I think going back for Abjorn and the twins is probably right? We have a location now, and that would let us refresh ourselves in the sun for a bit as well. I can be convinced to go with another option if someone has a good argument though.
...So, what are the possible downsides of Halla and Gabriel going in and taking as long as they need?

It's probably going to cost Hamingja from sheer duration spent underground (Surprise attack and allies help mitigate that), there's no great way to keep the troll-men from attacking our comrades while we work, there's a small possible risk of just getting literally buried in troll-men bodies, because I would hazard a dogpile of 800+ troll-men would likely be heavier than even a Norseman could lift...

Edit: Actually, can we rune-carve a safe zone at the entrance to the cavern that the troll-men couldn't bypass? An area our allies could rest in when exhausted and thus cycle in and out of combat as necessary?
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Wildfire/Firestorm would be nice now.
How quickly can we do runework?
A combination of "All spilled blood flows into these two runespells" and "All troll-men passing this line burst into flame" combo (or just the latter) could have very entertaining effects.

Runes don't give a fluff how offen they are activated, as long as there is enough paint remaining.
And troll-men blood doesn't seem to be in short supply.
Sunlight would be very useful here, but of course we have a guide who is equally vulnerable to it and we can't speak the language to warn him.

Does Gabriel have the Christian gift of tongues?
Didn't IF said that trollman are not effected by sunlight?

Anyway, either a blast rune like what we did with the elephant, just specced to fragmentation instead or some kind of funnel to be able to take them in small numbers and quite literally take turns with the party.

Maybe some aura rune?

...Can we make a rune to that reflect damage we take? spec shapeshifter to double iron skin and quite literally take a nap in the middle of them while they hack at us and it mirror back to them? are they that dumb for it to work?
Sunlight would be very useful here, but of course we have a guide who is equally vulnerable to it and we can't speak the language to warn him.

Does Gabriel have the Christian gift of tongues?

I don't think liquid sunlight actually affects troll-men, since they're not actually related to trolls. It'd probably make them uncomfortable, but I wouldn't expect it to turn them to stone.

I mean, realistically, how many troll-men could we kill if Halla and Gabriel jumped then right now, while Stigr and Stigmar went to go get Tryggr and Trausti? Not sure if it'd be worth it.
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...Can we make a rune to that reflect damage we take? spec shapeshifter to double iron skin and quite literally take a nap in the middle of them while they hack at us and it mirror back to them? are they that dumb for it to work?
Uh. If we shapeshift for damage reduction, then a rune carving to reflect damage would be reflecting zero damage as we wouldn't actually be taking any damage.
Would it be possible to collapse the cavern? Also, if we wanted to bring Abjorn and the twins, would Halla go and do it herself, and can we send one of the others to bring them?
Half a mile in diameter, the QM said. I don't think anything we've got operates on that scale, and if it did, it'd cause so much collateral damage that we'd be buried in the rubble ourselves.

Could we send Stigr to get the others? He's the squishy one, so if the troll-men wake up while he's getting help, the rest of us can wade in with reasonable confidence.

Also are we deep enough to where this won't destroy our (or someone elses) land?
Collapsing a chamber half a mile across will almost certainly create a sinkhole somewhere overhead.
@Imperial Fister how long would it take to go back? How badly are we suffering from lack-of-sun effects right now?
You've got about two more rounds before bad things start happening. It will take a round to get back to the surface, grab Abjorn and the others, and then come back. Rule of thumb is that preparation takes a round, but can change depending on what exactly you're doing.


Voting is now open
Do combat updates count as a round each or one in general?

Edit: what are the odds we act as a lure and drag this whole mass into the surface? Halla should outrun them easily, The question is will all of them follow or will we have stragglers.
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So here's a plan based around collapsing the cavern on them, I've formatted the dice rolls based on the plan in the last fight, but let me know if anything needs tweaking!

I don't think we're doing full combat plans in this vote, that'd be next vote if we stay to fight them (or collapse the roof, as you suggest).

[X] Hold off on attacking, go home and grab Abjorn and the twins.
You've got about two more rounds before bad things start happening. It will take a round to get back to the surface, grab Abjorn and the others, and then come back. Rule of thumb is that preparation takes a round, but can change depending on what exactly you're doing.


Voting is now open
So if start the fight now and win, that would be considered 1 round, meaning we can get to the surface with time to spare to not avoid sunlight deprivation-induced unluckiness?
@Imperial Fister
Does this sound plausible to think of a wording for while we go take a sun bath?

(troll-men that turn into charred corpses before they reach you shouldn't be dangerous (besides air pollution) and should be easy to cut open to release their blood to use as runefuel)
How quickly can we do runework?
A combination of "All spilled blood flows into these two runespells" and "All troll-men passing this line burst into flame" combo (or just the latter) could have very entertaining effects.

Runes don't give a fluff how offen they are activated, as long as there is enough paint remaining.
And troll-men blood doesn't seem to be in short supply.
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I don't think we're doing full combat plans in this vote, that'd be next vote if we stay to fight them (or collapse the roof, as you suggest).

The post says that it's only necessary if we're deciding to attack, so by my reading I think it is, assuming collapsing the roof counts as an attack. Then I deleted the post because Imperial Fister posted right after announcing voting opening (😅) .
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If we are going to collapse the cavern we should probably send Cathki back so we don't accidentally kill him with sunlight.
Collapsing the cavern is probably not in our best interests given we don't know what exactly is above the cavern and it's going to become a helluva sinkhole.
So here's my plan for collapsing the cave on these guys.

[X] Plan Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
-[X] We will will collapse the cavern by placing all our explosive charms at key points supporting the roof.
--[X] Try and communicate to Cathki what we intend. Get his advice on the best points for us to place charges to maximise the chances of cave-in which does not squash us as we beat our retreat.
-[X] Halla is on point to place the charges, using her Ember-Wing Cloak to move around the cavern quickly, with Contested-Movement to move around any groups of Troll-Men who try to stop her.
-[X] The rest of the party will form a shieldwall at the tunnel we came in to give us a safe line of retreat as we detonate the charges.
-[X] Cathki should be first out so there's no risk of him getting hit with sunlight.
-[X] Dice & Tricks
-[X] Up to 12 Basic Attacks (1d6 = 1d6+4)
-[X] Up to 18 Basic Defences (1d6 + 8)
-[X] Up to 20 Basic Intercepts (1d6 + 4)
-[X] Up to 5 Ember-Wing Cloaks (30 Orthstirr) as we zoom around
-[X] Up to 5 Contested-Movement (15 Orthstirr) to slip past them

- Ending this quickly means we avoid our friends suffering sunlight deprivation while we go and get Abjorn, or the risk of the Troll-Men leaving.
- We avoid a gruelling slog of a fight, which carries both a risk of injury for our friends, and might take so long we risk further sun deprivation.
- This seems to best leverage our extensive preparations with the explosive charms, and our prudent choice to make allies of the Svartalfr, who know the local terrain and are experts at all things cave-related.
- This tactic may cause some subsidence above, but frankly having a crater in the valley named "Halla's Cauldron" is only going to add to our legend.
- Causing a massive cave collapse by placing explosives and then flying away on wings of fire is, objectively speaking, metal as hell.

Still learning the mechanics, so if anyone has suggestions (more EWC or CMs needed? some other Tricks? removing Attacks entirely and more Defence?) which would help Halla here, then I'd love to hear them.
So here's my plan for collapsing the cave on these guys.

[X] Plan Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
-[X] We will will collapse the cavern by placing all our explosive charms at key points supporting the roof.
--[X] Try and communicate to Cathki what we intend. Get his advice on the best points for us to place charges to maximise the chances of cave-in which does not squash us as we beat our retreat.
-[X] Halla is on point to place the charges, using her Ember-Wing Cloak to move around the cavern quickly, with Contested-Movement to move around any groups of Troll-Men who try to stop her.
-[X] The rest of the party will form a shieldwall at the tunnel we came in to give us a safe line of retreat as we detonate the charges.
-[X] Cathki should be first out so there's no risk of him getting hit with sunlight.
-[X] Dice & Tricks
-[X] Up to 12 Basic Attacks (1d6 = 1d6+4)
-[X] Up to 18 Basic Defences (1d6 + 8)
-[X] Up to 20 Basic Intercepts (1d6 + 4)
-[X] Up to 5 Ember-Wing Cloaks (30 Orthstirr) as we zoom around
-[X] Up to 5 Contested-Movement (15 Orthstirr) to slip past them

- Ending this quickly means we avoid our friends suffering sunlight deprivation while we go and get Abjorn, or the risk of the Troll-Men leaving.
- We avoid a gruelling slog of a fight, which carries both a risk of injury for our friends, and might take so long we risk further sun deprivation.
- This seems to best leverage our extensive preparations with the explosive charms, and our prudent choice to make allies of the Svartalfr, who know the local terrain and are experts at all things cave-related.
- This tactic may cause some subsidence above, but frankly having a crater in the valley named "Halla's Cauldron" is only going to add to our legend.
- Causing a massive cave collapse by placing explosives and then flying away on wings of fire is, objectively speaking, metal as hell.

Still learning the mechanics, so if anyone has suggestions (more EWC or CMs needed? some other Tricks? removing Attacks entirely and more Defence?) which would help Halla here, then I'd love to hear them.
We'd need a way to be sure there's nothing above the cavern that we'd care about the destruction of. A crater in the valley called "Halla's Cauldron" might add to our legend, but if we fuck up someone's farm or something, it's going to be a rather negative addition.
Do combat updates count as a round each or one in general?
A round each.
Are the explosive charms we have on us enough to do it if they were placed in the right weakpoints, or would we need to like, hit it with our Firebomb-Strike as well?
They are not, you'll have to get creative to collapse the cavern, though it is possible. None of your tricks are capable of doing it on their own.
@Imperial Fister
Does this sound plausible to think of a wording for while we go take a sun bath?
Those could work, but carving something like that would definitely take you a full round of preparation, rather then a bit of preamble before combat begins.