Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

I can't believe we got Tai Long, what next? A peacock with a cool new weapon to sell us?

also I love this turn, we have new Heros to cover every area, especially Learning
So how much will a magical army cost in the Caspian Sea, at this point Ursula has become our greatest enemy if we want to start ruling the waves
Actually, what's everyone's goals for Ababwa?
I like your overall goal; I would add trying to bring some peace and stability to the world, or at least the parts that we control, and holding the line against Chernabog.

Insofar as next turn goes...I actually want to leave the adventure for Turn 8? pleasedon'tkillme

For next turn, I was thinking doubling down on strengthening ties with Agrabah - the trade deal, the diplomacy post, and spies. Given our historically terrible performance in that sector, I would put Will on Stewardship, Leah on Diplomacy, and Iago on Intrigue. Then the night fighters Martial with Tai Lung (who better to teach us how to emulate leopard warriors than a snow leopard?), then finishing the star charts action and whatever new Occult action came up - either that or the potion experiment action. Abbe Faria should stay in the hospital. For Aladdin's personals, depending on what's been unlocked, correspond with Jasmine and meet with Faria? I think talking with him will be important since he can tell us about two very important things: the location of Edmund Dantes (the titular Count of Monte Cristo, who is probably back in his cell at the Chateau), and the Treasure of Monte Cristo. The latter in particular should make our money problems a thing of the past. It would not surprise me if he makes rescuing Edmund the condition for telling us about the location of the treasure.

[] VERY tentative Turn 7 (I was bored)

- [][Martial] Cat's in the Cradle
This talk of Leopard Men coming from the south-west is disturbing. Perhaps it would be a good idea to train up a cadre of soldiers specializing in night-fighting and stealthy combat. If nothing else they would be a useful surprise against enemies thinking your men could only operate at their peak during the day.
DC: 65 (10+18+20=+48, 83% chance of success)
Cost: 2,000 gold, 500 Gold upkeep for their specialized training facilities needed.
-[] Tai Lung
This would help round out our army, and be useful not only against leopard men but also enemies who fight mainly in the darkness. And since our northern border now includes Russia, I foresee that being an issue sooner than later.

- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 85 (15+11+19=+45, 60% chance of success.)
Cost: 2500 Gold
-[] Will Turner
Might be best to leave this after establishing an embassy, since I suspect that will lower the DC for the trade agreement.

-[] Dragon Horde (unknown DC, presumably low since it's just cataloging stuff)
Would honestly prioritize this first. If the DC is low enough, we might be able to get away with just putting Sinbad and Aladdin on it.

- [][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
Agrabah is a meeting point for many of the trade routes on the African continent; and as such not only does it receive a panoply of trade goods, it also collects information from the rest of Africa. Having a diplomatic office there means that not only will that information reach Ababwa faster, but your diplomats will be able to jump on opportunities as they arrive.
DC: 70 (25+18+19=+62, 92% chance of success).
Cost: 1500 Gold
-[] Leah
Lots of advantages - improved relations with Agrabah, improved opportunities to grab heroes and trade deals, hopefully improved income.

- [][Intrigue] Send spies to Agrabah to discreetly keep an eye on things
The Sultan and the Princess both seem determined to get things in Agrabah back on track, but it never hurts to have someone watching their backs, right? Send a few discreet agents to keep an eye on things and to report back if trouble is brewing.
DC: 80 (20+27+23=+70, 90% chance of success)
Cost: 1500 Gold
-[] Iago
Something screwy is up - our spies didn't just disappear by themselves. For their sake, if nothing else, we need to find out what happened there. To say nothing of the Jasmine impersonator. And having Iago help might even make it a guaranteed success, since few people know the city better than the parrot.

-[][Learning] When you wish upon a Star
According to Chiron, ever since the Great Disturbance, the stars themselves don't even look right. He wants to request a royal commission to remap the stars and create new star charts for navigation and charting the seasons. Perhaps that will help explain why the African Savannahs seem to be drying out unnaturally fast as if beset by a great Dry Season.
DC: 65 (30+11+17=+58, 93% chance of success.
Cost: Unknown, hopefully cheaper than the original action.
- [] Will (if not put on Stewardship)
My hope is that having Will help with this will end up assisting with his Learning personal to map his original position.

- [][Occult] Tonics, Tinctures and Tablets
With the advent of the Greenhouse, it's now possible for the Mage to begin experimenting with how to produce certain potions. Not all of them are guaranteed to be hits, but it's possible he may be able to tease out some exceptionally useful concoctions. From there it's a matter of developing them for stable and consistent brewing.
DC: Variable (30+12=+42)
Cost: 500 Gold
Let's get some use out of that greenhouse, shall we?

[] Jose Faria - Hospital stay.

9,000 gold minimum.

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The GM has spoken, but would like to note he's taken an uncharacteristic interest in Ababwa, more so it's ruler, and he's offering the services of the Forty Thieves. He said he was trying to find them a place in this new world, but it's just a little too convenient that he's testing the waters of this venture on his son for him to be unaware. But he was very indirect about it, so it's possible either way.

I favor him knowing, even if only in my head. That kinda pointless skullduggery makes me smile.
The GM has spoken, but would like to note he's taken an uncharacteristic interest in Ababwa, more so it's ruler, and he's offering the services of the Forty Thieves. He said he was trying to find them a place in this new world, but it's just a little too convenient that he's testing the waters of this venture on his son for him to be unaware. But he was very indirect about it, so it's possible either way.

I favor him knowing, even if only in my head. That kinda pointless skullduggery makes me smile.
Or at the very least he considers it a possibility, but isn't sure yet.
Khazim seeing Aladdin fight using his dagger should be enough to make him realize who Al is. So if there is a chance for both of them to fight along side each other I recommend we take it.
Actually, what's everyone's goals for Ababwa?
Personally I want Ababwa to be successful in a general sense and eventually break into sea exploration cause its cool. But that's about the extent of that. What I'm really here for are the character interactions, by far the most interesting part to me.

Though this does put me in the minority given I do particularly care about Jasmine. Don't get me wrong she's not bad per say, it's just that I don't see a reason to care about a romance I already saw play out in canon while in a fanwork that has heavy crossover elements.

Although if we keep on the Jasmine route can we please not do the corresponding every single turn. I've said it before and I'll say it again; we're both royalty, that means we have to spend alot of our time busy and that in the end our kingdom comes before our allies. Every other turn isn't gonna kill the relationship.
A thought: once Faria is out of the hospital, what do you guys think about assigning him to the Council of Professors action? 30+25+11=66, a little more that 50% chance of success, but the sooner we unlock that second action the better. It's a compound investment thing - you want to start early so as to reap the benefits of the investment. With full XP, that's +81.

Although if we keep on the Jasmine route can we please not do the corresponding every single turn. I've said it before and I'll say it again; we're both royalty, that means we have to spend alot of our time busy and that in the end our kingdom comes before our allies. Every other turn isn't gonna kill the relationship.
It's not about killing the relationship, it's about unlocking the full benefits of said relationship sooner rather than later. From what I can tell, our status with her doesn't really change unless we either write with or visit Jasmine. Marrying Jasmine unlocks her as a hero unit, boosts our relationship with Agrabah significantly, increases our income as a direct consequence, and should help improve overall realm stability.
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It's not about killing the relationship, it's about unlocking the full benefits of said relationship sooner rather than later. From what I can tell, our status with her doesn't really change unless we either write with or visit Jasmine.
A roll we historically do terribly with and one which we could get some of it's benefits from independent actions. And I'm only arguing for every other turn, not pushing for anything less than that. It may not be a decision I personally care for but I understand others like it and I'm trying to be respectful of it.
A roll we historically do terribly with and one which we could get some of it's benefits from independent actions. And I'm only arguing for every other turn, not pushing for anything less than that. It may not be a decision I personally care for but I understand others like it and I'm trying to be respectful of it.
I can agree with doing it every other turn. I would caution against appealing to historical rolls as an argument in favor or against an action, since by their very nature rolls don't bother with precedent. I think? I'll admit that I haven't studied roller programming, so there might be an algorithm to prevent too many repeats, but appealing to prior bad rolls doesn't rule out future good ones. It's just been terrible luck.

The hunters had all claimed their own trophies, with an oddly subdued Gaston merely electing to take a single fang.
Huh. I wonder what's going on with Gaston here? Something seems to be bothering him.
"If I wanted you dead. I'd have left a tracing of iocane powder in your pillowcase to inhale as you slept."
Iocane powder? Interesting... is there a Man in Black running around somewhere? Perhaps a Spaniard?
Relations with Xiang-Wu at an all-time high. Relations with Hunter's Guild improved.
Gained "Unsorted Dragon's Hoard"
Gained "Dragon Reagents"
Gained "Dragon Skin"
If I were to guess, I'd say the Hoard is Stewardship, the Reagents is Occult, and Dragon Skin is Learning. Wonder what bonuses they offer? Apart from the obvious gold. :D
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Of Note, the main reason for doing Stars last turn was up to date starmaps for travel on the adventure. The rest would have been a bonus.

With Tai Lung around, it benefits us to focus on medicinal advancements in the coming year. I also want to see about grabbing the West Satrep and making overtures to the South Kingdom that has popped up.

Put simply, Send Leah out to grab the Heart Shaped Herb, and then maybe a cutting from the Tree of Renewal later. We make use of the Herb to seriously improve our medicinal abilities. There is a lot to do even beyond that though. One thing would be updating the number of heroes we can have, given I think the starting cap was five. Another is making use of the materials we gained. I would like to see if we can upgrade Carpet with the dragon parts so they can take more damage and self-heal on their own. Maybe see what happens if we awaken Carpet's Chi afterward.
One thing would be updating the number of heroes we can have, given I think the starting cap was five.
Well, at least I have some good news there. We don't have a hero cap at the moment, according to what TempestK told me on Discord.
Of Note, the main reason for doing Stars last turn was up to date starmaps for travel on the adventure. The rest would have been a bonus.
Yeah, but we already spent 4000 gold on it. If the price has already been paid, I see no reason why we can't finish it off this turn. Everything you just said for last turn's benefits still applies, and it's something of particular interest to Chiron since he's a centaur (in mythology, they were expert astronomers and astrologers).
One thing would be updating the number of heroes we can have, given I think the starting cap was five.
I just went through and double-checked, I never set a limit on how many heroes you guys could have. General discussion was that the majority wanted to have at least five heroes before going on an adventure.
Sorry for the double-post, but I made an edit to Leah's sheet that you're all going to want to read.
That "Cade" especially was worried about her. She couldn't help the snort. He was an idiot. A sweet, charming, thoughtful idiot who was growing to be surprisingly handsome, but still an idiot. She was perfectly fine, thank you very much.

Yeah, Leah. Thoughtful idiot. Sure.

Ach, young love :D
(Actually, I like Calla and Cavin. For a 80's animation character, Cavin was quite progressive, kind and courageous. And Calla was both wise and badass supreme. They could find worse partners, to be sure.)
Women wielded carving knives and skewers, while one big heavily muscled man was swinging around a hammer that could just as easily be described as a block of iron on a stick, smashing skulls and caving in chests with each blow.
Seems oddly detailed for a background character. Any guesses as to which Disney character this could be? Nothing comes to mind at the moment, and I highly doubt this is a depowered Thor using Mjolnir.
Wanted to line up actions with our new heroes and their strengths.

- [][Martial] Cat's in the Cradle
This talk of Leopard Men coming from the south-west is disturbing. Perhaps it would be a good idea to train up a cadre of soldiers specializing in night-fighting and stealthy combat. If nothing else they would be a useful surprise against enemies thinking your men could only operate at their peak during the day.
DC: 65
Cost: 2,000 gold, 500 Gold upkeep for their specialized training facilities needed.
Reasoning: who better to teach our soldiers how to fight at night, in the style of leopard-men, than a snow leopard with a massive Martial stat?

- [][Martial] Fanning the Fires of Rebellion
Shan Yu's attention is currently taken up by the provinces that are currently in rebellion. The longer Shan Yu's attention remains there, the better. Covertly send some of your men to the Hunnic Empire to help the righteous cause of rebellion against a usurper.
Cost: 8,000 Gold
Reasoning: This is Tai Lung's home territory, he'll know the land well and be able to fight back should we encounter Shan Yu's forces.

- [][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
There have been notations of an incredibly useful herb found in the medical records of the University. One that Chiron recognizes, but said had been growing rarer over the years as it was used for many different medicines and other applications. The University wants to fund an expedition to Greece to find any remaining samples of this herb, and bring back cuttings and seeds to preserve it as a subject of medical experimentation. Opens up new avenues of medical study, has the possibility to enhance medicines already in use. Adds +500 Gold to Income per turn.
DC: 75
Cost: 2,500 Gold
Reasoning: Should proc Tai's herbal medicine trait.

- [][Learning] A Green Thumb...
Developing natural medicines based on the herbs and plants available to the city is probably a good idea. A lot of home remedies tend to be mostly useless, but there's occasionally a nugget of something to be found. Cuts upkeep of hospitals, Physicians and clinics by -500 Gold.
DC: 50
Cost: 1500 Gold
Reasoning: Literally herbal medicine.

- [][Diplomacy] Send Envoys to the (East/West/North/South)
--[] East: According to the maps you have the Hunnic States and the Silk Road lie in that direction. A good chance for profit! And to perhaps head off raids.
--[] West: going in the opposite direction puts diplomats on the road to Agrabah, and beyond that, Egypt and Maldonia!
--[] North: Northwards lies the Turks, and across the Meditteranean is another land that could make for great trading partners!
--[] South: Headed southwards on the other hand takes the diplomats to the sea, and from there it's either engage the services of a ship, or follow the coast to the south-west, plunging into the heart of the African continent.
Sometimes the outstretched hand is the better leadoff than the clenched fist. See if you can make diplomatic connections with any of your neighbors that you don't have already.
DC: 35/50/65/90
Cost: 1000 gold

- [][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
Friends help friends, but sometimes a friend needs more help than you can give them as a friend. But if they joined you as a vassal they'd probably be able to get the help they needed. Attempts to convince the leadership of a friendly satrap to join as a protectorate under Ababwa's banner. Sets up a trade office, a diplomatic outpost, inserts spies and scouts the place for any resources that they may not have realized. Gains variable income, resources and possibly Hero characters.
-- [] Northern Satraps
-- [] Eastern Satraps
-- [] Southern Satraps
-- [] Western Satraps
DC: 65, 95, 115, 75
Cost: 5000 Gold
Reasoning: He's very diplomatic, and would suffer few, if any, language maluses. Travel might be an issue, though.

- [][Learning] So Much Paperwork...
Chiron is beginning to get a bit overwhelmed with all of the potential projects falling into his lap. It may be time to arrange for a group of professionals to help him deal with the workload. If you can get them to stop arguing about whose field of study is more important... Sets up a Council of Professors, adds +1 Learning Action per turn.
DC: 120
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after
Reasoning: He's our best learning hero after Chiron, and this is a high DC action that needs all of the bonuses we can get. And his diplomatic nature might help with getting the scholars to cooperate.

- [][Occult] Knowledge is Power
While the university's current library is very impressive, perhaps you should see what texts you can obtain to fill it out a bit more? Increases the references within the library, opens up new potential discoveries or adventures.
DC: 75
Cost: 8,000 Gold

- [][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65
Cost: 0 Gold
Reasoning: while Faria's Occult is low, he's a master researcher who has memorized something on the order of 150 books, as per the novel. If there is anyone who can help increase our library, it's this man. Hoping for a personal action that might affect the DCs and costs of these actions.

- [][Learning] A Green Thumb...
Developing natural medicines based on the herbs and plants available to the city is probably a good idea. A lot of home remedies tend to be mostly useless, but there's occasionally a nugget of something to be found. Cuts upkeep of hospitals, Physicians and clinics by -500 Gold.
DC: 50
Colst: 1500 Gold

- [][Learning] Renewal and Rejuvenation
Legends speak of a magical tree known as the Tree of Renewal. Not only is the fruit capable of healing wounds and even removing scars and blemishes, but it's most potent effect is the ability to break curses placed upon the person eating the fruit. Your doctors are salivating at the thought of such a treasure, and wish to acquire samples to see if another tree can potentially be grown from the seeds.
DC: 90
Cost: 7,500 Gold

- [][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
There have been notations of an incredibly useful herb found in the medical records of the University. One that Chiron recognizes, but said had been growing rarer over the years as it was used for many different medicines and other applications. The University wants to fund an expedition to Greece to find any remaining samples of this herb, and bring back cuttings and seeds to preserve it as a subject of medical experimentation. Opens up new avenues of medical study, has the possibility to enhance medicines already in use. Adds +500 Gold to Income per turn.
DC: 75
Cost: 2,500 Gold

- [][Learning] Mastering Magic
Leah's sudden reveal of magical abilities has Chiron wondering how many other people may have the spark, even unknowingly using it. Search through Ababwa to see if any more potential magicians/sorcerers/wizards/whatever they want to call themselves, can be found.
DC: 90
Cost: 2,000 Gold
Reasoning: The first three match with Leah's mastery of plants, and the last one...well, who better to search for magic users than someone who just unlocked her magical potential?

- [][Martial] Have the hunters look for warbeasts specifically
The menagerie is impressive. The War Beasts inside of it even more so, but after seeing Genie Aladdin knows that as impressive as an armor-clad rhinoceros is, there are tougher and more dangerous things out there. See if the hunters of Ababwa can find some to add to the War Stable.
DC: 70/80/90/100
Cost: 1000 gold
Reasoning: Her animal sympathy might help find better animals.

- [][Martial] Engines of War
The lack of siege engines is understandable due to the terrain around Ababwa; but it probably wouldn't be amiss to perhaps have a few in your arsenal just in case. Find an engineer to construct some using the iron-hard timber harvested from the Forest.
DC: 70
Cost: 9,000 Gold; Upkeep cost of 500 gold per turn
Reasoning: this is more theoretical, but given how she can cultivate plant growth, she might be able to reduce the cost by rapidly growing trees for use in building siege weapons.

Occult: ANY
Reasoning: She's currently our most powerful Occult unit, any of these will be useful with her. Wonder if we can unlock Cade as a hero soon?