-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Reinforce-Shield Trick 1d6
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Contested Movement 1d6
--[x] Experiment with using a chain or rope and freezing it in place when entangling something
-[X] (Training) Hamr (14 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hamr Itself 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (8 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr Itself 5d6
--[X] Train Scouting 1d6
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (6 success to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6

Pushing to start my eventual chain-weapon idea.
Spreading dice like that just isn't that good mathematically. Not in the long term, anyway. And we should 100% spar with Gabriel, but I feel like waiting until we have maybe a tad more bloodlust is always a good call for sparring, since sparring resets bloodlust to zero and there aren't unlimited opportunities to spar. Bit of a waste to do it when our bloodlust is at zero.

Also, Scouting is perception, which we need desperately. We do also want Wildcraft, but not nearly as urgently.
I did say for a chance at completing a rank up and it is still a lot of progress in a variety of skills that we are close to completing. Besides it is not that much more spread out than yours.

Fighting is not something I consider to be a last resort only sort of deal. Especially if can be done through a spar.

So you say. I am pretty there are several skills we need desperately, Trapping is something we can make use of regularly especially since it was something we were already doing from near the beginning of the quest.
Not actually true. You guys just decided to spar with Eric at the literal last possible opportunity. You could totally spar with Steinarr or Sten if you wanted to, or even Abjorn or Stigr. All you have to do is write them in.

I was more thinking from an action economy perspective.

I did say for a chance at completing a rank up and it is still a lot of progress in a variety of skills that we are close to completing. Besides it is not that much more spread out than yours.

Fair enough, but the odds of maxing out something with those dice pools are real low.

Fighting is not something I consider to be a last resort only sort of deal. Especially if can be done through a spar.

Fighting isn't a last resort for me either, but if we're gonna spar later anyway, sparring now is very much focusing more actions on doing so. I don't want to spend a lot of actions getting incomplete combat tricks right now (which is the main mechanical advantage of sparring that we're aware of at the moment).

So you say. I am pretty there are several skills we need desperately, Trapping is something we can make use of regularly especially since it was something we were already doing from near the beginning of the quest.

Trapping is a Trick and thus a lot more successes away than the skill alone.
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How do we plan to deal with the whole wife vs warrior conundrum?

Introspection, including talking a lot with Hallr, I think? Like, this isn't actually insoluble, it's just cultural programming getting in the way, and we don't have anyone else to talk to who isn't also dealing with similar cultural issues. Maybe Steinarr or Jerasmus given how far they've traveled, but Hallr's been further than that and is sort of us (as well as having defied gender norms a bit himself with learning seidr), so he seems the best one to talk with.
Trapping was merely a part of it, it was about survival in the wild. We do have that Draugr wandering around in the forest as well as a variety of beasties we can cut our teeth on before going after the man who killed our uncle.

True. I think spotting things (or people) sneaking up to kill us takes priority, though. To be clear, I think Wildcraft is really high on my priority list, I just think no skill is higher than Scouting.
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Introspection, including talking a lot with Hallr, I think? Like, this isn't actually insoluble, it's just cultural programming getting in the way, and we don't have anyone else to talk to who isn't also dealing with similar cultural issues. Maybe Steinarr or Jerasmus given how far they've traveled, but Hallr's been further than that and is sort of us (as well as having defied gender norms a bit himself with learning seidr), so he seems the best one to talk with.
Personally, I'm thinking that "talk with Abjorn" might be part of it. For that matter, this bit where dad and Abjorn want to talk with us seems like it might be pertinent to the concern.
So, it was late at night when the skill change came out and my sleepy head couldn't understand.
Now rereading it, it works, yeah.
Kinda reminds me of AGG system, but only in that it also has skill groups, but it's perk system is totally different.
I'm in favor of anything that helps bookkeeping easier though!

Now for the update...
Are you a warrior? Or are you a wife?
No, Halla, don't give up, become the battle couple with Abjorn!
"And you went and touched it?" Sten sighs as you nod. He rubs circles into his temples. "Just... There are some things you should leave well enough along, alright?"

'No,' Blackhand dryly intones as if he was cleaning his fingernails.

The look on your face says it all.
Insert lady yelling at cat at the table meme lol
] (Personal) Abjorn and Steinarr have something they want to tell you.
[ ] (Personal) Stigr's been a bit absent, lately, go see what's up with him.
[ ] (Personal) Aki has a small project that he wants your input on.
Hm... Abjorn going on a raid with Steinar, perhaps?
Hopefully nothing too dramatic.....
Stigr is depressed.... That's sad... I just hope it's not a love triangle....
Kinda curious about Aki's project though.
AN: Halla will one day be forced to choose between being a warrior and a wife. There is definitely no way to reconcile those two things. Definitely not. No sir. No way, no how. Nada. Nothing.
Did something got into your eyes there, you are closing one of them too often :V

I think we should talk with all our friends instead of exploring.... Maybe spar with Gabriel and learn English next turn and ask Randi about wife's who were warriors?
Will post plan later.
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True. I think spotting things (or people) sneaking up to kill us takes priority, though. To be clear, I think Wildcraft is really high on my priority list, I just think no skill is higher than Scouting.
I guess, if you are paranoid. I will not deny that we are planning on living dangerously, but we are not at the point were we have to worry about being assassinated. Yes we should invest in scouting before it gets that point, but it is not something desperately needed right now.
I guess, if you are paranoid. I will not deny that we are planning on living dangerously, but we are not at the point were we have to worry about being assassinated. Yes we should invest in scouting before it gets that point, but it is not something desperately needed right now.

I mean, our current main villain is a specialist in being sneaky, so it seems relevant, and even leaving that aside spotting wild beasts or draugr stalking us is still Scouting...a very relevant thing if we want to use Wildcraft much. It's also what we would use to, say, find hidden treasures. Perception skills always wind up super good and useful.
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I mean, our current main villain is a specialist in being sneaky, so it seems relevant, and even leaving that aside spotting wild beasts or draugr stalking us is still Scouting...a very relevant thing if we want to use Wildcraft much. It's also what we would use to, say, find hidden treasures. Perception skills always wind up super good and useful.
Right a specialist...who already got away with it. He killed them ran away from the people chasing him and then started a family in the same valley. He will not coming after us because he thinks he already won.

Wildcraft also covers stealth and hiding which would alsonbe useful against him as they would be tricks we can recognize.

Perception skills are useful, but we will not automatically be blind without them. As you made mention earlier having Hugr covers some of the skill as well.
Right a specialist...who already got away with it. He killed them ran away from the people chasing him and then started a family in the same valley. He will not coming after us because he thinks he already won.

Right, but his sons (one of whom we've actually met) might well have followed in his footsteps and may not be so sanguine (especially if the one we met is still alive or his family is aware of his death and holding a grudge), to say nothing of the aforementioned wild beasts.

Wildcraft also covers stealth and hiding which would alsonbe useful against him as they would be tricks we can recognize.

Perception skills are useful, but we will not automatically be blind without them. As you made mention earlier having Hugr covers some of the skill as well.

Stealth, like tracking, is a Trick, not a core skill usage. My basic logic is that getting Scouting to, say, 2 is only 3 successes away. Getting Wildcraft to 2 is technically the same, but the big ticket items under Wildcraft are actually tricks and those are 9 successes each. They are something we want, but is expensive enough that the payoff won't be for a while (especially since we want a bunch of skills, not just a couple). The payoff for Scouting is immediate.

In the long run, investing more into Wildcraft and its tricks than Scouting may well be correct, but in the short run the skill itself and alone seems less relevant since we have a house and farm to return to (it'd be a lot more essential if we needed to hunt in order to eat).
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Stealth, like tracking, is a Trick, not a core skill usage. My basic logic is that getting Scouting to, say, 2 is only 3 successes away. Getting Wildcraft to 2 is technically the same, but the big ticket items under Wildcraft are actually tricks and those are 9 successes each. They are something we want, but is expensive enough that the payoff won't be for a while (especially since we want a bunch of skills, not just a couple). The payoff for Scouting is immediate.

In the long run, investing more into Wildcraft and its tricks than Scouting may well be correct, but in the short run the skill itself and alone seems less relevant since we have a house and farm to return to (it'd be a lot more essential if we needed to hunt in order to eat).
You assume the payoff for Scouting is immediate rather than also requiring a collection of skills to truly make use of it. You have to remember that the list as is is hardly exhaustive and that Imperial is working on the mechanics as we play it. I would also not say that hunting is not relevant since it has already been stated in-story how important it is to their food supply
While the loss of the rabbits wouldn't starve your family, it does mean that you might have to butcher a sheep or a goat, or even a cow to make up for the loss. And if the harvest goes poorly... then you all might have to tighten your belts come winter.
So while it will mean we would a specialized Hunting Trick, Getting Wildcraft is useful to the family at large.
You assume the payoff for Scouting is immediate rather than also requiring a collection of skills to truly make use of it. You have to remember that the list as is is hardly exhaustive and that Imperial is working on the mechanics as we play it.

I mean, we need to play things as they lie. Sure, the rules could change, but we can't make plans based on that. We need to operate based on the information we have, not just assume all such information is useless, y'know? Scouting will definitely be useful short term, and we'll see what the long term brings.

I would also not say that hunting is not relevant since it has already been stated in-story how important it is to their food supply

So while it will mean we would a specialized Hunting Trick, Getting Wildcraft is useful to the family at large.

I never said Wildcraft wasn't useful, it's in my top skills to get as soon as Hugr is raised for that very reason (if anyone cares, I think the three most important new skills to pick up, other than the aforementioned Scouting, are Composure, Management, and Wildcraft, not necessarily in that order), I'm contending that, in the short term, Scouting is more so.
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I never said Wildcraft wasn't useful, it's in my top skills to get as soon as Hugr is raised for that very reason (if anyone cares, I think the three most important new skills to pick up, other than the aforementioned Scouting, are Composure, Management, and Wildcraft, not necessarily in that order), I'm contending that, in the short term, Scouting is more so.
Too bad we can never put dice into them due to other priorities :V
I mean, we need to play things as they lie. Sure, the rules could change, but we can't make plans based on that. We need to operate based on the information we have, not just assume all such information is useless, y'know? Scouting will definitely be useful short term, and we'll see what the long term brings.
Just as Wildcraft will be useful in the short term even more so. Scouting is useful as a just-in-case skill. Wildcraft is something we would be using regularly.
Too bad we can never put dice into them due to other priorities :V

I mean, Hugr is better, is the thing, since it's the same as raising not only those but a bunch of other stuff we want.

Just as Wildcraft will be useful in the short term even more so. Scouting is useful as a just-in-case skill. Wildcraft is something we would be using regularly.

Would it? We've never rolled for how well the year's hunting went before (barring spending actions), I doubt we start now. If we spend an action hunting or something, sure, but otherwise not so much.
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I'm personally more worried about a Romeo and Juliet situation. Stigr is the one who actually shot one Hod Horrason, so falling for one of Horra's daughters is, like, plausibly the worst case scenario in all sorts of ways and sadly possible. On the other hand, he's the lucky one, so maybe I'm worrying for nothing...
[X] Plan: Closer Bonds
-[X] (Personal) Abjorn and Steinarr have something they want to tell you.
-[X] (Personal) Stigr's been a bit absent, lately, go see what's up with him.
-[X] (Personal) Aki has a small project that he wants your input on.
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Reinforce-Shield Trick 1d6
--[X] Ask about that Freedfire kenning of his, that Drifa mentioned
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Contested Movement 1d6
--[X] Ask him about the witch. It has been some time since we last saw her and our parting wasn't on the best of terms, but we did make a deal.
-[X] (Training) Hamr (14 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hamr Itself 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (8 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Hugr Itself 5d6
--[X] Train Scouting 1d6
--[X] Train Management 1d6
-[X] (Training) Fylgja (6 success to rank up)
--[X] Train Fylgja Itself 1d6
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 4 Hamr
--[X] 5 Hugr
--[X] 3 Fylgja
--[X] 1 Scouting
--[X] 2 Silver-Tongue
--[X] 6 free for tricks

Instead of exploring, i put in Stigr, because why leave him out?
I also added in Management, because it was planned by a long time.
Hopefully, the questions are free, just like the last time we talked while training... if not though, i will just take them out.