I'll note that it's Perfect Parries seemed to be only against ranged attacks, not melee ones, which is relevant. We can Puncture them, sure, but the damage is gonna be...not great (ie: nonexistent) without Odr. Hmmm.

@Imperial Fister would Puncture work on those parries?

Also, I think you're wrong about the parry only working on ranged attacks? Halla herself noted that she'd have to get rid of them to get at the actual body. Otherwise, I don't see why she would waste orthstirr on two Kindle-Spinners.
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Honestly Deadman, I'd say "Fold Puncture in, but use a Berry", that should get the damage output to the point where every unparried hit will do noticable damage. Maybe do a four or five-folded attack to force it to over-extend or concede, and then do an Odr Boosted Leaping Cleave for a Big Damage Hit while it's unable to react? We still have the mobility advantage here, and it doesn't seem to have any real way of changing that except being willing to tank the damage, and that becomes a bad idea when we spike our damage output per shot to way more than it can safely absorb.

It also might just concede the Kindle-Spinner hits because it thinks it can tank them, so it can force it's way into melee and try to blendo us, which means we can get a lot of value out of the damage boost from the Berry. Kindle-Spinner does between 4-5 damage by default, but we get +1 from Target-Tracking Eyes and +1 from the Berry, which means we're looking more at 6-7 damage per hit. That should be game if it decides to try and tank a bunch of those because it thinks it's too tough to take more than scratch damage.
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Honestly Deadman, I'd say "Fold Puncture in, but use a Berry", that should get the damage output to the point where every unparried hit will do noticable damage. Maybe do a four or five-folded attack to force it to over-extend or concede, and then do an Odr Boosted Leaping Cleave for a Big Damage Hit while it's unable to react?

It also might just concede the Kindle-Spinner hits because it thinks it can tank them, so it can force it's way into melee and try to blendo us, which means we can get a lot of value out of the damage boost from the Berry. Kindle-Spinner does between 4-5 damage by default, but we get +1 from Target-Tracking Eyes and +1 from the Berry, which means we're looking more at 6-7 damage per hit. That should be game if it decides to try and tank a bunch of those because it thinks it's too tough to take more than scratch damage.

Kindle-Spinner does 3 damage by default. Target-Tracking Eyes takes that to 4. A berry would then make that 5. Which means they'd only do one damage.
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Hmm... I think that you would just have to pay for it once.

Hmmm. We may need to pull out the Odr here and just melee it.

Math-wise, it's rolling around 14d6+4 offensively and 15d6+8 defensively which is...not great combined with the -4 DR and, presumably, hitting like a damn truck.

Attacker Wins! 6-4=2 Damage!)

Wait, shouldn't our base damage here be 7?

Also, I think your wrong about the parry only working on ranged attacks? Halla herself noted that she'd have to get rid of them to get at the actual body. Otherwise, I don't see why should we waste orthstirr on two Kindle-Spinners.

Ah, you're right. It's the number. It has only 5 of them per turn. But it seems to use them first, and it's going heavier on offense this time as well, which might reduce them for...something else. Hmmm.

Right now (emphasis on right now) I'm thinking we Leaping Cleave into it with Puncture and an Odr-boosted attack (using EWC to dodge mid-flight if necessary as is usual at this point), then make a 3Fold Skewer-Flick attack, again using Odr for damage (all using Puncture as well)...those should do 5 damage each with 2 Odr a piece, I think. That involves being in melee, though which is not good, I admit. Hmmm. Lemme think.

Honestly Deadman, I'd say "Fold Puncture in, but use a Berry", that should get the damage output to the point where every unparried hit will do damage. Maybe do a four or five-folded attack to force it to over-extend or concede, and then do an Odr Boosted Leaping Cleave for a Big Damage Hit while it's unable to react?

That's a whole 1 damage per attack. That's...not enough. We can up it with Odr, sure, but that's real expensive to do on 4-5 attacks, and it honestly might just tank them rather than parry them at that point. And it can still make normal Parries at, like, 14d6+8 even when its Perfects are down...to be honest, its Perfect defenses are kind of a 'shields down' thing while we have Puncture up and running (if an expensive one), since they should let us hit it.
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That's a whole 1 damage per attack. That's...not enough. We can up it with Odr, sure, but that's real expensive to do on 4-5 attacks, and it honestly might just tank them rather than parry them at that point. And it can still make normal Parries at, like, 14d6+8 even when its Perfects are down...to be honest, its Perfect defenses are kind of a 'shields down' think while we have Puncture up and running.

Was Puncture confirmed to work on its parry-spam?
Yeah, a Puncturing, odr-boosted Leaping Cleave sped up by Ember Wing Cloak to make up for it's slow speed and vulnerability seems like our best shot.

By the way, what's the base damage on Skewer-Flick? 8?

Should be a total of 7, I think, though it's 6 in the combat post which is confusing.

Uh, really? It doesn't feel like it'd work on Sidestep.

I mean as a Twist, it's a narrative effect, not a physical one, and it explicitly says 'slip through'...

@Imperial Fister can you clarify those two matters?

1. What damage does Skewer-Flick do?
2. What kinds of defenses does Puncture work on, and would these parries count?
Physical (specifically piercing)

I'm sorry I was unclear, I meant how much damage. I was under the impression its base damage was 4 (and we could thus get it to 7 with Lightning, Hone, and our shapeshifted strength), but it looks like it did less than that in the last turn so I'm confused.

Any perfect defense. If the attack that Puncture has been used on misses or is dodged, then it doesn't work.

To be clear, it works fine to counteractt something like Sidestep but does nothing if they use, like Sway or Hefty-Halter Chop? Is that correct?
I'm sorry I was unclear, I meant how much damage. I was under the impression its base damage was 4 (and we could thus get it to 7 with Lightning, Hone, and our shapeshifted strength), but it looks like it did less than that in the last turn so I'm confused.
I forgot about the shapeshifted strength, my bad. Updating the damage you did.
To be clear, it works fine to counteractt something like Sidestep but does nothing if they use, like Sway or Hefty-Halter Chop? Is that correct?
Hrm. Odr Boosted Leaping Cleave might do it, at least if we can create an opening to use it with.
I think we open with it. Puncture lets it rip right through any perfects and we can assign it a boatload of dice, then follow up with, like, a 3Fold Skewer-Flick.

The issue is "What happens if it just decides to "Okay, go ahead and cleave, but I get six swings at you before your attack resolves." "

I mean, it shouldn't work like that, but it is apparently going to pivot to an more offensive stance here, which is concerning.
The issue is "What happens if it just decides to "Okay, go ahead and cleave, but I get six swings at you before your attack resolves." "

I mean, it shouldn't work like that, but it is apparently going to pivot to an more offensive stance here, which is concerning.

That's what EWC is for...it lets us dodge mid-flight, after all.

What? Wouldn't Puncture bypass Hefty-Halter Chop? Since it's a parry into a disarm?

No? HHC is not Perfect, it's a rolled defense. Puncture ignores Perfect effects but does nothing for rolled ones.
That's what EWC is for...it lets us dodge mid-flight, after all.

No? HHC is not Perfect, it's a rolled defense. Puncture ignores Perfect effects but does nothing for rolled ones.

Okay, if that gives us a shot, then go for it, I think that'll probably finish the fight.

At the very least, I don't see it being very okay after it takes somewhere in the ballpark of 9-10 Endurance in one go, when it's already a bit damaged.

Still, the snowfall is increasing. On the one hand, that might be an opportunity to initiate into a Snow based Hugareida. On the other hand, it very much means that we're looking at a potential Underfolk Intervention, since the sun's going to be blocked out very soon (If it isn't already).

The question is, who would qualify as the Final Boss when "Everything here has been Foreshadowed" but all of our List of Likely Foes were confirmed not the Final Boss?
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Okay, if that gives us a shot, then go for it, I think that'll probably finish the fight.

At the very least, I don't see it being very okay after it takes somewhere in the ballpark of 9-10 Endurance in one go, when it's already a bit damaged.

I'm gonna follow up with a 3Fold Skewer-Flick also using Puncture, I think. Assuming we still have defenses left at that point, anyway. That should actually finish it off. We hope.
... I wonder, could it be the Witch of the Hading trying to do an Honorable Third Party intervention for some reason?

I mean, she already was apparently party to an attack on our people for some unknown reason. And she wasn't on the List of Final Boss Candidates either that IF said weren't on the table.

That list, for those who weren't there. Was Hasvir the Elder, Drysalt, some bigass Iron Golem, Trolls, and Dwarves.


I suppose it might be that one dude who apparently swore to kill us for interfering with his gank on Halfdan. Or Lars coming for another go, but I don't see how they'd qualify as Bosses for our current group.
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[X] Plan Power Through It
-[X] Stoke Saemd (+110 Orthstirr)
-[X] If we succeed in killing this enemy, dedicate the kill to Sagaseeker.
-[X] 36d6 Attack (36d6 tricks)
-[X] 48d6 Defense (12d6 tricks technically, 48d6 in practice)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Stay in flight with Ember-Wing Cloak as much as possible (all numbers include our in-flight bonus, -6 Orthstirr as needed)
-[X] Make a 18d6+3 Honedx5 Lightning-Charged Leaping Cleave attack using 4 Odr for damage and Puncture (-18 Orthstirr, -4 Odr) using Ember-Wing Cloak to maneuver while in flight (-9 Orthstirr if needed), then hit it with 17d6+3 Honedx4 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick attack using only the Skewer portion and Puncture (-18 Orthstirr) to bait out an attack and trap it, and then if we still have 4 or more of our rolled defenses left or it's trapped in IAT, make a 17d6+3 3Fold Honedx4 Lightning-Charged Skewer-Flick attack using only the Skewer portion and Puncture (-23 Orthstirr)
-[X] The first time we are attacked that we can we will use a 20d6+3 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx4 Inertia-Arresting Throw w/2 Odr added to effect (-10 Orthstirr, -2 Odr) to stop them all and freeze the creature in place
-[X] In response to any other attack (once IAT is down and if we can) we use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), and if something gets through that (or we can't do it) use up to six 14d6+7 Reinforcedx3 Honed x4 Defense (-7 Orthstirr each).
-[X] Tactics – Do a Leaping Cleave right into its face using Puncture, then follow it up with a Skewer attack, trap it with IAT, and go to town with a flurry of additional Skewer attacks while it's trapped.

This is, theoretically, through damage reduction, 20 damage (8 for the Leaping Cleave, 3 for each of 4 Skewers). I hope that's sufficient.

This is a bit Odr intensive, and very Orthstirr intensive (which is why we're Stoking something even though we'd rather not), but I don't see another way to finish the damn thing, and the IAT seems like a good response to multiple simultaneous attacks, which is my big fear here.
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