In addition to the obvious PT stuff there are a bunch of Rewards still floating around. Here's a summary, telling everyone what they still have coming:
@Alectai ,
@Pencrash ,
@Vanestus , you all receive one Seeress Reward that has not been claimed as of yet from turning in the necromancer's body to her, what do you folks want? I think you're all eligible for Fylgja unveiling or upgrades if you want the simple option.
@Oshha ,
@theknightofiron , you both also have Seeress Rewards coming from the Western Expedition, but are not eligible for Fylgja Upgrades.
@wabbitking , you have both a Shapecrafter and Seeress Reward coming from the Western Expedition, one each, again not eligible for Fylgja rewards (you grabbed one of each, but it turns out we do get two of each).
@Abyssius , you have two each Shapecrafter and Seeress Rewards coming from the Western Expedition, but cannot take Fylgja more than once.
And everyone, I mean literally everyone, has at least +2 PT coming from Ordstirr gains, with many having a lot more (one person has 11 PT coming, which is wild). So I highly recommend using them, folks.