You're acting like I'm arguing against doing this. I am really and sincerely not. I was arguing specifically and exclusively against the idea of spending 4 dice per turn on the Wall alone. That's it. That's what I thought was a bit overly focused.

We do cultivation research pretty regularly and I'm happy to do it, and would be happy to explore any of those topics (though I think we should learn to actually build good buildings before we start doing's on the Training Die plan starting within the next couple of turns). Indeed, there's been a lot of discussion about doing exactly this and I'm all for it at this point, given what we now know.

I feel very much like you're making huge assumptions here regarding my opinions of cultivation research that are not at all borne out by, uh, anything I've ever actually done. I want to proceed carefully, that's not the same thing as not proceeding at all and you're equating the two in a way that's feeling very much like an attack or a strawman. I don't think that's your intent but I'd appreciate you walking it back a little.

And, for the record, in terms of GM confirmation, what we have at the moment is a very dicey statement 'Of the three things you list, one is right, one is partially correct, and one is completely unnecessary right now' about a previous list of three things. We think we've figured which is which, but it's highly speculative.

If it turns out we can actually agree on a middle road here, then that would be fine by me. If you feel I'm misrepresenting your overall approach here, then I apologise, but I have been responding to the things you've written, so maybe it's that we've got a bit overly focussed on a few points of contention and lost sight of the bigger picture?

To try and lay out concretely where I think we disagree, what started this discussion was when you said that we should not continue with the fence. Quite recently, you said (and let me know if you feel this paraphrasing is inaccurate) that you did not feel we had "actual good topics" for cultivation research. If you're happy to continue work on the fence and immediately start work on the fields in our soul next turn, then great, we agree. But I hope you can understand why that hadn't been my impression from reading your posts.

Equally, if you feel Building is a skill-trick we really need before attempting the farm buildings, then fair enough. In my view, that would logically means we should immediately put as many Training dice into Building as we need to rank it to an appropriate level, then proceed. But you've said that we will get to it within the next couple of turns (I don't know if this means rank it up, or start ranking it at one success per turn), which I think is glacially too slow for something that important. If this is a misunderstanding or you'd be happier with going faster, then that's fine by me!

On the GM confirmation thing, thank you for tracking down the details. To my mind, the fact that our understanding is speculative is a compelling reason we need to begin experimenting and find out for sure which is a red herring, as soon as possible. Do you feel the same way?
I mean, I can think of a couple topics for our cultivation research.

1) We can look into setting up a better site, with the place we go to.
2) We can look into clearing the fields properly

Then just continuing to hammer at our Design Tricks so we can do a good job inside. Get Security built and then whatever is needed for buildings, you know? Also, to keep working on our Pockets because they're quite handy.

We've got lots to do still! The real issue is that slow-rolling means we're going to be sitting on our arse progressionwise for most of this year. I don't even care too much that it's the most 'Mathematically optimal" way to spend our Training Dice, it's boring
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I mean, I can think of a couple topics for our cultivation research.

1) We can look into setting up a better site, with the place we go to.
2) We can look into clearing the fields properly

Then just continuing to hammer at our Design Tricks so we can do a good job inside. Get Security built and then whatever is needed for buildings, you know?

Looking at our character sheet, it looks like we have Security Skill-Trick at Rough already? I think that means it's useable now? We could get that Refined pretty easily.

Searching back through the thread, it seems like the one for building residences (which I assume includes farmhouses) would be the Residence Skill-Trick, which we could start training next turn. Getting a Trick to Refined does not cost that much, so we could very plausibly just throw fourteen training die at it and do it in a single turn. Or if it's only one rank up per turn max, then I guess we'd take it to Rough this turn, and Refined the next turn.
Looking at our character sheet, it looks like we have Security Skill-Trick at Rough already? I think that means it's useable now?

Searching back through the thread, it seems like the one for building residences (which I assume includes farmhouses) would be the Residence Skill-Trick, which we could start training next turn. Getting a Trick to Refined does not cost that much, so we could very plausibly just throw fourteen training die at it and do it in a single turn. Or if it's only one rank up per turn max, then I guess we'd take it to Rough this turn, and Refined the next turn.

Nah, Non-Combat Skill Tricks work differently. They require 6 Successes but then are immediately online, and they allow you to use their parent skill in the rolls and enable appropriate actions. After all, you can be the best smith in history, but if you don't know how to forge a sword, you're not going to be able to make one, see? You have to practice and experiment first, and that takes time and energy (Training dice)

Design and Farming and whatnot are all in the same ballpark.

The problem is that slow-rolling means we progress at 1 point per turn, and the first roll might give zero (Because you can't slow-roll until you've rolled at least once into a given Skill or Trick). Yes, this is mathematically ideal because we remove the possibility of Failures from the table, but it's boring as hell to sit through.
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Lars Forkbeard + Jordan Sharkmouth & Felag

Actually, no. These guys are from Rogaland. Totally different place from Vestfold. Reidar Swordfury and the Skirsvikingar are our only enemies in Vestfold. Or at least the only ones we're aware of.

If it turns out we can actually agree on a middle road here, then that would be fine by me. If you feel I'm misrepresenting your overall approach here, then I apologise, but I have been responding to the things you've written, so maybe it's that we've got a bit overly focussed on a few points of contention and lost sight of the bigger picture?

To try and lay out concretely where I think we disagree, what started this discussion was when you said that we should not continue with the fence. Quite recently, you said (and let me know if you feel this paraphrasing is inaccurate) that you did not feel we had "actual good topics" for cultivation research. If you're happy to continue work on the fence and immediately start work on the fields in our soul next turn, then great, we agree. But I hope you can understand why that hadn't been my impression from reading your posts.

I never said we shouldn't continue with the fence. I said we didn't want to spend 4 dice a turn on it as that seemed excessive and faster than we needed. My entire point was advocating for more like 1 die a turn since that would complete it fast enough.

I also suggested we maybe take a single turn off from the Wall next turn while we threw 8 or 9 Training Dice towards Security Skill-Trick before continuing because if it's gonna be a lot of effort to build, we don't want to redo it even if doing so isn't a long term problem, but that's a one turn delay at most and wouldn't keep us from starting the laying out the actual plots of land for farming in the coming turn (which I'm definitely down for).

Equally, if you feel Building is a skill-trick we really need before attempting the farm buildings, then fair enough. In my view, that would logically means we should immediately put as many Training dice into Building as we need to rank it to an appropriate level, then proceed. But you've said that we will get to it within the next couple of turns (I don't know if this means rank it up, or start ranking it at one success per turn), which I think is glacially too slow for something that important. If this is a misunderstanding or you'd be happier with going faster, then that's fine by me!

There are actually two different skill tricks for buildings, Residence and Utility. And honestly, I think we'd be fine picking them up the slow way after getting Security the fast way, because we can't do everything at once and shouldn't try. We can get the wall completed and the fields laid out while we learn how to do those things. See what those actually do, if anything.

If people in general prefer a faster method, we could aim a bunch of dice at Utility the turn after next (next turn being the one we aim a bunch of dice at Security) and likely start around then, and leave the house for last when the Residence Trick finishes, but honestly, I don't think we're in enough of a rush that doing that is necessary.

Like, personally, I would like a third magical plant for our Soulscape (3s being important to the Norse) and to get them all to level 3 before we try advancing and see if that does anything special. That's gonna take a little while, though.

And, of course, all that is ignoring Seidr, which may eat a significant portion of our dice for at least a few turns going forward depending on what's available and what bonuses to learning it the seeress provides, so all this is highly speculative.

On the GM confirmation thing, thank you for tracking down the details. To my mind, the fact that our understanding is speculative is a compelling reason we need to begin experimenting and find out for sure which is a red herring, as soon as possible. Do you feel the same way?

No, because we literally just spent Reward Dice for a hint and can spend more if needed. We can narrow it down that way much more easily and economically than wasting large amounts of effort on things that don't matter. Blind experimentation should be used on things that probably aren't dangerous and don't require huge amounts of effort to do, we should try real hard to figure out an optimal route before even starting anything dangerous or effort intensive.

The problem is that slow-rolling means we progress at 1 point per turn, and the first roll might give zero (Because you can't slow-roll until you've rolled at least once into a given Skill or Trick). Yes, this is mathematically ideal because we remove the possibility of Failures from the table, but it's boring as hell to sit through.

I feel like it's only boring if there aren't other interesting things going on. Personally, I'm fine with wall building, soulscape farming, and particularly all the seidr related stuff we're about to do, plus the likely Dwarf expedition next turn, plus delving into what's going on with Minna, sparring Gabriel and Steinarr, and the host of other things planned for the next year, without adding 'buildings in our soulscape' as well.

I feel like the buildings can wait while we do all of that, y'know?

Like, if all we did with our whole turn was Training Dice assignment I'd be very against 1d in a bunch of stuff because it would indeed get boring...but honestly, Training Dice are not where most of the excitement lies in this Quest even if we use them in 'exciting' ways so using them for 'boring' stuff, from my perspective, just frees Imperial Fister to put the energy and wordcount into the other interesting stuff going on.
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On a sidenote, SV's habit towards mystery boxes in normal circumstances would have us tearing them to bits. Unfortunately in this case there real costs and risks to experimentation. >.>

I wonder how strong Reidar Swordfury is. He's obviously weaker than Halfdan by a whole lot. But it can't be that much. Will fighting him be more like fighting Sten, Audrikr, Gary or Folkmarr?

Incidentally we should spar with Folkmarr sometime:

Folkmarr: How else can I mend fences?
Audrikr: Have you noticed she really likes fighting? it takes a special kind of person to be a Berserk at 18. Or 17, if you believe the rumors.
Folkmarr: She's a Berserk? What? How?
Audrikr: Dunno, but it was after the raid.


Being a Berserk is prestigious in Norse society.
Nah, Non-Combat Skill Tricks work differently. They require 6 Successes but then are immediately online, and they allow you to use their parent skill in the rolls and enable appropriate actions. After all, you can be the best smith in history, but if you don't know how to forge a sword, you're not going to be able to make one, see? You have to practice and experiment first, and that takes time and energy (Training dice)

Design and Farming and whatnot are all in the same ballpark.

The problem is that slow-rolling means we progress at 1 point per turn, and the first roll might give zero (Because you can't slow-roll until you've rolled at least once into a given Skill or Trick). Yes, this is mathematically ideal because we remove the possibility of Failures from the table, but it's boring as hell to sit through.

In fairness, I can absolutely see @DeadmanwalkingXI's point that going only 1 Success/Training Die/Turn in a bunch of areas is mathematically the most efficient use of training die, because otherwise we only average about 2/3s a Success per dice. But yes, for stuff like this, it feels like we want to prioritise?

Like, just pragmatically, if our Odr income could be twice what it is now in a few turns if we improve our soul, then every turn we're not working towards that is effectively costing us a bunch of Odr.

But more generally as you say, it is a bit like watching paint dry.
I wonder how strong Reidar Swordfury is. He's obviously weaker than Halfdan by a whole lot. But it can't be that much. Will fighting him be more like fighting Sten, Audrikr, Gary or Folkmarr?

He's an Ironbrother, senior enough that he's trusted to oversee a promotion exam apparently, but not senior enough that his Presence Alone triggers Escalation apparently.

So probably comparable to Lars I'd say, give or take a tier or two.

So, again, and for every post in this thread, please could you refrain from spaghetti quoting me, thanks.

I never said we shouldn't continue with the fence. I said we didn't want to spend 4 dice a turn on it as that seemed excessive and faster than we needed. My entire point was advocating for more like 1 die a turn since that would complete it fast enough.

I also suggested we maybe take a single turn off from the Wall next turn while we threw 8 or 9 Training Dice towards Security Skill-Trick before continuing because if it's gonna be a lot of effort to build, we don't want to redo it even if doing so isn't a long term problem, but that's a one turn delay at most and wouldn't keep us from starting the laying out the actual plots of land for farming in the coming turn (which I'm definitely down for).

Well then I'm a bit lost, because I definitely remember a post by you, I think pretty soon after the last update, where you said we should "go back to putting it off". The wall and the fence are the same thing, maybe this caused some confusion?

Also I'm not sure what you mean by four dice a turn? Looking at the last plan, we spent 1d6 on it. Were you referring to something different?
I mentioned wanting to put like, 4 dice per turn into the Fence, then got rebuffed because it's a waste of time and doesn't help us.
Like, just pragmatically, if our Odr income could be twice what it is now in a few turns if we improve our soul, then every turn we're not working towards that is effectively costing us a bunch of Odr.

Why would Odr income double?

We have literally no evidence that it works like that, and honestly, everything about the genre and the setting thus far says it doesn't. Cultivation slows down as you get to higher and higher Realms, not speeds up, and whatever speeding up there might be is almost certainly just getting more Orthstirr.

So, again, and for every post in this thread, please could you refrain from spaghetti quoting me, thanks.

As others have noted, up to three segments seems fine. I've been sticking to that. Your posts are often wide-ranging enough that a coherent response requires it, IMO.

Well then I'm a bit lost, because I definitely remember a post by you, I think pretty soon after the last update, where you said we should "go back to putting it off". The wall and the fence are the same thing, maybe this caused some confusion?

Also I'm not sure what you mean by four dice a turn? Looking at the last plan, we spent 1d6 on it. Were you referring to something different?

We were previously waiting until we got Security until Imperial Fister clarified rebuilding wouldn't cause problems. I suggested we go back to waiting given how effort intensive it was...but then immediately followed up by suggesting we invest 8-9 dice and finish Security in a turn so that wait would be exactly one turn long.

As for the 4 dice a turn Alectai suggested it and I disagreed.

I mentioned wanting to put like, 4 dice per turn into the Fence, then got rebuffed because it's a waste of time and doesn't help us.

I really didn't mean to make it a whole thing, I just disagreed. Sorry you felt that way.
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The issue is that the perfect is the enemy of the good, and there's nothing stopping us from doing a rebuild once our skills are up to the challenge.

Knowing what a Fence does as soon as possible feels to me like worth an investment!
I mean, I can think of a couple topics for our cultivation research.

1) We can look into setting up a better site, with the place we go to.
2) We can look into clearing the fields properly

Then just continuing to hammer at our Design Tricks so we can do a good job inside. Get Security built and then whatever is needed for buildings, you know? Also, to keep working on our Pockets because they're quite handy.

We've got lots to do still! The real issue is that slow-rolling means we're going to be sitting on our arse progressionwise for most of this year. I don't even care too much that it's the most 'Mathematically optimal" way to spend our Training Dice, it's boring
We could ignore Skippy and go for the following.
  1. We decide on what experiments we want to do.
  2. We decide what we need for those experiments.
  3. We decide what of (2) is immediately doable.
  4. We take some experiments (3) each turn and invest closer to optimal in the background to get things from (2) done to get more things into (3).
The issue is that the perfect is the enemy of the good, and there's nothing stopping us from doing a rebuild once our skills are up to the challenge.

Knowing what a Fence does as soon as possible feels to me like worth an investment!

The perfect is the enemy of the good, sure, but I'm suggesting waiting one turn. That's really not that long. I'm also not sure the fence is going to do anything obvious...indeed, I'd be inclined to say that until and unless our soulscape comes under attack it will do nothing at all. Fields now, those might do something more overt...
As others have noted, up to three segments seems fine. I've been sticking to that. Your posts are often wide-ranging enough that a coherent response requires it, IMO.

There is no a hard and fast rule that three segments is fine, it is at best a rough benchmark that moderators extend out of kindness, and may stop extending when there is a consistent pattern of spaghetti posting. It goes against the spirit of Rule 4.

The reason we have this rule is that multiple quotes makes the discussion hard to follow, and tends to disaggregate discussions into an incoherent mess of individual tangents which go on forever. A single reply means that you need to actually make a coherently argued point with a clear thesis. There is a reason articles and essays are not written as a long chain of individual disorganised snippets.
Why would you hide rocks on your sheet?

That seems unhelpful.
Sheets would be unhelpful, yes, which is why the warrior in question hid them under his shirt, so that weapons would bounce off the rock instead of hitting him.
Incidentally, Halla, do you know where, or how, Standstill is represented on your Saemd or Virthing?
Not all hugareida are represented
Hey Blackhand, have you ever heard or ever gotten the impression of a Steelfather ever using Odr or ever having Odr in the span of your life?
'While most don't, a lot still do. Ironjaw, the Matron, Careful-Stepper, and many others all have odr. Rainmaker had it as well as all of the greatest warriors. At a certain point, you're forced to innovate or else you'll be rolled by the people who already have.'
Actually since I've just written them out, I'll do it now; @Imperial Fister, could we get answers to any of these? I'm happy to use a Reward Dice on any of them which need it; priority on (2) and (3) since I think those effect our decision the most.
You are right on number 3
@Imperial Fister do we have the structure approximately right at this point with a Fence, Fields, Buildings (probably including a proper well), and then filling the Well with 81 Odr to actually trigger things? I am spending 1 Reward Die on the hint.
Skyfire Seeks Swordwing
Cool! A Reward Dice to you!
Benchmarks for Average Norsewomen
Cool beans, have a reward dice


Anyways, woah I'm walking into a bit of an argument here. Let's not have it escalate, alright? Not that I think it will, I just know that it's very easy to forget that we're all actual, real-life people.

Any-anyways, I'm gonna need about an hour to fully get on track with my day
There is not a hard and fast rule that three segments is fine, it is at best a rough benchmark that moderators extend out of kindness, and may stop extending to people who habitually spaghetti-quote. It goes against the spirit of Rule 4.

The reason we have this rule is that multiple quotes makes the discussion hard to follow, and tends to disaggregate discussions into an incoherent mess of individual tangents which go on forever. A single reply means that you need to actually make a coherently argued point with a clear thesis. There is a reason articles and essays are not written as a long chain of individual disorganised snippets.

I'll see what I can do. I had a whole spiel about why I respond to your posts specifically in that way (not that I never do that with other people, but it's worse with your posts specifically), but I'm not at my most eloquent this morning and it kept coming out sounding accusatory, which wasn't my intent (it's probably more of a me issue than anything), so I'll just leave it at that.

Alright then, looks like we have a general plan going forward with our soulscape.

Cool beans, have a reward dice

Sweet! Did I get that more or less correct?
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I'll see what I can do. I had a whole spiel about why I respond to your posts specifically in that way (not that I never do that with other people, but it's worse with your posts specifically), but I'm not at my most eloquent this morning and it kept coming out sounding accusatory, which wasn't my intent (it's probably more of a me issue than anything), so I'll just leave it at that.

Fair enough, and also apologies for what it's worth if it felt like I was getting a bit on your case here. I think the argument escalated unnecessarily and we probably agree more than we disagree. I try and make my posts less wide-ranging if that helps.
Do Halla or Hallr have an idea of whether or not Standstill and Sword are compatible?
Wow, filling the well with 81 odr was actually right? Wasn't expecting that.

Anyone mind spending a reward die to find out what triggers the ascension?

Oh, thanks!

Might do it myself, hm.

Logically, that does trigger the Ascension, the same as it happened to go from Realm 0 to Realm 1.

Which is why you can fuck it up by being unready. Reaching 81 Odr is something someone might trip over and then fucking die because they didn't set up the infrastructure before they set off a giant beacon throughout the Dark Fores...


Is that the landmine for Realm 1-2? @Imperial Fister ?

The Dark Forest Hypothesis, which is to say "Everyone hides their emissions because everyone is a potential threat to everyone else, so the moment something shows up to stand out, everything that sees it immediately launches a pre-emptive attack." You don't know if the thing you saw is a friend or a foe, but letting them attack first is folly if they're a foe, so you strike while they're hopefully weak and exposed.

Without a proper Perimeter, there's nothing stopping that attack (Or alternately, a good Perimeter conceals your emissions so you don't draw down a killing amount of firepower on yourself). The Dark Forest has come up a time or two when we were talking to Blackhand, and it's clearly distinct from Ginnigugap as well, but we never got any further notes. But 81 Odr and the subsequent lightshow from a breakthrough feels like something that would be hard to hide from anything that exists in this space. If the Dark Forest is what lies beyond The Gate (And again, our Fylgja can manifest in the Soulspace as well), then hitting a critical mass of Odr is going to provoke an attack on it from all the beasties in the area.

So without a strong Perimeter, you just fucking die.
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Fair enough, and also apologies for what it's worth if it felt like I was getting a bit on your case here. I think the argument escalated unnecessarily and we probably agree more than we disagree. I try and make my posts less wide-ranging if that helps.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that, too. And it would probably help, yes.

Anyone mind spending a reward die to find out what triggers the ascension?

My question that the Reward die got used on included the 81 Odr triggering things and Imperial Fister said 'Yah' so I think that's unnecessary.
Logically, that does trigger the Ascension, the same as it happened to go from Realm 0 to Realm 1.

Which is why you can fuck it up by being unready. Reaching 81 Odr is something someone might trip over and then fucking die because they didn't set up the infrastructure before they set off a giant beacon throughout the Dark Fores...


Is that the landmine for Realm 1-2? @Imperial Fister ?

The Dark Forest Hypothesis, which is to say "Everyone hides their emissions because everyone is a potential threat to everyone else, so the moment something shows up to stand out, everything that sees it immediately launches a pre-emptive attack." You don't know if the thing you saw is a friend or a foe, but letting them attack first is folly if they're a foe, so you strike while they're hopefully weak and exposed.

Without a proper Perimeter, there's nothing stopping that attack (Or alternately, a good Perimeter conceals your emissions so you don't draw down a killing amount of firepower on yourself). The Dark Forest has come up a time or two when we were talking to Blackhand, and it's clearly distinct from Ginnigugap as well, but we never got any further notes. But 81 Odr and the subsequent lightshow from a breakthrough feels like something that would be hard to hide from anything that exists in this space.

That's a good point, perhaps if we don't have properly laid out fields, a farmstead, and a perimeter to go with our gate, then it's easy for weeds/pests/bad stuff to get in and leech off of our Odr?

Also good to get confirmation that rebuilding the perimeter of our soul is something we are going to have to do multiple times in the course of our cultivation; I wonder if this is actually the case for a lot Odr cultivation? I.E. you eventually will end up completely redesigning your fields, add a meadow, bigger barns, and so on. It would fit what I think @Simon_Jester said about Norse cultivation being a lot more "rough and ready". Although even in regular cultivation, there is that sense of continual refinement, I guess.
Could be, it might be that once you reach a certain point, you need to start pressing into the Dark Forest and cleaving a patch of Civilization into it, which means adventuring out through your Gate and claiming territory.

But that's probably not going to be for a while, I think that Realm 2 is going to be about introducing life into your Soulspace, since a properly executed Saga Establishment is going to have all of the requirements to sustain life properly. (Food, water, shelter, and safety.) Then Realm 3 will probably be the planting of your World Tree once you've got enough Life running around to justify it. (Possibly the introduction of Life means that your Soulspace starts generating Orthstirr itself?)
Huh, I wonder if dark spirits can invade your Soulspace whenever we cultivate odr during the opening of the Gate? Is it just that we're really weak right now, so nothing has bothered to pay attention to us?

Also, what's up with Modgudr? She says we smell like a Greenwood einheri... Yet we haven't actually planted our tree. So like, is it just that someone who has planted their tree is relatively close to us in terms of progress? I might be overthinking it.
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