reach, strength, weight, leverage... the list went on and on! How was he supposed to... He took a deep breath and let the doubts and worries flow to the back of his mind. Not completely released, but out from where they could interfere with his thinking.

"Alright Abu," he sat down cross-legged, a pose the monkey mirrored. "Initially when I was thinking of teaching you, I was thinking of teaching you Monkey Style Kung Fu." Abu looked ecstatic. "Unfortunately, you're not a great fit for it." Abu cocked his head to the side, making a confused sound.

Tai Lung gestured between the two of them. "It's unfortunately a matter of leverage and strength. What you're capable of right now isn't enough to allow you to utilize that style to its full effect. And making you able to do so is... problematic. However," he held up a finger, "There is a style I believe will suit you. It's called Mantis style, and the Master that specialized in it was smaller than even you. But he was able to hold up an entire rope bridge while myself and four other Kung Fu Masters were battling upon it. I also used the principles behind the style to develop my Leopard's Claw technique." Abu looked intrigued. "There's a catch though," Abu snapped his fingers. "The style requires lots of chi and the ability to manipulate it internally. I can attempt to activate your chi by force, or we can attempt to awaken it though meditation."

Abu looked very thoughtful, before heaving a great sigh, shutting his eyes and bringing his hands up; palms up and thumb and middle finger touching. Tai Lung let out a little laugh, only slightly bitter. "I suppose that's your decision made then. Well, nothing for it..." He settled into a lotus position and began to meditate himself. It was going to be a long two months.

Results: Bare failure! Tai Lung is unable to unlock Abu's chi or teach him Kung Fu until he has opened the channels of energy through his body. DC to succeed in training Abu has been reduced from 55 to 45. Tai Lung's depression persists. -5 on his next roll.

With her expanded capabilities, and Zummi's newfound grasp of Arabic, Leah is now free to help out in a larger capacity. She can be assigned to a National task.
-- [] Shaped With Love
Selous is more than happy to lend a hand in order to feel like he's earning his keep. He can be assigned to a National Task
-- [] More Hands on the Wheels
Helga is here to make a new start, and she's not going to do it sitting on her laurels. Helga assists with a national action.
-- [] Two for the Price Of... Two

In the Palace Archives


Zummi paused as he was in the act of putting the last of the books he'd used for identifying the Foreverwing egg back. Another book that he hadn't used, had fallen from the shelf. When it had landed however, the sound hadn't been quite right. Getting down from the ladder he'd been on, and picking it up, he cocked his head to the side. "What on earth?" With a close-up inspection, what had looked at first like leather was better seen to be dragonhide with incredibly fine white scales. They almost had a prismatic shimmer to them as he moved it into the light.

Setting it aside, he finished his task, before taking the book over to a table and setting it down. "Hmmm..." The wizened voice intoned, before tapping a series of spots on the book's cover. Each spot lit up with a tiny pinprick of light, until there was a complete representation of the constellation known as "Draco". The cover of the book then peeled away... revealing two things hidden in a small recess within the hardback. First was a scrap of parchment, which Zummi removed, looking at it curiously. There were a couple of old runic symbols that he'd gotten more familiar with during the interactions with the Barbic Gummis, seeming to be closely related to the warrior Gummi tribe's written language.

The other was a thin circular lens carved out of a clear crystal, tiny imperfections in the smooth plane of what looked to be diamond the only indications of further carvings. Zummi looked to the lens, then back to the scrap. It appeared to be from the upper edge of a map. And the symbols he was able to translate equated to "-and of Dr-"

New Learning, Occult and Personal actions unlocked.

Turn Start City Funds: 20,734
City income: 27,300
  • 8,000 Medicines, plants, rare animals, pelts and dyes
  • 500 Increased trade from housing expansion
  • 500 Increased Tax Revenue
  • 1,500 Trade with Xiang-Wu
  • 500 Taxes from integration of Mongols.
  • 3,000 Salt harvesting
  • 3,500 Crossbow sales
  • 4,000 Trade with Atlantis
  • 2,500 Star Chart Sales
  • 500 Silphium exports
  • 800 Silphium Enhanced Medicines
  • 1500 Eastern taxes
  • 500 Foreverwing Exhibit (Empty)
  • Current Upkeep costs:
    • 3000 Greenhouse
    • 1,000 Salt Harvesting
    • 500 Night Fighters Facilities
    • 500 Crossbow manufacturing
    • 150 Map Production
    • 500 Diplomatic corps
    • 500 Intelligence Apparatus
    • 500 (Tribute to Davy Jones)
    • 250 McCann Bros. Pay (Turn 11)
    • 500 Stewardship corps (Turn 11)
    • 250 Infiltrators Pay (Turn 11)
      • 6,650 Upkeep Total
      • 7650 (Turn 11)
  • Actual Income: 18,650
Turn Expenditure: 17,000
End of Turn City Coffers: 22,348 Gold
Last edited:
Results: Iago has not only gotten into contact with the local underworld, but over a night of fast-paced betting and higher and higher stakes, has come out the other side with the makings of a criminal network to rival that of a certain Professor in Europe.
And now I imagine in some near or far Future Moriarty trying to make contact with the Abwaban Underworld, meeting with it's Boss...and seeing that it is a talking Parrot.
The look on his face would be SO worth it... :rofl:
Hah. More ups than downs... though those downs very much burn... and my heart sings because Ababwa continues as a kingdom of rogues. Elsewhere theft and piracy means the loss of a hand or a head. But, here, it means you are our new best friend.

Our legal system must be a comedy routine at this point but I wouldn't have it any other way. A law is merely a suggestion and only if you catch our ire does that become a pointed, and probably poisoned, suggestion.
Our legal system must be a comedy routine at this point but I wouldn't have it any other way. A law is merely a suggestion and only if you catch our ire does that become a pointed, and probably poisoned, suggestion.
Oh no, the legal system is aimed towards finding people trades. Aladdin is fully aware that very few people steal because they enjoy the thrill of the hunt. So instead of losing a hand or a beheading, for minor thefts it's community service work crews; which help the criminals find something that they're good at or at least enjoy more than stealing, and pursue that as a new career.

Major stuff like murder though? Oh yeah, the law comes down on you like a ton of bricks.

Oh, @Paddywagon Man how did you like your Mystery Box?
So, young indiana Jones has Dialing in the Rough as well, thought that was unique to Aladdin but apparently not. Certainly interesting to see.
So, young indiana Jones has Dialing in the Rough as well, thought that was unique to Aladdin but apparently not. Certainly interesting to see.
Nope, both Arthur and the Black caldron's protag have it. I think velorien have it too but don't quote me on that, it's also possible that leah friend also have it.
Diamond in the rough is crazy, Our boy has either almost caught up or beaten Jasmine at everything except Stewardship