I think we were actually told about this. I don't recall the name, but I remember it being brought up that there was seidr that'd let us speak to people telepathically and hear spirits in other people iirc?
Yeah, exactly that thing.
Would be useful if we could send our owl and have it look someone in the eyes to telepathically tell them something. They could answer using their voice, since owls can hear people, they just can't speak.
(at least irl, irl for speech you'd need ravens or parrots)
@Imperial Fister, could I get an answer to this, please?
Oh yeah, sure, sorry about that.

I would say that it would be odregnskapr.


Also, I think I made a mistake with having you folks also vote for what to do next rather than just the questions as the tally is getting a bit wild. Also not having them grouped in some way.
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Yes, but the Gate was 'locked and barred' until we weaved our frami, virthing and saemd. Seidr can open the Gate, but doesn't actually seem to permanently unlock/unbar it, otherwise people should be able to open it and cultivate odr and become true cultivators. Not to mention that to actually cultivate, you need to own land, too.

Right, normal seidr doesn't do that. But I bet you could break the locks and bars on someone's gate with seidr if you knew what you were doing. In practice, without land or instruction, this is likely a nasty curse, potentially revealing them to the Enemy without giving them any real ability to actually cultivate, but it seems possible.

I think we were actually told about this. I don't recall the name, but I remember it being brought up that there was seidr that'd let us speak to people telepathically and hear spirits in other people iirc?

It definitely was, yeah. I don't remember the name they were calling it.

Yeah, this is revelatory. It means that any Seidkhona who taps into Odr though is going to be operating with a firehose when most are scraping up dew condensation.

Yeah, this is very interesting stuff. A bigger power supply isn't always gonna be more power, but it sure doesn't hurt...

This also means we can talk about some of the Odr mechanics without triggering an Enemy attack just by teaching people seidr. Which has potential.
[X] How would you go about reinforcing the gate and the pathways, specifically? Or guiding the energy to heal?
[X] Is there any seidr for gathering information, or does that all fall under seersight?
[X] How do curses work then? Defending against them seems like we'd need to know more about their mechanism. Ditto evil spirits.
God, the more I chew over this Lore, the more I wonder how the fuck we lasted as long as we did.

I imagine opening the Gate longer than you have to is very much a Taboo, as is tampering with someone else's. Presumably, someone dying by way of an Odr Overdose is going to be a boom that does Bad Things. Possibly unleashing nasties from the Black Forest through them too.

And there's still Twists to figure out too!
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Right, normal seidr doesn't do that. But I bet you could break the locks and bars on someone's gate with seidr if you knew what you were doing. In practice, without land or instruction, this is likely a nasty curse, potentially revealing them to the Enemy without giving them any real ability to actually cultivate, but it seems possible

Eh, fair enough. I didn't consider that. I do wonder what would happen if you let the odr remain in someone's soul without actually using it for the healing process, though. Also, this also suggests that odr can be used to heal ourselves... yet we have no idea how to actually do that.
God, the more I chew over this Lore, the more I wonder how the fuck we lasted as long as we did.

I imagine opening the Gate longer than you have to is very much a Taboo, as is tampering with someone else's. Presumably, someone dying by way of an Odr Overdose is going to be a boom that does Bad Things. Possibly unleashing nasties from the Black Forest through them too.

And there's still Twists to figure out!
Feels great to finally get that second part of the picture.
God, the more I chew over this Lore, the more I wonder how the fuck we lasted as long as we did.

We're definitely lucky we didn't try anything too out there. Just trying to cultivate off our own property sounds wildly unsafe in context, for example. I think the stuff we've been doing is actually decently safe...but yeah, it would've been all too easy to come up with a 'good idea' that wasn't.
Steelfather is an absurd stretch. He might be strong, but Steinarr isn't Steelfather Tier, and if he was Steinarr strong, he could have probably taken a good swath of the valley out--so he had no reason to flee.
Steelfather is an absurd stretch. He might be strong, but Steinarr isn't Steelfather Tier, and if he was Steinarr strong, he could have probably taken a good swath of the valley out--so he had no reason to flee.

I mean, sure, but that then. It's been years since we've met the guy. Steinarr hasn't actually seemed to have done any training beyond a spar or two every now and then, and some moderate practice to keep in shape.
I mean, sure, but that then. It's been years since we've met the guy.

Not that many years. And it's harder to get stronger the stronger you already are.

I'd buy it if he was a bit stronger than Lars, but if the guy was close enough to half-step Steelfather to cross that gap in... What? Six years? Him fucking around in the territory of another warband is arguably an Act of War.


God, we really need to come up with a proper in-house tier list for the various, well, combat tiers.
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Not that many years. And it's harder to get stronger the stronger you already are.

I'd buy it if he was a bit stronger than Lars, but if the guy was close enough to half-step Steelfather to cross that gap in... What? Six years? Him fucking around in the territory of another warband is arguably an Act of War.

I mean, yeah, I'm probably (definitely) exaggerating. But I expect him to be stronger than when he attacked Halfdan's house for sure. Possibly around Halfdan's level, maybe, since Lars was stronger than Sten and Sten is one of the stronger fighters in the Valley.

I'd buy it if he was a bit stronger than Lars, but if the guy was close enough to half-step Steelfather to cross that gap in... What? Six years? Him fucking around in the territory of another warband is arguably an Act of War.

Isn't Vestfold Skirsvikingar territory to begin with, though?
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I mean, yeah, I'm probably exaggerating. But I expect him to be stronger than when he attacked Halfdan's house for sure.

Of course. He was still strong.

But I don't see him being "Senior Leadership of a major Warband" strong. Because that means we're already the walking fucking dead, because there's very little chance of us closing that gap before the Vestfold Arc. I can see us being potentially able to 1v1 the likes of Lars by then, but I don't see us being able to take on a Steinarr-class enemy.
[X] How would you go about reinforcing the gate and the pathways, specifically? Or guiding the energy to heal?
[X] Is there any seidr for gathering information, or does that all fall under seersight?
[X] How do curses work then? Defending against them seems like we'd need to know more about their mechanism. Ditto evil spirits.
[X] You said a connection to the Dark Forest, I've heard it a time or two from Blackhand, how does that interact with Seidr and what are the big things I need to worry about with it?

[X] Hey, Gary Tuskpuncher is selling these weird, cheese-covered sticks of bread, maybe you should go buy one?
But I don't see him being "Senior Leadership of a major Warband" strong. Because that means we're already the walking fucking dead, because there's very little chance of us closing that gap before the Vestfold Arc. I can see us being potentially able to 1v1 the likes of Lars by then, but I don't see us being able to take on a Steinarr-class enemy.

I mean, I feel like we should bring people with us anyway. Unless we get a major windfall, I don't see us being able to 1v1 the guy anytime soon. Or maybe advancing to the next realm would be that windfall.
[X] How would you go about reinforcing the gate and the pathways, specifically? Or guiding the energy to heal?
[X] Is there any seidr for gathering information, or does that all fall under seersight?
[X] How do curses work then? Defending against them seems like we'd need to know more about their mechanism. Ditto evil spirits.
[X] You said a connection to the Dark Forest, I've heard it a time or two from Blackhand, how does that interact with Seidr and what are the big things I need to worry about with it?

[X] Hey, Gary Tuskpuncher is selling these weird, cheese-covered sticks of bread, maybe you should go buy one?
I'm going to call the vote in 30 minutes.

Just to let you know, only the questions that multiple people vote for will be asked.
No one else interested in this awesome chance to learn about how we can do what blackhand did? Or how to eye talk?

God, the more I chew over this Lore, the more I wonder how the fuck we lasted as long as we did.

I imagine opening the Gate longer than you have to is very much a Taboo, as is tampering with someone else's. Presumably, someone dying by way of an Odr Overdose is going to be a boom that does Bad Things. Possibly unleashing nasties from the Black Forest through them too.

And there's still Twists to figure out too!
Wanna be the second person to ask
[][Questions] You said that Stabilizing Palm opens a gate which the body closes. Is there Seidr to force close the gate?
so we get that important bit of Cultivation knowledge? (a different question from the reinforcing gate one, and a very practical one)
Plus maybe life stuff like the nisse or what are the prerequisites so we can teach Seid to our kids?
[X][Questions] Do you realize what you did to yourself by inviting my questions?
[X][Questions] You said that Stabilizing Palm opens a gate which the body closes. Is there Seidr to force close the gate?
[X][Questions] You said that Stabilizing Palm opens a gate which the body closes. Is there Seidr to enter the gate, like with your Fylgja?
[X][Questions] How long would it take to learn the fertility spell? would it make someone who is very good at it even better? Would be something good to train Seidr at home, i could judge its effectiveness, and thereby how well I made it, based on my husbands.... *cough cough*
[X][Questions] You and Blackhand had this trick where you looked each other in the eye to talk, can you teach me that? Could i use that with my Fylgja to send messages?
[X][Questions] How does the "need to earn learning Seidr" work? What would I have to have my kids do so i can teach them basics when they are old enough?
[X][Questions] How does the spirit work, like finding a Nisse for your farm, work?
[X][Questions] What kind of blessings are there?
[X][Questions] Do Seeresses use runes like weapon smith do?
[X][Questions] Do Seeresses use items to enhance their capabilities? Like fighters use high quality weapons.
[X][Questions] Is there a use for ones Fylgja in Seidr?
[X][Questions] Do you know anything about shapecrafting?
[X] How much do you know about this... gate?
[X] Is there a way to destabilize someone's gate if you prefer their soul be obliterated?
[X] Would it be possible to manipulate another person's Aspects with seidr?
[X] What would happen if you let some of the energy that came in through the gate remain?
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[X] How would you go about reinforcing the gate and the pathways, specifically? Or guiding the energy to heal?
[X] Is there any seidr for gathering information, or does that all fall under seersight?
[X] How do curses work then? Defending against them seems like we'd need to know more about their mechanism. Ditto evil spirits.
[X] You said a connection to the Dark Forest, I've heard it a time or two from Blackhand, how does that interact with Seidr and what are the big things I need to worry about with it?

[X] Hey, Gary Tuskpuncher is selling these weird, cheese-covered sticks of bread, maybe you should go buy one?
I mean, yeah, I'm probably (definitely) exaggerating. But I expect him to be stronger than when he attacked Halfdan's house for sure. Possibly around Halfdan's level, maybe, since Lars was stronger than Sten and Sten is one of the stronger fighters in the Valley.

I'm pretty sure Reidar Swordfury wasn't anywhere near as badass as Halfdan when we met him. Halfdan is in the 'Almost Peak' category, only a category up from Sten. By those metrics, I think Reidar tops out at around Lars power level, and that's a generous assessment leaving room for him to have grown in the intervening time. We, meanwhile, seem very likely to hit around the power level Sten was at when fighting Lars (note: Not Sten's actual power level, as he has not stopped advancing) by the time we next see Reidar.

That doesn't seem unbeatable by any means especially with Punching Up if it applies, though we would definitely want to avoid fighting him one on one if at all possible.