Saw the notice of spin off post yesterday and figured I'd have more time before the first turn, or apparently it's ending, but better late than never. Here's my character concept.
Name: Hrósvior Stigandsson
1 PT Rot Kunna
1 PT Farming
1 PT Martial Style "Fleet Footed Flurry" (lots of attacks that do little damage individually, + dodging opponents)
Appearance: A young man on verge of reaching 20, Hrósvior keeps his brown hair short, his face with not but stubble, and his clothes simple and clean. A little shorter than average with a wiry body, he is not much to look at aside from a pleasant enough face.
Personality: Standoffish and quiet, Hrósvior is one to keep to himself. His lack of social skills makes it easier to leave others alone, though those he is close with he would trust dearly. Focuses deeply on whatever task is at hand. Likes mushrooms and other fungi. Generally just odd, keeping strange hours, collecting random rocks and twigsthat catch his fancy, and focusing on inconsequential details.
Combat: With his martial style, Hrósvior is focused on whittling his opponents away and bleeding them dry. When facing someone heavily armored or quick footed, he turns to his Kunna in the hope of sapping away their strength. Uses a dagger.
I'm imagining in combat rot would be a damage over time thing with some extra flavor. Let me know if I need to change anything.