I would like to let Faria finish recovering (assuming there's a Personal attached to that) and finish off the Star action this turn, and have Faria do that after he's fully recovered the following turn.
I would like to let Faria finish recovering (assuming there's a Personal attached to that) and finish off the Star action this turn, and have Faria do that after he's fully recovered the following turn.
The only malice he would recover from is a -8 to martial and adventure rolls. His learning is as strong as ever. And I'm sure he's being taken care of regardless. The best we can do I imagine is speed his recovery up.
I understand wanting to knock out star charts now but the extra action is suprisingly achievable. 30+11+25+15 puts us at 81. We would only need a roll of 39 to get it.
The only malice he would recover from is a -8 to martial and adventure rolls. His learning is as strong as ever. And I'm sure he's being taken care of regardless. The best we can do I imagine is speed his recovery up.
It's less because of the stats and more because of the narrative effect. I've noticed that TempestK takes note of how actions look independent of the DCs, and incorporates real-world concerns into the results. For example, even with a 188 on a DC of 40, we couldn't break into that fortress in the North without inside help because we don't have siege weapons. Will gained +15 Loyalty on a roll of 64 (DC 60) because of what it meant to Will that we trusted him with Carpet (splendid write-in, by the way). So consider that Abbe Faria is recovering from decades of imprisonment in one of the hardest prisons in 19th-century France - malnourishment, mistreatment, overwork. From a narrative perspective, it makes sense to me to let him focus on healing first, rather than saying "congratulations, you're rescued! Now get to work!" Not in those exact words, but you know what I mean.
I admit I'm kind of excited to see how Tempest runs Adventures, but we can definitely wait for Faria to recover. Although I think even without him we've got a pretty good Hero loadout to pick from.
From a narrative perspective, it makes sense to me to let him focus on healing first, rather than saying "congratulations, you're rescued! Now get to work!" Not in those exact words, but you know what I mean.
First. I absolutely understand where you're coming from.
Second. Have you considered that he was in a prison for decades then a dragons prisoner and that this is the first freedom and access to anything new he has had for ages.
He has to be STARVING for engagement at this point. It wouldn't surprise me to find him fighting his nurses for a chance to see the library or something.
He would probably love to work with a scholarly centaur and figure out how to advance learning even more.
He has to be STARVING for engagement at this point. It wouldn't surprise me to find him fighting his nurses for a chance to see the library or something.
I agree with you 100% on this; but I think you're underestimating how strenuous a difficult academic project can be. When I was working on my master's degree, the lead-up to the final paper and exam was one of the most difficult and stressful things I've ever done. I think he'll be one of our best Learning heroes; let's give him a turn off so that he can come at it fully refreshed?
I agree with you 100% on this; but I think you're underestimating how strenuous a difficult academic project can be. When I was working on my master's degree, the lead-up to the final paper and exam was one of the most difficult and stressful things I've ever done. I think he'll be one of our best Learning heroes; let's give him a turn off so that he can come at it fully refreshed?
...you know. I wanna see Paul Bunyan fight the Bewilderbeast. That's just about the only thing on each other's level any way so it should be a helluva brawl
I can agree with the overall plan, though we did unlock some new options so we gotta look at those first.
Only thing I'll say is that I think we need to do Aladdins personal action to get a mount before we go on an adventure and before our Sirrush has time to fully mature.
I see it as something like this. Forgive me I am a poor writer.
Chiron: "Are you sure you are up to this? There's no shame in taking the time to recover from such a ordeal."
Faria: "I appreciate your concern but I've not been able to do anything for a very long time and could use the distraction. When it becomes to much for me I'll happily retire but my mind is sharp as ever and craves activity."
"Well I'm certainly glad for the help. We've been expanding quite rapidly and it's become quite difficult to keep track of everything everyone's working on."
: off screen discussion on how to improve things.
Faria: "It's been fantastic to work with a intellectual equal again. The guards and dragon weren't particularly interested in debate as it were."
Chiron: "It's truly a shame what happened to you. I can scarcely imagine being alone and imprisoned for so long"
"Well not completely alone. The last few years in prison I had a student. Another innocent man cast in to be forgotten. We were teacher and student, but surviving such toil together was making us closer to father and son near the end. Very clever young man. Just needed the chance to learn and I had nothing but time to teach him. I do hope he's still alive out there and alright with the world in such a state."
"We could do research. Scout the area and see if the prison is still intact. I'll bring it up with Aladdin when I see him next."
"I would deeply appreciate it my friend... Well, I have truly enjoyed working on this with you but I'm becoming quite fatigued at the moment and I fear what the nurses would do to me if I made my condition any worse. I'll come by when I can to help out. My body may be weak by my newly freed mind craves stimulation."
The Last March of the Legion Part One: Rasputin says escape is impossible, from the Warzones and Terrors to the West, Romania to the South, The Aurora to the North, and Dark Lands of Siberia to the East. He has evidence to say it is Impossible...Nothing is Impossible.
Rolled: D100 + 100 + 5 => 190
Rasputin's Counter: D100 + 100 + 5 => 189
(Anya POV)
The Bar was quiet, as the late evening air was the same cold quiet it always was.
Dimitri was sitting alongside the small handful of men in disheveled uniforms as you walked to him and handed a small bowl of Borch to him as they nodded to your presence.
"All I'm saying is that we should have taken that deal with Lenin." Randola Gadja said calmly as he looked at a map, each one marking possible holdouts of the Bolshevik Presence in Western Russia.
The man to his left, the One-Eyed Jan Syrový gave a nod of approval but took a moment to take his spoon and took a sip before taking another but giving a solid spit to the floor. "He'd have used us as fodder for the undead that one. Better we give him nothing, he never gave a damn about any of us, he just wants our weapons and fighting skill nothing more, the moment that wreck Rasputin is gone he'd point them at us to kill us all."
"The fact he was desperate at all, showed how badly his forces were depleted in that last engagement." Sergei Wojciechowski said taking his own bite of the soup.
"Indeed...Dimitri, you have ears to the ground, how quiet has it been?" Jan said calmly.
"As far as I can tell, most of Rasputin's Army is in the North and West. One Army is dealing with Poland, and the Other...is trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the Scandinavian lands." He said as you handed over yet another small stack of notes.
"Don't ask how the Post Office let me in, the guy in front was starving." You said.
"I knew keeping you two around was a good investment, but alas...the way's out are perilous and dangerous. And Unpredictable." Sergi said.
"We could consider going through Romania, make a Run for Turkey," Dimitri said.
"And does anyone really know what's IN Romania?" Jan said.
There was a cold silence of Fear and dread, few who entered Romania ever returned...and the few that did go mad at the sight of the few hours of sun that reached Russia. It was an unsettling thought that everyone in this room seemed to know more about the madness of Rasputin than whatever was going on in Romania.
Though that was just proximity more than anything related to spying.
"Have we considered the Trans-Siberian route?" You said.
"It's a patchwork at best based on well everything we know, it will need days of repairs to fix each juncture that's broken and get us moving again. And we'd be beset by Demons and worse at every turn. It's a hell of a shot to get anything close to a full evacuation. Not to mention the other effects on the man's mind. " Jan said calmly
They had all heard the rumors of what had happened to Roman von Ungern Sternberg... he'd gone half-mad claiming to be the Reincarnation of Ghengis Khan, he attacked the Empire looking for weapons, and then he utterly disappeared off the face of the earth when he entered Siberia for the second time.
And that was one of the Generals of the old "Romanov" Russian Empire that they could say we're still alive after going into Siberia, Grigory Semyonov and his forces disappeared into Siberia to march to the sea and weren't seen since.
There was still a running bet on who was alive and who was dead. Truthfully you thought most of them were dead.
"Then we'll need to prepare for such things, danger, both natural and demonic to man-made," Gadja responded. "Such things will take time to prepare. The Trains themselves will be difficult to acquire, they are heavily guarded."
"Well the rate of Rasputin using the Industrial state is limited, but who is he to care, he has Magic and the Dark One's favor that makes him think he's invincible." You said.
"Then we will make him rue such a thought….return to your cover stories, and meet in a months time with reports of Progress, whatever happens, does not leave this room."
In a Windowless Tenement on the outskirts of Moscow, The Czechoslovak Legion of Russia planned their March to escape to plan and to go home.
Home would be their Star…
AN: You all Heard of the Czechoslovak Legion, the Legion of Soldiers who basically kicked all sorts of ass on their way home in the Russian Civil War?
Well, I'm gonna say this...if there is one group of men who I think could go through Chernabog Controlled Siberia and Survive….it would be these guys. Won't be easy by any means...but its the sliver of hope that will keep them going.
Whether they actually make it to the end of the Journey Alive...is another matter entirely.
Yeah, they have to Fight Demons, Roman Ungen Sternburg when he thinks he's Ghengis Khan because Kaiserriech Reference, The Hostile Wildlife, Their very Soul getting sucked out of their bodies.
And all the Other Nasties that want to kill them.
But they have Machine Guns, Rifles, Experience dealing with the Horrors of WW1, and competent military officers, Love for their homeland, and Slavic Stubbornness.
So I'm liking this Matchup going into this.
But more then likely its all gonna end with a Bolivian Army Ending.
But they have Machine Guns, Rifles, Experience dealing with the Horrors of WW1, and competent military officers, Love for their homeland, and Slavic Stubbornness.
I hope they escape, but if TempestK is fateful to how the land is depicted in the source material, I wouldn't bet on it:
Land - The Bald Mountain
The land ruled by Chernabog is a broken, scarred land generally referred to as Bald Mountain – though the Mountain itself is only in a small section of it. Nothing grows there. No plants, no fungi, and even animals find themselves stunted in growth. Yet no person starves to death in Bald Mountain. Instead, they grow thinner and hungrier and thinner and hungrier until there is almost nothing left but a suffering shadow of a person who exists only to hunger and be tormented by the Demons, horrible creatures of twisted flesh, fire, and darkness from other worlds, brought here by his fel power. There is no food. There is no water. Life itself is impossible under HIS shadow, but people are kept alive in their tortured half-life so that they may suffer for HIS pleasure. Visitors to Bald Mountain are generally left alone, for the land itself saps at their life. If they are armed or attempt to help the inhabitants, however, the Demons soon set upon them, rending their flesh and tearing them literally limb from limb as their numbers blot out the sun.
Did you guys know Disney made a short of John Henry. I learned about it out once this AMV was shared on the discord. It got my attention and I decided to watch it (You can find it on Disney's American Legends.)
I really liked it and so I decided to stat up John Henry.
Martial - 30 John Henry is the absolute pinnacle of human strength. A man that, if given enough time and with his hammer can go through mountains. Stewardship - 13: John Henry is rather talented at organizing workers to help him achieve Diplomacy - 15: John Henry isn't a trained diplomat but overall he is pretty likable and can get a crowd following him if need be. Intrigue - 5: John Henry really isn't fond of dishonesty and will almost all tell the truth even if it inconveniences him. Learning - 12: Due to his circumstances in life. John never really had a chance to have a proper education.
Unbreakable Will: John will never be enslaved ever again! All rolls meant to control his mind or break his will has a -50 Malus.
Breaking All Limits: John Henry can pull feats that most would view as supernatural unfortunately he is still human. John Henry can automatically critically succeed a contested Martial role if the situation is dire enough and there's no other option. He must roll a dice for every time this trait activates and if he doesn't clear a certain DC he dies and the DC increases with every usage.
Family Man: John Henry will do anything to secure the happiness of his wife and son. John can reroll any roll once if failure would cause economic or physical harm to his family.
A Man of Labor: John Henry has always felt most at home when it comes to construction. He has +5 Diplomacy to fellow laborers, has his Stewardship increase by +20 to tasks relating to construction.
Ancillary: "John's mighty hammer" - Built from his broken chains. John's hammer is his most prized possession. It gives him +10 Stewardship.
How are we doing the administration for the former Northern Satrapies? Just so I have a better picture in my head.
I imagine at the start it would be a direct appointed military governorship, literally just the head of whatever garrison force we slapped down, just for logistical simplicity. Would we eventually patron local administration, appoint a vassal that then becomes hereditary, or would we double down and try to keep it as an appointment only position? All of the above have associated issues and benefits.
What is our default position when we take territories?
Based on the results post and the action description:
Will bring in the Northern Satraps as territories, allows them to be made into protectorates.
DC: 40
Cost: 2000 Gold, 1000 Gold Upkeep per turn to keep the territories occupied and defended until the Satraps become protectorates, and the army is expanded to cover the territory. Unlocks new options, new income sources.
Right now each of the cities is being run by a commander that was peeled off from the army, along with their regiment. It helps that the citizenry are basically helping enforce the "occupation", and the few nobility that try to make trouble or throw their weight around are basically finding that no one's got time for their shit.
There are a couple of different ways that this can go from here. One is to merely expand the army in order to properly cover the new territories while leaving the commanders in charge with their regiments as garrisons and basically becoming the new City Guard. Another is to recall the commanders after finding people capable of handling the governance of a city and putting them in place. Finally you can try and find someone local that people can compromise on as the new city leadership.