Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

So, I'd like to quickly, very quickly, establish an understanding with the Pharaoh and get their measure before anything. Admittedly I think we have the Red Sea giving us a good degree of space between us. I would nonetheless like to expedite that process on figuring out the new kids on the block.

My geography is bad, hopefully I got our location correctly.
[]Plan: Strike For Your Honor (We Are War!)

This has Abu learning kung fu and Viggo getting into talks with Aladdin, I'm content with this one

Though I don't mind helping Nemo either
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Rough Draft Magic & Mystery
- [][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
- [][Stewardship] Fresh Faces!
- [][Stewardship]Bound for All Points East
- [][Diplomacy]As Above, So Below
- [][Diplomacy] Hire Local!
- [][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
- [][Intrigue] The Man In Red
- [][Learning] Mastering Magic
- [][Occult] Dark Wings in the Night

This is my tentative plan for nipping some time-sensitive issues in the bud. No idea how to allocate the personal actions to them, except that Aladdin should probably take an action to support the As Above So Below action

In particular, I want to get set up for war on Lemuria ASAP without compromising other issues. More magic would be welcome as well.
On the home front the Northern Satraps' situation should really probably be settled before Lemuria tries to take advantage of it somehow.
All right cracks knuckles Let's do this.

Martial: Double action, yoink.
Stewardship: Trade agreements with Agrabah and Maldonia
Diplomacy: Looking West and As Above, So Below
Intrigue: A Friend in Need and A Golden Opportunity
Learning: A Leg Up and the Viggo Grimborne action
Occult: Now You See Me
Red and Angry: Assign to Aladdin, I think they give him a third PA.
Aladdin: Bearing It All and A Talented Twisted Tongue (English)
Added the personal actions for Hub and Garth, as well as a couple of Viggo-related actions. Sorry for the brevity of the descriptions, all credit goes to Tireless Traveler for his help. Working on something else that I'm on a time limit for.

Edit: Also fixed an error with the Learning picks, should have been 2 not 1.
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All right cracks knuckles Let's do this.

Martial: Double action, yoink.
Stewardship: Trade agreements with Agrabah and Maldonia
Diplomacy: Looking West and As Above, So Below
Intrigue: A Friend in Need and A Golden Opportunity
Learning: A Leg Up and the Viggo Grimborne action
Occult: Now You See Me
Red and Angry: Assign to Aladdin, I think they give him a third PA.
Aladdin: Bearing It All and A Talented Twisted Tongue (English)

Looks good to me.
[] Plan: Fight For Your Honor (We Are War)
- [][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
With all of the issues that are springing up that require a martial solution, Ahmed is looking at expanding his staff to better handle all of the moving pieces without letting anything fall between the cracks logistically or martially. Gain a second Martial Action.
DC: 120 (Heroes assigned to this task may substitute their Learning for Martial)
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after
Bonuses: 18+11+17+10+5 (+61), +76 with XP.
- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 45
Cost: 2500 Gold
Bonuses: 11+15 (+26), +41 with XP.
- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia.
With the sea access that Ababwa now enjoys, as well as the open route to Agrabah with the removal of the Sand Witches, opening trade with the kingdom of Maldonia is now a possibility. Send out some envoys to negotiate an agreement. Improves income by 1500 gold per turn.
DC: 65
Cost: 2500 Gold
Bonuses: 11+15+12+5 (+43), +58 with XP. Garth also gives a 10% discount, so -250 gold cost.
- [][Diplomacy]Looking West
With the new shift in the world, Ababwa needs to gain the measure of the people that now occupy the land of Egypt. Send a diplomatic envoy to establish communications with this new Kingdom.
DC: 70
Cost: 2,500 Gold
Bonuses: 19+25 (+44), +59 with XP.
-[][Diplomacy]As Above, So Below
Making political contact with a god is a tricky business, especially ones as mercurial as Hades and his wife are reported to be. And especially with the birth of a new divine child. Do the polite thing and send the Lord and Lady of Olympus and the Underworld an appropriate gift to celebrate the imminent arrival of a new divine spark.
DC: 60
Cost: 2,000 Gold
Bonuses: 19+25 (+44), +59 with XP.
- [][Intrigue]A Friend in Need
With Nemo's ship in very poor shape; Haroud and Iago can see to diverting a few caravans with materials that the scientifically-minded pirate would likely find of use in his repairs; especially after having familiarized themselves with the materials that Muntz and the Global Elite Hunstman's Club had requested for their repairs and supply drop. Greatly increases the level of trust and respect Nemo has towards Ababwa and Aladdin.
DC: 50
Cost: 5,000 Gold
Bonuses: 20+20 (+40), +55 with full XP.
- [][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
The Kingdom of Lemuria is an enigma, the Southern Satraps shouldn't have been able to consolidate so quickly. Nor do they have a history of having access to much gold. Something's going on there, and as spymaster of Ababwa it's up to Haroud to figure out what...
DC: 70/120
Cost: 1,200 Gold
Bonuses: 20+20+23 (+63), +78 with XP, +98 if Haroud's trait procs.
- [][Learning] A Dragon's Hoard
Viggo Grimborne represents a unique opportunity to further expand the scope of the menagerie and the studies of the university. Not just dragons, but it's possible that he may be able to be commissioned to hunt and capture other rare, magical creatures for display and conservation within the Menagerie. Opens new Stewardship action for Viggo to hunt a random creature for the Menagerie. Each new creature increases the income of the menagerie by an amount determined by its rarity and splendor. May open up new Learning actions.
DC: 60
Cost: 500 Gold
Bonuses: 14+30 (+44), +59 with XP.
- [][Learning] Getting a Leg Up
Chiron's prosthetic leg is a marvel, and one that, if developed correctly, could very well assist many who have lost limbs. It will require hiring engineers to work with the doctors in order to figure out the right mechanics and the best compromise between limb functionality and structural integrity. Allows for the construction of advanced prosthetics for those that have lost limbs. (Think Hiccup's leg from How to Train Your Dragon).
DC: 80
Cost: 3,000 Gold
Bonuses: 14+30 (+44), +59 with XP.
- [][Occult] Now you See Me
The example provided by Leah and Cabe of the potion of invisibility had left quite the impression. Even if they were short-lived they could make for a powerful tool in the hands of your army's scouts... or the agents of Haroud's network. Commission as large a batch of the potions to be made as possible. Reduces DCs for scouting and intelligence gathering actions.
DC: 75
Cost: 6,000 Gold, Upkeep cost of 1,000 Gold per turn to keep the potions stocked up.
Bonuses: 16+30 (+46), +61 with XP.
-[][Red&Angry]Assign the girls to one of your advisors to see what they can do given a little understanding supervision. Or take them under your own wing personally as your new assistants.
- [][Personal]Bearing it All
Zummi has asked Aladdin to come down and speak with him, as well as the rest of his acolytes. He can't say that he's not the least bit curious about what they want to talk to him about. ???
Diplomacy DC: 40
Bonus: +19, +34 with XP.
- [][Personal] A Talented Twisted Tongue
Aladdin's sick of not being able to speak to people in their own language. Make a serious effort to learn the native language of one of the Heroes or Advisors that resides in Ababwa.
-- [] English
Learning DC: 55
Cost: 0 Gold
Bonus: +14, +29 with XP. +39 if Henry's trait procs.
- [][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
Iago is well aware that you didn't hire him on for his good looks. He'll pitch in as best he can with projects. Just tell him where to put his effort in.
--[] Hiding in the Mists
- [][Jose Personal] learning Arabic
Jose is able to communicate thanks to his knowledge of languages, but it seems his grasp of Arabic isn't as comprehensive as anyone had thought. He'd been using quotes from books as a way to make his needs known, which Scherezade realized after speaking with him for a bit. Time to add another language to his lexicon!
Learning DC: 60
Bonus: +25, +40 with XP, +50 if Henry's trait procs.
- [][Tai Lung Personal] Training
Tai Lung is a fitness and training fanatic, and seems to always be on the lookout for new weapons to learn or styles of combat to fold into his own personal arsenal. And he's more than happy to have someone to spar with. Can allow other characters to increase Martial, allows Tai Lung to familiarize himself with new styles of combat and reduce his malus when encountering them.
-- [] hand-to-hand
---[] Abu
DC 45 as given last turn, so 15+15+10 (???)-5=+35, but auto-passes with just 10 XP.
- [][Leah Personal] Speaking with Holly
Holly is such an interesting person! And so adorable to boot! Perhaps Leah can get a bit more information out of her in regards to where she came from and what brought her so far away?
Diplomacy DC: 75
Bonus: 19+10 (+29), +44 with XP.
- [][Selous Personal]Miracle of Life
Selous is eager to see the hatching of the infant Foreverwing, and will suspend his other actions in order to observe the birth of the dragonet. Raises his loyalty by +10
DC: 0
- [][Helga Personal]Lingua Franca
Without Thatch here Helga no longer has a translator within easy reach. Best to buckle down and learn the local language to ensure that she's as efficient in her job as possible.
Learning DC: 60
Bonus: 11, +26 with XP, +36 if Henry's trait procs.
-[][Indy Personal] His Father's Son (Help a Hero unit study a language)
–[] Aladdin
–[] Jose
–[] Helga
-[][Hub Personal] Helping Hands (assist with a National)
–[] Forging a Red Sword
-[][Garth Personal] Second Hands (Assist with a National)
–[] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia

Cost: 2000+2500+2250+2500+2000+5000+1200+500+3000+6000=26,950 gold, +1,500 upkeep/turn, +2500/turn (trade), +1500/turn (Foreverwing hatching).

Aww, nuts. We only have 22,000~ gold this turn. My final draft will swap out a different Occult action, because as much as I want to get magical potions, the 6,000 gold price tag is too much for our budget atm.

@TempestK, would having Henry help with multiple heroes on learning languages synergize, or do we have to pick just one? Also, to confirm, if Red and Angry become Aladdin's personal assistants, does that give him a third Personal Action?
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[] Magic & Mystery v1
- [][Martial]Forging a Red Sword
- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Maldonia.
- [][Stewardship]Bound for All Points East
- [][Diplomacy]As Above, So Below
- [][Diplomacy] Hire Local!
- [][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
- [][Intrigue]A Friend in Need
- [][Learning] Mastering Magic
- [][Learning]Awakening the Past
- [][Occult] Dark Wings in the Night
- [][Personal]You only Live Once
- [][Personal] A Talented Twisted Tongue
-- [] Greek
- [][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
-- [] Hiding In The Mists
- [][Jose Personal] learning Arabic
- [][Tai Lung Personal] Training
-- [] hand-to-hand
--- [] Abu
- [][Leah Personal] A Little Elbow Grease
-- [] Mastering Magic
- [][Selous Personal]Miracle of Life
- [][Helga Personal]Lingua Franca
- [][Indy Personal] His Father's Son (Help a Hero unit study a language)
-- Aladdin
-- Jose
-- Helga
- [][Garth Personal] Second Hands (Assist with a National)
-- [] Bound For All Points East
- [][Hub Personal] Helping Hands (assist with a National)
-- [] Forging a Red Sword

Okay, with some thought and asking folks on one of my discord channels, here's the first actual draft

Personal actions are mostly spent on learning languages, prepping for war against Lemuria, and the beginnings of a Mage's School/Guild/Whatever

Also, I don't know what the rules are concerning heroes helping multiple other heroes on personal actions are, so if I'm being inefficient with my choices there let me know.

EDIT: shamelessly stole a couple of bits from other plans that pointed out what I missed - basically the learning languages stuff
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Okay, with some thought and asking folks on one of my discord channels, here's the first actual draft
Moratorium is still in effect, plans can't be filled in with Xs at this time.
Some of your actions are redundant - Fresh Faces and Hire Local are mutually exclusive.
We have 2 Intrigue actions, not just one.
Mastering Magic is a Leah personal, and as such does not need A Little Elbow Grease
Last but not least, we can only put one hero on a National at a time, so you need to choose between either Garth or Iago for Hiding in the Mists.
[] Plan: Fight For Your Honor (We Are War)

Tireless' plan has every point I want so I'm gonna be voting for this once the moratorium ends
[ ] Plan: Lemuria Delande Est!!
-[ ] [Martial] Forging a Red Sword (Hub)
-[ ] [Stewardship] Bound for All Points East (Garth)
-[ ] [Stewardship] Expand trade district
-[ ] [Diplomacy] Hire Local!
-[ ] [Diplomacy] As Above, So Below
-[ ] [Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists (Iago)
-[ ] [Intrigue] A Friend in Need
-[ ] [Learning] A Dragon's Hoard
-[ ] [Learning] Getting a Leg Up
-[ ] [Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
-[ ] [Red&Angry] Aladdin
-[ ] [Aladdin] A Talented Twisted Tongue
--[ ] English
-[ ] [Aladdin] Bearing it All
-[ ] [Iago] You Scratch My Beak...
--[ ] Hiding in the Mists
-[ ] [Jose] Learning Arabic
-[ ] [Tai Lung] Training
--[ ] Hand-to-hand
--[ ] Abu
-[ ] [Leah] Wood and Steel
-[ ] [Selous] Linguistic Exercises
-[ ] [Helga] Lingua Franca
-[ ] [Indy] His Father's Son
--[ ] Aladdin
--[ ] Jose
--[ ] Selous
--[ ] Helga
-[ ] [Hub] Helping Hands
--[ ] Forging a Red Sword
-[ ] [Garth] Second Hands
--[ ] Bound for All Points East

Okay, here's my plan. Yes, it's a lot like Tempest's, but it's a lot more martial based in my opinion. Also, I'd like to expand the trade district before negotiating any contracts.
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- [][Martial]Dragon Your Feet
Dragons as weapons of war are inevitably something that Ababwa will face at some point. With Drago Bludvist's example, there's absolutely no chance that other nations won't seek to emulate him. Ababwa however, could have a head start by making contact with Viggo Grimborne in order to hire him to find, capture and assist in training dragons for the use as beasts of war in Ababwa. Gains Viggo as a contact to buy dragons and other creatures from. Has a holding place and training area specifically constructed for the creatures.
Cost: 9,000
DC: 110

If nothing is really urgent otherwise I think we should do this, given what we now know about Jafar as well as our own dragon egg.

- [][Stewardship] Something's Fishy...
Ababwa now has access to the Caspian Sea thanks to their armies holding the Northern Satraps. This is a prime opportunity to get up there and start building fisheries to take advantage of the plethora of sea life there. Especially the roe of the Beluga Sturgeon which calls those waters home. Gain additional income of 2,500 Gold per turn, increased acceptance in the Northern Satraps for providing jobs and infrastructure. Upkeep cost of 1000 Gold per turn.
DC: 80
Cost: 6,000 Gold

We might be able to recruit Ned out of this.

- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with the Kingdom of Lemuria
While the time to initially strike has passed, it's still possible to make use of the interest that Lemuria is showing in Ababwa (and it's prince) to leverage some trade deals. Uxia certainly seems open to the matter. Increases income by 1,000 gold per turn. New options unlocked. May have other effects.
DC: 65
Cost: 1,000 Gold

Ahahahahahah, no.

--[] North: Northwards lies the Turks, and across the Mediterranean are the Greeks; and other lands even further beyond!

Interesting, wasn't actually sure Turks had made it through to here; I thought Anatolia might have been Greek too.
Moratorium is still in effect, plans can't be filled in with Xs at this time.
Some of your actions are redundant - Fresh Faces and Hire Local are mutually exclusive.
We have 2 Intrigue actions, not just one.
Mastering Magic is a Leah personal, and as such does not need A Little Elbow Grease
Last but not least, we can only put one hero on a National at a time, so you need to choose between either Garth or Iago for Hiding in the Mists.

Moratorium is still up.
Fixed the xs, edited the other problems.
Mastering Magic is a national option in the learning category. Unless that's an error
Okay, here's my plan.
My one issue is not reaching out to Hades, since we really don't want to offend him by not sending a gift to the birth of his daughter. Otherwise it's more of a difference in focus between your plan and mine, and I'd be happy with it. Only reason I didn't also put Selous on practicing a language is because the Foreverwing hatching is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.
Mastering Magic is a national option in the learning category. Unless that's an error
Oops, my mistake.
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My one issue is not reaching out to Hades, since we really don't want to offend him by not sending a gift to the birth of his daughter. Otherwise it's more of a difference in focus between your plan and mine, and I'd be happy with it. Only reason I didn't also put Selous on practicing a language is because the Foreverwing hatching is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.
Yeah, fair enough. In that case, Egypt can wait a turn. Lemuria and not pissing off powerful beings takes precedence
@TempestK questions about omakes since I've never written one before but I have an idea that won't leave me alone; is there any hard and fast rule for what makes an acceptable omake aside from "write good and don't be a complete munchkin"?