Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 7 and get the warband bleeding more for the war effort.
MK 8 not seven.

Yes I know.


Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft) Fantasy

I'm pissed my whole edit plan just disappeared when I don't remember closing it. Under editing: -[X] Posture --[X] As much as Grok dislikes the arrogance of his father's blademasters they were right. The warband has been bleeding itself tactically in battles that benefitted the goals of the...
This is it essentially.

Big dif is no field of tears instead a training action

Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft) Fantasy

The World of Warcraft is before you, the wide plains of Kalimdor, the mountains of Alterac, the jungles of Stranglethorn. You are an Orc within this world, free to choose your destiny, but bound by convention and obligation. What will you do? Where will you go?
My plan essentially the same things.
Doomed Wombat got the most votes.

I remember only getting one from Kufufu.


Actually the training I wanted to suggest was cross training with the Scarlet Crusade.

You know, the ABCs of this is what we do, this is what you do, this means X this means Y, how to recognise us.

Cause at the moment I'm very worried that even before anything else if we end up fighting on the same front along side a bunch of humans we may end up accidentally colliding anyway, not out of malice, but the simple fact of fighting being confusing at the best of times and even more so when you don't speak the same languages.

It'd also be a good way to get good boy points showing that we're preparing alongside the rest of them and integrating more with the "common folk" of the crusade instead of staying off to the side or only around the leadership.

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 5 and get the warband bleeding more for the war effort.

That's kind of you, but it was genuinely a question of "Hey, is there a reason we aren't doing this?" Not a passive aggresive way of pointing out a potential course of action. That said, I do like your plans the best so far so I'll be voting for the one you've put forward more recently.

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 2
[X] Plan **** it all MK2

I am enjoying reading the quest so far.

Time to get swole, although I am a tad concerned with throwing our troops into the meat grinder that the Field of Tears sounds like it will be. But that may be my unfamiliarity with WoW. It does however, fit into the overarching goal of finding out what's going on with the Scourge and Jubei'this, by investigating these sites.
[X] Plan **** it all MK2
Frankly I'd rather get these done sooner rather than later

These are the plans I found that were voted on. I got votes for different plans but Doomed Wombat had two votes for his plan so it wins.


[X] Vigilant soldier, ready to shield their liege
To shield him, from what? If it's from the Scourge, it's boring, and I would vote for the v e n g e f u l s u f f e r e r. Getting to know something about a faultline in the Alliance is interesting. The only problem is that Grok' may blab about it. Which makes it even funnier.
Two options, and both are worst? Being Grok is suffering.

[x] Vengeful sufferer, waiting for their time to strike

When Kufufu voted for my Mk 2 plan and Doomed Wombat voted for the Mk 5 plan it had the wandering child. I took it out in the later versions believing it would be better to have more discussion on what people really want Grok to sense.

Despite that Wandering child wins.
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These are the plans I found that were voted on. I got votes for different plans but Doomed Wombat had two votes for his plan so it wins.
That's an interesting perspective. I don't think I've ever explicitly articulated it, but I'd generally assume that people who've voted for one plan would also be cool with subsequent votes. For example, say Plan A has 3 votes but Plan B and Plan B+ both have 2 votes for a total of 4 I don't really think it would be reasonable for Plan A to win. I'll add a point to the voting instructions that plans have to be named differently if they're very different, and that it's incumbent on votes to maintain a view of different plans etc.

For this specific instance there's not much difference between the two, so I'm not that worried, I'll go with Wombat's as having the most votes and get on with writing. Let's try and not have 8 versions of the same plan in future though please, and if we're going to have plans which are so similar I'd really rather you synergise. Here you even include the same wording in both.

Also as a general note, this much reasoning is very good but not required generally speaking. For example Grok did indeed notice Bran and Vok'fon looking at each other, so I'd write that as the opening of that particular conversation anyway.

Will do some rolling.
-Warband actions
--Train according to the results of posture.
-- Engage in crosstraining with the Scarlet Crusade to ensure our warband and their army can work together without incident and compliment the other's skills. 15, poorly, but avoiding crit fails
-Take what's recommended in Posture action.
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs. 63, fine.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units. 24, no readily available armour
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand) 58, a reasonable number of volunteers
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have. 24, Castillion, others busy
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. There's a lack of ranged weaponry and scouts/skirmishers. Perhaps Kartha would be interested in training scouts that would also be the first in line to scale enemy fortifications with harpoons.
8. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.
9. You heard of Kodos beasts mounted by drummers to inspire the horde. Perhaps one of the warband may take up such an honor in using music or song and also be the warband's flagbearer?
10. You noticed the surprises in the Alliance delegation that Grok knew their languages. Ask if any in the warband wishes to train their mind with learning the scholarly arts as it is a useful skill.
--Death Knell delegate Kartha, (Ask Kartha, she has the skills after all.) 18, Forsaken unmoved.
-Pyre of the Light 65, good insight.
-Meet with Kartha, what has she been doing (free)
--Prepare for the diplomatic meeting to learn as much as you can with your neighbours with what you got. 22 no progress before meeting.
-Prisoners 28, one special character
During this conference Grok will:
1. Congratulate the warband for their performance so far noting specific examples in the battle of the Mills for facing undead that were worth their reputation as the Scourge which was a farcry from defending themselves from past fights such as against monstrous bats, undead Gnolls at Garren's Haunt or wandering corpses at Solliden while introducing the equerry who will be part of the warband for the duration of their stay in Scarlet Crusader territory.
2. Finish it with the admittance that while losses are expected in a campaign, the current status of the warband means there is now time to reevaluate the warband's future having proved their commitment to the Crusade to access the Crusade's resources to aid them. Grok will first outline his thoughts about using the resources of the Scarlet Crusade to upgrade and reinforce the warband from his own observations of the warband's weaknesses and possible improvements in previous battles. Outlined as follows:
Spoiler: List
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. There's a lack of ranged weaponry and scouts/skirmishers. Perhaps Kartha would be interested in training scouts that would also be the first in line to scale enemy fortifications with harpoons.
8. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.
9. You heard of Kodos beasts mounted by drummers to inspire the horde. Perhaps one of the warband may take up such an honor in using music or song and also be the warband's flagbearer?
10. You noticed the surprises in the Alliance delegation that Grok knew their languages. Ask if any in the warband wishes to train their mind with learning the scholarly arts as it is a useful skill.
3. Also bring up Grok's intentions to meet with the diplomats and see if they're interested in coming especially your equerry who you're sure would benefit meeting with such famous figures especially Bolvar Fordragon who as a highly influential paladin and someone who met Grok's teacher Akinos would be curious about Grok's nemesis who's the antithesis of his profession a deathknight. Highlight it's importance in meeting them to possibly use their influence to benefit the warband's goals politically and ask if there's anything interesting they'd want the diplomats to know as part of the cultural exchange.
4. Once your piece is done hear their suggestions. What they think can improve the warband with additional training or specialisation of new infantry or their own desire to learn from what the camp can provide. Surely Kedran has some interest in learning more of the human's arcane arts? Does anyone else have ideas they are interested in doing to meet their goals they aim to get as part of the warband.
5. Once everything is decided on the needs of the warband it will affect requisition, diplomacy and training efforts.
6. Bring up the matter of future cooperation with the Scarlet Crusade and their neighbors more closely especially Kul Tiras.
7. Bring up the matter of the Forsaken issue with Kartha in secret. Once the general meeting is done. You may not be here as part of the horde but the clan and warband is still affiliated with it and it would be a matter of courtesy to decide what to do with other future Forsaken locations other than the hidden village you'll send Kartha to when the warband will be bringing newcomers whose loyalties are not to the warband like if your equerry or his friends finds out.
-- Talk to them all Prestor for the invitation, Fordragon to talk about Akinos and the death knight which you saw he was shocked about, the Kul Tiran Ambassador to return the books after you have read them and Bran because he and Vok'Fon have had a history. See if you can get Prestor, Fordragon and Bran altogether to continue trading history lessons if they're interested especially if Grok's companions came to also share in it. Should the result be good subtly mention the sacrifices taken to aid the Crusade and request the need for more assistance involving prisoners you heard from Darion being brought from their delegation especially orcs that could be sped fast into joining the warband or the diplomats own backing to join and fight with Darion.

Diplomacy is a fine art to take up when a weapon is better kept in the sheath and the tongue is used instead. Your performance was nothing short of a miracle in laying out a good impression to nations that used to fight the horde under Blackhand and Doomhammer. Knowledge you found was power and wisdom allows such knowledge of a nation's culture and language to be used accordingly which was why revealing your ability to understand and speak the human's language carries both shock and respect once they know a hulking green brute can speak eloquently and answer barbed questions with your own repertoire of responses with people your teacher would have met in Stormwind. And so you see an opportunity with history as the bait to draw all three together as they were interested in your tale so you will oblige Lady Prestor with a cultural exchange of your history and hopefully theirs when the lady of Stormwind keeps mentioning an orc long gone from Draenor. But first where to start from which order once the conference has provided their advice?

Knowing the opening to all three was easy:

1. Prince Brann Bronzebeard of Ironforge. You noticed he and Vok'fon share a history from their exchange of looks at each other. Perhaps you can use that to reel him in with the other two to continue this line of discussion in private.

2. Bolvar Fordragon is simple enough as a knight and general of Stormwind who already recognises your deeds with Tirion and your teacher vouching for you. You just need to share with him your last moments with your teacher since you saw his reaction hearing news of his death.

3. Lady Katrana Prestor is easy and yet hard to predict. You don't know her at all except she's the advisor to the King of Stormwind but she invited you to continue what you said to the delegation. Will she accept more guests together with her to learn history?

If it worked well, maybe you were better off as a diplomat for the horde ha! But now comes the hard part that requires subtlety and tact. A private discussion about history is one thing but to then switch it into more political matters is another. However if your repertoire of words succeed in impressing them all and that of your companions you bring with you perhaps it may lead to something more after all the delegation is here to help Lordaeron against the Scourge and as your warband has contributed perhaps they can be of some help to your own goals? They can through their influence make it easier to release prisoners especially orcish prisoners Darion mentioned to be pressed into your service and for Darion your equerry maybe the three can put in a good word for more volunteers to join the warband to work with Darion?

The matter of the Kul Tiran ambassador is much more simple. You do not expect much of a friendly response when the horde and Kul Tiras is involved with skirmishes with each other that you yourself participated in. But for the sake of courtesy you will give back your war trophies that you don't expect to be much of value in scraps of paper except for personal effects that are obviously more valuable to the family of the deceased you have went over to their ambassador and that will be all. If entry to their ambassador is rebuffed then Bolvar Fordragon who you know is a man of honor can give it back.
General roll around impressions, 88, so pretty good.
FractiousDay threw 10 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 405
15 15 63 63 24 24 58 58 24 24 18 18 65 65 22 22 28 28 88 88
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--Death Knell delegate Kartha, (Ask Kartha, she has the skills after all.) 18, Forsaken unmoved.
Oh no. This spells doom.
When we set forth again, a feeble greenish light follows us, appearing for brief moments among the trees.
And then, when we are busy fighting the Scourge... an hostile Forsaken loots all the powerful magical artifacts held in the camp! It's a Rune-wielding Forsaken now!, with a +1000 bonus to their d100 rolls. ---> * Grok'mash dies * :confused::mad::rofl:

Jokes aside, most of the rolls are meh, but: the Light Healer is good, working with Fairbanks is productive, Darrion's plucky friends follow him to our side, and apparently we are master diplomats
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I didn't really look back at the thread in time to give my opinion on the changes coz it's exam time but it's fine, I agree with the changes Doomed Wombat made, as for the rolls we had some pretty low rolls but at least diplomacy and light stuff was pretty high so that's a consolation prize.
That's an interesting perspective. I don't think I've ever explicitly articulated it, but I'd generally assume that people who've voted for one plan would also be cool with subsequent votes. For example, say Plan A has 3 votes but Plan B and Plan B+ both have 2 votes for a total of 4 I don't really think it would be reasonable for Plan A to win. I'll add a point to the voting instructions that plans have to be named differently if they're very different, and that it's incumbent on votes to maintain a view of different plans etc.

For this specific instance there's not much difference between the two, so I'm not that worried, I'll go with Wombat's as having the most votes and get on with writing. Let's try and not have 8 versions of the same plan in future though please, and if we're going to have plans which are so similar I'd really rather you synergise. Here you even include the same wording in both.

Also as a general note, this much reasoning is very good but not required generally speaking. For example Grok did indeed notice Bran and Vok'fon looking at each other, so I'd write that as the opening of that particular conversation anyway.

Will do some rolling.
-Warband actions
--Train according to the results of posture.
-- Engage in crosstraining with the Scarlet Crusade to ensure our warband and their army can work together without incident and compliment the other's skills. 15, poorly, but avoiding crit fails
-Take what's recommended in Posture action.
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs. 63, fine.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units. 24, no readily available armour
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand) 58, a reasonable number of volunteers
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have. 24, Castillion, others busy
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. There's a lack of ranged weaponry and scouts/skirmishers. Perhaps Kartha would be interested in training scouts that would also be the first in line to scale enemy fortifications with harpoons.
8. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.
9. You heard of Kodos beasts mounted by drummers to inspire the horde. Perhaps one of the warband may take up such an honor in using music or song and also be the warband's flagbearer?
10. You noticed the surprises in the Alliance delegation that Grok knew their languages. Ask if any in the warband wishes to train their mind with learning the scholarly arts as it is a useful skill.
--Death Knell delegate Kartha, (Ask Kartha, she has the skills after all.) 18, Forsaken unmoved.
-Pyre of the Light 65, good insight.
-Meet with Kartha, what has she been doing (free)
--Prepare for the diplomatic meeting to learn as much as you can with your neighbours with what you got. 22 no progress before meeting.
-Prisoners 28, one special character
During this conference Grok will:
1. Congratulate the warband for their performance so far noting specific examples in the battle of the Mills for facing undead that were worth their reputation as the Scourge which was a farcry from defending themselves from past fights such as against monstrous bats, undead Gnolls at Garren's Haunt or wandering corpses at Solliden while introducing the equerry who will be part of the warband for the duration of their stay in Scarlet Crusader territory.
2. Finish it with the admittance that while losses are expected in a campaign, the current status of the warband means there is now time to reevaluate the warband's future having proved their commitment to the Crusade to access the Crusade's resources to aid them. Grok will first outline his thoughts about using the resources of the Scarlet Crusade to upgrade and reinforce the warband from his own observations of the warband's weaknesses and possible improvements in previous battles. Outlined as follows:
Spoiler: List
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. There's a lack of ranged weaponry and scouts/skirmishers. Perhaps Kartha would be interested in training scouts that would also be the first in line to scale enemy fortifications with harpoons.
8. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.
9. You heard of Kodos beasts mounted by drummers to inspire the horde. Perhaps one of the warband may take up such an honor in using music or song and also be the warband's flagbearer?
10. You noticed the surprises in the Alliance delegation that Grok knew their languages. Ask if any in the warband wishes to train their mind with learning the scholarly arts as it is a useful skill.
3. Also bring up Grok's intentions to meet with the diplomats and see if they're interested in coming especially your equerry who you're sure would benefit meeting with such famous figures especially Bolvar Fordragon who as a highly influential paladin and someone who met Grok's teacher Akinos would be curious about Grok's nemesis who's the antithesis of his profession a deathknight. Highlight it's importance in meeting them to possibly use their influence to benefit the warband's goals politically and ask if there's anything interesting they'd want the diplomats to know as part of the cultural exchange.
4. Once your piece is done hear their suggestions. What they think can improve the warband with additional training or specialisation of new infantry or their own desire to learn from what the camp can provide. Surely Kedran has some interest in learning more of the human's arcane arts? Does anyone else have ideas they are interested in doing to meet their goals they aim to get as part of the warband.
5. Once everything is decided on the needs of the warband it will affect requisition, diplomacy and training efforts.
6. Bring up the matter of future cooperation with the Scarlet Crusade and their neighbors more closely especially Kul Tiras.
7. Bring up the matter of the Forsaken issue with Kartha in secret. Once the general meeting is done. You may not be here as part of the horde but the clan and warband is still affiliated with it and it would be a matter of courtesy to decide what to do with other future Forsaken locations other than the hidden village you'll send Kartha to when the warband will be bringing newcomers whose loyalties are not to the warband like if your equerry or his friends finds out.
-- Talk to them all Prestor for the invitation, Fordragon to talk about Akinos and the death knight which you saw he was shocked about, the Kul Tiran Ambassador to return the books after you have read them and Bran because he and Vok'Fon have had a history. See if you can get Prestor, Fordragon and Bran altogether to continue trading history lessons if they're interested especially if Grok's companions came to also share in it. Should the result be good subtly mention the sacrifices taken to aid the Crusade and request the need for more assistance involving prisoners you heard from Darion being brought from their delegation especially orcs that could be sped fast into joining the warband or the diplomats own backing to join and fight with Darion.

Diplomacy is a fine art to take up when a weapon is better kept in the sheath and the tongue is used instead. Your performance was nothing short of a miracle in laying out a good impression to nations that used to fight the horde under Blackhand and Doomhammer. Knowledge you found was power and wisdom allows such knowledge of a nation's culture and language to be used accordingly which was why revealing your ability to understand and speak the human's language carries both shock and respect once they know a hulking green brute can speak eloquently and answer barbed questions with your own repertoire of responses with people your teacher would have met in Stormwind. And so you see an opportunity with history as the bait to draw all three together as they were interested in your tale so you will oblige Lady Prestor with a cultural exchange of your history and hopefully theirs when the lady of Stormwind keeps mentioning an orc long gone from Draenor. But first where to start from which order once the conference has provided their advice?

Knowing the opening to all three was easy:

1. Prince Brann Bronzebeard of Ironforge. You noticed he and Vok'fon share a history from their exchange of looks at each other. Perhaps you can use that to reel him in with the other two to continue this line of discussion in private.

2. Bolvar Fordragon is simple enough as a knight and general of Stormwind who already recognises your deeds with Tirion and your teacher vouching for you. You just need to share with him your last moments with your teacher since you saw his reaction hearing news of his death.

3. Lady Katrana Prestor is easy and yet hard to predict. You don't know her at all except she's the advisor to the King of Stormwind but she invited you to continue what you said to the delegation. Will she accept more guests together with her to learn history?

If it worked well, maybe you were better off as a diplomat for the horde ha! But now comes the hard part that requires subtlety and tact. A private discussion about history is one thing but to then switch it into more political matters is another. However if your repertoire of words succeed in impressing them all and that of your companions you bring with you perhaps it may lead to something more after all the delegation is here to help Lordaeron against the Scourge and as your warband has contributed perhaps they can be of some help to your own goals? They can through their influence make it easier to release prisoners especially orcish prisoners Darion mentioned to be pressed into your service and for Darion your equerry maybe the three can put in a good word for more volunteers to join the warband to work with Darion?

The matter of the Kul Tiran ambassador is much more simple. You do not expect much of a friendly response when the horde and Kul Tiras is involved with skirmishes with each other that you yourself participated in. But for the sake of courtesy you will give back your war trophies that you don't expect to be much of value in scraps of paper except for personal effects that are obviously more valuable to the family of the deceased you have went over to their ambassador and that will be all. If entry to their ambassador is rebuffed then Bolvar Fordragon who you know is a man of honor can give it back.
General roll around impressions, 88, so pretty good.
Normally I wouldn't but this turn's options got me to be very invested. It's rare for me to do that.

The rolls were tsundere but for the goals of the warband pretty much good all round in the right places.

If I have a guess on the prisoners they might be from the Dragonmaw clan if dwarves still kept them from Grim Batol after the Demon souls incident.

I'll make sure to plan it better.
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I just found out who Castilian is if the wiki is right. On one hand his loyalties are to a certain dreadlord who Feldad helped. On the other Grok is tied up in their scheming.

Was he going to be the arcane tutor in the camp?

Skillwise, he put Alexandros as a death knight on ice before an undead dwarf death knight had to club him on the head to cancel the effect.
Tirion nods and you speak as you march, "The Mills are the largest and strongest concentration of undead left in the Glades." he relates, "But the Scourge are different than other enemies. They won't break, you'll have noticed that before, but they do crumble, the enchantments holding them together can be disrupted, firstly by the destruction of their masters, but also by simply killing enough of them. I've less knowledge on it than some but there's a mage back at the camp who's been studying the phenomena, Castillian, he made me this," and Tirion fingers a weighty gem around his neck, "The Crusade has managed to turn the enemy's weapons against them, and though I'd rather trust the Light over any magic, these are powerful nevertheless."
Ah ha it's this guy.

We might get some trinkets too.
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Diplomacy action isn't written yet, thoughts on the rest of it?

The integration of the Alliance delegation goes quite well, soldiers in the colours of Stormwind are soon seen training alongside those of Lordaeron and swiftly it's as if the Alliance of old has returned, with few questioning the actions of the other over the years.

Vishas, an officer of the Crusade you'd heard mentioned before, takes an almost cruel approach to demonstrating the various weaknesses of individual undead to the newcomers and more than a few of them unused to such sights have to excuse themselves, while the other side the knights of Stormwind have only good things to say about the stewardship of Good King Teranas.

Indeed, there are many things not mentioned, and you suppose it's the natural response of any diverse organisation. The Crusaders don't mention to the elven rangers supporting them that the kingdom of said people would likely still be strong if the Quel'dorei hadn't taken such an isolationist stance during the three wars which shook Azeroth in the past generation or so.

But the more you observe it, the more you see Gilneans and Alteraci interacting pleasantly with the men of Lordaeron or other kingdoms, the more you recognise the same sort of polite cooperation that you'd seen plenty of times in the Horde. Your clan is a clan of warlocks, your father is the Elder Warlock of the Horde, and perhaps it's greatest authority on magic, yet few speak openly regarding the Orcish history with the Fel. Each of the peoples of the Horde have secrets, and you think too on the unsavoury practices of the Darkspear, from cannibalism to sacrificial magics. Supposedly the tribe have abandoned such practices but you distinctly remember a hooded captive being led into the elders' hut at Sen'jin and never coming out again...

And yet was this not merely the manner in which allies interacted, was this not merely the way of bringing together disparate peoples in a single cause?

Bolvar and Dathrohan had conducted an elaborate ceremony in which they prayed together, made speeches and embraced each other as brothers, and from all anyone in the camp might observe there had never been any break in the Alliance at all.

With your people it was not quite the same. Well certainly the humans had accepted you, they were not particularly warm. Eating places and campsites were not shared, and the language barrier remained between most of the warband and the rest of the Crusade. That perhaps, was the first thing to solve.

"This goes poorly." Scorn remarks.

You looked on the exercises and scowl.

"They will do better in true battle." the orc says trying to assure you as he looks at you and your expression.

You comprehend the differences in tactics between your warband and the desperate military of the camp, especially in essential tactics such as those Tirion described to you as the most effective in combating the undead, and have resolved to correct the ways of battle held by your orcs, more used to fighting the living than the dead. Through Darion you've gained the cooperation of a unit of Crusaders and have been drilling with them for the last few days yet all that seems to have happened is confusion, anger, and ill-discipline.

While you make little progress, you do at least identify the issues you face, and you speak with your first officer later following the conclusions of the drills.

"They do not understand." you bite out, your well of anger burning in your stomach, contained yet still making you flush with annoyance.

"It'll take them time to do so." your sergeant replies, "It took time for us to work without shaman and then with warlocks back years ago, it took us time to tolerate the Ogres when Blackhand brought them in. They've fought centaur and quillboar for a decade, and neither are fond of battle."

The greatest problem had been the inclination of your warriors to let their guard down after getting the upper hand, and to proceed forward without orders. While Orcs could stand perfectly well when opposed, it was difficult to get across the point that the Crusaders had noted in not trusting that the dead were truly dead. Just as the centaur practiced the feigned retreat, the Scourge were apparently fond of a tactic where they would feign death.

Redpath, the commander of the humans who accepted Darion's request, explained it to you, "That's how they took Darrowshire." he says, his features gaunt at the memory of some terrible battle, "They sent their strongest in and had them fall at the first blows as if slain, then when we advanced to face the others they sprang back to life and hit the town behind us."

While the Scarlet Crusade are well aware of such tactics, you're immensely worried that some old Scourge tactician will exploit your ignorance in this area, and Darion has been a great help in expositing the various strategies. You are to beware of all supplies not verified, to never drink from springs or brooks in areas of high enemy concentration, to beware any sort of spirit or apparition which might be a spy for the enemy, and many other things, some of them composed into rhymes the Crusaders apparently teach to their children, 'For if throat is parched and of infected water sip... Forever your soul will be in cursed Scourge grip.' the boy recounts sagely as he discusses it with you.

And more and more you come back to Sesk's words previously, that as a captain you should have more of an idea of your warband's actions, the importance of deliberate and proactive action, rather than simply moving to each threat.

"What do you think I should do? I intend to hold something of a conference for all to give their opinions, but you've more experience than most here, what're your thoughts?" You ask.

Scorn takes an easy stance, moving his hand up to stroke his chin, "Be bold." he says, "You're not a coward, I'm well aware of that, I wouldn't serve you if you were, but you're too careful sometimes. You wait and plan and think, you sit like a shaman but you get stuck in the moment. We don't need a shaman, we need a war-leader."

You look at him in confusion, "How am I to be bold as you advise, yet also apparently plan more, surely that would lead to more sitting around as you say?"

You're fully aware that your pursuit of shamanism and a connection with the Spirits has sometimes cost you, but to hear Scorn's words feels hurtful.

"It's not about that." the sergeant says, "It's about considering what you want to do, how you're going to do it, and with what means. I seek advancement and greater freedom, to do that I need status and position, to do that I need to serve a rising chief who doesn't already have capable commanders. When you return to the Horde and claim your position, I'll be there beside you. That's enough for me."

And you considered the issue as Scorn sees himself out.

You'd come here to fight the Scourge. They were evil, destructive, and needed to be opposed. That was simple enough. Similarly, your newer objective of attempting to mend ties between Horde and Alliance was relatively simple too. Your mind goes to the various helpers of the Crusade in similar positions as your own. You doubt the contributions of the Quel'dorei or the Wildhammer will be material in the Crusade's war and subsequent policies. Certainly, their aid is helpful, but they're too few to be of true value and the contribution is symbolic for the most part.

You had purpose, but how could you measure whether you'd been successful? If as Scorn says, you returned to Orgrimmar at the head of a coalition of orcs, elves, dwarves, redeemed undead, and humans, the Scourge vanquished, with an offer of admittance to the Alliance, that could certainly be deemed a worthy success, but to be more realistic you wanted to make sure the contribution of the orcs against the Scourge wasn't as symbolic as that of the elves or dwarves currently.

Over the next week you call each of your officers to you and speak with them in preparation for the conference you've decided to call. Kartha is first, prompted by your realisation that she'd been absent for a while.

"I've been at the Monastery, learning and teaching." Kartha reports. "I've gotten a lot more out of it than they have, they've got no idea about anything in Kalimdor."

"They haven't been in contact with Theramore?"

"No." she confirms, "At least Lordaeron hasn't. Also, there's a lot of speculation on the Scarlet Princess, no one seems to know where she is, but she sends letters to people apparently."

Kartha, as it turns out, has been quite industrious, although with her quill rather than her twin axes. She's acquired a vast amount of trivium such as the names of various Scarlet Crusade heroes or the disposition of the Crusade internally, "There's an older guard, the first lot, they're Silver Hand mainly, and a few the first Mograine trusted like Westwind the admiral, I assume they all shared the same sort of prejudices against non-humans as there seems to be nothing else connecting them, but then there's a second wave of the remnants of Lordaeron's military which the Ashbringer gathered after the kingdom fell, then there's a further wave of anyone who wasn't caught up in the first two, lots of refugees from other kingdoms, and finally there's us and some others as the fourth."

And while a lot of the other information is interesting but not immediately useful, some of it's very helpful. Apparently, there are pockets of orcs left over from the Third War and the liberation of the internment camps. You'd known they existed, Jubei'thos had led one such pocket after all, but Kartha provides some interesting leads such as a large settlement built on the site of Doomhammer's death and Thrall's accession to the office of Warchief. Appropriately, it's named 'Hammerfall' and serves as a sort of refuge for those left behind from various races in the region.

"I've a mission for you." you say after she's finished, "There should be a settlement of Forsaken to the west in the hills, I'm not sure where specifically. I want to prevent what happened at Brill from happening there."

"That might be out of your hands." she replies, but nods and sets off shortly after your conversation.

Next is Vark, who hands you a list. "I've been thinking about what we need." he says.

While generally you wouldn't suspect it from his valour and strength, Vark is also somewhat of a tinkerer and craftsman. You remember him having to learn to sew his own clothes and make his own equipment due to his great size, and the list he gives you is full of a number of interesting ideas, some of which you'd only vaguely considered, others of which you'd never thought of before.

"What's this?" you ask, noting a particular sketch.

"Well, I haven't got a name for it yet, but perhaps 'double armour'." your brother explains, "The Crusade doesn't have enough steel for plate for all of us, or really enough crafters to make such suits, but they've got a decent amount of cloth and leather just from the animals they bring in, so I was thinking we could sew patches of mail on top of the leather."

The idea is ingenious. While such a form would be excessively bulky and heavy on a human, for an orc it's perfect, allowing for a fairly rapid manufacturing process where smaller patches of already existing mail are matched with leather pieces and then joined to a larger harness. It wouldn't be flawless, not by any stretch of the imagination, and it would be useless against the larger Scourge constructs, but it would essentially make your warriors impervious to the more minor threats.

"We just need to get our hands on a large quantity of mail." Vark continues, "Apparently the Crusaders raid old armouries for it. The Scourge don't bother with scavenging and Lordaeron had a well-equipped army before it fell."

"I hope it helps us more than it did them." you remark, "Also, see about finding some more doors or something similar, it worked against the necromancers, we'll be facing some of them again at some point and we'll need defences."

Vok'fon is less helpful. The battles he fought were political, and against an enemy that has neither morale, nor politics, he has little to contribute in terms of advice.

"As you said when we faced the beasts," you tell him, "We need more with ranged weapons. Most of my folk have hunted before, we use spears mostly, but some use bows or throwing axes. Find out which ones are best and train them, also, I need some way of tackling fortifications. The Scourge can't be starved out or put to siege, any bastions they hold have to be stormed, and I'd rather do it on my terms, what would you suggest?"

The Darkspear are hardly masters of siege warfare, but they're an agile folk. Vok'fon quickly presents a few suggestions around ropes and grappling hooks, and you resolve to make the appropriate requisitions with the Scarlet Crusade's quartermaster.

Darion arrives shortly after, "I've heard more about the orcish prisoners, they're mostly Blackrocks who've been taken in battle around Redridge."

"The Blackrock Clan occupy much of the mountains in the centre of this continent do they not?" You didn't know a great deal about them, mostly the memories of various Orcs who'd spoken with the powerful clan in the years following the liberation of the camps.

Darion nods, "There's one, known for the pleasure he took in executing prisoners from Stormwind in view of various settlements, he was being held in the Stockade along with some others captured alongside him by one of Lady Prestor's knights."

"They were being held?" you ask, "What for?"

Darion only shrugs, "It's our custom, once a prisoner is taken we do not execute them."

The idea was strange to you. Then again your people had rarely taken prisoners and had no such thing as jails or stockades. If an orc committed some offence they were usually punished by their chief or the offended party, and while it was a bloody system it furnished few prisoners.

"I'll go retrieve them soon. Do you know if Stormwind knew we were here? Was that why they brought the Blackrocks along?"

Darion thinks for a moment, "It's... six weeks voyage from Stormwind, perhaps more? I think either they brought them along at the last moment, or they simply gave them the same offer they gave most people in the Stormwind stockades, most of them are from some outlaw gang which has grown over the last few years, they even ransomed the king, or so I've heard!"

It was mildly interesting but not immediately relevant and you nodded, "I want you to get a few things, I've set Vark to getting some equipment but I also need warriors. You are the Ashbringer's son, even if you're a second son there'll still be men willing to follow you." and began, recalling Scorn's motivations, "I'd welcome any warriors you can rally, one's who won't mind fighting alongside orcs, and ones who'll obey my commands in battle."

"Redpath." Darion replies, "He's a good man, he'll come."

You'd not spoken a great deal with the man during the previous exercises, but he seemed solid and you nodded again, "Besides that I also need magical support, as much as you can procure, especially those that can heal the wounded, or mages who can battle any necromancers we face. I and the Blademasters will take the most powerful, but I want more than just defensive tactics against them."

You stand after that, stretching in your small tent, numbed by a day of sitting. Soon enough Keldran comes and you speak to him of the usual sorts of things, asking whether he'd be interested in trying to train others in his necromantic arts, but he's reluctant, "There's whole schools of Necromancy out there, notably the Scholomance under Caer Darrow." he says, "I'd need resources from there to properly investigate, and as far as I'm aware you don't follow your father in your love of the Fel, which is the only thing I could teach as of now."

"What about simply undoing the spells of others? Like you did with the wickerman or the necromancer at the Mills?"

"Competency like that took me years, and an existing base of knowledge as a warlock." Keldran replies, "Shadow magic is a tricky thing, I wouldn't want to even try and teach others without knowing more about it myself."

You take a break after, heading out to spar with Sorek and the other aspirants. They're getting along alright, they all have a talent, but you're still significantly better than most of them, with Sorek being the only one to approach your level. You procure some long daggers and have them train with them as well, otherwise just like you they'll be useless in close quarters where they can't swing their swords.

Weeks pass, you arrange the necessary requisitions, and receive cart loads of equipment from the Scarlet Monastery to the north. The Crusade favour a certain style of warfare, one reliant on relatively lightly equipped forces, with a core of paladins and priests who smash any great opposition aside. You take advantage of their standardisation, differentiating your own forces into two rough groups. Firstly, your infantry, now all equipped with large shields, which for humans would be the side of a door. They had to be modified somewhat, apparently the tower shields had previously been used as portable walls in sieges, but for orcs they're just large shields. Then the others have been given javelins and harpoons and they'll serve as skirmishers for any of the larger Scourge constructs, using hooks and ropes to bring down Abominations or other large creatures.

A priestess, 'Whitemane' joins the warband, a small company of lesser healers accompanying her, though none appear to have copied her unusual clothing. Whitemane, Darion assures you with a red face, is known for her power with the Light, and the others are just helpers to patch up the more lightly wounded. With her also comes sixty or so human soldiers under their captain, Redpath, seeking mainly to accompany Darion in battle, a couple of them having some skill in arcane magic too.

Soon enough the appointed time comes and you gather your warriors in conference. You lead the warband out into a wide field, ordering them into a circle, you make a ceremony of it, building up a fire, calling on the blessings of the Spirits with the words you learnt in Orgrimmar. You have no love for the skulking that went on behind your back between your father and the Warchief, and you intend to hold your conference under the open sky, where all may contribute.

"We've been in Lordaeron for six months." you announce, "And we've made our reputation among the humans. We've met the Scourge in battle and defeated them, we've made our mark." you pause, taking in the posture of the others, "But this is not enough. There are more undead in these lands than there are orcs on this whole world. We must not only be valiant, not only be skilful, we must be victorious, and in this we must consider the future. We've taken losses, these are guaranteed in any war, but we're far away from resupply or reinforcement and we now have time to consider what we might use to replenish ourselves. Firstly, we'll take from the Crusade, the humans will reinforce us. Secondly, I intend to investigate reports of orcs left over from the Second War, ones who escaped the camps or were never captured. Thirdly, there's existing settlements, notably of the Dragonmaw, we'll journey to them in time and they'll join us."

"I doubt it." scoffs Vark, "Didn't they kill the Kul Tiran king's son?"

The others murmur in agreement, though you see Kartha, Scorn and the Blademasters looking at you, seeing what you'll say. You draw a long breath.

"We were made for war." you begin, "We slaughtered our way through the Draenei, a great race, then we brought the Highmaul low and hunted the Gronn to the edges of the world to cast them down as well. Yet what are we now? Warriors without war, our skill is dulled against enemies unworthy of us and we waste our strength in small conflicts." and your fingers close tight around your swordhilt, "The Kolkar, the Bristleback, the Skytalon, what are these before the killers of worlds?"

The assembly is silent, then you feel a hand on your shoulder, "You finally understand."

You turn, Sesk is grinning an evil grin, the felfire bright in his eyes, his black veins standing out against red skin.

"The old speak of peace. Saurfang, Eitrigg, the rest of them. They speak of a time before the Horde, where our people would go about and hunt, would live alongside the beasts of the land and honour the Spirits. We walk upon Azeroth in the present, not on Draenor generations ago. It is time to accept our place. That time is gone, perhaps never to return."

Your warband are relatively young, either around your own age or among those who were artificially aged to provide the Horde with more warriors. The Blademasters are older, as is Scorn, but there are only a few like them.

"This much is certain, there can be no peace without victory. What have the Dragonmaw done in the last decade? Squatted in villages along the coast? Been driven out of Grim Batol, driven out of every fastness each time the Alliance moved itself to war? Raided and thieved the occasional caravan? In time I intend to go to them, I intend to give them the purpose of the blade."

You speak of the things you'd established with the officers prior to the event, the new equipment, the new personnel who'd be joining you, and of other things.

Throughout the session you carefully watch the faces of your warriors. While they'd been steady before you think you see a new light in their eyes too. The old resentment comes to you, anger against those long dead orcs who still seemed to meddle in your affairs... But now you struck back, and to a people who'd not had a vision, a purpose, in years, your words were a light in the darkness.

In the following weeks the warriors continue to train with their new weapons and allies, but you take only a monitoring role, attending to other matters. Kartha is first, slipping into your tent with her report, "Deathknell is closed and well hidden." she says, "They barely spoke to me, they're getting ready for siege and war, by my count there's a few hundred of them in there."

You sit back. What could you do about the situation? Could you prevent the same burning that had destroyed Brill?

Then again, recalling Scorn's words, is this truly your affair?

"Tell no one of this." you instruct the Shattered Hand before she departs. The situation isn't pressing, as far as you know no one knows about the secret glen anyway.

Later you speak with the officers again, sitting around the embers of the fire.

"The training goes well." Scorn reports, "The warriors have taken your words to heart, but they still need a target."


The others look at you, eyes glinting in the dying flames. Then a pleasant smile breaks out on Ishi's face across from you, joined by Vark and a few others.

"Good." Scorn finally says, "Good. A fine target, how though?"

"The warband will take some fortified place and hold the city's garrison there. That's how they fight, they'll try and grind us down. Then the Blademasters and I will go ahead and cut the head from the snake. After that they'll crumble, there's a lich controlling Andorhal, his destruction will be enough of a shock to disrupt the enchantments in the area keeping the Scourge together." and you turn to Keldran in unasked question.

The necrolyte nods, confirming your understanding of the Scourge.

"When does the Crusade march?" Scorn continues.

"Not them." you reply, "Us. By the end of the year."

"We're going on ahead then as part of some larger attack?"

"We're taking the city."​
Good lovely juicy flavor text.

Next turn is more preparation. Grok at least needs to finish his training.
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"I've been at the Monastery, learning and teaching." Kartha reports. "I've gotten a lot more out of it than they have, they've got no idea about anything in Kalimdor."

"They haven't been in contact with Theramore?"

"No." she confirms, "At least Lordaeron hasn't. Also, there's a lot of speculation on the Scarlet Princess, no one seems to know where she is, but she sends letters to people apparently."

Kartha, as it turns out, has been quite industrious, although with her quill rather than her twin axes. She's acquired a vast amount of trivium such as the names of various Scarlet Crusade heroes or the disposition of the Crusade internally, "There's an older guard, the first lot, they're Silver Hand mainly, and a few the first Mograine trusted like Westwind the admiral, I assume they all shared the same sort of prejudices against non-humans as there seems to be nothing else connecting them, but then there's a second wave of the remnants of Lordaeron's military which the Ashbringer gathered after the kingdom fell, then there's a further wave of anyone who wasn't caught up in the first two, lots of refugees from other kingdoms, and finally there's us and some others as the fourth."
No where near as insidious as I expected. Excellent. Also seems like those are the letters Tirion's been ferrying around.

And while a lot of the other information is interesting but not immediately useful, some of it's very helpful. Apparently, there are pockets of orcs left over from the Third War and the liberation of the internment camps. You'd known they existed, Jubei'thos had led one such pocket after all, but Kartha provides some interesting leads such as a large settlement built on the site of Doomhammer's death and Thrall's accession to the office of Warchief. Appropriately, it's named 'Hammerfall' and serves as a sort of refuge for those left behind from various races in the region.
mmm...for want of a worg (since horses look dumb under orcs.)

"Redpath." Darion replies, "He's a good man, he'll come."
I assume this Redpath

Carlin Redpath

Carlin Redpath is a human quest giver located at Crown Guard Tower in the Eastern Plaguelands.

I agree with his assessment.

A priestess, 'Whitemane' joins the warband, a small company of lesser healers accompanying her, though none appear to have copied her unusual clothing. Whitemane, Darion assures you with a red face, is known for her power with the Light, and the others are just helpers to patch up the more lightly wounded. With her also comes sixty or so human soldiers under their captain, Redpath, seeking mainly to accompany Darion in battle, a couple of them having some skill in arcane magic too.

Still Whitemane is unexpected, and very good. I don't know if we can hope to speak to her on the light, but either way I think next turn we do need to take an action to make sure we can all communicate with one another.

And if we want to continue that plan of making the burning blade a nexus of magical stuff, then it would behoove us to try and recruit outside expertise. After all clan members need not be orcs and I wouldn't mind inducting Darion or Sally into the Burning Blade.

You turn, Sesk is grinning an evil grin, the felfire bright in his eyes, his black veins standing out against red skin.

"The old speak of peace. Saurfang, Eitrigg, the rest of them. They speak of a time before the Horde, where our people would go about and hunt, would live alongside the beasts of the land and honour the Spirits. We walk upon Azeroth in the present, not on Draenor generations ago. It is time to accept our place. That time is gone, perhaps never to return."

Your warband are relatively young, either around your own age or among those who were artificially aged to provide the Horde with more warriors. The Blademasters are older, as is Scorn, but there are only a few like them.

"This much is certain, there can be no peace without victory. What have the Dragonmaw done in the last decade? Squatted in villages along the coast? Been driven out of Grim Batol, driven out of every fastness each time the Alliance moved itself to war? Raided and thieved the occasional caravan? In time I intend to go to them, I intend to give them the purpose of the blade."
I did not realise that Sesk was a fel orc.

Sigh. I realise that this is certainly more affected by his opinion, but not the impression I was hoping to send.

Like sure it works as long as we have an arse to channel it at, the problem is if we ever don't have an arse to kick for a long period of time.

"The warband will take some fortified place and hold the city's garrison there. That's how they fight, they'll try and grind us down. Then the Blademasters and I will go ahead and cut the head from the snake. After that they'll crumble, there's a lich controlling Andorhal, his destruction will be enough of a shock to disrupt the enchantments in the area keeping the Scourge together." and you turn to Keldran in unasked question.
OK...so ambitious, but fair nuff.


Araj the Summoner

Araj the Summoner, the former leader of the Scholomance,[1] is the ruler of the Ruins of Andorhal in the Western Plaguelands.

This is the guy in question, he's the ex leader of Scholemance, so he's certainly no push over, but Grok's plan is workable.

mmm...I'd say we go for it next turn, although I want to do the training action before that whatever happens.
Everything so far in getting the warband to be in sync seems to be going well.

Grok asks questions about the warband's individual desires and gets even the veteran blademaster's approval.
Everything so far in getting the warband to be in sync seems to be going well.

Grok asks questions about the warband's individual desires and gets even the veteran blademaster's approval.
Aye, though conspicuously Varak hasn't said what his are.

I have theories.

Anyway paranoia bout deadhollow, but assuming we don't fuck up Anderhol we might be able to put ourselves in a pretty good position rep wise.

I just really want to get the crunches done, that missing 25% on weapon mastery is killin me :p
Aye, though conspicuously Varak hasn't said what his are.

I have theories.

Anyway paranoia bout deadhollow, but assuming we don't fuck up Anderhol we might be able to put ourselves in a pretty good position rep wise.

I just really want to get the crunches done, that missing 25% on weapon mastery is killin me :p
Is deadhollow some location?

I am with you getting blademaster training. We will also need to learn from that undead killing expert.

Double downing on light may not be possible if other actions will benefit the warband more.

Next turn we could ask Vark that. His suggestion for armor does mean raiding Lordaeron's armor supply.
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Is deadhollow some location?

I am with you getting blademaster training. We will also need to learn from that undead killing expert.

Double downing on light may not be possible if other actions will benefit the warband more.

Next turn we could ask Vark that. His suggestion for armor does mean raiding Lordaeron's armor supply.
Pologies Deathknell. Was very tired couldn't remember the name.

mmm. Possibly, although I think we might need more esoteric help on this one. Liches are very far from typical undead. Shame we won't be able to smash his phylactery.

Doubling down? If this is on Whitemane then yes I suppose it would count, but first its more to get to know her
"There's an older guard, the first lot, they're Silver Hand mainly, and a few the first Mograine trusted like Westwind the admiral, I assume they all shared the same sort of prejudices against non-humans as there seems to be nothing else connecting them, but then there's a second wave of the remnants of Lordaeron's military which the Ashbringer gathered after the kingdom fell, then there's a further wave of anyone who wasn't caught up in the first two, lots of refugees from other kingdoms, and finally there's us and some others as the fourth."

Get an assessment of where she falls.

Cause currently Whitemane as a character has a lot in flux with her compared to who we know.

She's a childhood friend of Renault and presumably studied under Fairbanks (being high inquisitor before her), but in canon her hatred for the undead was never really tempered by...well anything. Instead she stayed in the monastery with Renault going increasingly insane due to his own insanity and Balnazar and by the time both were removed she was so nutty and full of hatred there was nothing really left (she does serve as a pretty good example of why the light does not = good, as its her absolute faith in her convictions and actions which lets her use the light so well despite being crazy.)

Here, well we still don't know how Mograin died (I'll ask see if Kartha found out?) but Renault seems to still be Dathrohan/Balnazar's creature. The big dif is that Sally's mentor Fairbanks did die, but he was able to convince them that he wasn't evil and demonstrate that the light is still good. This hasn't resulted in her being promoted to such a high position of authority too young and given her a figure who can help with quite a few potential issues. I doubt she's all right in the head mentally, but at the very least she's not stuck in the monastery like in canon...though apparently still got that outfit.

Darion nods, "There's one, known for the pleasure he took in executing prisoners from Stormwind in view of various settlements, he was being held in the Stockade along with some others captured alongside him by one of Lady Prestor's knights."

Given the perchant for using canon NPCs, lemme see if I can figure this guy out.

Kazon's got no backstory and is a rare mob like Scorn.

Tharil'zun maybe, but he was just responsible for an attack, not executions. + He's a high ranker so is wanted dead.

mmm then again, looking at the Stormwind Stockade its likely this guy Targorr the Dread

Shame we didn't manage to snag Hamhock an ogre in the Stockade.

Edit: Speaking of Ogres, the horde does have Ogres in its membership currently, with the Kalimdore half of the Stonemauls.

I wonder if we'd have been able to resolve that situation if we'd gone to Dustwallow. Shame.
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Pologies Deathknell. Was very tired couldn't remember the name.

mmm. Possibly, although I think we might need more esoteric help on this one. Liches are very far from typical undead. Shame we won't be able to smash his phylactery.

Doubling down? If this is on Whitemane then yes I suppose it would count, but first its more to get to know her
You said you wanted at least a double down on learning the light one time however arguments can be made in favor of tactics, stealth or ways of battle to get accustomed to fights in tight areas like a cave where a long sword will be impaired.

It could be one meditation will be good before the battle to psyche himself up.

Maybe it's time to devote one action to investigating the strange lights or check out the monastery with the motivation of learning about the Scarlet Crusaders' own history that will surely make good oragnisational inspiration towards reforming a clan if he recognises uniformity with armor.

Or it's necessary for one more training session given Scarlet justified PTSD when training and maybe another requisition attempt Grok wants to push his luck.

Already Grok has got his answers he needs from the warband's needs.

"What do you think I should do? I intend to hold something of a conference for all to give their opinions, but you've more experience than most here, what're your thoughts?" You ask.

Scorn takes an easy stance, moving his hand up to stroke his chin, "Be bold." he says, "You're not a coward, I'm well aware of that, I wouldn't serve you if you were, but you're too careful sometimes. You wait and plan and think, you sit like a shaman but you get stuck in the moment. We don't need a shaman, we need a war-leader."

You look at him in confusion, "How am I to be bold as you advise, yet also apparently plan more, surely that would lead to more sitting around as you say?"

You're fully aware that your pursuit of shamanism and a connection with the Spirits has sometimes cost you, but to hear Scorn's words feels hurtful.

"It's not about that." the sergeant says, "It's about considering what you want to do, how you're going to do it, and with what means. I seek advancement and greater freedom, to do that I need status and position, to do that I need to serve a rising chief who doesn't already have capable commanders. When you return to the Horde and claim your position, I'll be there beside you. That's enough for me."
Scorn has outlined his desire for status when he also highlighted the cost of some personal training actions and Grok to be more pro active.

"I've been at the Monastery, learning and teaching." Kartha reports. "I've gotten a lot more out of it than they have, they've got no idea about anything in Kalimdor."

"They haven't been in contact with Theramore?"

"No." she confirms, "At least Lordaeron hasn't. Also, there's a lot of speculation on the Scarlet Princess, no one seems to know where she is, but she sends letters to people apparently."

Kartha, as it turns out, has been quite industrious, although with her quill rather than her twin axes. She's acquired a vast amount of trivium such as the names of various Scarlet Crusade heroes or the disposition of the Crusade internally, "There's an older guard, the first lot, they're Silver Hand mainly, and a few the first Mograine trusted like Westwind the admiral, I assume they all shared the same sort of prejudices against non-humans as there seems to be nothing else connecting them, but then there's a second wave of the remnants of Lordaeron's military which the Ashbringer gathered after the kingdom fell, then there's a further wave of anyone who wasn't caught up in the first two, lots of refugees from other kingdoms, and finally there's us and some others as the fourth."

And while a lot of the other information is interesting but not immediately useful, some of it's very helpful. Apparently, there are pockets of orcs left over from the Third War and the liberation of the internment camps. You'd known they existed, Jubei'thos had led one such pocket after all, but Kartha provides some interesting leads such as a large settlement built on the site of Doomhammer's death and Thrall's accession to the office of Warchief. Appropriately, it's named 'Hammerfall' and serves as a sort of refuge for those left behind from various races in the region.

"I've a mission for you." you say after she's finished, "There should be a settlement of Forsaken to the west in the hills, I'm not sure where specifically. I want to prevent what happened at Brill from happening there."

"That might be out of your hands." she replies, but nods and sets off shortly after your conversation.
Kartha has no suggestions but more intelligence on the Scarlet Crusaders and where other orcs have been to.

Next is Vark, who hands you a list. "I've been thinking about what we need." he says.

While generally you wouldn't suspect it from his valour and strength, Vark is also somewhat of a tinkerer and craftsman. You remember him having to learn to sew his own clothes and make his own equipment due to his great size, and the list he gives you is full of a number of interesting ideas, some of which you'd only vaguely considered, others of which you'd never thought of before.

"What's this?" you ask, noting a particular sketch.

"Well, I haven't got a name for it yet, but perhaps 'double armour'." your brother explains, "The Crusade doesn't have enough steel for plate for all of us, or really enough crafters to make such suits, but they've got a decent amount of cloth and leather just from the animals they bring in, so I was thinking we could sew patches of mail on top of the leather."

The idea is ingenious. While such a form would be excessively bulky and heavy on a human, for an orc it's perfect, allowing for a fairly rapid manufacturing process where smaller patches of already existing mail are matched with leather pieces and then joined to a larger harness. It wouldn't be flawless, not by any stretch of the imagination, and it would be useless against the larger Scourge constructs, but it would essentially make your warriors impervious to the more minor threats.

"We just need to get our hands on a large quantity of mail." Vark continues, "Apparently the Crusaders raid old armouries for it. The Scourge don't bother with scavenging and Lordaeron had a well-equipped army before it fell."

"I hope it helps us more than it did them." you remark, "Also, see about finding some more doors or something similar, it worked against the necromancers, we'll be facing some of them again at some point and we'll need defences."
Vark as a Warsong mekboy has been outlining some armor ideas for the warband dealing with one problem that is brought up when requisitioning armor. They're not the size of an orc and I know it's resource extensive to armor up each of them in plate armor when they're not exactly fully in allegiance to the Scarlet Crusade except as allied volunteers. This is something that needs tp be addressed.

Vok'fon is less helpful. The battles he fought were political, and against an enemy that has neither morale, nor politics, he has little to contribute in terms of advice.

"As you said when we faced the beasts," you tell him, "We need more with ranged weapons. Most of my folk have hunted before, we use spears mostly, but some use bows or throwing axes. Find out which ones are best and train them, also, I need some way of tackling fortifications. The Scourge can't be starved out or put to siege, any bastions they hold have to be stormed, and I'd rather do it on my terms, what would you suggest?"

The Darkspear are hardly masters of siege warfare, but they're an agile folk. Vok'fon quickly presents a few suggestions around ropes and grappling hooks, and you resolve to make the appropriate requisitions with the Scarlet Crusade's quartermaster.
Our troll while less than helpful has highlighted a very important role for him besides combat with ranged weapons and siege warfare. He's good politically as a diplomat which is something to be considered when sending him somewhere especially if he's paired up with Kartha to convince the hidden Forsaken village or another one to leave.
Darion arrives shortly after, "I've heard more about the orcish prisoners, they're mostly Blackrocks who've been taken in battle around Redridge."

"The Blackrock Clan occupy much of the mountains in the centre of this continent do they not?" You didn't know a great deal about them, mostly the memories of various Orcs who'd spoken with the powerful clan in the years following the liberation of the camps.

Darion nods, "There's one, known for the pleasure he took in executing prisoners from Stormwind in view of various settlements, he was being held in the Stockade along with some others captured alongside him by one of Lady Prestor's knights."

"They were being held?" you ask, "What for?"

Darion only shrugs, "It's our custom, once a prisoner is taken we do not execute them."

The idea was strange to you. Then again your people had rarely taken prisoners and had no such thing as jails or stockades. If an orc committed some offence they were usually punished by their chief or the offended party, and while it was a bloody system it furnished few prisoners.

"I'll go retrieve them soon. Do you know if Stormwind knew we were here? Was that why they brought the Blackrocks along?"

Darion thinks for a moment, "It's... six weeks voyage from Stormwind, perhaps more? I think either they brought them along at the last moment, or they simply gave them the same offer they gave most people in the Stormwind stockades, most of them are from some outlaw gang which has grown over the last few years, they even ransomed the king, or so I've heard!"

It was mildly interesting but not immediately relevant and you nodded, "I want you to get a few things, I've set Vark to getting some equipment but I also need warriors. You are the Ashbringer's son, even if you're a second son there'll still be men willing to follow you." and began, recalling Scorn's motivations, "I'd welcome any warriors you can rally, one's who won't mind fighting alongside orcs, and ones who'll obey my commands in battle."

"Redpath." Darion replies, "He's a good man, he'll come."

You'd not spoken a great deal with the man during the previous exercises, but he seemed solid and you nodded again, "Besides that I also need magical support, as much as you can procure, especially those that can heal the wounded, or mages who can battle any necromancers we face. I and the Blademasters will take the most powerful, but I want more than just defensive tactics against them."
Besides Darion mentioning orcish prisoners to press into the warband and getting more Scarlets into the ranks, he mentions the alien concept of mercy orcs generally don't offer and Stormwind's criminal gang problem the Defias Brotherhood that arose because Stormwind didn't want to pay thanks to Onyxia IIRC.

You stand after that, stretching in your small tent, numbed by a day of sitting. Soon enough Keldran comes and you speak to him of the usual sorts of things, asking whether he'd be interested in trying to train others in his necromantic arts, but he's reluctant, "There's whole schools of Necromancy out there, notably the Scholomance under Caer Darrow." he says, "I'd need resources from there to properly investigate, and as far as I'm aware you don't follow your father in your love of the Fel, which is the only thing I could teach as of now."

"What about simply undoing the spells of others? Like you did with the wickerman or the necromancer at the Mills?"

"Competency like that took me years, and an existing base of knowledge as a warlock." Keldran replies, "Shadow magic is a tricky thing, I wouldn't want to even try and teach others without knowing more about it myself."
Very simple for the shadow magic expert. Loot a Scourge library and see what happens with escorts. He's potentially an important asset.

"We were made for war." you begin, "We slaughtered our way through the Draenei, a great race, then we brought the Highmaul low and hunted the Gronn to the edges of the world to cast them down as well. Yet what are we now? Warriors without war, our skill is dulled against enemies unworthy of us and we waste our strength in small conflicts." and your fingers close tight around your swordhilt, "The Kolkar, the Bristleback, the Skytalon, what are these before the killers of worlds?"

The assembly is silent, then you feel a hand on your shoulder, "You finally understand."

You turn, Sesk is grinning an evil grin, the felfire bright in his eyes, his black veins standing out against red skin.

"The old speak of peace. Saurfang, Eitrigg, the rest of them. They speak of a time before the Horde, where our people would go about and hunt, would live alongside the beasts of the land and honour the Spirits. We walk upon Azeroth in the present, not on Draenor generations ago. It is time to accept our place. That time is gone, perhaps never to return."

Your warband are relatively young, either around your own age or among those who were artificially aged to provide the Horde with more warriors. The Blademasters are older, as is Scorn, but there are only a few like them.

"This much is certain, there can be no peace without victory. What have the Dragonmaw done in the last decade? Squatted in villages along the coast? Been driven out of Grim Batol, driven out of every fastness each time the Alliance moved itself to war? Raided and thieved the occasional caravan? In time I intend to go to them, I intend to give them the purpose of the blade."

You speak of the things you'd established with the officers prior to the event, the new equipment, the new personnel who'd be joining you, and of other things.

Throughout the session you carefully watch the faces of your warriors. While they'd been steady before you think you see a new light in their eyes too. The old resentment comes to you, anger against those long dead orcs who still seemed to meddle in your affairs... But now you struck back, and to a people who'd not had a vision, a purpose, in years, your words were a light in the darkness.
I get this vibe but at least there's more fights to be had.

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You said you wanted at least a double down on learning the light one time however arguments can be made in favor of tactics, stealth or ways of battle to get accustomed to fights in tight areas like a cave where a long sword will be impaired.

It could be one meditation will be good before the battle to psyche himself up.

Maybe it's time to devote one action to investigating the strange lights or check out the monastery with the motivation of learning about the Scarlet Crusaders' own history that will surely make good oragnisational inspiration towards reforming a clan if he recognises uniformity with armor.

Or it's necessary for one more training session given Scarlet justified PTSD when training and maybe another requisition attempt Grok wants to push his luck.

Already Grok has got his answers he needs from the warband's needs.
I did, but I've changed my views. Ain't bubkiss we can seemingly do to speed it up.

I think a meditation is probably good and yeah. So little time so many things.

Probably pushing our luck. If we find some of the equipment we need to make the stuff first then its more viable.

Vark as a Warsong mekboy has been outlining some armor ideas for the warband dealing with one problem that is brought up when requisitioning armor. They're not the size of an orc and I know it's resource extensive to armor up each of them in plate armor when they're not exactly fully in allegiance to the Scarlet Crusade except as allied volunteers. This is something that needs tp be addressed.
Honestly it feels like he's more of a blackrock and even then he seems to not be especially interested in fighting (orc cultural standards applying.)

It'd explain to an extent why he doesn't see the need to improve his skills in that area.

Besides Darion mentioning orcish prisoners to press into the warband and getting more Scarlets into the ranks, he mentions the alien concept of mercy orcs generally don't offer and Stormwind's criminal gang problem the Defias Brotherhood that arose because Stormwind didn't want to pay thanks to Onyxia IIRC.
Yeah. As lady Prestor she engineered the entire situation.
Honestly it feels like he's more of a blackrock and even then he seems to not be especially interested in fighting (orc cultural standards applying.)

It'd explain to an extent why he doesn't see the need to improve his skills in that area.
I believe he is as Fractious did describe him a bit like a meat head who's more brawn than brains that relies on strength. Somewhere in this adventure he has been applying himself to be not just strength but knowledge in applying technology to war.
I believe he is as Fractious did describe him a bit like a meat head who's more brawn than brains that relies on strength. Somewhere in this adventure he has been applying himself to be not just strength but knowledge in applying technology to war.
Yeh. I think in some ways he feels content being the brawn, but he wants to show off his brains in a society that often enough doesn't really care about such things.
Yeh. I think in some ways he feels content being the brawn, but he wants to show off his brains in a society that often enough doesn't really care about such things.
He's got a long way to go but all the personal projects will help.

Horde technology

The many races of the Horde are far more primitive than those of the Alliance and thus are not nearly as technologically advanced. Most advances have taken place in the field of war machines and weaponry, and the Horde had to employ technological "consultants" - goblins - to create the city of...
He's got a long way to go but all the personal projects will help.

Horde technology

The many races of the Horde are far more primitive than those of the Alliance and thus are not nearly as technologically advanced. Most advances have taken place in the field of war machines and weaponry, and the Horde had to employ technological "consultants" - goblins - to create the city of...
IMO the big thing is to get him away from thinking just about armour and weapons and to try and think on civilian applications.

In fact the entire horde really needs to get away from the fighty fight mentality, but hey ho.
I doubt that's going to change. They're a group of tribals all banded together.
I think it can, it just won't be easy.

Fundamentally we've got to get the orcs to face the fact that there are problems they can't punch in the face, but don't give them an option to figure out some way of BSing their way back into the hole of denying this is the case.
Grok at least needs to finish his training.
I just really want to get the crunches done, that missing 25% on weapon mastery is killin me :p
If you do take a couple of actions worth (so maybe 2xthe 2 action action), I'm open to pushing you up to the Master level of weapon competency. Also though I'm going to be giving you the option to get a Mightstone, which could represented pushing you up to a higher level of physical conditioning due to it being a buff. That would unlock the weapon competency, and subsequently I'll be throwing various things into the Andorhal battle which could push you up to Master level. I'm now thinking about a nice pathotic scene where you get proclaimed a blademaster and get your backbanner etc.
No where near as insidious as I expected
She's an intelligence officer, she's off doing intel stuff.
(since horses look dumb under orcs.)
lol, around 0:25 for Durotan's special horse riding technique.
Still Whitemane is unexpected
I was quite surprised it took you this long to get her actually, that's why she's been on the dramatis personae. Also yes, put another reference in to Grok being utterly immune to her lack of trousers. Not really meant to be a serious description :D
I did not realise that Sesk was a fel orc.
As you've noted I'm lazy and tend to plunder characters from various places, Sesk is from the Horde Players Guide, though he's also in WoD as I understand.

A figure emerged from the hollow, an orc taller than Gorn. The orc had shaved his head, scars covered his face, and his eyes shone a deep crimson, as if bathed in blood. Still, Gorn recognized him. "Sesk! I thought you were dead!"

"Not dead, brother orc," Sesk grated. "Reborn. I have embraced our true heritage, a power greater than those pathetic ancestors you cling to."

A pit of cold horror opened in Gorn's stomach. "Sesk — no! Tell me you didn't drink demon blood!"

Sesk grinned and showed pointed crimson teeth.

"I see by your expression that you prefer your borrowed faith. So be it. Let us end this, then." Sesk's blade whispered from its sheath.

They charged.

We will also need to learn from that undead killing expert.
Also suprised that you haven't done this yet. Would be highly amusing to have Grok conquer Anderhol but because he doesn't really know how undead work he doesn't bother securing the phylactery and the Scourge manage to retreat with it. Think that would be unnecessarily cruel though so lets assume you know about it.

well we still don't know how Mograin died (I'll ask see if Kartha found out?)
assume canon, ambushed by the Scourge. There's something going on in the background obviously because Fairbanks witnessed Renault killing his father, but that's not something Kartha would've been able to pick up.
Edit: Speaking of Ogres, the horde does have Ogres in its membership currently, with the Kalimdore half of the Stonemauls.

I wonder if we'd have been able to resolve that situation if we'd gone to Dustwallow. Shame.
Well they got pushed out because of the Blacks, and you happen to have an in with Ony now. Coincidentally Lady Prestor is especially interested in how Forneus broke out of Deepholm. I wonder why she'd be interested in that.

Also there's some ogres in Alterac, which you're going to anyway. One of them has the Crown of Will, which makes you immune to mental effects apparently.
Crown of Will Description:The crown gleams constantly, giving off an almost hypnotic pattern of light that immediately catches the gaze of all who approach. Fashioned entirely from rare, polished gemstones, the crown of willwas created centuries ago by a Highborne sorcerer who was worried about the possibility of losing his mind to a magical mishap. The crown's purpose is to fortify its wearer's mind, shielding it from any form of controlling spell or enchantment. Powers: The wearer gains a +4 bonus on all Will saves and is continuously affected as though by the mind blank spell. Any ongoing, mind-affecting effects afflicting the wearer are immediately ended when the crown is donned. Strong Abjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, mind blank, resistance; Price 246,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Honestly it feels like he's more of a blackrock and even then he seems to not be especially interested in fighting (orc cultural standards applying.)
That'll certainly be part of it, he's never had to put much effort into fighting, so yes, his default to solve problems is just to kill stuff, such as his argument about the Kul Tiran settlements in Kalimdor, but he has had to do unorcy things like make his own clothes because nothing fits him. It sort of started with the ridiculous image of him with needle and thread, and subsequently span out, yes he can go around krumpin' stuff, which he does indeed do, but he's also imaginative enough to use other tools like the bombs in arc 1. I think the Mok'Nathal (of which Vark is sort of one) would have this sort of mindset generally. They're smaller than orgres, they were created as a slave race, but when they ally with the orcs suddenly they're all the strongest people around, it would have been a new experience for them, and while some stayed in Outland and became pacifists, some would have come with Rexxar, who's another good example actually.
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I think it can, it just won't be easy.

Fundamentally we've got to get the orcs to face the fact that there are problems they can't punch in the face, but don't give them an option to figure out some way of BSing their way back into the hole of denying this is the case.
Currently Grok has been coming to terms with his heritage and now even the blademasters are approving of him. They will find something to fight like the breakers of long ago and not be how Eitrigg believes they could be any ideas of "peaced" must be with how his companions see it.
If you do take a couple of actions worth (so maybe 2xthe 2 action action), I'm open to pushing you up to the Master level of weapon competency. Also though I'm going to be giving you the option to get a Mightstone, which could represented pushing you up to a higher level of physical conditioning due to it being a buff. That would unlock the weapon competency, and subsequently I'll be throwing various things into the Andorhal battle which could push you up to Master level. I'm now thinking about a nice pathotic scene where you get proclaimed a blademaster and get your backbanner etc.
Can you explain that? Is it just taking the blademaster training action or is there more?
Also suprised that you haven't done this yet. Would be highly amusing to have Grok conquer Anderhol but because he doesn't really know how undead work he doesn't bother securing the phylactery and the Scourge manage to retreat with it. Think that would be unnecessarily cruel though so lets assume you know about it.
There was lot of choices and I got distracted.

As you've noted I'm lazy and tend to plunder characters from various places, Sesk is from the Horde Players Guide, though he's also in WoD as I understand.

A figure emerged from the hollow, an orc taller than Gorn. The orc had shaved his head, scars covered his face, and his eyes shone a deep crimson, as if bathed in blood. Still, Gorn recognized him. "Sesk! I thought you were dead!"

"Not dead, brother orc," Sesk grated. "Reborn. I have embraced our true heritage, a power greater than those pathetic ancestors you cling to."

A pit of cold horror opened in Gorn's stomach. "Sesk — no! Tell me you didn't drink demon blood!"

Sesk grinned and showed pointed crimson teeth.

"I see by your expression that you prefer your borrowed faith. So be it. Let us end this, then." Sesk's blade whispered from its sheath.

They charged.
I saw.

Is Ishi also a Mag'Har too then?


Ishi is a Mag'har orc blademaster, and one of Warchief Garrosh Hellscream's most valued champions.

Well they got pushed out because of the Blacks, and you happen to have an in with Ony now. Coincidentally Lady Prestor is especially interested in how Forneus broke out of Deepholm. I wonder why she'd be interested in that.
Is that related to his brother's war with Ragnaros?
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