Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

I wouldn't be surprised if she walked out in front of an Invasion, clapped her hands, and put the entire Horned King's army into the corner for a time out....on the other side of England.
Mary has to be a bit more subtle than that...
Does Bert come with his army of sweepers?
Bert has all kinds of friends. And when the Horned King hit London... well, it's a good thing there's so many tall buildings, ain't it? And those brushes do pretty well as pole vaults in a pinch.
Turn 12 Interlude: The Lion, the Lamp and the Warthog
The Lion, the Lamp and the Warthog

Fate, Genie reflected, was a fickle bitch. Usually he was a little more moderate in his thinking, but right now? Yeah he'd thought he and Al had a real friendship going. Right up until Al's confidence broke. Yeah, he'd been mad, but he figured having a heated heart-to-heart might help iron things out after Al came back.

He'd never gotten the chance. Jafar stole the lamp, with him sulking he had no way to know what was happening outside of his prison until the lamp had been rubbed... and he'd been under Jafar's thumb. Or rather his foot. Eesh. The guy was a classic case of a Bad Master, the type that always wanted more. The Sultan wish had been expected, and he honestly wished the mad vizier hadn't said "rule on high". But noooo, the first wish the guy made had him rearranging the landscape as a side effect. And now he was forced to watch as the newly empowered Sorcerer exposed Al. He bit back a wince as he felt Jafar's magic scrape out everything Al had been taught through his wish about being a prince.

And then he felt it. The tremor wasn't physical. It rang through the cosmos. An infinitely dopplering death wail coupled with a roar of triumph. And underlying it all was EVIL. Not evil as mortals knew it, this was true, pure, undiluted EVIL. And then the portal opened. He shied away from the portal as that great Evil Eye balefully glared out... which is why he missed when Abu, flailing as his transformation was painfully stripped away by the raw magic, knocked his lamp through it.

And where the Lamp goes, so goes the Genie.

He was pulled after the lamp, bursting into coruscating clouds of cerulean smoke as the shifting portal left only the thinnest of holes to follow through, kept open only by his own magic and the unbreakable connection between him and his lamp. The last thing he saw and felt before the remainder of his being was pulled into his prison was being spat out high in the air was a vast plain of golden grasses interspersed with small points of green, and a wide stretch of desert cutting one of said points of green off from the rest of the savannah. And he appeared to be falling towards said stretch of sand. He heaved a sigh as he braced for the impact. As it stood he'd probably be waiting to be found for a long, long time.

Hopefully this time he wouldn't wake up with another crick in his neck...


The feeling of the lamp being rubbed woke him. Either ten thousand years had gotten a lot shorter, or he'd been found a lot faster than he'd been expecting. Deciding to forgo the light show and dramatics for once (he just really wasn't feeling it right now...) he emerged from the lamp in a plume of smoke. "You who rubbed the lamp, are now my massssss...ter."

A half-grown Lion cub and a Meerkat stared at him with stupefied eyes, a troop of gorillas farther back huddling away in fear. And one very confused looking Warthog looking between him and the young female gorilla holding the lamp. Behind them all was an Elephant eying him with a great deal of trepidation.

"I told you you shouldn't have messed with it," the Elephant declared with the air of someone stating common sense.

Genie was pretty good at adapting to things on the fly, and shockingly this hadn't been the first time that he'd had an animal intelligent enough to invoke the magics of the Lamp as a master. Usually they were pretty straightforward wishes at least.

"Okay then, so first off, I'm not gonna hurt any of you." Genie had taken the form of a Gorilla himself in order to make the skittish creatures a bit more comfortable. It seemed to have worked given the youngster that was currently grooming him looking in vain for tasty parasites. "And yeah, I can grant wishes. There's just three rules." He began to tick them off on his fingers. "I can't kill anyone. I can't bring anyone back to life. And I can't make anyone fall in love with someone."

Normally he'd have been making some effort to really drive the point home, but again these animals were all already on edge. Turk, his current master, was a bit better than the others, especially the elephant Tantor. But she was still not wholly at ease. The leader of the troop, Kerchak, was even more wary; bordering on outright hostility but he had at least kept from attacking. The Lion cub, warthog and meerkat; named Simba, Pumba and Timon respectively on the other hand, were all listening with great interest.

"So, lemme get this straight. You can't bring someone back from the dead. But what about locating someone who isn't dead?" Turk was cradling her chin as she looked between Genie and his lamp.

"Well, yeah that shouldn't be a problem. Transporting them anywhere... well that depends." Genie shrugged. Even against Genies there were plenty of protections that could be made. "Just remember, you need to keep the wording specific. If you ask for a general wish... well sometimes they can backfire badly. I had one master, this joker wanted to 'hold the power of the universe in his hands'."

Surprisingly it was Pumbaa that spoke up first. "He didn't say for how long, did he?" Genie pointed a toe at the hog, taking a bite out of a papaya with one hand.

"Correctamundo! And well, that much power... mortals just aren't made to channel that kind of energy. Of course then there was the guy before him. He wanted to turn everything he touched to gold." At the looks of confusion, he elaborated. "Shiny yellow metal, really rare so humans ascribe a lot of value to it." Simba cocked his head to the side and then winced.

"When he wished for everything he touched to turn to gold, he didn't have any way to keep from not turning things to gold did he?" Genie nodded.

"You got it kiddo. He only realized that after he clapped his hands in joy. Had just enough time to realize what he'd done and then boom, he's statuary."

"Okay then, in that case, here's my first wish. I wish that you could show me exactly where Tarzan is, or his body if he's dead."

Genie nodded, a blank parchment poofing into existence as he resumed his normal form. "Sorry, I need to have the right posture for this... annnnnd..." Suddenly multiple hands extended from his torso, each one equipped with some kind of writing or coloring implement. When the flurry of action ceased, there was a large map showing a good chunk of Northern Africa and the surrounding countries. One with two large red Xs on it. One X was back in the heart of the African Jungle. The other... while the animals had no real context for it, it showed the other X as being situated on a large island to the east of Africa, labeled "Indonesia" before that had been crossed out with "New Britannia" written above that.

"Huh? Why are there two locations?" Tantor peered at the map. Turk sighed, scratching at her head with the lamp.

"I wish I knew..." As soon as she said it, she realized her mistake. "Wait, no I-"

"Sorry kiddo, but I gotta follow the rules. And..." Pulling out a crystal ball, Genie waved a hand over it. Smoke within swirled and danced before clearing to show a man with brown hair caught in a short tail with a ribbon and aristocratic features hunched over a book, apparently writing something in it. He looked... well, scrawny was putting it mildly, but his eyes were lively and intelligent. As a girl walked by and refilled the cup at his elbow he gave her a grateful smile, but ignored her own flirtatious body language and turned his focus back to the book. "There's the guy that's there," Genie pointed at the X on the island.

"Now for the other guy..." The smoke swirled and billowed, gaining a hint of reddish hues before they saw a heavily muscled man wearing nothing but a brief loincloth and a mask/cape made of a leopard pelt, multitudes of scars crossing his body. He was clutching a spear, and in the middle of his chest was what at first glance was an amulet. Until a closer look showed that it was fused to his skin with scar tissue around the site. Genie let out a hiss of surprise.

"Oooh, now that's something I hoped I'd never see again. Soul magic, nasty stuff. Lemme just adjust the settings here..." Genie tapped on the ball and spun it counterclockwise, and the man was suddenly surrounded by a fierce red aura. The smoke split to show the book keeper, whose own aura was a deep blue. Both of them however had a similar concentration of color where the gem was fused into the warrior's skin, with the color bleeding into a deep royal purple.

"Oof, someone did a ritual to separate this guy into two parts embodying different aspects of himself. Looks like this one," Genie pointed at the bookkeeper, "Is probably all of his 'civilized' traits. Pretty much the lion's share of the brains. While this one," he indicated the warrior, "Has got to be the brawn side of the equation. Primal, all instinct and little higher thought. Easy to control though." As he spoke, another person came into view. A beautiful dark-skinned woman with white hair who dressed in a black halter top and sarong, both edged in fangs. Eyes the light green of sunlight through the leaves peered at the man, then seemed to turn and look directly at the individuals looking through the ball. The red jewel in the jaws of the leopard-headed staff she bore glowed ominously, and Genie quickly swiped his hands over the ball, causing it to vanish into smoke.

"Whoops, looks like someone had the mojo to detect me scrying on them. Lady had some serious power behind her too. Definitely the one that did the splits on your friend there." Turk looked conflicted, before glancing down at the lamp in her hands.

"If I wished them both here, that wouldn't fix them, would it." Genie shook his head.

"No, sorry. And working on souls like that is... well it's really tricky. I may be able to finagle it, but it'll still be tricky for me. Even with all of the power I've got... well, sometimes things happen. It doesn't help that there's something that's muffling my powers as well. The being that caused all of the worlds to collide sunk his claws in deep, even if they've loosened a bit since I was last out of the lamp."

Turk moved away to confer with Kerchak and Tantor, the older Gorilla looking at Genie suspiciously while the elephant tried to comfort his friend. Finally though, Kerchak took the lamp from Turk, and moved over to sit heavily next to Genie. "Turk told me about the risks. I... I believe that they are worth it. All his life, I denied him. But in the end, he was truly my son in all the ways that mattered. And I had been a fool. I want the chance to apologize to him."

Genie looked at the old Gorilla for a moment, before nodding. Now was the time to be serious, rather for wacky observations. "Okay then, so we've got two ways to do this. One is that you wish for both of them here at the same time. I can do it, but it'll leave a kind of magical trail. But, if you use all three wishes to nab them one at a time? I can make it a lot more stealthy and keep the green-eyed lady there from figuring out where he went. Especially if we grab him last." After a few more minutes of conversation to word out the wishes for best effect, Kerchak nodded, rubbing one heavily calloused palm against the side of the lamp.

"Genie, for my first wish, bring the civilized side of my son to this oasis." Genie nodded and smiled, spinning on his heel to appear in full magician regalia complete with top hat.

"Alright then folks, as you can see there's nothing up my sleeves," he pushed his sleeves back to reveal his hands floating independently. "But with a little bit of pizazz..." He flipped the top hat off, rolled it down his arm and caught it by the brim, before reaching in. "And out of the hat comes..." A large white rabbit, its skin sallow and its frame emaciated, a pocket watch clutched in one paw, was pulled from the hat. "Whoops, wrong direction." Genie quickly stuffed the animal back into the hat, before reaching in once more, angling his arm in a different direction. This time he pulled out a shocked and wide-eyed young man dressed in wool and cotton out of the seemingly too-small hat, depositing him on his feet.

"What... what is happening! Who, what are- where..." the man spluttered, eyes looking around wildly as he cringed away from the animals. Genie 'tsk'd' in annoyance.

"A soul cleave also scrambles the memories. Need both halves of the book to read it properly, right now it's like every other page got pulled out and made into its own volume. Easy there bucko, we'll have you right as rain in a minute. Just take a seat." A heavily cushioned chair appeared behind the man, which Genie gave him a gentle shove into. The man wasn't in any position to resist, and his frightened eyes were wide and wary as he tried to make himself as small as possible.

"Okay, one down. Next one's gonna be feisty, I can tell. So be ready to make your third wish as soon as I've got him." Kerchack nodded before rubbing the lamp once again.

"Genie, I wish for you to bring my son's primal side to this oasis!"

Once again Genie spun, though when he ended he was hip deep in the water of the pond at the center of the oasis wearing waders, a plaid shirt, and a bucket hat replete with fishing lures. Pulling a long rod out of the waders, Genie made a show of checking the wind, before going through a strange sequence of motions, muttering under his breath.

"10 o'clock, 2 o'clock, quarter to 3, jump, spin, little teapot annnnd," he flicked the rod and the lure at the end of the line shot out of view sinking deep into the water far past the actual depth of the pool. "Let er fly!"

Genie continued to let the line play out for several minutes, before it jerked in his hands. "Here we go! Oh yeah, he's a fighter alright!" The rod was bent almost entirely at a 90-degree angle and Genie seemed to struggle to pull in the line. "Almost got him..." With a scream of rage the line erupted from the water, bringing along with it a yowling, howling beast of a man. "Now Kerchak, I can't hold him forever! And if she gets a chance his lady is gonna try and trace him!"

Kerchak practically roared his last wish, having been coached on the wording. "Genie! Restore my son to his proper state of being!"

Genie grew to massive proportions, big enough to hold each man in one hand. "Okay, red to blue, blue to red, let's get these two back together!" He cupped his hands around the two of them, rattling them like dice. "Annnnd here's for all the marbles!" Kneeling down, Genie aimed for the heavily cushioned chair, and like shooting a marble, sent a figure tumbling head over heels before he impacted the chair. Legs up in the air, upside down. Long dreadlocks of brown hair covered his eyes, before the young man carefully clambered out of the chair. He looked around, blue eyes calm, stance at ease but ready to move.

His musculature seemed to have shrunken, becoming leaner and more lithe than the primal aspect, but certainly much more toned than the book keeper. He had a few faint scars as opposed to the multitude that had covered the Warrior, but the most prominent one was a scar shaped like an ankh where the gem had been inset into his flesh had once rested. After a moment he stumbled, easily falling into the supporting trunk of Tantor.

"Tantor? Turk? Kerchak? What is... where is Clayton? Kala? Jane and her father? Where am I? And who... or what, is that," he ended by pointing at Genie. The man seemed to be coming out of a deep daze, recognizing his friends by name.

Genie fistpumped. "Oh yeah, I still got the moves!" The King of the Jungle was swarmed by his friends and family, all of them expressing their gratitude that he's once more with them, before a low hoot and a single thump against his chest has Kerchak silencing the others. They make way for the leader as he moves up to Tarzan. The two exchanged looks for a long moment... before Kerchak smiled.

"It is good to see you, son." He embraced Tarzan with one heavy arm, the stunned wild man returning the embrace with tears in his eyes, a look of disbelief on his face. "There is much we need to speak of. But for now, the members of the troop that came with me are all safe." The gorilla's smile turned to sorrow. "I do not know what happened to Kala, I am sorry."

Genie sat back on a stump, watching with a fond smile as the reunion continued... before he felt a pull at his magic. Heaving a sigh, he looked down to see the Meerkat Timon rubbing furiously at the lamp with a look of intense concentration.

"Easy there bud, you'll wear the polish off like that!" Genie got on his level, shrinking down to match the Meerkat in size. "Okay then Master, what do you wish of me? And remember, the three rules all still apply."

"Yeah yeah, I gotcha." Timon waved somewhat dismissively, before grinning widely. "Okay, so I wish for a never-ending supply of the tastiest bugs, for the spring in the oasis to never dry up, and for the crick in my back to be gone." Genie rolled his eyes at the self-centered wishes, snapping his fingers thrice in succession. A small log with a hollow appeared.

"Reach into the log and you'll get whatever bugs you want. Guaranteed to never run out." There was a slight bubbling from the main pool of the oasis before it subsided. "The spring's connected to a larger underground aquifer now. Won't run out without serious geological movement. And your back should be fine, just stop sleeping hung over a log."

As Timon whooped, diving at the log and beginning to pull out grub after beetle after worm, Genie looked at Pumbaa. "How about you pal? Infinite mud wallow?" To his visible surprise Pumbaa actually thought about it before shaking his head.

"Nah. It sounds nice, but... well you said you can do almost anything, right?" Genie nodded cautiously. "Could you fix the weather? The rainy season was supposed to start months ago, but it's still bone dry out there. And that way, I get my wallow anyway." Genie's eyebrows went up to where the hairline would have been on a normal person, before he smiled widely.

"Alrighty then, and now for the weather!" There was a poof and Genie, dressed in a western-style suit and standing in front of a screen showing the local topography of this area of Africa. "Okay then, looks like the drought that's been going on is due to break, we're looking at heavy, heavy rain for the future, with an uptick in babies at the end of the rainy season!" As he spoke the symbols on the chart were rearranging themselves, and in the distance heavy rainclouds began to gather while higher up in the atmosphere jetstreams that had been put into disarray by the Upheaval were grabbed by his magic and set back onto courses that would help bring the weather across the globe back into balance. Pumbaa smiled as the first fat drop of rain hit his snout.

"Gee, thanks! But now... I dunno. What would you wish for?"

Genie was struck for a moment, before he gave a tentative smile. "You know, you're the second person ever to ask me that. And... I'll tell you the same thing I did to him. Freedom. I'm bound to the lamp, shackled to it. And at the whims of whomever may happen to get hold of it. I just want to be my own master."

Pumbaa gave a nod. "Okay then. Genie, I wish you free." Genie gaped, before a swirl of energy emerged from the spout of the lamp, crawling up the tail of smoke that connected Genie to the it. Genie curled inwards as the energies built... before with a flash, it expended itself, leaving him with legs instead of a tail of smoke. As the last wisps of power flowed over his limbs, the bracers on his wrists, the shackles that bound him to the lamp; opened and fell away, dissipating into tiny motes of light that vanished into the gloom.

Genie's tears were hidden by the rain as he looked at his bare wrists. "I... I can't believe it. I'm... you, quick!" Simba startled as he was pointed at. "Wish for something crazy. Wish for the Nile. Go on, go ahead and wish for the Nile!"

Simba's jaw worked for a moment before he managed a weak "Uh, I wish for the Nile?"

"NO WAY!" Genie yelled, laughing hysterically before he gave a long gasp like he was coming up for air, realization writ large across his face that no, he wasn't dreaming. "Oh, does that feel good!"


Genie smiled as he finished relaying the tale. "After that Al, I've been bouncing around the continents looking for you and figuring out what happened. Two years in the lamp was... well, a lot changed didn't it?"

Aladdin nodded sheepishly. He'd made a cup of tea for Genie almost without thinking about it, which Genie had been oddly touched to receive. "Yeah. There's been some ups and downs, but... well we're still here. Even after there were some pretty tough times."

Genie's smile had widened at the "we". "Being a Prince isn't all it was cracked up to be, was it Al?" Aladdin chuckled ruefully and shook his head.

"No, it really wasn't. But I had a good group to help me, thanks to you. Even after Jafar got rid of all of the knowledge you'd stuffed in there that a Prince needed to know... heh well not much of that involved how to woo a beautiful and brilliant woman did it?"

Genie chuckled as well. "Nope, that kind of battle has to be fought alone." He took a sip of tea, a monocle appearing in his right eye as he lowered the cup. "Excellent brew."

Aladdin smiled, something that he seemed to be incapable of stopping at the moment, before leaning forward. "So what happened with that Tarzan guy?" Genie shrugged.

"Honestly Al, not sure. But he was in good hands. And after what he went through he was kind of skittish around magic. Not that I can blame him." Genie shivered. "Messing around with the soul is some of the most dangerous magic there is. And it can go bad really easily. It's why we have rule three. Trying to get a soul reattached to the body is generally His providence, though there's always exceptions like Hades that can do it pretty easily."

"Well Genie, you've always got a home in Ababwa, no matter what you decide to do." Aladdin and Genie tapped their tea cups together


Genie has rejoined Aladdin!

Never Had A Friend Like Me!

Genie is, to put it in the words of Sinbad, much like a benevolent earthquake. He's there to help, often in a big way, but you're not really going to control how he does so. During a Turn, Genie can act to affect a failing roll. He can turn a critical failure into a normal failure, or if a roll is within 5 points of the DC, he can boost it over the edge.

Genie doesn't have a Stat Block, he's a bit too hard to quantify even with his powers diminished. But right now he's also luxuriating in being free for the first time in millenia, so while he's more than happy to help, he's not going to be taking orders anytime soon. And even with all his power, he can't focus on more than one thing at a time, so if there are two failures, or a crit failure on a Personal and a failure on a National action, Genie will act on his own initiative on what he considers more important.
Oh holy shit, that is such a relief that he's straight up joined. Never good to have a former friendship personally soured, and I would have been content with just an amicable parting.

More personally for me, I was not looking forward to the decades, maybe centuries of clean-up we would have had to deal with if Lemuria decides to go loud and the fallout was all on us and our allies. Somebody who can just flat out nullify the worst effects of crit-fails is invaluable.

I would recommend we bring him in on the Lemuria problem and then leave him to do as he will with it.
"Well Genie, you've always got a home in Ababwa, no matter what you decide to do." Aladdin and Genie tapped their tea cups together
Five Months is worth the Wait for every Second of these if your gonna drop the Big Man with us.

I have no idea what to do with the Ginie anyway.
What, the cup of tea wasn't enough for you? ;D
Introduce him to our freinds for one thing, we all think he'd have a fun time meet and greeting.
I would recommend we bring him in on the Lemuria problem and then leave him to do as he will with it.
Just remember that Genie isn't a naturally combative person. He can bluster, but he generally he tends to act defensively. Aladdin was the one in their dynamic that tended to take the fight to the enemy.
We definitely need to do something nice for Genie.
Yup, though the fact that the first thing you did when he came back was offer to wish him free means the world to him.
Five Months is worth the Wait for every Second of these if your gonna drop the Big Man with us.
*winces* Ah, yeah sorry about the long wait. My muse is fickle at the best of times and it keeps getting distracted with other stuff (see my sig). I appreciate that so many people are still invested in this quest even though it's taking so long between updates.
*winces* Ah, yeah sorry about the long wait. My muse is fickle at the best of times and it keeps getting distracted with other stuff (see my sig). I appreciate that so many people are still invested in this quest even though it's taking so long between updates.
Boss, I once went 2 years in between a quest Update for one of my Quests...its not a bad thing to take your time and make it right and proper.

Its the sign that you and everyone here loves your work and you want the best for it.
Huh. So it's not that Simba lost. It's that he's never had the chance to try. And he probably won't get one for a good long while.

On a more positive note, Pumba, pure-hearted hog that he is, has freed Genie and now we have our old friend back! Woo-hoo! And Tarzan seems okay as well! Good, very good!

Bert has all kinds of friends. And when the Horned King hit London... well, it's a good thing there's so many tall buildings, ain't it? And those brushes do pretty well as pole vaults in a pinch.
why didn't I think of that?! Welp, I know what's going in Sherwood Turn 11.
Why not Turn 10, you ask? Well…
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest) Turn 10: Purging the System
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest)
Turn 10: Purging the System
Intrigue: Root Out the Spies
Robin, John, & Walsingham
DC 150/180/210/240 140/170/200/230
1d100+18+10+10+16+10+5 (Royal Spies)+28+20+15+15+10 (Previous Crit)+5 (Dunwyn Intel)=193
Great Success!

EITC Reaction
PANIC!!!!!!! Whoops…

Stewardship: Reform the System
Robin, Marian, Walsingham
DC 90/120/150
1d100+11+10+15+18+15+10-5+20-10-10 (Remaining Damage)=151
Massive Success!

Diplomacy: Evict the EITC
Diplomacy Contest
Marian & Mary Poppins: 1d100+18+10-5+37=130
Governor Swann: 1d100+22+10-10(???)-30 (Scandal)=73
Marian Success!

Intrigue: Fleece the Fleeing EITC
Robin, Agnes, Walsingham
DC 150/175/200
Critical Success!

Martial: Invest in Gunpowder Weaponry
Robin, Teagler, Barbossa
DC 125/150/175
Critical Failure!

Occult: Research Enchanted Weapons
Marian, Ms. Price, Eilonwy
DC 90/120/150
Great Success!

Occult: Research EITC Gold
Ms. Price, Professor Browne, & Eilonwy
DC ???
1d100+25+5+15+9+15 (???)=85
Creative Thinker Activates!
1d100+25+5+15+9+5+15 (???)=144
Bare Failure Success???
Dedicated Student activates!

Stewardship: Open Liverpool University
Marian & Browne
DC 75/125
1d100+18+10-5+21+10 (Groundwork)=147
Critical Success!

Personal Break
Robin: d100=89
John: d100=62
Marian: d100=3
Kluck: d100=68
Ms. Price: d100=66
Prof. Browne: d100=60
Rawlins Children: d100=28
Eilonwy: d100=4
Maj. Teagler: d100=71
Merida: d100=43
Col. Brydon: d100=50
Dark Agnes: d100=90
Mary Poppins: d100=62
Capt. Barbossa: d100=65
Sir Walsingham: d100=64

Beckett gritted his teeth. "You did what?" he demanded.

Swann was unrepentant. "I fully pulled the EITC out of the United Kingdom," he repeated. "We no longer have any claim to the land, to trade, or to any of the UK's affairs."

"Yes, I understand that, Swann, what I mean is why did you acquiesce to this?!" Beckett nearly screeched.

"Well, I'm not sure what you wanted me to do Beckett," Swann rebuted quite calmly. "I could only work with what you gave me, and what you gave me was, to put it bluntly, a hot mess. Several legitimate complaints and breaches of contract, mountains of circumstantial evidence that were tied neatly together by certain actions of your spies and testimonies from your sailors, and several bits of fine print that you included to the treaty in order to squeeze the UK tighter but have now come around to squeeze us. And that's not even mentioning the cursed gold coins." At those last words, Swann outright glared at him and his words turned frosty. "Honestly, it was a miracle I was able to convince the UK and Dunwyn not to outright declare war on us, much less get away with as many resources as we did!"

"AS MANY-?! We've lost a third of our resources and manpower to those- those- foxes! Not to mention the immense reparations we now owe them, that we must pay in raw materials, might I add!!" Beckett roared. "Not to mention that Maldonia is now mentioning trade sanctions because of this mess and every country across the continent is now demanding renegotiations thanks to those thieves screaming their findings to the world!!! We are already dealing with a loss of influence in Agrabah, pirates raiding our African posts, and our humiliating losses in India to that ape, and now you pile this on top of everything?!"

Swann was unmoved and unimpressed. "I fail to see how any of that is my problem, Beckett," he intoned. "After all, I was tasked in keeping the kingdoms of Dunwyn and the UK happy and pliant, and kept out of those other affairs as much as possible. This was the best I could do given the circumstances. If you truly think so little of my capabilities, then you may find another to take my post."

Beckett snarled. "Get out."

Swann took his leave, never once showing any fear or regret. Once he was gone, Beckett poured himself a glass of strong brandy. The EITC had not seen such dire straits since this whole Upheaval mess began. And really, he had no one to blame for that (at least, no one he could immediately do something to). Somehow, the foxes had learned of the EITC's sabotage and infiltration and started routing out several lower-placed moles and rabble rousers. It wasn't a complete sweep and honestly didn't do all that much to their infiltration network. However, someone had seen spies getting pinched and panicked. Either spies had defected and confessed to everything or had committed scorched earth and had destroyed any trace of EITC presence before getting the hell out of dodge. Beckett had tried to get a handle on the chaos, but the UK's new foreign minister, Sir Francis Walsingham back from the dead, had only fanned the flames of panic, leading to humiliating events, such as an entire port mutinying against the EITC and defecting over to the other side.

The real clincher was twofold. One, the heads of the UK's Occult Department had somehow divined the nature of their trademark gold and immediately told the foxes who had told practically everyone. Now, their trade throughout the North Atlantic and Baltic seas was completely ruined, and rumors were flying to even farther south and east that were sure to make many nervous about dealing with the EITC. Two, "Prime Minister" Marian had called a meeting with Swann accompanied by a nanny of all things and had browbeaten the diplomatic envoys into acknowledging the EITC had breached their contract and thus were to pull out of England entirely, effective immediately. And, thanks to the nanny shaming the envoys and Walsingham digging up several bits of fine print that could be turned on the EITC, they had to pay a large sum in reparations (not in cursed gold).

In summary, the company was now in deep debt and its reputation was tattered. And it was all thanks to those thrice-damned foxes.

Beckett drained his glass and slammed it back onto the desk. There would be recompense for this. Oh, there would be. After all, that was just good business.
Robin sighed. "How exactly did this happen?" he asked.

Following the eviction of the EITC, Robin and his council had set about reestablishing order and settling in the "initial reparations" paid in manpower. With Walsingham's help, Robin and Marian had rebuilt the bureaucracy into a system that held onto what had worked from its initial days as a hodgepodge of different systems meshed together into a coherent shape as well as reforms that would both streamline the process and prevent any other sabotage like what the EITC had inflicted. With the infrastructure completed, Robin assigned his entire council a single task: rest.

In his eyes, the UK could not function if its leaders were dead on their feet, running from one crisis to another. As such, he gave them all executive leave to do as they wished.

For some, it worked out rather well. Agnes had gotten into contact with a group of women Etienne had put her in touch with and had turned them into an elite corps of sisters-in-arms after a long series of shenanigans. Teagler had gone out for drinks with his old comrades from the Home Guard and found that many of them had been elevated to high-ranking positions. Many were making plans to retire once the Mythological Civil War was over, which was bittersweet, but Teagler wished them luck.

Most, however, had seen a bit of negative mixed with the positives. Kluck and John had participated in a fight ring and had a jolly time, but their injuries had necessitated them to come back to work to rest off their roughhousing. Walsingham had, after a good brainstorming session, finally gotten over his paranoia about Marian, but was still distrustful of Eilonwy. Mary Poppins had gone out for tea with Ms. Price and Professor Browne, which the women enjoyed more than the lone man. Brydon had tried, he honestly had, but most of his "relaxation" was spent worrying about his daughter, so his coming back to work actually helped.

And Barbossa? Well, he had gone back through some of the EITC's abandoned files (something nobody was in a hurry to tell the company they had forgotten) and gotten his hands on some old blueprints for new weapons that had sparked an idea. One he tried to implement with Teagler's help once he came back to work.

Given the massive explosion that had happened earlier and the fact that both men were wearing torn clothes and covered in soot, he didn't think it had gone well.

Barbossa chuckled sheepishly. "Well, we were trying to create a new sort of rifle that could be more easily made and distributed to our forces. The Pepperinge Eye Home Guard proved how effective their weapons have been against the Cauldronborn multiple times. However, in our attempts to truly fashion the device…"

"I fear that a spark or lantern was left unattended as we worked," Teagler sighed. "Now, I'm sad to say that the resulting armory explosion has depleted our stores. Thankfully, we haven't lost any firearms, but we have no means of making more and we're also critically low on gunpowder."

Robin's brow furrowed. "I thought the new mines were bringing in the sulfur needed?" he asked.

The new mines were mines in the north that mined a rather special mineral dubbed "electrum" by the Occult Department. This mineral was essential in creating enchanted weapons such as swords and arrowheads, as had been discovered by Eilonwy when surveying some of the abandoned EITC stations. Now, it would take less strikes to kill a Cauldronborn than before and their eerie aura had no advantage over them. Deposits of sulfur had also been found nearby.

"Seems that our supply lines are under attack again, Rob," John piped up. "Some giant, wrecked ship full of ghosts keeps popping out of rivers and destroying the caravans. Only upside is they don't seem to be able to make landfall, but they're causing plenty of problems already. If I had to guess, it's that Salazar guy Igthorn got attacked by."

Robin sighed, massaging his brow… before pausing. "What rivers?"

John looked back over his notes. "Any river, from the looks of things," he replied. "Just waits until a lightly-defended caravan or carriage gets on a bridge and then… oh no."

John, Teagler, and Barbossa's growing horror match the ice in your veins.
Marian breathed in the country air, rocking her twins as the carriage rocked and bobbed. While she loved her job, her husband, and her people, sometimes she just had to get away from it all. Especially nowadays.

Don't get her wrong, she was immensely proud of what she had accomplished. With Beckett gone and the supply problems the EITC had left behind resolved, she could finally focus on expanding the Liverpool Academy of Witchcraft and Mysticism from a small boarding school to a full-on university. The influx of learned men who had jumped from the burning ship of the EITC had fully propped up the UK's lack of educated beings.

However, that didn't assuage her guilty conscience. She still felt greatly depressed over her role in allowing Beckett as much influence as he had acquired in her country. Robin and many others had assured her it wasn't her fault, but she still swung between fits of anger at Beckett's audacity (as her vicious negotiations with the man had shown) and depression at her own "weakness".

Tears prickled her eyes as her children sensed her distress and began to fuss. Dammit, there she went again.

"Alright there, Ms. Marian?" piped up a young voice from in front of her.

Marian turned just in time to see Carrie elbow her older brother for his apparent insensitivity. The children had accompanied her along with Merida and Eilonwy to keep her company on the trip. Merida came along to make sure no one tried anything. Eilonwy came to give Marian a sympathetic shoulder as she was going through the same guilt. The children simply came because they wanted to see the country. Still, as tired and stressed as she was, she didn't deny them.

Marian huffed a tired laugh as she rocked her kits. "I'm alright, Charles," she replied. "I'm just… processing, I suppose."

Eilonwy, who was sitting next to her, patted her shoulder reassuringly. "I understand, milady," she said. "After everything Beckett did, I just… I can't help but feel idiotic."

Marian huffed. "Can you?" she asked coldly.

Eilonwy didn't flinch. "Yes. With respect ma'am, I was right there beside you, just as overwhelmed and intimidated as you were," she replied firmly.

Shame exploded within Marian's chest. "I'm sorry, Eilonwy, I just… I don't know what's wrong with me. I keep swinging from angry to sad to joyful with almost no apparent reason and it-!" She stopped herself from going into a hysterical rant. "I'm sorry, I just… I haven't been in the best of places."

Eilonwy looked on sympathetically. The children just looked at her in concern. Merida, who was sitting in front of her, though, looked curious. "Marian," she suddenly said, "have these… episodes also come with bouts of sickness?"

Marian blinked. "...yes, actually. I've also been having some odd desires when it comes to food, but nothing as crazy as when I was pregnant with these two," she said, gesturing to her twins. "Why, is it some kind of illness?"

Merida's eyes were wide. "I don't think so," she murmured as she started to reach past Marian's twins in her arms.

As Merida started to feel Marian's stomach, the carriage rocked as it boarded a bridge.

After a moment, Merida looked back at Marian, her face flush with shock and happiness. "Marian," she said, "yer gonna have another babe."

Marian gaped for a second or two.

And then the river exploded.
Robin stood before Merida stoically. His hat brim shadowed his eyes and his face betrayed no emotion. The Scottish princess, however, was a mess. Her clothes were tattered, she was scuffed and muddy, her hair was an absolute mess, and she looked just about ready to burst into a sobbing mess. Carrie and Paul Rawlins were no better, but unlike Merida, they had been sobbing since he had arrived.

"What happened," he said simply.

Merida flinched. " We… we were riding, just… trying to get L-L-Lady Marian and her kits some air to… to help with the whole… Beckett mess," she whimpered. "Then… then as we crossed the bridge, the river just… exploded! And-And there were ghosts and swords and I kept firing my arrows but they didn't even notice and… by the time I got Carrie and Paul to shore and realized they couldn't touch it… they'd… they'd already…."

Merida collapsed and sobbed, kneeling at Robin's feet. "They took them, milord," she wailed. "They took the six of them away and I couldn't stop them. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry…" She continued to weep, her tears streaming down her face in messy lines.

"…then they live?" Robin asked.

Merida sniffled. "I… I think so, milord," she affirmed tearfully.

"Then stand and dry your eyes," Robin commanded. "While they live, we have hope. Hope of getting them back. All of them." This was directed at the weeping children, who stood straighter with determined faces.

He looked back at Merida, who looked stunned. "Merida," he said gently. "You are a bright, spirited, and talented young woman and I am proud to call you friend. But you are still young and still have room to grow. Do not take this to heart as a failure of character. If anything, I'm proud you managed as well as you did."

Merida threw her arms around her patron, weeping. "Thank you, milord," she whimpered. "I just… I can't let it happen again. I can't."

Merida had already told Robin about her past. He didn't need clarification for what "it" was. "It won't," he promised. "I won't let it. Also, what have I said about this 'milord' business?"

Merida sniffed a laugh. "Not to do it. You're my friend, not my superior," she quoted.

"Atta girl," Robin praised. He then paused and mentally counted. "Wait, six?"

Merida flinches again. "Marian and I… we just figured it out," she reported. "She's pregnant with another babe for ye."

Robin's eyes widened… then hardened. "Then we must get her quickly," he said simply. He turned and power-walked towards his officials without another word.

"John, Walsingham," Robin stated. "I want what happened here known in every corner of the United Kingdom. And I want you to attach a new decree to the end of it."

"What's the decree?" John asked.

Robin's eyes blazed.

EITC has been kicked out of England! Their reputation throughout Northern Europe is in tatters, their network in England is obliterated, they've lost considerable resources (ships, men, money, etc.), and have been down-and-out humiliated! Beckett will not forget this.
Sherwood bureaucracy has been restored! No maluses from defective practices will occur and Walsingham now has access to his personal staff.
Learned men acquired! University of Manchester actions now unlocked! Roll for a Learning advisor next turn!
Liverpool Academy is open! The UK now has the prestige of having the world's first school of magic! This may attract attention from certain parties…
Magic weapons are available! When fighting mystical creatures, Sherwood takes no maluses.
Salazar on the warpath! Due to his raids on everything, all actions take a -10 malus until an action is taken to drive out the ghosts. Also, the recent shortage of gunpowder due to raided supplies and the failed experiment cause all usage of gunpowder weapons take a -10 malus as well.
EILONWY, CHARLES RAWLINS, MARIAN, AND ROBIN'S CHILDREN ABDUCTED!!! They are now held by the Horned King as hostages and their fate is uncertain! This will have consequences.

Martial: 22 (Robin's quite the skilled combatant with a number of weapons.)

Stewardship: 11 (Robin helps clean up around camp and can keep his quiver organized. Other than that? No organizational experience whatsoever.)

Diplomacy: 18 (Robin is a charismatic figure and an inspiration to many, and for good reason.)

Intrigue: 18 (One does not elude Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham for so long without learning a few things about hiding. Plus, Robin's disguises are second to none.)

Learning: 10 (Robin is literate and knows a few sciences, but he's not all that knowledgeable.)

Occult: 4 (Robin's used superstitious rumors to his advantage before, but he's never put much stock in them... until recently, that is.)

"Bow Flex": While Robin is certainly a gifted warrior, he is most comfortable using a bow. +15 to all rolls when Robin is shooting an arrow from a bow in some way.

"Jack of All Swords": That said, he can also use other weapons should the situation calls for it. +10 to all rolls involving swordplay, and any maluses for using unfamiliar weapons decrease in magnitude by 5.

"Master of Disguise": Robin is a proficient maker of convincing disguises. +10 to Intrigue while wearing a disguise and +10 to any efforts that require infiltration. (Does not stack with John's trait)

"Borrower from Those that Can Afford It": Robin has been robbing from the rich to give to the poor for years. It's given him several tricks. He has a +15 when it comes to planning heists and a +20 to Intrigue when stealing valuables. Also, when disengaging from a confrontation, he can add half his Martial score to his Intrigue score to sneak away.

"Lifelong Partners": Robin Hood and Little John are two very close friends, and they do almost everything together. When performing an action together, they gain a +10 due to them being in sync.

"Keep Hope Alive": Robin's first priority is to the people of Nottingham. Attempting to get him to do something that puts them at risk will require a DC 65 Diplomacy check. Upon a failure, he will refuse to do the action and take a -5 to rolls with the proposer for the next turn.

"Star-Crossed": Robin is head over heels for Maid Marian, a fact that has been exploited before. Whenever she is helping him, Robin gains a +10 to all actions. However, if she is simply part of the situation as a bystander, Robin takes a -15 to Intrigue due to being distracted.

"God and King Richard!": Robin is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or Robin will find them hostile. Even then, he will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks Robin to do something, the motivation gives him a +5 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.

"Lord of Locksley": Robin is Commander-in-Chief of the UK's armed forces, composed of normal townsfolk, his Merry Men, soldiers, knights, and even a couple of magical beings! When taking Martial, Stewardship, or Intrigue actions, he gains a +15 due to having a literal army helping him out, and takes a +5 to all other actions due to having advisors and experts lending him advice. They also have a +10 bonus against any invasions and a +20 when repelling the undead due to experience.

"Zombie Slayer": Due to lots of experience fighting undead creatures, any time Robin is in combat with said creatures, he gains a +10!

"Diamond in the Rough": There's more to Robin than meets the eye…

Enmity - EITC: The EITC has torn the inner workings of Robin's home to shreds in an attempt to overthrow, and possibly kill, him and his family. What's worse, they used his wife to do it. At this point, Robin is ready to swear a blood oath of vengeance against these "Britannians".

Nemesis: Prince John
Robin and John have been fighting back and forth for all of the "king's" stay in Nottingham. The fact that John abandoned everyone is both a huge relief and the last straw. If Robin is ever given the chance, he will make John pay for everything he's done.
Martial: 24 (Little John, despite his name, is quite big and strong. This is good for fighting, and it's helped by the fact that he can do it well.)

Stewardship: 11 (John's a little better than Robin, but neither of them will be running businesses any time soon.)

Diplomacy: 16 (While not as charismatic as his partner, John has his own unique charm and is quite approachable.)

Intrigue: 16 (One does not elude Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham for so long without learning a few things about hiding. Plus, John's disguises are second to none.)

Learning: 7 (John is literate and can count. That's it.)

Occult: 5 (John's a bit more familiar with some backstage hocus pocus, but he never put serious stock in real magic until recently.)

"Master of Disguise": Little John is a proficient maker of convincing disguises. +10 to Intrigue while wearing a disguise and +10 to any efforts that require infiltration. (Does not stack with Robin's trait)

"Borrower from Those that Can Afford It": Little John has been robbing from the rich to give to the poor for years. It's given him several tricks. He has a +15 when it comes to planning heists and a +20 to Intrigue when stealing valuables. Also, when disengaging from a confrontation, he can add half his Martial score to his Intrigue score to sneak away.

"Lifelong Partners": Robin Hood and Little John are two very close friends, and they do almost everything together. When performing an action together, they gain a +10 due to them being in sync.

"Voice of Reason": John has always had Robin's back, a useful thing to do for someone who has a bit of a habit for getting ideas too big for one person. And even if it proves too much for the both of them, John's always there to pull Robin out of trouble. If he is with Robin, John lowers the DC of any Martial, Diplomacy, or Intrigue action by 10 thanks to his careful planning. Also, if Robin fails an Intrigue or Martial check, John can roll and add half of his total (roll plus modifiers) to Robin's, so long as he is nearby.

"God and King Richard!": Little John is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or John will find them hostile. Even then, he will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks John to do something, the motivation gives him a +5 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.

"Zombie Slayer": Due to lots of experience fighting undead creatures, any time Little John is in combat with said creatures, he gains a +10!
Martial: 6: (Marian is a Lady, not a fighter. However, her experience in several of Robin's scraps, and recent events, has given her a bit of fighting spirit.)

Stewardship: 18 (Being a noblewoman has taught Marian a thing or two about running things. She was brought up to be a possible ruler, and it shows.)

Diplomacy: 24 (Where Robin has a roguish charm, Marian is genuinely sweet and caring. That tends to get her more favors than her lover, but she digresses.)

Intrigue: 7 (Marian never had much reason to sneak around, but being around Robin Hood does teach one some things.)

Learning: 13 (Marian was given an education befitting her station. Still, given the fact that this was a woman's twelfth-century education, that's not saying much.)

Occult: 6 (Marian enjoyed reading about stories of magic when she was younger. Though she's mostly grown out of it, the Upheaval has given her more reason to get back into it.)

"Star-Crossed": Marian is head-over-heels of Robin Hood, a fact that has been exploited before. When someone tries to lure her and Robin into a situation to put him at a disadvantage, she must make an Intrigue check to not be deceived with a -10 modifier. However, she gains a +30 modifier to Diplomacy contests when told to do something that would deliberately harm Robin, and a +15 to any actions designed to help him.

"Constant Encouragement": Marian has often been a voice of positivity and encouragement. She can devote her time trying to raise people's spirits or provide basic support (water runs, medical care, etc.), giving a +10 to Stewardship and Martial actions.

"Heir Apparent": Given the fact that John has abandoned the country, Marian is Richard's only heir. Should something happen to Richard, she would inherit the throne of England.

"Prime Minister": For four years, Marian is the official head of government for the United Kingdom. She takes a +15 to any Diplomacy, Stewardship, and Intrigue actions she takes due to having the force of the government behind her.

"God and King Richard!": Marian is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or Marian will find them hostile. Even then, she will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks Marian to do something, the motivation gives her a +10 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.
Martial: 16 (Kluck may be a lady-in-waiting, but she's no slouch. Just ask all those football players guards she beat up at the Tournament of the Golden Arrow.)

Stewardship: 15 (Being the Lady-in-Waiting to a noblewoman has let Kluck in on a few tricks of the trade. She also has a bit of experience organizing things herself.)

Diplomacy: 17 (Kluck is very easy to get along with, and has a very life-of-the-party attitude when excited.)

Intrigue: 4 (Kluck is a very loud and visible person, especially when fired up. Sneaking is not something she does easily.)

Learning: 9 (Despite being a lady-in-waiting, Kluck never had much in the realms of formal education. She was only taught what was necessary for her to be a reliable partner for Marian.)

Occult: 4 (Kluck never took much stock in old wive's tales. Recent events and fights have shifted her perspective.)

"Lady-in-Waiting Awaiting": Kluck is, first and foremost, Marian's Lady-in-Waiting. When working together, she gives a +10 to all rolls Marian makes. In combat, Kluck can take over for Marian, replacing her Martial score with her own.

"Excited Hen": Kluck is very energetic. In a party environment, she gains a +10 to all rolls. When excited, she gains a +5 to Martial, but takes a -5 to Intrigue.

"On, Wisconsin!": Kluck would be very good at… a certain sport. +15 to Martial when fighting a mob.

"Wise Words": Kluck has had a lot of experience reassuring Marian about her relationship and multiple other things. +5 to Diplomacy when it comes to giving advice.

"God and King Richard!": Kluck is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or she will find them hostile. Even then, she will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks Kluck to do something, the motivation gives her a +5 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.
Martial: 5 (While Ms. Price is certainly crafty, she is by no means a fighter.)

Stewardship: 12 (While Ms. Price was able to efficiently organize her laboratory, she hasn't operated anything larger than that.)

Diplomacy: 11 (Ms. Price is certainly polite, but her go-to method of getting people to do what she wants most often involves turning them into rabbits.)

Intrigue: 10 (Despite Ms. Price and her magic not exactly being inconspicuous, she was able to conceal the fact that she was an apprentice witch from the town for a long while.)

Learning: 18 (While by no means a scholar, Ms. Price is a very dedicated and creative student.)

Occult: 26 (Ms. Price is an apprentice witch, so most of her spells don't last all that long. That said, the last person to cast substitutiary locomotion on a scale that could raise an army was Astaroth himself.)

"Apprentice Witch": Despite Ms. Price's enormous magical potential, she still is a novice when it comes to magic usage. Whenever she makes an Occult roll, roll a d4. On a 1, Ms. Price takes a -10 to the roll.

"Dedicated Student": Ms. Price is a very creative and determined student. She gains a +5 to all rolls involved with learning new magic and, upon a bare failure, she may turn it into a bare success due to finding a new method of doing things.

"Substitutiary Locomotion": Ms. Price is proficient in the use of the lost art of substitutiary locomotion, a magic invented by the wizard, Astaroth. Using it, she can raise an army of inanimate objects, including armor and clothing. When in battle using this spell, she can substitute her Martial score for her Occult score. When fighting in a battle with a united front, she adds a +15 to the prowess roll.

Ancillary - "Cosmic Creepers": Cosmic Creepers is Ms. Price's black cat. Although he doesn't do much, he can provide help in odd circumstances. When Ms. Price does an action, roll a d6. When the roll is a 5 or 6, the action gains a +5 bonus due to Cosmic Creepers helping out in an unexpected way.

Ancillary - "Broomstick": Ms. Price is the proud owner of a working magic broomstick. While riding it, she gains a +5 to Martial and Intrigue rolls.
Martial: 9 (Mr. Browne has been in a few scuffles and scrapes, but is by no means a trained fighter.)

Stewardship: 21 (Mr. Browne has managed an entire correspondence school, as well as his own minor business during a large part of WWII. If that doesn't speak of his management skills, nothing does.)

Diplomacy: 15 (Mr. Browne is definitely a charismatic figure and has a talent for showmanship. However, his tendency to overestimate his abilities tends to shoot him in the foot.)

Intrigue: 12 (Mr. Browne is a conman, and a semi-successful one at that. Suffice to say, he knows a thing or two about shady dealings.)

Learning: 11 (Mr. Browne is a professor in name only; other than that, he only has the basic education of a lower middle-class Englishman.)

Occult: 11 (Despite him running a correspondence school for witchcraft and wizardry, he mostly did that by copying Astaroth's work, the whole time unbelieving the spells actually worked. However, he has started to dip his toe into the magical side of things.)

"Come, One, All, Ladies and Gentlemen!": Mr. Browne is an entertainer and a showman. When making Occult or Intrigue checks, he gets to add half his Diplomacy score if he's doing it in a way that involves acting or distracting his target. That said, he is not a very good stage magician. When making Occult checks, roll a d6. If the roll is below a three, the bonus does not apply.

"One Jump Ahead": Mr. Browne has a long history of running from dissatisfied customers and other angry people and plenty of experience extracting himself from messy situations. If Mr. Browne is engaged in a Martial action personally and it goes badly, he can apply half of his Intrigue score as his insights spot ways to take advantage of enemy actions or holes in defenses in order to extract himself and his allies from the situation. He can also do the same if he is engaged in a Diplomacy action personally and it goes badly in an attempt to talk his way out.

"Creative Thinker": While Mr. Browne is no true magician, he does have a very creative approach to problems. If he or someone he is working with fails an Occult action, he may try again with half of his Learning score applied.
Martial: 4 (The Rawlins children are children. Despite their ability to kick up a massive fuss, they aren't that useful in a fight.)

Stewardship: 3 (The Rawlins Children haven't even been given a pet yet.)

Diplomacy: 10 (Children are adorable, which helps them get what they want, a fact the Rawlins know well. Charlie also knows some things about making a profitable bargain.)

Intrigue: 8 (The Rawlins certainly aren't ninja, but they do know the basics of stealth and sneaking around.)

Learning: 5 (The Rawlins haven't even gotten into secondary school yet.)

Occult: 6/10 (The Rawlins are prepared to believe a lot of things, due to children being more open to wild ideas than adults. Plus, Paul recent got his hands on a magic bedknob.)

"Age of Not Believing": Charles has reached the "Age of Not Believing", the age where most children give up on their "childish" dreams in favor of more "mature" ideas. Although he has been getting better about his disbelief, he's still very much a cynic when it comes to magic. Whenever the children take an Occult action, roll a d4. If the roll is below a three, the action takes a -5 malus due to Charlie's skepticism.

"Many Hands Make Light Work": The Children are eager to help out however they can. When it comes time for actions, the Children can be assigned to another hero unit and have their stats added to the roll.

Ancillary - "Magic Bedknob": Paul has a bedknob that has been enchanted with Astaroth's travelling spell. Since it was a gift to him by Ms. Price, he is the only one who can use it. When involved in actions that use the bed, the Children's Occult is increased to 10. The bed can cover great distances in very short time and so long as the frame is intact, it is usable. Plus, the only crucial component is the knob; the bed itself can be repaired by any good craftsman.
Martial: 7 (Eilonwey is not a fighter, though she is very nimble and quite the runner.)

Stewardship: 11 (Eilonwey was being trained to run a kingdom eventually, though said training was never finished.)

Diplomacy: 10 (Eilonwey can certainly hold civil conversation and be sympathetic, but she is a bit of a brat.)

Intrigue: 13 (Eilonwey was able to escape the dungeon of the Horned King and stage a jailbreak. Suffice to say, she knows a thing or two about sneaking around.)

Learning: 14 (Eilonwey recieved a royal education, even if it was never finished.)

Occult: 16 (Eilonwey is born with a special magical gift and has seen a lot.)

"Loyal Apprentice": Ms. Price helped save her from the Cauldronborn, and even offered to teach her more magic. Suffice to say, Eilonwey is incredibly loyal to Ms. Price and will prioritize her orders over anyone else's.

"Missing Companions": Eilonwey is looking for two of her friends…

"Former Princess of Llyr": Eilonwey was the princess of a minor kingdom before she was kidnapped by the Horned King. She gains a +5 to Diplomacy when dealing with other royals and a +15 when dealing with a citizen of Llyr.

Ancillary - "Bauble": Eilonwey posses the ability to summon a small ball of magical light she calls her "bauble". It serves as a useful distraction in battle and can light up dark areas.
Martial: 16 (Sir Teagler is a trained soldier in Her Majesty's military and age has done little to slow him down.)

Stewardship: 13 (Sir Teagler knows how to run and organize a military unit, but doesn't have much in the way of administrative skills outside of that.)

Diplomacy: 14 (Sir Teagler is no trained diplomat, but he knows everything there is to know about proper military etiquette.)

Intrigue: 8 (Sir Teagler was trained in the art of traditional warfare, which was mostly face-to-face confrontations. Although WWI taught him a few things about sneak attacks, stealthy he is not.)

Learning: 12 (Sir Teagler received a typical education for a middle-class Englishman.)

Occult: 4 (Sir Teagler is a very rational man and doesn't believe in children's stories. However, recent events have forced him to change his mind.)

"Seasoned Veteran": Sir Teagler has seen much over his career as a soldier in Her Majesty's military. As such, very little in the means of conventional warfare can surprise him, especially trench warfare. And with recent events, some unconventional warfare as well. Anyone who tries to use conventional military tactics against Sir Teagler suffers a -5 malus and Sir Teagler gains a +10 when fighting against massive waves and when fighting in trenches (if both are true, they stack).

"Marksman": While by no means a sniper, Sir Teagler is still quite the good shot. He gains +10 to fighting rolls when using a gun.

"Anti-Axis": Due to both World Wars, Sir Teagler has gained a large distrust towards Germans. -10 malus to any interactions with German peoples until they can prove they're trustworthy.

Ancillary - "First Marshall": Sir Teagler is the First Marshall of the UK's armies. This provides a +20 to any Martial actions and a +10 to any Stewardship actions that involve construction or other tasks that require a group of laborers. When in battle, they provide a +15 to any attack or defense, +20 if the opposing force is not armed with gunpowder weaponry.
Martial: 15 (Despite her young age, Merida is an extremely talented fighter and capable of combat with multiple weapons.)

Stewardship: 11 (Merida was raised in order to one day rule the nation of Scotland. However, her lessons are incomplete and she was never the most attentive of students.)

Diplomacy: 11 (While Merida was trained in the art of pleasant negotiation by her mother, her rough way of speaking and tomboyish attitude is a bit off-putting to other people.)

Intrigue: 14 (Merida is rather good at investigating leads and sneaking around. However, she's still a tad naïve and doesn't always think things through.)

Learning: 11 (Merida was given an education befitting of a noble. However, not only is it unfinished, it's medieval.)

Occult: 8 (While no spellcaster herself, her encounters with a witch and the Wisps have left her with quite a trove of magical knowledge.)

"Bow Flex": Merida is naturally talented with a bow. While fighting with one, she gains +10 to all Martial checks.

"Princess of the Steppes": Merida is the Princess of Scotland and her people are well aware of that. When engaging with her people, Merida gains a +10 to diplomacy.

"Free Spirit': Merida spent a lot of her time exploring the great outdoors and traveling the Scottish countryside. She gains a +10 to all rolls involving traveling through Scotland or navigating its outdoors, with that bonus applying a +5 to survival checks and rolls involving the outdoors anywhere else.

"Monkey's Paw": After her last encounter with a witch, Merida's a bit less trusting of magical solutions. She gains a +5 to Intrigue checks to find out all the details about a spell she is given.

"It's... Strange": Merida is quite knowledgeable about the fae and their magic. She gains a +7 when doing knowledge checks about the subject and when trying to discern their intentions.

"Grief for the Fallen": Merida's mother is an extremely sore topic for her, especially since it's partially her fault what happened to her. She takes a -5 diplomacy malus when her mother is mentioned, a -10 when she is insulted, and auto-fails when somebody taunts/blames her for what happened.

"Absentee Father": Merida's father has disappeared and she is desperate to preserve what family she has left. She gains a +10 to any Intrigue actions that have to do with tracking him down.

Ancillary-Angus: Angus is Merida's trusty steed and lifelong friend. She gains a +5 to her Martial while mounted on him and a +10 to actions that involve long-distance travel.

Ancillary-Hamish, Hubert, and Harris: Merida's three little brothers; due to eating the wrong thing, they are trapped in the form of bear cubs, possibly forever. Merida gains a +10 to intrigue when looking for cures for their condition, and the trio provides a +10 to her intrigue when they cause a distraction for her.

Nemesis: Mor'du
Mor'du ate her father's leg, and later killed her mother and shattered her country. Suffice to say, she wants payback.

"Diamond in the Rough": There's more to Merida than meets the eye...
Martial: 22 (Brydon was a respected Colonel who had been overseeing Britain's claims in India and has fought off both beasts and men.)

Stewardship: 19 (While he's no bureaucrat, Brydon was in charge of a military unit. Being able to manage several bands of rowdy men is no small feat.)

Diplomacy: 14 (Brydon can be rather genial and well-mannered, but he can let his temper get the best of him and is also quite stubborn.)

Intrigue: 11 (Surviving in India's wilderness required some measure of stealth, but Brydon is by no means a spy, as he finds the very idea distasteful.)

Learning: 16 (Brydon received the standard education of an English gentleman.)

Occult: 8 (While more willing than most to accept "superstition", Brydon is still very rational-minded.)

"Jungle Soldier": Due to his time spent in the jungle, Brydon is now well-versed in how to thrive in such an environment. He gains a +10 to Learning and Martial checks concerning jungle territory and a +5 considering any actions that have him leading a military or military-like unit.

"The Life I Lead": Brydon is an English gentleman from the late 1800s. As such, his views on proper behavior and social norms reflect that of the British Empire.

"Stubborn as a Mule": Brydon is rather set in his beliefs about a lot of things. While he can be reasoned with, it still requires a Diplomacy check of 50 for the small things and of 75 for the big things (his family, important decisions, moral debates, etc).

"Poor Unfortunate Soul": Brydon was separated from his daughter, Kitty, during the Upheaval and his men forced him out in a mass mutiny, which is how he ended up in Maldonia. He would very much like to find her again and have vengeance on those who betrayed him, not particularly in that order.
Martial: 28 (Agnes is one of the best sword users in Europe, hands down.)

Stewardship: 6 (Agnes' father treated her like a trophy at best and a punching bag at worst. As such, she was never taught to manage anything. Nowadays, she lets Etienne handle the financial stuff.)

Diplomacy: 11 (Despite her beauty, Agnes is fiery and short-tempered. As such, she's not easy to get along with.)

Intrigue: 20 (Agnes has always been good at avoiding notice, thanks in large part to her father's abuse. Playing a game of intrigue with Cardinal Thomas Wolsey has only made her better.)

Learning: 9 (Thanks to the wrath of her father, Agnes was only taught the absolute basics.)

Occult: 10 (Agnes once had a foul run-in with a sorcerer. After that, she became somewhat knowledgeable in the arcane aspects.)

"Dark Swordswoman": Agnes is one of the best sword wielders in Europe, if not the world. She gains a +10 when dealing with other sword wielders and a +5 when using improvised weapons that can be used in a similar manner.

"World Traveler": Agnes has spent much of her life on the road. As such, she's experienced with what's needed for journeys, whatever their length. +10 to any Stewardship checks when it comes to voyages.

"Fiery Temper": Agnes' temper is one of legend. When aggravated, she must make a Diplomacy DC 40 saving throw. If she makes it, she must either step out to calm down or face a DC ten points higher the next time she becomes aggravated. This stacks until she privately calms down or fails a check and explodes violently.

"Leader of the Damocles Commandos": Agnes is the leader of a group of highly trained soldiers known as the Damocles Commandos, particularly a small band of women called the Valkyries. When given an Intrigue action related to infiltration or extraction or a Martial action related to precise strikes or search and destroy tactics, she gains a +20 to her roll. Otherwise, she only gains a +5 due to a few extra hands.

"Ancillary: Etienne Villiers": Etienne is Agnes' trusty sidekick whom Agnes never leaves behind. Any checks to Diplomacy, Stewardship, and Learning are increased by +10 and any Intrigue checks made with her around are increased by +5.
Martial: 0 (As someone who is practically perfect in every way, Mary does not need nor want any sort of inclination or tendency towards violence.)

Stewardship: 19 (One does not become a nanny for children without at least basic management skills.)

Diplomacy: 37 (Mary Poppins is practically perfect in every way: personality, looks, behavior, dreams, you name it. This makes her quite the smooth talker as well as likeable by all she meets.)

Intrigue: 14 (Mary is a bit conspicuous and the very notion of sneaking is rather rude to her. However, she is rather adept at leaving without saying goodbye.)

Learning: 15 (Mary has just enough knowledge in the sciences and humanities to homeschool young children.)

Occult: ??? (Mary Poppins. 'Nough said.)

"Mary Poppins, Practically Perfect In Every Way": Mary is a rather prim and proper woman. Though very compassionate, she will not entertain excessive tomfoolery or childish boasting, and will most certainly not tolerate naughtiness of any sort. She will also not take any sort of Martial action. That said, she is a rather friendly woman underneath with a great love of children.

Jolly Holiday: Every turn, roll a d6. On a 1 or 2, nothing happens and Mary may be used on a National action. On a 3 or 4, the Rawlins Children (and a companion, decided by another die roll) are taken on an outing that turns into a marvelous adventure. This can either do nothing substantial or provide the adventurers with a bonus or a trait. On a 5 or 6, Mary's outings pay off in a big way.

Ally-Bert: Apparently, Mary's close to a multi-talented chimney sweep named Bert. Maybe he's worth a look?

Item-Magic Carpetbag: Mary has practically everything she could possibly need in her carpetbag. It has an infinite storage space and can be used to summon any practical item (magical items can also be summoned, but they have to be put in the bag first).

???: You get the feeling Mary's not telling you something...
Martial: 22 (Barbossa is an accomplished pirate and swordsman almost without rival.)

Stewardship: 13 (Barbossa ran a ship of cynical, cursed pirates for a decade without having a mutiny. He can handle small-scale projects.)

Diplomacy: 19 (Barbossa's a bit rough around the edges, but he can still be respectable and polite if the situation calls for it.)

Intrigue: 16 (Barbossa perfected his sneak attacks over the tenure of his ownership of the Black Pearl. However, subtlety is not his preferred method.)

Learning: 15 (Despite being a bit more educated than his fellow sea dogs, Barbossa's still "naught but a humble pirate".)

Occult: 12 (Barbossa has seen shadow magic, been cursed by heathen gods, been uncursed by a blood ritual, and been resurrected with Caribbean voodoo. Suffice to say, he knows quite a thing or two about the supernatural.)

"It's a Pirate's Life for Me": Barbossa is a pirate, end of story. He lives by the Code of the Brethren Court, he seeks freedom in all he does, and isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes, regardless of whoever is standing against him (mostly). He gains a +10 to situations involving naval combat of all sorts, +15 to Learning checks about naval information and pirate crews, +15 to Diplomacy when asserting his authority on a ship, and a +10 to any actions that involve traditional piracy, rum, or spiting the EITC. Also, any attempts to make him submit to and follow an authority he doesn't respect must succeed a Diplomacy Roll of DC 100.

"More Like Guidelines": That said, Barbossa likes to play a bit more loose with the rules. He'll use the Code as a guidebook for his actions, but he's not afraid to bend the rules when it suits him.

"Master Sailor": Barbossa is a tremendously skilled sailor and warrior, a result of his tenure as a pirate, normal, Lord, and cursed. He gains +15 Martial when dueling with swords, and +15 Martial and Stewardship when commanding ships.

"Former Lord": Thanks to Davy Jones, Barbossa has lost his place on the Brethren Court. To say he's not happy is an understatement. However, this also makes him an excellent figurehead for rebels against the new Pirate King. +10 when taking actions against Davy Jones and +10 to Diplomacy rolls when trying to convince members of the old guard to rebel against the King.

"Admiral of the Royal Fleet": Barbossa is the Grand Admiral of the UK's fleet. When in battle with other ships or fleets, he gains a +20 to his attacks due to him being backed by a cadre of other ships and sailors.

Ancillary- Jack the Monkey: Jack is a monkey cursed due to taking the Cursed Treasure of Cortés. A mischievous scamp, he does his best to help Barbossa as much as possible. Any time Barbossa takes an action, roll a d6. If it's above a 3, Jack finds some way to add +5 to the roll. On quests, Jack provides +5 to Intrigue and Diplomacy rolls, due to being a neat distraction and adorable.
Martial: 11 (Walsingham has been educated in all the gentlemanly arts of swordplay and combat and possesses an extremely tactical mind. However, he prefers the pen to the sword.)

Stewardship: 20 (Walsingham ran a huge network of spies and double agents for Queen Elizabeth, and was even her Secretary of State. These days, he's been single-handedly running the rebellion against the Horned King.)

Diplomacy: 15 (Walsingham has the manners and charm of an English gentleman, but he has an extremely Machiavellian outlook on life and huge amounts of paranoia.)

Intrigue: 28(+2=30) (Walsingham grew up as a Protestant during the English Reformation. As such, he was practically raised in the art of secret-keeping and espionage and developed a keen sense of paranoia. He also ran the largest intelligence network in the Elizabethan Era and foiled multiple plots against the queen. Running from the Horned King has only sharpened his skills and paranoia.)

Learning: 17+5=22 (Walsingham is a well-educated Protestant, but he is by no means a scholar or a genius. Why else did he hire so many others for such pursuits?)

Occult: 7 (While a devout Protestant, Walsingham has little to no patience for the arcane. Still, the Horned King's rampage across England has opened his mind to the concept and has made him more adept at detecting magic.)

"Machiavellian Mind": Walsingham is paranoid and ruthless, a byproduct of the purges of his youth. Whenever he meets someone new, he must pass an Intrigue Check of 75. If he fails, he takes a -10 malus to any actions taken with them as he does not trust them and must take a personal to fix it. If it's a success, or he takes the personal and succeeds, he can immediately tell if they can or cannot be trusted and suffers no maluses working with them.
Trusted People: Robin, Little John, Marian
Uncertain People: Eilonwy

"Devout Protestant": Walsingham is completely committed to the Protestant faith and keenly remembers the Catholic purges of the 16th Century. As such, he takes a -15 when working with Catholics, but gains a +15 when working against them.

"The Spider's Web": Walsingham, through large effort, has reconstructed his network in England. Though the country is in shambles, he still knows all. +20 to all Intrigue actions taken in England.

"Loyal to the Crown": Walsingham is extremely loyal to the English Crown and will serve it faithfully. He cannot be bribed, bought, or coerced into betraying it by anyone and has a +15 in resisting magical attempts to get him to do so. He also, due to duty and experience, has a +15 to actions for routing out and crippling conspiracies against the throne.

"Kill Each Other Like Civilized People": Walsingham is well-versed in the art of dueling and honorable combat. He gains a +10 to his Martial in single combat with another person.

"Spymaster": Walsingham is a careful and practiced spy and double agent. He gets a +15 when he must take an action that involves infiltration, forgery, or espionage. However, his meticulous nature raises the DC by 10.

Ancillary-Personal Staff: Walsingham knows how to take a team and form them into a competent organization, especially in terms of espionage. With the Royal Spy Agency at his command, he can cover his bases. Due to the specialization of his team, he gains a +5 to Learning and may either take a +2 to Intrigue actions or take a third Intrigue action with 1/3 of his Intrigue stat added. This bonus does not apply if he cannot work with his staff on the issue.
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Good to see Simba being alive, if still a cub. Hope he and the others are alright.

And Genie is gonna be a big help, even if for now only in limited ways. Great to have him back!

As for the other Negaquest...oof.

Nice to see Beckett fall flat on his face, at least.

As for the Horned King...buddy, you have just brought Hellfire upon yourself. Good fricking luck. Even if Robin and Co. can't save Marian and the others, they'll for damn sure avenge them.
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Genie is just vacationing in Ababwa!
Don't ruin his vacation, you are warned villains.

Just picture a horrible national failure, and Genie decides to spend his free time helping one of our heroes with something completely inane. Like spending an entire day trying to make Helga smile.

"Okay, so I wish for a never-ending supply of the tastiest bugs, for the spring in the oasis to never dry up, and for the crick in my back to be gone." Genie rolled his eyes at the self-centered wishes
I'm sorry but only one of those was selfish? That's a permanent food and water source. Timon, Pumbaa, the gorillas, Simba, they all eat bugs.

Did Genie check Ababwa last? That's kinda funny if so.
Oh good Tarzan is okay! And Kerchek got character growth! I'm worried about Jane and Kala and such though. The EITC and Queen La must be very confused. Maybe they will blame each other?
I'm sorry but only one of those was selfish? That's a permanent food and water source. Timon, Pumbaa, the gorillas, Simba, they all eat bugs.
Timon is kind of selfless by accident. He wasn't thinking of anyone else when he made those wishes. But at heart he's a good person willing to step up when his friends really need him, ala the original movie when he and Pumbaa came to help Simba.
Oh good, the gold is fully removed.

Some giant, wrecked ship full of ghosts keeps popping out of rivers and destroying the caravans.
Huh.... for some reason I didn't think he could do rivers...

EILONWY, CHARLES RAWLINS, MARIAN, AND ROBIN'S CHILDREN ABDUCTED!!! They are now held by the Horned King as hostages and their fate is uncertain! This will have consequences.

.....I'm sorry, did you just kidnap the kids of Price, Robin, and Mary Poppins!? So Salazar wants to die then? I'm not even worried, Mary can totally protect her charged families without dirtying her gloved hands and Robin just got a mass of enchanted weapons that work on ghosts.
A Minor Difference In Opinion (Canon)
A Minor Difference In Opinion​

"...and this," said Captain Nemo as he guided Haroud and Iago through the Nautilus, "is our treasure room." The door opened, and Iago thought his eyes were going to fall out of his skull, so wide were they at the sight of the heap of gold, silver, precious stones, and other forms of treasure.

Haroud's own mein barely wavered, but a slight uptick of the taciturn man's brows might as well have been a shout of shock and awe. That was…rather more riches than the bandit-turned-spymaster had been expecting.

"Where did you get it?" Haroud asked; Iago, for his part, was still rubbing his eyes in shock.

Nemo waved a hand in a 'here and there' gesture. "Sailors have been plying the waves for millennia, and for just as long their vessels have been sinking. The wealth lost underneath the ocean is beyond counting; my men and I have no trouble with our technology accessing treasures that are past the reach of landbound creatures such as your own noble self."

Iago thought he couldn't be any more stunned. He was wrong.

Haroud, though, wasn't finished. "And what do you use it for? Living as you do, I have a hard time thinking that you are in any need of funding a trip to the market."

Nemo shrugged. "Occasionally my men will go ashore for parts that we cannot fabricate or transport to my bases, and it is also useful for bribing sailors for shipping schedules. And, as you are aware, I gift it occasionally to my friends. But mostly we use it for ballast."

Iago froze. His head slowly turned towards Nemo, who was oblivious to the offense he had just caused. "Wait one second, beardy. I must have had a nitrogen bubble in my ear. What did you just say?"

Nemo's calm gaze turned towards the parrot. "Gold and silver are disproportionately dense relative to their mass. We use it for ballast to help the Nautilus with its balancing and buoyancy-"

But Iago was having none of it. "You just dump it in the water?!? All of that gold! All that treasure!?" The scarlet parrot wasn't sure whether to explode in rage or cry.

So he did both.

It took the crew of the Nautilus an entire week to find all of the feathers.