Rolls done. Depending on them you might've switched the vote if you're curious like a fly surrounding a lamp light.
The warband got a severe beating from the rolls.
Yeah. Ouch.
We managed to pull the nightmare vale's only unique enemy. Its not like a boss boss, but it is a rare mob and the zone's not got anything/anyone else of interest in it.
I'd imagine we're putting that pyremaster morale boost to use already, since getting the crap kicked out of you by a bat has got to hurt.
On the other hand, fingers crossed for getting decent EXP for hopefully taking the bat down on the last roll?
The question now is, were there three encounters all against the needle, or three encounters with various mobs
and the needler.
Actually I'm having a hard time dissecting those rolls?
Encounters looks like we had 3d4 encounters, he rolled for the strength of those encounters, but only
then for Ressan? does that mean we attracted Ressan cause of all the dying orcs?
Or was that 23 a Ressan saving throw?
Sigh. And of course I might be missing something and those maybe rolls with advantage or something such as with the pyres.
Still at the bare minimum it looks like we did well Sesk, Ishi and the necromancer so we hopefully won't be bamboozled from that end and...mmm average rolls training with the two, but I'll take average I suppose. Any experience we get I imagine will end up focused into weapon mastery since we've no other things we can focus it on.