Few notes
The elements are primary in a sense. If the above are the "purest" categories of magic, elemental magic occurs when they mix together, and past that is simply reality, with the elements forming the building blocks.
The lore gets a bit weird, but essentially Draenors element of life/spirit was over abundant. The element of life is also what calms normal elementals down and Azeroth's comparative lack of it due to its world spirit is one of the reasons Azeroth elementals have zero chill.
Yep. Mechanically I believe it was represented by a bonus to connection strength rolls and it seems to be a mix of cultural and personality factors. Possibly some spiritual ones too.
Actually the orcs thing in general is that they take to magic of any kind. They're very strongly influenced by magic if its in their system, however elemental magic was of course what was most prevalent on Draenor, at least amongst them. Not the only one of course though and most creatures descended from Gron seem to share this affinity for magic, which is unsurprising considering they came from a vast elemental giant that had absorbed obscene amounts of life power and was created from the power of a Titan.
For all the general magic stuff, most life in the Universe seem to take pretty quickly to magic. At least if they are arising naturally, given how malleable Trolls are as a race. Plus, Elves. Granted Elves are made of Troll root stock, but they all veer into new physical/spiritual characteristics pretty quickly generationally speaking. But that's not surprising given that magic and what not is just one more thing to deal with as a living thing trying to not get Warcrafted to death.
Though it would be interesting to contrast the elemental affinities of Orcs to that of Humans. Orcs came from Gronn, so heavy Elemental connections. Humans were from an Arcane creation in the pre-Curse of flesh Vykrul (sp?). Maybe that helps to explain why Humans seem to take easier to Arcane magics then orcs, but cultural/institutional factors are most likely a far far bigger influence. Humans had more time to develop into separate groups, and specialize more. Hence the Light from Stromgarde/Lorderon/Stormwind, and the Druidic stuff from Gilead, and the Elemental connections to water of Kul Tiras. Naturally the whole Demons undermining their culture thing holds back orcs, but the Shadowmoon lore shows that some other branching outs were at least starting to happen. If not for the whole Horde, maybe they would have figured out a way to non-insanely channel some Shadow magic from the Void.
Seemingly not, Thrall's seemingly more pissed at the Burning Blade's traitorous impulses than the daemon stuff. He's not personally a fan of em, but he's not going to go Doomhammer on em.
Arguably that is making my point when I put best avoided and not stronger language. He thinks its a bad path, and also is worried about Legion 5th columnists in his ranks. Along with just generally depressed orcs joining the demon 5th columnists, or just randomly popping their lid due to general rough life and poor theraputic/mental health infrastructure.
mmm. Not quite. Near as I understood it, the Kolkar going from "skirmishes" to "throwing entire civilisation at them" was far from expected, they came for us because we attacked their forces and captured some which was the straw that broke the camels back and summoning Forneas was significantly more than expected. Magic WMDs aren't unheard of in this world, but what the Kolkar did is seemingly only one step below what the Dark Iron dwarves did when they summoned Ragnaros, and the effects on the environment have been...well I'd say that Ragnaros did proportionally more damage.
Well, Ragnos is figuratively and literally a few levels above Forneas . Fun part about having Feudal Ranks match with actual physical/magical clout. Forneas was a Duke of Earth, and was able to cause quite a bit of damage. He was also called forth at alot of sacrifice, so that makes the Dark Iron even more impressive. But their culture/religion was also committed towards channeling the Fire Elemental power. I believe the centaurs honor the Earth mostly through the Wild Goddess that birthed them. At least I remember it being similar to the relationship between the quillboars and their progenitor. So I give points for their being able to pull out some big guns .
Which leads to my own assumptions, which was that the Kolkar summoning/war party was in the works. You are right that the B.B actions under thread eyes was the one that caused them to fully spring the plot when they did. But if that is the case, that's more a case of right place right time. If the main leadership was in the process of psyching up their people for a full blood tide to push the Orcs out, it was going to happen in the near future. Having a more moderate leader (Grok) arrive with reinforcements and force battle early likely helped blunt the impact of the summoning at least. Making it a summoning at the end of a bloodening at a frontier outpost, instead of a summoning after they crashed into whatever other Horde positions were in the area.
So basically, it stinks that Grok's second leadership role involved stepping on the tail of the Kolkar enough for them to stop preparing/go for it. But those things don't happen overnight, so the currant had obviously been brewing for awhile. Which gives it the nice narrative heft, of Grok going out to try and help his people but stumbling into a problem no one was expecting. And now dealing with the reprecussions of it, dwelling on how to make sure he is not surprised like that in the future. Guilt stinks, and when its someone who cares involved in war guilt happens alot.
Alright I dunno if Fractious is doing the whole world soul thing, but a few notes.
World souls are meant to be baby titans and as such are really rare. Only like 3 in the series rare (aside from presumably the already born titans.) Argus, the unnamed one that Sargarus destroys and Azeroth.
In short the normal thing on Azeroth is not the norm for the majority of existence even before the Old Gods are factored into the mix.
I certainly agree there are dichotomies, but reality and thus elemental magic isn't made up of only arcane magic.
Arcane magic is affiliated with earth and water
Life is affiliated with spirit and water
Light is affiliated with spirit and fire
Fel is affiliated with fire and air
Death is affiliated with air and decay
Void is affiliated with Decay and earth
My assumption would be that where those two forces mix they create the resulting elemental energy and combine in turn to create the respective element which then combine further to create existence*
*Also note that in this chart Grok's greatest affinity is for the Light, since his strongest affinity is Fire and his natural affinity is spirit.
This is fair, as my initial post did posit that "Realities" or "Worlds" were Arcane dominated. I more meant that the boundaries of the space themselves seem to be Arcane dominated. Where a planet exists enough for one of the other two dichotomies to play, life exists. Mostly through Life (duh) and Death fighting. It seems like Light and Dark as things outside the general cosmos mostly occur through intelligent throught, with Priests using Compassion and Shadow Priests using Spite or nihilism .
So as rare as planets with life are compared to dead worlds, so too would the "World-soul" having planets be among those that support life. Probably because it needs a full balance of all the energies and what not. Thus the elemental powers are all filtered down versions of the "Primal" powers, like you pointed out. But thats just mostly navel gazing, as I doubt Blizzards worried too much about their cosmography outside gameplay terms. Which leads well into the next point you brought up.
It doesn't. The twisting nether is a sub-dimension (a fel subdimension) under the Great Dark Beyond (which is literally just space). The twisting nether is more akin to the warp from 40K and there seems to be implications that every force has a realm like it. The main reason the it can be said to own the area between them is that with the exception of the Naaru nobody else seems to have space ships.
Me being pedantic, but killing world souls so the Void Lords could not corrupt them and by extension killing all of life anyway just to be on the safe side because he figured that it was better to destroy all of existence and hopefully the Void Lords with em instead of risking them successfully corrupting one.
mmm...thing is Grok's situation is a even more complicated, because his shamanistic tradition is fundamentally similar to that of how his clan does Fel, in fact that maybe part of why they took to it so well. It is "dark" shamanism, and the only shamen willing to really talk to him seriously about it were others like him. In this case its not a failure to apply the scraps of knowledge, its also a failure to realise that perhaps enslaving the massive stone giant is a bad idea, while also being an apt demonstration of why these things explode in ones face.
I'll combine the rest, but mostly specify that I meant Fel dominates the Great Dark Beyond for much the reason you said. No one else has spaceships, so contemplating such a gigantic literal world spanning force is more than many individuals can contemplate. Its awe inspiring, and it convinces alot of otherwise leery individuals that the Legion is going to win. Because they see this great "Plane of Primal Force" for lack of a better term, and believe the Legion that its owned, built, operated by the Legion. So they assume that there is no hope to be on another side, might as well join up with the dickish but winning team.
Naturally they are wrong, as the Nether seems to just be a sub-dimension composed of broken pieces of all the worlds fallen to entropy. Obviously the Legion injects entropy into the worlds they conquer via their own existence, but a large portion of it is just by the fact of their own existence. Very few demons have plans outside of those given by Sargaras.
Who you kindly pointed out, does have an over arching goal. Its pretty dumb, as I can sum it up thus.
1. Fight to Protect World - Soul from being corrupted by a primal force you don't understand.
2. Realize this Primal Force is alot, build a giant prison.
3. Notice other Primal Force trying to corrupt world - souls
4. Realize this Primal Force has Intelligence behind it.
5. Have crisis of faith, break open prison, corrupt yourself with original unknown primal force to become Intelligence behind it, use peons as army.
6. Kill all the world-souls before they can be corrupted.
7. ??????
8. Unknown Intelligence Sad i guess.
9. Profit.
As you also said, his idea of the question marks was somehow starving the Voidlords off.
After thinking about it though, I'd say it makes more sense that Sargaras is just amazingly depressive. He spent most of his existence trudging towards some goal, keep pushing demons back into a hole like Sisyphus, then realizes that he has like 4 other dimensions of existence to worry about in terms of magical force. So he just decides to swap teams to make his goals much more stright-forwards, with the benefit of potentially killing himself at the end.
Boy i didn't think i would pity Warcraft Satan when I woke up today.
But yeah, I have no real big things to add about "Dark Shamanism" at this point. That seems like something the thread talked about a decent chunk, and I have not read it.
Though I will say enslaving is a strong word to use, given that I don't believe any actual interactions outside of a few pokes at a Conceptual Elemental Loci happened. Fight big animate rock pile that yells about how it shall not yield. It is defeated, gives small crystal shard that when mentally poked yells about how it shall not yield. When a greater example of its Conceptual Magic floods the area with its power, the shard serves as a seed for another larger animate rock pile to emerge yelling about how it will not yield. Morality is important, so is being specific. Its not remotely clear how far that specific elemental fall on the level of Instinctual Force over Intelligence, as the Fire elemental was shown to be almost pure Instinctive/Conceptual force. With the attempts to communicate/not really drawing any labor/energy/resources from the crystal, I'm not sure I understand where that specific guilt would arise from.