but the world itself does turn via armies/large collections of adventurers.
I admit this is probably part of the narrative dissonance. Its the same reason I have a hard time taking the scale of 40K seriously at times, its all very well to talk up the size of armies in games, but they never deliver in terms of actual numbers. WCIII suffers from it as much as WoW the MMO, although WoW the MMO is worse because the maximum size for anything in that game was 40 people once.
While I get that its a technical limitation, it still impacts how I see the game.
would help give more safe areas/more chances to help humans/orcs mix peacefully/fight undead together.
Yeah see that's the thing.
I cannot see that happening, because
1. Orcs have proven time and again they cannot be trusted on this.
2. On the rare occassion they have proven trust worthy some other horde dipshit comes in and ruins it (Forsaken anyone?)
3. And
then assuming the first two don't happen the alliance ruins it.
Yes I know that's crap blizzard writing, but even setting that aside there are far too many reasons for this to happen for entirely "legitimate"* reasons due to the events of the first and second war
*Well somewhat from the human side generally not from the Orc side see 14 ways to skin a dwarf again.
At the moment if we're at where we should be Gartharios is long dead and eaten and the Forsaken have secured the undercity and Brill, with the Scarlet Monastery and mindless scourge being the only thnigs here. Grok has interacted with Forsaken in the past and should be able to tell that the undead not groaning and head butting walls are probably them.
Gartharios isn't, but he's representative of the attitudes that screwed the canon Crusade over.
And again that doesn't feel at all viable to arrive and then be sitting around for six weeks. If nothing else its just weird as hell.
Man the Kolkar sure as heck ain't a threat if a single horde warband is 1/10th of their entire tribe. I'm being somewhat facetious, but still the point must be made.
100 people is 100 people, we've effectively been made a lieutenant-colonel in the American military structure, which as I'm led to understand is not something people get to without at least some proper training, even back in the days where you could buy a military command (it actually could get you into a heck of a lot of trouble, the payment was seen less as a bribe, more as a "I am this confident I can command at this level" if you were wrong there were consequences.)
Grok is many things, but ready for that level of command? There is a reason he was in command of a group 10 last time, and even then all of them ended up dead (bar one) before everything went to hell and he failed utterly at getting them to follow him via anything else other than fear.
I did ask people for comments on what and who to bring, but I didn't specifically mention you'd be getting a command. Here the logic is that you're a young officer and more specifically a clan heir, it's not seemly for such a person to wander off on their own without a retinue because that reflects badly on the clan.
It is a bit of a thing to over look, and connecting to the above if Feldad felt that it'd reflect badly on the clan and wanted to teach him command perhaps don't increase the responsibilities by a literal factor of 10.
The choice of the Scarlet Crusade made me assume you wanted to actually help out, rather than turn up with like 5 guys, as such Grok internally and me externally got the warband together so you could do all the things mentioned above and also have chance to do military things independently if you want.
No the impression I got was that at most we were going to
join an army, not be an army allied with it or an army just in the same bloody region! Furthermore while talked about above WoW is a setting where I hear five man group and go "yeah that take out Scholemance assuming they know their shit." That's the setting WoW's got its not necessarily very sensible, but it is consistent if nothing else considering five people canonically took out the Scarlet Monastery around 4 times in 4 years and for blanace reasons those guys ain't even the strongest people in the setting.
So forgive me I assumed that I did want to actually help out and that we could do that with a small group earning the trust of the Scarlet Crusade rather than turning up with over 100 people and necromancer warlock.
This impression was only reinforced by the fact we're going to be fighting the Scourge a faction that is insanely vulnerable to head capping where the optimal force is a small elite group to minimise the Scourge's many strengths is preferable compared to an army which emphasises them.*
*The only one we can never be rid of is they have the numbers advantage, but that's not an excuse to let them compound it, while also ceeding them the mobility and every bit of the endurance.
Remember that you're going to war, therefore you brought warriors
And I was operating on the basis of "I am going to war
I am a warrior" because you gave us no indication that this was a possibility nor that Grok would think of or be able to do.
That this would be a personal thing for Grok and that part of this ark was going to be him learning to live with not being the clan heir currently, even if he's still considered it defacto as a consequence of his actions.
you can be hands off, they're not going to go mad and start attacking people randomly. Recalling chargen, you're in the leadership strata, there are obligations.
I'm not afraid of them going mad (well I am, a bit dangle power in front of an orc 9/10 they'll take it and not think about the consequences till they're rooting around a civilian's rib cage) I'm afraid of racism on both sides causing an international incident.
14 ways to skin a dwarf anyone? Give me a minute I'm sure I can find something equivalent for humans, like say bloodwine distinct taste of blood tend to have a lot of it during the first and second wars after battles with humans, Orcish favourite round a campfire apparently.
And there's the vaguely threatening things I mentioned earlier, yes we're in the leadership strata of a faction we just got booted out of. Furthermore it doesn't feel like the obligations flow both ways at all, since we have to spend a lot of time on these chuckle nuts I'd rather spend on other things like actually getting strong enough to survive this hellworld.
I don't think I've ever given a specific indication of how many BB there are
I think at one point you mentioned that of the "on books" clan around 1/3rd was at Dreadmist.
this is clandestine, it's not just ignoring the exile
Honestly, that just makes it look worse for Feldad.
Trying to hide it means intent to hide it.
you'll concentrate on one thing, rather than spreading your time as usual.
And the thing is, I do like this in theory.
Because it teaches a valuable lesson, if we want to actually get shit done we need to focus on things.
However I am very certain that is not the lesson you're intending to send.
Indeed, you're not going to stop your physio because you're learning a language, and the warband are moderately organised at the moment, just not cohesively so. Similarly yes you've been talking to your friends a bit but you might want to talk some more to them about some other stuff like a specific thing they mentioned.
None of which was communicated, when you say pick one and then say something like
If you don't do anything at all to them it'll be a dysfunctional unit and coordinate badly, they'll be impetuous members etc, if you do train them they'll get better.
I might be wrong but a dysfunctional unit that coordinates badly
is not moderately organised!
Or if it is by horde standards then FFS how the hell does the horde keep existing!
It's certainly not my intention to have one of them try to nick the Ashbringer or something.
I am not afraid of them trying to nick the ashbringer, I am afraid of them because
1. Many orcs are out right proud of their actions in the first and second wars.
2. Many humans hate the orcs for their actions in the first and second wars.
3. Many orcs also hate humans for the concentration camps.
It is not helped by half of them being members of the burning blade, one of the most blood thirsty clans of those wars, and for the most part one of the least self reflective about all the aweful shit they did and amongst the most likely to ****ing brag about it! Akinos I imagine got helped through the realisation of "holy shit I'm a monster" by Varok, but feldad sure as shit had no such realisation and given the clan's still current loyalties (fingers crossed not for much longer) I imagine the same can be said of the rest.
Grok is not too connected to that and in a small band I can see him making sure that nobody more hot blooded (like Varak) doesn't explode, he can't do that for 100 people.
In essence I'm not predicting doom because they're here that's just weird and unexpected, what my deal is that the practical lore of the setting the
core of the universe in essence is yelling "shits gonna go down" between the humans and the orcs. It may not cause an international incident, but for us it could well be Forneas 2.0 a massive diaster that screws over all our plans.
I think you should lose skills over time that you don't use, but equally I can see how that would be frustrating, so I'll probably not end up doing it.
I think common sense is the way to go. Like I can make the point that Grok wasn't unconscious long enough for muscle atrophy from immobility to set in for humans unless he was old (10-47 days, for a human he'd be closer to the 47), however, he's certainly going to be weakened. Just not enough.
Loose an arm, or be knocked unconcious for multiple months that's another matter.
Wombat's point on language learning is reasonable, but consider what sort of ways people learn a language. When I was younger we did french at school for perhaps 2 hours a week. Didn't learn much of course, but apparently emersing yourself in a language is faster. The language learning option here would represent doing language stuff all day, as much as is possible, looking over documents like that stuff you got from the Kul Tirans, talking to Kartha in the new language, that sort of thing, this isn't Grok doing 2 hours of class a week.
2 hours a week?
Bluntly they weren't trying to teach you the language and I didn't even have significantly more, but there is a big difference between 5 hours + home works.
Anyway can only speak from experience that it it is
significantly faster, which ain't exactly a citation. Speaking from experience again though just focusing on it isn't liable to be effective for much more than rote memorization of vocab, but if that's how you want to do it then we're going for the best option on an objective basis as well as one of the best ones on a practical basis.
Anyway, Fractiousday I'll be blunt, you've got a problem I already brought it up ages ago now, but again the problem remains, you have to actually tell us what is going on so we can make an informed decision!
As far as I can tell
singular option that was approached with the intent of taking more than a handful of people when choosing where to go, was the Isles and that was
after one of us suggested a colony because there an indicator that that more than that was on the table!
For heavens sakes I feel like idiot just for some of my arguments to
@Jasten now! Specifically called out that it was a silly idea to create a colony with a few peons and a couple people that fel dad could spare, my argument would have looked entirely fucking different I'd known that not only could fel dad give us an army, but would have given us more for that colony idea!
This shit as consequences on our decision making and it makes playing the game so much harder!
I will admit I gave those ideas of how the warband can screw us over from existing, because you've proven you know about this stuff and remember it, so I am 110% expecting you to use it against us to hammer home your message, that's why approach them from an aspect of absolute paranoia, because a thing which has extremely dangerous implications and consequences scribbled all over it, suddenly dropped on our heads without asking or indication.
I guess I'm treating you a lot a hostile GM, but if we are not informed about basic facts about the next arc what else am I meant to do but sit back and wait for the next bomb shell to drop because I was too stupid to not peer through implication woven layers of your prose!
To clarify this is meant as critique, but I also think it really does need to be put out there as plainly as I can muster which I fear is this.