Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Question, could the Keyblade fix what's happened to Peter done by Facilier?

As discussed in the comments after The World Reconnected, the Keyblades were diminished even before the Upheaval. Wheel of Fate may not have the juju to remove the shadow collar... and even if it could, it most certainly can't fix the psychological harm done to Peter Pan...

(Had Sora instead gotten his canonical Kingdom Key, or Oathkeeper, or (on that 1 in a hundred chance) the Ultima Weapon, he probably could break what restraints Facilier has placed.)

But if they could meet, Sora himself might be able to reach the inner child underneath.
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Before you get your hopes up too high, Kingdom Hearts is not canon to the quest. Temp has said on multiple occasions that the lore is too convoluted for him to desire to integrate it with an already-complex setting. But you've put enough work into it that I could easily see it as either a non-canon Negaquest or even as a quest in its own right.
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James is well aware of that Tireless. These are just alternate possibilities he's enjoying putting out there.

Edit: ah, you weren't talking to James. Mea culpa.
"Not to mention that Maldonia is now mentioning trade sanctions because of this mess...
Oh, the Maldonians were just looking for a pretext, I bet. They're a post-1900 nation that had gotten a sizeable dose of European colonialism before the Upheaval abruptly removed 'the Frank' from their borders; they were always just looking for an excuse to stick it to John Company.
It doesn't help that literally noone likes the EITC.

Speaking of, what did being split do to Tarzan? Does he now know a lot more about technology and humans? Does he fight even better with more animal instincts now?
What Genie did was basically bring his soul back into balance when he fused the two seperate pieces back together. While Tarzan's a bit more articulate, in general it basically accomplished the same thing that happened at the end of the movie where Tarzan was able to balance out both sides of himself. Two worlds, one family. And while he's still missing members of it, he knows that he'll be able to find them. His will is unbroken, La literally had to carve his soul apart in order to "tame" him.
I've never actually seen any of the Tarzan source material, but somewhere underneath it all for Tarzan is an Edgar Rice Burroughs protagonist. And I am familiar with John Carter of Barsoom, so I imagine that 'Tarzan of the Apes' is cut from the same cloth.
To follow up on Tireless and Tempest, while I have striven to remain as close to in-quest canon up to now, there are future snips in the works that will contradict what is current canon.

I'm not particularly interested in writing a full quest or negaquest but if others wish to take what's here and spin it off into their own thing I'm more than honored.

Just, you know, let me know where it is so I can watch with interest.
What is and isn't canon among all the sidestories is pretty muddled unless it explicitly has (Canon) attached to its Threadmark.

Also I have been thinking of the Tarzan show now and I remembered there are dinosaurs underground. La has dinosaurs. Not the nice ones from Dinosaur either.

Lot of side characters. Jane's friends, that prison complex, the trader that set up near the jungle, that one time an airplane pilot swung by. The shows really do give a lot of ammunition though we've mainly only seen direct from the movie characters.

I think the only Aladdin show people we've seen are the sand witches, Haroud, Mozenrath, and we've heard of Mirage over in Egypt.
Wonder where Mechanicles ended up....
Wasn't there a little kid in the Aladdin show that could control the weather with his emotions?

Seems like a fun meet up with Pepa from Encanto.

Oooh, and Hestia coming down from Olympus and dealing with the Coachman and all that nasty shit he been doing with those kids would be cathartic, especially with there already being a connection between Hestia and Donkeys.
Wasn't there a little kid in the Aladdin show that could control the weather with his emotions?
That was King Mamood, spoiled bratty child king of Quirkistan. Kinda like a young Kuzco. Somewhere in Africa.

Also there was Thundra, a rain bird who controls the world's weather and was Iago's love interest.
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Lot of side characters. Jane's friends, that prison complex, the trader that set up near the jungle, that one time an airplane pilot swung by. The shows really do give a lot of ammunition though we've mainly only seen direct from the movie characters
Most of the French Foreign Legion nega-quest characters were from the Tarzan tv show. They're in Maldonia now.
Edit: And Lady Waltham was originally from the show. She is, as we know, with the Huntsmen's Club.
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Ah. The thread has exploded. It's time for my bi-monthly reread of the entire quest to reacquaint myself with everything once more. And no, this is not a complaint. I love doing this, heh.
The Lonely Lights In Winter: A Villain's Almost Victorious Negaquest!
The Lonely Lights In Winter: A Villain's Almost Victorious Negaquest!

Turn 4 (Turn 12 of the Aladdin quest)

(Anya POV)

"Well, I say last month went well. We have new ways out of the city, options on what to do after my shift and well, new teachers," Anya said.

"Oh boy, putting our lives in the hands of wolf hunters. It's a messy business, but it's not like we have much of a choice when it comes to people willing to help us along the way," Zarkov grumbled. "I'm almost giving up hope that I'd even find my friend ever again. Between what's going on in Japan and all the troubles abound, I think it's safer to return to a nation much kinder to our kind."

"So, that's it?" Anya asked. "You're just going off and leaving them be to die somewhere in Japan?"

"Ohh, die? Darling, the universe has been trying to kill Hathaway Browne for years at this point - plane crashes, barfights, and even tropical diseases haven't killed him. If those haven't, then he's fine," Zarkov said dismissively.

"So…he'll be alright?" Anya asked.

"More or less, might be down a toe or two, but he and his plane have always, always been able to bounce back from madness," said Zarkov. "Trust me, he'll SOMEHOW find his way back to the Adventure Club's lodging, by God…he will eventually."

"So…onto the matter of our leaving of this place..." Anya started.

"It can't come soon enough," Zarkov snarked.

"We have options now: a film Company that wants to use me to sell products; a Empire that wants to buy me to live in a gilded cage and be a singer for an emperor - that doesn't sound so bad until you realize it is again a cage - and work at a factory to fuel a warlord's ambition," Anya listed.

"At least the last one is honest with us on that front," Zarkov observed.

"Decisions, decisions," Anya said, pulling out the ledger.


Current Treasury: 946

+45 (Anaya's Canning Job)
+160 (Zarkov's Clerk Job)
+50 (Zarkov's "Side Gigs)

Total: 255 Gold.


-100 (Flat's Rent)
-40 (Food and Firewood)
-5 (Pooka)

Total: 145 Gold

Total Gold this Turn: 1056


-[X] A Wolfhunters Way (note Half of Misha, Yasha and Valdimir's Stats will be added to your roll as they are training you)
DC: 20/40/60/75/95
Cost: 45
Well, if the Three will be helping us, then we shall be learning their ways in full. Learn from the wolfhunters and their ways.
Reward: Learn from the Wolfhunters and their trade.
Rolled: 1d100+7+8+11=77!

"NOW FIRST!" Misha shouted.

"ONE MUST!" Yasha continued.

"KEEP A CLEAR HEAD!" Vladimir finished.

"I know it seems difficult at first to clear ones mind when being forced to keep an eye out-" Misha said.

"But the real trick is to hear the world come to you-" Yasha exclaimed.

"Then, and only then, can your aim and heart be true," Vladimir concluded.

Anya and Zarkov cleared their heads of distractions, listened for the birds and the rustling of the trees and the steadiness of their breathing.

And each of them fired their rifled musket into the targets.

"A good shot," Anya observed.

"Could be better, but with what we have; it is," said Zarkov.

"INDEED!" The three hunters shouted, "BUT IT IS PROGRESS!"

Reward: Zarkov and Anya gain +2 Martial from rifle training with the hunters.

They both Also gain the trait "Single Shot Sharpshooters"-You are skilled with single shot rifles, be they flintlock or percussion cap muskets or single shot cartrage rifles, you do not waste your one shot (Gain +5 to all martial rolls when using single shot rifled weapons)


-[X] A Meeting with Fellows
DC: 20/30/50
The Union is inviting you to one of their meetings at long last to congratulate you and Zarkov for getting them more pay and giving them the income they needed to thrive. It is nice to feel appreciated.
Reward: Meet the Union.
Rolled: 1d100+16+12+10=73!

(Anya POV)

You struggled into the bar trying to find a seat as the older man looked around the room. "ORDER ORDER!"

You looked to the side at one of your fellow workers. "Who is he again? I've never had a lengthy conversation with him."

"Aye child, he's the Grandfather of the boy the Wolfhunters swore to avenge. His name is Mikhail, he was a lot of things before he was sent to Siberia," the worker informed her.

"And I can tell the child myself if I must be frank with her. You're the girl Zarkov lives with, aren't you?" the old man growled, looking over at her with a steely gaze.

"I am," You said as Pooka went to sniff the older man's hand. "Seems Pooka likes you."

"Aye…but we are here to discuss the FUTURE! As I have long done, we must make it all a reality, this chain of tsarist shadows and their Chinese thugs have held us down from real progress! The shackles of the old world will not drown us in the new! For the Future, and the Polar Star which gives us the light to guide us through a new world!" he finished.

For your part, all you could do was cheer alongside your fellows as the man riled them up for a great and rapturous applause.

Reward: Faction Met - the Polar Star Union of Vladivostok and their leader Mikhail; Anya has a greater understanding of the situation in the City.

-[X] A Meeting on High:
DC: 20/40/60/100
A Letter from the Boss, inviting Zarkov and yourself to a winter party, now you've never met the man, he always works through intermediaries. So putting a face to a faceless entity is appealing.
Reward: Let's Meet the Boss, shall we?

You felt underdressed as the horse-drawn sedan entered the manor grounds, guarded by a large stone wall and iron gates. Zarkov herself held Pooka as he shivered in her lap.

"Alright, it's just a dinner party with you and three of the biggest thugs in the entire city. And the wrong words could get us killed," You muttered. "Did we really need to come?"

"It's courtesy, child, plus its a free meal we don't need to spend our own money on. Just try to relax," Zarkov said. "If this is anything like Hightower's parties I should be able to hold my liquor long enough to keep you from getting accosted."

"Wait, that has happened to you before?" You said.

"Don't worry about it, just try not to drink too much," Zarkov said as the two of you exited the sedan and tried to move as close to the door as possible as the rhino (note: a rhinoceros?) guards and Russian soldiers eyed you closely.

"Oh boy…" you said as the door opened and the roar of a fireplace and a musical accompaniment from a small orchestra of about ten people. It was warm and inviting, but even you didn't fully trust it.

A warm cave often held hungry beasts that sleep off many meals. "Now smile, and be polite," Zarkov cautioned. "I don't like them any more then you do."


Pre Course: Zakuski Platter with Chinese Tea-Smoked Eggs

You continued to hum as you listened to the violins and the accompaniment play along hearing the sound of music within your mind trying to not hum a song or sing one of the dozen or so songs swimming within your head as you met the first of the great triumvirate that ruled this city.

Count Nikolas Rokof, once a minor functionary and later soldier in the tsarist military, considered himself among the great big game hunters in Europe before the revolutionary governments of the time forced him to flee. He was charming enough, though his ego left much to be desired.

"Ahh, our starlet from the cannery. Tell me, Madam Anya, how do you enjoy the hors d'oeuvre so far?" he said, his charming façade holding up in the face of your assessing gaze.

"The Zakuski is far better then the snacks I once had to make at the orphanage. Although I will be honest - I never much liked pickled vegetables," you said, trying to get the man away from you as fast as possible with casual conversation.

Zarkov had somehow engrossed them with slight of hand tricks, wowing the rhinos and guards.

"Might I recommend the tea-smoked eggs then? A delicacy, enjoyed by the imperial courts of old," He said, snapping a finger as a waiter came by with eggs. Though they looked to be garnished with caviar eggs.

"Added, of course, with a little touch of the sea. Caviar from Lake Baikal is to kill for," he finished.

You had one of the eggs, and then another, savoring the taste of both as you groaned in happiness.

They intend to bribe my loyalty through my stomach.

Well that plan of theirs was working.


First Course: Caviar Blini with Chinese Dim Sum Trio

As you sat at the table, you checked your posture, and counted the number of silverware: one salad fork, one main course fork, a soup spoon and a knife. You sat straight in your chair and made sure your elbows were parallel to your body while your arms were on the table.

Perfect posture makes a perfect engagement. A voice in your head from long ago said as you blinked, waiting for the caviar and dim sum to be ordered.

"Forgive me, Madam Anya, but your posture and manners are superb. Tell me, have you ever been to a fine dinner such as this before?" Igor Vasily, the head of the city's police inquired.

Ahh, the second head of this dragon comes to meet me?

"Not for a long time, although my mother often told me to practice my fine dining etiquette as a punishment if I misbehaved and I kept getting in trouble long enough to have it down even now," you said as Zarkov struggled to sit comfortably in such a high class position.

"I do hope the caviar blini and the dim sum are sufficiently to your liking to have more room. We spared no expense to make sure that our guests are well cared for."

"Yes I'm sure you care for all of them so deeply," you said, the sarcasm evident.

"I do not enjoy being the monster. I am a professional, Miss Anya, the situation requires such. If you have any complaints upon my work, I wish it to be said plainly before your tongue says something that will see it removed," Igor warned. "I abhor the methods that Hundun's fellows do at times, but even I recognize their uses."

"So it is that you agree with his methods?" you asked as the plates were slowly passed around.

"The spirit of the methods, not the use of it," he clarified. "I watched pointless cruelty tear apart an empire so that it fell to the rabble, Miss Anya. No, cruelty for my methods must have a purpose, otherwise it is baseless sadism of a cruel idiot."

"Mayhaps the use of cruelty is itself the sadism. I've seen enough of it out west, and have lost my stomach for letting others suffer under it."

"That may be, but we are not under a monster's boot that can tear us asunder, no matter what the stories say," said Igor. "Spoken like a true Decemberist idealist…I hope you are smarter then them if you wish to have ideals transformed into action."


Second Course: Peking Duck and Beef Stroganoff

Hundun looked at you as you cut into the duck, allowing the steam to rise, and took a bite of your stroganoff. "You have the eyes of someone far too kind to be here."

You frowned. "Luck or happenstance allows so many to get out unexpected places."

"Indeed, it is a truth you seem to embody greatly," he said. "But luck means nothing when given to fools."

"Alright…you don't like me, I get it," you said with irritation.

"No…what I do not like about you is your blindness to your own potential, Miss Anya, that is what makes me think you are foolish at times." He said.

"Well, my flatmate does not consider me a fool robbed of potential. It just needs some coaxing, that's all," you defended yourself.

"I must hope that it will bear fruit," he said. "Potential is wasted on those who don't know where they stand."


Third Course: Samovar Tea Service with Almond Jelly and Russian Napoleons

The almond jelly and Napoleons mixed well with the tea as you sat with Zarkov. "They seem to really believe they are doing good for these people."

"Aye, it's easy to say you care when you're warm and have all the good food," Zarkov sniped.

"Dinner was so easy, I knew exactly what to do and how to do it. Like I've always known," you said quietly.

"Can't get rid of muscle memory child, no matter how hard you try," said Zarkov. "Whoever your parents were, they must have cared a lot to make sure you knew."

"Come on, let's get more dessert in us before it's gone."

Zarkov chuckled. "Alright, alright."

Reward: +1 to Zarkov and Anya's Diplomacy as they make sure that they had a wonderful evening.

Triumvirate met and they like you a lot! DC on certain actions lowered.

Anya feels the Embers of Memories; 2 of 5.


-[X] Work at the Cannery
Cost: 0
Time to put in a Shift, and lets hope you don't smell awful when your shift is finished.
Reward: Earn your Pay and keep your Job, Maybe earn a bonus while you're at it.
Rolled: 1d100+11,57

Anya hummed as she worked hard in her job, seemingly working as good if not better than before.

Reward: +75 Rubles

-[X] Zarkov's Organizational Operation
DC: 30/50/70/90
Cost: 0
It is time to finally begin the most important job, making sure this factory isn't a sinking ship, maybe you can make it work better and get some money out of it.
Reward: Zarkov begins the herculean task of sorting out the company's finances.
Rolled: 1d100+17=98!

(Zarkov POV)

Well good to know they didn't screw up the finances… You thought, seeing how much was in the green and black in terms of production.

You put in some good words and fixed more of the housing and tried to get something more done.

"Alright, pay the blacksmith's extra," you ordered.

Reward: Zarkov gains +480 Rubles to the treasury. She also gains +1 Stewardship.


-[X] Assist the Union
DC: 50/70/80/90
Lets see what you can do to help the Union, and their fellows, even if you've never really met them.
Reward: Assist the Union, and see what happens.
Rolled: 1d100+14+13+10,113!

"Have the night off." You ordered the guards away as you took up one of the stools they were sitting on and waited.

The men gathered around you looking at you expectantly. "Well?"

You nodded and stood up looking imposing as you opened the door to the guard post armory.

Inside were the usual assortment of weapons, knives, clubs, spears, crossbows, a few small pistols and rifles, most of them percussion or flintlocks.

Not alot of them,but it was a considerable number of weapons that were…actual weapons not makeshift ones.

"What if they wonder where they went?" The man asked as Anya was keeping watch.

"They went with the Woku merchants." You smiled. "Now remember to get the powder as well."

By the morning the arms were gone, the Triumverate was confused and bought the lie and you felt really good about today.

Reward: The Union gains a +10 to their rumor mill roll thanks to the robbery of needed weapons and supplies. Zarkov can now call in a favor from them. Due to the Nature of the success it can grant a +15 to an action or lower the DC threshold by 15 instead of the Normal +10 or lower by 10


-[X] Adventuring 101
DC: 25/50/75/100
Cost: 100
Anya has…potential, Zarkov knows this, the question is, does she know of it, and can we coax some of it out?
Reward: We'll make a World Traveler of her yet.
Rolled: 1d100+21+10, 46

(Anya POV)

"What comes next after dress and hand signs?" Zarkov asked as she tried to get you to focus after a long day.

"Basic defence? You can't always rely on local police to actually help when you've had a problem," You said.

"Very good Anya. Now, I know you can shoot, but can you punch?" Zarkov inquired.

"I think I can punch pretty well, thank you very much," you said defensively.

Reward: She's getting better about it, 3 of 5 Successes.

-[X] The Aurora The Yakut and the Peoples of Siberia
DC: ???
Cost: 10
It is time to put all of her findings to paper, all she has on the Aurora, the Yakut's current cultural habits and traditions. It will take a while but you think you finally have some time.
Reward: Put pen to paper and start writing Zarkov.
Current Progress: 62
Total Progress: 117

Now comes the part about how they travel through the snow and winds.

Reward: +55 Progress on the Book.


-[X] The Pooka Moment
Cost: 5
The Dog is too smart to be a normal dog. TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!
Reward: Learn about the Dog!
Rolled: 1d100+23+7+5=89!

(Anya POV)

"Oh Pooka, if only I knew what you were thinking!" you exclaimed.

"BARK" Pooka said. <Mama I know what you want and we need to get out of here.>

"Sometimes I wish I could talk to you," you lamented.

"Mom, I'm tired of you ignoring the important stuff now be quiet an listen," you said mimicking a
baby voice.

Mama you read my mind…now how do I make you listen? Pooka though.

(Continued in Pooka's Premonition)


-[X] Across my Memory
"So you're telling me you've had memory problems for years?"
"Well, I can't remember much before I was eight or was it something else?"
"Well lets hear about what you do remember it could help."
Reward: Try to make sense of Anya's past.
Rolled: 1d100=81!

You looked at Zarkov and then sighed. "Everything before I was eight is a blur. I've told you this before!"

"Perhaps you remember things related to your life, like a smell or a taste of something, the feeling of something?" Zarkov asked.

"I remember…Peppermint, and the feeling of a fine rug…music and a lot of shiny things…gold and jewels," you said.

"Well that narrows down things quite a bit, you were either very wealthy or the nobility…lot of you were orphaned by the war, though it doesn't explain your memory problems," she mused.

"I remember being bashed in the head," you said.

"Well that explains that," she said. "A little bit, at least."

Reward: Anya Feels the Embers of memories 3 of 5. A moment of clarity is soon to come.

Anya gains +1 Occult.

-[X] Play with Pooka
DC: Its playing with a Puppy.
Pooka looked at you with needy eyes and a happy face, "Alright let us tire you out."
Reward: Play with a Puppy, get happy
Rolled: 1d100, NAT100! Crit: 3
Total: 103!

Anya looked at Pooka after a long day of playing with her. "I love you so much!"

"BARK BARK!" Pooka growled.

"I wish you could tell me who sent you to me, you're so cute!" Anya said. "And I wuv you so much!"

(Cotinued in Pooka's Premonition)

RER: 97!

The buzzing noise woke up the house as one does, if someone was paying attention. Pooka began barking as Zarkov dragged Anya up. "Come now…its near sunrise…up, we need to know what that is."

Anya for her part yawned and handed Zarkov the binoculars. "Can you even see what's out there in this light?"

"It's a plane alright, I can see the small lights in the sky moving…it's either that or a peculiar monster or bird that caught the Aurora's Light," Zarkov mumbled. "No, has to be a plane, it's too fast."

Anya sighed. "So it's a plane, so what?"

"When was the last time you've ever saw a plane that can actually fly?" Zarkov spat. "Grab the dog, we have to figure out where that silly fool is going to crash."

"Crash? How do you know he's going to crash?" Anya shouted.

"Because knowing Hathaway, he's pushed his plane to the limit this time." Zarkov said. "Come on then!?"


It was a rough landing as it were. And if this man was any worse of a pilot, it would have killed him.

And yet it didn't. "HOOO! I really cut it close this time, didn't I!" He was dapper in his flight attire - a confident grin, a blue scarf, flying cap, and a leather jacket to finish the ensemble of a daring adventurer.

He was the sort of man out of an adventure novel…and Anya was almost impressed.

The almost coming from the moment straight after as Zarkov slapped and berated him.

"YOU SILLY, ARROGANT, STUPID SON OF A BITCH!" Zarkov screamed as she slapped him with several light dope slaps. "I THOUGH YOU FINALLY GOT YOURSELF KILLED YOU NO GOOD RADIO VOICE-"

"Yeah, it's good to see you too Zarkov. Seriously, if I'd known I was getting this much of a hot reception I'd have landed a little more gently," he said pulling himself away from the slaps and sighing. "This is the last time I mix sake with gasoline."

"Wait, what?" Anya said as the engine on the plane sputtered out.

"Gahhh, nuts…pushed her too hard this time," Hathaway complained. "It's gonna take a while to fix this."

He then turned to Anya. "Ahh, where are my manners! Hathaway Browne, of the Adventurers Club."

"Charmed," Anya said as she looked at the plane. "Now we're stuck here for a while longer."

"At least we have options now," Zarkov said. "AND YOU!!"

Hathaway gulped.

"Never do anything that stupid again!" Zarkov finished.

Reward: Hathaway Browne has escaped from Japan to Vladivostok and has joined your party, Income will be adjusted. New Actions available.

Hathaway Browne

Martial: 13 (Hathaway's no lightweight when it comes to throwing a punch or shooting a gun, but he'd prefer to talk rather than fight)

Stewardship:15 (He has a small fortune thanks to that sponsorship deal and aircraft maintenance ain't cheap)

Diplomacy: 18 (The Man is a Storyteller, and by god he's the most charming fellow you can meet)

Intrigue: 12 (He's not hopeless, but he's the sort of man who'll trust more easily)

Learning:16 (He can maintain Aircraft, and knows details about a lot of the cultures of his time)

Occult: 6 (So Spirits are walking around in japan…that will make a believer of just about anyone, also Zarkov's his friend.)


"Member of the Adventurers Club"-Hathaway Browne is a member of the Adventurers Club, a successor/offshoot of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers. While much more public than the SEA, they are much more specialized in terms of public outreach but still share the same spirit of adventure and in some cases heroism. This character has a +10 on all diplomacy rolls with fellow adventurers and a +10 on all rolls related to traveling and survival. They also have special actions on adventure, related to gathering knowledge or helping people.

"Aviation Aeronaut"-Hathaway specializes in fixed-winged aircraft, ranging from simple one-seater bi-planes to large and expansive flying boats. He has a +15 to all rolls in relation to using aircraft and a +10 bonus to their maintenance

"World Traveler" - Hathaway has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. He suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than most.

"Ancillary: The Moth"- A Two seater Variant of the de Havilland DH.60 Moth, made for long-distance traveling across the world to show the wonders of aviation technology and Hathaway's pride and joy. It is currently in disrepair because he had a rough landing (Bonuses are locked until it is repaired.)


The Anya Turn 4 Rumor Mill

The Triumvirate: 43!

The Triumvirate stands confused as despite their many differences and victories as of late they still have continued (but manageable) difficulty with the continued obligations with the various powers that they pay tribute to, but an unexpected windfall as of late, they have a SURPLUS of extra goods.

Reward: The Triumvirate can add a +5 to a random action next turn or reduce the DC by 10.

The Hunters Guild: 91!

"They killed it." Rokof said as he looked at the dead monster that was being torn apart for trophies.

"Yes." Misha said as his fellows did their duty with the corpse...the Vodyanoy, the dragon…frog, man thing was in the river and they killed it without a scratch.

"I'll have to pay the guild double for this one," he said.

Reward: The River is cleared of Monsters. +5 to all actions related to the Guild next turn.

The Union: 20+10=30!

"The time is not right, we must go underground and wait for our moment."

Reward: The Union is trying to make themselves harder to find…why?

Canton: 65!

Canton has a small trade surplus due to the lack of pirates hitting their ships directly.

Reward: Income from Trade in the City increases by +150.

The Woku: 31!

Recovery has been slow as of late, the docks are still in disrepair and much of the ships are struggling.

They look to their captains to try to repair the worse of the damages or be replaced.

Reward: Recovery is…slow.

Kyushu: 56!

Iron Town now focuses on the coming expansion of the factory, slowly increasing the output of metal and iron.

Reward: Production prepares to increase ever so slowly.

The Aleut Waystations: 86!

"Ahh, good to see it all working," Jeff said, looking over the steamers.

"Well, they want to go try their hand at striking it rich in the Klondike again, most of it virgin country," replied Ganner.

"Well they can try all they want, it's their funeral…but here we are…hoping to profit off of their ambitions."

Reward: The Waystations are now open for business, their income increases by 500.

San Francisco: 4!

"The Entire LINE is on strike!" Lathem Cole shouted as he slammed his hand on the desk.

"Yep, they want a pay raise or they're gonna use the dynamite to start breaking things," Colonel Fuller said. "And they have a lot of Dynamite."

"Would we take them in a fight if need be?" Lathem asked.

"We could, but it wouldn't be worth the loss of manpower," the Colonel replied.

"Damn," Lathem cursed. "Well…we will need to deal with it with a more tactful touch."

Reward: Lathem Cole's Empire is on strike, his work is slowed greatly

Discovery Bay: 91!

Jason looks at the finished work. "Well I'll be…we actually finished this thing on time."

Abigail smiled. "Well then…what are we going to do with it?"

"I don't know," Jason said.

Reward: They've finally finished the dang Ulysses Class Exploratory Submarine and its support ships.

Los Angeles:99!

THE ROCKETEER Defeats Crime Cartel!

The Mystery Man of Los Angeles THE ROCKETEER! defeats a combined criminal smuggling ring deep within the hinterlands of LA's countryside, freeing the beleaguered folk from the racketeering and dangerous bandits that lurk out of sight.

Whoever you are…LA thanks you once again.

Reward: A Stunning Victory for the Flying Man of LA.

AN: And so More Madness from the front that is Anya's quest to leave this terrible place and try not to ge used like a tool while doing it. I hope this is solid.

Updated Sheets.


Martial: 7+2=9 (A Young Active and fit young woman, Anya is slowly becoming more capable in a scrap with a pistol and single shot rifle.)

Stewardship:10+1=11(Math is Evil! But Anya understands the importance of good management. She would not be here without it)

Diplomacy: 15+2=17 (Anya has a witty and charming personality and has a way of getting what she wants, within reason)

Intrigue: 12+1=13 (She's gotten herself to Vladivostok and picked up a few tricks from Dimitri along the Trans Siberian Railway)

Learning: 10 (She has a standard education for an Orphan and the Soviet School System)

Occult: 7+1 (Anya has read up on various Russian and Christian folklore and has used it to keep herself alive.)


"Lost Identity: Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia ": Suffering Amnesia from a variety of Traumas (From a head injury in St Petersberg to an incident while traveling in Yekaterinburg) Anya is in fact the now fully Adult Anastasia Romanov, the Legal Tsarina of the Empire of Russia. For good and Ill it is who she is.

"Siberian Survivor"-This character is a survivor of traveling the Siberian Steppe of Russia, and through, wit, luck, and skill has successfully managed to live to tell the tale. Thanks to this experience, they have a +5 for all rolls related to foraging for food, +10 for hunting medium to small game, and +15 for traveling in the cold of winter without a malus.

Lesser Polyglot: Besides Russian Anya has a passing understanding of English, German, French, and Italian. (No language debuffs while speaking these languages.)

Ancillary Pooka: An Imaal Terrier Dog that lives with Anastasia and is more aware of things than it lets on. ( Pooka gives a +10 to Intrigue and +5 Diplomacy Rolls. A smart dog, who knew?)

"Cabanart Singer"- Anya is a (Semi) Professional Cabanart Singer and gains +10 to all rolls while singing and performing a musical number and has a +5 to intrigue when distracting people.

"Single Shot Sharpshooters"-You are skilled with single shot rifles, be they flintlock or percussion cap muskets or single shot cartrage rifles, you do not waste your one shot (Gain +5 to all martial rolls when using single shot rifled weapons)


Madam Zarkov
Martial: 8+2=10 (Madam Zarkov is a fit woman who travels a great deal, she's not built for fighting, she's… well, an occultist. Times ha made her take up more active skills in violence)

Stewardship: 16+2=18 (She's managed her own finances, her museum's finances, and her travel expenses with little difficulty. Now she's become capable as a civil clerk. )

Diplomacy:12+1=13 (While not a linguist per se, her knowledge of written languages and cultures allows her to understand and communicate with little difficulty. Though her errors are common enough)

Intrigue:13+1=14 (She's hidden many things from different people for a long time, for good reason)

Learning:21( She's well versed in many different cultures, from religious heritages to how they maintain their spiritual affairs.)

Occult: 23 (Madam Zarkov is THE Occultest when it comes to knowledge and mysticism, having devoted most of her life to the study, and while she can sense magic, she cannot channel and use it.)


"Member of the Adventurers Club"-Madam Zarkov is a member of the Adventurers Club, a successor/offshoot of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers. While much more public than the SEA, they are much more specialized in terms of public outreach but still share the same spirit of adventure and in some cases heroism. This character has a +10 on all diplomacy rolls with fellow adventurers and a +10 on all rolls related to traveling and survival. They also have special actions on adventure, related to gathering knowledge or helping people.

"World Traveler" - Zarkov has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. She suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than most.

"Single Shot Sharpshooters"-You are skilled with single shot rifles, be they flintlock or percussion cap muskets or single shot cartrage rifles, you do not waste your one shot (Gain +5 to all martial rolls when using single shot rifled weapons)

"Proprietor of the Museum of the Weird"-Madam Zarkov is the Proprietor of the Museum of the Weird, a Vast collection of occult artifacts and knowledge she has gathered for most of her life. It contains everything from Latin script to African folk songs and Native American artifacts. (When in the museum Madam Zarkov gains a +15 to all occult and learning rolls, and while explaining their origins to others gains a +5 to diplomacy rolls)

"The Magic is Calling"- Madam Zarkov is one of THE Experts on the Occult in the Late 19th and Early 20th, and she has been drawn to the mysticism of the world for most of her life, from the various mystical threats Jason and SEA seemingly found every other expedition to her own years of study. (Madam Zarkov has a very in-depth understanding of Magic and gives a +5 to occult and learning rolls when she SOLEY relies on her own knowledge of the occult, and she also knows many countermeasures to spellcasters, even if she can't channel her own magical potential at all)

Great turn.

Zarkov could organize Wonderland at this point. Once Anya takes over a faction one day she should hire her. 😆
Made a lot of connections.
Anya is remembering!!!
Yes, Pooka will talk!!! 😀 Is he a pooka nature spirit? Is he an angelic divine guide? Is he getting reincarnated soul? All we know is he is the best boy!

Looks like things will blow soon, but they have a plane! They should probably just ignore their jobs next turn and cash in everything they have to get that bird off the ground.
I guess their best bet would be to fly... southwest?

"Cabanart Singer"- Anya is a (Semi) Professional Cabanart Singer and gains +10 to all rolls while singing and performing a musical number and has a +5 to intrigue when distracting people.
Zarkov could organize Wonderland at this point.
Probably a bad idea for everyone involved if she does that but Zarkov is getting better at all of this.

Once Anya takes over a faction one day she should hire her.
She'd probably want to go become an adventurer at this point, she knows she's not happy in a city and wants to do something important with her life, besides looking for her family.

Made a lot of connections.
Some good, some bad, and some who are just trying to get by…

Also I think the Wolf hunters are Witcher's at this point, the guild keeps getting better at killing monsters.

All we know is he is the best boy!
Pooka is a good boy for a reason and that reason is good.

They should probably just ignore their jobs next turn and cash in everything they have to get that bird off the ground.
Not a good idea but it is one that is worth keeping in mind.

guess their best bet would be to fly... southwest
…I don't think Hathaway wants to go back to Japan any time soon.

Dang it.
Wasn't there a little kid in the Aladdin show that could control the weather with his emotions?
Yeah, he was the show's iteration of the Fisher King legend, where the king's mood reflects the state of the country. Just taken to an absurd extreme. He, uh, wouldn't have lasted long against La.
Does that mean La can use him to turn the pridelands into the floodlands or whatever now that Genie has fixed the weather? Presuming she did something to him like she did to Tarzan.