Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Damn it. That emergency duty I had to do left me late coming back to be too tired to make a plan. Now I have to do it with the new turn with a modified system.
[X] Plan Cannibalise this
-[X] Wandering child, lost, in pain, confused and afraid

-[X] Training the Warband
--[X] The warband bled much and must reorganise if it intends to continue their fight:
1. In light of more locations needing scouting have Kartha find orcs within the warband to be trained in stealth and if necessary assassins.
2. Our shadow magic expert might learn much more seeking knowledge from other mystics in the Scarlet Crusade camp
3. Should the tower shield scheme work, start training up Vark's special tower shield unit.
4. General integration of the newcomers.

-[X] Requisition
--[X] The warband has shed orcish blood for the Scarlet Crusade to earn their trust so it's time for them to provide aid if the warband is to continue their fight:
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.

-[X] Scholarship
-[X] Light (Two Actions)
-[X] Posture
-[X] Diplomacy (Lady Prestor as she wants to talk urgently)
-[X] Spend time with Kartha and ask what she's been up to.
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It may depend on the dice roll

That said doing a quick looksie for plague lands cauldrons and assuming the difficulty spike will be from more entrenched and properly directed scourge forces (and the plague) each cauldron should have a lord looking after it with a key we need to destroy the thing.

That said the questline for these in the original one called for unlocking the cauldron in order to take samples to create a counter agent to the plague that could be put into the cauldron so that could be vented into the atmosphere.


@FractiousDay would it be within the scope of the mission to suggest things to whomever we're working with. I suppose its Darion in this case, but does the Crusade have researchers/apothecaries who would be interested in samples of the plague cauldron's toxins, since the plague is one of the Scourge's foremost weapons and can do irreperable harm to the areas its being vented in.

Edit: Also given that its fields I assume we'll be entering the domain of Cauldron Lord Bilemaw.

There's also a friendly ghost in that area.
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Basic integration is part of the action.

@FractiousDay how much stuff can we requisition, is it one action per thing, or if its sufficiently small can we squeeze in another like say Javelins.
It may depend on the dice roll
It really depends what you want. For example, you might want some grappling hooks to throw and climb over walls. That would require going to the Quatermaster , putting the order in, waiting for it to be fulfilled, tying the hooks onto ropes, then some basic training in their use. After that you'd have the capacity to tackle walls which is one of the things you don't really have now.

Similarly, javelins would probably result in the Quatermaster giving you a form and telling you to go to the armoury and collect some, you dispatch some guys and they return in a couple of days with a couple of cart loads of javelins. Orcs are ok with ranged weapons so you don't take long to develop competency with them.

Neither of those two would require me to roll, comparably you could requisition support for people who want to join you for the aforementioned reason of getting close to Darion given his father etc, and that might have a roll to determine how many you get.

If you think you can feasibly requisition and get used to whatever it is you've requisition in about a week then that's fine. Grappling hooks, javelins, shields, all that stuff is pretty simple, I don't see why that would take particularly long to make or put into action.

Other things might be simple to make, but take longer to prepare. You could convert a load of arbalests from the crank system a human would have to use to just normal crossbows, but orc sized, that would be a fairly minor change but they'd have to find 100 such weapons and then modify them, so the quatermaster might have them ready by the next turn etc.

For more complex things that you'd have to manufacture specially for the orcs the issue would be a lot more complex. For example, if you wanted plate armour for your warband that would firstly require R&D by the Crusade's armourers because orcs are a different size, and then need multiple people working on it, that sort of thing. The Quatermaster may simply refuse, he's a busy person and he's got a load of other orders to fill rather than messing about with orcs. If they have the resources already, or you assist the Quatermaster in servicing their other needs then your requests can be filled more quickly. For example, say the Quatermaster has to make 200 sets of armour for a new unit being raised, if you conquered Alterac and brought him 200 sets from some armoury you've looted then that order would be filled, and the Quatermaster could then fill your request instead.

Also the quatermaster will prioritise on need and other things. Javelins are a nice to have thing, if there's a siege going on then all his guys might be busy making siege equipment. Comparably, if you're terribly impressive he might prioritise your requests because you're so cool.

That said the questline for these in the original one called for unlocking the cauldron in order to take samples to create a counter agent to the plague that could be put into the cauldron so that could be vented into the atmosphere.
This is pretty early in Classic, and I'm not sure the Crusade or the Argent Dawn (who you get the quest from in game) have done as much research on things like Plague Cauldrons at this time. Apparently there's some sort of lock on them, which is presumably magical, but I'd say the Fireblade will be able to get through it, given Grond's Spine > Random Scourge stuff.

I was planning on have you destroy them, but then find that they've been re-established quickly and thus realise you need to take Andorhal, which the Crusade are already planning for other reasons including the city's obvious strategic importance. If you want to take some apoths along though that's fine, feel free.
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So do we have a minder from the crusade to help us coordinate with their efforts or are we largely being left to our own devices? I had thought Tirion was filling the roll for a while, but he doesn't seem to be actively advising or ordering us much if at all unless we specifically go to him.

How about instead of sending g some of our guys to the suspected Forsaken holdout we inform Fairbanks of its probable presence and let him work his magic diplomatic magic on them? They are liable to trust him more then a bunch of orcs they no doubt know are working with the Crusade.
Also the quatermaster will prioritise on need and other things. Javelins are a nice to have thing, if there's a siege going on then all his guys might be busy making siege equipment. Comparably, if you're terribly impressive he might prioritise your requests because you're so cool.
Which is interesting, but it doesn't answer the question, which for me boiled down too.

"Can we request a healer and as side requisitions say Javelins."

I imagine gas masks are outside of possibilities, beyond say cloth face coverings, unless we have apothecaries along for the ride.

This is pretty early in Classic, and I'm not sure the Crusade or the Argent Dawn (who you get the quest from in game) have done as much research on things like Plague Cauldrons at this time. Apparently there's some sort of lock on them, which is presumably magical, but I'd say the Fireblade will be able to get through it, given Grond's Spine > Random Scourge stuff.

I was planning on have you destroy them, but then find that they've been re-established quickly and thus realise you need to take Andorhal, which the Crusade are already planning for other reasons including the city's obvious strategic importance. If you want to take some apoths along though that's fine, feel free.
Its apparently early enough that the bulwark hasn't been established so yeah.

Judging from that we're still pre canon, since setting it up was one of the first things the SC did and once they left it the Forsaken and Argent Dawn took it up.

And no at this point they've probably not and yeah, each cauldron has a master with a key, whom we're likely going to have to kill anyway.

I mean we can still be destroying them, but the plague is an issue we need to deal with even if they get reestablished so yeah. Defo asking for some apothecaries to come along.

Probably help when we're attacking them as well.

So do we have a minder from the crusade to help us coordinate with their efforts or are we largely being left to our own devices? I had thought Tirion was filling the roll for a while, but he doesn't seem to be actively advising or ordering us much if at all unless we specifically go to him.

How about instead of sending g some of our guys to the suspected Forsaken holdout we inform Fairbanks of its probable presence and let him work his magic diplomatic magic on them? They are liable to trust him more then a bunch of orcs they no doubt know are working with the Crusade.
Yeah Darion Mograine. And Tirion's seemingly acting as something of a special agent, not quite in the command structure, but high up.

I don't think that Grok would want to do that seeing how "introduce them to Fairbanks" ended up working out for Brill.

And I doubt they're more liable to trust him, considering what his job is.
How about instead of sending g some of our guys to the suspected Forsaken holdout we inform Fairbanks of its probable presence and let him work his magic diplomatic magic on them? They are liable to trust him more then a bunch of orcs they no doubt know are working with the Crusade.
The warband can do that. I'm just prioritising my interests.

But if it's time to look to other interests....

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 2
-[X] Wandering child, lost, in pain, confused and afraid

-[X] Training the Warband
--[X] The warband bled much and must reorganise if it intends to continue their fight:
1. In light of more locations needing scouting have Kartha find orcs within the warband to be trained in stealth and if necessary assassins.
2. Our shadow magic expert might learn much more seeking knowledge from other mystics in the Scarlet Crusade camp
3. Should the tower shield scheme work, start training up Vark's special tower shield unit.
4. General integration of the newcomers.

-[X] Requisition
--[X] The warband has shed orcish blood for the Scarlet Crusade to earn their trust so it's time for them to provide aid if the warband is to continue their fight:
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.

-[X] Prisoners
-[X] Pyre of the Light
--[X] Inform Fairbanks of the hidden village.
-[X] Posture
-[X] Diplomacy (Lady Prestor as she wants to talk urgently)
-[X] Spend time with Kartha and ask what she's been up to.
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-[X] Pyre of the Light
--[X] Inform Fairbanks of the hidden village.

Why do you want to get them killed?

-[X] Diplomacy (Lady Prestor as she wants to talk urgently)
Lady Prestor has invited you to speak with her. Apparently she's interested in learning more about Draenor. Could this be an opportunity to make further steps toward diplomacy with the Alliance?
No she doesn't none of the alliance leaders do.
I'm accomodating Kufufu.

That's kind of you, but it was genuinely a question of "Hey, is there a reason we aren't doing this?" Not a passive aggresive way of pointing out a potential course of action. That said, I do like your plans the best so far so I'll be voting for the one you've put forward more recently.

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 2
That's kind of you, but it was genuinely a question of "Hey, is there a reason we aren't doing this?" Not a passive aggresive way of pointing out a potential course of action. That said, I do like your plans the best so far so I'll be voting for the one you've put forward more recently.

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 2
My plan wasn't a passive aggressive response to your post. I just saw it and thought I might as well chuck as many alternate plans according to what people say and see whether it gets used or not.

Wombat's fears are right. The forsaken if caught will be forced to get through a purification ritual that'll see only the worthy of them to survive and the rest purged with holy light.

There's a lot of options to choose and Grok can't do all of them.
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She sent an invitation. Seems urgent and I don't want to keep a black dragon in disguise waiting.
That's not urgent and we've no reason to accommodate her.

Given our pressing issues with the Kul'tiran and the ticking time bomb we've been told about repeatedly I'd rather deal with them.

I do like your plans the best so far so I'll be voting for the one you've put forward more recently.
On what basis?

We've already gone over why its a bad idea to stop fighting now and its doubly bad to do so if you want to ask for so many damn things.

It is literally the worst of both possible worlds.

There's a lot of options to choose and Grok can't do all of them.
I know that's why I have Kartha doing it.

So he doesn't have too.
[X] Plan **** it all MK2
-Warband actions
--Train according to the results of posture.
-- Engage in crosstraining with the Scarlet Crusade to ensure our warband and their army can work together without incident and compliment the other's skills.
-Take what's recommended in Posture action.
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. There's a lack of ranged weaponry and scouts/skirmishers. Perhaps Kartha would be interested in training scouts that would also be the first in line to scale enemy fortifications with harpoons.
8. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.
9. You heard of Kodos beasts mounted by drummers to inspire the horde. Perhaps one of the warband may take up such an honor in using music or song and also be the warband's flagbearer?
10. You noticed the surprises in the Alliance delegation that Grok knew their languages. Ask if any in the warband wishes to train their mind with learning the scholarly arts as it is a useful skill.
--Death Knell delegate Kartha, (Ask Kartha, she has the skills after all.)
-Pyre of the Light
-Meet with Kartha, what has she been doing (free)
--Prepare for the diplomatic meeting to learn as much as you can with your neighbours with what you got.
During this conference Grok will:
1. Congratulate the warband for their performance so far noting specific examples in the battle of the Mills for facing undead that were worth their reputation as the Scourge which was a farcry from defending themselves from past fights such as against monstrous bats, undead Gnolls at Garren's Haunt or wandering corpses at Solliden while introducing the equerry who will be part of the warband for the duration of their stay in Scarlet Crusader territory.
2. Finish it with the admittance that while losses are expected in a campaign, the current status of the warband means there is now time to reevaluate the warband's future having proved their commitment to the Crusade to access the Crusade's resources to aid them. Grok will first outline his thoughts about using the resources of the Scarlet Crusade to upgrade and reinforce the warband from his own observations of the warband's weaknesses and possible improvements in previous battles. Outlined as follows:
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. There's a lack of ranged weaponry and scouts/skirmishers. Perhaps Kartha would be interested in training scouts that would also be the first in line to scale enemy fortifications with harpoons.
8. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.
9. You heard of Kodos beasts mounted by drummers to inspire the horde. Perhaps one of the warband may take up such an honor in using music or song and also be the warband's flagbearer?
10. You noticed the surprises in the Alliance delegation that Grok knew their languages. Ask if any in the warband wishes to train their mind with learning the scholarly arts as it is a useful skill.
3. Also bring up Grok's intentions to meet with the diplomats and see if they're interested in coming especially your equerry who you're sure would benefit meeting with such famous figures especially Bolvar Fordragon who as a highly influential paladin and someone who met Grok's teacher Akinos would be curious about Grok's nemesis who's the antithesis of his profession a deathknight. Highlight it's importance in meeting them to possibly use their influence to benefit the warband's goals politically and ask if there's anything interesting they'd want the diplomats to know as part of the cultural exchange.
4. Once your piece is done hear their suggestions. What they think can improve the warband with additional training or specialisation of new infantry or their own desire to learn from what the camp can provide. Surely Kedran has some interest in learning more of the human's arcane arts? Does anyone else have ideas they are interested in doing to meet their goals they aim to get as part of the warband.
5. Once everything is decided on the needs of the warband it will affect requisition, diplomacy and training efforts.
6. Bring up the matter of future cooperation with the Scarlet Crusade and their neighbors more closely especially Kul Tiras.
7. Bring up the matter of the Forsaken issue with Kartha in secret. Once the general meeting is done. You may not be here as part of the horde but the clan and warband is still affiliated with it and it would be a matter of courtesy to decide what to do with other future Forsaken locations other than the hidden village you'll send Kartha to when the warband will be bringing newcomers whose loyalties are not to the warband like if your equerry or his friends finds out.
-- Talk to them all Prestor for the invitation, Fordragon to talk about Akinos and the death knight which you saw he was shocked about, the Kul Tiran Ambassador to return the books after you have read them and Bran because he and Vok'Fon have had a history. See if you can get Prestor, Fordragon and Bran altogether to continue trading history lessons if they're interested especially if Grok's companions came to also share in it. Should the result be good subtly mention the sacrifices taken to aid the Crusade and request the need for more assistance involving prisoners you heard from Darion being brought from their delegation especially orcs that could be sped fast into joining the warband or the diplomats own backing to join and fight with Darion.
Diplomacy is a fine art to take up when a weapon is better kept in the sheath and the tongue is used instead. Your performance was nothing short of a miracle in laying out a good impression to nations that used to fight the horde under Blackhand and Doomhammer. Knowledge you found was power and wisdom allows such knowledge of a nation's culture and language to be used accordingly which was why revealing your ability to understand and speak the human's language carries both shock and respect once they know a hulking green brute can speak eloquently and answer barbed questions with your own repertoire of responses with people your teacher would have met in Stormwind. And so you see an opportunity with history as the bait to draw all three together as they were interested in your tale so you will oblige Lady Prestor with a cultural exchange of your history and hopefully theirs when the lady of Stormwind keeps mentioning an orc long gone from Draenor. But first where to start from which order once the conference has provided their advice?

Knowing the opening to all three was easy:

1. Prince Brann Bronzebeard of Ironforge. You noticed he and Vok'fon share a history from their exchange of looks at each other. Perhaps you can use that to reel him in with the other two to continue this line of discussion in private.

2. Bolvar Fordragon is simple enough as a knight and general of Stormwind who already recognises your deeds with Tirion and your teacher vouching for you. You just need to share with him your last moments with your teacher since you saw his reaction hearing news of his death.

3. Lady Katrana Prestor is easy and yet hard to predict. You don't know her at all except she's the advisor to the King of Stormwind but she invited you to continue what you said to the delegation. Will she accept more guests together with her to learn history?

If it worked well, maybe you were better off as a diplomat for the horde ha! But now comes the hard part that requires subtlety and tact. A private discussion about history is one thing but to then switch it into more political matters is another. However if your repertoire of words succeed in impressing them all and that of your companions you bring with you perhaps it may lead to something more after all the delegation is here to help Lordaeron against the Scourge and as your warband has contributed perhaps they can be of some help to your own goals? They can through their influence make it easier to release prisoners especially orcish prisoners Darion mentioned to be pressed into your service and for Darion your equerry maybe the three can put in a good word for more volunteers to join the warband to work with Darion?

The matter of the Kul Tiran ambassador is much more simple. You do not expect much of a friendly response when the horde and Kul Tiras is involved with skirmishes with each other that you yourself participated in. But for the sake of courtesy you will give back your war trophies that you don't expect to be much of value in scraps of paper except for personal effects that are obviously more valuable to the family of the deceased you have went over to their ambassador and that will be all. If entry to their ambassador is rebuffed then Bolvar Fordragon who you know is a man of honor can give it back.

Edit: "Cannibalised" @rx915's plan with his permission to include many of the changes worked out.

Refocuses it on preparation, includes cross training etc.
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That's not urgent and we've no reason to accommodate her.

Given our pressing issues with the Kul'tiran and the ticking time bomb we've been told about repeatedly I'd rather deal with them.
She sent an invitation. That's already hints of a time limit.

If it wasn't for that I'd read it first before giving it back.

But since that's another case of pissing her off in the chance of it..... I'll do that too.

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 3 and make Onyxia wait when it might not be wise to keep a disguised dragon waiting.
-[X] Wandering child, lost, in pain, confused and afraid

-[X] Requisition
--[X] The warband has shed orcish blood for the Scarlet Crusade to earn their trust so it's time for them to provide aid if the warband is to continue their fight:
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.

-[X] Prisoners
-[X] Scholarship
-[X] Pyre of the Light
-[X] Posture
-[X]Death Knell (Send Kartha)
-[X] Diplomacy (Give the books back after reading them)
-[X] Spend time with Kartha and ask what she's been up to.
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She sent an invitation. That's already hints of a time limit.

If it wasn't for that I'd read it first before giving it back.
It does not, that is not how open invitations work it just means she's interested enough to seek us out as opposed to the other way around.

Her "time limit" is the same as Bolvar, which I would assume is relatively long this being a long term diplomacy thing.

If it said "she's inviting you because she'll be going soon" I'd agree with you, as it stands there is not a hint of that.
It does not, that is not how open invitations work it just means she's interested enough to seek us out as opposed to the other way around.

Her "time limit" is the same as Bolvar, which I would assume is relatively long this being a long term diplomacy thing.

If it said "she's inviting you because she'll be going soon" I'd agree with you, as it stands there is not a hint of that.
I just believe it.

I already made another one with no expectations.
I just believe it.

I already made another one with no expectations.

There is no reason to believe it is a time locked event and we have significantly more important things to do just in diplomacy.


--[X] The warband has shed orcish blood for the Scarlet Crusade to earn their trust so it's time for them to provide aid if the warband is to continue their fight:
The warband has shed blood, now we barely have their good graces, now is not the time to ruin those good graces.

Onyxia wait when it might not be wise to keep a disguised dragon waiting.
We do not know about that and what's more it is not a good idea to indulge the dragon of evil who has mind control powers.
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There is no reason to believe it is a time locked event and we have significantly more important things to do just in diplomacy.
I looked at the text and believed it was urgent that's all.

We do not know about that and what's more it is not a good idea to indulge the dragon of evil who has mind control powers.
Maybe she just wants to know more about the orcs's connection to Grond as she was interested in that. IC he doesn't know that but he knows there's an invitation from an important official in Stormwind's court when no one else did send an invitation.
I looked at the text and believed it was urgent that's all.

Maybe she just wants to know more about the orcs's connection to Grond as she was interested in that. IC he doesn't know that but he knows there's an invitation from an important official in Stormwind's court when no one else did send an invitation.
Well it isn't.

IC he also knows that the Kul'tiran are the ones currently raiding his home, killing his people and are at the centre of the greatest tensions between the humans and the orcs right now.

And that opportunities to try and deal with this are few and far between so should be taken seriously and pursued.

Seriously the difference a thawing of tensions between the horde and Kul'tiran can make is monumental and Grok knows it.
Fuck me fine I'll make a war plan too. I'm sleep addled enough to make one and kill my stubbornness.

[X] Plan Cannibalise this Mk 4 and make Onyxia wait while bleeding more for the war effort when it might not be wise to keep a disguised dragon waiting.
-[X] Wandering child, lost, in pain, confused and afraid

-[X] Fields of Tears
-[X] Requisition
--[X] The warband has shed orcish blood for the Scarlet Crusade to earn their trust so it's time for them to provide aid if the warband is to continue their fight:
1. Healers especially from the light enough to support a warband of 100 orcs.
2. Armor the Scarlet Crusade can spare for the warband especially for Vark's towershield units.
3. Vark was noted to use a tower shield. Get Vark and part of the warband interested in joining Vark to form a special unit in the warband with towershields.
4. Darion needs some of his people with him. See if he can get volunteers interested in tagging along with him when the warband will continue fighting. He might feel uncomfortable being the only human in Grok's warband (cashing in unknowingly on the son of the wielder of the Ashbringer and founding member of the Silver Hand)
5. More magic support like these Arcanists Grok sometimes hears about but not the most important priority to the warband but would be nice to have.
6. Grok noted he needs a side weapon when his current one is too big in tight areas like a cave. See if the the requisition can sort that out so the warband has the means to also get it.
7. Anything else his companions have an interest in possibly getting to upgrade their equipment.

-[X] Scholarship
-[X] Pyre of the Light
-[X] Posture
-[X]Death Knell (Send Kartha)
-[X] Diplomacy (Give the books back after reading them)
-[X] Spend time with Kartha and ask what she's been up to.