Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Drago: unintelligable roaring
Nemo: angsty organ music
Sinbad: bad puns
Hook: accompanied by musical numbers
Davy Jones: more angsty organ music
Blackbeard: shoots kneecaps
Maui: ...Actually has a solo. Also hakas.
With Silver that's 8.... aren't there 9 Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court? It's like Deadly Sins, you always forget one when you count....

Fun Fact: in the Peter Pan book, there's a recurring gag where Captain Hook keeps bragging about how he was "the only man Long John Silver ever feared" (bc Silver considered him foolish and unpredictable, but he doesn't mention that part.)

Huh. I wonder if Carpet could get a Hero team over it... Girl needs a hug. And also better advice than that given by parents who interpreted "fear will be her enemy" as "teach her to fear and never use her powers while bottling up all emotions" and then died at sea.
Ice Wall is a bit of a misnomer. It's a giant practically solid blizzard storm dome. Atlantis got in by going under, not over. Nemo can't do the same because the ocean is frozen solid.
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Very nice. That's basically that sorted, though I wonder if Tarzan is going to take up his mantle.
Was wondering if anyone was going to pick up on that...
Man, if I could even remotely justify it in-character I'd be campaigning to send a squad in to render his sleep more permanent. Either literally or euphemistically. Eh, if we do end up poaching Alice as seems to be the vague plan, maybe we'll unlock a Dreamer questline.
Each Dreamer is their own entity and are only tangentially related.
Huh. I wonder if Carpet could get a Hero team over it... Girl needs a hug. And also better advice than that given by parents who interpreted "fear will be her enemy" as "teach her to fear and never use her powers while bottling up all emotions" and then died at sea.
Unfortunately no, though with some help from the Atlantians you could go under instead.
I wonder if we could offer Zummi's help. I don't know if the Book of Gummi would have any info on Dreamers, but Alices issues do seem like the kind of problem he specializes in. ie, esoteric magical threats that you probably shouldn't just murder.
It's a possibility.
I'm not yet caught up on the canon omakes. I know we know about Rapunzel's backstory since we told Nemo, but did anyone bother to tell her parents?
Nope, couldn't stop because of fear of Grimhilde sending people after them.
With Silver that's 8.... aren't there 9 Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court? It's like Deadly Sins, you always forget one when you count....
No. It's the Seven Pieces of Eight and then the Pirate King.
Nine Pieces of Eight originally. But one is currently stuck in the Locker.
So it really is just a coincidence that there are only three Dreamers and they're all upper-class British children? I was expecting some kind of mystical significance to that.
I still say Dorothy Gale should count as a Dreamer. Also it adds an American in the mix. A farm girl no less.
Click her heels and summon a twister! XD
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Fun Fact: in the Peter Pan book, there's a recurring gag where Captain Hook keeps bragging about how he was "the only man Long John Silver ever feared" (bc Silver considered him foolish and unpredictable, but he doesn't mention that part.)
Here he can't really boast that. The first and last time he tried to assert dominance... Well let's just say that Smollet found out that as much as he didn't like Silver, he could at least respect the man. He and Silver also discovered that they hated Hook more than they disliked each other. During the same incident Smollet "acquired" a large group of new cabin boys that Jim has been doing his best to ride herd on; though at least two of them are a bit easier to deal with. It's actually the event that established Smollet as Silver's First Mate.

And Hook will never look at starfish the same way ever again. "Cucaracha!!!!!"

Edit: made some edits to the post.
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Well, Lemuria could use some dicated attention of its neighbors right now that much is obvious

Less obvious is that it may possible convince Egypt to drop slaves now that their people are victimized by the "industry".
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I still say Dorothy Gale should count as a Dreamer. Also it adds an American in the mix. A farm girl no less.
Click her heels and summon a twister! XD
Nah, Oz is it's own thing here. The closest thing America has to the Dreamers are the Four Winds. Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Davy Crockett and Johnny Appleseed.
I've never actually seen any of the Tarzan source material, but somewhere underneath it all for Tarzan is an Edgar Rice Burroughs protagonist. And I am familiar with John Carter of Barsoom, so I imagine that 'Tarzan of the Apes' is cut from the same cloth.

I know it's entirely irrelevant to Earth at this point, but I wonder if Barsoom is part of the setting. Disney did make the 2012 movie, after all…

So it really is just a coincidence that there are only three Dreamers and they're all upper-class British children? I was expecting some kind of mystical significance to that.

The upper-class bit is probably just because privileged kids have more time and leisure to "dream," but the British bit is more specific and interesting. OOC it's just because all those source books were written in Britain, but in-universe it would be interesting if there was some sort of inherent extra mystical-ness to the Isles.
So what exactly would Dorothy be? She went to Oz in a dream. Makes me wonder where she is.

Do we have confirmation on Wendy yet? We've located everyone else I believe but her.
Silver has the Lost Boys.
Facilier has Peter.
Hook I think has Tink.
The Man has Alice.
Kaa has Christopher.
So what exactly would Dorothy be? She went to Oz in a dream. Makes me wonder where she is.

Do we have confirmation on Wendy yet? We've located everyone else I believe but her.
Silver has the Lost Boys.
Facilier has Peter.
Hook I think has Tink.
The Man has Alice.
Kaa has Christopher.
I don't think we have hard confirmation. Wendy Walked The Plank, so if she's not dead, presumably one of the ocean factions has her. It's almost certainly not Nemo, given it'd be pretty hard to hide a little girl from us on his submarine and he wouldn't have much reason to after letting us on in the first place.
The upper-class bit is probably just because privileged kids have more time and leisure to "dream," but the British bit is more specific and interesting. OOC it's just because all those source books were written in Britain, but in-universe it would be interesting if there was some sort of inherent extra mystical-ness to the Isles.
Oh, ye of little faith. British Isles are absolutely pock-marked with ancient magics and arcane realms.
At bare minimum you have the powers of Prydwen and Arawn involved in Black Cauldron mess; whatever fae, spirits and witches were involved in Mor'du situation; Arthurian characters and their mess (at minimum Merlin, Madam Mim and Sword in the Stone, potentially also Lade of the Lake, Avalon a.k.a. another Fae realm, maybe up to Holy Grail itself), then whatever magic Mary Poppins and Ms. Price are drawing on and probably at least a few things I forgot. And that's without accounting for Christopher Robin's Dreamland, which originally was there but now who knows, or the fact that Britan also gave us through its people Narnia (which could appear in my opinion,I know it's not Disney, but it's thematic AF) and Middle-Earth.
I would be honestly more surprised if it turned out that the Isles are not located on top of major ley line nexus or whatever than if it was.