Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

He's an OC that Thozmp has run past me and who I really liked the backstory of. Basically a reprise of a character a friend of his played in what I think was a Warhammer 40K game.
I loved his character too. The perfect straight man, and without Abis Mal as his albatross, he's really getting to hone his skills and sharpen his wits even further. He's actually being challenged here. And he's thriving thanks to it.

Say, what *did* happen to Abis Mal anyway, that made Haroud jump ship to us in the end?

...Haroud got fed up with his "boss"´ moronic ways and "let him go", amirite?

Oh trust me I know they can't be trusted as you said there no Robin Hood here, that's why I said early to improve our security and expand our spy network since I don't trust them at all.

Yeah, just use the 40 Thieves as deniable assets until we can detach Cassim from them, after which they need to go.
Say, what *did* happen to Abis Mal anyway, that made Haroud jump ship to us in the end?
Hmm... I wonder if we could have gotten any subtle hints about his previous employment. 🤔
A bandit chief that had tried to bring on Haroud had tried to play off of their fame, claiming to be a member. They found him in pieces the next morning, seemingly cut up by a beast's claws. Haroud had left immediately while the other bandits had started squabbling about who was the new leader, and the knives were coming out.


Nah. I can't think of anything.

More seriously I don't think we have any idea yet.
So here's a thought what happens if things with Jasmin just fail? I mean who do you want to romance if it fails?
It's difficult. Elsa could be a possibility, if the characters kick it off. Merida, if she's older and interested in marriage. Rapunzel, canonically, falls for a thief; if the brothers took out Eugene before the movie, it could be possible for us to slide into that role.
So here's a thought what happens if things with Jasmin just fail? I mean who do you want to romance if it fails?
Clears thought and unfurls list Well if we start with only the ones possible-

Alright jokes aside, there's the usual princesses mentioned Swedish above (of those I think Merida is the most accessable at the moment. Minimal conflict of age (every turn is 2 months I think? So she'd be about 17 now and 18 bare minimum before we could help Fergus with his bear problem.))

But personally I also think Cassandra (Hercules Tv series) and Angelica (Pirates of the Caribbean) would be pretty fun to see. Mostly cause those two come with a whole ass bag of cats but hey, romance without conflict is kinda meh shrug
Just to make sure: I haven't given up on Jasmine. I like Aladin/Jasmine. But we're in a way the internal advisory board of our Prince Ali of the Principality of Ababwa. We need to be prepared.
Might be impossible for a lot of different reasons, but Keeva would be fun, and so would Mulan if Shen is uh, not available. Elizabeth would also have been good, but Will is both alive and here, so that's not an option. But if we feel both a little cracky and extremely ballsy, one of the imprisoned Greek Goddesses.
But if we feel both a little cracky and extremely ballsy, one of the imprisoned Greek Goddesses.

Considering what I know of Greek Goddesses: Please, no. Artemis is not interested in men and her few paramours tend to be killed by Apollo, Aphrodite is both loose with her favour and already married, Hera is married, Persephone is married (and Demeter is the mother-in-law from hell), Hestia and Athena have sworn a vow of celibacy. Iris could be an option. But she's the only one from the pantheon that's even remotely plausible.
Honestly Agrabah getting intrigue heroes would actually be pretty good. Watson could set up his own hospital and we could make inroads with medical support. Holmes can keep them safe from any outsiders, and Jones help when there is an adventure to be had.
Indy is also a capable Martial hero and a monster in Learning.
Here are his original stats (they've improved since then):
Martial: 14 (Henry is a talented soldier and has survived his share of scraps and firefights.)

Stewardship: 8 (Careful, considered stewardship of one's resources is not this young man's strong suit; he has been living hand-to-mouth for several years.)

Diplomacy: 12 (While highly socialized, Henry is a bit on the naive side and has been known to stick his foot in his mouth on occasion.)

Intrigue: 16 (Henry can be very sneaky and duplicitous when the occasion calls for it, and has pulled off a number of cons and gambits. With that said, he has also been the victim of several cons, most recently at the hands of Mata Hari herself.)

Learning: 20 (Henry learned at the knees of his father, a famous classical scholar. He has also met a wide range of people, all of whom had some useful skill, knowledge, or bit of wisdom to pass onto him.)

Occult: 10-5: 5 (Henry's knowledge of myths, legends, and other supernatural elements is nearly encyclopedic; actually taking them seriously is another matter entirely.


"Omnidisciplinary Scholar" - Henry Jones is an incredibly well-read and highly educated young man, and suffers no maluses when studying or learning about various subjects. That said, his intellectual upbringing has left him somewhat skeptical when it comes to the occult, and he suffers a -5 malus to his base Occult stat as a result.

"Advanced Polyglot" - Henry speaks 26 languages and knows sign language; barring rare occasions, he suffers no communication maluses with other people, and gains +10 Learning when studying a new language.

"World Traveler" - Henry has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. He suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than most.

"Making It Up As He Goes" - Henry has displayed a talent for improvising plans and adapting when things go awry; he suffers no maluses when faced with the unexpected, and gains +10 on all rolls when on an adventure.

"His Father's Son" - Henry's father was a classical scholar, and he ensured that Henry knew just as much as he did. Henry gains +20 learning when studying history and the humanities. Furthermore, upon passing an Occult check of 25, he can substitute his base Learning stat for his Occult stat when studying ancient myths and legends or confronted by the same.

"Soldier" - Henry survived the hell of the Somme and Verdun, and helped mastermind a strike against a German rail line in East Africa. Thanks to his experiences, he gains +10 Martial when in direct combat, and an additional +5 when utilizing a weapon with which he is familiar.

"Diamond in the Rough" - Henry's potential is greater than even he knows. ???
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Just to make sure: I haven't given up on Jasmine. I like Aladin/Jasmine. But we're in a way the internal advisory board of our Prince Ali of the Principality of Ababwa. We need to be prepared.
Easist way to pad our bets is to always reserve 15 XP for whenever we write or visit Jasmine. That way their relationship isn't 100% dependent on Tempest's rather wonky dice.
A Pirate’s Life For Me (Canon)
A Pirate's Life For Me

"ACK!" Lady Hermione Caine let out a sound of alarm as she narrowly dodged an arrow. "Row, you blackguards!" she screamed at her crew. "Row as if your bloody lives depended upon it!"

For they most certainly did. She wasn't sure what she had done to garner the attention of the pirate, but his ship outmassed her little fluyt by an order of magnitude. The massive twin-hulled catamaran could crush her ship like a grape; the fact that they were instead launching ballistae bolts trailing massive ropes told her instead that they wanted to capture her.

Blood and damnation, she cursed inwardly. Ever since the Upheaval, things had gone from bad to worse. That damned witch Grimhilde made it impossible for her to continue her prior business as a bandit in Corona, and she had been forced to flee to colder but safer waters, abandoning her revenge upon King Frederick in the process. Well, she thought it had been safer. But Norway was overrun by some sort of magical blizzard, and the less said about her efforts to resupply in Britain, the better.

France made for decent plundering grounds - few people complained about Frollo being inconvenienced by losing merchant ships or fishing vessels - but as his strength grew, so did his navy, and it was becoming harder and harder to avoid running into French naval vessels.

Rumors of new settlements to the far North had caused her to try and seek her fortune up near the Arctic - a decision that she was rapidly coming to regret. As a ballistae bolt smashed into the stern, she felt her beloved Ambergris begin to shudder to a halt; no matter how much she berated the rowers, they couldn't break free.

Drawing her sword, she raced back to try and cut the rope, but the length of the bolt meant that it would take a halberd to even reach it. Just as she was about to call for one, two more bolts slammed into the ship.

She sighed in resignation; she knew when a fight was over. "Run up the white flag; we surrender."


A squad of soldiers, wearing oddly scaled armor, forced Lady Caine and her first mate to their knees. Before them stood a giant.

No, she wasn't exaggerating. The man had to be nearly seven feet tall if he was an inch; his broad back was turned to them as he leaned over a table in his cabin. He turned around, and Lady Caine felt her insides turn to water. Here was a man who was not to be trifled with.

"Lady Hermione Caine," the massive man rumbled. "So good of you to finally grace us with your presence."

Prisoner or not, she still had her wits about her. "How could I say no, with such a compelling invitation?"

He chuckled, and it sounded like the presence of Death himself. "Ever the clever one, even now. I offer you a proposition, one that you will be hard-pressed to deny."

Her mouth moved before she could think. "No thanks, you're not my type." Immediately, her face paled as she realized what she had said.

But instead of taking offense, the man let out a genuine bark of laughter. "Ha! You flatter yourself, I like my women with a little more meat on their bones. No, this is strictly business. I am Drago Bludvist, and I lead the Northern Alliance, an army of men and women with one goal: to unify a world gone mad with the power of sinew and flame. I have need of your mind, Lady Caine of Corona. Once the North is ours, we will turn our attention South, and your knowledge of the Mirror Kingdom will be invaluable."

Lady Caine gulped. "Suppose I say no?"

The giant shrugged. "Then my Bewilderbeast gets a snack, and I get another ship for my fleet. Either way, I win."

What's a Bewilderbeast? Lady Caine thought quizzically. But even then, her options were fairly limited. There was nothing to be said for it. "I accept."

Drago Bludvist smiled. "I knew you'd see things my way. Welcome to the Northern Alliance, Lady Caine."

Martial: 11 (Lady Caine was trained in swordfighting and tactics by her father, a petty thief.)

Stewardship: 10 (Lady Caine prefers counting coin to earning it, but usually manages to turn a profit.)

Diplomacy: 13 (Lady Caine can maintain a pleasant guise when necessary, and has shown some minor talent as a leader.)

Intrigue: 16 (Caine is a career thief, and a successful one at that.)

Learning: 12 (Caine studied enough so that she could pass as a noblewoman, but has no real interest or inclination in the intellectual arts.)

Occult: 7 (Most residents of Corona have a deep belief in the supernatural, as evidenced in the story of the Sunflower, and Lady Caine is no different.)


"Mistress of Disguise" - Lady Caine is a talented actress; she gains +15 Intrigue when undercover.

"Hates Nobility" - Lady Caine's father was killed during a crackdown against crime by the King of Corona, and she has sworn revenge for his death. She gains +10 to all rolls against Nobles, but suffers -10 Diplomacy should her identity be revealed.

"A Pirate's Life" - Lady Caine is a career criminal and self-proclaimed pirate; she gains +5 Martial and Intrigue when committing crimes and +10 Diplomacy with other criminals, but suffers -15 Diplomacy with law enforcement.

"Dragooned by Drago" - Lady Caine's career as an independent pirate came to a quick halt when Drago Bludvist forced her ship to join his fleet, something that she deeply resents.
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8 XP for the omake and the character sheet!

Also I apologize that it's taking me so long to get the Rival Report out. There's.. a lot happening.
OK. Next turns plan. Subject to change based on rival reports and new options of course.


I'm thinking either Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically or Cat's in the Cradle. Everything else seems rather expensive. Nothing especially pressing here yet. Excellent category for trying a new option.


I personally would prefer Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage since Agrabah is becoming a popular stop for various heros. 85 is a bit high risk though especially since we may be doing a adventure this turn and not have heros to assign to this.

Another good option would be Taking Aim... with the Sell the Crossbows: Gain income of 3,500 per turn, risk of individuals reverse-engineering the crossbows option selected. Someone brought up the point that several areas are already more advanced than us so people duplicating crossbows would be no great loss. Only 55 DC as well.


Unless something new pops up definitely either Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah or if we need to do something to incorporate the area we just took over. That's a little unclear.


Send spies to Agrabah to discreetly keep an eye on things would be great. Of the other currently available options only contacting Sinbad seems to jump out.


Hmm... There are kinda a lot of good things here. A case can be made for a lot of them but I'm very tempted to use our currently recovering learning hero and go for So Much Paperwork... for the extra action.


Another category that would be good to try a new option. Other than those trying Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets might be good just to see what we get.

Also I apologize that it's taking me so long to get the Rival Report out. There's.. a lot happening.

No worries. We've kinda fleshed out a lot of the areas in the world now and they are all moving parts banging into each other.

Depending on the rolls and such... yeah, that can get complicated.