Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

The Makings of a King
8 XP for a great continuation of this!
High Times, Hard Times: Tales from New York
6 XP for this interesting look at things from the man on the street. One thing I will note though is that Rourke never made it back to New York. With the newly hostile seas he was trying to find ways to get back there, while Milo worked his own particular brand of magic behind his back. However there are now a handful of Atlanteans in New York
A Meeting of the Minds​
8 XP for Tireless, and 8 for Cyber on this incredible piece; especially given its length.
6 XP for Swedish, and 6XP for Tireless for another collaboration effort.
The Medicine Of All Misfortune​
So, how long until the good Cardinal starts fielding bear cavalry? 8 XP!
The figure leaned forward into the light, revealing pale skin and a red beard. "I'm here to recruit you," said Professor James Moriarty.
This... honestly makes a lot of sense.
"An Our Father, two Hail Marys, and Holy Communion. Followed by an exorcism to purge any remaining unholy contaminant of the area." Richelieu took another sip of his wine.
Wow. Not only can Frollo not stick around if God's name is invoked, it can't even stand up to it being uttered by this guy. How the mighty have fallen.
Rage twisted the cardinal's face. "I fled to the one place in France not yet corrupted by the Pontiff. SPACE!!!"

Historical Richelieu may well have been sincerely religious even if he was also a scheming minister.*

On the other hand, this appears to be Three Musketeers Richelieu, who in-character is probably less so.

*(And honestly, "being a scheming minister" is one of those things we're too hard on historical figures for being, probably because of centuries of human culture in monarchical societies using 'blame the ministers' as a workaround to rationalize all the reasons monarchy is a bad idea in real life. The scheming minister is set up in contrast to the bluff, uncomplicated hereditary warlord nobleman and the simple, virtuous king, both of which are tropes whose basis in reality is... shaky and complicated, shall we say.)
All Hail the Queen Turn 7.4: Reconstruction (Frozen NegaQuest)
All Hail the Queen
Turn 7.4: Reconstruction
[X] Rebuild after the war
Diplomacy DC 70
Stewardship DC 55
Intrigue DC 45
Diplomacy Roll: 1d100+13+21+10+20-10; 24 ⇒ 78
Stewardship Roll: 1d100+21+20+25-10 (Construction); 74 ⇒ 130
Intrigue Roll: 1d100+11+14+13; 40 ⇒ 78
Bare Diplomacy Success
Massive Stewardship Success
Intrigue Success

With the riots over, now it was time for the cleanup. You quickly assured the incoming refugees that they would be welcome within the kingdom despite former mishaps and that they didn't have anything to fear from you specifically. Olaf helped with this immensely, by showing the refugees how much of a harmless snowman he was, but animosity still lingers a bit between the native Arendelleans and the country folk, and not just due to class schisms; the city-dwellers have legitimate grievances against the attackers for disrupting and wrecking parts of their home.

Fortunately, with Oaken's surprisingly great help, you were able to repair the damage so that it almost never happened. While Oaken has no practical experience in construction, he was able to organize the people that did into organized and efficient crews, and was able to direct the projects so that everything was repaired quickly. Not only have you managed to keep your defenses, but your kingdom now stands stronger than ever.

After that, the last remaining task was to root out the last traces of insurgency in the city. Given that you had already crippled their network, it wasn't hard for Maja and Kristoff to track them down and arrest them. Despite their "fierce resistance", the group was rounded up and locked up within the week, which pretty much killed any rebellious spirit the people had left towards you. With that out of the way, you can now focus your attention on other matters, such as your magic or repairing your relationship with the people.

Arendelle repaired! All buffs provided by defenses are now permanent! Resources are now at: 160/275 ⇒ 150/275
Insurgency crushed! You are now free to sleep with both eyes closed.
Public somewhat reassured! SoA now set at 50/100 (Edgy)


[X] Interact with the people
Roll: 1d100+10; 48 ⇒ 58
Given how the past few weeks have gone, the people were naturally not very pleased to see you. Still, while the refugees were still prickly towards you and your magic, the people of Arnedelle were used to it and were understanding of what you had put the kingdom through in an attempt to keep it safe. Also, you think that the winter wonderland helped take the edge off the cold and tension, even if only a few of the refugee children took part. Still, you think the people are starting to warm up to you, even if the refugees won't.

Progress: 176/250

[X] Train
Roll: 1d100+10; 86 ⇒ 96
Conversely, your own training went extremely well. Despite your odd dreams about the magic thief and a child-like you interacting, Pabbie's teachings have greatly increased your abilities and control. Not to mention the fact that you constantly using your abilities to fortify defenses and nonlethally subdue rioters did wonders for your control and focus. You don't think you've quite hit the ceiling just yet, but you're confident you're not going to repeat the incident that froze Anna's heart.

Elsa's Occult cap has increased by +4!

[X] Interact with the people
Roll: 1d100; 96 (Crit!)
Kristoff has become a fucking hero. Well, technically Maja has as well, but she mostly keeps to the Ice Merchants and the military, so she's more of a "speak of with respect and admire from a distance" kind of idol. Kristoff, however, makes it a point to interact with everybody in the kingdom and become something of an icon because of it. Not to mention his several actions during the Siege. He's seen by the populace as your right hand, the true "man of the people", and even your "Jiminy Cricket", whatever that means.
In any case, Kristoff was basically praised everywhere he went and welcomed warmly by the people. Even the refugees, who were initially frosty, gave him a chance due to his reputation and warmed up to him once he worked his charm.

The people now admire Kristoff, which endears them to your regime! SoA has increased! 50/100 ⇒ 60/100
Kristoff has gained a trait!
National Hero: Kristoff has become a hero to the people of Arendelle due to his social exploits with the people as well as his heroic actions during conflicts. He gains a +20 to Diplomacy in his native home, due to the amount of respect the people give him. This bonus is a +10 in all other places that have heard of his exploits. He also gains a +5 Martial bonus due to patriotism as long as he is fighting at home, but his Intrigue suffers a -10 in his native kingdom due to being so easily recognized, and a -5 applies to everyone else who has heard of his deeds.

[X] Interact with the people
Roll: 1d100; 43
Unfortunately, Olaf has started to wear out his welcome. He's not hated by any means, but his presence at the last several speeches you gave has made the people somewhat immune to even his positive personality. And honestly? His optimism can get a little tiresome after constant exposure. Still, though, the people appreciated the efforts of the talking snowman, and were grateful that he was able to tell when he was starting to annoy them and broke off to go elsewhere.

[X] Manage your trading post
Roll: 1d100; 68
Oaken didn't exactly make a killing, but he did make a modest profit off of selling wood and woolen clothing to the refugees. Also, he took the time to categorize his summer stock, so that it's ready when you defrost the country.

[X] Harvest the ice
Roll: 1d100; 25
Turns out, booby-trapping the bay left a lot of what could have been valuable ice simply thin sheets that shattered on conatct. The bay is clear, but the haul was nothing to speak of. Still, Maja's reserves are pretty much through the roof, so it's not a big deal.
Arendelle's doing good, I wonder what will be done with Kristoff's find of the cave.

Olaff's role was middling, but narratively, it makes sense, he's better for forming a good impression for Elsa to use as a foundation and to reassure people not to panic
I was about to say "damnit guys, stop voting for Olaf to interact with the people already, he can do other things" before remembering that no one is actually voting here and you're making the choices yourself.
I was about to say "damnit guys, stop voting for Olaf to interact with the people already, he can do other things" before remembering that no one is actually voting here and you're making the choices yourself.
Actually, I make the options then give them to Tempest. He's in full control over what Elsa does
Turn 10 Rival Reports
Rival Report

South-West Africa
d100 + 5 (Consolidated Holdings) + 10 (Lingering Grudge) = 94

Never let it be said that Queen La is one to allow a slight to go unpunished. After her humiliating defeat at the guns of the EITC from her head-on attack, she opted to take on a different approach. Rather than attacking in force, what happened (as best as those that found the scene can figure) her Leopardmen and women infiltrated the port of King's City at night, killing the soldiers quietly and discreetly until there was no longer a fighting force capable of withstanding them. When the ships that had gone out in pursuit of Nemo returned in triumph... It was to a ghost town. Only splashes of blood marking where people had fallen, not even the corpses spared the feral queen's depredations.

South-East Africa
d100 + 5 (All The Light Touches) + 15 (Here Comes the Rain Again) = 31

The rains have come again! The parched savannah drinks greedily as the disrupted weather patterns from the Upheaval had finally reestablished themselves. With the revival of the plants, many of the herbivores that had been forced into hiding or into the edges of the jungle have made their way back to the plains once more. However that seems to be the only thing going well for the scarred King of the Pridelands. The upcoming Hyena matriarch Banagi seems to be working with a splinter faction of the lions and other creatures within the Pridelands. Scar's troubles haven't ended, merely taken a new form.

South-East Indian Sub-continent
d100 - 5 (Selous' Influence) - 5 (Spirit Guardian) = 87

The King of Tigers has taken a new tack. After slamming his muzzle into the bulwark of the villages that have made themselves into tiny independent fortifications, he's instead turned his gaze to the north. He and his jackal minions swept upwards, striking hard and deep into the soft underbelly of the protectorate that the Black Panther and the Man Cub had pulled together.

d100 - 5 (Restricted Space) - 10 (Fitful Dreamer) = 14
Kaa's domain continues to shrink as more of the elaphantine and mustelid-like creatures in garish colors appear, harrying game away from the area and breaking the spell of sleepy ennui that Kaa had inflicted on many of the animals still within his territory.

d100 + 10 (Swingin' Jazz) + 5 (Red Flower) = 19

Fire has come, in the leathery hands of apes who walk like men and talk like them. Music that captures the soul and sends the listener into a frenzy of motion until they can no longer move a muscle. And at their head, an Orangutan with delusions of manhood. His overtures to the EITC to be met as an equal have been harshly rebuffed, and it is likely only the fact that Shere Khan is focusing northwards that kept his arrival on the scene from being short and spectacularly bloody. The infant faction, such as it is, is even now struggling to stay alive under the direction of their fire-mad leader.

North-East Indian Sub-continent
d100 + 5 (Law of the Jungle) +10 (Brokered Peace) + 5 (Spirit Guardian) = 23

The Man Cub and his feline guardian were caught wrong-footed by the sudden change in tactics by Shere Khan. The Man Cub himself was nearly crippled in an ambush, and it was only the interference of a great bear with fur shining the soft blue of twilight that kept the boy from losing his leg. Bagheere is rallying the more martial animals; while Mowgli has taken it upon himself to secure the safety of the young of the various animals that have come to call the area home.

The Silk Road
d100 - 10 (Shattered Empire) + 5 (Rise from the Ashes) = 85
d100 + 5 (The Baron's Men) = 39
d100 + 5 (Black Powder) + 5 (Men of the People) = 30

Shan Yu's diligence and care has paid off. The egg he had cared for had hatched into a small falcon-like bird with flaming feathers and a brightly colored crest. A Lesser Phoenix! Many of his former compatriots have fallen back in line, seeing it as a sign from the Sky Father that Shan Yu still has his favor.

Similarly, both Lord Shen and the Resistance have been having more difficult times; as many seem to see this as a mark of the Mandate of Heaven being passed to Shan Yu in truth. While it is not the prevalent viewpoint, it is one that has served to make the actions of both factions much more difficult.

d100 + 20 (Ababwa's Long Arm) = 81

Xian-Wu's star continues to rise; as they have secured a lucrative trade contract with Agrabah thanks to the facilitations of Ababwa.

d100 + 10 (It's a Girl!) + 20 (Brothers in Arms) = 51
d100 + 5 (Focused Target) + 10 (Charismatic Leader) + 15 (I have a Plan!) = 47

The King and Queen of Olympus and the Underworld have celebrated the arrival of their newest child, a daughter that they have named Makaria. In an astounding show of good faith and compassion, Hades has released the vast majority of the gods that had been imprisoned within Tartarus after he and Zeus had come to some kind of accord. Poseidon, neutral in all of this, had merely been happy to be out. Even Promethus, once condemned to an eternity of suffering by Zeus for the crime of giving Mankind fire, had been released on Hades' say-so. There had been a small intimate gathering of immediate family to welcome the newest Goddess to the pantheon...

Which was a good thing because Sisyphus and his cadre of rebellious spirits and gods had made a play for Olympus. Thinking Persephone weak from childbirth, their son Zagreus currently away from Olympus, and relying on force of numbers to overwhelm Hades the plan might have worked...

Instead the rebellious forces had run headlong into the combined power of the three sons of Chronos, Poseidon and Zeus taking great umbrage to the attack on their infant niece; almost matching the height of rage that Hades achieved, cycling so far into fury that he had entered something he called a "zen state of rage".

The attackers had been sent packing, but not without getting some good licks in on the defending Gods. But when Hermes showed up, leading backup to the site, they broke and ran.

The Mediterranean Sea
d100 - 10 (Heavily Wounded) - 10 (Shaken Confidence) = 30

After her injury, Ursula has sequestered herself in Atlantica, her pet whale Moby Dick driven into a protective frenzy and attacking any ships that ventured remotely near the underwater stronghold, if they were not sporting the proper sigils on their hulls to identify them as part of the Brethren Court.

d100 - 10 (Unstable) = 35

Morgana's current whereabouts are unknown, the sea witch having vanished beneath the pack ice of the arctic.

d100 + 10 (Profitable Pals) + 10 (Good Neighbors) = 93

A proclamation from Syracuse had hundreds of adventure-seeking young maidens crying themselves to sleep. The infamously single Pirate Lord Sinbad has been wed! His bride is none other than Marina, formerly ambassador for Syracuse before the Upheaval, and once the fiancee of Prince Proteus himself. To make things even more scandalous, Prince Proteus, as acting ruler of Syracuse, not only officially dissolved his engagement with Marina, but was the one to perform the ceremony where the lady and the pirate were wed!

It seemed that Sinbad had been dragging his feet in making contact with Syracuse until Jones had told the pirate in no uncertain terms that if he did not act as Jones' messenger, then Jones would go himself. It was a great shock to find Proteus still alive and in charge; but the people of the city had taken the Upheaval as a sign from the gods that the Prince was not to be killed. He has led the city well in that time since, and was all too happy to be reunited with his old friend.

The Indian Ocean
d100 + 10 (Patron) + 10 (Secure Holdings) - 15 (Continental Pushback) = 57

The EITC seems to be having a series of extreme highs and lows. For one, they have reported far and wide that the pirate "lord" Nemo has been sent to the bottom of his beloved ocean, his submarine ruptured and turning the entire sea to a froth of bubbles and stains upon the water after their latest experiments in using cannon rounds with a timed explosive charge in them seems to have borne fruit. However their victory was undercut by the complete devastation of King City, the port stripped of every man, woman, child and beast; all supplies including the stores of gunpowder that had been kept there for resupplying the ships and cannons,

d100 + 10 (Stealth Sub) + 5 (Varian's Improvements) - 5 (EITC) = 11 + 16 (Varian's Failsafes) =27

The Nautilus had limped into one of Ababwa's ports under the cover of darkness, a message hastily run to the port authority, who had the vessel ensconced in a flooded drydock that is well hidden from outside view. As the message from Nemo to Aladdin put it, "rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.' The taciturn captain also requested that thanks be passed on to Varian in Atlantis. Apparently the only reason that the Nautilus was able to escape from the EITC was thanks to a weaponized variant of his "bath bombs" released as an emergency decoy to make it seem as if the hull of the Nautilus had been breached and it had sunk, much like the ink cloud of an octopus.

World's Oceans
d100 + 15 (Dragons) = 75

Dragon Bludvist has apparently found new hunting grounds, adding more vessels to his fleet. Some pirates whisper that he's looking for the fabled Heart of the Dutchman with which to kill Jones and take control of the Flying Dutchman through a proxy. If Jones feels threatened y these rumors, he shows no signs of it.

Brethren Court]d100 + 10 (Jones in a Good Mood) = 69

If Nemo were truly gone, then Jones doesn't seem all that fussed about losing one of the Seven Pieces of Eight, much less the rumors of Drago's supposed activities. Instead he has been content to sit back and brood as the announcement of Sinbad's marriage went out. An announcement that sparked another set of nuptials as Abraham Smollet and Benjamina Gunn were wed by the offices of Long John Silver as a Captain and Pirate Lord.

d100 + 40 (Holmes & Watson) = 135

Agrabah continues to be coming out on top economically. After finalizing the deal with Xian-Wu for the trade partnership, they had entered tentative talks with other areas such as Maldonia in regards to trade; though both sides remain cautious about new wrinkles that have emerged...

Elite Global Huntsman's Club
d100 + 5 (Resupply Point) = 50

Having made one more contact with Viggo Grimborne, the Huntsman's Club has turned and set its sights for the south once more. From what Schezerehade has gathered from Lady Waltham, they intend to resupply in Ababwa provided nothing goes wrong on their return trip.

d100 + 5 (Elizabeth & Will) + 5 (Fresh Meat) = 56

With the new influx of fresh food from outside, as well as the lingering happiness of having Will and Elizabeth reunited; the kingdom of Atlantis seems to have had a quiet couple of months. The biggest disturbance has been the introduction of Varian to the Atlanteans, being led hither and yon by the equally genius Audrey Ramirez. Aladdin has opted to not listen in on the gossip being spread by the stoic Mrs. Packard when she gets on the radio with the other women that seem to have usurped the system for their own use more often than not.

Rumor Mill

1dQ-fish = Table Flip!

We interrupt this Quest Update for this important news bulletin! As the QM has apparently been struggling with how to handle Egypt and kind of gotten into a rut, I've decided to lend him a helping paw! You're welcome!

d100 -10 (Where Are We?) = 53

The land of Egypt has changed once more. A roiling cloud of purple mist and fog had descended upon the land, and when it had retreated... the land there had once again been changed. But now, the inhabitants wore clothing of styles ancient even by the reckoning of the Greeks, and the pyramids and temples were shining and well-kept. They are extending outwards warily, unsure of this new reality they have been thrust into.

d100 + 10 (Patron) = 99

Lemuria continues to thrive, and while Ababwa is keeping them at arms length, trade with them has opened up a bit more. That's it; slowly, gently. A day at a time

d100 + 20 (Next in Line) + 10 (Talk to the Animals) = 103

Maldonia's new trade deals and contracts with Atlantis and Ababwa, along with the continued good health of Princess Eudora and the amazing ability to speak that has been conferred on to Louis the Alligator has left the country in awe at their good fortune.

d100 - 10 (Zealots) = 41

More of Frollow's zealots arrived and vanished into the depths of the Black Sands. More explosions of golden fire and screaming litanies halting and stilling under the merciless eye of the sun.

d100 + 10 (Dragonriders) + 5 (Inventive Applications) = 64
d100 + 10 (Crazy Like a Fox) + 5 (Brotherly Instincts) = 101

"I can't believe I'm accepting this offer."

"I can't believe I'm the one that's using diplomacy first, brother."

"Can you please stop calling me that? The emphasis makes it creepy."

"Huh, really? Never realized that. So yeah, tall dark and spooky is looking to yank my chain and make the Berzerkers dance to his tune. Not a fan."

"For once, we can agree. Alright, what's this guy's name?"

"Ja-something... Jar-jar? Ja-near? It'll come to me, gimme a minute."

"We are so dead."

d100 + 10 (Caution and Cunning) = 14
Mutual Respect interrupt!
d100 + 5 (Respect Goes Both Ways) = 33

Viggo looked at the splintered remains of his ship, his brother and the few men that had survived the mad whale's rampage being picked up by Sinbad's men. "That whale's a hell of a monster." Viggo nodded at Sinbad's words, even as he gently scratched the Skrill, his Skrill, behind its neck frill.

"Yes, but he's an intelligent monster." Sinbad turned to look at the dragon dealer, one brow cocked.

"How do you know?"

Viggo's grin is humorless even as his Skrill snorted. "He ran from us."

Viggo Grimborne's small fleet has been decimated when they had the misfortune to encounter a hyper-protective Moby Dick. When Viggo had thought that all hope was lost, he'd smashed open the lock on the Skirll's cage in order to let it fly free rather than die pointlessly. This seems to have been the act that actually earned the storm dragon's respect, and rather than flee he and Viggo worked in tandem to drive the whale off, the light and sound attracting the attention of The Chimera to their location in time to save the remaining crew and cargo.

Viggo and Ryker Grimborn are in Sinbad's debt for the rescue. Sinbad is intrigued by these men from the North and the thought of perhaps getting his hands on a few dragons of his own to match Drago.

Ababwa RER: 71

One of the masons had gone out to check the hills around Ababwa for resources of his own volition. He came back and immediately went to Sinbad the Porter with a chunk of ore roughly the size of the man's head.

Rich Copper vein discovered near Ababwa! +1000 Gold per turn.
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