So here's my plan for collapsing the cave on these guys.
[X] Plan Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
-[X] We will will collapse the cavern by placing all our explosive charms at key points supporting the roof.
--[X] Try and communicate to Cathki what we intend. Get his advice on the best points for us to place charges to maximise the chances of cave-in which does not squash us as we beat our retreat.
-[X] Halla is on point to place the charges, using her Ember-Wing Cloak to move around the cavern quickly, with Contested-Movement to move around any groups of Troll-Men who try to stop her.
-[X] The rest of the party will form a shieldwall at the tunnel we came in to give us a safe line of retreat as we detonate the charges.
-[X] Cathki should be first out so there's no risk of him getting hit with sunlight.
-[X] Dice & Tricks
-[X] Up to 12 Basic Attacks (1d6 = 1d6+4)
-[X] Up to 18 Basic Defences (1d6 + 8)
-[X] Up to 20 Basic Intercepts (1d6 + 4)
-[X] Up to 5 Ember-Wing Cloaks (30 Orthstirr) as we zoom around
-[X] Up to 5 Contested-Movement (15 Orthstirr) to slip past them
- Ending this quickly means we avoid our friends suffering sunlight deprivation while we go and get Abjorn, or the risk of the Troll-Men leaving.
- We avoid a gruelling slog of a fight, which carries both a risk of injury for our friends, and might take so long we risk further sun deprivation.
- This seems to best leverage our extensive preparations with the explosive charms, and our prudent choice to make allies of the Svartalfr, who know the local terrain and are experts at all things cave-related.
- This tactic may cause some subsidence above, but frankly having a crater in the valley named "Halla's Cauldron" is only going to add to our legend.
- Causing a massive cave collapse by placing explosives and then flying away on wings of fire is, objectively speaking, metal as hell.
Still learning the mechanics, so if anyone has suggestions (more EWC or CMs needed? some other Tricks? removing Attacks entirely and more Defence?) which would help Halla here, then I'd love to hear them.