I worry that disrupting the transport sandstorm will result in the deaths of the animals currently being carried within it. Most large mammals aren't able to bounce very well. There's also the question of how well Sadira will be at actually wresting control of the sandstorm from the other three witches, given that she's a novice at best and has already been shown to not be a match for them when it comes to sand magic. I'm increasingly convinced that targeting them directly will be the better option.
I worry that disrupting the transport sandstorm will result in the deaths of the animals currently being carried within it. Most large mammals aren't able to bounce very well. There's also the question of how well Sadira will be at actually wresting control of the sandstorm from the other three witches, given that she's a novice at best and has already been shown to not be a match for them when it comes to sand magic. I'm increasingly convinced that targeting them directly will be the better option.
How is targeting them directly going to get a different result then going to the transport?
I'm assuming if we kill or knock them out the transport cloud just goes away.
I think the best chance we have of the cloud not just vanishing is Sadira taking control of it. At least then there's a chance we can drop whatever inside off safely.
How is targeting them directly going to get a different result then going to the transport?
I'm assuming if we kill or knock them out the transport cloud just goes away.
I think the best chance we have of the cloud not just vanishing is Sadira taking control of it. At least then there's a chance we can drop whatever inside off safely.
Because killing the witches gives Sadira a chance to take control of the storm without also having to pit her will against all three witches, of which it only took one to make her its puppet last time.
Scheduled vote count started by TempestK on Jan 19, 2022 at 11:27 PM, finished with 39 posts and 26 votes.
[X] Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
[X] Tai Lung on the other hand advocates going after the witches directly. Even if the disruption of one of the funnels will alert the witches to the death of one of their number, they'd still be separated and possibly able to be picked off before they could join up together again.
Sadira proposes trying to get into the transport sandstorm. With her magic she should be able to get the group in and disrupt the transport from within, negating all of the work the witches had done so far, and allowing them to fall on them from above.
After some contemplation, Aladdin looked to Sadira. "Okay, if you think you can disrupt their control, negating everything they've done up to now is a good idea. We'll see about the second part; I don't like the idea of killing innocent animals just because it was expedient." Sadira nodded firmly, while the rest of the group from Ababwa didn't raise protest. Aladdin had made his decision and they were going to go with it. Not that he was sure it was the right decision, but right now without knowing how much progress they'd managed to make in pillaging the valley their best course of action was denying them the assets that they'd already collected rather than risking the witches getting away with even a few of the beasts that they'd found here.
"Alright carpet, up to the storm, as fast as you can!" Carpet saluted before darting beneath Sadira, picking her up before Aladdin, Tai Lung, and Leah all piled on as well. As fast as it was able, Carpet rose like a shot, a black dot against the dark mass of the writhing sandstorm. As they got closer, and the wind began to whip at their hair, sand abrading their skin, Sadira closed her eyes for a moment, focusing intently.
When they snapped open, they had turned a solid golden amber, energy of the same color outlining her hands. She gestured sharply at the sandstorm, and it bucked and shuddered in protest. Sadira snarled as she gestured again. "You. Are. Mine. Now!" With each word, streaks of lightning lashed through the storm, golden amber energy fighting against darker sickly yellow strands of energy.
There was a tangible snap in the air as the sickly energies within the storm were expunged completely, the tendrils of sand reaching down dropping away to nothing, while the sandstorm itself seemed to become... lighter? No, more that it was less agitated, more compact. Sadira's eyes were still glowing even as she moved her arms now in slow circling motions. A hole in the storm opened, allowing the carpet to fly in.
Aladdin gaped at the interior. It looked like a large cave hewn out of sandstone, hard-packed and with little if any loose grit. Inside there were only eight chunks of crystal, worn smooth by the sand used to remove them from their resting places. It looked like the witches hadn't had as much time as he'd feared. Glancing at the creatures gathered so far, he found his brows drawing upwards.
The first was a large creature with a massive domed shell. A pebbled texture, but it appeared solid all the way though. A furred head and paws protruded, as did a tail that ended in a bony knob studded with vicious looking spikes. Leah peered at the crystal, raising one hand and allowing a light green glow to filter over it. A matching glow, though much muted, came from within the crystal.
"It's still alive. I wasn't certain before, but I definitely am now." The druidess nodded firmly, keeping one hand on the pommel of her blade. She moved quickly through the rest. The largest contained a group of wolves, adults and a couple of pups, all of which were absolutely massive. Six adults and two pups.
The next contained a shaggy-furred bear that looked like it could out-wrestle Tai Lung. Then a pair of strange quadrupeds after that, one of which had apparently been walking on it's knuckles, while the other was half-rising and exposing the long claws that tipped its forepaws. A boar that stood as tall as Aladdin at the shoulder. A strange creature that seemed to be halfway between a hound and a pig with a long snout filled with sharp teeth. And the last was another of the saber-fanged cats, though it looked... bloated. Leah took in a sharp gasp of air as her magic seeped through the crystal to interact with the cat.
"My Prince, this one is pregnant. Four cubs." Sadira stood ready, looking to Aladdin to give the word to drop the crystals. Aladdin struggled with the decision for only a brief moment.
"Okay, change to the plan. Sadira, keep control of this thing, don't drop the animals. Tai Lung, Leah? The Ababwans looked to their Prince as he drew his dagger. "We take the fight to them." Tai Lung's eyes shone as his tail lashed.
"Now that's what I wanted to hear!" Leah merely nodded, gripping her weapon tightly.
!1d100+7 (Diplomacy) = 14
Details:[1d100+7 (7)]
Iago perched gingerly on one of the crystal chunks, relaxing as the crystal didn't appear to be trying to reform after being separated from the main mass. "I think I'll stay up here. One close up dance with them was enough for me, and if one of them gets past you guys I can at least break their concentration." Aladdin gave the parrot a nod of confirmation. Sadira on the other hand, lets out a sharp gasp.
"They're coming! If they get too close they may be able to take control of the storm again!" Aladdin bit back a curse.
"Sadira, give Tai Lung and I places to stand and we'll meet them halfway. Carpet, you're with Leah. She's not as agile as we are." Leah looked irked, but conceded the point, quickly getting atop Carpet. Tai Lung cracked his knuckles, smirking devilishly, and then the bottom of the storm dropped out from under him and Aladdin, a hole opening to allow Carpet to emerge with Leah firmly planted and sword at the ready.
The witches were riding sand constructs, some kind of horrific fusion of bat, lizard, and dog with shifting features. Aladdin and Tai Lung both crouched on solidified discs of sand as they drop to meet the enemy. Aladdin felt the muscles in his legs tense, even as he shot towards the closest of the three, the skinny one that apparently served as their leader.
Tai Lung base martial: 20 + 20 (Master of a Thousand Scrolls) =
Details:[1d100+20+20 (44)]
Tai Lung's grin was savage as he surfed the disc of sand down towards his opponent. The rotund woman in the two-peaked cap looked like easy prey. It was almost a pity that this was going to be so-
There was a sound like shattering glass as the sand disc he was riding on fractured beneath his feet.
Easy?! Even as it was crumbling, Tai Lung was instinctively bunching his muscles and launching himself at the woman. She smirked and the sand construct she was riding flowed to the side. However Tai Lung managed to notice that it was moving all of a piece, and seemed to be less a solid construct and more of a shell. Which he confirmed as his leading foot struck the thing's neck and punched through into the interior. Thankfully that slowed him enough to keep from smashing through the underside.
Unfortunately, he only had time enough to be thankful for that before the sand construct contracted around him, squeezing down until it was like a potbellied serpent with batlike wings; all of the mass that had gone to the body and legs being condensed to hold him in a crushingly powerful grip.
Razili grinned, showing off her teeth as she looked at Tai Lung, the Leopard's head the only thing visible above the sands. "Well aren't you a precious kitty," she cooed in a sickly-sweet voice. "I think that Shakata won't mind me adding another pet to our little menagerie..." She made a circling motion with one finger, strands of sand peeling away from the construct and forming an open collar that slowly floated towards the martial artists' throat.
Aladdin base martial: 18 = !d100+18
Details:[d100+18 (54)]
Aladdin gritted his teeth as he fell towards the leader of the coven. The boney woman sneered as she looked up at him, reminding him uncomfortably of Jafar thanks to her mode of dress as much as her expression. Her sneer turned triumphant as he got closer, and one arm lashed out, a snaking spike of sickly yellow sand streaking towards him! Aladdin's eyes widened as it headed towards him...
72 + 14 = 86
And then had a chittering panic attack in his ear as Abu grabbed onto his head. The sudden shift forced his balance to change, and in a flash of insight he forced his balance further that way, causing the sand disc he was riding to lurch to the side. Rather than taking him straight through the chest, instead the spike scraped his side, abrading cloth and flesh, but passing by before it could do permanent damage.
Aladdin clamped a hand to his side as Abu screeched invectives at the woman. She merely looked put out, even as her construct roared hungrily at the young prince. "So, the beggar prince shows up at last! I was wondering if you'd ever actually come to the aid of your little princess."
"Urgh, why are you doing this?!" Aladdin grimaced as his hand came away slick with blood, though not coated. The wound wasn't as deep as it felt. It just hurt like someone had squeezed lemon juice into it... or salt. Aladdin's eyes narrowed as he looked at the constructs. Yes, there were flashes of white "sand" within the construct that were surely raw salt crystals.
"For power boy! What else is there?!"
"More than you'll ever know I guess." Aladdin grit out as he shifted his weight once more, sending him charging back towards the woman.
Leah base martial: 15 + 10 (Blood of the Earth) + 15 (Water Elemental Blade) = !d100+15+10+15
Details:[d100+15+10 (30)]
Leah's face was locked in a grimace as Carpet carried her towards her foe. The plump woman in the conical hat, on the other hand, looked absolutely delighted. "Oh-hohoho! A young mage seeks to challenge one such as I?" She almost lazily spun up a thin needle of sand. "It's a pity that you have to die my dear, but you nature types are such bores." She flung the needle upwards. Her eyes widened though as Carpet dipped under the shot without any input from Leah, and then brought her close to the woman. The Sand Witch sneered as she stopped outside of the sword's reach. "What's the matter dearie? Afraid to get too close?"
Leah's grimace turned to a scowl as she felt her magic feeding into the blade, even as small sprouts twined up from the witch's feet, entangling them. She swung, the water blade extending out in a flash. Farida's chortling cut off in a choked gurgle as her construct began to disintegrate.
"You talk too much." The druidess snorted, the sheath of elemental water washing away the remains of the grisly business. Leah watched with a stone face as the bifurcated woman began to follow her construct's fate, before shaking her head. It looked like the others weren't having as much luck, but who to help... The one that was bleeding likely needed it more.
"To Aladdin!" Carpet gave a rustle of acknowledgement even as it shot towards where the prince was clutching his side, circling the sand witch astride her construct. She glanced at Tai Lung, before shaking her head. The big cat could take care of himself, and he wasn't wounded so far as she could tell.
Tai Lung base martial: 20 + 20 (Master of a Thousand Scrolls) + 15 (Leopard's Claw) = !d100+20+20+15
Details:[d100+20+20+15 (70)]
As the collar approached, Tai Lung's eyes widened even as his pupils contracted to the barest slits. For a moment he was reminded of the dark, his chi stifled, his body nearly locked entirely in place, the sneering witch replaced by a rhino with a gold-capped horn. He felt his chi surge out of his control for a moment... and the witch turned with a sudden gasp, looking towards one of the others. From his position Tai Lung couldn't see past her, but his panic attack broke as he felt his arms move. And then he remembered.
In a discussion with Leah, they had begun talking about the finer points in how similar and different magic and chi were. Magic and chi were both things that could be found within the body. They were also energies that could be taken in from the outside world, though in the case of chi it was only done by the most spiritually unbalanced and depraved. Chi was life after all. Both circulated through the body and could be moved by a properly trained practitioner.
Both could be blocked and disrupted.
Calling on the wells of chi locked in his muscles, Tai Lung snarled as he poured his chi out like water into the sand around him. And like water, the sand was no longer holding him so much as merely supporting him. The witch turned back with a start, a look of intense anger on her face... and then began to choke as the heels of Tai Lung's paws smashed into her windpipe.
"Sorry love, but I'm afraid I'm not one for domestication." With a last growl he flowed into a simple three-step strike. Rising knee, into uppercut, and followed with a textbook perfect roundhouse heel kick. The woman couldn't even scream thanks to her crushed trachea as she was launched much the same way a certain panda had... no, best not to think on that right now. Either way, even with all of her extra, ahem, padding, Tai Lung sincerely doubted that she was going to fare nearly as well on the landing. And he appeared to have gotten the trajectory correct for her to clear the valley, so her corpse wouldn't be littering the landscape. Bravo.
Then his head whipped around as his footing abruptly vanished, accompanied by a vicious shriek of rage.
Shakata base martial: d100 + 5 + 15 (Fury of the Desert) + 15 (Sand Magic) - 3 (Distracted) =
Details:[d100+5+15+15-5-3 (50)]
The Sand Witch gave a shriek that sounded almost bestial as her sisters were felled. Aladdin smirked and gave a nod to Leah as she zoomed in. "Looks like it's two on one now!" The woman turned burning eyes on him, even as both hands snapped out, and pulled. The sand that had been falling back towards the valley stills, then began flowing upwards, feeding into her construct and making it bulkier and more solid. A palanquin of sand formed, slatted bars keeping blades out even as they gave the woman a clear view all around her. Spikes and snarls of sand formed on the construct's "hide" making it a hazard to even approach. And its claws and teeth compacted down until they bore great similarity to the fangs he'd seen that had been plucked from The Dreaded One's maw. Just as sharp looking as the real dragon's armaments had been.
Aladdin paled as he saw the spikes begin to bulge at their bases. She was about to fire a full field attack, nowhere for them to dodge! Looking around, he thought quickly...
75 + 14 = 89
"Leah, toss me the sword!" Leah didn't hesitate, tossing the blade to Aladdin. As he caught it the blue energies faded to wispy green. Aladdin took a stance... and then began slashing rapidly, firing off wind blade after wind blade from the sword. Shakata laughed as they impacted the construct, merely throwing up plumes of grit that were quickly subsumed back into the body.
"You utter fool. The Wind is my ally, not yours! It is as one with the sands!" She waited a moment to let the sands clear from her vision totally, the maddened flurry of blows having kicked up quite the cloud... and nearly had her head taken off as a blade of water cut through the top of her palanquin. The water-infused sand fell away from the construct, and it was only her fast reflexes that saved the sand witch from becoming a head shorter as Aladdin dove in, a new roof forming as quick as thought. She smirked as the blade skittered off of the stone-hard roof, but before she could shape spikes to impale the impudent little princeling, he was swept up by that thrice-damned carpet!
"Do you really think that two children can defeat me?! Even without my sisters, I am the greatest, most powerful practitioner of Sand Magic that has ever lived! I will rule the Seven Deserts! It's a shame you won't be around to appreciate my rule..." She drawled the last part as she held out her hand and then clenched it.
The spikes that had been building up along her construct exploded off, forming a sphere of death as they shot outwards in volleys to make sure that they couldn't just dodge the first wave. Aladdin and Leah yelped as Carpet dipped and dove through the hazards, and Shakata let out a croaking laugh. The rug was starting to slow, even its magic had limits it would seem!
d100+18 (Aladdin Martial) + 15 (Leah Martial) + 10 (Blood of the Earth) +15 (Elemental Blade: Water) + 20 (Tai Lung Martial) + 20 (Master of a Thousand Scrolls) = !d100+18+15+10+15+20+20
# 121
Details:[d100+18+15+10+15+20+20 (23)]
d100+5 Shakata Martial + 15 (Fury of the Desert) + 15 -3 (Distracted) = !d100+5+15+15-5-3
# 108
Details:[d100+5+15+15-5-3 (81)]
"Oh DOshut up!" She spun, to see an impossibility. The cat was springing from one spike to the next, landing on each as lightly as a feather before destroying it with the force of his bounds. He wove between the spines with a bored look on his face, and it was all she could do to not scream in impotent fury.
"What does it take to kill you?!?!" She jerked then as she felt cold, emanating from her belly. An icy numbness that was spreading even as she suddenly felt like her body was a thousand pounds too heavy. Angling her head down, she felt her chest spasm, and tasted blood as the ethereal blade of water punched through her spine and out of her stomach. She managed to look over her shoulder to see a grim-faced girl holding the blade, the princeling's skin further abraded from where he had used his dagger to intercept the spines of sand. The Sand Witch felt blood dribble from the corner of her lips, even as her heart shuddered to a stop. She reached for her magic, trying to find some way to sustain herself... but nothing worked. Blood was often called the "water of life", and it was as anathema to Sand Magic as its clear counterpart.
DC 75,
1d100 = 32
Aladdin watched the last Sand Witch fall, her construct disintegrating even as Tai Lung landed lightly on Carpet. Both men looked over to Leah, who was calmly cleaning the blade before sheathing it. Too calmly. Tai Lung and Aladdin knew that they were both blooded. They had faced men and beast in combat and been forced to end lives. But so far as either of them knew, this was the first time Leah had ever taken a life. For a brief moment Aladdin considered the valley below them, and the pulsating blue glow further to the west. Then he glanced back at Leah's too-calm face and shook his head.
They disembarked into the sandstorm once more to find Sadira looking joyful, while Iago just looked relieved. Aladdin quickly took charge again. "Leah, take Carpet and head back to Ababwa. Let Frosting know to prepare more high-security enclosures." Leah looked at him blankly for a moment, before giving a jerky nod. "Sadira, sorry to impose on you for this, but could you bring this storm to the edge of Agrabah without damaging the city?"
Sadira contemplated the request, before nodding. "Yes, it shouldn't be that hard. And if I make it smaller, then it'll help me conserve energy while keeping us all comfortable." Aladdin nodded firmly.
"Then that's what we'll do. As much as I'm tempted to just put them back, we know that those animals are alive. And that Tai Lung can break them out. I don't think I could live with myself if I just put them back." Abu cooed and stroked Aladdin's head, before the prince cringed as his side throbbed. Tai Lung sighed as he pulled out a small medical kit that Chiron had insisted the martial artist take with him.
"Go on Leah, I'll tend to his royal pigheadedness here." Leah gave a short nod before Sadira motioned, allowing Carpet to exit the sandstorm, the interior of which was rapidly closing in until it was a tenth of the size it had been. Which still afforded all of them plenty of room to move, while still accommodating the crystals. Sadira concentrated, and the group felt a light lurch, but that was all as they began to move.
Aladdin grumbled as he stripped off his shirt and allowed Tai Lung to clean the wound with a waterskin, using the ripped clothing to soak up the excess rather than risking it destabilizing the sandstorm construct. Iago looked at the two, then in the direction of Ababwa, almost as if he could see beyond the solid walls that made up the construct's interior.
"Was that a good idea sending her ahead, kid?" Aladdin nodded.
"The sooner she gets home, the sooner she'll be somewhere she feels safe enough to deal with things, and with the people she trusts the most." Iago considered that for a moment, before nodding, giving a wry chuckle.
"You know kid, for a street thief you seem to get people in a way that I don't think I've ever seen before." Aladdin shrugged carelessly, then winced as Tai Lung pulled the wrappings tight.
"A lot of it is just having prior experience. Or knowing something close enough to what they're going through in order to empathize with them. Besides, after all of this, I think we all probably want to head home." Iago and Tai Lung nodded, the parrot still looking thoughtful, while Sadira looked contemplative.
"Home huh? Haven't had one of those in a long time... but Jas- I mean, the princess, offered me a place in the palace until I felt like I was ready to leave. And... it's nice having a girl friend again." She smirked slightly. "Doesn't hurt that she and I match sizes." Aladdin shook his head, even though he smiled.
"Jasmine has a big heart. She just isn't quite sure how to leverage it sometimes. Now, I think I should probably get a nap. How long do you think it'll be till we reach Agrabah Sadira?"
"With the tailwind we've got, the smaller size of the sandstorm, and not having to hide, I think we can make it in about five hours."
Aladdin nodded, pulling on a new shirt from the pack he'd dropped in the sandstorm before jumping into the fight, and then placing his head on it as a makeshift pillow. Even with the stinging in his side, he was asleep quickly.
Arriving in Agrabah was something of a grand affair. The entirety of the city guard was arrayed on the walls, arrows nocked as they watched the incoming sandstorm. Thankfully as soon as Sadira let the storm dissipate, Razoul was shouting at his men to stand down. The gates opened quickly, the guards moving out to look at the chunks of crystal in awe. Aladdin smirked at the head guard.
"We took care of them. No way they're coming back." Razoul nodded, looking relieved, before it turned to trepidation. He turned to look at the crystals.
"And these?"
"Souvenirs." Aladdin smirked again as the head guard groaned. "And they're going to make some caravanners fairly rich." It'd be dipping into his personal funds deeply, but Aladdin was determined to get these creatures to the menagerie.
Going up to the palace after making arrangements with a merchant that had been making quite a bit of money through his trade with Ababwa and leaving Iago to supervise, Aladdin grunted in suppressed pain as Jasmine raced over to hug him once they'd made their way to the palace, before stepping back and looking him over. She frowned, before looking at Sadira and Tai Lung. Then she sighed.
"Of course out of the entire group, you're the only one that comes back hurt." She sounded almost resigned as she said it. Aladdin gave a casual shrug.
"You should see the other side. We came out pretty much unscathed by comparison." Jasmine considered Aladdin, before looping her arm in his.
"Well then, I suppose you're going to just have to tell me all about it." Aladdin could only give a fond smile as Jasmine led him deeper into the palace.
"As you wish."
Adventure results:
Sand Witch faction: Eradicated.
Relationship with Jasmine increased by 25
Bonds between Ababwa and Agrabah were heavily strengthened.
Agrabah now has a practicing Sand Witch.
Large number of animals to be added to the menagerie:
8 Dire Wolves (6 adults, 2 pups)
2 Ground Sloths (mated pair)
1 Smilodon (pregnant with 4 cubs)
1 Glyptodon
1 Juvenile Cave Bear
1 Dire Pig
1 Andrewsarchus
All animals must be revived by Tai Lung (a free action) and will require at least one turn of training to determine what if any uses they might be.
Locations of Temple of Destiny and Valley of Frozen Time known and marked.
General heading of the Valley of the Blood Sands marked down.
New Occult actions unlocked
Investigate Valley of Frozen Time
Investigate Valley of the Blood Sands
Open discourse with the Guardian of the Destiny Stone
New Martial actions unlocked
Train Prehistoric animal for war
Leah Martial improved by +1
New action unlocked for Tai Lung
Adaptation Training: Removes temperature malus as Tai Lung trains himself to use the Breath of Life technique without needing to concentrate on it.
Iago DC for "Looking out for Me" has decreased to 60
Aladdin Occult improved by +1
Hallelujah, we did it! Awesome ending to the adventure! And nice to see "One Jump Ahead" get put to good use.
I hope Cade is able to help Leah with the weight of what she's done. Vile as the sand witches were, they were still human, and that's going to weigh on her mind for a while.
They would have, yes. Basically Sadira was pouring her power down an open conduit. If they'd managed to reverse the "flow" they could have mind-whammied her again.
True, he's going to be over the moon about these critters. Of course it's rather hard to repopulate (or even maintain any sort of numbers) of a species with these kind of populations.
Honestly depends on what the 'man' wants. For all we know it could be he's going to demand tribute in exchange for allowing our coastal settlements to remain.
Honestly depends on what the 'man' wants. For all we know it could be he's going to demand tribute in exchange for allowing our coastal settlements to remain.
So? I doubt we can fight them off he does. If that happens we'll just have to pony up. But if he does want to run a protection racket, we've got somethings that we could use protection from. That would be making the most of a bad situation.
Alright, now I just have to do the trade envoy interlude; and the Rival Reports. Then we'll move on to Turn 9, wherein things with Davy Jones will hash out.
So? I doubt we can fight them off he does. If that happens we'll just have to pony up. But if he does want to run a protection racket, we've got somethings that we could use protection from. That would be making the most of a bad situation.
What I meant is that it's entirely possible he's not going lift a finger/tentacle for us. Ergo the 'protection racket' might simply be; 'You are living on the coast? You pay me money or I wipe out the towns.'
No protection or anything like that. Costal settlement pays DJ tribute or no coastal settlement anymore.
To be fair his martial rating (15) isn't that bad considering his limited official training. Remember that the mortal 'max' (insanely gifted individuals etc) is 30. Heck Tai Lung (our biggest beat-stick) has 20 martial. He 'just' has a metric ton of bonuses to combat due to a life-time of training.