We spent it all on contested movement. When using stoked die on a non-stoker state trick we must use all of the die in our pool.Small nitpick: since we did seven Basic Attacks this round, shouldn't our Stoked Dice be 14d6?
We spent it all on contested movement. When using stoked die on a non-stoker state trick we must use all of the die in our pool.Small nitpick: since we did seven Basic Attacks this round, shouldn't our Stoked Dice be 14d6?
We spent it all on contested movement. When using stoked die on a non-stoker state trick we must use all of the die in our pool.
His hatred. Steinarr seems like the obvious other person, but it could also be, say, Abjorn.
A sharp clank of iron puts a stop to the levity as Gabriel stands with his gauntlets curled into quivering fists, his body tight with tension. "Can we please put this topic to rest already?" There's an uncharacteristic sharpness to his tone. "I don't understand how you can act so carefree when there are lives on the line!"
An awkward silence falls across the group as everybody looks to each other, nobody really sure what to say.
You frown as your face cools off, the lack of heat like ice on your cheeks. This isn't the first time he's seen you joking around before a battle, so where is this sudden animosity coming from?
So, thinking about this, I think we already have an extremely potent debilitating attack which should be able to briefly stun/incapacitate him without killing him, as well as probably snap him out of whatever rage he's in due to the unique physical effect it has.
We just need to ensure it gets through.
(One guess.)
It'll give up a wake up call into his mind to be fair.I am a bit skeptical of being kneed in the groin making someone less angry...
I am a bit skeptical of being kneed in the groin making someone less angry...
Ah, my apologies. While the sword move is a finisher, the non-sword move is a finale.
I think it's a different kind of pain to being cut with a weapon, that will be so incongruous that it will snap him out of it. It's the kind of fighting that friends or siblings do, not warriors, and it will remind him that we're not enemies.
Also given the effects we've seen before when Halla has used it in combat, it will *definitely* mean we interrupt and disrupt his Finale/ Finisher and leave him briefly incapacitated. Meaning we could follow up with like, Stunning Strikes or IAT if we have to.
I'm not necessarily against it, but I think we should keep knocking him out as a part of the plan if that's also part of it. It might work, but it also might not. Like, if KGT is the first attack, we should follow it up in the plan with knocking him out in case it doesn't work.
We don't have a shield but we can beat him unconscious with the butt end of Sagaseeker. This seems like a valid option to me...we probably want one Flashfire Cleave to finish off his armor first, then just hit him a few times with carefully calibrated damage to knock him out
His armor is pristine, thanks to something with zeal, but his body isn't doing too hot.
4. If this does not work, immediately follow up with a bunch of Stunning Strikes with a bunch of dice put into them. KGT explicitly starts a grapple, so we should be in a good position to do this, and even if he wrestles us back, it changes the dynamic from "two sword wizards fighting" to "two friends wrestling".
Unfortunately I think that taking out his armour is probably a no-go at this point, I think we might kill him first:
I think waiting is very wrong, we need to aggressively take him out ASAP. That involves using dice on the attack, sure, but that's still workable.
KGT does not start a grapple by default. Or at least, it hasn't historically.
It should still get Penetrated normally, and Flashfire Cleave is very much designed to do that but cause little actual damage.
I don't think we're actually finishing off his armour given it's presumably at max health, is what I'm saying. Like to reduce his armour to zero would probably take multiple Flashfire Cleaves, enough that even a small amount of damage would add up, but also it's a moot point because we don't have that much time.
In that case, he's probably dealing with more than just Wrath out of the Seven Deadlies. That situation would involve not only Wrath, but Lust and Envy as well. Still, those three had been present for quite some time.My money's on Abjorn, considering that Gabriel threw a mini-fit when the gang were joking about how Halla couldn't stop fantasizing about Abjorn during the troll-men purge.
Sure, but if the armor takes 11 damage it's Pierced and useless for the round, and FFC does that, so adding one is still correct whether it finishes the armor off for good or not.