Hmm, that strengthens my feeling that the Enemy dwells within the Outside, near the source of Odr (and thus can tell when a Gate is opened).'I think that The Enemy can track you through your fylgja, though I'm not certain on that. Maybe only when it's in the fold between worlds?
Hmm, that strengthens my feeling that the Enemy dwells within the Outside, near the source of Odr (and thus can tell when a Gate is opened).
The Outside and the Dark Forest are the same place. That's just how the Norse understand what is beyond the world.I don't think Fylgja go Outside when they dematerialise? Don't they go to the Dark Forest, or some place with 'Forest' in the name...?
The Outside and the Dark Forest are the same place. That's just how the Norse understand what is beyond the world.
Huh, didn't we establish that the Fylgja can wait inside our Soulspace too? Might want to make that our standard unless it's doing something in the Fold between Worlds.
Their might be special tricks that can be used with frenzy or by spending it (if that is even possible) we really should ask the berserker we know, more about it.From everything we've heard it's Frenzy plus being badass as hell. That...seems to be it?
Their might be special tricks that can be used with frenzy or by spending it (if that is even possible) we really should ask the berserker we know, more about it.
Since the majority of the medieval world (in Northern Europe, at least) was composed of extremely dense forests full of danger, and there was a major difference to the Norse when it comes to the Inside and Outside — with the Inside being safe and the Outside being dangerous — I figured that it fit together well.By the way, @Imperial Fister, is the Dark Forest an original creation for the quest, or does it take inspiration from Norse mythology? The only thing I can see pertaining to the latter is the mention of a 'black forest/dark wood' in old mythology, but admittedly I didn't do a very thorough search.
Very, very cool!
I'll give you three Reward Dice and a trio of orthstirr, how's that sound?
Interesting. I wonder if other people have been seeing us differently because of our use of Odr. Like a.. main character.. so to say.'People with odr tend to have more weight to their actions, a certain gravitas about them. You'll know if you meet someone else with odr.'
If we're throwing out 14d6 defences, perhaps they should be Halter counterattacks?[X] Plan Pushing To The Edge
-[X] Stoke Virthing (+71 Orthstirr)
-[X] 64d6 Attack (64d6 tricks)
-[X] 18d6 Defense
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Attack Sten immediately up to two 18d6 Honed x3 Skewer-Flick attacks using Orthstirr for extra Lightning damage (-8 Orthstirr each) tossing him towards the edge of the hill to disrupt his balance, then once he's off balance (even if that's after only one attack) use a 22d6 Inertia-Arresting Throw (-6 Orthstirr) to temporarily trap him and use a 20d6 Honed x4 Leaping Cleave attack using Orthstirr for extra Lightning damage and the Pierce Twist (-19 Orthstirr), and follow it up with the remaining Skewer-Flick if we still have one left.
-[X] Use Ember-Wing Cloak as necessary for balance, to stay next to Sten, or even to dodge mid-Leaping Cleave (-6 Orthstirr, -9 Orthstirr if used mid-Leaping Cleave).
-[X] If attacked with anything attempt to use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), and if that doesn't work (or we currently have IAT out) use up to two 14d6+4 Reinforcedx2 Honed x3 defenses (-5 Orthstirr each).
-[X] Tactics – We're trying to push him to the edge of the hill where he has to worry about his footing, then, while he's worried about that, freeze him in place and hit him hard with a Leaping Cleave to break his armor and do some damage.
So, this plan is...a little dicey, and very expensive. But it hits hard hopefully hard enough to throw Sten off his game and actually do some damage, which is the goal, and with the speed advantage I think we can maybe pull it off.
If we're throwing out 14d6 defences, perhaps they should be Halter counterattacks?
Also we do still have Fight of Our Life available. One sneaky thing we can try is to do Contested Movement again but use Fight of Our Life to force a near certain win in the contest. Then immediately Skewer Flick Sten again.
.. Sten has enough Endurance to tank everything if the rolls work out right?
It is a basic attack (which you could use Fight of Your Life on, to be clear) but you can also specify it to be a trick if you wanted to.@Imperial Fister can we put Orthstirr into making an attack on a Contested-Movement counterattack even without putting dice into that attack or not?
It is a basic attack (which you could use Fight of Your Life on, to be clear) but you can also specify it to be a trick if you wanted to.
Yes, but you can't add orthstirr to itCheck. Could we use Fight of Our Life on the Hamr check for Contested Movement, though? That was the basic idea for the plan.
;PI have to think that Sten's perspective on this spar isn't about showing who's actually stronger. The main thing he's looking for is how Halla adapts to stronger opponents when her "reliable" Tricks are mitigated, because THAT'S the mindset that he wants Halla to impart onto Drifa.
Yep! That works fine
Well, Sten knows he's stronger. But he needs to know Halla as a warrior. I imagine that's why he's trying all sorts of things to see how Halla handles them.[X] Plan Pushing To The Edge
I have to think that Sten's perspective on this spar isn't about showing who's actually stronger. The main thing he's looking for is how Halla adapts to stronger opponents when her "reliable" Tricks are mitigated, because THAT'S the mindset that he wants Halla to impart onto Drifa.